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Sep 20, 2012 12:03 PM

Oct 2011
It's nothing new to me that ALWAYS annoying character wins and most people still find her likeable BECAUSE she is the 1rst character to be seen or just because she is the MAIN MAIN heroine while rest is just main heroines... well I don't care anymore. If this anime is going the way you see then it will be really bad for the BD's sellings. Cause as you can see MORE people were for ANYONE only not Chisato, which makes it one of the worst shows these season now? xD
This studio made big mistake in choosing route can't they see polls of character routes // popular character and then take a route for the anime? Just taking a peek at any forum would make them see how unlikeable character Chisato is...

I just started playing VN and I had pressed CTRL (skip button) for the entire game (Chisato route). I will play anyone's route just not hers which angers me more that they ORDER ME TO play this route even if I didn't want to.

Btw. Blasterion please stop this nonsense if you can't see you don't have much support and your choice won't change the fact that it will become one of the worst shows for most people because of this ending.

Looking forward to at least next season's Little Busters. I hope JC.staff won't make the same mistake and ruin the entire anime...
ArreitSep 20, 2012 12:17 PM
Sep 21, 2012 7:26 AM

Jul 2011
Just like Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi ending...horrible.
Sep 21, 2012 7:50 AM

Feb 2012
chisato route, huh? well, i don't much care. this shit was beyond redemption from the 3rd ep anyway.
if you disagree with what i say, feel free to comment on my profile. in all likelihood, i won't come back to this thread.

Sep 21, 2012 8:37 AM
Sep 2012
Raisken said:

I just started playing VN and I had pressed CTRL (skip button) for the entire game (Chisato route). I will play anyone's route just not hers which angers me more that they ORDER ME TO play this route even if I didn't want to..

LOL omg i want to play the VN too but...cant read japanese. And i'd do the same thing too [CTRL]
Sep 21, 2012 11:26 AM
Jun 2012
yup ep 11 made it 100% clear for me. Haven't played the VN but ep 10 already gave me the feeling they would go for the Chisato end. Kinda sucks. I was really hoping he'd go with the finance commitee girl. And like everyone else already mentioned, Chisato is way to clingy (as most childhood friend characters tend to be, from my experience)
Sep 21, 2012 6:02 PM

Mar 2011
Arkasia said:
yup ep 11 made it 100% clear for me. Haven't played the VN but ep 10 already gave me the feeling they would go for the Chisato end. Kinda sucks. I was really hoping he'd go with the finance commitee girl. And like everyone else already mentioned, Chisato is way to clingy (as most childhood friend characters tend to be, from my experience)

Amen +1
Animes like this don't deserve to be called harems!!!
[Input amazing signature]
Sep 21, 2012 8:48 PM

Feb 2012
It ain't over yet. 2 episodes left to be animated. Anything can happen within 48 minutes. Let's just not lose Hope for a Original/Harem/Satsuki End at the moment. The war isn't over yet haha.
Sep 21, 2012 9:44 PM

Dec 2010
pizza_012 said:
It ain't over yet. 2 episodes left to be animated. Anything can happen within 48 minutes. Let's just not lose Hope for a Original/Harem/Satsuki End at the moment. The war isn't over yet haha.

Nope its a lost battle; which is a shame since i think almost anyone would agree that the rating would be higher with a Satsuki ending.
Sep 21, 2012 9:55 PM

Feb 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:
pizza_012 said:
It ain't over yet. 2 episodes left to be animated. Anything can happen within 48 minutes. Let's just not lose Hope for a Original/Harem/Satsuki End at the moment. The war isn't over yet haha.

Nope its a lost battle; which is a shame since i think almost anyone would agree that the rating would be higher with a Satsuki ending.

Oh. That really sucks. Yeah, You're right. The worst character is picked up yet again. Oh my. Well, Let's just hope for a good end then which I doubt will never happen since it's all about that clingy childhood friend imo.

I really want to see a Full OVA of this WITH SATSUKI AND YUUKI ONLY. I think in that way, they could somehow make up on what they did to this series.
Altaria-chanSep 21, 2012 10:03 PM
Sep 21, 2012 9:55 PM

Sep 2011
Lol. The guy picking the girl? NO FUCKING WAY.

