Apr 23, 2014 3:40 PM
Welcome to Necropolis, The City of Death, and the closest thing to a Sanctuary to all forms Undead, Vampires, Cambions, and Demons (Though other Races are permitted and tolerated). The City is usually "closed" during the day, at night is when the Red and Violet Districts are like non-stop festivals Necropolis is a City-State under the rule of Lady Lilim, the only rule in her city is not to "disturb" it... meaning neither The Holy Order nor Militant Corps have power here. The Dark Coven, The Secret Society, and the Black Cartel do however. The city is made up of 3 concentric rings that make up the 3 Districts: Grey, Red, and Violet Grey being the poorest and outermost district Red being the "Merchants" and "Middle-Class" District Violet being the Royal District with the Dark Tower (Lady Lilim's Palace) at its Center --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently you are in the Red District; full of Brokers, Loan Sharks, Brothels, and Sleazy Inns... don't let the Bed-Bugs bite! |
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Apr 23, 2014 3:48 PM
It was late, and streets were bustling with drunken Zombies and lively Demon-Whores. The Red District was booming with business... just like every other night in the Necropolis. Avoiding as much of "bustling" as possible, a stranger in black carrying a Steel Staff stopped in front of one of the buildings. "Charming" said Ripper, for that was the stranger's name, as he beheld the Brothel/Inn. According to the sign hanging outside its rosewood door, it was called the "Blue Rose" and the flower resembled a discolored female genitalia... Ripper entered the building, but he was not seeking "company" tonight... he just wanted a drink and finish his late-night business with a representative from Black Cartel. He had something they wanted, and they had something he needed. That's all there was to it. He sat down at the bar, trying to avoid as many of the other patrons as possible. |
Apr 23, 2014 7:00 PM
As the evening approached, more and more beings emerged from their hiding places and gathered into the streets, boisterous chatter and laughter resound about, in contrast how deserted it was during the day. However, it hardly mattered to Kalila. She was there for an important business - to look for The Hunted Healer, Jacks the Reaper. Kalila was not affiliated with any of the factions, although she was heavily influenced environment she lived in to which laws were imposed by the Holy Order. After she had separated from her mentor, she learned more of what has happened through gossips and tales. That was when she learned of the person she was looking for. Noticing that wearing a cloak had gained her more attention rather than concealing herself, Kalila pulled down her hood. It took no longer than a second for a pair to approach her and flirted. Unfortanely for them, she couldn't feel flattered. She simply asked if they could direct her for a place to stay and immediately led her to an inn called Blue Rose. Although she didn't need any sleep, she had been walking for days just to reach the Necropolis, where the person she was looking for was last seen. One of those that accompanied her asked a lot of questions, to which she simply asked with a question of her own. "Do you know Jacks the Ripper?" |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 23, 2014 7:16 PM
Sitting alone at the counter, Ripper asked the bartender for sealed bottle of bourbon. For the last time he ordered a pre-opened drink in Necropolis... did not end well for anyone. From behind Ripper was approached a by person, a Demihuman to be exact, that stood only about 4 feet tall... the politically incorrect term for describing the being would be to call him a "Goblin". The Goblin sat on the stool beside Ripper and greeted him thus "The Black Cartel sends their regards... Blood Feather of the Dark Coven" Ripper put down his drink and replied "Keep your regards, did you bring me my Vat?" The Goblin gesturing towards the bartender and ordered a bowl of soup saying "Depends... did you bring the book?" "Show me the Vat first" said Ripper his eyes narrowing The Goblin leered at Ripper and pulled from his satchel a sealed Obsidian Vat, Ripper eyed it apprasingly and reached for it expectantly before asking "May I inspect it?" The leering Goblin nodded at Ripper as his bowl of soup was delivered to him... |
Apr 23, 2014 8:04 PM
The pair looked surprised, looked at each other for a moment and gestured that they move to the counter have a drink and talk. Kalila followed silently while gazing about the establishment. Most that had taken the tables were in pairs, some were in groups that resembled a harem, arms drapped over one another or hands groping beneath clothes. On the other side of the counter with them was another pair, albeit acting differently than the others. It hardly mattered what they were doing and she simply placed her attention back on the pair she was with as they ordered something. "Do you know him?" Kalila asked again flatly when they looked again at her, offering a small pouch. They offered the information at the sight of her payment, most of what she already know aside from the things he had done as 'Blood Feather'. Even then, the stories they told were vague and hardly any help in her quest. "Where can I find the Blood Feather?" she asked straightforwardly, not even bothering to lower her voice. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 23, 2014 8:15 PM
