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Aug 11, 2012 10:59 PM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010
Ah, having your greatest desires bursting out at any moment is indeed a stressful prospect much like personality-switching. I like how each of these quickly forces one outside of their comfort zone and makes it all too easy for someone else to notice a hidden part of their personality.

I feel like this arc will affect Inaba the most; that said, I think everyone will have their own crazy moment.

This is going in a good direction.

Aug 11, 2012 11:29 PM

Apr 2011
Oh man... Poor Inaba. This is going to screw with her a lot. :<
Aug 11, 2012 11:52 PM

Jun 2008
good episode, and lol at Inaba on the beginning of the ep.
cant wait for ep7

Aug 11, 2012 11:56 PM

Jul 2011
I'm loving it. 5/5

Aug 12, 2012 12:09 AM
Jul 2012
Iori FTW!!!

So basically, The Main characters are in these particular order so far:

1.Inaban or Taichi
2Inaban or Taichi.
3.Iori close behind
4. Yui
5. Aoki

That's the way i see it. But i could be wrong. Anyway's the ep is amazing. Of course if you're an INABAN X TAICHI shipper you would think that the IORI X TAICHI moments are stiff or something. But for us IORXTAI we somewhat think the TAIXINAB is a bit forced(but that's because we support the other couple).

Anyway's moving on to the ep. It really shows how Taichi is still confused as to what he is feeling for IORI. It's more like the "Actions speaks louder than words" Kinda thing. He says he loves Iori but it doesn't show that much. Still we get to see his desire to punch Fujishima for trying to work something out with Iori. So it's still a win win Taichi x Iori moment. However Inaba is not really clearly showing her intrests for Taichi but we get the hint. As far as the love triangle is going. As a normal viewer who didn't read the light novel. It's still unclear who the final couple will be. For me, IORI is the best character. I just like how she's bubbly and acts dumb even though deep inside she's smart, intelligent and so on. She's like the pretty girl but with brains. (Like others, I still don't get why people like the, Silent strong girl type which is Inaba) I liked those kind of girls back then but maybe i just moved on and liked the Iori types.

Anywhoo i'm in love with the story s far. I don't want Inaba to die or anything just becuase she's like an obstacle to the TAICHIXIORI. I like her more because of that. Iori gets jelous and cries and it's just a rollercoaster ride for me as a viewer!!! <3 10/10
Aug 12, 2012 12:18 AM
Jul 2012
kelpso said:
What were especially powerful where the two scenes where Inaba just closed the door on everyone else and we get to see her true feelings and the final scene before the preview where Iori says "I can't screw up this time."

I love when an anime deals with the theme of identity in this manner.

Same here!! Those two scenes were powerful. It shows how Inaban is just using this strong exterior even though inside she's delicate and is dealing alot of problems. And it shows how Iori thinks alot and wants to play the game well(Reason why i adore her) rather than be the clumsy pretty girl and to just go with the flow.
Paperface088Aug 12, 2012 12:21 AM
Aug 12, 2012 12:31 AM

Sep 2010
Interesting episode.... Personality changing turned into acting on impulse... Nice...


But looking at the ED, this arc seems like mostly dedicated for Inaba. Too bad. I really don't like her.
Aug 12, 2012 1:00 AM

Jul 2010
I can see the end.
Aug 12, 2012 1:09 AM

Mar 2012
Absolutely amazing. Surely Inaban is good at making alibi to protect Iori =/
And looks like Iori also restraint herself from Taichi, damn what's she up to..!!?
Keep moving forward
Aug 12, 2012 1:14 AM

Jul 2010
2easy4AgEnT said:
Absolutely amazing. Surely Inaban is good at making alibi to protect Iori =/
And looks like Iori also restraint herself from Taichi, damn what's she up to..!!?

Iori is only going to make things difficult for herself by distancing herself from Taichi with Inaba apparently getting closer to him.
Aug 12, 2012 1:29 AM

Jun 2009
Trolling till the last drop.
Aug 12, 2012 1:40 AM

Apr 2010
Iori just puled the famous let's just be friends trick since she isn't even sure about her won feelings.
It's clear that both Iori and Inaba aren't honest with there own feelings what is clear however is that they will have to become clear with there own feelings soon else there desires take over for them.
And it has become clear that Inaba has feelings for Taichi but she doesn't seem to be honest with them it's also clear that she was surprised by her desires at first when she made the move on Taichi and went completely out of control.
She was suppressing them latter tho when she kicked everyone out of the room.