I could care less about the ending. I was more interested with the drama between the girl getting hit by the car, and they delivered that this week with who's pretty much behind it.
Sep 21, 2012 10:29 PM
Sep 2012
I don't watch a whole lot of anime, I usually only watch a couple of shows a year. When I checked out the first couple of episodes, I was pleasantly surprised with the writing: I felt like the show struck a pretty good balance between advancing the story and developing the relationships with the characters.

Let me preface this by saying I don't dislike the character of Chisato (I mean, technically I do, but I think she's a unique and decently written character). Her clear psychological issues add a layer of complexity to the show, and the amount of crazy displacement she does as a coping mechanism is a pretty solid foundation for an interesting character. The point of her character, however, is totally lost if the writers make her the end game. If she and Yuki end up together, it sends an absolutely horrible message.

First of all, she's clearly unstable. I don't blame her; her brother's death is tragic and scarring, sure. The problem is that her relationship with Ojima, because of psychological issues, is clearly abusive and unhealthy. People have brought up the subject of Yuki being her property. It's not just a matter of her being disrespectful or even just plain obsessive with him; she actually uses Yuki as an object for displacing her brother-issues. An object. This is all interesting writing, hell, it's great writing--as long as the protagonist ends up pulling away from their screwed up, abusive relationship and establishes that he is not an object for her to displace her issues onto. He does that, it's awesome. What also needs to happen is for her to learn to break free from her dependency. This is where the writers lose the moral. If she and Ojima end up together, without significant pause after ending the abuse cycle, the message it sends is that there is no escaping that kind of relationship. She still suffers from dependency. Chisato still needs him in an unhealthy, scary way. I honestly think she'd kill herself if he ever left her--that's the kind of thing she needs to overcome. If she can free herself from her dependency issues, that would be an amazing, happy ending. It also requires her to NOT end up with him.

Besides the moral issues I have with the ending, I also think based on the way the show has progressed that it would be pretty bad writing. My issue with the whole childhood friend is that the writers use it lazily to establish a meaningful relationship that existed before the show aired. They can say, "Hey, it make sense for them to end up together. Their relationship has been building their whole lives," and just do it. The truth is, we don't really experience any of that romantic development. In reality, the writing we experience is, opposite of romantic growth, the characters having a relationship breakdown (because lo and behold, a relationship based on an abusive premise is bound to fall apart). They can justify it by saying childhood friends, relationship was already built up--but that doesn't do anything for me because I didn't get to experience that growth besides like, two short flashbacks. The most meaningful romantic development in this show has been between Satsuki and Yuki, because we actually see that development happening on screen over the course of the show. Yuki and Chisato's relationship is fascinating and well written, as long as the ending to that relationship is both of them realizing that they have serious issues (Chisato with her dependency and Yuki basically allowing himself to be psychologically abused and objectified) and moving forward.

It looks like the ending is going to totally ignore the brilliant relationship build-up and have the two characters in a hopelessly abusive relationship stay in their relationship, retain their dependency and lose all of the beautiful character growth that's been developing.

Though like I said, I don't watch a whole lot of anime and this is from an entirely Western lens, so who knows, maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about.
Sep 22, 2012 5:13 AM
Jun 2012
meshiach said:
I don't watch a whole lot of anime, I usually only watch a couple of shows a year. When I checked out the first couple of episodes, I was pleasantly surprised with the writing: I felt like the show struck a pretty good balance between advancing the story and developing the relationships with the characters.

Let me preface this by saying I don't dislike the character of Chisato (I mean, technically I do, but I think she's a unique and decently written character). Her clear psychological issues add a layer of complexity to the show, and the amount of crazy displacement she does as a coping mechanism is a pretty solid foundation for an interesting character. The point of her character, however, is totally lost if the writers make her the end game. If she and Yuki end up together, it sends an absolutely horrible message.

First of all, she's clearly unstable. I don't blame her; her brother's death is tragic and scarring, sure. The problem is that her relationship with Ojima, because of psychological issues, is clearly abusive and unhealthy. People have brought up the subject of Yuki being her property. It's not just a matter of her being disrespectful or even just plain obsessive with him; she actually uses Yuki as an object for displacing her brother-issues. An object. This is all interesting writing, hell, it's great writing--as long as the protagonist ends up pulling away from their screwed up, abusive relationship and establishes that he is not an object for her to displace her issues onto. He does that, it's awesome. What also needs to happen is for her to learn to break free from her dependency. This is where the writers lose the moral. If she and Ojima end up together, without significant pause after ending the abuse cycle, the message it sends is that there is no escaping that kind of relationship. She still suffers from dependency. Chisato still needs him in an unhealthy, scary way. I honestly think she'd kill herself if he ever left her--that's the kind of thing she needs to overcome. If she can free herself from her dependency issues, that would be an amazing, happy ending. It also requires her to NOT end up with him.

