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Black Bullet (light novel)
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May 22, 2014 11:39 PM

Jun 2013
The fight between Rentaro and Tina was shorter then I'd hoped it'd be, but Tina ended up joining them so it's fine. Glad the Yasakuwo has been gotten rid of.
May 23, 2014 12:43 AM

Apr 2013
JustALEX said:
So....this is basically a loli harem anime at this point, right?

my thoughts exactly. I need to become more selective in which seasonal anime to watch because this isn't doing it for me :/. Jojo and Haikyuu should be really great, but I'm waiting for more episodes before I begin. Mushi-shi is plain awesome. Picked up a few anime 'could-be-something' anime including this one, but the only one that's really paid off is Ping Pong, which I expected nothing of, but quickly turned into something fantastic. I guess that makes up for it :)
May 23, 2014 2:24 AM
May 2014
This episode was bad. God-awful pacing, laughably poor animation at times, and the entire battle between Ren and Tina was dull, rushed, and contrived. He hit his back on the wall and was gushing blood somehow, but some Dues Ex Machina bull happens and his injury instantaneously becomes as negligable as a papercut as he ground-to-airs Tina into oblivion. What.

Rentaro somehow doesn't notice four-eyes STANDING OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM before Tina gets shot. Then Rentaro, with his mechanical limbs, super strength, and enhanced perception, whines pathetically as two nameless mooks hold him down gently in the most disinterested and polite fashion I have ever seen. I could go on and on. Such a mess..

This Anime has devolved into a loli-filled Harem with awful pacing, a continously sinking story, almost transparant and poorly written characters, and lackluster action sequences. I really had high hopes for this series, but I'm seriously considering just dropping it and saving myself the disappointment.
May 23, 2014 6:54 AM

Apr 2012
respect 2 a show that would have the MC beat up a loli

most dont go near that with a 10-foot pole no matter the circumstances
May 23, 2014 8:45 AM
Nov 2013
can anyone tell me when did Tina save Enju's life?
May 23, 2014 1:04 PM
May 2014
kikxkik said:
can anyone tell me when did Tina save Enju's life?

She didn't really. She just beat the hell out of Enju off-screen and decided not to kill her out of the kindness of her heart, apparently.
May 23, 2014 2:05 PM

Oct 2009
Meh. I was hoping for a better episode after the fairly good episode last time..then again I keep forgetting this is by the same Studio that fucked up Code:Breaker.

Rushed, sloppy art/animation, cheesy dialogue and predictable. At least Tina is cute.
AozureMay 23, 2014 2:12 PM
May 23, 2014 4:09 PM
Jul 2018
Glad to see that Tina & Enju survived. Yay for more lolis joining the team.
May 23, 2014 6:26 PM
Jul 2012
/cringe at this episode...
May 23, 2014 7:19 PM

Jan 2011
So although rank is supposed to reflect the strength of the civil officer pairing, Seitenshi can give them out however she sees fit? Couldn't she simply give him some "ordinary" rank in the military/police force/whatever, or give him the access level she sees fit without it being tied to a rank? Especially given that she can give out ranks, it's pointless to tie other stuff to the rank as to prevent misuse or so.

And i love the way Tina talks. Too bad she isn't *that* sleepy anymore, their first meeting was golden.
May 23, 2014 8:06 PM

Jul 2013
how did tina save enju? by not killing her?

rintaro's relationship with tina still feels awkward since they act like they're really close after hanging out twice.

still, i'm glad that bodyguard is now gone
May 23, 2014 10:56 PM
Feb 2014
This episode was pretty weird. For some reason, I didn't like this episode even though I quite enjoyed the first 6 episodes.

I'm not sure if i just happened to miss a lot of the previous episodes' illogical moments, but i noticed and was rather annyed by a lot of them in this one.

