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Apr 11, 2013 12:31 PM

Feb 2012
Camus... am I the only one who automatically thinks about the French author Albert Camus? The thought that the character's name is based on his is quite absurd, lol.
Anyway... pretty funny episode. This anime is full of wtf moments for me, but I enjoy it.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
Apr 11, 2013 12:43 PM

Dec 2012
i just can't get myself to like cecil. this whole magic thing seems too much out of place. i would rather want to see this whole show as a "realistic" anime.
i like that he's so confident and that he makes the other guys so jealous, but... i just don't like him /sigh
Apr 11, 2013 1:32 PM

Jul 2011
fabulous as always. But Cecil is kinda... annoying?

And Shou-chan was soooo cute~
Apr 11, 2013 9:15 PM

Nov 2007
I... ^^; Was not expecting Cecil to be like that. Well, I suppose I should have.

Camus is awesome, though. :3 I think I might like him better than Rei, though only by a little.

This show... it makes me laugh, and entertains me greatly, but at the same time, it's like I almost can't stand to watch it, you know? First season did the same thing. *eyeroll* Caught between laughter and groans. ^^

And I don't really see how Karata has anything to do with being an idol. *lol*
Apr 12, 2013 12:04 AM

Feb 2008
I find Cecil interesting, though he gets a little pushy(?) sometimes.

And finally, a ending song without screaming fangirls.
I can enjoy it better.
Apr 12, 2013 5:24 AM
Mar 2010

EDIT: Now that I got THAT out of the way, I say this:!!!!!!
It had me laughing every 5 seconds lol! Cecil was a bit annoying but he was so funny so I stopped caring. xD

How all the boys got jealous The Karuta Game! AND last but not LEAST, CAMUS!!!! xDDDDDD Oh gosh, he's HILARIOUS! A count? Really? Sigh, I think I might kill myself buy laughing if the humor keeps up!
phoenixaliaApr 12, 2013 6:37 AM
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Apr 12, 2013 8:05 AM

Mar 2013
Meh... I think I'm going to hate Cecil, he's kinda annoying, but he was also pretty funny.
Apr 12, 2013 11:13 AM

Jun 2010
A whole ep for Aijima :D awww Aww he's so adorable, dammit.

Had me laughing the whole time, love it. I have a feeling Shining and Aijima will steal the show for me again (with the addition of Camus lmao).

Villetta_Nu said:

Damn, he's HOT! Every time he gets a close-up, my clothes fall off.

uh-huh, have to agree with that too
Apr 12, 2013 7:35 PM
Mar 2013
First reaction was: Omygawd Cecil-san pls...LOL

He's so crazy bold and confident. He's definitely not my favorite character but he's pretty fun! I agree that his personality is very surprising. He's a little hard to understand and kind of seems fishy to me, too, but nevertheless he's pretty cute c: I wonder what'll happen...!

It's hilarious and adorable seeing how everyone reacts differently in their jealousy :3 It's also painful to watch because I love them all so much! It's so hard to choose one! Lucky for her she didn't really have to ;P
Apr 13, 2013 2:39 AM

Dec 2011
"First a prince, now a count" Syo-kun had it right. Yeah.. my hopes for this season have basically gone down the drain with this episode.
Apr 13, 2013 12:17 PM
May 2010
As someone who has played the games and is an active drama cd listener for this series, I cannot express how sad I was that they portrayed Cecil the way they did.

I feel like they did a back track on his character. They gave him his personality from the earliest games, and upped how cocky he is, then stuck him in the timeline from Debut.

Really, Cecil isn't that cocky at all in the original source material. Which is my primary problem with his character in the anime version. Everything else about him though was quiet spot on even in later games.

He is massively in love with Haruka because she saved him. He is scared of water (because he can't swim), and doesn't like fish (he finds them scary). He loves music, he can do actual magic like Camus can, etc.

Some other things that were changed slightly though were;

He doesn't like Camus at first even in game canon yes. However the anime made it seem like it was because he didn't need a senpai. When in actuality the reason he didn't like Camus in the source material is because of how much of a self absorbed tightass he is, and how he insults 90% of everyone.

Another misconception is Cecil's whole 'not wanting to be an idol' issue.

In the anime, its portrayed as he only wants to be there to help write and sing Haruka's songs. Which is true, however in game canon he doesn't think he's better than everyone else or STARISH. In fact he's more likely to have a spazz attack over how good their music is.

