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Aug 17, 2013 3:58 PM

Mar 2008
Aporie said:
After looking at the hints in episode 4 and 5 it seems to me that the "crazy bird plan" could be something like "make everyone dependant on galax" then shut it off.

The crazy bird in episode 4 created an accident, at the end of the episode people are saying "we can only count on galax". I think what FLAREKNIGHT said on the previous page goes in the same way. If they depend on Galax ...

The best for the crazy bird (pai pai says that the thing he likes the most is to not drity his own hands but to manipulate people) would be to take advantage of Rui's ideology , raise the trust/confidence in Galax by creating accidents and making the CROWDS conceal the weaknesses of galax ( like when the crowds supported the cable car).

When the trust is at it's climax and people stopped relying on police etc... (also happenend in the epsiode 4 when hajime talked with her friends and the fireman) GALAX breakdown in a way or another then chaos.

This series give hints by packs on the general plot and give a few hints every episode about the characters.

In this story it's Berg Katze ( crazy bird) the freaking genius.

Kind of sorry I missed this post in the first place. I do think it's a pretty reasonable hypothesis. Slowly but surely the trust and reliance on galax is increasing. The more people rely on that the less they rely on the traditional sources of assistance. Everyone being a hero is nice, but when people are alone what can galax do? What if they run into an area without a connection? This system isn't making everyone a hero, it's making everyone more reliant. Galax can do amazing things, galax can solve all their problems. That breaks down or people find out a handful have gotten Crowds powers and it could all fall apart.

I think another way things could go very wrong would be the almost cult obsession with galax creating a very bloody revolution. The existence of X and Rui are critical. If someone else hijacks that system they could convince galax users to do horrible things and the world would go up in flames during the crisis. Rui was given those powers, they could very well be taken away. A system that powerful requires practical saint to keep things clean. Someone with darker ideals could use it in a horrifying way.

Berg is definitely a skilled manipulator. Not hard to see how this person has managed to cause many planets to self-destruct.
Aug 17, 2013 4:44 PM
Jun 2013
Agree on most of your hypothesis.

But i think the most destructive kind of leading for GALAX is Rui's (He is kind of oblivious of human motives. He generalize his or utsutsu's feelings like all were born with altruism. He doesn't know his own limits and bring good-willed people with him.

Because it's despair disguised as hope. And as such, it will take more time for people to understand how bad it is.

I do think that berg katze like looking people killing each other but i don't think he would be satisfied with just "bad people" oppressing good people with his power (in that case he would just have given it to a mafia or something).

The best (it's a bit twisted) would be to make "good people" oppress other people (best if they are "good people" on top of being innocent).

Just looking at the fun he has when Rui blame himself when he (berg katze) takes control of a woman who just got angry at her child (episode 4 i think) and kill some passer-by.

The way Rui becomes crazier and rush toward the "update" is too strong. He will make mistakes, he's too weak (everytime something happens he gets on his knees and cry out loud). He will probably resort to extreme means to forcefully "update" the world.
AporieAug 17, 2013 4:48 PM
Aug 17, 2013 5:25 PM

Nov 2007
joe's getting on my nerves lol i dont really see why everyone's getting their panties in a twist over him :T he's only eager to take berg katze down bc he wants the credit all for himself. i don't think he's even capable of working in a team tbqh & i def wouldn't be sad to see him go (shrug)

anyway OST WHEN???????? :(((
Aug 17, 2013 7:39 PM

Mar 2008
The biggest thing when figuring out what Berg is up to is considering that he knows full well about Gatchamen. I wouldn't be surprised if he had them as part of the plan in turning the whole planet into a disaster zone. Galax vs. The Old System, Crowds vs. Gatchaman. Must be some reason he only deflected Jou instead of killing him. Could have easily taken out Hajime and Sugane when they were dealing with MESS in the first episode.

Though do agree the most danger is when all sides are fighting for what they believe is the right thing. Strong ideals can force both sides to go to extremes because they feel it's all riding on them.

As to Zeppelis's Jou criticisms I don't agree with much of it. He obviously willing to have Sugane get involved because he's all about the solo credit right? There's obviously no way he cares about the people this guy is killing either right? Who would he be getting credit from anyways? They are a secret organization!

