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High School DxD (light novel)
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Aug 6, 2013 9:00 AM
Aug 2013
I am on Volume 4 and I found myself questioning why I am still reading. To be honest, I hate Issei, I really do. The only reason I continue to read is because of the plot. Angels, Fallen Angels, Devils... I've been waiting for something like this and I will not allow my disdain for the main character interfere, although it is really hard trying to continue.

Even though this is depicted as a Seinen series, the main character is VERY Shounen. He is naive has hell, has the understanding of a 6 year old, and is in all meaning and definition of the word: a simpleton. He tries to be a pervert, but he is pretty normal by western standards (in my opinion). Yes, he WANTS to screw, but always comes up with some reason not to. He never takes advantage of the situations offered to him. I'm not saying force them to do it, I'm just saying there is breast in you face sleeping right next to you, why are your hands at you side when she clearly states she wouldn't be bothered by your affections? He has to many morals to be a pervert.

Next, apparently are worse than his polar opposite, the angels and exorcist. Yes a fallen angle did kill you and your kind of girlfriend, but she was acting on her own will, not from orders from Azazel. But no, he hates ALL fallen angels for the actions of one, but when Michel, leader of the Angels, is in his face for no apparent reason that you know of there is no ounce of hostility from Issei.

I'm sure there will be more reasons for me to leave this story in the future, but the idea is too awesome for me to leave because of some shit main character that is so pathetic I gag.
Aug 6, 2013 9:27 AM

Mar 2013
Been reading a different series to me then, and as to why he's not touching them thats a plot point thats covered in either vol 10 or 11 can't remember which.

Aug 6, 2013 10:31 AM

Mar 2012
I find myself respecting Issei for a good reason..he shows qualities that a pick up artist should have..okay,he's not a pickup artist but he does possess qualities that women find attractive
Ability to Provide and Protect - as in every action harem,this one is set on extreme levels

Not too impressed by a woman's looks - Okay,since the LN is written in Issei's perspective,we do find out that he is really impressed by a woman's looks.But on the outside,most of the times he is quite chill eventho there are boobs right infront of his face..finally,a MC who does not exaggerate his shyness when confronted by a naked girl.

they are more I could touch on but its 2 am in the morning and Im not in the mood to rack my brains looking for more examples
Its 420 out there somewhere.

Aug 6, 2013 10:41 AM

Dec 2012
Issei is fucking retarded, his whole personality is contradictive and generic and the girls like him just because. Similar to most harems. One of the worst harem leads that I came across and his voice actor is Kaiji so it's like he was designed for me to hate him.
Aug 6, 2013 3:48 PM

Mar 2009
The order to kill Issei came from the fallen angel side, therefore micheal who is on the heaven side had nothing to do with it. When azazel reveal his identity and showed up at the club before the meeting, Issei a long with the members who were present did show hostility but realise that azazel could easily wipe them all
Aug 6, 2013 11:12 PM
Oct 2011
Newhopes said:
Been reading a different series to me then, and as to why he's not touching them thats a plot point thats covered in either vol 10 or 11 can't remember which.

Aug 7, 2013 1:38 AM
Aug 2013
I just finished Volume 4, and the order to kill Issei did come from Azazel. My bad. I still have a strong dislike for Issei because of how completely oblivious he is even though he shouldn't be with his perverted tendencies. He wants to be a harem king, yet he lacks any ounce of confidence to act on his desires. He says he loves Rias, but he's complete and utter obliviousness (see understanding of a 6 year old in beginning rant) and low self-confidence makes him think Rias and Akeno only sees him as a pet and thus he doesn't pursue them.

Like I said he has the understanding of a child. The amount of times he says 'this is to complicated for an idiot like me to understand' or 'I don't understand anything that's happening' just irritates the hell out of me. I've seen a lot of dumb characters, but he takes the cake by far. The easily comprehensible situations and explanations just fly over his head and he just blindly charges in thinking only about protecting his friends. Sounds familiar? Try over 95% of shounen protagonist.

