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Aug 13, 2012 11:14 AM

Nov 2007
Sisterly Love
For various anime and seiyuu stuff
Aug 13, 2012 11:42 AM

Sep 2010
It's Akane time finally!
Aug 13, 2012 11:45 AM

Nov 2008
Lots of sister bonding, Chinatsu's sister is really nice and a romantic.

Akane is a mess but she's living the dream, while Akari's gone she has classical music, tea, cake, and cuddle time with an Akari Daki, despite the level of yandere factor that is, it's surprisingly classy and what all otaku strive for. Sakurako's little sister Hanako is so cute.

Aug 13, 2012 11:48 AM

Oct 2010
I really liked the start of this episode because it introduces finally to the other sisters of Sakurako and boy are they delicious to the eye. First of all Hanako in the spoiler
and in the following,

IS MINES! I take her to my harem right away. That fang makes her very MOE and irresistible.

Then there is Nadeshiko in the spoiler
is also very nice for her hair/eye color and complex that represents her figure. It’s rather hard to explain but I like her appearance in general. Must be the short hair it makes as an effect.

While Sakurako on the other hand was quite the whiny bitch in the spoiler
moreover I don’t understand why she does not love more her sisters than Himawari? Makes no sense to not love such a older and younger sister. That’s to add you being bitchy towards them.

About references, there is one of Dragon Warrior for PS3 in the spoiler
not sure if anyone caught that one.

Then there is the DBZ reference in the spoiler
that Akari becomes super Saiyan Lvl 2. That is obvious with the golden hair. The context in which she does become like that is comically well done.

About Kaede, it was very nice to see her in the spoiler
quite pleased with her MOE and effect upon me. That of a rather joyful one and HNNNNNGHHHHHH feeling big time. Kaede’s smile makes anyone’s day very nice as much as it did with a certain little one in Papakiri.

About the fear of Sakurako, it was quite the scary moment in the spoiler
for I though Sakurako would KILL in that mood. A rather disturbing set of eyes there and usually YANDERES have that IMO.

About Tomoko, Chinatsu’s sister in the spoiler
gets quite a harem swipe from me. That’s 3 girls bagged up for me. Rather insane amount of wants from this episode. Generally Tomoko to me is a more mature version of Chinatsu that is more sensitive and more daring in her imagination. Being 19 she can buy all the adult stuff and have much more wild fantasies with the material at hand. She is shown of that quite easily with her super red blush.

About Akane, her intro in the spoiler
must have freaked out a lot of Akari fans since they did not expect the insanity of her room in the light of seeing all of it.

What got more shocking is all the stuff she shows while cleaning her room in the spoiler
that was rather quite shocking. This does mean she is totally lesbian for her sister and most likely reads 18 and over material which would give her rather dangerous thoughts. Such would be the following,

Along with the spoiler
and I can say I ROFL at how ridiculous it got. From the kissing to the hugging she is totally nuts. I would not be surprised those mangas are 18+ naughty stuff of Yuri antics. More than anything I would not be surprised of Akane going wild in bed with it and not saying more of it.

Things got a lot more hilarious in the spoiler
with Akari getting into the whole situation. I like her grumpy mood towards Akane.

Other than that 4 people as the character chart shows in the spoiler
Hands up and well this,

Simply and that’s all. Really loved the 4 characters whom 3 new ones I bag for my own fantasies. Might edit later.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 13, 2012 11:54 AM

Dec 2011
Odd how noone has any brothers...

Sakurako's family has quite a large age range... and I think I like both sisters better than Sakurako.

Himawari & sister always make a nice combination... but Sakurako's meddling interferes once more.

Chizuru & Chitose... So Chitose visiting Ayano to do homework counts as a "date" in Chizuru's mind does it? And that drooling is as disgusting as ever.
Chizuru plastering the walls with pictures of Kyouko.
"It'll be over before you can finish counting the prime numbers" <-- errm

Next up, Yui and Mari playing games together. They aren't sisters, though.

Himawari seems to have escaped Sakurako. And she's on a diet now?

LOL @ Akane. An episode about sisters wouldn't be complete without her. Though she appeared in the opening too.

And it's Chinatsu's older sister. I don't think we knew her name before from the anime. First time we get to see her properly. And it seems that she has a crush on Akane.

But noone can beat Akane in terms of crazy sisters. Noone at all.
And I just knew that Akari would come back. But Akane managed to rescue the situation to preserve Akari's entirely fictional positive impression of her onee-chan.