Someone suggested to me that maybe the reason they made Cecil seem self-absorbed in the anime was to make him the offical rival of the other 6 boys. Which would make sense but I feel they could have done it without making him look like an ass. xD;

Also fun fact~! When Shining said that he scouted Cecil in the anime...In the games Cecil was actually forced to join. XD In the canon stuff, Shining basically told Cecil he should "come work for him", and Cecil bluntly told him to his face "No.".

Shiny of course won't accept that and proceeded to jump out a window with Cecil and make him join. XD

Camus now..pfft I'm laughing how so many people think he's going to be this fabulous flamboyant character that they will love. XD

In the games, he is this self absorbed, stuck up rich shit who couldn't give two craps about who the fuck you are if you are not his Queen. And he's two-faced in the games, so on Camera he's uncharacteristically nice. Insults anyone any time he can, unless they are higher up in the Idol world than he is or socially (minus Cecil, because he doesn't think he act's like a prince).

And the most flamboyant thing he does ever in game canon is ride to his concert on a white horse.

So the anime kinda....REALLY upped his flamboyant-ness by like 2000%. As he did exactly what we wouldn't expect from him in the game (cuz doing that would ruin his image according to him. LOL

God I'm rambling again. Basically to put it bluntly;

The anime correctly represents both Camus and Cecil about 90%. However the remaining 10% are traits that weren't developed enough or were over developed/aren't actually correct.

I still enjoyed the episode as a whole though. LOL
Apr 13, 2013 9:54 PM

Jun 2011
Honestly, it was Camus and Shining-san who made this episode for me xD

CAMUS-SENPAI. I. His personality is the exact opposite of what I thought it would be( I don't play the game ). I was just laughing hysterically when he made his entrance. Though I was sure he would be stuck-up and rich or something. Maybe they'll show something like that, who knows?

And who doesn't love SHINING-san's weird appearances and gay movements?

Cecil was a little, er, off in my opinion but the way that Camus put him in his right place made me laugh. NOT that I hate him or anything but it's a little hard to adapt to his ( Cecil's ) personality.

It was hilarious watching the others trying to stop him from "harassing" their beloved Haruka xD

THERE WASN'T ENOUGH OF THE SENPAI-TACHI. I CAN'T WAIT FOR Ai-ai's EPISODE. Looks like Camus is on the way to becoming my next favourite senpai :P BECAUSE IN THE END, AI-AI IS MY ULTIMATE BIAS.

Apr 14, 2013 9:17 AM
Aug 2012
the jealousy reactions in this episode has been great! ; ), I love the faces they did! ...
Cecil, very original because of water and fishes XD
And Camus, I didn´t expect him to be so interesting, I like him so much, his personality is really especial! xd
Apr 14, 2013 9:18 AM
Aug 2012
Hanako_Sakairi said:
Honestly, it was Camus and Shining-san who made this episode for me xD

CAMUS-SENPAI. I. His personality is the exact opposite of what I thought it would be( I don't play the game ). I was just laughing hysterically when he made his entrance. Though I was sure he would be stuck-up and rich or something. Maybe they'll show something like that, who knows?

And who doesn't love SHINING-san's weird appearances and gay movements?

Cecil was a little, er, off in my opinion but the way that Camus put him in his right place made me laugh. NOT that I hate him or anything but it's a little hard to adapt to his ( Cecil's ) personality.

It was hilarious watching the others trying to stop him from "harassing" their beloved Haruka xD

THERE WASN'T ENOUGH OF THE SENPAI-TACHI. I CAN'T WAIT FOR Ai-ai's EPISODE. Looks like Camus is on the way to becoming my next favourite senpai :P BECAUSE IN THE END, AI-AI IS MY ULTIMATE BIAS.

I think the same things! ; )
Apr 14, 2013 10:28 AM

May 2010
It's not called being gay, it's called being FABULOUS

This series is so CHEESY, and yet hilarious as hell xD
Camus' entry was just... God. Watching Cecil and his amazing japanese was amusing as well. I'm stick to this series for sure now, it's going to be better than the first season, at least I hope so ;)
Apr 14, 2013 10:34 AM

Jul 2011
Apr 14, 2013 12:25 PM
Jul 2018
Let's leave aside the jokes: this was the first time I repeated "THAT'S SO GAY" for 2 minutes aloud while watching anime and my tears weren't half assed...honestly, I didn't know what to do in this like of situation!!! XD
Not to mention, that they even include a Chihayafuru-like scene I wasn't expecting.
Apr 14, 2013 12:28 PM

Apr 2013
I loved itt :)
Apr 15, 2013 9:51 AM

Oct 2012
I thought the episode was okay. It feels a bit scattered and i didnt really like Cecil singing at all.
Apr 15, 2013 12:07 PM
Mar 2012
The camus guy seems pretty cool. Other than that it was a bit... weird.
Apr 16, 2013 11:13 AM

May 2008
Ikano said:
LOOOOL Cecil is like a troll, he knows all their inner personalities.

