Persona 3
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Jul 14, 2012 7:11 PM
I think that could be fun in the months leading up to the movie's release. You can like talk about ways in which they can cram a 70 hour RPG into a 90 minute movie and stuff. Personally, I think they'll probably do it like they did Unlimited Blade Works. That is, just adapt really cool scenes without bothering with the story. |
Jul 15, 2012 10:21 PM
Obviously it will be rushed as hell. They will probably only adapt the full moon events and the most important stuff that happens in between. Well, if they want things to make any sort of sense anyway. Im fairly certain none of the characters will receive any depth or development. I don't really expect this to be any good, but oh well, it can't be worse than the manga. My only wish is for the Nyx Avatar and Strega |
Jul 15, 2012 11:01 PM
They will probably (me hoping anyway) stick to telling the story of the main character. Parents dying when he was really young, Aegis seeing him when he was a kid, being the "chosen" or "special" persona user, and of course the awesome self sacrifice at the end to save the world. |
Jul 16, 2012 12:42 AM
Unlike Persona 4, Persona 3 was actually less about the friendship and such and more about them being this super secret organization fighting the Shadows. So in that aspect it can actually cut most of the fluff and still remain overall consistent so long as the main story threads remain there (meaning Minato, Ryouji and Aigis story and the story behnd Tartarus and the experiments). If anything this is a blessing in disguise considering how many crappy side characters P3 has in comparison to P4 (most Arcana Social Links are completely and uttertly uninteresting). |
Jul 16, 2012 4:23 AM
I thought the lack of character development was just about P3's greatest flaw. It had all these interesting characters and did just about nothing with them. While most non-party SLs were pretty crap, Maya was obviously the bestest of the bunch. |
Jul 16, 2012 9:57 AM
I liked the sun social link. The dying young man or something like that. But I really don't see the main story in just under 1 hour and some minutes without it being extremely rushed. Even if they cut most of the filler, it would still need some 2 hours+ to do a good job with it. Unless they actually hired a decent director this time, then maybe it could work. But it still seems like a LOT of content for just 1 movie. There is the main plot(full moon events and things that connect with it), MC/Aegis/Ryoji's story, the backstory that explains the shadows involving Kirijo's group, Strega, Shinji's death, the whole ending and so on It just seems like too much content for me even if you don't include social links. I won't be surprised if some party members don't even make it to the movie. (in that case, I can see they completely ommiting Ken, Koromaru and Shinjiro) But regardless of the final product, I wil stilll probably enjoy it simply because it's Persona 3 in animated form. |
YunoleffJul 16, 2012 10:12 AM
Jul 16, 2012 10:34 AM
I was thinking Ken and Koromaru would be cut, they are pretty pointless (outside Ken's subplot). Shinji's plot can be a flashback of sorts for Aki so yep, an easy cut too. Strega will be the hard part though. They can't cut them but they sure as hell took a big part in the early and middle part, parts which are likely to suffer. |
Jul 16, 2012 10:39 AM
I actually do not there is that much. You would only need the first, fourth, October and November Full Moon and the one with the crosses I cannot remember which on that is, the decision in December and the final in January. You could easily run Strega just through the full moons that they visit, whatever else there doing can be mentioned on the down low or other removed. Since Ken and Shinji's story runs almost exclusively through the full moon and it corresponds with Strega just throw it in. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
Jul 16, 2012 6:22 PM
I wish they'd erase Strega's existence from the movie. That ridiculous GSD rip-off. |
Jul 17, 2012 6:35 PM
Miya_F_Exia said: I wish they'd erase Strega's existence from the movie. That ridiculous GSD rip-off. I would object, but Strega didn't really do much outside of occasionally being an obstacle for SEES. They didn't even get any character development. |
Jul 17, 2012 6:52 PM
FlashFumo said: Miya_F_Exia said: I wish they'd erase Strega's existence from the movie. That ridiculous GSD rip-off. I would object, but Strega didn't really do much outside of occasionally being an obstacle for SEES. They didn't even get any character development. I'm just glad they were finally gone when I killed them I did like the Junpei and Chidori arch though, whatever there was of it. |
Jul 17, 2012 7:54 PM