Besides the moral issues I have with the ending, I also think based on the way the show has progressed that it would be pretty bad writing. My issue with the whole childhood friend is that the writers use it lazily to establish a meaningful relationship that existed before the show aired. They can say, "Hey, it make sense for them to end up together. Their relationship has been building their whole lives," and just do it. The truth is, we don't really experience any of that romantic development. In reality, the writing we experience is, opposite of romantic growth, the characters having a relationship breakdown (because lo and behold, a relationship based on an abusive premise is bound to fall apart). They can justify it by saying childhood friends, relationship was already built up--but that doesn't do anything for me because I didn't get to experience that growth besides like, two short flashbacks. The most meaningful romantic development in this show has been between Satsuki and Yuki, because we actually see that development happening on screen over the course of the show. Yuki and Chisato's relationship is fascinating and well written, as long as the ending to that relationship is both of them realizing that they have serious issues (Chisato with her dependency and Yuki basically allowing himself to be psychologically abused and objectified) and moving forward.

It looks like the ending is going to totally ignore the brilliant relationship build-up and have the two characters in a hopelessly abusive relationship stay in their relationship, retain their dependency and lose all of the beautiful character growth that's been developing.

Though like I said, I don't watch a whole lot of anime and this is from an entirely Western lens, so who knows, maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about.

well from a fellow person with a mainly Western point of view (only started watching anime srsly 1.5 years ago at the age of 18) I agreed with pretty much everything.

funny thing is. I've played one generic dating sim VN in my life so far and the 'childhood friend' route had pretty much the same ending as what they were doing in this episode. And with that I mean the 'I've met many girls but I always had you in my mind and none of them could compare to you' thing.

I for one wouldn't want to be in a relationship like that and it just feels the writers randomly came up with it. With the breakdown from episode 10 in mind the lovey doveyness in episode 11 just made the characters look borderline
BlubBlobSep 22, 2012 5:31 AM
Sep 22, 2012 9:08 PM
Sep 2011
Seems like a Chisato end from here on out. Hoping for a Satsuki twist. Imo Chisato has a terrible voice and an annoying personality stemming from her clingy behaviour and dependence on Yuuki.
Sep 22, 2012 9:14 PM

Mar 2011
Chisato reminds me too much of a certain orang haired girl who shouldn't be named from Shuffle. That's basically the reason why I dislike her so much. I don't like the dependent dramatic type unless they'll kill you if you cheat on them =P (Yuno ^_^)
[Input amazing signature]
Sep 22, 2012 11:47 PM

Nov 2007
Sigh. Why Chisato? Worst annoying character. CHOKE ON YOUR CHOCOLATE YOU ANNOYING BITCH.

Horrible ending. Ruined by a horrid character.

I wish the VN would get translated so I could see a character that doesn't suck.
Sep 22, 2012 11:57 PM
Jul 2012
Chisato is obviously the best heroine. People like you just wouldn't understand.
Sep 23, 2012 12:01 AM

Nov 2011
How is this thread still up?

I had this anime on my PTW next thing I know I'm scrolling through the forums and read "Chisato end" boom. If this actually turns out correct just ruined it for me and probably several others. =/
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Sep 23, 2012 3:16 AM

Jul 2011
Figures, the girl I hate is usually the one that the protag chooses in the end.
Sep 23, 2012 3:21 AM

Jul 2011
Ragix said:
How is this thread still up?

I had this anime on my PTW next thing I know I'm scrolling through the forums and read "Chisato end" boom. If this actually turns out correct just ruined it for me and probably several others. =/

Indeed...however, just have to change the name of this thread and it's ok.
Sep 23, 2012 7:02 AM

Dec 2011
mystik said:
Sigh. Why Chisato? Worst annoying character. CHOKE ON YOUR CHOCOLATE YOU ANNOYING BITCH.

Horrible ending. Ruined by a horrid character.

I wish the VN would get translated so I could see a character that doesn't suck.