I also forgot to mention the nosebleed thing. I know it is an all too common feature in Anime/Manga, but the amount of time this happens is highly annoying. Just looking at a girl in a swimsuit makes him gush rivers of blood. How does he hope to be a harem king if he is bleeding on them while having sex? He would think that a pervert of all people would have some kind of immunity however small it is to nosebleeds.
Aug 7, 2013 2:36 AM

Mar 2012
Volume 10 spoiler (read at your own risk)
And that's the story of his obliviousness about a harem that sorounding him.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Aug 7, 2013 3:14 AM

Jun 2013
Just as a headsup, High School DxD isn't really Seinen. Doesn't have much Seinen themes in it, nor is its magazine of serialization aimed primarily towards Seinen.

Reference here:

Next note? Sure he's naive all the time and in addition perverted but I do forgive his oblivious tendencies. As said above by NeoAnkara there is a point in the story where it gets addressed, and it's an event where he gets looked down on for his misunderstandings.

Now what a drag, right. This doesn't happen until Volume 10, but the other 6 volumes nudged in between don't have much of a romance focus. Ishibumi has a ton to write about (good on him). Everyone's just getting stronger. It's a point in the story where most other characters are getting fleshed out and more bad guys show up that Issei and the rest of the club gotta beat up.

The whole "for my friends" thing you're seeing right now goes on pretty much throughout the whole series, but picks up a prime focus in the arc you're reading in right now. Once you're past that, and all the characters' backgrounds are fleshed out and their problems dealt with, then it becomes Issei's focus. That, and... well... Ishibumi probably wanted to introduce them as an "official couple" during that specific arc because of two things. (tiny tiny spoiler following)

That's all I'm going to say. Personally I do feel yes he is coming close to being a rather cookie cutter action Shounen protag but the arc you're in, 3-7, for the most part puts off Issei and Rias' romance so as to put the prime focus on such targets as Vali, Azazel, and Diodora in addition to fleshing out the rest of the main female cast.

So just be patient, you'll get there. And chances are you'll be satisfied with how Ishibumi's planned volume 10 out.
Aug 7, 2013 4:26 AM

Jun 2013
Issei is pretty much a generic uninspired MC. Yet another kid who loves tits and things of a sexual nature... but only in his head, when it comes to reality he can barely look at a rack let alone act upon an opportunity. The only Ecchi/Harem guy I've come across so far that's worth anything is Erosuke from Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Erosuke is a connoisseur of the female form and has a clear understanding of what is sexy and why, on top of that and most importantly he completely embraces his understanding of all things erotic without being a complete scumbag.
Aug 7, 2013 6:06 AM
Feb 2012
DxD is anything but seinen. It's shounen with a lot of ecchi elements to spice things up a bit. And based on that premise- it being mostly shounen-esque- the story acts accordingly. You either like it or not. That does sound generic as bloody hell, but it really is.
What made me appreciate Ise's character is the development he gets in the following novels. What I dislike about him, though, is his personality when it comes to the "juicy parts". It's been 15 volumes already and he's still hesitating and acting like a highschool girl when he's supposed to man up. That aside, he's a cool guy.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Aug 7, 2013 6:13 AM

Mar 2012
GuiltyKing said:
DxD is anything but seinen. It's shounen with a lot of ecchi elements to spice things up a bit. And based on that premise- it being mostly shounen-esque- the story acts accordingly. You either like it or not. That does sound generic as bloody hell, but it really is.
What made me appreciate Ise's character is the development he gets in the following novels. What I dislike about him, though, is his personality when it comes to the "juicy parts". It's been 15 volumes already and he's still hesitating and acting like a highschool girl when he's supposed to man up. That aside, he's a cool guy.
I blame halve of that for the limitation from the publisher.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Aug 9, 2013 7:13 AM
Jul 2013
ArmorKingRulez said:
I find myself respecting Issei for a good reason..he shows qualities that a pick up artist should have..okay,he's not a pickup artist but he does possess qualities that women find attractive
Ability to Provide and Protect - as in every action harem,this one is set on extreme levels

Not too impressed by a woman's looks - Okay,since the LN is written in Issei's perspective,we do find out that he is really impressed by a woman's looks.But on the outside,most of the times he is quite chill eventho there are boobs right infront of his face..finally,a MC who does not exaggerate his shyness when confronted by a naked girl.

they are more I could touch on but its 2 am in the morning and Im not in the mood to rack my brains looking for more examples

