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Witchcraft Works
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Mar 24, 2014 1:11 AM

Mar 2014
Do you think it will be an season 2 ?

imo its one of the best animes realsed this time ...

even tough i feelt it was over abit to fast
was expecting it to be 24 episodes " it vould have been much better that way"

but its still awsome imo

so what do you think ?

Well i really can´t say i care , but... shit happends
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Mar 24, 2014 1:24 AM

Aug 2013
I really hope so. It wouldn't be soon though because the manga is only a few chapters ahead of the anime.
Mar 24, 2014 1:31 AM

Apr 2012
haven't seen the last episode yet but the series overall was pretty well animated and a lot of fun in general. I wouldn't mind a second season :P

Mar 24, 2014 1:34 AM

Jan 2014
Yeah it was a fun series to watch, hopefully they have a second season for it.

Does anyone know what the manga sales are like for it?
Mar 24, 2014 1:45 AM

Mar 2014
indeed , well i still think the manga is 100 times better tough

but the anime suprised me aswell

Well i really can´t say i care , but... shit happends
Mar 24, 2014 4:02 AM

Sep 2008
Thread Moved.
Mar 24, 2014 4:05 AM
Jan 2008
As previously mentioned there aren't that many chapters after what is covered in the anime (it's at 32 chapters at the moment and Weekend ended at 27). Chapter 28 deals with the aftermath and onwards is well, onwards into more development.

Maybe in a few years since it's monthly. Hopefully we'll get more development and mysteries will be revealed so when/if it comes around people will be pleased with it.
Mar 24, 2014 5:25 AM
Jan 2012
Glitner said:
indeed , well i still think the manga is 100 times better tough

but the anime suprised me aswell

I enjoyed the anime more. Haven't gotten to the last few chapters though.
Mar 24, 2014 5:28 AM

Aug 2013
I enjoyed it. The characters were pretty meh, but I did like Kagari a lot ... and not for obvious reasons :3
The Manga is licensed in the U.S., so I will be getting those as they come out.
Mar 24, 2014 5:49 AM

Mar 2014
Xhanort7 said:
Glitner said:
indeed , well i still think the manga is 100 times better tough

but the anime suprised me aswell

I enjoyed the anime more. Haven't gotten to the last few chapters though.

Yeah the anime is awsome , one of the best imo . but i still think the anime was leaving out to much of evrything

if they vould have gone with 24 episodes i think the anime vould have become one of the best in a long time .. well thats just my opinion ^^

Well i really can´t say i care , but... shit happends
Mar 24, 2014 6:41 AM

Sep 2009
it wasn't that the anime left out too much. it just that they really rush through to get the Weekend arc done in 12 eps. If they had given 13 eps it mightn't have felt rushed. still one of the best anime this season. Just for Kagari allow.
Mar 24, 2014 7:20 AM

Dec 2013
has anyone noticed the 'the end' at the end of the episode because that pretty much screwed my day
Mar 24, 2014 10:07 AM

Jun 2012
as much as I would like to I don't see that happening

- I only draw freestyle! -
Mar 24, 2014 10:51 AM

Mar 2014
Aozumi said:
as much as I would like to I don't see that happening

how come ? , did it sell bad or somthing ?

Well i really can´t say i care , but... shit happends
Mar 24, 2014 11:37 AM

Dec 2013
12 episode anime are way too short >.>
Mar 24, 2014 11:47 AM

Apr 2013
This was my favorite anime of Winter 2014 and I'd love to see a 2nd season.
Mar 24, 2014 12:46 PM

Jan 2013
It's be nice to see a second season but all I have heard of is an ova this summer, and that might not have anything to do with the over all story.

Witch Craft Works OVA
Mar 24, 2014 2:23 PM

Oct 2010
not anywhere near "one of the best" but still if there is a season 2 i would like to see it.
Mar 24, 2014 2:30 PM

Apr 2011
Animation was one of the few reedeming point, but characters sucked really much.

MC no spine, annoying, kagari only got a look of a cold blooded woman with huge tits and no spice bah.
Dunno why you consider it the best anime, there are many who are superior by far.
Mar 24, 2014 2:56 PM

Mar 2014
Rexauron said:
Animation was one of the few reedeming point, but characters sucked really much.