Firstly, the fight seemed kinda ridiculous. How do u use a phone in the middle of a battle -_-... maybe there's an explanation for this in the LN, bcos the info given did help, but the way it was animated seemed kinda weird. I dunno... (im letting the rather stupid idea of going to battle without even knowing that the sniper rifles were remotely controlled slide for now...)

How he won the fight was VERY weird. He suddenly powered up thinking abt Enju???? And how did the flash bang suddenly explode?? I didnt understand what he meant when he said it misfired... and then how Tina reacted gave me a 'huh?' Moment. I would think at ranked 98, something unexpected like a flash bang would not leave her standing there like a siting duck... i would think pros know how to defend themselves or at least retreat when one of their senses are incapacitated... -_-

Then, there was the part where Tina got shot... loads of things making me scratch y head at that scene... how the hell do two guards hold down someone like Rentarou who has Varanium strengthened body parts... it was funny seeing how a guy who sppsedly beat a rank 98 initiator, can be held down by 2 guards (theyre elite guards, yes, but arent they supposed to be nowhere close rank 98...)

And then, as pointed out by previous posters, isnt civil officer ranks determined by strength??? That felt like a highly irresponsible promotion by Seitenshi. Also, Rentarou's request for more power came out of the blue. Sure the higher rank wpuld be useful, but i dont see any reason why he really had any urgent need for any of those privileges. I dont rmb any situation in the previous episodes where the rank of 300 wouldve helped, its not like he could protect Seitenshi or prevent Enju's beating up with the 300 rank...

Personally, I also found the relationship between Tina and Rentarou a bit forced in this episode, especially when it comes to why rentarou seems nice to Tina. But after some thinking, i guess all his actions are pretty logical, tho i think the studio couldve done a better job at making it more believable. I think this is probably cos the epislde was rushed...

Oh, and how can Rentarou look perfectly healthy after getting shot so many times... i mean, he's so unharmed, there arent even bloodstains on his shirt after the fight... -_-...

Finally, was it just me who thought the dialogue in this episode flowed weirdly. Eg, conversation between that whacko scientist sensei lady (forgot her name) and Rentarou. They were talkig abt the floating sphere detection device thing, then why varanium is black, then how Rentarou has a no nonsense attitude, and then how sensei has grown bcos of Rentarou???

Dont mean to make this sound like a rant or anything. Jus, this episode did seem to have a lot of cringe worthy moments that, in previous episodes, were too minor to notice or too few to ruin my enjoyment... maybe LN or manga readers could explain some of these doubts... -_-
Duri1nMay 23, 2014 11:02 PM
The most annoying thing about some anime is that they don't know when they've died...
May 24, 2014 6:50 AM

Dec 2010
Everything, other than Satomi's serial magic win, was decent. But if only this show wasn't as rushed it'd be the masterpiece of the season.
May 24, 2014 6:52 AM

Dec 2011
Time to continue from where we left off last episode.

So Enju got her ass kicked so fast... damn.... at least her life was spared by Tina.

Holy crap! Tina's power level is over 9000!

The final battle between Tina and Rentaro is starting!

The action was nice and it's great that Rentaro managed to win and spared Tina.

Ohooo, Rentaro raised through the ranks and taught that bastard a lesson.

Victory! Tina joined the team!
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
May 24, 2014 7:04 AM

May 2012
to be honest, i wanted to see Kisara badass swordmanship...
“They stood together in a false intimacy, a nervous contact. And he was in love with her.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love

May 24, 2014 9:46 AM

Mar 2014
Yep! that was a pretty much interesting episode with fighting scenes and aggression with plot twist!!! :3

..... Although I was laughing so hard the moments Rentaro was calling out loud his attacks :"D

I hope BB keeps on that episode's pace cause it was pretty good!
May 24, 2014 12:02 PM
Mar 2009
Duri1n said:
This episode was pretty weird. For some reason, I didn't like this episode even though I quite enjoyed the first 6 episodes.