Chidori had her character development, and they were actually there for a reason. Ikutsuki Shuji Manipulated Strega to create a sense of "urgency" on SEES and erase any kind of thinking on what the Twelve Shadows were. Of course, Strega, as a group of Persona users who comitted murders and felonies under the cover of the Dark Hour, were a perfect cover and excuse to drive SEES into erasing the Dark Hour as fast as possible. This plays into his plan on feeding them as little info as needed so they couldn't catch his lie (the fact killing the Shadows brings back Death and awakens Nyx). There's a lot of hints and clues that Ikutsuki is the one that gave them the information on where and what SEES were doing. And it could even be said the strife and unease their string of felonies and murders created among the populace helped Ikutsuki to awaken Nyx. I certainly doubt Takaya came up all on his own with the idea of creating a "cult of Death" for example. Those were likely designs Ikutsuki had prepared behind the scenes. So yeah, Strega has a purpose, just not the characters themselves. They were the token villains. |
Leon-GunJul 17, 2012 7:58 PM
Jul 17, 2012 7:56 PM
if they did attempt to fit everything in one movie, it would probably be at the sake of character development for the main cast.. something that is important for the ending to work. i could see them making it with an alternative ending for fans, though. |
Jul 17, 2012 8:36 PM
Niyari said: if they did attempt to fit everything in one movie, it would probably be at the sake of character development for the main cast.. something that is important for the ending to work. i could see them making it with an alternative ending for fans, though. If they made an alternative ending it would be complete crap. |
Jul 18, 2012 4:58 AM
mechaisntweeaboo said: Niyari said: if they did attempt to fit everything in one movie, it would probably be at the sake of character development for the main cast.. something that is important for the ending to work. i could see them making it with an alternative ending for fans, though. If they made an alternative ending it would be complete crap. yea no, even though i love happy endings, i agree with you. the main reason i said that was because of how movie adaptations usually take their own liberties with the material. |
Jul 18, 2012 3:42 PM
Staying along a linear path while the story follows the main cast as they progress in and out of Tarturus is the way to go, in my opinion. Besides, most of the events outside of the Tarturus were largely irrelevant, anyway. And if Seiji Kishi's pandering direction of P4 weren't indication enough, squeezing in every single event and quirk doesn't equate a sound product if the story being told is treated as an afterthought. |
PizzaholicJul 18, 2012 4:00 PM
Jul 18, 2012 4:08 PM
Sir_Drake said: Hence what I thought. Although in P4 it was a very hard situation. The story was about a group of friends, you HAD to develop them as friends and regular highschoolers if you want to show they are friends. Staying along a linear path while the story follows the main cast as they progress in and out of Tarturus is the way to go, in my opinion. Besides, most of the events outside of the Tarturus were largely irrelevant, anyway. And if Seiji Kishi's pandering direction of P4 weren't indication enough, squeezing in every single event and quirk doesn't equate a sound product if the story being told is treated as an afterthought. In P3 however they aren't a group of friends. They are a team of Persona users who banded together precisely because of that. In fact, you can make an argument that from all the people in SEES only Junpei, Aigis and Yukari could be considered "friends" of the Main Character, with perhaps Fuuka as a "sort of friend" (she was too shy to develop a true friendship with any of them). Mitsuru was just a distant leader, Akihiko was a loner who merely showed respect to others, Ken was just a kid who just tagged along, and Koromaru was just a dog. So yeah, the need for developing their relationships is... well, not there. |
Jul 18, 2012 8:11 PM
Leon-Gun said: In P3 however they aren't a group of friends. They are a team of Persona users who banded together precisely because of that. In fact, you can make an argument that from all the people in SEES only Junpei, Aigis and Yukari could be considered "friends" of the Main Character, with perhaps Fuuka as a "sort of friend" (she was too shy to develop a true friendship with any of them). Mitsuru was just a distant leader, Akihiko was a loner who merely showed respect to others, Ken was just a kid who just tagged along, and Koromaru was just a dog. So yeah, the need for developing their relationships is... well, not there. >and Koromaru was just a dog. LOL I agree with this. If the movie ditched the friendship crap and just focused on destroying shadows and stuck to key plot points I think it will do alright. |
Jul 20, 2012 10:58 AM