MC no spine, annoying, kagari only got a look of a cold blooded woman with huge tits and no spice bah.
Dunno why you consider it the best anime, there are many who are superior by far.

yeah well normaly i vould say the same , but can´t put it in words , just fell in love with the manga and then the anime ^^

well i guess one thing is that the girl actully look like a female , and not a newborn baby with an large body ..

the art and the soundtracks was pretty good aswell imo
and if it had more then 12 episodes i think it vould have been an
flawless serie it feelt a bit rushed on as many says
GlitnerMar 24, 2014 3:00 PM

Well i really can´t say i care , but... shit happends
Mar 24, 2014 5:15 PM
Jan 2008
If it had used that OVA episode as part of the regular season it would have some more room to develop what they had. Yes, what they had.

The next few chapters (as in the FOUR currently released) reveal a little more and makes me even more curious about what happened when they were kids.

The only complaint I have about Witch Craft Works is that there really is no chemistry between the ordinary boy who was torn from his normal life and thrown into the supernatural world and the stone-faced yandere with a one-track mind...oh sorry, I meant Takamiya and Ayaka. I don't get my knickers in a knot about this because they just haven't gotten to the point in the manga where their childhoods are revealed and the true link between them.

And can we come up with a new criticism of Takamiya other than "HURR DURR HES PUSSY DURR"? I wouldn't become Batman if I was just thrust into danger like that and neither would most of those who spout this crap. I get that people like strong, confident characters, but when I try to tell people that when you adapt PART of a (somewhat) YOUNG, on-going manga that itself hasn't drastically developed a character you're not going to get a Goku clone all I get are *see above quote*.
Mar 24, 2014 5:22 PM

Mar 2014
ZodiacBeast said:

And can we come up with a new criticism of Takamiya other than "HURR DURR HES PUSSY DURR"? I wouldn't become Batman if I was just thrust into danger like that and neither would most of those who spout this crap. I get that people like strong, confident characters, but when I try to tell people that when you adapt PART of a (somewhat) YOUNG, on-going manga that itself hasn't drastically developed a character you're not going to get a Goku clone all I get are *see above quote*.

i would like to remind everyone that a few mins ago he decided to give his life and Ayaka life up for the sake of the town.

I'm pretty sure that the not wanting to kiss her was just because of principle.

also, as long as they don't change how they do anything, i would like to see a 2nd season.
Mar 24, 2014 9:23 PM

Aug 2013
Rexauron said:
Animation was one of the few reedeming point, but characters sucked really much.

MC no spine, annoying, kagari only got a look of a cold blooded woman with huge tits and no spice bah.
Dunno why you consider it the best anime, there are many who are superior by far.
At least it's not some boring generic ecchi harem anime. Honoka has a lot of spine considering he would do anything for Ayaka and his family. Ayaka is just very reserved that doesn't mean she has "no spice". She is a million times better than those stupid, bratty, bossy, annoying, abusive tsundere female characters.
DrGeroCreationMar 24, 2014 9:48 PM
Mar 24, 2014 11:12 PM

Mar 2013
Rexauron said:
Animation was one of the few reedeming point, but characters sucked really much.

MC no spine, annoying, kagari only got a look of a cold blooded woman with huge tits and no spice bah.
Dunno why you consider it the best anime, there are many who are superior by far.

Takamiya didn't know anything about magic and was then thrust into magic by his bodyguard, so if your issue was that he didn't fight then I don't think you know what a bodyguard is. He then trained and was incredibly brave. He was even willing to take his own life for the sake of the entire city. What would have been spine to you, performing the pain olympics routinely?

Kagari wasn't cold blooded. She was serious because she was protecting Takamiya, who she loves. What the fuck's even cold about that? I hardly think a girl that regularly bursts into flames is lacking "spice" either. What even is spice? You just sound angry because she isn't a shouty little loli like the creature in your icon. God forbid she doesn't look and act like she's 12 years old, right?
Mar 25, 2014 2:33 AM

Oct 2010
^u people sure like to fight on nonsense stuff...enjoy what ur doing
Mar 25, 2014 4:24 AM

Mar 2014
well , do anyone know how long the manga will be ? its already over 30 chapters
will it end soon or will it be a long manga ?

