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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Sep 15, 2012 8:24 AM

Nov 2011

And the two duo are in harmony after last week's episode. I lol'd @ the scene in the beginning but the two looks so casual in those normal clothes.

It looks like Yui does debut this episode in the forest and was mistaken for some sort of a ghost at first? Heh, silly misunderstandings. She's cute though trying to pronounce their names but calls them

Also, badass Asuna at end there and what the hell is happening to Yui? I mean, that was just weird.
Sep 15, 2012 8:25 AM
Jul 2012
hnnnng @yui
Sep 15, 2012 8:33 AM

Feb 2009
1 minute before ED song is playing.

Oh god, my heart couldn't take the HHNNGG that is Yui. Itou Kanae did a good job here.
Though they kinda skipped the part about Yui opening her own window to further emphasize the weird situation she is in.
And why is Kirito carrying her in his back? I prefer that he carried him like a baby in front. Makes Yui's breakdown a bit easier to look at than Yui wobbling behind him and Asuna catching her.
Otherwise, great episode. Next episode is Yui's Heart. I dunno if mine is prepared for it though.

inb4 that weird thing is so similar to .hack
inb4 why are kids in there
inb4 nothing happened
inb4 more complaints
( ¬‿¬)
Sep 15, 2012 8:40 AM
Jul 2012
Sep 15, 2012 8:42 AM

Oct 2010
This episode of SAO continues nicely with the married life of Kirito x Asuna. Despite the ring being great I was hoping a little for the ceremony. I got my tuxedo ready for it but alas I did not see it. However Asuna in the following,

was really nice for male eyes with her dress but MOE enticing with her pout there. It was rather very cute TBH.

About Asuna teasing Kirito as he awakes, the whole part in the spoiler
was so gratifying. First of all Asuna looking at Kirito’s sleeping face only to end up in a most marvellous hug. That was quite something TBH. Asuna’s happy face with the blushes was very satisfying to see.

About the outing, it started very nice in the spoiler
notice the nice piggyback Kirito does for Asuna. Another good point of a couple’s fun times. The character interactions were very nice there. Kirito got a better feel of Asuna’s privates there and surprised of the old geezers fishing around. I did not expect that but more I was thinking it was them alone mostly.

However comes the forest part in the spoiler
and it start going towards suspense and horror kind of. The instating of fear is being tried here and in the dark I am sure it has some effect. However it was all in terms of intros to find out of the Mountain Dew girl known as Yui.

As much as I love the mountain Dew girl in the following,

I would take her home and raise as my own daughter even is she would be NPC. She is too adorable and like a daughter in Kirito’s life with Asuna. Other than plot purpose that much should be CLEAR TO ALL! Indeed I think she showed quite the reactions from Asuna/Kirito. The rest of my thoughts follow.

About Yui and her MOE effect on a family background. Quite easily separated into 3 points. First one being in the spoiler
shows how Asuna is nice to Yui with her smile and playing around while Kirito is happy like a father should be. This is merely a play of family and showing how both would be with a kid. That’s apart from the plot element if any Yui might be part of.

Yui’s eating in the spoiler
shows how MOE can she be with food. THAT SMILE! Really is the MOE point of this part from this segment. She really is cute while being shown like that and that was the point apart from showing a little Asuna jealous from Yui wanting a hug from Kirito and not her along with Kirito being happy towards her like a father should.

Finally Asuna in the spoiler
has some great blushes to show out as Yui’s MOE is shown once again with her sleeping innocently. I liked how Asuna/Kirito talked after this about her.

About the beginning, the start in the spoiler
was really good in terms of Asuna/Kirito announcing their taking a vacation whom the Guild Master had no problems with.

It did not take much to start seeing Asuna x Kirito moments in the spoiler
of whom I love how Asuna plays with his face and is blushing. A really nice example of marriage done right and a couple living well with each other. However Keiko in the spoiler
demands more time on her side, whom she might not get any time soon.