This +1
Aug 10, 2013 5:01 AM
Sep 2012
If Ichiei Ishibumi had full control over the publishing Issei would have been a father by now, but to get published he needed to make the novel more acceptable for more people.
Aug 15, 2013 7:16 PM
Aug 2013
actually the order was to observe him not to kill him raynare was actually jealous and they were deceived by kokabiel
Knightwalker405Jan 21, 2014 1:01 AM
Aug 30, 2013 4:20 PM

Aug 2013
NeoAnkara said:
GuiltyKing said:
DxD is anything but seinen. It's shounen with a lot of ecchi elements to spice things up a bit. And based on that premise- it being mostly shounen-esque- the story acts accordingly. You either like it or not. That does sound generic as bloody hell, but it really is.
What made me appreciate Ise's character is the development he gets in the following novels. What I dislike about him, though, is his personality when it comes to the "juicy parts". It's been 15 volumes already and he's still hesitating and acting like a highschool girl when he's supposed to man up. That aside, he's a cool guy.
I blame halve of that for the limitation from the publisher.

^This. If Ishibumi had complete control over the publishing, I can guarantee a lot more sexual moments would come into play with Issei and his harem. We can hope for the future though; anything can happen, and maybe one day he will get full control over the publishing.


Ricetaffy said:
As said above by NeoAnkara there is a point in the story where it gets addressed, and it's an event where he gets looked down on for his misunderstandings.

If you're referring to V10, he wasn't really looked down on for that; rather, the girls helped him to overcome it and didn't think badly of or look down on him at all.

Anyway, in regards to the OP:

As NeoAnkara said, the lack of doing something about the girls' advances is either due to interruptions from other characters (which is mostly to blame on the publisher's restrictions) and because of what is explained in Volume 10.
Sep 11, 2013 7:46 PM

Jul 2012
Gary29 said:
NeoAnkara said:
GuiltyKing said:
DxD is anything but seinen. It's shounen with a lot of ecchi elements to spice things up a bit. And based on that premise- it being mostly shounen-esque- the story acts accordingly. You either like it or not. That does sound generic as bloody hell, but it really is.
What made me appreciate Ise's character is the development he gets in the following novels. What I dislike about him, though, is his personality when it comes to the "juicy parts". It's been 15 volumes already and he's still hesitating and acting like a highschool girl when he's supposed to man up. That aside, he's a cool guy.
I blame halve of that for the limitation from the publisher.

^This. If Ishibumi had complete control over the publishing, I can guarantee a lot more sexual moments would come into play with Issei and his harem. We can hope for the future though; anything can happen, and maybe one day he will get full control over the publishing.


Ricetaffy said:
As said above by NeoAnkara there is a point in the story where it gets addressed, and it's an event where he gets looked down on for his misunderstandings.

If you're referring to V10, he wasn't really looked down on for that; rather, the girls helped him to overcome it and didn't think badly of or look down on him at all.

Anyway, in regards to the OP:

As NeoAnkara said, the lack of doing something about the girls' advances is either due to interruptions from other characters (which is mostly to blame on the publisher's restrictions) and because of what is explained in Volume 10.

Fujimi Shobo editors strike out anything "over the line". Do note that I don't know their standards so don't ask me. Ask yourselves what's missing the "ecchi" scenes and that about sums it up I guess. They're a powerful existence w/c holds DxD and Ishibumi in the palm of their hands lol.
Sep 13, 2013 12:13 AM

Jun 2008
This is why I don't even bother reading Harem LNs.

What's the point?

Clearly the emphasis is on ecchi not the actual story.

I love DXD anime because we get to see that raw ecchi displayed for us.....the plot is decent at best, but most of us are here for tits.
Sep 14, 2013 4:17 PM

May 2013
JustALEX said:
This is why I don't even bother reading Harem LNs.

What's the point?

Clearly the emphasis is on ecchi not the actual story.

I love DXD anime because we get to see that raw ecchi displayed for us.....the plot is decent at best, but most of us are here for tits.

Beats me how you can say that without having read the thing.
I've read it all and the emphasis is far from just ecchi.
Love, hard work, friendship, dreams are all huge influences on DxD, especially the more into it you read
Sep 14, 2013 5:00 PM

Aug 2013
Manganese said:
JustALEX said:
This is why I don't even bother reading Harem LNs.