Well i really can´t say i care , but... shit happends
Mar 25, 2014 11:12 AM
Jan 2008
Glitner said:
well , do anyone know how long the manga will be ? its already over 30 chapters
will it end soon or will it be a long manga ?

It's only got a few chapters after the anime ended, but it seems like there are going to be some major revelations about Honoka and Ayaka's childhoods soon (meaning the plot is moving at a decent pace). His third seal is broken (so that's roughly a seal per 10 chapters?) but there's no way to estimate the time between the third and fourth seal (meaning it could be soon or faaaaaaaaaar away).

In other words, it probably won't run forever, but I estimate that it'll have a decent run.
Mar 26, 2014 12:55 AM

Mar 2014
Yeah true dat , to bad tough not many anime and mangas like these days

so i personaly hope it will be a long time b4 the manga ends

Well i really can´t say i care , but... shit happends
Mar 26, 2014 3:54 PM

Sep 2013
ZodiacBeast said:
As previously mentioned there aren't that many chapters after what is covered in the anime (it's at 32 chapters at the moment and Weekend ended at 27). Chapter 28 deals with the aftermath and onwards is well, onwards into more development.

Maybe in a few years since it's monthly. Hopefully we'll get more development and mysteries will be revealed so when/if it comes around people will be pleased with it.

27/32? Damn. That sounds like more than 2 years before we can see a season 2 :(
Mar 26, 2014 4:46 PM
Jan 2008
Old_Raven said:
ZodiacBeast said:
As previously mentioned there aren't that many chapters after what is covered in the anime (it's at 32 chapters at the moment and Weekend ended at 27). Chapter 28 deals with the aftermath and onwards is well, onwards into more development.

Maybe in a few years since it's monthly. Hopefully we'll get more development and mysteries will be revealed so when/if it comes around people will be pleased with it.

27/32? Damn. That sounds like more than 2 years before we can see a season 2 :(

Well hey, that gives you some incentive to keep up with the manga, eh?

Chapter 28 shows the results of the fight with Weekend (and Takamiya's turning into a badass! least physically. It explains part of why at least he doesn't remember anything about Ayaka),
Chapter 29 and 30 are pretty much filler with a tiiiiiny bit of plot mixed in,
and Chapters 31 and 32 seem to be beginning to the next major arc.

New chapter in about a week or so!
Mar 29, 2014 3:18 PM

Apr 2011
straggy said:

Takamiya didn't know anything about magic and was then thrust into magic by his bodyguard, so if your issue was that he didn't fight then I don't think you know what a bodyguard is. He then trained and was incredibly brave. He was even willing to take his own life for the sake of the entire city. What would have been spine to you, performing the pain olympics routinely?

Kagari wasn't cold blooded. She was serious because she was protecting Takamiya, who she loves. What the fuck's even cold about that? I hardly think a girl that regularly bursts into flames is lacking "spice" either. What even is spice? You just sound angry because she isn't a shouty little loli like the creature in your icon. God forbid she doesn't look and act like she's 12 years old, right?

Oh wow, you sure like to attack people based on baseless assumption? Good job 13 years old kid inside.
From spice I mean romantic situation between MC and her, does she do anything to make her love mutual? No, she looks like a mother protecting a child.
Last episode, at least a kiss should be granted for a couple, but no, a crappy result to make you fan of pure characters (especially virgin) satisfied.

You people like to feel superior: "You like harem shitty animes that are popular and mainstream, I am far better than you!"
Go to your cave and inform yourself before saying to other "OMG You are a lolicon!". It is even easy to search what character is from my avatar in forum (Working! is the anime), but omg, "I must criticize your tastes, I AM BETTER".

Now go to rewatch this really mediocre anime if you defend this, and shut your mouth, everyone is free to give an opinion.
Mar 29, 2014 5:29 PM
Jan 2008
Rexauron said:
straggy said:

Takamiya didn't know anything about magic and was then thrust into magic by his bodyguard, so if your issue was that he didn't fight then I don't think you know what a bodyguard is. He then trained and was incredibly brave. He was even willing to take his own life for the sake of the entire city. What would have been spine to you, performing the pain olympics routinely?

