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Dec 15, 2011 10:03 AM
Dec 2010
no. Just a boy trying to be a detective.
Dec 16, 2011 6:20 AM

Jan 2010
I. Cannot. Stand. That. Idiot. Yukki. He really gets on my nerves every 30 seconds...
Dec 18, 2011 2:38 AM
Jan 2010
Yukiteru is a humongous faggot.
This guy. This fucking guy. His "friend" has hundreds of dogs at her command that have been trying to kill him for the last day and in his delusions he still thinks of her as a tomodachi?
Looks like this show is nothing more than FRIENDS after all. Psychological thriller my ass.
Dec 21, 2011 3:39 AM

Aug 2010
Have the upper hand, let go of hostage willingly. You just went full baka.

Yuno, you are such a great yandere. I hope they keep Kaworu Akise at a bare minimum, don't steal too much spotlight from Yuno.

Don't sweat it Yukiteru. Marry first, fall in love later. It always works. Right? Right? 4/5.
Dec 21, 2011 12:39 PM

Sep 2010
I totally forgot that Hinata got involved already during this accident with the diary holders, I thought she got involved later. I feel stupid forgetting it, but it brings surprises at least, that makes it more excitiiiing.
And I probably forgot about Mao's way of hugging too, if it's yuri indeed I'm in. I'm liking Hinata and Mao nonetheless much as characters, they are just awesome! Akise too. Funny though that if things would go a certain way, this show would feature a gay and yuri couple, lol.
Dec 21, 2011 10:51 PM

Apr 2009
I was wondering why this episode felt a bit different from what I remembered in the manga. Thanks to the differences on the first page post, I realized all the reasons why. It looks like a lot of minor details changed. Well, at least Yukiteru's grand false "confession" scene was preserved. I loved that part in the manga.
Jan 1, 2012 7:13 PM

Sep 2011
Ok, Akise is very cool, I will see that. Yuno is fucking crazy, I have so much mixed feelings about her. But I sure would not like her stalk me, she will just kill everyone around me.

Is next episode the episode that she shows how much of a crazy bitch she is?
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Jan 12, 2012 1:36 PM
Oct 2011
What the heck is the 10th wearing on his arms?????
Mar 5, 2012 3:18 AM

Dec 2010
So once again Yuki suck balls. Does great and stupid things equally. He needs to tame Yuno. Sigh, and wtf he said it's a lie she is his girlfriend. Even if doesn't love her, but he should be more thoughtful about her..

Akise, predicting he will steal Yuno or Yuki's diary and enters as a new player because Hinata's dead tried to transfer his diary possession but magical God didn't let him. Predicting Akise will be able to forcefully do it, thus, either Yuno or Yuki wouldn't die and it will be a happy ending.

That's if it's a happy ending.
Mar 7, 2012 12:33 PM
Jul 2010
Lestrade said:
I found Yuki quite endearing this episode with his attempt to be friends with everyone. At least one person who considers solving the conflict peacefully which is even understandable in this case since none of the people involved here are too threatening aside from Yuno.
... Mao and Hinata wanted to feed them all to the dogs. How is that not threatening?

Karhu said:
Here is reviewer who questions the direction;
That reviewer was an idiot. He thought that the story of the manga/anime was actually about the battle of the diaries? Did he even read the whole manga before writing that tripe? His views on the characters shows that he is either a troll or he is one of those "narutards" that he claim other people to be. No this guy is an idiot and anyone that agrees with him are surely not less so.

That said I do however agree that the anime could have done a lot better as far as pacing goes. While some things happened really fast and actually made wa

V0YANT said:
Yuno has two voices...the high pitched one seems to be her fake voice since she only does it to looks cute in-front of Yuki.

Everyone else gets the second voice which is a lot more fitting to her character.
Actually no, she has at least three voices. The super high pitched one is of course her genki one which everyone knows is something Japanese girls do to sound cute. The low one she has is her angry voice, but her real voice is somewhere in between. You see it in several flashbacks.