I would give this series a 10, as well as buy the bd's if she chokes on the fucking chocolate and dies.

I hope you choose well directors, for your own safety (lol).
Sep 23, 2012 7:26 AM

Oct 2011
Enslavement said:
mystik said:
Sigh. Why Chisato? Worst annoying character. CHOKE ON YOUR CHOCOLATE YOU ANNOYING BITCH.

Horrible ending. Ruined by a horrid character.

I wish the VN would get translated so I could see a character that doesn't suck.

I would give this series a 10, as well as buy the bd's if she chokes on the fucking chocolate and dies.

I hope you choose well directors, for your own safety (lol).

Haha, good one. +1
I am not a Chisato fan but seeing her die would be kind of sad, but for sure it would be hilarious to choke on chocolate.

If Yuuki choose someone else then her I AM PRETTY SURE that she would go insane and we would be seeing ending like in school days. xD
Sep 25, 2012 12:15 PM

Dec 2011
Raisken said:
Enslavement said:
mystik said:
Sigh. Why Chisato? Worst annoying character. CHOKE ON YOUR CHOCOLATE YOU ANNOYING BITCH.

Horrible ending. Ruined by a horrid character.

I wish the VN would get translated so I could see a character that doesn't suck.

I would give this series a 10, as well as buy the bd's if she chokes on the fucking chocolate and dies.

I hope you choose well directors, for your own safety (lol).

Haha, good one. +1
I am not a Chisato fan but seeing her die would be kind of sad, but for sure it would be hilarious to choke on chocolate.

If Yuuki choose someone else then her I AM PRETTY SURE that she would go insane and we would be seeing ending like in school days. xD

AAAANDDD I still prefer that ending over chisato end...
Sep 25, 2012 12:20 PM
Nov 2010
Ending should be a yuri ending, with Chisato x Satsuki.
Sep 25, 2012 2:30 PM

Oct 2011
Enslavement said:
Raisken said:
Enslavement said:
mystik said:
Sigh. Why Chisato? Worst annoying character. CHOKE ON YOUR CHOCOLATE YOU ANNOYING BITCH.

Horrible ending. Ruined by a horrid character.

I wish the VN would get translated so I could see a character that doesn't suck.

I would give this series a 10, as well as buy the bd's if she chokes on the fucking chocolate and dies.

I hope you choose well directors, for your own safety (lol).

Haha, good one. +1
I am not a Chisato fan but seeing her die would be kind of sad, but for sure it would be hilarious to choke on chocolate.

If Yuuki choose someone else then her I AM PRETTY SURE that she would go insane and we would be seeing ending like in school days. xD

AAAANDDD I still prefer that ending over chisato end...

So true, so true. I would like to see it too at least I would remember this anime's title, but with Chisato's ending I will forget it in new season xD.

Little Busters FTW!
Sep 25, 2012 4:01 PM
Nov 2010
>Not wanting delicious Chisato ending

MAL confirmed for awful taste
Sep 26, 2012 4:42 AM
Jun 2012
If having good taste means you rate 5 cm/s a 5, Angel Beats! a 4, Fate Zero season 1+2 a 4/5, Kokoro Connect a 6 I don't really mind having bad taste
Sep 26, 2012 6:44 AM

Feb 2012
It's confirmed. They will be rooting that clingy childhood friend who's splitting chocolate into halves. I know it's disgusting but I have to bear the crap out of it no matter what. It's a great show after all ignoring Chisato's participation.

2 OVA for Satsuki and Yuuki Pls...............

I want to see an NTR between Yuuki,Chisato and Satsuki in the last episode but I highly doubt it but we'll see :D.

For Example: Satsuki Kissing and stealing Yuuki away from Chisato. Wahahahhaa. That would be so damn goooood.
Altaria-chanSep 26, 2012 6:55 AM
Sep 26, 2012 9:33 PM

May 2008
I must be like the only one that wanted a Mifuyu ending
Sep 27, 2012 12:09 AM
Jul 2012
She would have been my second choice after Chisato.
Sep 27, 2012 12:10 AM
Jul 2012
She would have been my second choice after Chisato.
Sep 30, 2012 2:45 AM
Jul 2012
Arkasia said:
If having good taste means you rate 5 cm/s a 5, Angel Beats! a 4, Fate Zero season 1+2 a 4/5, Kokoro Connect a 6 I don't really mind having bad taste

You. I like you.
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