Jou has been a Gatchaman for quite a while as he was the one who inspired Sugane. The problem is what team can he work in right now? Hajime is by far the least of a team player here. Just does whatever long as she feels the logic works for her. Paimon is vaguely telling them to not get involved and along with OD is keeping secrets.

May very likely be the wrong move to be making, but someone does have to stop this guy.
Aug 17, 2013 9:11 PM
Apr 2013
zeppelis said:
anyway OST WHEN???????? :(((

28th August, 10 more days. OST comes bundled with the ED single.
Aug 17, 2013 9:51 PM

Apr 2012
Ok sometimes I don't get the show but this episode gave some answers ^^
I really enjoy watching Hajime and her carefree character. It was also too sweet to see Utsutsu dressed up with all the ribbons. A really nice Episode, my favorite one so far ^-^
Aug 18, 2013 2:34 AM
Jun 2013
FlareKnight said:
The biggest thing when figuring out what Berg is up to is considering that he knows full well about Gatchamen. I wouldn't be surprised if he had them as part of the plan in turning the whole planet into a disaster zone. Galax vs. The Old System, Crowds vs. Gatchaman. Must be some reason he only deflected Jou instead of killing him. Could have easily taken out Hajime and Sugane when they were dealing with MESS in the first episode.

May very likely be the wrong move to be making, but someone does have to stop this guy.

I agree with the first paragraph. As for the last sentence, i think directly fighting Berg Katze in the perspective of killing him without knowing the extent of his abilities is careless even if i agree that sooner or later they'll have to stop him.

It would be better to seal Rui in some places and to turn GALAX into something different. More like Hajime's point (when she's in the bus talking to the fireman, policewomn etc..), increase communication (same argument as when she sees the police station, firemen place etc... close to each other but slow to interact).

The problem is, if Berg is a being like JJ (it seems he's the one who gave his power to Rui , with a different patern on the NOTE). It could mean that he cannot be defeated by a "conventionnal power" .

Maybe OD's power ? The real problem is that the gatchaman have only 2 realistics options: doing thing like Berg, or going on with the "hero strategy" relying on their power.

A spontaneous change of people like the "update" of Rui is unlikely to work out for good. Berg could be waiiting for the "update" to fail to cause great confusion (all the more within Rui) or waiting for the update to happen but to actually corrupt it .

But Berg said something like: "it's your own fault. It's because you are all so primitive" that could be understood as " i will prove that i can destroy you just by revealing your true nature".
Aug 18, 2013 4:21 AM

Oct 2009
Anyone knows whats the real meaning of utsutsu words or name?
I tried to looked it up on google, since I don't have knowledge of moon writings I reverse the romanji Utsutsu into 現つ.

Apparently it means 'Reality, consciousness'. Unlike the context used by subs as 'Dreamy'.

Few quotes from the book Modern Japanese Aesthetics: A reader by Michelle Mara, Page 240

Utsutsu is the reflection (utsuri) of a movement (utsuri) of appearances (utsushi), a drama played by the mythological deities of the Kojiki in their struggle to bring 'reality' into being.

According to dictionary's gloss - explanation number three - the word indicates "a dreamlike state of mind (yumegokochi) as a result of a tendency since the age of the Kokinshu not to know whether one is dreaming or was awake, as attested in the expressions 'Dream/Reality' (yumeutsutsu) and 'dream or reality?' (yume ka utsutsu ka)"

Apparently the meaning is slightly different than a simply 'dreamy' or 'reality' as it has a deep root in the Buddhism and Shintoism concept of consciousness in dream vs reality. Just like how Utsutsu could clones herself but only has one 'real' Utsutsu (like in previous episodes) and the concept between life and death and the three planes of beings, where 'utsutsu' is being in the middle of existence.

This would explain much of her hazy behavior and her abilities, and of course, her name.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Aug 18, 2013 8:34 AM

May 2012
Another average episode. I want to see more action
thepathAug 18, 2013 8:40 AM
Aug 18, 2013 9:17 AM

Jan 2013
Tachibana betrayal flag, you saw it first here.
Aug 18, 2013 9:37 AM
Jul 2009
azzuRe said:
Anyone knows whats the real meaning of utsutsu words or name?
I tried to looked it up on google, since I don't have knowledge of moon writings I reverse the romanji Utsutsu into 現つ.