About the finding out of Yui herself, the start of it in the spoiler
ringed with a lot of good reactions. For one Asuna being afraid and a little Asuna behind exposure was nice. Yui was lovely introduced by showing her in that way. Kind of like a beaten up tired young girl having enough of this world. Well it appeared to me like that.

About taking care of Yui at Kirito/Asuna’s cottage, the start of this segment in the spoiler
was very touching in terms of taking care of Yui. She is made so innocent looking with her being in bed resting along with cuddling from Asuna/Kirito the new married couple. I liked the sun down setting too. It made nice impact.

Losing no time over it. The sleeping part at night in the spoiler
yielded out many things. For one Asuna being sexy and sleeping with Kirito like a married couple does was nice to see. However I was much more with #2 in terms of showing how MOE Asuna is with Yui while hugging and cuddling with her. IT SHOWS! And I say this seriously. It shows that Asuna loves kids and would be a great wife once again loving kids and being a great mother. People MUST NOT MISS THIS! For anything else. This part is 100% a show out of Asuna being able to be a mother and gentle with kids.

About revisiting the first floor, the first part in the spoiler
was nice considering it’s like being back at episode 1 but it looks deserted obviously. That is until that stupid army comes to abuse.

About the nun, I find her in the spoiler
pretty cool for a real human being stuck in SAO. I am surprised a nun class is shown or even a dress but this being a RPG it’s to be expected. I liked her determination and her eye colour with the glasses match rather well her character. The kids were really adorable to be shown.

About Asuna’s love for kids PROOF 2! It’s quite easy to see in the spoiler
that she did loads and exerted herself in power to protect those kids from the abuse of those soldiers. This most likely the best proof as it shows Asuna’s RAGE as that of a mother protecting her little ones.That is quite spectacular to see even more so when you get into Asuna as being a mother.

About thee end, OMG in the spoiler
YUI WTF IS WRONG! Was initially my worrying over this whole part. I hope Yui gets well and suffers not much of her ailment. Whatever it may be.

WONDERING! Are those kids really trapped in the game? Is the nun real too or NPC? I think she is real but you can choose Priest/Nun jobs? That is peculiar that there are religious notions in the game but many RPGs have it. Just SAO having it? Rather strange IMO. Might edit later.

BTW End Art in the spoiler
is of Asuna/Kirito feeding Mountain Dew girl. Simple yet enticing in MOE.

Little Bonus feature of Asuna from last episode in underwear in the spoilerrather a good job was done there. The best and closest to the originals.

Looks like a new Nedoroid is in the spoiler
as usual it fully MOE.
Yumekichi11Sep 15, 2012 11:54 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Sep 15, 2012 8:55 AM
Jan 2012
what a great episode :o
Sep 15, 2012 9:06 AM

Aug 2009
Yumekichi11 said:

WONDERING! Are those kids really trapped in the game? Is the nun real too or NPC? I think she is real but you can choose Priest/Nun jobs? That is peculiar that there are religious notions in the game but many RPGs have it. Just SAO having it? Rather strange IMO. Might edit later.

Since it's not a spoiler(Yui is the focus of the arc so who cares?),no the kids and nun are players of SAO.As for the Priest job...I dont remember saying that in the LN.It's just her clothes I mean if she had a job as nun why would they need money to stay in the church?
belatkuro said:

inb4 that weird thing is so similar to .hack
inb4 why are kids in there
inb4 nothing happened
inb4 more complaints
( ¬‿¬)

inb4 loli/moe fanservice
Sep 15, 2012 9:09 AM

Oct 2010
ssjokg said:
Yumekichi11 said:

WONDERING! Are those kids really trapped in the game? Is the nun real too or NPC? I think she is real but you can choose Priest/Nun jobs? That is peculiar that there are religious notions in the game but many RPGs have it. Just SAO having it? Rather strange IMO. Might edit later.

