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May 8, 2014 6:54 AM

Nov 2011
Cocoa :o

This was another cute episode imo lol but these girls needs to be more careful playing sports. Chino's badminton serves are awesome though. The outfits this episode were pretty awesome too.
May 8, 2014 7:17 AM

Mar 2014
The woman with Hayami Saori's voice on the bridge was...Aoyama Blue Mountain?...that unknown name was written in the ED.
Anyway, I enjoyed well. They were so cute as usual.

P.S. According to the ED,
Animation director: 1 person
Assistant animation directors: 4 persons
Original pictures painters: 10 persons + one assistant animation director + the animation director

The animation of of this episode was made by multiple persons. I really want to know what was happend in making Ep 4. lol
May 8, 2014 7:43 AM

Nov 2008
My God, Chiya has a mean volleyball serve, same with Rize in badminton and Chino too despite her serve ending in a hilarious epic fail. Is it me or did the animation get a slight bump up in quality. Chino's father still looks gentlemanly despite wearing the pink tie Chino gave him for Father's day.

dmrch said:

P.S. According to the ED,
Animation director: 1 person
Assistant animation directors: 4 persons
Original pictures painters: 10 persons + one assistant animation director + the animation director

The animation of of this episode was made by multiple persons. I really want to know what was happend in making Ep 4. lol

The staff now seems normal, the studio must also be shifting and downsizing staff each episode. I wish I knew why they are shifting staff like this. I also hope they fix episode 2 of Blu-Ray.

May 8, 2014 8:51 AM

May 2013
That patriot serve lol. Chiya trying to learn to play volleyball was funny too.
May 8, 2014 9:39 AM

Aug 2010
Good ep ^^

Chino saying "I'm a human though so can u go easy on me" when Lize got hyped to train XD

Chiya was so cute and hilarious this ep XD "Toss?" And bam! Cocoa got screwed hahaha

Cocoa inviting Sharo to be a Victim was lol

Chiya playing dodge ball and being so good was lol

Chiya finally having someone to tsukkomi for her was funny hehe

And Lize was looking awesome with the Yakuza like kimono and her pose in the pose usagi maid uniform was cute :3
May 8, 2014 9:45 AM

Jul 2010
Cocoa getting hit by Chiya was great! Chiya's natural reactions
Chino being shy as she asked Rize for help >_<
The Father's day presents were great too, Chino's dad is already wearing the tie.
Rize working on multiple jobs, Sharo's reactions to Rize ^^
Another cute episode, Tippy gives power to Chino.
May 8, 2014 10:01 AM

Dec 2011
Hahaha. Patriot Serve. Chino received all of the recoil. Hahaha.

Lize is so cute in those different uniforms.
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May 8, 2014 10:55 AM
Jul 2013
Really fun episode xD

Patriot Serve!
May 8, 2014 12:17 PM

Jan 2013
Few things I've noticed:

Rize's mother might be dead

She has a lot of respect for her dad (and maybe a little crush :P)

Cocco needs protective head gear

And Chino's dad knows Rize's dad.
May 8, 2014 12:32 PM

Apr 2010
If i ever own a restaurant i would hire Lize any time.
I also have to say seeing Lize think about buying a G36 assault riffle, she certainly has taste.
And seeing Lize in all those different outfits and some fan service of her as well was certainly a nice thing hope we can see an episode like this again.

Seeing the others girls try so hard to get the sports events done was also nice.
One thing i did notice was that there cafe didn't have Whiskey on the menu board infront of the shop, which has me wondering.
May 8, 2014 1:46 PM

Nov 2013
Horry shiez Lize is mad waifu material.
May 8, 2014 4:19 PM

Apr 2014
At first I thought it was a bad idea having Rize train you in sports but hey, it wasn't that bad :3

Patriot Serve!

A sweet episode because it was about Father's day.