Then there is Yui who seems to have a hard time dealing with anything related to sex which isn't very surprising considering her trauma.
But to use so much force to even break a table.
She was lucky with her fight to just get of with a warning guess law works differently in Japan.
Aug 12, 2012 1:53 AM

Sep 2008
Didn't expect them to change the ED. That's pretty cool.

Episode was great. So I guess body swapping is over now and they're going into round 2.

I was really expecting the show to take a dip after the previous arc for some reason. Glad it didn't and is just as good as it was before.
Aug 12, 2012 2:17 AM

May 2012
interesting new twist, i can imagine Inaba doing something that will fuck up Tachi and nagase's relationship
Aug 12, 2012 2:43 AM

Dec 2011
yay!! i liked that inaba x taichi moment!! i want them to end up together...

though i know that probably wont happen....

i can always hope.. :P haha
Aug 12, 2012 3:07 AM

May 2010
Lucky student A received sweet chin music from Yui, ha!
Aug 12, 2012 3:26 AM

Nov 2008
A good start to volume 2 it looks like they may not do more than 2 volumes though hard to say.

But good episode all around I liked the old end better - but an end featuring Inaba when this arc will have a lot more to do with her is understandable - a private person with many many desires they are wishing to hide or to afraid to share toss in a love bit and there we go lol

spoiler wise..

Aug 12, 2012 3:29 AM

Sep 2009

Judging from BD/DVD info where would be 3 volumes in 13 eps+4th volume as additional 4 eps. 17 total.
Aug 12, 2012 3:29 AM

Jul 2012
And we thought body switching was the worst it could get...

So Inaba has feelings for Taichi but has been hiding it all this while.

Well, unleashing one's deeper desires without control is sure dangerous. The need to suppress oneself and hide one's true emotions sure makes life stressful.

Loving this episode so far, can't wait for the next episode to see how things go!
Aug 12, 2012 3:36 AM

Aug 2010
Noo! Best and only good ED from this season is gone! Such a pity. Anyhow, I loved the episode as usual, things are looking interesting. I hope Inaban will get a lot of focus, she should be in the worst position, keeping everything to herself. Though I'm sure Iori will discover a few things as well. 5/5.
Aug 12, 2012 3:45 AM

Aug 2011
Oh lord, I feel so bad for them. I'd never be able to live it down if my "inner desires were unleashed." Blegh. Thinking about it just makes me want to jump out the window. I think Inaba's desire was the most interesting out of all of them, plus the most realistic one too. I'm liking her more and more as a character.
Aug 12, 2012 4:00 AM

Mar 2010
Great episode. It was smart to make the transistion from body swapping to inner desires.

I really can't wait for the next episode. That preview makes me want it so bad. It is current the best anime this season at the moment. I'm hoping for 25 episodes, so we can cover each and every character. So far its been Iori and Inaban. I hope the change in the ED is a hint of this.
My Blog: Due2Life

Aug 12, 2012 4:14 AM

May 2010
This ending song is so good.I fell in love with it & the with the whole new unleashing hidden desires thing too.
Aug 12, 2012 4:22 AM

Jun 2010
And eworm's back to b*tch around some more! :) BTW thanks for the people who decided to actually engage in a discussion with me in the previous episode's thread. I love that kind of stuff.

Kokoro Connect is one of those shows that I would like to enjoy but find myself quite unable to do so. I'm still searching for the reason for that, with every episode. The stuff I pointed out the thread before, I find, was actually me processing things, trying to find out what's wrong. Now I found some new possible reasons.

1. The art isn't the problem. As MegamanZen pointed out, both Hyouka (I love it!) and CLANNADs (there's nothing better in this world, changed my life) have quite similar art and still manage to make me feel the drama. I still think KC looks way more like K-On (hate it hate it hate it!) than the aboves, but still. If I can get past art in those cases, I should be able to do so here. So yeah, art is not the issue.