Since it's not a spoiler(Yui is the focus of the arc so who cares?),no the kids and nun are players of SAO.
Oh OK just wondering. Wow, poor kids. Just the though of their brains frying is the most disgust I have had. The creator is so going to HELL for this. I am sure one of those kids got killed in this game already. This is truly a good element to add to make you think how insane is the creator of this game to involve those kids.

I understand that they fear more than others the game itself.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Sep 15, 2012 9:20 AM

May 2011
Yumekichi11 said:

I wonder how long Asuna's hair will be in episode 25.
I definitely have superpowers. I can feel it in my balls.
Sep 15, 2012 9:23 AM
Mar 2010
To be a bit more precise, SAO theoretically wasn't supposed to let children play, but naturally a few ended up playing anyways. For example, Kirito being 14 at the start, and Silica being 12 at the start. Most children didn't leave Starter City, or the surrounding area.
Sep 15, 2012 9:44 AM
Aug 2012
Sandaime33 said:
ssjokg said:
Sandaime33 said:
where can i watch newly updated episode of SAO...?
almost all of the anime site that i have known so far havent updated yet...tnx for the help^^

they watched it live (or not) without subs will have to wait

ok tnx...but can i know where they watch kinda excited to hear the new OP song since the song was performed by Aoi Eir.....tnx^^

wait wait, this episode has the new OP?

It shouldn't yet.
Sep 15, 2012 9:47 AM

Nov 2011
The OP song was still the same.
Sep 15, 2012 9:49 AM

Aug 2009
Dessiato said:
Sandaime33 said:
ssjokg said:
Sandaime33 said:
where can i watch newly updated episode of SAO...?
almost all of the anime site that i have known so far havent updated yet...tnx for the help^^

they watched it live (or not) without subs will have to wait

ok tnx...but can i know where they watch kinda excited to hear the new OP song since the song was performed by Aoi Eir.....tnx^^

wait wait, this episode has the new OP?

It shouldn't yet.
Stark700 said:
The OP song was still the same.

I doubt it will change until ALO begins.That said I wonder if they will show everyone's avatars(Klein,liz etc) in the new OP or ED...
Sep 15, 2012 10:00 AM

Nov 2007
Getting away from the group and living in the secluded place? That's why I saw them in regular cloth(not avatar nor battle cloth) earlier (not playing smoothly because many people watching? The show is too popular!). Mentioning of Accelerated (Accel World) and Astral (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal) are lol~

Date ep.? They are having fun together and meeting a girl who looks like the little girl he met (same seiyuu and even the name is the same?)? And she calls them her parents!! She's lost memory. Weird...she was in the darkness all the time, and not in the beginning place?

Soldiers treating kids badly, the girl alone can get them away.

Truth about the little girl (her heart) revealing next ep.?
tsubasaloverSep 15, 2012 6:21 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Sep 15, 2012 10:07 AM

Jun 2009
Karhu said:
Yumekichi11 said:

I wonder how long Asuna's hair will be in episode 25.

Sep 15, 2012 10:14 AM

Dec 2010
Wow 4 hates already, and i'll bet that they didn't watch the episode either (raw or not) T_T, sigh haters really don't go away.....

In any case hopefully people try to understand certain things in this episode before asking dumb questions like "why are there kids there" "isn't there an age limit" even without reading the LN one should be able to guess that people don't always follow such limits, i mean seriously how easy is it to make yourself seem older online...or they could have borrowed the game, or w/e its not that hard.

Yui arc being two episodes is a major win, the overall flow of the episode should go smoothly, i don't see it being rushed with 2 episodes.

People may also complain that this sidesteps the progress in story (since they pretty much run away from the front lines) but i see it differently, if anything this progresses Kirito and Asuna while introducing a new character in Yui.
Sep 15, 2012 10:20 AM

Aug 2009
InfiniteDestiny said:
Wow 4 hates already, and i'll bet that they didn't watch the episode either (raw or not) T_T, sigh haters really don't go away.....

In any case hopefully people try to understand certain things in this episode before asking dumb questions like "why are there kids there" "isn't there an age limit" even without reading the LN one should be able to guess that people don't always follow such limits, i mean seriously how easy is it to make yourself seem older online...or they could have borrowed the game, or w/e its not that hard.