I loathed the Junpei/Chidori arc. It was terribly written and they had absolutely no chemistry. If the movie were to lose that, I would be a very happy camper. |
Jul 20, 2012 12:07 PM
FlashFumo said: If Junpei loses CHidori he will lose the one thing that made him a little endearable. If anything it just needs to be written a little better. And I honestly liked it, it was just a little rushed at parts, mostly because we were never told a lot of things, like what the hell happenned between them between their first meeting and the end. We just know they talked.... and that was it since the game was too busy showing us the stories of teacher-loving idiots and gay french students..I loathed the Junpei/Chidori arc. It was terribly written and they had absolutely no chemistry. If the movie were to lose that, I would be a very happy camper. |
Jul 21, 2012 10:22 PM
If adapting the story of "The Journey" will be rushed, I wonder how they plan to include "The Answer" as well. Without it, the ending will have no meaning at all. Also, I can't wait to watch dat ending fully animated. Hell, I better start stocking my tissues now. |
AureosJul 22, 2012 12:43 AM
Jul 22, 2012 5:35 AM
savyorick said: If adapting the story of "The Journey" will be rushed, I wonder how they plan to include "The Answer" as well. Without it, the ending will have no meaning at all. It really depends on who's directing and the film's runtime. There was a lot of padding throughout the game, and outside of events concerning the nights of the full moon, not much of note happened at all, say for the hot springs sidequest, the run-in's with Strega, etc. As for "The Answer" chances are that it won't be included in the film. Maybe a sequel may arise sometime down the road, but my feeling is that it'd be overkill: too much material for one movie. But again it depends on who's directing and the runtime. Which brings Clannad the movie (which came out prior to the tv show ) to mind, which essentially condensed both tv seasons of the anime into a single film. And after seeing it following my completion of the first season, I noticed some alterations, like a few of the main cast being left out and certain events playing out in a similar yet different fashion, but in the end it didn't matter since they weren't essential to the story that was told. So if some of the characters or events from the game are left out, then I'm completely fine with it. Because if they are then it proves that their importance wasn't that grand to begin with. Pandering can only go so far. |
Jul 23, 2012 11:13 AM
savyorick said: If adapting the story of "The Journey" will be rushed, I wonder how they plan to include "The Answer" as well. Without it, the ending will have no meaning at all. Also, I can't wait to watch dat ending fully animated. Hell, I better start stocking my tissues now. I don't think The Answer is all that necessary to adapt. The ending is complete by itself, The Answer only clarifies some questions. Some very important ones like what really happened to the MC, I know, but P3's ending can still stand on it's own even without The Answer. They can release it later as an OVA or something, they are going to do that with P4's true ending anyway, so why not? I'm also excited to watch the ending, since the final battle + the events that happen after it are my favourite parts of the whole game. |
YunoleffJul 16, 2014 10:49 AM
Jul 23, 2012 5:45 PM
Lynx_7 said: I don't think The Answer is all that necessary to adaptate. The ending is complete by itself, The Answer only clarifies some questions. Some very important ones like what really happened to the MC, I know, but P3's ending can still stand on it's own even without The Answer. Certainly they don't need to adapt it whole, I was thinking of showing only the resolve of the friends searching for what happened with the MC and they finding the answers (that and the ending are my favorite parts). Mind you, I'm not thinking as someone who played the game but as someone who watches anime so I still don't think that the ending will be able to stand alone. Take the last scene at the rooftop for an example: Quoting someone who haven't played "The Answer": "He is taking a nap!? It's the worst ending I have seen in my entire life!" Just an example. |
Jul 23, 2012 7:32 PM
savyorick said: They could take The flashback approach starting with them on that night Episode Aegis takes place and the past year being shown in important bits that show their interactions and struggles and ending with the "Answer" to the final fight. But of course, that requires good planning and a good deal of playing around with scenes to turn it into a cohesive experience. I still think it's a better shot than just blindly adding whatever they can into a 1 and a half or 2 hour movie.Lynx_7 said: I don't think The Answer is all that necessary to adaptate. The ending is complete by itself, The Answer only clarifies some questions. Some very important ones like what really happened to the MC, I know, but P3's ending can still stand on it's own even without The Answer. Certainly they don't need to adapt it whole, I was thinking of showing only the resolve of the friends searching for what happened with the MC and they finding the answers (that and the ending are my favorite parts). Mind you, I'm not thinking as someone who played the game but as someone who watches anime so I still don't think that the ending will be able to stand alone. Take the last scene at the rooftop for an example: Quoting someone who haven't played "The Answer": "He is taking a nap!? It's the worst ending I have seen in my entire life!" Just an example. |