I'm not sure if i just happened to miss a lot of the previous episodes' illogical moments, but i noticed and was rather annyed by a lot of them in this one.

Firstly, the fight seemed kinda ridiculous. How do u use a phone in the middle of a battle -_-... maybe there's an explanation for this in the LN, bcos the info given did help, but the way it was animated seemed kinda weird. I dunno... (im letting the rather stupid idea of going to battle without even knowing that the sniper rifles were remotely controlled slide for now...)

How he won the fight was VERY weird. He suddenly powered up thinking abt Enju???? And how did the flash bang suddenly explode?? I didnt understand what he meant when he said it misfired... and then how Tina reacted gave me a 'huh?' Moment. I would think at ranked 98, something unexpected like a flash bang would not leave her standing there like a siting duck... i would think pros know how to defend themselves or at least retreat when one of their senses are incapacitated... -_-

Then, there was the part where Tina got shot... loads of things making me scratch y head at that scene... how the hell do two guards hold down someone like Rentarou who has Varanium strengthened body parts... it was funny seeing how a guy who sppsedly beat a rank 98 initiator, can be held down by 2 guards (theyre elite guards, yes, but arent they supposed to be nowhere close rank 98...)

And then, as pointed out by previous posters, isnt civil officer ranks determined by strength??? That felt like a highly irresponsible promotion by Seitenshi. Also, Rentarou's request for more power came out of the blue. Sure the higher rank wpuld be useful, but i dont see any reason why he really had any urgent need for any of those privileges. I dont rmb any situation in the previous episodes where the rank of 300 wouldve helped, its not like he could protect Seitenshi or prevent Enju's beating up with the 300 rank...

Personally, I also found the relationship between Tina and Rentarou a bit forced in this episode, especially when it comes to why rentarou seems nice to Tina. But after some thinking, i guess all his actions are pretty logical, tho i think the studio couldve done a better job at making it more believable. I think this is probably cos the epislde was rushed...

Oh, and how can Rentarou look perfectly healthy after getting shot so many times... i mean, he's so unharmed, there arent even bloodstains on his shirt after the fight... -_-...

Finally, was it just me who thought the dialogue in this episode flowed weirdly. Eg, conversation between that whacko scientist sensei lady (forgot her name) and Rentarou. They were talkig abt the floating sphere detection device thing, then why varanium is black, then how Rentarou has a no nonsense attitude, and then how sensei has grown bcos of Rentarou???

Dont mean to make this sound like a rant or anything. Jus, this episode did seem to have a lot of cringe worthy moments that, in previous episodes, were too minor to notice or too few to ruin my enjoyment... maybe LN or manga readers could explain some of these doubts... -_-

Those, and other things, bothered me about this episode.

Also, the MC can now fly, basically. Doesn't this bother anyone else?

The writing/directing for this episode really let me down, and I think I'm gonna drop the series here.
May 25, 2014 8:33 AM
Jul 2013
Holy shit that EP was awful. If it wasn't already the 7th episode i would drop this right now.
The fight was so cringeworthy. He charges right at her with no plan whatsoever. He's in the middle of a fight - "Oh hey let me get that call real quick without taking any cover".
And Tina gets released A WEEK after she tried to kill the head of state and just stays in that country and gets a job? yeah....

GOD, i actually liked this anime but that Episode was full with bullshit :(
May 25, 2014 8:56 AM

Aug 2013
Aaaaaaaand dropped. How much wasted potential. :(
May 25, 2014 12:23 PM

Apr 2013
In before loli harem.
Tina joining Satomi and Kisara is cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute. (~*^*)~
May 25, 2014 12:51 PM
Apr 2014
I though this episode was enjoyable because of Tina. I have to say though the manga is better.
May 25, 2014 6:06 PM

Dec 2009
Someone is trying to kill us? Let's beat them up, then hire them!
The Nanoha way of running things, i see :P

But I agree with some of the others here, this show is kinda ridiculous. It's similar to the Index/Railgun series in that it cares more about being dramatic and looking cool than making sense. That's why just like them, I mostly just watch this for the pretty action scenes at this point, trying not to think too much about the story. I don't plan to drop it though. I find the action enjoyable at least.