What's the point?

Clearly the emphasis is on ecchi not the actual story.

I love DXD anime because we get to see that raw ecchi displayed for us.....the plot is decent at best, but most of us are here for tits.

Beats me how you can say that without having read the thing.
I've read it all and the emphasis is far from just ecchi.
Love, hard work, friendship, dreams are all huge influences on DxD, especially the more into it you read

Yep, DxD is far more than just there for the ecchi; the plot is quite interesting and not shallow in the slightest, and it has a large emphasis on the above listed: love, hard work, friendship, dreams, goals etc. - but that is only easy to see if you actually read the LNs.

swordstriker21 said:
Gary29 said:
NeoAnkara said:
GuiltyKing said:
DxD is anything but seinen. It's shounen with a lot of ecchi elements to spice things up a bit. And based on that premise- it being mostly shounen-esque- the story acts accordingly. You either like it or not. That does sound generic as bloody hell, but it really is.
What made me appreciate Ise's character is the development he gets in the following novels. What I dislike about him, though, is his personality when it comes to the "juicy parts". It's been 15 volumes already and he's still hesitating and acting like a highschool girl when he's supposed to man up. That aside, he's a cool guy.
I blame halve of that for the limitation from the publisher.

^This. If Ishibumi had complete control over the publishing, I can guarantee a lot more sexual moments would come into play with Issei and his harem. We can hope for the future though; anything can happen, and maybe one day he will get full control over the publishing.


Ricetaffy said:
As said above by NeoAnkara there is a point in the story where it gets addressed, and it's an event where he gets looked down on for his misunderstandings.

If you're referring to V10, he wasn't really looked down on for that; rather, the girls helped him to overcome it and didn't think badly of or look down on him at all.

Anyway, in regards to the OP:

As NeoAnkara said, the lack of doing something about the girls' advances is either due to interruptions from other characters (which is mostly to blame on the publisher's restrictions) and because of what is explained in Volume 10.

Fujimi Shobo editors strike out anything "over the line". Do note that I don't know their standards so don't ask me. Ask yourselves what's missing the "ecchi" scenes and that about sums it up I guess. They're a powerful existence w/c holds DxD and Ishibumi in the palm of their hands lol.

Lol I agree, it would be interesting to know what ideas Ishibumi had that were rejected by Fujimi Shobo, but either way if he ever gets control of his own publishing I am sure Issei will finally get laid.
Sep 14, 2013 10:21 PM

Jun 2008
Manganese said:
Beats me how you can say that without having read the thing.
I've read it all and the emphasis is far from just ecchi.
Love, hard work, friendship, dreams are all huge influences on DxD, especially the more into it you read

Focusing solely on the plot, it's a very generic shounen at best.

But for the most part I'm ok with that, the battles are decent but the storyline (IMO) is a bit convoluted and not very cohesive.

Yeah, it's not as shallow as your ordinary harem, but that's only because the emphasis of the story is towards shounen rather than romance, like ordinary romance comedy harems.
Sep 14, 2013 11:30 PM
Apr 2010
Excuse me, he has developed a technique to rip off women's clothes. And by volume 5

I can't think of any other MC who developed such a useful move. Your complaint is now invalid.
May 5, 2014 10:52 AM

Apr 2014
I get annoyed every time he is alone with a girl that is naked and doesn't take advantage of the situation. For example, that one pool scene in volume 3/4.
"Respect cannot be made by force or fear, it must be earned overtime; otherwise, it was never respect at all."
~ Malik

Highschool DxD is my all-time favorite series!
May 5, 2014 12:55 PM

Dec 2013
DarkDare said:
If Ichiei Ishibumi had full control over the publishing Issei would have been a father by now, but to get published he needed to make the novel more acceptable for more people.

May 5, 2014 10:36 PM

Jul 2009
malikis2cool said:
I get annoyed every time he is alone with a girl that is naked and doesn't take advantage of the situation. For example, that one pool scene in volume 3/4.

As far as i remember (from reading the LN), each time he is ALONE with a girl (nude or not), the others barge in.
Else he is in a dire situation with a dead flag
May 6, 2014 8:05 AM

Apr 2014
Do you want this to turn into hentai? lol
May 6, 2014 9:37 PM
Mar 2010
To be fair Ise is pretty damn smart he just doesn't know it yet, maybe when it comes to understanding complex idea's he is not that good but he is a brilliant strategist and tactician.