Yui arc being two episodes is a major win, the overall flow of the episode should go smoothly, i don't see it being rushed with 2 episodes.

People may also complain that this sidesteps the progress in story (since they pretty much run away from the front lines) but i see it differently, if anything this progresses Kirito and Asuna while introducing a new character in Yui.

I would like to imagine their responses if Yui were to appear
Sep 15, 2012 10:30 AM

Oct 2010
kerobear said:
Karhu said:
Yumekichi11 said:

I wonder how long Asuna's hair will be in episode 25.

I am not sure she will cut them but yeah they are becoming longer than usual.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Sep 15, 2012 10:35 AM

Dec 2010
ssjokg said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Wow 4 hates already, and i'll bet that they didn't watch the episode either (raw or not) T_T, sigh haters really don't go away.....

In any case hopefully people try to understand certain things in this episode before asking dumb questions like "why are there kids there" "isn't there an age limit" even without reading the LN one should be able to guess that people don't always follow such limits, i mean seriously how easy is it to make yourself seem older online...or they could have borrowed the game, or w/e its not that hard.

Yui arc being two episodes is a major win, the overall flow of the episode should go smoothly, i don't see it being rushed with 2 episodes.

People may also complain that this sidesteps the progress in story (since they pretty much run away from the front lines) but i see it differently, if anything this progresses Kirito and Asuna while introducing a new character in Yui.

I would like to imagine their responses if Yui were to appear

Well i doubt people think of such things when they complain, to a lesser extent but all the same couldn't the same be said of the other "side stories" yet people still bashed all the same...sigh well whatever, its not like its new or anything, shows with a lot of hype usually get a lot of hate, so they are under a lot of pressure to succeed or considered terrible otherwise.
Sep 15, 2012 10:46 AM

Feb 2008
Yeah it seem like it's possible to cover ALO arc but we don't know for sure what is going on.

Well, there is a limit how long a hair can grown I think but still I dunno.

Yui is cute and the voice actor do a good job to voice her, it was still sad what happend to Yui in the end thought.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Sep 15, 2012 11:01 AM

Aug 2009
InfiniteDestiny said:
shows with a lot of hype usually get a lot of hate, so they are under a lot of pressure to succeed or considered terrible otherwise.

It's because it's cool or something.
Sep 15, 2012 11:19 AM

Jul 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:
Wow 4 hates already, and i'll bet that they didn't watch the episode either (raw or not) T_T, sigh haters really don't go away.....

In any case hopefully people try to understand certain things in this episode before asking dumb questions like "why are there kids there" "isn't there an age limit" even without reading the LN one should be able to guess that people don't always follow such limits, i mean seriously how easy is it to make yourself seem older online...or they could have borrowed the game, or w/e its not that hard.

Yui arc being two episodes is a major win, the overall flow of the episode should go smoothly, i don't see it being rushed with 2 episodes.

People may also complain that this sidesteps the progress in story (since they pretty much run away from the front lines) but i see it differently, if anything this progresses Kirito and Asuna while introducing a new character in Yui.

I believe it's just Spam accounts, Either that or the 6 people really know their Japanese and watched it with RAW version >;).
Sep 15, 2012 11:21 AM

Nov 2009
With the introduction of Yui, I would say this arc isn't really a side story, cause it continues with what happened in the previous episode ( after Kiri and Asuna got married), and introduce a new character who will frequently appear in later episode (ALO part)
Sep 15, 2012 11:23 AM

Oct 2010
ssjokg said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
shows with a lot of hype usually get a lot of hate, so they are under a lot of pressure to succeed or considered terrible otherwise.
It's because it's cool or something.
Yeah but I find it deranging as of this episode the RAGE over Asuna and claiming her for oneself has escalated beyond belief.