GToast said:
And Tina gets released A WEEK after she tried to kill the head of state and just stays in that country and gets a job? yeah....
That's actually what bothers me the least. The way I understood it at least, Seitenshi is pretty much a ruling queen, and given how much she seems to respect Satomi now, he might have had quite a great amount of influence on what happened to Tina. That part makes more sense to me than most of the rest of the episode :P

kikxkik said:
can anyone tell me when did Tina save Enju's life?
Nah, she didn't. "Spare" would be the right word here.

Link_of_Hyrule said:
Arggggg, so many mixed feelings about this series. The pacing was faster then a coked up cheetah with rocket boosters during the first few episodes and then the cheetah hit a brick wall after episode 5, but that was probably for the best. The character development is also horrible, but got damn it is there some badass shit going on.
That is ...brilliant. I will from now on use this quote as a summary of the show when I talk about it to other people :D
FireballStarfishMay 25, 2014 6:22 PM
May 25, 2014 9:01 PM

Apr 2013
such clichés and horrible pacing/writing/characters/logic... it hurts to watch
May 26, 2014 1:53 PM

Jan 2013
Duri1n said:
This episode was pretty weird. For some reason, I didn't like this episode even though I quite enjoyed the first 6 episodes.

I'm not sure if i just happened to miss a lot of the previous episodes' illogical moments, but i noticed and was rather annyed by a lot of them in this one.

Firstly, the fight seemed kinda ridiculous. How do u use a phone in the middle of a battle -_-... maybe there's an explanation for this in the LN, bcos the info given did help, but the way it was animated seemed kinda weird. I dunno... (im letting the rather stupid idea of going to battle without even knowing that the sniper rifles were remotely controlled slide for now...)

How he won the fight was VERY weird. He suddenly powered up thinking abt Enju???? And how did the flash bang suddenly explode?? I didnt understand what he meant when he said it misfired... and then how Tina reacted gave me a 'huh?' Moment. I would think at ranked 98, something unexpected like a flash bang would not leave her standing there like a siting duck... i would think pros know how to defend themselves or at least retreat when one of their senses are incapacitated... -_-

Then, there was the part where Tina got shot... loads of things making me scratch y head at that scene... how the hell do two guards hold down someone like Rentarou who has Varanium strengthened body parts... it was funny seeing how a guy who sppsedly beat a rank 98 initiator, can be held down by 2 guards (theyre elite guards, yes, but arent they supposed to be nowhere close rank 98...)

And then, as pointed out by previous posters, isnt civil officer ranks determined by strength??? That felt like a highly irresponsible promotion by Seitenshi. Also, Rentarou's request for more power came out of the blue. Sure the higher rank wpuld be useful, but i dont see any reason why he really had any urgent need for any of those privileges. I dont rmb any situation in the previous episodes where the rank of 300 wouldve helped, its not like he could protect Seitenshi or prevent Enju's beating up with the 300 rank...

Personally, I also found the relationship between Tina and Rentarou a bit forced in this episode, especially when it comes to why rentarou seems nice to Tina. But after some thinking, i guess all his actions are pretty logical, tho i think the studio couldve done a better job at making it more believable. I think this is probably cos the epislde was rushed...

Oh, and how can Rentarou look perfectly healthy after getting shot so many times... i mean, he's so unharmed, there arent even bloodstains on his shirt after the fight... -_-...

Finally, was it just me who thought the dialogue in this episode flowed weirdly. Eg, conversation between that whacko scientist sensei lady (forgot her name) and Rentarou. They were talkig abt the floating sphere detection device thing, then why varanium is black, then how Rentarou has a no nonsense attitude, and then how sensei has grown bcos of Rentarou???