Apparently it means 'Reality, consciousness'. Unlike the context used by subs as 'Dreamy'.

Sorry but Utsutsu's catch phrase isn't "utsutsu shimasu" but "utsuutsu shimasu" (note the extra "u" in "utsuu...")

I know because it's stated in the character description in the series' website:


うつうつ (utsuutsu) = gloomy; melancholy; pessimistic

Basically, her catch phrase is "I'm gloomy". Crunchyroll screwed up because they mistook the word. They thought it was "utsutsu" like her name, but that's not it. I don't know why they didn't even check the serie's website.
Aug 18, 2013 10:25 AM

Oct 2009
1idd0kun said:
azzuRe said:
Anyone knows whats the real meaning of utsutsu words or name?
I tried to looked it up on google, since I don't have knowledge of moon writings I reverse the romanji Utsutsu into 現つ.

Apparently it means 'Reality, consciousness'. Unlike the context used by subs as 'Dreamy'.

Sorry but Utsutsu's catch phrase isn't "utsutsu shimasu" but "utsuutsu shimasu" (note the extra "u" in "utsuu...")

I know because it's stated in the character description in the series' website:


うつうつ (utsuutsu) = gloomy; melancholy; pessimistic

Basically, her catch phrase is "I'm gloomy". Crunchyroll screwed up because they mistook the word. They thought it was "utsutsu" like her name, but that's not it. I don't know why they didn't even check the serie's website.

I see, so there are some mistaken word too.
Still its the right word for her name うつ·つ which could also written as 現つ. Isn't it?

I was thinking that she was saying utsutsu-shimasu because of Hajime's habit of saying Hajime-ssu. lol.
azzuReAug 18, 2013 10:33 AM
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Aug 18, 2013 11:03 AM
Jul 2009
azzuRe said:
Still its the right word for her name うつ·つ which could also written as 現つ. Isn't it?

Yes, her name is うつつ. On the other hand, the word in her catch phrase is うつうつ.

They're different words.
1idd0kunAug 18, 2013 11:21 AM
Aug 18, 2013 2:31 PM

Jul 2013
This show keeps getting better and better. I love it and cant wait for the next episode.
Aug 18, 2013 3:24 PM
Aug 2013
i really liked this episode. hajime is growing on me a lot, i love her way of thinking. plus she is absolutely adorable
Aug 18, 2013 6:05 PM

Jan 2012
The animation seemed to be lacking this week, but I guess they had to cut corners in that running "montage." I also absolutely love the OST for this show, but I guess it's not for everyone since it's all electronic.
Aug 18, 2013 6:40 PM

Oct 2012
Preview for the OST:
KoybzAug 18, 2013 6:46 PM
Aug 18, 2013 6:53 PM

Jul 2013
Hajime's brilliance shone through a lot more this episode. ^^ Nice to see.
Aug 18, 2013 7:17 PM

Jan 2013
Good episode.
Really liking Hajime.
Aug 18, 2013 8:59 PM

Mar 2012
Hajime makes my ears bleed. She is one of the most annoying characters i've ever seen.
Aug 18, 2013 9:18 PM

Oct 2012
Lovin this show!
Aug 19, 2013 12:08 AM

Nov 2012
I cant say anymore.. utsutsu is really cute in this episode.. I think "who the hell is this girl XD" LOL
and that moment when X leading hajime to the place :3

awesome episode.. :3
Aug 19, 2013 6:32 AM
Jun 2012
Hajime as a main protagonist seems too 'convenient.'
Aug 19, 2013 7:02 AM

Jan 2013
iRock707 said:
Hajime as a main protagonist seems too 'convenient.'

Actually she's carrying the anime.
Aug 19, 2013 7:36 AM

Jul 2011
Hajime was really scary and intimidating when she was having a conversation with Rui..
It gives me chills...