Well from how my friend informs of things there. School wise, yeah among anime guys it's Asuna this and Asuna that. Oh I would be better than Kirito. Mundane stuff like that. I do it too but IN MY BRAIN. I keep it to myself a lot. So yeah it saves me from a lot of frustration gym being a extra help.

Thing is I find with this episode and last one that Asuna claiming and raing over her belonging to whom IRL is pointless even if there is MOERu passion over her. So yeah SAO is the school rage in romance of anime girls. A benefit of knowing people from Japan and keeping contact with them.

Personally I think this episode did great with showing family issues.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Sep 15, 2012 11:24 AM

Aug 2009
Takana_no_Hana said:
With the introduction of Yui, I would say this arc isn't really a side story, cause it continues with what happened in the previous episode ( after Kiri and Asuna got married), and introduce a new character who will frequently appear in later episode (ALO part)

Wanna bet that they dont care?
Sep 15, 2012 11:26 AM
Aug 2012
I find it strange how quickly the popularity for this show kicked off, tonnes of people seem to dislike this show for no apparent reason.
Sep 15, 2012 11:45 AM

Dec 2010
Dessiato said:
I find it strange how quickly the popularity for this show kicked off, tonnes of people seem to dislike this show for no apparent reason.

People don't like shows with this much hype because their favorite shows don't get the popularity they feel it deserves, i mean seriously look at some of the trolls favs and you would see what i mean, if those shows had even half of the popularity that SAO has i bet they would be saying anything would they? Also hate doesn't require reason, they can try to justify in order to not be labeled trolls, but in the end 99% of them never give valid reasons, a lot of there comments are just sarcasm to top it all off.

Well w/e in the end there hate doesn't really affect how you feel about the show now does it? fact is that it IS popular, fact is that the novel IS top ranked on here, and there hate isn't going to do anything about that, i mean seriously take a look at the ratings for the novel and anime, don't you think there are a irregular amount of 1s compared to the rest? even with that form of hate it still maintains high ranking, that should say something since i doubt anyone can give valid justification for giving something a 1 when they likely give cliche series things like 7s and 8s, you like that kind of thing go ahead, i myself don't mind those series one bit, but to give SAO a 1 while giving series like that 7 times that...The best they could do is simply say its a matter of taste, not give a educated break down of why a cliche w/e series deserves a 7 while they give SAO 1s.
Sep 15, 2012 11:51 AM

Jul 2012
Dessiato said:
I find it strange how quickly the popularity for this show kicked off, tonnes of people seem to dislike this show for no apparent reason.

You're right and it's ridiculous.
Sep 15, 2012 12:02 PM

Aug 2012
:D their honeymoon how cute. Yui!!
Sep 15, 2012 12:05 PM

Mar 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:
Dessiato said:
I find it strange how quickly the popularity for this show kicked off, tonnes of people seem to dislike this show for no apparent reason.

People don't like shows with this much hype because their favorite shows don't get the popularity they feel it deserves, i mean seriously look at some of the trolls favs and you would see what i mean, if those shows had even half of the popularity that SAO has i bet they would be saying anything would they? Also hate doesn't require reason, they can try to justify in order to not be labeled trolls, but in the end 99% of them never give valid reasons, a lot of there comments are just sarcasm to top it all off.

Well w/e in the end there hate doesn't really affect how you feel about the show now does it? fact is that it IS popular, fact is that the novel IS top ranked on here, and there hate isn't going to do anything about that, i mean seriously take a look at the ratings for the novel and anime, don't you think there are a irregular amount of 1s compared to the rest? even with that form of hate it still maintains high ranking, that should say something since i doubt anyone can give valid justification for giving something a 1 when they likely give cliche series things like 7s and 8s, you like that kind of thing go ahead, i myself don't mind those series one bit, but to give SAO a 1 while giving series like that 7 times that...The best they could do is simply say its a matter of taste, not give a educated break down of why a cliche w/e series deserves a 7 while they give SAO 1s.

SAO is a 6, it was gonna be an 8 but I don't see that happening
End Zionazism
Sep 15, 2012 12:06 PM

Jan 2008
Dessiato said:
I find it strange how quickly the popularity for this show kicked off, tonnes of people seem to dislike this show for no apparent reason.