The Goblin now spooning some soup in his green crooked maw, smacked his crusty lips as his yellowish eyes lit up in joy at the taste... While Ripper inspected Vat, breaking the seal on top to reveal the contents within. Lifting the Vat to his nose he took a brief whiff, his eyebrow raised in suspicion. With a wave of his hand, his palm began glowed with a sickly red light as fluid from the Vat was lifted in the air in a small spiral... it was blood. With his other hand, he fingered the magically suspended fluid and brought drip to his tongue. His eyes hardened in displeasure. He let the blood return to the Vat and without turning towards the Goblin, he asked "Do tell me, what kind of blood did I request for experiment in exchange for some of my notes?" The Goblin absentmindedly whilst still enjoying his soup replied "Dragon as I recall, blood from a High Dragon... a high quality and rare treasure indeed, a decent trade off for maleficarum notes" "Then why" said Ripper slowly and deliberately "Have you brought me a diluted mix of 1 part low quality Manakete and 2 parts of Lamia blood?" The Goblin froze, fear entered his eyes for the first time as he slowly turned towards Ripper... |
Gibz0maticApr 23, 2014 8:20 PM
Apr 23, 2014 8:50 PM
The pair froze at the mention of the name before looking around nervously around the inn. Their order of drinks had arrived, the pair chugging it down to calm their nerves while she left hers untouched. "You don't simply say that name aloud miss!" one of them warned in a hushed voice, hoping that she would do the same. "Doing that is like declaring a fight." Unable to comprehend, the Coppelia quickly asked, "Why?" An ambiguous explanation followed of a legend about him had circulated about the Grey District. "It was said that he wandered about the Necropolis and made some shady deals even in their standard. He wasn't necessarily breaking any laws, not 'disturbing' the city so no one paid particular attention... until one beautiful evening like this that...." |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 24, 2014 6:41 AM
"Well I, uh, We uh," stuttered the Goblin Ripper raised his red glowing hand once more and without turning his head, began to slowly make a fist in the general direction of the Goblin... the Goblin's body seized up as if being squeezed to death from the inside. Ripper said slowly and calmly "So Goblin, do you mean to tell me that my notes on Maleficarum, my own brand Blood Magic from my own Grimoire, are not worth REAL Dragon's Blood? Did you and the Cartel think I was some half-baked wannabe Mage? Have you not heard of the stories? The things that I have done to those who have crossed him? Did you think I was so stupid that I would not recognize the difference between Dragon and some cheap-ass concotion of blood? Are you all retarded or something? I'm Ripper Jacks, the Hunted Healer, and the Goddamn Blood Feather!" Ripper's monologue slowly rose to a crescendo of seething rage, a few people turned their heads towards him when they began to notice the Goblin turning from is natural shade of ugly green... to a uglier one of blue. "Do me favor, tell the Cartel that this: I'm done with them. They've screwed with the wrong fucking Mage, I know they think that if a Mage comes to them 'desperate' enough they can just fuck with them... you can tell your bosses I'm NEVER giving them my notes on Rejuvenation. If they ever come anywhere NEAR me... I'll have to level your 'business' in a hot bloody mess, just like I did back in the Sanctopolis (The City of Holiness)". "Are we clear Goblin?" asked Ripper finally turning towards him, but to his mild suprise the Goblin was already slack-jawed and dead. Ripper shrugged and released his Spell and the Goblin fell forward and landed face first into the soup. "That'll serve as a message just fine" Ripper murmered as he dropped a gold coin on the counter and turned to leave... just to see half a dozen other Demihumans, Cambions/Demons, and various forms of Undead stand facing him. All with their weapons half drawn, and emblems of the Cartel on their clothing and tattoos "Great" said Ripper drily. |
Apr 24, 2014 8:00 AM
The storyteller was cut off by the sudden outburst of the man behind him. Kalila looked up curiously, although her expression remained unchanged. It was an argument which she deemed hardly needing her intervention. In fact, she was about to ask one of the pair to continue when she heard that the enraged male was the one she was looking for. The Coppellia watched the Ripper and his companion, remaining as an observer to see whether her gained information had any truth in it. She was never interested in looks so she had never known what he looked like. That is to say, she was expecting him to look as old as Gabriel was - an old man. Keeping her eyes glued at the commotion Jacks was causing, she vaguely noticed the pair who accompanied her stealthily leaving the inn. As his rage died down, his companion simply dropped his head into the soup. Kalila furrowed her brows, wondering an the strange behavior of the Goblin. Then again, it hardly mattered. Seeing that the Ripper was about to leave, she stood up from her seat. Suprisingly, there were more than just herself interested in him. Although, unlike her, they intend to harm him. "Unreasonable violence is not tolerated," she muttered to herself as she reached for her own rapier beneath her cloak. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 24, 2014 9:06 AM