2. I still think the characters are bad. But maybe for a different reason. I said before that they are perfect, without any problems that would be their fault. It's not the case, I concur. I also said that they stick together, help each other - boring. MegamanZen argued that it's simply because they're good friends. Blonto said, and I quote: "I take issue with the idea that «sticking together and helping eachother» automatically makes people boring. Just because the characters aren't back-stabbing jackasses doesn't make them perfect". And I need to clarify - I'm really all for friendship, a good nakama rules! I'd much rather see friends helping each other in need than "allies" betraying each other (although that also can be done very well).
But my issue is - are these guys really friends? Because as I see it, they don't even know each other that well. I'm probably looking for a problem, but for me being told "they're friends" doesn't do much good if they don't behave like they are. And I don't think they do. I think TheSeriousGirl knew about TheLightHairedGirl's fear of men but other than that none of them knew about others' problems. Sure, everybody has something they hide even from the closest ones, but we don't see anything they share! We are only shown them hiding stuff from each other while at the same time we're being told they're good friends, that some of them love each other even! I'm being fed clashing information here, so I can't help but feel everything is fake. And that perfectly describes my problem with this show - I feel it's FAKE. Therefore I can't get invested, I can't care for the characters. And I really would like to, because the ideas, even if not explored enough, are interesting. It would be fun to observe those people dealing with this chaos. But I literally don't see any people, I only see bad, unconvincing actors.

3. The change of the arc is incredibly bad. Really? You're finished with the body switching? The stuff you could base a series of 10+ books on if done right you end after five episodes? That's bad, guys, that's really bad. I can't help but think they just proved my point - they don't know what they have and can't do it right. Or maybe it's the case of Too Many Ideas being forcibly smashed together and it ruins every one of them. Either way it's like they gave me a really fancy dinner and then took the plate from me after I took a bite or two. Tasty, but far from satisfying. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying the new arc is bad. It's another idea you could play around with a lot of ways, nice stuff. But they could save it for the sequel or another series.

Here, my three cents. It's all just my humble opinion and you're free to disagree (or ignore it completely as a lot of you will probably do). I just think the show could be much better and/or gather a bigger fanbase (me included) if it did some things more carefully - like introducing the characters one by one (still don't remember who's who) or actually making them seem like friends.
Aug 12, 2012 5:12 AM

Nov 2007
We made assumptions earlier based on the pricing of each BD volume... but now the anime staff have included which episodes are included on Volumes 2 to 7 of the BDs.

So Kokoro Connect is so far (who knows... they might decide to animate more of the light novel, by a 2nd Season or something like that) confirmed for 17 episodes... but we're unsure if all will be aired on TV or not.

The 17 episodes are based on specific volumes of the light novel:

1st volume: Ep 1-5
2nd volume: Ep 6-10
3rd volume: Ep 11-13
4th volume: Ep 14-17

Here is the breakdown for all the 7 BDs by volume... according to the official website...

BD #1 = 2 eps (Ep 1&2)
BD #2 = 3 eps (Ep 3-5)
BD #3 = 2 eps (Ep 6&7)
BD #4 = 3 eps (Ep 8-10)
BD #5 = 3 eps (Ep 11-13)
BD #6 = 2 eps (Ep 14&15)
BD #7 = 2 eps (Ep 16&17)
EjcAug 12, 2012 5:19 AM
The News Club: Quality News/Discussion (anime, CDs, manga, novels, games, seiyuu), & sales data (daily, weekly, mid-year, yearly).
Aug 12, 2012 6:29 AM

Apr 2011
I wonder what Heartseed's plan is, he just likes to troll them.
Great episode and very emotional scene at the end.
Aug 12, 2012 7:15 AM

Jul 2010
Ejc said:
We made assumptions earlier based on the pricing of each BD volume... but now the anime staff have included which episodes are included on Volumes 2 to 7 of the BDs.

So Kokoro Connect is so far (who knows... they might decide to animate more of the light novel, by a 2nd Season or something like that) confirmed for 17 episodes... but we're unsure if all will be aired on TV or not.

The 17 episodes are based on specific volumes of the light novel:

1st volume: Ep 1-5
2nd volume: Ep 6-10
3rd volume: Ep 11-13
4th volume: Ep 14-17

Here is the breakdown for all the 7 BDs by volume... according to the official website...