Dont mean to make this sound like a rant or anything. Jus, this episode did seem to have a lot of cringe worthy moments that, in previous episodes, were too minor to notice or too few to ruin my enjoyment... maybe LN or manga readers could explain some of these doubts... -_-

Alright here's my insight:

He's mostly unharmed due to that regeneration injection he used a few episodes back. Remember? He now has a healing ability similar to the cursed children.

Secondly, he sees a lot of Enju in Tina. He feels her pain and empathizes with her. He feels the need, after witnessing those 2 cops murder that cursed girl back in (episode 1 or 2?) to protect her with his life.

And next, a gun was pointed at Tina's head. He felt cold fear and couldn't think straight.

And about the flash bang. It just took longer than usual to fire, and it made him lose hope for a few seconds. But thinking of Enju gave him his strength back.

Lastly, He wants power to protect those he loves. He also wanted revenge on that high ranking bastard who shot Tina, so he asked for it and it was granted.
May 27, 2014 12:38 PM

Oct 2013
wow this anime is fucking epic love the fight scenes so many lolis <3 Tinas a badass
OMG i thought she was going to die T-T when she got shot
i have a feeling that prick is going to come back and cause problems for him and his loli team XD
people complain this anime is moving fast but i don't think its that bad <3
great episode
May 27, 2014 2:01 PM
Feb 2014
yaminogame91 said:

Alright here's my insight:

He's mostly unharmed due to that regeneration injection he used a few episodes back. Remember? He now has a healing ability similar to the cursed children.

Secondly, he sees a lot of Enju in Tina. He feels her pain and empathizes with her. He feels the need, after witnessing those 2 cops murder that cursed girl back in (episode 1 or 2?) to protect her with his life.

And next, a gun was pointed at Tina's head. He felt cold fear and couldn't think straight.

And about the flash bang. It just took longer than usual to fire, and it made him lose hope for a few seconds. But thinking of Enju gave him his strength back.

Lastly, He wants power to protect those he loves. He also wanted revenge on that high ranking bastard who shot Tina, so he asked for it and it was granted.

Well, that did help clear some doubts... I didn't know the regeneration part would be permanent... I thought it was a short term kinda thing. ? I just rewatched it and it's true... Hmm... i thought it was short term bcos 20% seemed like a rather low chance unless the injection was needed for every occasion... u know, it's fiction, heroes always go against the odds kinda stuff... but that was my mistake... (btw, this doesnt explain why there r no visible bloddstains on his white shirt, but that sounds petty, so I'll not mention that anymore)

The part abt Rentarou feeling so close to Enju. Yes, well, I guess that's a plausible explanation... I can't say what u said is wrong, but it wasn't really very obvious to me, and it still felt a bit too brief, but I'm satisfied enough with it, I guess.

The part where the guards could hold Rentarou down even though he has Varanium arms... Well, sure he could feel cold fear and stop thinking rationally with a gun pointed at Tina's head, but aren't his arms much much stronger than the avg human's? I also think Rentarou's battle hardened enough to have quick enough wits abt him to react appropriately given the situation... so, sorry, I still find this a weird scene

So the flash bang took longer than usual? Well... ok... I'll accept that... I was a bit confused cos I thought it went off on its own.. taking longer than usual huh... bcos of that, he won the fight, and that seems like a pretty lame way to win... but oh well...

I guess the part where he suddenly powers up thinking of Enju shouldn't be as hard to swallow as I made it out to be... Thinking abt it, havent there been plenty of anime moments where the hero suddenly finds unimaginable strength at the last minute thinking of loved ones? It's a little weird for me, but I'm okay with it for now

OK, abt the part where he asks for power... I find it hard to believe that when he was hoping for power, it was for the intention of taking revenge on Yasuwaki.... asking for power was just a bit too ambiguous and there were so many other things Seitenshi could have given him. Giving him better access to weapons or finance, granting him access to all information, maybe even literally make him stronger by making him join some research programme to further enhance his abilities... none of these would have helped in taking revenge but wouldve made him more powerful...