Observing all the Cartel Patrons within the Blue Rose, Ripper rather than trying to talk his way out of a fight opted to instead sass them instead "I'm sorry gentlemen, you'll have to get in line..." A Cambion rushed him, and with great dexterity Ripper swung his staff with its Silver Blade extended and sliced open its torso, resulting in his painfully death. Then just as deftly he swung his red glowing hand in the direction of a Demihuman and manipulated the Cambion's blood into a dozen 3 inch razors and launched them at the Demihuman's face, lacerating him into a bloody screaming mess. "... the Healer takes appointments only" he said finishing his sentence. The Group decided to rush him at once as the Bartender hid under the counter and the Whores ran upstairs to their rooms... |
Gibz0maticApr 24, 2014 9:37 AM
Apr 24, 2014 9:29 AM
Hitori was quite a neutral man, believing nothing is better or worse than something. But Necropoilis...was one of his favorable places. Here, he could search for potential clients from the Secret Society, Dark Coven or Black Cartel, without any interruptions. So there he was, sitting in bar, simply being relaxed. His economical situation wasn't bad, but he wouldn't miss a potential job. He observed the area, watching how some guy was in an argument with a Goblin. Hitori didn't care much, but as the argument became fired, the guy killed someone , and several members of Black Cartel attacked him. And then Hitori thought to himself: "This seems like an event after which someone will be left angry. And angry personas tend to offer assassins. I better watch what's goin' on He stands just right near Kalila, who muttered something about violence. |
jokubasincApr 24, 2014 9:38 AM
I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades, Unknown to death, nor known to life. Have whitstood pain to create many weapons, Yet, these hands will never hold anything, So, as I pray: Unlimited Blade Works And though I had slain a thousand foes less one, The thousandth knife found my liver; The thousandth enemy said to me, 'Now you shall die, Now none shall know.' And the fool, looking down, believed this, Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars, Each one remembering. |
Apr 24, 2014 3:34 PM
The Ripper had easily dealt with his opponent, Kalila noted. However, almost all of the remaining customers had gotten up and made a dash towards him, shouting a battle cry of rage. Several of them took chances of attacking from behind. Drawing her silver rapier from its sheath, she swung her blade at a pale being which quickly disintergrated to dust. Those who had noticed her had a look of surprise, some cursed thinking that she was a companion of the Ripper, and some changed their targets. It didn't really matter. With precise movements as if in a dance, she swung and thrusted her rapier at those who dashed towards her and those that blocked her way as she moved towards the direction of the Hunted Healer. "I would like..." she spoke when she was a little closer, while fending of another courageous Cambion who hadn't run away like the rest, " have an appointment." |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 24, 2014 7:07 PM
Ripper grinned at the Coppeliam as he slashed at a pair of other enemies, for only just now did he notice "her"... she was a well crafted Doll with very fluid movements that seemed quite organic and lively even to his experienced Healer's eyes. Mid-thought, a Ghoul dropped from a balcony on the second floor attempting to jump him from above. Ripper noticing this, briefly raised one red-glowing hand into the air... and gave it a hard twist. The Ghoul's eyes widened just as its brained EXPLODED across the room in all directions, except towards Ripper... he hates getting blood on his clothes. As a matter of fact, the blood from the ghoul turned to razors as well, so they too lacerated various targets in all directions. Fortunately they missed the Coppelia... mostly. |
Apr 24, 2014 8:10 PM
Kalila noticed the smile albeit unsure of its meaning. Nevertheless, it didn't distract her from the approaching opponent who looked more than ready to run away. With her speed, she simply hit her enemy with her hand guard to knock him out. When she turned around to see if there were any more braver ones, she saw several red razors flying every direction. While most of it flew past her, she had to block those that went towards her direction. She failed to notice one that grazed her arm, inevitably tearing through her tunic. There were still a few left standing, peeking from their hiding placesb but none of them look hostile. Still, she her rapier unsheathed as she turned to face the Ripper. "Is my request granted or denied?" she asked. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 25, 2014 2:44 AM