It's simple, people simply hate thing just because that thing is popular. This applies to any and everything in existence from games, shows, brands, etc, etc, you name it.

Anyways, I honestly don't care much about Yui so this and the next episode are gonna be a slight bore for me.
Sep 15, 2012 12:10 PM

Dec 2010
Mikasa said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Dessiato said:
I find it strange how quickly the popularity for this show kicked off, tonnes of people seem to dislike this show for no apparent reason.

People don't like shows with this much hype because their favorite shows don't get the popularity they feel it deserves, i mean seriously look at some of the trolls favs and you would see what i mean, if those shows had even half of the popularity that SAO has i bet they would be saying anything would they? Also hate doesn't require reason, they can try to justify in order to not be labeled trolls, but in the end 99% of them never give valid reasons, a lot of there comments are just sarcasm to top it all off.

Well w/e in the end there hate doesn't really affect how you feel about the show now does it? fact is that it IS popular, fact is that the novel IS top ranked on here, and there hate isn't going to do anything about that, i mean seriously take a look at the ratings for the novel and anime, don't you think there are a irregular amount of 1s compared to the rest? even with that form of hate it still maintains high ranking, that should say something since i doubt anyone can give valid justification for giving something a 1 when they likely give cliche series things like 7s and 8s, you like that kind of thing go ahead, i myself don't mind those series one bit, but to give SAO a 1 while giving series like that 7 times that...The best they could do is simply say its a matter of taste, not give a educated break down of why a cliche w/e series deserves a 7 while they give SAO 1s.

SAO is a 6, it was gonna be an 8 but I don't see that happening

Well you give things like Digimon a 7 while giving Code Geass a 3, so i guess its just a matter of taste
Sep 15, 2012 12:11 PM

Mar 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:
Mikasa said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Dessiato said:
I find it strange how quickly the popularity for this show kicked off, tonnes of people seem to dislike this show for no apparent reason.

People don't like shows with this much hype because their favorite shows don't get the popularity they feel it deserves, i mean seriously look at some of the trolls favs and you would see what i mean, if those shows had even half of the popularity that SAO has i bet they would be saying anything would they? Also hate doesn't require reason, they can try to justify in order to not be labeled trolls, but in the end 99% of them never give valid reasons, a lot of there comments are just sarcasm to top it all off.

Well w/e in the end there hate doesn't really affect how you feel about the show now does it? fact is that it IS popular, fact is that the novel IS top ranked on here, and there hate isn't going to do anything about that, i mean seriously take a look at the ratings for the novel and anime, don't you think there are a irregular amount of 1s compared to the rest? even with that form of hate it still maintains high ranking, that should say something since i doubt anyone can give valid justification for giving something a 1 when they likely give cliche series things like 7s and 8s, you like that kind of thing go ahead, i myself don't mind those series one bit, but to give SAO a 1 while giving series like that 7 times that...The best they could do is simply say its a matter of taste, not give a educated break down of why a cliche w/e series deserves a 7 while they give SAO 1s.

SAO is a 6, it was gonna be an 8 but I don't see that happening

Well you give things like Digimon a 7 while giving Code Geass a 3, so i guess its just a matter of taste

That was for nostalgia of course. But Code Geass I had higher standards for, seeing how hyped it was. :D
Besides, digimon was cool and didn't have crappy fan service as an excuse for a crappy plot :P
End Zionazism
Sep 15, 2012 12:12 PM

Dec 2010
Paul said:
Dessiato said:
I find it strange how quickly the popularity for this show kicked off, tonnes of people seem to dislike this show for no apparent reason.

It's simple, people simply hate thing just because that thing is popular. This applies to any and everything in existence from games, shows, brands, etc, etc, you name it.

Anyways, I honestly don't care much about Yui so this and the next episode are gonna be a slight bore for me.