Instead, as soon as i heard him say he wanted power, as weird as it sounded that time, PROTECTING those he loved was what came across my mind... not taking revenge....

Even if I were to assume that taking revenge was part of his thought process as he asked for power, the act of making him a rank 300 is still preposterous to me... Like I mentioned before, I was clearly led to believe that Civil Officers were ranked based on strength... and besides, I didn't rmb any previous situations where the rank 300 would've helped (except the taking revenge part)... either in Enju's case where she nearly died, or in Seitenshi's case... bcos he would've been doing the exact same thing, except possibly with slightly better resources to prepare with...

Oh, and thanks for the helpful insights! Didn't clear all my doubts, but it helped
The most annoying thing about some anime is that they don't know when they've died...
May 28, 2014 5:09 AM

Nov 2011

The Loli save the world, in the case of its being so Tina loli gave points against Rentaro! ASD
If the plot was even more dark and dramatic in some places, and not too sweet and so out of place, it would be sublime; not that I do not feel like a ray of sunshine from time to time in the narrative.
Drawings are good enough, the combat was awesome to follow.
That in the grand final Rentaro face skip the finger at that idiot bespectacled, Oh Yes!
I hope that in the BD version milgiorino designs further.
May 28, 2014 9:32 PM

Jan 2013
Stayed entertaining, I thought Tina would most likely come to their side.
Rentaro's voice actor sure has a lot of dramatic tone to deliver almost every scene
May 29, 2014 8:14 AM

Jan 2011
This episode had some really fancy art, nice action scene.
That flashbang was cliché as shizzles though.
This show is 50% serious and 50% moe harem. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
May 30, 2014 6:45 PM
Apr 2014
I wanted to punch the girls every time his phone buzzed.
Jun 1, 2014 12:03 AM

Feb 2011
I feel like they always start out strong in the first 2 eps , and then on the 3rd one they realize that they are on the last episode for that arc and try to cram everything in. Making it always super rushed and very hard to understand.

Still pretty good though i guess
Jun 4, 2014 6:04 AM

Apr 2011
Good thing that Tina didn't die. After cute Kayo died. I may not handle one more loli to be gone. Plus she's a cutie.
Jun 8, 2014 9:49 AM

Oct 2013
What a load of BS, the MC survives in the last fight because of sheer luck, after he narrowly survives thanks to a randomly exploding flashbang grenade, the girl suddenly does nothing and gets beat up with no effort whatsoever even though she is meant to be 6 times as powerful as him and she was defeating him with no problems earlier. Oh and after nearly killing Enju she becomes friends with her instantly. Damn incompetent assasin, she is released after a WEEK for attempting to murder the HoS like nothing ever happened, damn I hope she attempts to kill the HoS again just to punish their stupidility for letting her go so soon..... This anime.... getting full retard.
I am a human.
Jun 23, 2014 3:28 AM
May 2013
biggest gripe was how the 2 bodyguards held down rentaro in the end and he wasn't able to break free from it. logic wasnt made here

didn't make sense considering :

one of his arms is made of varnium and has a rocket like ability to propel itself through almost anything and has super strength

he's a master of a martial art while the other guards are ants compared to him

his eye allows him to see everything faster and he should have seen it coming and or the guards would have been too slow to touch him
Jun 23, 2014 2:18 PM

Jan 2013
Haha ^ I agree with him.