The strategy he used on Riser was brilliant, rather then using a massive power he utilized other tools in order to come out with a victory. This is something you do not see often in anime now a days, a well planned out strategy to take out an enemy. He used the balance break to chip away at Riser and to understand his full power, then used his remaining energy to take him out. Even though he was overpowered he overcame the situation with brains.

Of course it is sometimes a battle of raw power, In season 2 he beat Vali with raw power.

To be fair Ise has also tried to act on his impulses in multiple occasions but is always interrupted by someone or something. You cannot say he holds back and doesn't act, the dude is always reaching for someones tits.
May 7, 2014 10:08 AM

Apr 2014
kei78 said:
malikis2cool said:
I get annoyed every time he is alone with a girl that is naked and doesn't take advantage of the situation. For example, that one pool scene in volume 3/4.

As far as i remember (from reading the LN), each time he is ALONE with a girl (nude or not), the others barge in.
Else he is in a dire situation with a dead flag

The only example I can think of that proves you wrong is in volume 6 when Akeno walks into his room and takes off her clothes. He refuses to act on the situation because he knows that Akeno is different this time. Every time she approaches him, she is smiling and whatnot. That time, she was doing it because she felt sad.
"Respect cannot be made by force or fear, it must be earned overtime; otherwise, it was never respect at all."
~ Malik

Highschool DxD is my all-time favorite series!
May 7, 2014 10:17 AM

Apr 2014
kei78 said:
malikis2cool said:
I get annoyed every time he is alone with a girl that is naked and doesn't take advantage of the situation. For example, that one pool scene in volume 3/4.

As far as i remember (from reading the LN), each time he is ALONE with a girl (nude or not), the others barge in.
Else he is in a dire situation with a dead flag

Which is pretty annoying...
"Respect cannot be made by force or fear, it must be earned overtime; otherwise, it was never respect at all."
~ Malik

Highschool DxD is my all-time favorite series!
May 8, 2014 12:29 AM

Dec 2013
malikis2cool said:
I get annoyed every time he is alone with a girl that is naked and doesn't take advantage of the situation. For example, that one pool scene in volume 3/4.

There are 2 reasons

2. Ishibumi sensei doesn't want this series turned into "hentai", well at least until his editor says yes
May 8, 2014 6:54 AM

Aug 2013
May 8, 2014 7:22 AM

Dec 2013
Gary29 said:

True that, I didn't even notice until you said it.
May 10, 2014 8:36 AM

Apr 2014
Kyouraku-san said:
Gary29 said:

True that, I didn't even notice until you said it.

Me neither lul
"Respect cannot be made by force or fear, it must be earned overtime; otherwise, it was never respect at all."
~ Malik

Highschool DxD is my all-time favorite series!
Dec 13, 2016 3:35 PM
Dec 2016
I also found myself hating Issei. I already read the manga, which was good. Now as I watch the anime, I find myself hating Issei more than I already did. He could of been a really good character too. I hate his goal (Harem? Really? That's a bit too cliche). Of course I like comedy anime but I feel that it doesn't suit the series well. Of course there are funny moments. Obviously.
Feb 1, 2017 2:29 PM

Jan 2017
Not to mention if he screws one of them then that's his only option from then on. His pick is obviously and ultimately gonna be Ria's. I might be wrong tho.
Mar 9, 2017 6:11 AM
Mar 2017
Seinen_Lover said:
I am on Volume 4 and I found myself questioning why I am still reading. To be honest, I hate Issei, I really do.

. He is naive has hell, has the understanding of a 6 year old, and is in all meaning and definition of the word: a simpleton.
Yes, he WANTS to screw, but always comes up with some reason not to.

why are your hands at you side when she clearly states she wouldn't be bothered by your affections?

I'm sure there will be more reasons for me to leave this story in the future, but the idea is too awesome for me to leave because of some shit main character that is so pathetic I gag.

I agree 100% with all of this.