Wegenbarth said:
Btw is still anyone bitching on Yunos VA?
I thought her VA is awesome and very fitting. She's a youn g 14 year old girl, of course her voice needs to sound squeaky and cute.

YEX said:
Too bad Akise wasn't a diary holder otherwise he will be unbeatable !!
Nah, even if Akise had the best diary Yuno would still outsmart him.

Yumekichi11 said:
This episode I really had my say of putting my foot on Yuno in order to stop her literally and keep her pinned down with it. Reason for it is Mao. I really did not like that BS she did to her. I doubt she would do anything to Yuki less Hinata ordered her.
Mao was about to stab her knife into Yukki's diary. It is shown in the manga and even though less apparent in anime, you can easily see that her knife was just inches above Yukki's cellphone. Seriously. this was one Yandere attacking another yandere to protect their love interest. (and Mao is a Yandere if less volatile)

You can't call Mao innocent, she suggested several times that they should just let the dogs kill everyone/all witnesses (not just Akise). In her world the only one that mattered was Hinata.

Yumekichi11 said:
Best part was Yuno pinning him down and finding out he is not a diary user in the spoiler
that was so bomb especially when Akise owned her here.

Akise’s glorious triumph over Yuno was totally butchered man!
Owned her? glorious triumph? That's just bad man. All he did was surprise her with an akido move in the manga. Looks like he surprised her with some wrestling move in the anime... either way I wouldn't call either of those things pwning or "glorious triump". If anything Akise has demonstrated that he is far above average, but not enough to give him overdue praise. That said why is the anime nerfing Yuno so much!!

guyklc said:
I LOL'd hard when Akise pwned Yuno. I bet she didn't see that one coming!
That was not pwning. Pwning would have been if he had beaten her when both of them were ready. If not we could say that Yuno pwned him when she pulled him down right?
YavieMar 7, 2012 3:25 PM
Mar 31, 2012 10:03 PM

Aug 2010
Oh boy, Yukki is in a world of shit now that he declared Yuno as his girlfriend
Apr 1, 2012 1:53 PM

Aug 2010
Homolust said:
Oh boy, Yukki is in a world of shit now that he declared Yuno as his girlfriend

I laughed so hard at her reaction XD now he's in for some shit
Apr 14, 2012 5:43 AM

Jan 2008
Akise FTW!

And they left out a few words from the manga, near the end when Hinata's Dad apologizes, which would have been nice. >_<
Apr 16, 2012 3:28 PM

Sep 2011
Yukkii is fkin terrible, I would love a girl like Yuno. :D
Apr 29, 2012 4:59 PM

Feb 2012
Really? why did she play along if she knew Akise has no mirai nikki?
Really? why did they run away and then returned to take hinata's mirai nikki if they could have done that before running from defeated hinata?
Really? Why did Yuno betray that Akise has no nikki if it worked in their advantage?
Really? Why did Yuno urged Yukki to run away if it was a great opportunity to get rid of diary owner?
and there were some other things too which I don't remember
this is the episode where I stopped thinking about the events happening
Apr 29, 2012 7:28 PM

Jan 2012
I knew detective boy wasn't a diary owner but I didn't see the forth betrayal coming o.0
May 6, 2012 12:17 PM

May 2008
Yuno needs to DIE ..... and DIE SOON!
May 6, 2012 3:48 PM
Feb 2010
Totally disliked this arc.
It's all about some random nonsense.

May 19, 2012 6:41 PM
Feb 2011
Weird episode. The breeding diary has got to be the dumbest one so far. Its like the clairvoyance one, but with dogs? It looked like it was only useful for tracking things down.

Akise and his problem solving abilities were pretty good, got a little mind game going on there. Along with fourth finally showing his true nature. If you didn't see this coming...I don't even know what to say. He let Minene go and secretly remained in touch with her. Plus, his face screams bad guy, he has that devilish glint in his eyes like he's about to stab Yukki in the back literally.