She could see through all your lies and secret.
milloAug 19, 2013 7:42 AM
Aug 19, 2013 4:31 PM
Apr 2013
So someone just mashed up that OST from the various episodes:

Those eyes...they stare into your soul o v o
Aug 21, 2013 1:33 PM

Oct 2012
Utsu-tsu's Gatchaman Suit:

Looks pretty awesome. Hopefully this means that we'll get to see it next episode.
Aug 21, 2013 10:49 PM
Apr 2013
^ Right hand takes life and Left hand gives it...that is one awesome looking G-Suit there with the dual toned colors and appearence :D
Aug 22, 2013 3:02 AM

Jan 2013
a nice episode , looking forward for the next one ..
Aug 22, 2013 11:45 AM
Aug 2013
FlareKnight said:
17mlloyd said:
I think Berg Katze is the same thing as JJ except for he dosen't protect, he destroy's. i just thought of this because he can pull notes out of peoples chest just like JJ and (this might sound stupid) that he wears high heels just like JJ

Still not sure I believe that he's the same thing as JJ. An unusual alien to be sure, but he's also a Gatchaman. JJ refers to him on the same level as the other Gatchamen (as birds). Who knows what kind of explanation we'll get about this guy though so will have to wait and see.

Regarding Jou I can fully understand him not getting involved with Hajime. Being around that kind of person would be really exhausting. She's the perfect smokescreen anyways. All the attention is brought down on her antics so Pai Pai and OD don't even think of keeping an eye on Jou. Let's him go ahead and try to find the cause of this problem instead of sitting around doing nothing.

I'm all for Jou going for it even though I expect it to get him killed. Ignoring this threat and letting him continue getting people killed and arrested for attacks isn't what they should be doing. Otherwise what's the point of being Gatchaman at all?

Yeah, I guess you have a point there, I got so caught up in not wanting Jou to get killed. But it clearly showed that Jou was gonna die, so that means that he'll be defeated and not Berg Katze so either way it wouldn't make a difference if he went or not because people are gonna get killed anyway. Also, regarding Berg Katze, when did it show JJ comparing Berg Katze to the other gatchaman?
Aug 22, 2013 12:19 PM

Sep 2012
The action of getting people to do things to help Hajime reflects the writers' attempt to depict the system's principle of anonymous people helping those in need and also the important concept of gamification which is all the vogue now. This is a show that clearly taps on the recent societal trends and incorporate them into the story and world setting, while still trying to keep a balance with the old style sentai view point and approach. It is not sweepingly condemn the old approach but gives Hajime's approach as a refreshing alternative take on a world that may have changed and now presents a different kind of challenges.

And again we have Hajime who seems to be absent-minded but when the guy tries to remind her it turns out that she has thought about the matter after all. It the case with the speeding lorry earlier and this is the same for her revelation of gatchaman identity and her seeing through Rui himself and his intentions.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Aug 22, 2013 5:41 PM

Oct 2012
The official lyrics to the Gatchaman Crowds OP:

I'm sorry but is this really meant to pass of as English? Either way it's hilarious and I still love the OP just as much as I did before.
Aug 24, 2013 1:09 AM

Jul 2008
Okay Hajime is starting to get scary with all that she knows and realizes...this is getting more and more interesting.
Aug 24, 2013 8:42 AM

Oct 2012
The official lyrics to the Gatchaman Crowds OP:

fly amaze it crore vavry rough
spin up and know feel in brender lonely
estrad and me under graven me on the starnet

write the mean destroy baby rat stay up and no fear
into end aloud these sir prize on me
unders heavenly on the clone it
the world your word is


Aug 26, 2013 2:39 AM

Jul 2010
VioLink said:
Rui using GALAX to help Hajime/Utsutsuu to escape reminded me of that scene in Durarara.

Same to me.

Made my day.

Every episode with Hajime is party hard.
Aug 26, 2013 4:28 PM

Nov 2011
I liked that confrontation at the end. Their difference in opinion was quite interesting.
Aug 29, 2013 5:56 AM
Oct 2007
So Rui is a trap?
Aug 31, 2013 3:15 PM

May 2012
00:53 lol@mistranslation... tasuketai means wanna save them, not save them.

04:34 nice decision


Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances.
He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter.
Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month.
Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel.
The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck.
Sep 14, 2013 5:28 AM
Nov 2012
around 9:40, the scene in the elevator, i was listening on my headphones to the quiet conversation when suddenly, scene switch and KWUOOOOOO .BOOM. my ears are ringing from her exclamation. I really should remember not to turn up the volume during any shows which have hyperactive characters.
Oct 2, 2013 10:50 AM

Sep 2012
wow, so why am i just realizing that load kun was aboy.

