All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 568.9
Mean Score:
- Watching7
- Completed2,652
- On-Hold53
- Dropped56
- Plan to Watch273
- Total Entries3,041
- Rewatched185
- Episodes36,291
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 603.9
Mean Score:
- Reading37
- Completed2,752
- On-Hold56
- Dropped61
- Plan to Read109
- Total Entries3,015
- Reread153
- Chapters67,690
- Volumes9,832
All Comments (5012) Comments
The absolutely only exception to this rule (for me) was Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
I found the seme to be a bigger sweetheart than his manga version (and better looking too ;p). Seen/Read it?
Happy New Year!! ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
May this year be filled with hope, peace and prosperity for you.
Boku no Papa is ongoing. It currently has 12 chapters, but I'm not sure if the series will continue for a 3rd volume.
You don't like comedy, but how about meta BL?
So that's why I'll just give you one recommendation only. Easy for me to find out which category you belong to ;p
Well, the most recent issue was the MAL 20th anniversary which had high-traffic on the website which meant slow response times. People who posted had to delete two of their posts because it would send 3.