The situation got chaotic. Coppelia standing near him started to aid that guy in battle. After a few seconds, there was brains and blood all over the place. Hitori managed to dodge the splatter, but his leg was hit by some sort of red razor. "He probably thinks I'm against him" Hitori thinks to himself. He decides to step back of the battle, and analyze the situation. In this mess, you don't know who your foe is. |
I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades, Unknown to death, nor known to life. Have whitstood pain to create many weapons, Yet, these hands will never hold anything, So, as I pray: Unlimited Blade Works And though I had slain a thousand foes less one, The thousandth knife found my liver; The thousandth enemy said to me, 'Now you shall die, Now none shall know.' And the fool, looking down, believed this, Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars, Each one remembering. |
Apr 27, 2014 3:59 PM
By now about half the opposing Cartel group was now dead, and the survivors looked at the Coppelia and Ripper as if weighing their lives versus getting his notes... Ripper smiled like a madman at them and half lunged in their general direction: The survivors jumped back and ran for the door... like the little pussies they were. All while making threats like "we'll be back!" or "that grimoire will be OURS!" and so on and so forth... The only people left in the bar's ground floor were the cowering bartender, Ripper, the Coppelia, and the man (Hitori) hiding behind the table. Ripper looked at the Coppelia as if studying her, he retracted his blade in to the steel staff and said sarcastically whilst turning for the door "See my secretary about reserving an appointment..." |
Apr 27, 2014 10:35 PM
After the rest of the hostile ones fled to preserve their life, Kalila pulled a piece of cloth from underneath her cloak and wiped the stains from her blade before re-sheathing her rapier. She looked back at the Ripper as he studied her features. "Where is your secretary?" she asked, not catching the sarcasm. She looked about the room and noticed the man (Hitori) who had been behind her before the fight broke out and pointed at his direction. "Is it him?" |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 28, 2014 4:01 AM
Hitori watched the scene as the cowards of the Cartel ran away, making pointless threats. He then hears Jack throwing a sarcastic line, and laughs. In his mind, of course. Being assassin means you cannot let your emotions out. Hitori then notices Kalila pointing at him, and claiming him to be a secretary. "I believe you misunderstood. That guy was joking, he doesn't have a secretary. But if you need someone to do a dirty job, I, Hitori, am at your service. For a good price, of course." he stopped, waiting for a response, at the same time wondering who the duo might be. |
I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades, Unknown to death, nor known to life. Have whitstood pain to create many weapons, Yet, these hands will never hold anything, So, as I pray: Unlimited Blade Works And though I had slain a thousand foes less one, The thousandth knife found my liver; The thousandth enemy said to me, 'Now you shall die, Now none shall know.' And the fool, looking down, believed this, Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars, Each one remembering. |
Apr 28, 2014 9:14 AM
Kalila's lips moved so slightly into an unnoticeable frown. She disliked lies because they were not truths and could easily mislead people to believe the wrong things. For her, who cannot weigh the value of things through emotions, base her decisions on the truth. It mattered yet at the moment, she decided not to dwell on it, puzzled by the man called Hitori. "Dirty job?" she asked as if confirming if she had heard right. She didn't understand the concept of euphemism and took his words to its literal meaning. "I do not want to pay anyone to make a mess." |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 28, 2014 10:04 AM
A little white head pop up behind the bar counter after the fight had ended "Lucky me haven't seen this much chaos since Prince Gunter the 4th death". Prince Gunter was the next in line for the Kingdom of Altric,a Kingdom that border the northern tundra.On the night of his accession he was found murder by what is believe to be poison.That very same night a revolution took place funded by the Dark Cloven and in one dark night the Kingdom of Altric felled to lawless and criminal people.What most people didn't know was that she, Volcra was the one who supplied the poison. "Bartender glass of milk please" Volcra ask the Bartender. |
FockfearApr 28, 2014 10:17 AM
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Apr 28, 2014 10:15 AM
Hitori stared for a bit, thinking whether Kalila was joking or not. Then he realised that she might be one of the artificial races, and misunderstand things that we think are normal. Luckily, Hitori had a talent of speech. Since Jack didn't answer, Hitori decided to try be hired by Kalila. "Sorry for talking so unclear. I was referring that maybe you have a person you want to eliminate, but for some reasons you can't. If that's the case, then you can pay me to eliminate that person." Hitori whispers to Kalila. It's not like his business was public. Hitori also notices Volcra drinking a glass of milk. Hitori thought that if the plan with Kalila won't succeed, he might offer himself to Volcra. But then he smelled something. A scent of herbs. Poisonous herbs. |