Jul 31, 2012 6:39 AM
Sakura-Suou1996 said: Iread that maybe it will be more then one moive ! =D Where in the world did you read that? Post the source of this information my friend. ;) |
Aug 2, 2012 5:53 PM
Teaser clip: |
Aug 3, 2012 5:55 AM
Yeah, apparently there's confirmation of multiple movies (in moonspeak) on the official Twitter thingy. If they were to take two movies for The Journey and one for The Answer that would be just super. |
Aug 5, 2012 10:02 PM
My guess on what the movies will cover (spoiler tags for those who haven't played the game) or what I want it to :) If it gets seven movies like KnK: Movie 1: April-June 8 (beginnings, end with Fuuka's entrance into SEES) Movie 2: June 9 - July 31 (Aigis' entrance into SEES) Movie 3: August-October 4th (August has little important things so optimally skip everything until Shinjiro's entrance to SEES and end with his sacrifice OR even better end with the sound of a gunshot leaving the new watchers guessing until the fourth movie) Movie 4: October 5th-Dec 4th (spend a bit of time remorsing for Shinjiro up to the visit to the hot springs and end it with their return back with Ryoji's shocking announcement) Movie 5: December before the final battle, stunned with Ryoji's admission and their eventual resolve to fight Nyx, becoming the Judgement Arcana and show them climbing Tartarus. Movie 6: Final battle w/ Strega and Nyx Movie 7: The Answer I like this more but afraid that there wouldn't be enough material for some of these movies, but perhaps optional side quests/social link ranking/Tartarus exploring can pad it just enough to fit. |
apolloisfineAug 5, 2012 10:32 PM
Aug 6, 2012 7:59 PM
webkid94 said: My guess on what the movies will cover (spoiler tags for those who haven't played the game) or what I want it to :) If it gets seven movies like KnK: Movie 1: April-June 8 (beginnings, end with Fuuka's entrance into SEES) Movie 2: June 9 - July 31 (Aigis' entrance into SEES) Movie 3: August-October 4th (August has little important things so optimally skip everything until Shinjiro's entrance to SEES and end with his sacrifice OR even better end with the sound of a gunshot leaving the new watchers guessing until the fourth movie) Movie 4: October 5th-Dec 4th (spend a bit of time remorsing for Shinjiro up to the visit to the hot springs and end it with their return back with Ryoji's shocking announcement) Movie 5: December before the final battle, stunned with Ryoji's admission and their eventual resolve to fight Nyx, becoming the Judgement Arcana and show them climbing Tartarus. Movie 6: Final battle w/ Strega and Nyx Movie 7: The Answer I like this more but afraid that there wouldn't be enough material for some of these movies, but perhaps optional side quests/social link ranking/Tartarus exploring can pad it just enough to fit. That would be awesome but there's a problem. Generally, movies are supposed to have higher production values and I don't think they're going to waste this much money in something that is basically "milking material". On the other hand, thanks to a helluva budget, KnK was made by studio Ufotable and each movie made by a different director. But let's keep our hopes up, who knows. Seven movies... *drool* |
Aug 10, 2012 10:53 PM
Im so pumped to see mitsuru shes super hot and i bet shes gonna be amazing in the anime (hope the MC gets with her) But doesnt really matter since he dies in the end but he still gets the hot chick. |
Aug 14, 2012 8:59 AM
Is it too much to ask for all three Velvet Room siblings to show up in one movie? Nevermind, it probably is. |
[An incredibly creative signature] |
Aug 28, 2012 12:26 PM
I think that they will cover all the big events like the trip to Fukushima and Kyoto and stuff like that. I'm kind of hoping that they won't put all the social links in the move. That would be too much. I hope that they make it into more than one movie, for example: Movie 1- late april to Fukushima trip Movie 2- End of Fukushima trip to Kyoto trip Movie 3- End of Kyoto trip to January 31st Nyx battle I also think that they won't include the Answer, because it is basically just grinding with a little bit of story. |
![]() |
Aug 28, 2012 12:59 PM
Aug 31, 2012 8:22 AM