Supposedly he is getting stronger and sure that simpleton thing works in Shokugeki, but its like this reverse situation the creator is trying to make isse a simpleton and a pervert simultenously---one second hes, "i love buchos jiggly mango mammaries...i just want to grope them" then hes all consciousness about it after just saying that out doesn't work.

He thinks decent things but says the stupidest crap... He doesn't absorb anything to progress relationships, and evn the girls are throwing themselves at him and its all....bloody nose-> passing out or having fun with x girl -> rias walks in *glares*

for f*** sake, how many dozens of times can this plot device get used? This isn't doing us any fan"service" its just recycled crap...the guy you would think would maybe get a lock on his door, then maybe only do it in his room? Because they are only in his room NAKED EVERY NIGHT yet he hasn't even kissed with tongue..What the actual hell is up with that progression??? It just has 22 volumes but unless there is a time skip to progress his character (which would be personally unacceptably lazy writing) i see no future where he isnt a conflicting idiot.

If you've read this far, you deserve my recommendation of a LN read Testament of new sister devil. I finished up to Baka's translation to volume 7 and i haven't looked at it recently so i cant quite remember the japanese name.

Its quite good, the main character is much like issei, however he is somebody admirable and reserved. He repeatedly showcases character, and actually goes through a thought process that shows real understanding of complex strategy and wargaming. He comes to grips with his quiet conversative attitude towards women,and it has some very well writen and frankly delicious fan service, with a good plot, and actual character development you cant go wrong
mlblairanimeMar 9, 2017 6:15 AM
Mar 9, 2017 6:26 AM
Mar 2017
malikis2cool said:
kei78 said:

As far as i remember (from reading the LN), each time he is ALONE with a girl (nude or not), the others barge in.
Else he is in a dire situation with a dead flag

The only example I can think of that proves you wrong is in volume 6 when Akeno walks into his room and takes off her clothes. He refuses to act on the situation because he knows that Akeno is different this time. Every time she approaches him, she is smiling and whatnot. That time, she was doing it because she felt sad.

i dont think that he refuses her because she is sad. i think that he realizes that she overly sexualizes herself towards men because her father she can't trust and wasnt there for her...So therefore she prostrates herself as a way to have a make want to stay..

In one chapter isei says that she can be S&M or rarely have an innocent cute side. The innocent cute side is the real akeno, who doesn't know herself and the S&M side is her mask so she can make herself a grown up and not in need of her fathers approval.
Sep 14, 2017 5:54 AM
Aug 2017
Is everyone fucking retarded, y ru people promoting and loving this anime. All women concubines.. Its wrong totally.the writers nd u people ,mainly boys look at ladies,like sex sluts or toys u can feast that all u think of a WOMEN as sex and child bearing objects.fucking bastards. And on top u show that these girls are willing to become his sex slaves or concubines and will share him with other concubines too, just bcas they love him. LOVE????.. No self respect and honourable women will do that. And u will take wrath if such women. So stop degrading womens with every women my foot..these kind of anime have strong impact on viewers mind. Specially boys will love girls only to fuck. Isn't that a great sin. Wake up people atleast fear God u bastards. And I truly will pray that u burn in hell. Yes u will find me annoying cas i am a good humanbeing,but truth be told,I can't stand this fucking insult to women. The more u boys see these kind of anime the more they lust for many women. Then there will be only sex in world, fucking pigs, no more true love between boy nd girl. Fuckers, u will spoil many relationships in this world,like mainly marriage and pure love between couples. Become a true human for once in ur fucking life and stop making these kind of animes saying it's love and romance. Can't u see it does effect on humans in negative way. Only boys loves sex ,harems and hell. U writers wants to become famous and filling ur bags with money by entertaining men with these type of animes thus making them to wish to have a harem sex of there own. So please all of u men go to hell I mean in reality. Hell after this life. Burn assholes.
I love animes but the more I watch them the more I find male MC lusting on women or fucking women becoming sluts for this male MC. And now I am really started to hate All animes. To think I once loved this anime world where there was no vulgarity and just some shows u will want to watch relaxing.
FarkhaSep 14, 2017 7:16 AM
Jan 12, 2018 9:15 AM
Jun 2014
NeoAnkara said:
Volume 10 spoiler (read at your own risk)
And that's the story of his obliviousness about a harem that sorounding him.