Kyouko missed out on this episode on account of not having a sister.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Aug 13, 2012 12:00 PM

Aug 2010
Man that was an epic episode...probably best one yet XD

Ofc the last skit takes the cake...Akane ftw!!!

lol at all those sisters, sakurako onee-san bowing down on her knees just so she gets out of the room was lol worthy hahaha, also Sakurako's reaction to increased boob size was hilarious XD

But man Kaede's soo cute!!
Aug 13, 2012 12:07 PM

Dec 2011
must have freaked out a lot of Akari fans since they did not expect the insanity of her room in the light of seeing all of it.

I expected it. Every little bit, from the pics lying on the floor to the posters plastered on the ceiling. But expecting it doesnt make it any less ludicrously funny.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Aug 13, 2012 12:10 PM

Jul 2011
Sister love D:
Damn, this becomes better and better every episode <3

And yeah Akari SSJ! :D

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
Aug 13, 2012 12:14 PM

Oct 2011
Ok Chinatsu is no longer most insane person in this series
even Ikeda sisters combined are no match

I loved first part with Chizuru making death trap for her sister (as we saw she will add pictures of Kyouko and die of blood loss)
part with Sakurako and Kaede was cute... but I started to lose hope to see Akane

but it was awesome in it's creepiness XD
not to mention that it seems to be normal thing for Akane to do... but at least someone trully and deeply sees Akari as most important person :)
and she is a Lady... not some shady perverted things but classy cakes, some nice novel and pants
there is some hope for humanity
Dalek-bakaAug 13, 2012 12:18 PM
Aug 13, 2012 12:20 PM

Nov 2011
Best episode of S2 so far, Akane was more insane than I expected her to be.

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Aug 13, 2012 12:34 PM

Mar 2010
i'm so sick of chizuru and chitose
Aug 13, 2012 12:44 PM
Apr 2011
Bear panties hat. No substitute accepted. xD
Aug 13, 2012 1:04 PM

May 2011
Oh DRBZ parody.

Akane's sister is one heck of siscon there.
Aug 13, 2012 1:06 PM

Sep 2011
Love all the new entrees, especially the crazy ones. :)

Why did Tomoko get so flushed? She seems comfortable with her sister being very openly gay.

Ikeda twins' fantasies were lovely. They were sorely missed this season. I feel like I could ship Ayano with anyone, if it came to that.

One of the best episodes for sure.
Aug 13, 2012 1:12 PM

Feb 2012
This ep.. this ep...!!!

Best. Ep. Ever omg.

The yuri was increased ten-fold this ep! AND we got to finally see Akari's sister! Heck, all the sisters in the ep were awesome. I loved every single skit.

This ep gets a 9001/5.
Aug 13, 2012 1:28 PM
Sep 2011
Really great episode! So much yuri this time!! ♥
Aug 13, 2012 1:33 PM

Jul 2010
Now that I have witnessed Akane in motion, I can safely say that I fear for Akari's life.

Great episode!
Aug 13, 2012 1:34 PM
Sep 2011
The Good
-More Sakurako, Kaede, and Mari.

-We finally get to meet many of the sisters, and Hanako wasn't voiced by Rie Kugumiya like I figured.

-No Kyouko this week, except for that little dream segment! ^o^

-We finally get some real focus on Akane. Such a cultured lady with her fancy teacups and her classical music.

-That DBZ reference made my day. And one as obscure as the weighted armor concept. Usually references are just about obvious things like the screaming, the crazy hair and the length of fight scenes.

-Sakurako showing some depth, and giving a Himawari a serious talk about how much her diet is hurting her and Kaede.

The Bad
-Chizuru's segment. The drooling was never appealing but that noise she makes when she drools just makes her seem like a simpleton. She might as well be going "Durrrrrrrr..." Doesn't seem like there's a whole lot to her other than drooling over her sister.

-Needed more Akari. We got to see how the other sisters get along, but not her and Akane. Some more Yui would have been nice, but since Mari isn't technically her sister and we've already seen these two get along in the past, it's understandable.

-I couldn't believe no one figured what the cause of Himawari's weight was. 80% of Sakurako's dialog is usually "BOOBIES!" So I was surprised when she didn't come to that conclusion right away.

All in all a solid episode. Took forever but it was nice.
Aug 13, 2012 1:50 PM

Nov 2011
Not enough Toshinou Kyouko in this ep. Not a bad episode, but without her Yuru Yuri loses half the charm.


Bonus space for you and me with this link! Now 500MB per referral, up to 16GB from referrals alone.
Aug 13, 2012 1:56 PM

Jun 2010
Season 1 didn't focus that much on the Yuri, but Season 2 focuses a lot more on the Yuri. XD

Akane is awesome.