I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades, Unknown to death, nor known to life. Have whitstood pain to create many weapons, Yet, these hands will never hold anything, So, as I pray: Unlimited Blade Works And though I had slain a thousand foes less one, The thousandth knife found my liver; The thousandth enemy said to me, 'Now you shall die, Now none shall know.' And the fool, looking down, believed this, Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars, Each one remembering. |
Apr 28, 2014 11:04 AM
Ripper rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh in regards to all the oddballs with no sense of tension around him. Holding the bridge of his nose while closing his eyes, he painfully whisper "You random fuck mothering..." With that the floor began to shake, the girl dropped her milk, the Coppelia seemed confused, the assassin stumbled a little, and Ripper dropped to one knee. The whole of the Necropolis was shaking... an earthquake perhaps? The ground wouldn't stop moving on them! |
Apr 28, 2014 2:49 PM
"What the?!" despise being a Earth type DemiGod even Volcra couldn't have felt it earlier so it was not a natural earthquake.Throwing away the milk Volcra vault over the counter and ran outside not wanting to be stuck inside a falling building if it did fall apart. |
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Apr 28, 2014 4:53 PM
"I do not need anyone to eliminate my enemies," she answered calmly. "I am capable of-" Kalila was cut off when the ground suddenly shook violently. She was quick enough to think of getting out of the establishment despite the intensity of the earthquake. The surrounding buildings also had gathered a few beings standing outside, some confused, some panicked. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
May 2, 2014 6:54 PM
Ripper followed the others out of the building as well, despite his previous griping on how unintelligent he found them. Out in the street, similar pedestrians and patrons were also in fear and surprise as the shaking... though their gazes drifted towards the center of town. Ripper looked in that direction as well: The Dark Tower, Lady Lilim's home, was under attack and sinking under the weight... of an oversize skeletal Dragon. Most Dragons are immortal, but there are those who are slain and resurrected as pet-undead to some Necromancer's amusement... and this particular Necromancer must enjoy resurrecting High Dragons. Though there was no Necromancer in sight, the beast ravaged the tower and town its size and putrid green flame. Necropolis was in chaos. |
May 3, 2014 2:15 AM
Hitori followed Jack outside. What they saw was unbelievable: a huge skeletal Dragon was on top of Lady Lilim's castle. "Someone is sure angry on her"- Hitori thought. It seemed that his search for job was a failure, but things seemed to become more interesting right now. As Jack seemed the most trustful (Kalila lacked common sense, and Volcra had a scent of poisonous herbs), Hitori went straight to him and said: "Say, this seems a huge chaos. You think we should do something about it?" |
I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades, Unknown to death, nor known to life. Have whitstood pain to create many weapons, Yet, these hands will never hold anything, So, as I pray: Unlimited Blade Works And though I had slain a thousand foes less one, The thousandth knife found my liver; The thousandth enemy said to me, 'Now you shall die, Now none shall know.' And the fool, looking down, believed this, Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars, Each one remembering. |
May 4, 2014 9:25 AM
Following the direction of where the gazes were directed to, the Coppelia diverted her attention to the tower and the skeletal dragon wrecking havoc. She had learned of it from one of the books her female mentor had, who taught her more of the world than her inventor. While she was against violence, she wasn't dumb enough to take on a dragon. What's more, she had found who she was looking for. Looking back at the Ripper, Kalila saw that the one she was talking to earlier was now with him and quickly concluded that they knew each other. She kept an eye on them, deciding that she would follow where they would go. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
May 4, 2014 11:48 AM
Volcra jaw drop at the sight of the skeleton dragon wrecking the Dark Tower, worst part of was the falling debris that were falling around and worst of all one of her shop was near the Dark tower along with some valuable "Toys".And if she don't hurry chance are they would ruin and she would have to start all over. "Move it people" Volcra yell pushing them aside and running toward the Tower. |
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May 6, 2014 6:49 PM