Wow, so him being contradictive was entirely true and on point then. He kept saying Rias is his nr1 and he would do whatever he could to always make her happy.

Issei is a shitty protagonist most likely written by as just as dim witted writer. Not only does he have a shitty personality which contradics at each turn, he also has the worst kind of ability, which is.... Support power up! He's like the lame keyboard player in bands which no one notices.. Well, that's what he should be.
May 4, 2018 4:01 AM
May 2018
Personally, I dislike Issei because he is too much of a pervert.

when I started watching the show, I loved Issei's personality since at that time I have never seen a MC of a harem anime actually want a harem. However, since then I have read a lot of manga with the MC's being similar to issei. So, now what I do is take away there perverted part of there character and see what is left.

When I do that with Issei, if you take being a pervert away from him then there is really nothing left apart from the generic shounen protagonist. I mean nearly all his attacks and power ups are based around his perverted nature. It just gets annoying over time.

I'm currently on volume 16 and I don't see them doing anything to redeem issei in my eyes. Maybe in the sequel LN but we will see.

Also, I'm not the biggest fan of how Issei goes from the weakest to one of the strongest in his generation so quickly. Plus he is not even strong! Take away his boosted gear then he will be a mid class devil at best.
Oct 10, 2020 10:49 PM
Oct 2020
If still hate the guy, and I still think that he's not worthy of having a harem. And, evenIf he did some stuff to win the girls over, some of the girls say that they want to have babies with him!?!😤...No, just-just...No.✋ It irritates the crap out of me that he's just another one of those perverted assholes, that gets what he wants. I don't respect this 'demon'. And, says that he gets his power from touching breast --that's literally the most pathetic excuse for obtaining his power. Even if he has some character development, he has BARELY has any character development in terms of his pervertedness. Seriously, this bonehead, should go with the goal to go home. He's not fooling anyone, like me, with that pathetic 'nice guy' act. Also, when he stops the wedding he says: "Rias's virginity is mine!"😒 😑 Dude, seriously. Just stop...You need to be f*cking stopped! I don't care if he only said that to get under Riser's skin, it still made me gag. I don't wanna hear how he has PTSD from Raynare. That only happened cause he thought some douche like him deserves a girlfriend, when really all he wants to do is lounge around touching, and groping breasts all day. Plus, his goal is just stupid. Harem king? I mean seriously there are other characters that deserves these girls more.

Goku: To become stronger to fight stronger opponents, and protect his loved ones.

Naruto: To become Hokage to be acknowledged, and to continue where his parents left off.

Ichigo: To protect people so they don't suffer the way he did.

Luffy: To become the King of the Pirates, and to help his friends achieve there goals.

Natsu: To find Igneel, his Dragon father.

All these I respect but, Issei's . . . is just stupid. Goku, Naruto, Natsu, Ichigo, or even Luffy would be a 1,000x better Harem King, then this twin-tailed hair, perverted, obnoxious, idiotic, dim-witted, dunderhead-ed, frickin' shithead. I'll take innocence, and lack of intelligence, over continuous pervertedness anyday.
Apr 25, 2023 11:54 PM
Mar 2022
NeoAnkara said:
Volume 10 spoiler (read at your own risk)
And that's the story of his obliviousness about a harem that sorounding him.

Thats just a BS copout by the author to justify why Issei is such a fucking retard among the biggest retards...  oh boo fucking hoo his first girlfriend was a cunt and hurt him but that was like 2 YEARS ago at this point add to that a fucking toddler could tell and notice that the chicks want him (like all of them for why who the hell knows cause this sack of crap is 100% opposite of desirable to any women) i mean first clue is a chick doesnt sleep butt naked and cuddle with you if she has no interest just pure stupidity.  This loser is more concerned with added porn and shit to his spank bank even though he is constantly having chicks try to screw him... ya know what thats called a prude limp dicked coward.   He is just an overly disgusting pervert and total loser undeserving of 90% of what he has...  I mean outside of battle this worthless douche is useless in fact worst than useless he actually causes issues more than anything outside of fighting.  Plus this useless mc is the absolute worst kind the over the top pervert who is all bark with absolutely ZERO NOTTA ZILCH NOTHING bite what so ever... talks and talks and talks then cowards like a punk bitch poser that he is 

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