It is important tho, i mean like some already mentioned imagine having ALO without these episodes being shown, it may not be a huge part of ALO but it would still leave people going WTF
Sep 15, 2012 12:14 PM

Dec 2010
Mikasa said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Mikasa said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Dessiato said:
I find it strange how quickly the popularity for this show kicked off, tonnes of people seem to dislike this show for no apparent reason.

People don't like shows with this much hype because their favorite shows don't get the popularity they feel it deserves, i mean seriously look at some of the trolls favs and you would see what i mean, if those shows had even half of the popularity that SAO has i bet they would be saying anything would they? Also hate doesn't require reason, they can try to justify in order to not be labeled trolls, but in the end 99% of them never give valid reasons, a lot of there comments are just sarcasm to top it all off.

Well w/e in the end there hate doesn't really affect how you feel about the show now does it? fact is that it IS popular, fact is that the novel IS top ranked on here, and there hate isn't going to do anything about that, i mean seriously take a look at the ratings for the novel and anime, don't you think there are a irregular amount of 1s compared to the rest? even with that form of hate it still maintains high ranking, that should say something since i doubt anyone can give valid justification for giving something a 1 when they likely give cliche series things like 7s and 8s, you like that kind of thing go ahead, i myself don't mind those series one bit, but to give SAO a 1 while giving series like that 7 times that...The best they could do is simply say its a matter of taste, not give a educated break down of why a cliche w/e series deserves a 7 while they give SAO 1s.

SAO is a 6, it was gonna be an 8 but I don't see that happening

Well you give things like Digimon a 7 while giving Code Geass a 3, so i guess its just a matter of taste

That was for nostalgia of course. But Code Geass I had higher standards for, seeing how hyped it was. :D
Besides, digimon was cool and didn't have crappy fan service as an excuse for a crappy plot :P

You are completely entitled to rate that way also, my point was just exactly what you said, the more hype the more hate because the expectations make people rate differently, that and people don't like when things are more popular than they feel they should be, quite ironic considering they would no problem with their favorites being as popular. It has nothing to do with valid breakdowns of criticism, its just a matter of taste, thats all.
Sep 15, 2012 12:29 PM

Feb 2012
awesome episode cant wait for the next :DDDDDDDD
Sep 15, 2012 12:32 PM

Jun 2012
Hm something seemed off about this episode for me, dunno whether it was the plot itself, the pacing or what, it just didn't feel right. Regardless, as an anime only viewer I'm looking forward to see where this story goes, I see a lot of different possibilities next episode but we'll see.

Asuna's portrayal has been inconsistent for me since she got introduced. To the public she's this cute yet mature, badass swordsman but when it's just her and Kirito, Asuna turns into moe blob who acts like a regular girl her age. She acts like 2 completely people and it's really polarizing. I can't blame Haruka Tomatsu because that's how the character was written but a little subtlety on her part could go a long way
HybridMBLSep 15, 2012 12:35 PM
Sep 15, 2012 12:37 PM

Jul 2012
hmm this was my least favorite episode...not very exciting...

still love the show though
Sep 15, 2012 12:42 PM

Sep 2012
when r the subs out , how is everybody watching it
Sep 15, 2012 12:43 PM

Jul 2012
AashFenton said:
when r the subs out , how is everybody watching it

Subs are out on nyaa

I give up on my rant. Too much effort and more will have to be given when I get bitched at.
Sep 15, 2012 12:46 PM

Jul 2012
lol I thought it was funny

but who were you talking about when you said someone died and came back? I must've missed that
Sep 15, 2012 12:48 PM

Jul 2012
therandomestguy said:
lol I thought it was funny

but who were you talking about when you said someone died and came back? I must've missed that

That grey haired guy at the beginning: they showed him again. Unless I misread/saw and it was just a flashback. Pretty sure he died last episode.
Sep 15, 2012 12:50 PM

Dec 2010
ihateeveryone said:
therandomestguy said:
lol I thought it was funny

but who were you talking about when you said someone died and came back? I must've missed that

That grey haired guy at the beginning: they showed him again. Unless I misread/saw and it was just a flashback. Pretty sure he died last episode.