I'm still a fan of Yuno, I mean she is a yandere, so even though she'd go farther than most for Yukki in the end its all for him? Her psycho love personality is what makes this show awesome. I was pleased to see how Yukki got Yuno to back down by deceiving her and just telling her what she wanted to hear. Yukki continues to piss me off with his bitchassness though.

Now that Akise and that other classmate know about this future diary thing...I wonder how they will factor in. I suspect Akise becoming one of those silent observers that offers "advise" but is just there to observe in the end. And the other classmate seems like he'll just betray Yukki and die a traitor's death sooner or later.

Also, more foreshadowing. This time by 10th right before he get shot by 4th. To be wary of those that pretend to be nice to you. Of course he meant 4th, but could he have also been talking about Yuno? Minene and the little boy diary holder also said that Yuno was the biggest threat. This build up is very nice, I'm expecting a very interesting dramatic end involving Yuno and Yukki, and I got some ideas of how it'll be already.
Jul 13, 2012 6:29 PM

Feb 2012
So 4th is REALLY up to something eh!

I'm glad he now has "friends", Akise is awesome.

I'm also happy about that lie :)
Jul 16, 2012 6:32 PM

Jul 2011
Still in the middle of the episode, but dudeguy questions why yuno is not letting him make friends.

BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL STUPID YOU DUMB BASTARD! How many times has she been right so far? Oh, yeah! ALL THE TIME. Listen to her, you idiot, she's fucking crazy but she knows what she's talking about.

Just finished it. Yuno isn't being treated very well, maybe I'm feeling a bit too empathetic but come on, dudeguy is being a jerk with her and using her like a tool.
The chip in my mind, it summons me.
I gave my life to your machines.
Aug 2, 2012 7:10 PM

May 2010
"i just told a lie that I can't go back" lol
Aug 2, 2012 7:11 PM

May 2010
TheLocalHentai said:

Just finished it. Yuno isn't being treated very well, maybe I'm feeling a bit too empathetic but come on, dudeguy is being a jerk with her and using her like a tool.

Using her? Did he ever ask her to kill people for him? I think he would prefer dying
Aug 30, 2012 12:50 PM

Feb 2011
I hate these guys for comparing the manga with the anime . Just talk about the damn anime , which is f*ckin unbelievable .
Sep 4, 2012 6:12 PM

Nov 2011
Should have jsut broke the phone, it wasn't hers anyways! And lie? She was definitely his girlfriend, even his mom knows that!

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Sep 13, 2012 3:20 PM

Apr 2011
Akise about Yukki 'he means more than a friend to me'
and Yuno's blushing xD
that was the best.
Sep 23, 2012 11:48 AM
Jul 2012
This is fucking bullshit.
Yukki you are annoying. -__-
Oct 2, 2012 4:14 AM

May 2012
God Yuno, stop being so cute.
Oct 3, 2012 10:27 AM

May 2012
Another great episode that ending was something, why would he even lie that she's his gf to his self, wouldn't it be favourable for both parties that they where together?

Either way great episode let's see what's next!
Dec 16, 2012 12:40 AM

Jul 2011

im getting real tired of your shit yukki...
Jan 22, 2013 7:39 PM

Jun 2011
I'm sorry but Yuno pisses me off.
Until I see her backstory I don't think I'll
like her that much. :/
I love Akise though. <333
Apr 22, 2013 11:10 PM

Jul 2009
yay Yuno went berserk yandere!!

Yuno already knew Akise is not a future diary user :P

she went Yandere mode!!!!!!

lol Akise seems to like Yuki to a more deeper love than just a friend :P

Mao get's stab!!!

Yuno is getting iritated to Akise :P

wow Yuno can really be brutal!!!

more Yandere madness!!!!!!!!

Yuki officially introduces Yuno as his girlfriend :P

poor Mao!

poor Karyuudo "Tenth"

he got killed by fourth!!

it seems every diary owner they encounter dies except for Fourth and Ninth!!

can't wait for more episodes!!!!!!
May 15, 2013 11:27 AM
Jan 2013
Akise <3
Yukki - so naive, the least likable character here, but the supporter one's and the story itself makes up for that.