BD #1 = 2 eps (Ep 1&2)
BD #2 = 3 eps (Ep 3-5)
BD #3 = 2 eps (Ep 6&7)
BD #4 = 3 eps (Ep 8-10)
BD #5 = 3 eps (Ep 11-13)
BD #6 = 2 eps (Ep 14&15)
BD #7 = 2 eps (Ep 16&17)

Thanks for the info.
Aug 12, 2012 7:59 AM

Jul 2011
Ahhhh!! Kitakitakitaaa!! (*O*) Awww!! I love this episode! I'm beggining to love Inaba!! ♥O♥ Kyaaa~♥ !! Can't wait for the next episode.. XD

And this one is my favorite! LOL XD

And then theirs this new ending WAA!! XD I love it!! XD

Saaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Bring the next episode on and make me love Inaba!! (*O*)

yu3Aug 12, 2012 8:12 AM
Aug 12, 2012 8:21 AM

Aug 2011
Paperface088 said:
Iori FTW!!!

So basically, The Main characters are in these particular order so far:

1.Inaban or Taichi
2Inaban or Taichi.
3.Iori close behind
4. Yui
5. Aoki

That's the way i see it. But i could be wrong. Anyway's the ep is amazing. Of course if you're an INABAN X TAICHI shipper you would think that the IORI X TAICHI moments are stiff or something. But for us IORXTAI we somewhat think the TAIXINAB is a bit forced(but that's because we support the other couple).

Anyway's moving on to the ep. It really shows how Taichi is still confused as to what he is feeling for IORI. It's more like the "Actions speaks louder than words" Kinda thing. He says he loves Iori but it doesn't show that much. Still we get to see his desire to punch Fujishima for trying to work something out with Iori. So it's still a win win Taichi x Iori moment. However Inaba is not really clearly showing her intrests for Taichi but we get the hint. As far as the love triangle is going. As a normal viewer who didn't read the light novel. It's still unclear who the final couple will be. For me, IORI is the best character. I just like how she's bubbly and acts dumb even though deep inside she's smart, intelligent and so on. She's like the pretty girl but with brains. (Like others, I still don't get why people like the, Silent strong girl type which is Inaba) I liked those kind of girls back then but maybe i just moved on and liked the Iori types.

Anywhoo i'm in love with the story s far. I don't want Inaba to die or anything just becuase she's like an obstacle to the TAICHIXIORI. I like her more because of that. Iori gets jelous and cries and it's just a rollercoaster ride for me as a viewer!!! <3 10/10

InabanxTaichi shipper here.
I feel that Iori is the main follow by Taichi follow by Himeko then the other 2.
Is it me or most IorixTaichi shipper dislike Inaba. >_>
I prefer Inaba but I came into the fandom thinking that I'm in a dead ship.
But I like Iori enough to be fine with IorixTaichi and continue watching the show.

I think there's a possibility that this arc will somewhat focus on Taichi as well.
The part where he almost punch the lesbian, preview for ep7 and this arc being quite long(5eps!).

Aug 12, 2012 8:23 AM

May 2012
Interesting.... so their ID is soo strong that they almost cannot control it. This sounds fun. Looking forward to the next episode.
Aug 12, 2012 8:45 AM

Oct 2009
Another great episode! I love Inaba more than before!
Aug 12, 2012 9:06 AM

Mar 2011
Doesn't it feel like each character's arc? Like ep 1-5: Nagase, then 6-?:Inaba. I'm just guessing actually. Lol.
Aug 12, 2012 9:25 AM

Mar 2011
Based on how many light novels there are and the ED switch from being focused on Iori to Inaba, I'm guessing each character is going to get an arc with Heartseed trolling them in different ways each arc *Note I haven't read the light novels, people really need to stop spoiling shit in the episode discussion threads BTW*. Thus far Aoki and Yui haven't really gotten much development and I'm wondering if/when it's going to come.
Harems don't exist in America. If one guy is constantly surrounded by beautiful girls, then he's probably the gay friend.
Aug 12, 2012 9:34 AM

May 2010
OMG Inaba you're so awesome, that Taichi sure is an idiot for passing on that one !!
Aug 12, 2012 11:00 AM

Jan 2010
Man this show just does whatever the fuck it wants. I love it. Most entertaining show of the season.
"My tables-meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
Aug 12, 2012 11:12 AM
Jul 2012
eworm said:

But my issue is - are these guys really friends?

so I can't help but feel everything is fake.

I only see bad, unconvincing actors.