Aug 13, 2012 2:17 PM

Sep 2009
Akane is the best sister of all time
in that garden I saw the tallest flower
Aug 13, 2012 3:31 PM

May 2009
Another great episode, as expected.
Love how they made Tomoko's crush on Akane so obvious.
Aug 13, 2012 3:53 PM

Aug 2010
Just about every character in this show is awesome. I like the personalities of Chinatsu's sister and Akari's sister.
Aug 13, 2012 5:01 PM
Sep 2011
I loved this episode, my only problem is...well...why does Akaza have an Akarin body pillow?
No I understand WHY she has one, I want to understand how one EXISTS since in the Yuri Yuri world Akarin isn't a moe anime character so why would they even produce an Akarin body pillow in the first place?
Also when Chinatsu tells her sister she has a crush on someone her sister immediately says "who is she", so what just because she has a crush on someone you assume it’s a girl? This further proves the theory guys do not exist in the Yuri Yuri world because if it was not so that was such an odd question I would have face palmed.
Also something I notice is last season the creator seemed to go crazy with Shipping Ayano and Kyoko but this season Ayano has barely appeared at all and Himawari and Sakurako are now getting a ton more screen time although the shipping isn't too bad, poor Ayano replaced by a Tsundere and another Tsundere.
I lol'd when Akarin turned super Saiyan by removing her Buns, it makes so much sense.
Overall as I said I am just nit-picking it was a great episode.
Aug 13, 2012 5:52 PM

Jun 2009
I'm annoyed that most of the episode were taken up by Himawari's shitty weight problems (who gives the actual fuck about this?) where it could have been allotted more for Akane and Chinatsu's onee-chan.

Well, at least I'm happy they finally got air time so I'll let it pass.
Aug 13, 2012 5:52 PM

Dec 2010
edl01 said:
I loved this episode, my only problem is...well...why does Akaza have an Akarin body pillow?
No I understand WHY she has one, I want to understand how one EXISTS since in the Yuri Yuri world Akarin isn't a moe anime character so why would they even produce an Akarin body pillow in the first place?
Also when Chinatsu tells her sister she has a crush on someone her sister immediately says "who is she", so what just because she has a crush on someone you assume it’s a girl? This further proves the theory guys do not exist in the Yuri Yuri world because if it was not so that was such an odd question I would have face palmed.
Also something I notice is last season the creator seemed to go crazy with Shipping Ayano and Kyoko but this season Ayano has barely appeared at all and Himawari and Sakurako are now getting a ton more screen time although the shipping isn't too bad, poor Ayano replaced by a Tsundere and another Tsundere.
I lol'd when Akarin turned super Saiyan by removing her Buns, it makes so much sense.
Overall as I said I am just nit-picking it was a great episode.

1) I think you can have special request in real life to put a specific picture on the body pillow so u can in anime too.
2) There are male characters, we just don't see them any more than at chin level. Episode 5(?) in season one where the group went to comikon had a male bus driver. The Christmas couple hangout episode also had no name male characters which even had simple dialogue

I agree though that Chizuru is my least liked character...then Chitose after her.
Aug 13, 2012 6:03 PM

Jan 2011
This episode!! my long wait for seeing the hidden nightmare which is Akane is finally over and as a bonus i got to see everyone else's sister which i didn't even know they had haha.

S1 some yuri and a bit of siscom S2 tons of yuri and lots of siscom!
Aug 13, 2012 6:20 PM
Jul 2007
Akane proving she can be both classy and creepy at the same time. Chizuru activing wanting ship her sister Chitose with Ayako and poor, poor Tomoko your objection of affection is a siscon for her younger sister.
Something life is very overrate
Aug 13, 2012 6:43 PM

Apr 2009
edl01 said:
Also when Chinatsu tells her sister she has a crush on someone her sister immediately says "who is she", so what just because she has a crush on someone you assume it’s a girl? This further proves the theory guys do not exist in the Yuri Yuri world because if it was not so that was such an odd question I would have face palmed.
this is another case where subs confuse someone with gender just because the subbers know what pronoun to use.. no "kanojo", "ano ko", or any Japanese feminine pronoun in the actual Japanese dialogue was included.. it's all just "senpai".. however, since Chinatsu goes to an all girls school, it can be assumed that she likes a girl anyway.. the subbers just put "she" for convenience but it should be changed to "that person" or "that upperclassman" if we want to follow your level of strictness with this issue..

anyway, Akari SSJ and Akane lady-like and classy siscon FTW..
Aug 13, 2012 6:51 PM

Feb 2010
Tomoko's fancy is hilarious XD
and yay for \ Akane~ / the perverted lady
Aug 13, 2012 6:57 PM
Jun 2011
Everybody hates Sakurako, even her own family.
Sure she's a little shithead but I have to say, the ending of that segment is the redeeming quality I was looking for in her.
I knew she had to be decent somewhere in there.
Good girl, keep your friend out of trouble even if it means shoving a rice ball forceably down her throat.