Actually I thought he'd mention the cat thing to Haruka but I guess not. (Though there were those flashback images)

Meh to Camus. I don't like his "stuck-up" way of talking (I actually like Camus the LEAST of the 4 senpai), but at least his interactions with Cecil were amusing.

reonberii said:
Also I don't think Cecil's voice fits the character, but I like him anyway.
Side comment: The voice actor is pretending to sound "non-Japanese" on purpose. His "Cecil talking voice" and "Cecil singing voice" for instance is like so different it shocked me, alot, personally. (I think I also a voice clip from the VA from an interview too)

^ This

Toriumi isn't trying to sound Japanese because Cecil's first language ISN'T Japanese. Which is why he's doing a PERFECT job at it.

Hanako_Sakairi said:

CAMUS-SENPAI. I. His personality is the exact opposite of what I thought it would be( I don't play the game ). I was just laughing hysterically when he made his entrance. Though I was sure he would be stuck-up and rich or something. Maybe they'll show something like that, who knows?

^ This is because that ISN'T totally Camus's true personality. He is rather stuck up and cocky, refers to everyone as 'peasants' who are beneath him. He's a very sophisticated individual and the anime really...did not do him as MUCH justice as it could have with that crazy entrance xD Besides the way he was intro'd, they pretty much did his personality alright with how he doesn't get on with Cecil, gets frustrated easily from his lack of patience, etc etc.

Although that scepter he has is actually..not anywhere in the games. I'm not sure why he has it but I can only assume it has magic in it and is going to foreshadow something that happened in Debut when

StarPebblitApr 16, 2013 11:20 AM

Apr 16, 2013 5:02 PM

Jan 2013
"The god of lyrics" that headmaster talked once was Cecile?
in last episodes of first season, where he told haruka that she wasnt the right person to compuse music for Starish...
Apr 22, 2013 9:13 PM

Apr 2011
Hilarious episode!

The guys quickly came running to Nanami when Cecil is hitting her.

I love how they're all jealous.
Jun 27, 2013 8:48 AM

May 2013
I prefered when Cecil only magically appeared in dreams..

the hareem thing is getting a little too much for my taste... I hope to see romance between Haruka and one of them in the next episodes
Sep 20, 2013 12:41 AM
Dec 2011
I wonder if my eyes are deceiving me or not but I see some thrusting Cecil and Syo and stuff in that ending song dance... HMM!! OMG I didn't understand how much I missed this show till NOW!! AHHHHHHHH so far soo promising I giggled and went on like a little fan girl, I wish I could watch this with someone who is the same way but oh well!! LOVED the reactions of all of them when Cecil went in for a kiss!! HEHE!!

Anyone want to talk more about this comment on message my page!
Oct 8, 2013 11:54 AM

Feb 2009
Wtf is this crap with them not being allowed to fall in love. :( They should just gangbang Haruka already. She's so ready for it.
Jan 6, 2014 2:29 AM

Oct 2008
I like this anime but somehow it's getting boring :( I hope it's just my imagination!:)) Cecil's character is really nice^^
Ranko-chanJan 6, 2014 3:46 AM

Jun 20, 2014 3:49 PM

Dec 2012
This show just went from outrageously silly to outlandishly hilarious. Seriously I was roaring from start to finish this episode. Cecil is already shaping up to be my favorite character, it was a hoot seeing everyone get flustered with him hitting on Haruka. That count is eccentric too, man this is going to be a crazy season.
Nov 14, 2014 5:53 PM

Mar 2008
Wow, the new guys sans Reiji (which are Ai, Ran, Camus and Cecil) are way more interesting than the STARISH members.
Feb 24, 2015 3:49 PM

Jun 2014
It is SO much more comforting to watch a girl trip into helping hands than when a boy trips into boobs.

If he's from the desert wouldn't he at least like water ? that would make sense right ?
zat-bustFeb 24, 2015 4:16 PM

Aug 4, 2015 7:29 AM

May 2012
Interesting new character, let's see what happens next!
May 9, 2016 6:24 PM

Jan 2010
Cecil is from a desert area and is afraid of water and fish.

I...I'm not sure how those two lines of thought connect, but okay.
May 23, 2016 8:07 PM

May 2013
Gosh, Cecil sure is a looker ;)

and I absolutely adore how the boys all get worked up when he makes a move on Haru-chan bwaaahhhahahaha xD I love harem jealousy <33333 ohohohohooooo~~~
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