"Nope" said Ripper turning away from the Skeletal Dragon for 3 reasons: the first being Blood Magic being useless against a Dragon, the second being he really didn't want to reveal that side of himself (especially in Necropolis of all places), and third being that fighting that thing was none of his damn business anyway... As he turned to leave... out of the alleyways slaughtering regular Undead, Vampires, Demons, and other sorts of Patrons alike were Skeletons. Skeletons are non-sentient Undead (therefore nonplayable) that have deteriorated into nothing but Bones held together by Magic. Each Skeleton was armed with blades, bits and pieces of armor, and with shields embossed in a curious looking eye and sword emblem. Seeing that now all the roads in and out of the city and to and from the tower were now covered with these things, Ripper turned towards the assassin and said "You're an Assassin right? Consider yourself temporarily hired, now move!" Ripper's hand glowed yellow instead of the normal red as he slapped the assassin the back, the spell he hit him with was called Adrenalite and was suppose to increase his adrenaline levels giving him an edge... but due to him being a "Ritualist" the effects are unknown. |
May 7, 2014 5:33 AM
Hitori noticed that Skeletons were coming after them. But he didn't really care about it. Not because he was a heroic or foolish, but he sincerely believed that there is always a way out of situation. And if he would die, well, that would be only his fault. But when Jack said that he is hired (Hitori pretented not to hear "temporarily"), he pulled out his dual daggers and prepared for battle. But then he noticed that Jack slapped him with a yellow aura... ( OOC:Now let me explain what and why happened next. Ritualists are divided into 3 groups, depending on their Tattoo type. The Tattoo type is determined upon birth, but there are ways artificially changing it. The Tattoos are: Flux type: these Tattoos have a fluent shape, with no edges. This type of Tattoo allows to instantly redirect mana gained from outside sources (granting both mana absorbtion and immunity), and while it is the most useful of the 3 types, it is a passive ability, meaning it has to be turn off and on. Sharp type: these tattoos have many sharp shapes and edges, and is active all the time. But it only grants magic immunity. Round type: these tattoos are not one big tattoo, but rather many round signs all over the body. They can absorb the mana (to a certain degree) and release it whenever it is needed. It's an active ability, but doesn't grant magic immunity.) Due Hitori being the last type, he only absorbed mana, but chose not to use it. That's because neither a high voltage bolt, nor freezing cold could help against these Undead. Hitori goes forward and slashes two nearest Skeletons. He then says to Jack: "Don't forget about the price" |
I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades, Unknown to death, nor known to life. Have whitstood pain to create many weapons, Yet, these hands will never hold anything, So, as I pray: Unlimited Blade Works And though I had slain a thousand foes less one, The thousandth knife found my liver; The thousandth enemy said to me, 'Now you shall die, Now none shall know.' And the fool, looking down, believed this, Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars, Each one remembering. |
May 7, 2014 7:14 AM
Volcra stop dead in her track as the undead came back to life."Well now ain't this a treat" she said to herself. Slowly she backed up to the other 3 who came out of the bar after her.Turning around she said to the other "How do yall suppose we get out of here?". At this point 3 of the skeleton choose that moment to charge at her 2 with spear and 1 with a sword.Quick as a lighting she had pulled out 2 fine silver hammer from her coat and threw one at skeleton crushing it's ribcage and bursting out through the spine.The next one lunge at her with it's spear but Volcra easily dodge it and with a mighty swing smash the head clean off it's spine.The last one manage to get behind her but then the stone that made up the road rose up like a gigantic mouth and crush it before setting back down.During all that excitement Volcra hood had fallen off so she fluff out the dirt before putting it back on but not before giving the a clear view of her 5 inch horn...and the 3 ft length of chain binding her hand. |
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May 7, 2014 6:41 PM
Ripper noticed out of the corner of his eye the girl with one horn, he thought to himself "A Cambion? No... a Demigod perhaps? Powerful blood them, best keep an eye on her just in case she or I need a boost... why would she need a boost? What do I care? Not my problem! I stopped being a mere 'Healer' or 'Cleric' ages ago! Must be the alcohol talking from the inn... dodgy stuff" Ripper tried to distance himself from the Skeletons and let the Assassin handle them for now... but what was the Coppelia doing who wanted to speak with him earlier? |
May 10, 2014 6:54 AM
(I posted since khrymson didn't) After getting no reply from Jack, Hitori decides to concentrate on the fight. He manages to disarm a skeleton. Literally. But a skeleton with no arms didn't feel pain or whatsoever, it only kept attacking. Hitori thinks that it's better to assist Volcra, as they both seemed to be on the same side. If in this chaos you couls call something "sides" |