"I can't look pathetic in front of Rize-senpai!" - Sharo
"y-yeah, you don't look pathetic at all" - me

Chino uses Patriot Serve!
Chino faints due it's recoil and the Victory pose :3

Rize didn't have a lot screen time last episode, but this episode had lots of Rize, which is good thing. :3
May 8, 2014 4:28 PM

Jul 2012
Cocoa~! D: Oh no! She was getting hit by the volley looked like it hurt a lot! Poor cutie... D:
At least she won the ball tournament. :3 But, Chino....sadly but comically lost the badminton tournament. :3

Father's Day! D:
Pretty cute that Cocoa tried to make a neck tie, but failed all the times. xD So cute! x3 Chino finally made one herself, so that's good. :3

Chino's Father and Rize's Father were old friends, huh? Coincidence? x3
May 8, 2014 4:56 PM

Jul 2013
LOL these girls practicing.
Chiya: "Toss?' *slams it back into Cocoa's face*
Cocoa's face is a ball magnet
Chino concluding that Chiya hitting the ball into Cocoa's face to be some sort of love LOL.
Chino: "That must mean it's love. Cocoa-san, let me see your magnificent receive to the face." XD
HAHA Cocoa "doped" Sharo with caffeine

That outfit when Rize was at Sharo's restaurant. Sweet jesus.
She looked great in them kimono styles.

Chino's dad knows Rize's dad huh.
SandyBoiMay 8, 2014 5:03 PM
May 8, 2014 5:10 PM

Jul 2013
LOL that volleyball scenes must have hurt, and Lize throwing her racket everywhere XD. Chino and Lize have so much cuteness in this episode.

Lize changing uniforms..... Damn I can't her cuteness XD. Happy Father's Day in this episode :D.

May 8, 2014 5:29 PM
Jul 2018
Lize was really cute in those uniforms, I loved her new "welcome" pose.
May 8, 2014 6:15 PM

Oct 2013
Who else cracked up when Chiya smacked Coco in the face with the volley ball?

Another cute episode.
May 8, 2014 6:34 PM

Aug 2012
redtailrav said:
Who else cracked up when Chiya smacked Coco in the face with the volley ball?
That whole scene was hilarious. Poor Cocoa.
May 8, 2014 7:10 PM

Nov 2009
How can you NOT loving this show? It's such an adorable show, a fine slice of life/comedy anime in this season. The scores on MAL kinda disappoint me, but oh well.

Lize is so cute this ep, the gift which was presented at the end make me feel so warm.
May 8, 2014 8:21 PM

Aug 2013
''It was my precious bottle!''
Dude, you're a rabbit now... xD

That was a cute episode, a lot of Rize fanservice.

Poor Cocoa, I believe Chiya was trying to murder her. She must have done something terrible :P
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
May 8, 2014 8:21 PM

Aug 2008
I loved Tippy's "why?!"

Lize is the best girl in this show for me :)

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
May 8, 2014 8:28 PM

Jan 2012
Lize in maid costume .....
her hairstyle in maid costume is definitely better than her usual twin tail...

oh god Lize <3,
im sold. im so sold

May 8, 2014 8:29 PM

May 2013
Lize was so gorgeous in those different uniforms. Especially the one in the maid uniform where Sharo works. The welcome pose she did was so cute!
May 8, 2014 9:47 PM

Jan 2011
not sure who that women was but shes voiced by Hayami Saori which is wonderful

art is kinda back to normal again
May 8, 2014 10:02 PM

Apr 2014
Patriot Serve = best moment.

That and the caffeine doping. I'm surprised how much I've come to like this show. The art style and character designs didn't draw me in immediately, but the atmosphere and comedy of this show have been perfectly executed throughout so far.
May 8, 2014 11:05 PM

Mar 2012
This is the most funniest episode of the series.

Well done.
Do you play Azure Lane?
Then please join my fanclub
May 9, 2014 5:14 AM

Jul 2013
Takana_no_Hana said:
How can you NOT loving this show? It's such an adorable show, a fine slice of life/comedy anime in this season. The scores on MAL kinda disappoint me, but oh well.

Lize is so cute this ep, the gift which was presented at the end make me feel so warm.

As far as slice-of-life moe show, this is actually quite average. I'm a huge fan of this genre but I find this boring most of the time. I think this is a good example why cuteness alone isn't sufficient.

That being said, this episode is certainly the most entertaining one so far and wow Rize!!
May 9, 2014 7:34 AM
Apr 2012
Character voiced by Saori Hayami spotted, hope sye becomes a main one. Volleyball and badminton practice was fun. Rize worked hard and that was a very nice tie Kokoa and Chino made.
May 9, 2014 10:46 PM

May 2013
Lize in other uniforms <3

This episode was heartwarming in the second half. Fathers Day :)
The world shall know the truth soon.
May 10, 2014 2:08 AM

Jan 2014
Chiya: "I guess I need to correct my habit of hitting people who aren't playing."
Cocoa: "More victi- more players make it more fun!"