And of course Kaede is such a sweet little girl...if perhaps a bit unaware of how touchy the older girls are.

And we finally meet the family.
Nadeshiko seems like she might be alright, but Hanako's a real bitch.

Nice to see Chizuru's real motives. I guess she's not such a bad girl after all, certainly purer than her sister.

Tomoko...shut the EFF up please, we know you have a hard on for Akari's sister.

And as for Akane...(shudder) jesus. I think if they'd left her as a guy I'd have nightmares about her raping Akari. She acts like a super hardcore dakimakura totin waifu otaku. (As in the ones that give us a bad rep among normal people)

Well...I now have my opinions on the characters I missed. I think I'll go comment those to the YuruYuri2 WWYD?
I go by many names, some call me Hoshimaru, others call me Jiro or Aosou-Kun.
I believe myself a force for good, a papercrafter by trade, and one who seeks love and beauty animesque.

I am the host of the youtube show Who Would You Do?
Aug 13, 2012 7:06 PM
Jun 2008
so much sisterly this ep give odd twist those with no sisters seen were ayano & Toshinou Kyouko.

oh well give more whole hima-saku doing.

& but FINALLY after so much wait from s1 to showing at last akarin's sister & her voice as well!!!

oh my yea akane indeed the yuri-cension has finally rise.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Aug 13, 2012 7:13 PM

Feb 2012
lol finally we got to see Akari's sister's obsession xD
Aug 13, 2012 7:47 PM
Jun 2011
Dalek-baka said:
Ok Chinatsu is no longer most insane person in this series
even Ikeda sisters combined are no match

Yes, I was afraid of Chinatsu in the first season because she's an evil yandere.
But she's mellowed out considerably, and now we get Akane.

I have full belief that if YuruYuri weren't a fairly tame series (and the fact that Akari has a BROTHER, not a sister, in the manga)...Akari would get horribly horribly raped and knocked up at some point.

Seriously, somebody save that poor girl!
I go by many names, some call me Hoshimaru, others call me Jiro or Aosou-Kun.
I believe myself a force for good, a papercrafter by trade, and one who seeks love and beauty animesque.

I am the host of the youtube show Who Would You Do?
Aug 13, 2012 7:49 PM

Mar 2008
Top episode
Himawari ball excercise LOL
Aug 13, 2012 9:54 PM

Jun 2008
I waited so, so long for that last scene. I can now die peacefully.

(and the fact that Akari has a BROTHER, not a sister, in the manga)

Said brother was retconned into a sister in the manga.
Aug 13, 2012 10:29 PM

Nov 2011
I found Chinatsu's sister to be rather cute, unlike Chinatsu herself. I'm assuming Tomoko's pigtails aren't evil, sentient pigtails.
Aug 13, 2012 11:05 PM

Jul 2012
OMG, this EP was totally Yuri overloaded! Sis-con, beware!

Watching till the end, I still kinda missing something from this EP though. I guess my Kyokorin doesn't have a sibling, so she didn't have a big role in this episode. And the only scene that they show her was Kyoko x Ayano ... Come on guys, how could I enjoy that when I ship Kyoko x Yui!!! *rage*

Still, Chitose's fantasize was pretty hilarious though. I think I can swap Ayano for Yui ...
Dear script writer, can I have a scene like this for Kyoko x Yui??? T_T

So, Tomoko (Chinatsu's Oneechan) is in love with Akane (Akari's Oneechan)? That's so cute ... However, Akana is a sis-con for Akari? LMAO at these stuff:

Apart from those points, I think I enjoy Mari's talk about Yui and "Dragon Quest" ... She did have a point! Also, Kaede didn't disappoint me with her oneechan's boob observation, lol.

I feel like this EP is so refreshing, so 5/5 for me. I lol'ed a lot during the episode. Still, lacking of Kyoko in main story made me sad a bit.

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Aug 13, 2012 11:18 PM

Jul 2012
Accumulation of my sadness:

kuuderes_shadow said:
Kyouko missed out on this episode on account of not having a sister.
RLinksoul said:
The Good-No Kyouko this week, except for that little dream segment! ^o^
linchpin said:
Not enough Toshinou Kyouko in this ep. Not a bad episode, but without her Yuru Yuri loses half the charm.

so much sisterly this ep give odd twist those with no sisters seen were ayano & Toshinou Kyouko.
I'm glad a lot of people missed her as well ...