I don't want to say that you're wrong, because I may not be right, but perhaps what you see is what actually is happening? Are they really 'friends'? Many people are 'friends' but not actually true friends, even if they claim otherwise. In that case, watching from the outside would give you a 'fake' feeling. So maybe you are interpreting what you see in the show as the show's flaw whereas it might be what is actually intended to be shown? Perhaps a different perspective is needed?
Aug 12, 2012 11:20 AM

Jul 2012
eworm said:
The change of the arc is incredibly bad.
Must ... not ... respond ...

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Aug 12, 2012 12:00 PM

Sep 2011
sikandsak said:
Must ... not ... respond ...
(LOL) take deep breaths, stay calm.
Aug 12, 2012 12:21 PM

Jul 2011
Cratex said:
sikandsak said:
Must ... not ... respond ...
(LOL) take deep breaths, stay calm.


To be honest I like this arc a little more, seems really interesting and certainly will develop even more their true feelings.
Aug 12, 2012 12:26 PM

Jan 2011
This is a lot more interesting than body switching since that has been done many times and is sort of old.
I almost cried when I saw the ending had changed, I loved the old ending and I hope it comes back.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Aug 12, 2012 1:08 PM

Sep 2009
The scenarios in this show is a drama lover's dream. So many bad and unexpected things can happen. The question is, how far will they take it?

I'm a little bummed about relationships being put on hold though. Hopefully their inner desires pull through for us lol.
Aug 12, 2012 1:14 PM

Jul 2010
Words cannot describe how much i started to hate Inaba.
Inaba - ''What should i do?...'' - freaking LEAVE.
Unleashed desire? so Inaba is just an agressive pervert who wants Taichi.I would understand if she wants to kiss him, but not strip to have sex with him ffs.You people like her because what? shes sexy? she showed some boobies? yea of course, thats what you really like -.-. Go to hell Iori, who's really a sad and adorable character, right?.She finally found someone in her life, and now theres a chance she will lose this person because of some bitch.Im not saying Inaba doesnt care of Iori of course, but that doesnt change anything.She wont be able to hold back when her desires will be unleashed.Theres no excuse for this.Iori is kind of character that would give Taichi to Inaba, and hold the burden herself forever.I just can't see a good ending for her :/
And Taichi don't even know whats being in love, now i dont even have any hope for poor Iori.

5/5 because of emotions in this episode.
Aug 12, 2012 1:45 PM
Nov 2008
What happened to my ED..
Aug 12, 2012 1:54 PM

Feb 2012
Inaba is such an epic win, and she was so hot when she stripped, did she expect Taichi or one of the others to call her in that one scene? If that's true, she might start to really distrust them since she feels left alone.

I take it that Iori already had a boyfriend but she screwed it up or something like that.
Aug 12, 2012 2:05 PM

Jun 2010
aiNkyy said:
Cratex said:
sikandsak said:
eworm said:
The change of the arc is incredibly bad.
Must ... not ... respond ...
(LOL) take deep breaths, stay calm.


To be honest I like this arc a little more, seems really interesting and certainly will develop even more their true feelings.

Allow me to quote myself:
eworm said:
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying the new arc is bad. It's another idea you could play around with a lot of ways, nice stuff.

I said the change is bad, not the new arc. The body-swapping had so much potential and they threw it away without exploiting any of it. I'm afraid it will be the same for the "true desires" concept.
Aug 12, 2012 2:24 PM

Jul 2010
Damn, so their bodies are acting out of their own to fulfill their held back desires. Kinda shocked to see Inaba suddenly throwing herself at Taichi likr that, before I knew what was going on. It did confirm that she actually wants him though. Same with Aoki helping Yui when she got taken by the police. Their self-restraint got removed.

It's actually kinda interesting to see what they really want to do, without their mind stopping them. Inaba is in a slump now. She really has to start trusting people now, which she doesn't. Inaba kinda broke up with Tachi (for now) because of the whole desire situation, but I can't help but think it's also because she knows about Inaba's feelings. We'll see.

As heartseed said, it could help them find their true selves (especially Iori). It seems there's always a silver lining to all the experiments. Looking forward to the next one. Judging from the preview, it's gonna be tense.