I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades, Unknown to death, nor known to life. Have whitstood pain to create many weapons, Yet, these hands will never hold anything, So, as I pray: Unlimited Blade Works And though I had slain a thousand foes less one, The thousandth knife found my liver; The thousandth enemy said to me, 'Now you shall die, Now none shall know.' And the fool, looking down, believed this, Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars, Each one remembering. |
May 10, 2014 12:51 PM
More! Give me more Dimitri! A disembodied voice of demonic origin screamed in his head. Between its constant cackling, shrieking, and yelling, it was just something that Dimitri had gotten used to it over the years and so he ignored it. The last body from the small group of hired thugs that had tried to attack him in this dark alley was almost completely drained of blood. It was something time consuming but something that was basically necessary to keep himself and his demonic equipment in tiptop shape. It wasn't as though he disliked getting into fights, he just didn't like getting into pointless battles, even though now he was better off for them. "Do they honestly think they can hope to take me down with such rabble?" Dimitri sighed and he pulled Blooddrinker from the body of the last victim and sheathed it. Who cares as long as their bodies provide us with the nutrition we desire. Blooddrinker hissed in his mind. "This is true but sometimes do you not wish for a challenge?" Dimitri asked him aloud. Almost as if in reply to his statement, the ground shook as if an earthquake had just hit and when the tremor stopped, Dimitri wandered out of the alleyway to investigate what had caused it. The sight that graced him was a large skeletal dragon attacking the Dark Tower and even though he knew that it was something that he shouldn't get involved with due to him being on the run but old habits died hard, his instincts as an ex-paladin screamed for him to put a stop to whoever was controlling the dragon, who had set it loose, or to simply deal with the dragon itself, whichever presented itself first. As he began to rush through the streets skeletons started pouring from the alleyways and blocked his path. Skeletons?! No blood, no point! Blooddrinker screeched in his mind. "I do not need you for such trivial foes," Dimitri commented and as if taking insult to his comment, the skeletons charged but between his armor, his enhanced strength, and his ability as an Elicitor to drain mana, the skeletons simply stood no chance. The first of the skeleton's blades broke on shield as he deflected it and Dimitri grabbed the skeleton's skull in one hand, absorbed the mana infused in skeleton, and as the skeleton's body fell to pieces on the ground, he crushed the skull in his grip. Bones were crushed and shattered by his shield, kicks, and strikes and what scratches he had suffered from the battle had already healed thanks to the regeneration from three bodies worth of blood, something that was enough to last him through several days and something more than enough to last him this battle. As Dimitri ran towards the tower, he came across a group of people who were also fighting the skeletons though they were almost done with their current batch. One was definitely a powerful mage, another seemed to be an assassin of sorts, one was a puppet, and the last stank of the Old Gods. "Do you choose to fight, or do you choose to run?" Dimitri asked them as he approached them. Of course, the answer was obvious for some but others he wasn't too sure of. |
May 10, 2014 4:08 PM
Ripper watched the surrounding party fight and watched as walking talking Demon-of-Wrath Contractor approached them and mowing down skeletons as well. The Contractor addressed the party to which Ripper replied, "I vote for run, but that doesn't seem to be an option at this time!" with his hand glowing yellow he threw 2 bursts of energy: One at the Demigod Girl and one at the Tank-like Contractor... he casted Adrenalite on them as well. "That should give us an edge though!" he said, though what he thought was more along the lines of: or at least help keep me a live... my Maleficarum is useless as is |
May 11, 2014 8:39 AM
"Thank for the Help" Volcra yell back at Ripper as she bash in a skeleton head with her two hammer "But i don't think it will help us out in the long run".The longer they fight the slimmer their chance got. |
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May 11, 2014 11:40 AM
Hitori kept fightning. He managed to defeat seven of them, but it was only a small note in the symphony of undead. Hitori felt that his Tattoos were supplying him with energy, assumably the one Jack gave him. - Hey, mage guy! If i'm correct, all skeletons have a master, and ugly necromancer that controls them. If you can find it, I will finish this madness!- HItori shouted, hoping Jack would hear him. |
I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades, Unknown to death, nor known to life. Have whitstood pain to create many weapons, Yet, these hands will never hold anything, So, as I pray: Unlimited Blade Works And though I had slain a thousand foes less one, The thousandth knife found my liver; The thousandth enemy said to me, 'Now you shall die, Now none shall know.' And the fool, looking down, believed this, Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars, Each one remembering. |