Otherwise that was a cute finale for this episode
Jun 29, 2014 1:40 PM

Jul 2013
The pacing this episode was really off. Kinda killed the enjoyment.
povveriess said:
biggest gripe was how the 2 bodyguards held down rentaroe

I want to know why the bodyguards were acting like that in the first place. We got no explanation for it, or anything else for that matter. Like what the hell is the "Owl's element?"
Jun 30, 2014 7:43 AM

Jan 2013
Ophis said:
The pacing this episode was really off. Kinda killed the enjoyment.
povveriess said:
biggest gripe was how the 2 bodyguards held down rentaroe

I want to know why the bodyguards were acting like that in the first place. We got no explanation for it, or anything else for that matter. Like what the hell is the "Owl's element?"
The bodyguards were just some douche people... they care about nothing but just their own rank and stuff like that... No other reason in my opinion.
Jul 1, 2014 1:11 PM

Jun 2014
wtf since when is Ayn Rand a man? And it would seem typical that Ayn Rand is plotting the end of the world.

Black Bullet's OST has definitely taken place as my #1 favorite anime music.
Jul 23, 2014 2:51 PM

Jan 2014
Yay, much better this way :D
Jul 29, 2014 8:38 AM
May 2012
Ahahaha, fuck you and your finger, man!!
I am happy for Tina~ That smile at the end ^^

RediceRyan said:
Stayed entertaining, I thought Tina would most likely come to their side.
Rentaro's voice actor sure has a lot of dramatic tone to deliver almost every scene

It's Kaji, so yeah.

povveriess said:
biggest gripe was how the 2 bodyguards held down rentaro in the end and he wasn't able to break free from it. logic wasnt made here

didn't make sense considering :

one of his arms is made of varnium and has a rocket like ability to propel itself through almost anything and has super strength

he's a master of a martial art while the other guards are ants compared to him

his eye allows him to see everything faster and he should have seen it coming and or the guards would have been too slow to touch him

Well........shit happens??
Aug 13, 2014 12:42 PM
May 2013
Good to see Tina is part of the team now. They have another Kawaii member <3
Aug 15, 2014 9:24 AM

May 2014
Tina joins the team! ^_^ Rentaro is really badass this episode.

ao_no_exo said:

Otherwise that was a cute finale for this episode

Agree. It was very nice of them to forgive her. :)
Sep 10, 2014 9:53 PM

Mar 2012
First 6 episodes = pretty cool despite not being into loli
7th Episode = pushing it with a loli harem.....

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Sep 29, 2014 3:35 AM

Jun 2008
This show seems to give me a "whatever" feeling on how everything develops and turn out.

Btw, lol at the two guys holding him and him not being able to do anything. How ridiculous is that? He can beat the shit out of monsters but omg two average guys are holding my hands i am helpless!!! Lol.

nytefall123 said:
Why does Rentaro keep shouting out his attack like a total dumbass and why exactly is varanium black??? Don't give me the bs answer sensei gave because that is not a real answer.

Because his an anime character in a mediocre work of fiction.
Varanioum is black for the same reason gold is gold and silver is silver i guess. From when does something needs a reason to have a color?
MonadSep 29, 2014 4:03 AM
Oct 8, 2014 12:44 AM

Sep 2011
Omg Tina is so cute! Its like shes a completely different person!
funkotakuOct 8, 2014 12:50 AM
Oct 14, 2014 11:34 PM

Apr 2013
Man, this anime did not need such a lame glasses guy as a baddie.
And look Rentaro can aim with his left hand to take out a sniper, so why was he freaking out when he was tasked to hit that bigass Gastrea!!
Nov 13, 2014 4:22 PM

May 2012
Loli harem confirmed! Pretty nice episode in general, it's quite lovely to see Tina joined their side :p Let's see what happens next though!
Jan 19, 2015 12:29 PM

Oct 2014
God damn Rentaro is building his Loli harem.
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Apr 26, 2015 1:11 PM

Mar 2014
Yay Tina is part of the Team now *-*

May 9, 2015 12:29 PM

Aug 2007
From the first couple episodes, I was expecting this anime to be a bit darker.
But from the new opening sequence, this'll just be a loli harem with action, it seems :X

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