Oh wait, NVM, Just saw that @RLinksoul listed as "the good"! Come on guys, don't hate her ... She just a little bit ... well, sometime too much ... active and energetic girl T_T

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Aug 14, 2012 1:03 AM

Sep 2011

So finally we meet everyone sisters,Sakurako sisters were cute specially the young cute!!!

Chitose fantasies were yuri heavy!! and were great!! Also her hate for Kyoko is funny,even that instead of helping Chizuru may help her fantasies by putting Kyoko photos every were.

Again Kaede is to damn CUTE!!! really to cute!! just want to hug her!!....AHAM ok moving on....
Hinagawa thinking she got fatter was funny,loved her workout with the "ball"

Really nice skills handling the "ball".....also was obvious it was her boobs getting bigger poor Sakurako getting more scarred then before -.-

Chitose sister seems she is in love with bad for her since Akane is the queen of siscons!!

And the best of the episode...Akane getting air time YAY!!!

Really glad we finally saw what level of love she has for Akarin....DAMN!! That is what you call being in love with your sister,Panty hat,her own Dakimakura,full of photos and SisxSis doujins.....NICE!!

Well in a whole was a nice episode,lets see what brings next!

BTW Super Akarin was awesome!!

GIF's and more on the Club!!
Aug 14, 2012 1:30 AM

Jul 2011
Huwa! hahaha! I love this episode! Though it leave me hanging. Aww.. ><


LOL XD The wonderful sister of Akari! XD
I love how Tomoko says "Wonderful Sister" many times.

And Akane's scene is priceless.. LOL XD

yu3Aug 14, 2012 5:26 AM
Aug 14, 2012 2:37 AM

Nov 2010
That DBZ reference. xD
Aug 14, 2012 2:39 AM

Jul 2012
That stalking sister 0.0

O'Hai :D
Aug 14, 2012 2:57 AM

Sep 2010
Nice sister episode.... If Toshino Kyouko had a sister it would be epic....

Aug 14, 2012 3:18 AM

Jan 2011
This episode was another awesome one, not the usual random comedy but a more story centered episode, it was nice to see them. But it would be better if Kyouko had a (little) sister too, but I think she was an only child.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Aug 14, 2012 3:21 AM
Apr 2010
Lmao Sakurako's sisters all being flat, foreveroppailess. Yay, Akane got lines/appearance/screentime! Couldn't stop laughing when she had the pillow dressed up in the school uniform. Fantastic episode, didn't think this season would be better than the first but it actually is.
Aug 14, 2012 3:41 AM

Sep 2010
Aug 14, 2012 3:52 AM

Oct 2011
Hoshimaru57 said:
Yes, I was afraid of Chinatsu in the first season because she's an evil yandere.
But she's mellowed out considerably, and now we get Akane.

I have full belief that if YuruYuri weren't a fairly tame series (and the fact that Akari has a BROTHER, not a sister, in the manga)...Akari would get horribly horribly raped and knocked up at some point.

Seriously, somebody save that poor girl!

if cake scene was with brother doing same things it would be much much more creepy than it already is (and her brother would be like Kimura-sensei from Azumanga)

and why she deserves to be saved? she is not exactly sane but she cares for her sister... I think say that anyone who would dare to hurt her would be in big troubles

PS. Kyouko can't have sister one is enough, reality would colapse if there was second similar being
Aug 14, 2012 4:20 AM

Jul 2010
All about the siblings this episode. They all have sisters, not a brother in sight! Their sisters are really something huh? Sakurako's sisters really don't like her lazy attitude, Chizuru wants the best for Chitose, Kaede is worried about Himawari's dieting, Yui's sister doesn't like the fact she plays games all the time, Chinatsu sister is in love with Akari's sister, whom is just simply a siscon. *deep breath* This episode was great. xD

Is Kyouko the only one without a sister? :(

Aug 14, 2012 5:20 AM

Jul 2011
Onyxthegreat said:
All about the siblings this episode. They all have sisters, not a brother in sight! Their sisters are really something huh? Sakurako's sisters really don't like her lazy attitude, Chizuru wants the best for Chitose, Kaede is worried about Himawari's dieting, Yui's sister doesn't like the fact she plays games all the time, Chinatsu sister is in love with Akari's sister, whom is just simply a siscon. *deep breath* This episode was great. xD

Is Kyouko the only one without a sister? :(

Hmm.. I think Ayano-chan doesn't have a sister.. And Yui and Mari are cousins.. Well, I think thats consider as being sisters.. ^^
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