Shows how much you pay attention, you shouldn't be surprised if people disliked your ranting when you gave that little thought on the show itself before criticizing it.
Sep 15, 2012 12:51 PM

Jul 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:
ihateeveryone said:
therandomestguy said:
lol I thought it was funny

but who were you talking about when you said someone died and came back? I must've missed that

That grey haired guy at the beginning: they showed him again. Unless I misread/saw and it was just a flashback. Pretty sure he died last episode.

Shows how much you pay attention, you shouldn't be surprised if people disliked your ranting when you gave that little thought on the show itself before criticizing it.

Nobody said they disliked it, I simply gave up on it. And like I said, I may have misread or missaw something. Sorry that I made a mistake, murder me now if that compensates for it. Not to mention I'm skyping my friend at the same time and I really didn't care to put much thought in that rant.

Didn't I say not to take me seriously? I'm not trying to seriously criticize the show and if you say it that way then damn, sucks for you.
Sep 15, 2012 12:52 PM

Jul 2012
oh I think you're thinking of the other grey haired dude that died last episode he was just a random guild member I think

the guy in the beginning there is the guild leader that Kirito dueled and lost to last episode
Sep 15, 2012 12:52 PM

Sep 2012
Hybridbloodszak said:
Hm something seemed off about this episode for me, dunno whether it was the plot itself, the pacing or what, it just didn't feel right. Regardless, as an anime only viewer I'm looking forward to see where this story goes, I see a lot of different possibilities next episode but we'll see.

Asuna's portrayal has been inconsistent for me since she got introduced. To the public she's this cute yet mature, badass swordsman but when it's just her and Kirito, Asuna turns into moe blob who acts like a regular girl her age. She acts like 2 completely people and it's really polarizing. I can't blame Haruka Tomatsu because that's how the character was written but a little subtlety on her part could go a long way

I felt the pacing was a bit off too. I think it was the whole family effect that felt forced. I would have liked to see that progress than just for it to happen.
Sep 15, 2012 12:54 PM

Jul 2012
Mediocre episode.
Sep 15, 2012 12:54 PM

Jul 2012
therandomestguy said:
oh I think you're thinking of the other grey haired dude that died last episode he was just a random guild member I think

the guy in the beginning there is the guild leader that Kirito dueled and lost to last episode

He was? I must've missed something then. I'll have to go back and look through the episode again, since I don't really feel like rewatching it. It may be hard to spot throughout the entire sex discussion in that thread though. Thanks for helping clear that up though.
Sep 15, 2012 12:56 PM
Feb 2008
Completly buthchered adaptation. Again.
The events in Town of Beginings were my most favourite from this arc. Yet they completly skip them or change them.
Sep 15, 2012 12:58 PM

Dec 2010
ihateeveryone said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
ihateeveryone said:
therandomestguy said:
lol I thought it was funny

but who were you talking about when you said someone died and came back? I must've missed that

That grey haired guy at the beginning: they showed him again. Unless I misread/saw and it was just a flashback. Pretty sure he died last episode.

Shows how much you pay attention, you shouldn't be surprised if people disliked your ranting when you gave that little thought on the show itself before criticizing it.

Nobody said they disliked it, I simply gave up on it. And like I said, I may have misread or missaw something. Sorry that I made a mistake, murder me now if that compensates for it. Not to mention I'm skyping my friend at the same time and I really didn't care to put much thought in that rant.

Didn't I say not to take me seriously? I'm not trying to seriously criticize the show and if you say it that way then damn, sucks for you.

I didn't take it seriously nor do i care even if you were, ranting in general is something i never consider a good thing, there is hardly any valid point to it, its just hating, if you dislike the show don't watch it, the only people who should watch a show and still not like it are the ones who are optimistic that it will get better thus they stick with it, but most of the people who rant just do it to hate, if you don't like the show and don't think it will get better, then why even watch it?
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