Aug 12, 2012 2:27 PM

Jul 2012
MasterMeNL said:
This is a lot more interesting than body switching since that has been done many times and is sort of old.
I almost cried when I saw the ending had changed, I loved the old ending and I hope it comes back.
Desktop said:
What happened to my ED..
Sadly, it won't come back, as it seems like the last ED is for the last arc only. (Hence, "Kokoro Connect Hito Random" at the end of the ED.)

Oh, and I suggest you to NOT go over and look at those book titles on Wikipedia, as it may spoil you. (And yes, I guessed I just spoiled myself ... damn it.)

eworm said:
I said the change is bad, not the new arc. The body-swapping had so much potential and they threw it away without exploiting any of it. I'm afraid it will be the same for the "true desires" concept.
Right, and if they were planning to do that, they'd have to change at the Light Novel as I would think the original material are from Light Novel. I agreed with you though that they could expand the story much more longer, but I think the way they ended that arc is perfect, and completed the arc itself nicely.

Again, I think heartseed's ability to "unleash one's desire" is way more critical than the body swapping. Since the story turned to be more interesting, I was fine that they ended the old arc there. I think if the ending of current and/or next arc sucks then I might agree with you that they shouldn't have changed.

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Aug 12, 2012 2:40 PM

Sep 2011
I like Inaba because I think she's the one who's having more troubles finding her way. While Iori may have multiple personalities, they're all still her. Inaba's life is sort of mixed up. I mean, even though her insecurity seemed like it was resolved in the last arc, it's evident that only a few words from Taichi and a confession to her friends wasn't enough. Frankly, I really like Inaba because I feel like I'm a bit like Inaba (not trusting her friends, haha...)

It's actually really painful not being able to spill your inner thoughts to your friends, but it's even harder when your self-restraint is removed all of sudden and then you're forced to spill your inner thoughts to people you don't even trust. There wasn't even some sort of preparation for Inaba. She thought, "After this body switching thing, I can still hide stuff away from my friends", but nope. Heartseed keeps on trolling.

On top of all of that, Inaba...

Inaba has many emotional insecurities. She's not that tough-as-a-rock-cool character, of course. She's a normal girl who refuses to trust people, not even the people closest to her (not even Taichi) I'm the same as her, but there is one thing we don't have in common-- I have ONE person who will listen to my inner thoughts and my feelings. It's great being able to spill everything I've been shouldering for the past ten years of my life (I'm not 10 years old, it's just how long I've been shouldering these secrets)
Aug 12, 2012 3:44 PM

Nov 2008
DesJo said:
2easy4AgEnT said:
Absolutely amazing. Surely Inaban is good at making alibi to protect Iori =/
And looks like Iori also restraint herself from Taichi, damn what's she up to..!!?

Iori is only going to make things difficult for herself by distancing herself from Taichi with Inaba apparently getting closer to him.

Bingo and the result should be blindly obvious

eworm said:

Allow me to quote myself:
eworm said:
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying the new arc is bad. It's another idea you could play around with a lot of ways, nice stuff.

I said the change is bad, not the new arc. The body-swapping had so much potential and they threw it away without exploiting any of it. I'm afraid it will be the same for the "true desires" concept.

They can't do that unless they want to just uh go pure anime only
sirwenceAug 12, 2012 3:50 PM
Aug 12, 2012 5:53 PM
Jul 2012
eworm said:
aiNkyy said:
Cratex said:
sikandsak said:
eworm said:
The change of the arc is incredibly bad.
Must ... not ... respond ...
(LOL) take deep breaths, stay calm.


To be honest I like this arc a little more, seems really interesting and certainly will develop even more their true feelings.

Allow me to quote myself:
eworm said:
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying the new arc is bad. It's another idea you could play around with a lot of ways, nice stuff.

I said the change is bad, not the new arc. The body-swapping had so much potential and they threw it away without exploiting any of it. I'm afraid it will be the same for the "true desires" concept.

Just because they could do more with the body-swapping does not mean that would be the best direction for the story. Hanging onto an idea has probably ruined many stories. Perhaps the author thought that something new would bring a better direction and better development. I agree that body-swapping had a lot more potential in it, but I wouldn't go as far to say that the change to unleashed desires is necessarily worse than keeping the body swapping. At this point in the story I think unleashed desires could motivate more important developments more than the body swapping.

Besides, nothing is preventing Heartseed from trolling them by activating body-swapping again.
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