*face palm*
Oct 6, 2013 8:22 AM

Mar 2013
Ughh why did I just realise now that Rui is a Male... when he changed to his other clothes i finally realised *SLOW* TT__TT

Oct 7, 2013 8:59 AM

May 2012
Indeed she sure is an amazing girl! Quite lovely development and I really can't get enough of her lovely attitude! Lets see what's next!
Nov 8, 2013 12:17 AM

Oct 2012
Oh, Hajime really screw this one

Aya Hirano's voice is so... cute!!
So, is it PaiPai or Konata's chara voice? xD

It's pretty obvious that Rui is a boy (besides from his name)
Utsutsu, she's so cute!!! Especially her VA... oh wait Am I doing it wrong? xD
"Signature removed"
Nov 23, 2013 10:56 AM
May 2012
Oh man, Hajime is really an interesting character and I like her :3

That looks fun :3 and Utsutsu is cute :3

That conversation was interesting and yeah you don't need to cross dress Rui, it really bothers me >_<

Well, I gotta sleep already because of school =_=
Dec 1, 2013 12:27 PM

May 2013
Rui is interesting, hajime is intersting. everything is so damn good
Dec 18, 2013 10:44 PM
Jul 2018
Great episode. I can understand Rui for letting Hajime to stop as Gatchaman since people will just rely on them. "Everyone can be heroes." And Hajime knew that Rui is a boy since she also addresses him "LOAD-kun" instead of "LOAD-chan". Utsusu-chan is also starting to grow on me. :3
Dec 18, 2013 10:47 PM
Jul 2018
zeroryoko1974 said:
So Rui is a trap?

He is. :D
Dec 27, 2013 2:04 PM

Jan 2010
45Ravager said:

Hajime is a genius, everything that she does has a valid reason to it, and she notices a lot of stuff better than most people, I really do respect her for that. The only thing is I wish she could explain the reasoning behind she does some things; When she revealed her face to Rui, and Sugane asked why she did it, I wonder what she meant when she said that she needed to do that. Also, I wonder if Hajime knows that Rui is in a disguise, that comment about the makeup seems to hint at that.

Dec 29, 2013 7:20 PM

Mar 2012
FlareKnight said:

Rui does have a point but ignores the flaws in his own system. People may stop relying on heroes to save them, but they are just transferring that reliance to Galax to tell them what to do. Can update the world or whatever but if you turn Galax off suddenly people will go right back to doing what they did before. A system that can be abused for good or bad is hardly an ideal world to be aiming for. No everyone is perfect like Hajime; able to use the system without being controlled by it.

Oddly enough this episode is kind of where I'm getting slightly tired of Hajime's perfection. Every decision is perfect, with logical reasoning and never goes wrong. Reveals herself...just because she needed to do it right then.

Far more interested in Jou hunting down Berg than Hajime seeing through everything perfectly. At least can hope Jou actually finds this guy and this series with heroes can actually have a fight or two in it.

Exactly. You pinpointed my biggest problem with her; she's too perfect. Too happy go lucky, pretty moe and 'I know everything and all my decisions are correct and judgements are sound', which is usually the type of character that bothers me the most especially when they're not well balanced. A lot of people in the forum did however point out that's she's smart sure but she's not some omniscient being who's infallible. Yet the lack of ANY kind of context, reasoning or back story to her actions makes her perfect attitude very suffocating. See, I don't hate her and she doesn't annoy me as much as she could. But for a main character I could care less about her. Rui interests me INFINITELY more, cross dressing and all. Rui's got the right idea but relies too heavily on his idealism and doesn't see the bigger picture, cause he puts too much faith in human altruism. I get that Hajime believes that Gatchaman are needed to protect people and she did mention that 'you can't always trust the internet blindly' (yet another perfect bit of foreshadowing from her...) but it's also kinda bs since to this episode she's pretty much done NOTHING Gatchaman-like at all. I dunno, everyone on the forums seems to love her unconditionally and that's fine. But hey, don't expect me to drink the kool aid :p
Twitter: @JusticeSoulTuna
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I'm literally JST everywhere
Jan 4, 2014 2:27 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Rui's reasoning is sound and would bring us all close to an utopian society. Unfortunately he's forgotten to take into account greed, ambition, lust, envy and all other emotions that drive humans too. It's not altruism.

Hajime's got a kind of primordial wisdom that makes me wonder if there's more to her than meets the eye.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

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