Kagari wasn't cold blooded. She was serious because she was protecting Takamiya, who she loves. What the fuck's even cold about that? I hardly think a girl that regularly bursts into flames is lacking "spice" either. What even is spice? You just sound angry because she isn't a shouty little loli like the creature in your icon. God forbid she doesn't look and act like she's 12 years old, right?

Oh wow, you sure like to attack people based on baseless assumption? Good job 13 years old kid inside.
From spice I mean romantic situation between MC and her, does she do anything to make her love mutual? No, she looks like a mother protecting a child.
Last episode, at least a kiss should be granted for a couple, but no, a crappy result to make you fan of pure characters (especially virgin) satisfied.

You people like to feel superior: "You like harem shitty animes that are popular and mainstream, I am far better than you!"
Go to your cave and inform yourself before saying to other "OMG You are a lolicon!". It is even easy to search what character is from my avatar in forum (Working! is the anime), but omg, "I must criticize your tastes, I AM BETTER".

Now go to rewatch this really mediocre anime if you defend this, and shut your mouth, everyone is free to give an opinion.

Well, it is hard to remember that Popura isn't loli. "I'M NOT SMALL!".

He did point out some truths though, such as that Honoka isn't spineless. I mean, he does stuff like try to offer his eyes then his life in order to save Ayaka and the city. And I don't believe that Honoka not kissing her on the lips was to satisfy "virgins" at all, it just shows that Honoka is pure. Remember when Kazane said that Evermillion doesn't like impurities? Have we seen Honoka be greedy, lusty, etc.?

From what I've heard this anime was announced for adaptation FIFTEEN CHAPTERS AGO. You know, aaaaaaaall the way back when Ayaka merged with Medusa?

HOLY &*$#! How do people do something like that? I mean come on, that's back when it was bi-monthly AND had even less development! UGH

The manga has only 5 chapters (about to be 6) past the anime and from 31 onwards it seems like some mysteries will be unraveled. Hopefully that pesky chemistry and development I wanted will happen.

Oops, almost forgot. The reason Ayaka is so obsessed with Honoka is that he (the current he) showed up in her childhood dreams when she couldn't remember anything and told her to find him in the future. Hopefully we'll get an explanation soon (likely enough).
Apr 3, 2014 4:14 AM

Aug 2013
Rexauron said:
From spice I mean romantic situation between MC and her, does she do anything to make her love mutual?
Yes, she returned his kiss in episode 5.
Apr 3, 2014 5:01 AM

Mar 2014
Well in the manga you see more "romantic" moments
imo i think kagari is pretty sweet , i mean she dosent know how to
act like a normal kid she shows her love in her protection

there is many kinds of love ... but imo i think it will be evolved to a proper
realtionship between em later in the manga

Well i really can´t say i care , but... shit happends
Apr 4, 2014 7:46 AM

Apr 2013
really liked it and really hope the anime did well enough and we get a season 2 once there is enough material.

for those that read the manga. did the anime change anything compared to the manga?
Apr 4, 2014 8:04 AM
Jan 2008
xSanox said:
really liked it and really hope the anime did well enough and we get a season 2 once there is enough material.

for those that read the manga. did the anime change anything compared to the manga?

The only thing that the anime changed was the last scene of the last episode. In the manga Tanpopo (the cat girl) got left behind at the Kagamiya house while the other Medusa girls went to train. They did not attack Kagari and Honoka like in the last anime scene because they weren't together.