Woa, they are class S! :3
May 10, 2014 4:57 AM

Apr 2013
Chiya has her murder switch on all the time I guess.
Don't loo- *faints*
May 10, 2014 5:52 AM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
I had a cuteness overload when Rize did her "Welcome"!!
It was so cute!
I was expecting some sad thing though, when they zoomed in on Rize's message, something that may hint that her father died or something...
Oh well!
May 10, 2014 6:57 AM

Jan 2014
That cuteness..

This episode was so soothing that I almost fell asleep, but it wasn't bad at all, I believe that this was the best episode until now.
This show reminds me of A-Channel, no real plot and a simply comical daylife of funny and cute girls doing funny and cute things, 4-koma's things basically.

I'm Omochikaering Chino.
May 11, 2014 8:04 AM

Jan 2014
~~~ So cute, the cutest anime this season. ^3^ ~~~
May 11, 2014 7:23 PM

Apr 2011
LOL. Cocoa is hilarious. Getting two headshots and her retorts had me cracking up!
May 12, 2014 1:27 AM
Jul 2018
Rize with her hair down <3

She gets the best fanservice.

Cocoa's tough, she can take all them hits xD
removed-userMay 12, 2014 1:39 AM
May 13, 2014 12:50 AM
Jan 2012
why this show has such low score? seriously?
cute girls doing cute things with cute animation, wtf you want more? a plot? in the anime?
May 13, 2014 7:02 AM

May 2010
Win the tournament just because you are finally able to set the ball? Pfft, nice logic Chiya.

Hahaha, they really won. Dat Patriot Serve XD Chiya really is my fav. after all, sorry Lize, you are still second most fav. so no worries.

Finally Lize with her hair down, super-adorable! Dat pose was nice too. Seriously, Lize bought a tank??? A freakin' tank... Unbelievable.

Chino is good at sewing. I love how the tone of Sharo's voice changes whenever she has some fun with Lize.

Lize decided to share the pairs with her father in the end, sorta heartwarming.

The episode started slow but became really good later. 8.5/10
May 14, 2014 5:32 AM

Oct 2009
So much Rize service :D, ahh my day just became brighter ^^

Way too low SoL of the season! Beside Isshuukan Friends of course.
May 15, 2014 2:43 AM

Aug 2013
Chiya demolished Cocoa XD Well it must be love. A spectacular receive to the face lmao.

All those uniforms, so much Rize omg O__O

I was not expecting Tippy to say "why?!!" haha.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
May 15, 2014 3:23 AM

Apr 2011
Love can hurt sometimes....
May 21, 2014 6:30 AM

Nov 2011

After seeing a film of very different caliber, it's hard watching this episode.
Without detracting from the work previously view, however, the episode was enjoyable.
The plot has not fossilized, but went ahead and changed the story telling also of the skin daily lived outside the walls of their places of work of the protagonists.
The final result Rize is so sweet. * W *
Today the whole episode dedicated to her and with fanservice that it followed, not bad, have opened new avenues to the plot.
Some moments, however, have blasted the other girls.
I hope that in the transition to BD, designs improve.
May 26, 2014 1:21 PM

Jan 2011
I was very tired today, so seeing this was very relaxing and stuff.
Art is still pretty different though, it's not very consistent I think.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Jun 11, 2014 8:11 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
Chno eating a celery burger and Cocoa drinking tomato juice was cute. Rize-chan helping the girls get the stuff from the supermarket was nice. I was hoping to see her jump too.

Highlight of the episode was Chin jumping frpm red tile to red tile and accidentally hitting a pole xD

Jun 27, 2014 1:08 AM
Feb 2007
Jul 6, 2014 3:05 PM
Mar 2014
Now I'm just seeing Liza as Azusa
Nov 15, 2014 12:43 PM

May 2012
Another nice episode! Let's see what happens next :D
Jun 16, 2015 1:31 PM

Apr 2014
Chiya with volleyball is dangerous.
Kokoa is as funny as she can be.
Chino and her friends are just so cute.
Rize working hard for father's proud of her hard work.
Chino is still best girl lol.
Dec 11, 2016 7:48 PM

Nov 2013
The "training arc" in the first half was hilarious.

Cocoa and Chino are really afraid of Rize.

Nice costumes for Rize this episode.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Feb 20, 2017 4:26 PM

Feb 2012
Chino too short for patriot serve

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
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