No MurMur :(
May 25, 2013 2:12 PM

May 2010
Lhuna-chan said:
Akise <3
Yukki - so naive, the least likable character here, but the supporter one's and the story itself makes up for that.

No MurMur :(

Nothing can make up for yukki. Hes the deathtrap in the plot.

Nobody would miss him if he just disappeared..
May 30, 2013 11:18 AM

Jun 2012
At least it wasn't a super deep and try-hard backstory, just enough to get by.

No, Yuki, it was not a lie you told.

Jun 1, 2013 6:45 AM

Apr 2013
Yuki really needs to get his head checked. You can't lie to yourself. I am surprised with the way he puts his trust in people he doesn't even know.
Jul 5, 2013 7:25 PM

May 2013
Nice Ep. yuno sometimes scares me
Jul 9, 2013 6:57 AM

Mar 2013
Yuno pisses me off all the time >.<

Akise is my new favorite character of this series, I guess.
Jul 17, 2013 2:20 PM
Apr 2008
I think I can honestly say that I've never seen worst lead characters in any anime. Yuki is absolutely worthless and Yuno make the most illogical decisions ever.
Jul 30, 2013 4:50 PM

Jan 2013
Interesting development. But I still wonder if Akise has a diary, remember the kid had drawing that one can't have static. So what if Akise has his diary in his mind or something... let's not forget MurMur in the previous episode.
Aug 9, 2013 2:01 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I'm hoping Yuno wins the game. Homicidal yandere psycho's for the win.

Akise is so generic it's boring.

As expected, the detective is doing his own thing and using everyone. Could he be final boss?
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Aug 13, 2013 10:49 AM

Dec 2010
Akisetroll is the best, I'm gonna continue watching this just because of him, really.

I feel that Yukki's gonna pay for his lie. Too bad, but eventually I couldn't force myself to like Yuno, it seems that she's really nothing more than a psychopath bitch.
Aug 24, 2013 4:46 PM
Aug 2013
Akise Aru is really amazing~~! knowing more than YUNO =^_^= makes him interesting, I liked this episode *.*
Sep 24, 2013 7:39 PM

Jul 2013
Akise is awesome.
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Nov 3, 2013 6:03 AM

Jul 2013
I don't know how it's possible but this anime is improving further.
Akise is one crazy as kid and I love him, he's my second favourite character (after Yuno ofc). Yuno is a crazy, awesome bitch and she owns as being one of my favorite characters of all time.
Tenth is really, really cool. I wish a lot of these characters lasted longer. I wonder what kind of game fourth is playing, he seems to be controlling everything right now.
I really am in love with this anime.
Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!
- Doflamingo
Dec 14, 2013 12:55 PM

Nov 2013
At least now this anime has one character I actually like. Akise, stay awesome.
Dec 16, 2013 11:41 PM

Sep 2012
That guy is dead and 4th could be a bad guy in this.
Feb 12, 2014 12:30 AM
Jul 2018
Lol what a way to introduce Yuno. I fear for Yukki now.
Akise Aru, wonder what's his stake in this. He couldn't just be there for nothing. Also Yuno's staring at him was terrifying. I
wished he would just say something along the lines of "If you hurt them, I will never forgive you or hate you or something like that" instead he got buried deep. Fourth. Wonder what's his plan. And why now?
Feb 23, 2014 3:43 PM

Jun 2013
Probably the weakest episode so far.... still a very nice episode though...... Yuno just keeps on getting more and more batshit insane! i love her to death though!! Can't wait to get into more of her backstory
another 5 out of 5 episode though its more like a 4.5 for me :)
Mar 6, 2014 2:05 AM

Oct 2009
Why is Yukki such a fag? He even said to himself that Yuno being his girlfriend is a lie.
I would kill to have a girlfriend as Yuno, yet this guy only complains and cries. I hope he dies.
Gib [img] plz
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