The other four Medusa girls attack again in chapter 30 and also send Tanpopo a letter beforehand, which may lead to them reuniting in the future (but not yet).
Apr 4, 2014 8:18 AM

Apr 2014
I watched only the first episode but it didnt seem interesting. Not sure about season 2 because it doesn't seem to be worth it.
Apr 6, 2014 7:16 AM

Mar 2014
Z4k said:
I watched only the first episode but it didnt seem interesting. Not sure about season 2 because it doesn't seem to be worth it.

well thats just your opinion , i read somewhere recently , dunno if its real or fake but anyways if the manga goes well they will try a secound season on the anime aswell

Well i really can´t say i care , but... shit happends
May 17, 2014 1:21 PM

Feb 2010
I hope they do. This anime was realy good in all respects, I expected less of it. Realy harmonious and fun. Even while something was left out. The characters are hilarious and cute. I love both voicing and grapics and ending is a masterpiece by itself :D
I wish they make a figure of White Princess...
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
May 19, 2014 1:52 AM

Jul 2013
The anime is really average and In my opinion one of weakest series produced by J,C staff.
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May 24, 2014 7:06 PM

Sep 2013
Do you even know how many sub par/below average stuff J.C. staff has? probably not, otherwise you wouldn't be saying this.

The animation was good, if you you don't like the art style it's your problem.
The art style of the manga is way more detailed but if they animated that it would cost them millions more, so it's understandable.

It sold way more than they expected, they even said they were shocked by the popularity and how much it's selling, so a second season is really high, after about 2 years for more manga material.
May 29, 2014 7:20 AM

Jul 2013
ichii_1 said:
Do you even know how many sub par/below average stuff J.C. staff has? probably not, otherwise you wouldn't be saying this.

The animation was good, if you you don't like the art style it's your problem.
The art style of the manga is way more detailed but if they animated that it would cost them millions more, so it's understandable.

It sold way more than they expected, they even said they were shocked by the popularity and how much it's selling, so a second season is really high, after about 2 years for more manga material.

I am speaking in my opinion and I thought they were trying too hard to be humour. I didnt say the animation was bad since I know J.C staff makes one of the best animation but the series is a let down in terms of character,plot.

Where did you obtain the information about Witch Craft Works sales are high. Reference please
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May 30, 2014 5:11 AM
Feb 2013
I really hope there will be a season 2.
Jul 7, 2014 12:34 AM
May 2014
I, at least I would hope that it would become second season. And anyway, it seemed to be a bit of States. But whether it is seen from the second season, or does not?
Jul 27, 2014 8:56 AM

Jan 2012
gonna need some serious fan service for 2nd season imo...
Sep 1, 2014 4:17 PM

Feb 2014
Would love a second season. First was great.

"Everything you see on the internet isn't true." -Abraham Lincoln
Sep 4, 2014 3:30 PM

May 2011
Renaultclio101 said:
ichii_1 said:
Do you even know how many sub par/below average stuff J.C. staff has? probably not, otherwise you wouldn't be saying this.

The animation was good, if you you don't like the art style it's your problem.
The art style of the manga is way more detailed but if they animated that it would cost them millions more, so it's understandable.

It sold way more than they expected, they even said they were shocked by the popularity and how much it's selling, so a second season is really high, after about 2 years for more manga material.

I am speaking in my opinion and I thought they were trying too hard to be humour. I didnt say the animation was bad since I know J.C staff makes one of the best animation but the series is a let down in terms of character,plot.

Where did you obtain the information about Witch Craft Works sales are high. Reference please

It pretty much sold a little more than the average number needed for a sequel.
BD sales -> 4.758 copies average & the number for an estimated profit for sequel is 3-4.000 copies. And they really were suprised by those sales. Now as far for the material if u conclude that 1st season adapted 27 manga volumes then for a 2nd season we need about 1 year or a 1 year & a half. (without knowing how big are the next volumes).
Personal opinion animation was very good - characters was o.k with some flaws & the plot needed to be more tight. Not 1 of the best shows that u would say WOW, but it was very entertaining. I have seen worst titles getting sequels so i don't believe it will stay like this!
Sep 8, 2014 1:04 AM

Feb 2010
Erm... wasn't there only 6 volumes of manga by then? You mean 27 chapters? I hope for a second season of the same quality, that'd be great.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Sep 4, 2015 2:37 AM

Aug 2013
Second season would be fantastic. Never enough Kagari in my life.
Sep 29, 2015 8:13 AM

Nov 2014
Jonesy974 said:
Second season would be fantastic. Never enough Kagari in my life.
it's true, I want more Kagari in my life as well... xD
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