May 11, 2014 6:47 PM
Refraining from saying 'no shit, really?', Ripper instead opted continued to focus on sustaining the spell on his 'allies' (which reinforced their strength, speed, endurance, and awareness) whilst searching for the 'Necromancer'. As he was trained by the Order as Cleric, controlling and reading flow of Mana was essential. Healing and Reanimation spells aren't too far apart as far as the manipulation of the body goes, so he had knack for finding sources of Necromancy... though the Order considers this Blasphemy and brands it as Maleficarum and Necromancy to be wholly different than their Healing practices. Ripper tracing the flow found something rather curious, ALL the flows of Mana coming from the Skeletons linked one way or another to the over-sized Skeleton Dragon that was assaulting the Dark Tower which then linked to a massive flow of Mana that led out of the City. The flow 'feeding' the Skeleton Dragon and from it to the Skeletons was ENORMOUS! No mere Mortal, Immortal, Undying, or Undead could accomplish such a feat... it would take either an army of Mages or God to pull off such a large spell. As Ripper tried to dumb down his analysis to a degree at which he thought his companions could understand... a Mist leeched from the Dark Tower and fixed itself upon the Skeleton Dragon, the Dragon seemed to be in distress about its touch and let out a mighty roar! |
May 11, 2014 8:25 PM
When the mage shot a bolt of yellow magic, Dimitri just let it hit him and let it be absorbed by his tattoos as mana for his later use. Of course, it was more precautionary than anything, but now that he knew that the mage was trying to provide support for them, he would allow further assistance to go through if he provided more. While he usually did not approve of other people helping him, he felt he could get used to the support the mage was providing, it could make long battles much easier provided he did not die before the battle was over. In between the crushing and shattering of the bones of his foes, the Skeleton Dragon let out a distressed roar which caused Dimitri to pause to look up. What greeted him was some sort of mist that seemed to have come from the Dark Tower and seemed to be causing the dragon some trouble; all the better he figured. "Well, that is definitely not something that is seen every day," he commented as he shield bashed a nearby skeleton causing its bones to shatter and scatter. |
May 13, 2014 1:55 PM
The Mist as Ripper watched actually began to... corrode and melt the Skeleton Dragon in some places. But at the same time though, the Mana connection sustaining it was not weakening: The Necromancer(s) powering it were NOT going to give up! Ripper realizing this and wondered to himself 'Why the Hell should I care? I don't know these people! Fuck the Order, fuck these morales they taught me...' From the shadows lurked a Skeleton unnoticed by the others and lunged (barehandedly) at Ripper while he was somewhat distracted. Instinctively he whipped staff around and broke its legs off at the kneecaps, and seized its skull with the other and held its body in the air. Somewhat inspired he grinned called out to the others, "I have an idea! Watch my back!". Holding its cranium in his now yellow glowing right hand and pressing his red glowing left hand against its sternum... he tried to follow the Mana link from the Skeleton to the Skeleton Dragon. Pushing his own Mana against it, he tried to sever the Dragon's link to its Necromancer(s) like that. But whoever the Necromancer(s) was/were who were powering the Dragon sensed their link being tampered with and began to push back! Ripper began to sweat as a battle of mind and spirit began... |
May 15, 2014 11:08 AM
Volcra bend down and put her hand to the earth.Knowing that since there must be a Necromancer(s) that must be powering the dragon just from what she know of them.And so she was trying to sense who was standing still instead of running.After a couple second she found a couple of feet that were not moving but she was not sure who was a Necromancer so she was going have to check on all of them "Protect Ripper I going to to check up on some thing" before using the earth as a catapult by bending a stretch of earth then launch herself as close to the first set as she could. |
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May 18, 2014 3:51 PM
Ripper unable to speak was busy in a game of mental tug-o-war, him versus some Godlike power of Necromancy... but the link was wavering. Not directly because of him of course, he was far too weak in comparison to the Necromancer(s) force... it was the Mist that was aiding him. Not only was the Mist 'melting' the Skeletal Dragon, it seemed 'self-aware' and its mind touched/grazed Ripper's as they mutually began to sever the link. Before long, the remaining Skeletons surrounding the party (which out numbered them 5 to 1) began to... crumple. Their boney limbs began to collapse in on themselves. Not all at once of course, but each and every link was being severed one by one and then two by two as Ripper and the mysterious Mist tampered with the Dragon's link. "It's... working..." groaned Ripper as he began to get a nosebleed. |
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