Is Strega really that important that they can't be cut? Couldn't their role just shift entirely to Ikutski? (They might need to fudge some things/facts a little but I can imagine them doing that...) I barely even remember if they appeared in the female route... (though I guess it's been a while since I touched any of the P3 games...) I kind of think this will focus mainly on Minato & Aigis actually.... as much as it seems like Yukari & Minato were a thing the main plot really focuses on Minato & Aigis [& Ryouji], especially if you factor in 'The Answer' |
Aug 31, 2012 9:27 AM
Ikano said: The Answer actually sets up the Minato + Aigis + Yukari triangular relationship even more. The only reason Aigis gets a more Main character-ish role is entirely because she and Death are fated to battle. That said, Atlus does seem to have a crush on Aigis, what with her prominent role in Arena.Is Strega really that important that they can't be cut? Couldn't their role just shift entirely to Ikutski? (They might need to fudge some things/facts a little but I can imagine them doing that...) I barely even remember if they appeared in the female route... (though I guess it's been a while since I touched any of the P3 games...) I kind of think this will focus mainly on Minato & Aigis actually.... as much as it seems like Yukari & Minato were a thing the main plot really focuses on Minato & Aigis [& Ryouji], especially if you factor in 'The Answer' |
Aug 31, 2012 10:44 AM
Leon-Gun said: Hmmm...I probably never got that far enough then to notice the triangle... The Answer actually sets up the Minato + Aigis + Yukari triangular relationship even more. The only reason Aigis gets a more Main character-ish role is entirely because she and Death are fated to battle. That said, Atlus does seem to have a crush on Aigis, what with her prominent role in Arena. But considering that Aigis 'awakened' as a Persona user mainly cuz of Minato (ok-- fine, that was Death's fault) and that whole wildcard ability she attains in Answer (along with Minato's starting Persona if I recall correctly? =o ) Yeaaahh....I definitely feel like they favor her + Minato a lot more.... |
Nov 8, 2012 8:02 PM
well after playing P4A i can safely say that the movie won't have a different ending. either it'll be a continuation from the events of arena and will deal with trying to save Minato, or there will be multiple parts since stuffing all of P3 into one movie isn't possible even when skipping all of the full moon stuff (which wouldn't make sense). i mean, knowing how awesome Atlus is to their fans and how faithful an adaptation the P4 anime was, i'm sure we won't be disappointed. |
NiyariNov 8, 2012 8:09 PM
Nov 20, 2012 1:06 PM
Nov 20, 2012 7:15 PM
Dec 28, 2012 9:44 AM
Dec 29, 2012 12:34 PM
Sa-chan_ said: The first? Don't you mean the second? I mean, the train part is the second Full Moon. At least that's where I'd be doubtful whether it'd fit or not. It all depends on the length of the movie, though. But I think it would fit as long as it is at least about 2 hours long.Since it's revealed that there will be more than one P3 Movie, I guess on this first Movie they will adapt the first events until the first Full Moon or that won't fit? |
Dec 30, 2012 1:15 AM
Dusk252 said: Sa-chan_ said: The first? Don't you mean the second? I mean, the train part is the second Full Moon. Since it's revealed that there will be more than one P3 Movie, I guess on this first Movie they will adapt the first events until the first Full Moon or that won't fit? Oh right I kinda forgot. |
Dec 31, 2012 10:13 AM
idk, i feel like there's only going to be 2-3 parts. one movie per moon (which i have no problem with lol) would be kind of ridiculous. one movie (or two) for The Journey, then the other for The Answer would make the most sense. |
Jan 3, 2013 5:19 PM
Niyari said: one movie per moon (which i have no problem with lol) would be kind of ridiculous. IKR. Since this is the first movie so it's obvious this will contain of much introductions then the 2nd Full Moon and cut. Of course on the 2nd movie I think that will contain on the rest of the Full Moons(Maybe at least 2) depending on how they will cram it and the pacing though P3's story is really slow-paced. Also, am I the only one who's thinking that they should better not to adapt The Answer? Paul said: Female main character cameo... and I'll be happy. Totally this! |
TennoujiJan 3, 2013 5:25 PM
Jan 7, 2013 3:42 PM
I wouldn't mind them adapting The Answer in all honesty. I mean, it's not like we're going to be grinding through it.. plus, more Persona 3 the better. I just hope they do the movie justice, I don't want it to feel rushed or anything. This is my favorite game of all time. I hope they don't screw this up. |
Jan 9, 2013 4:30 PM
hey guys, did you noticed the shiny thing Minato is carrying? inside it there's the date "04/09" |
Jan 11, 2013 6:02 AM
Damn, i want to see this animated more than other persona series. XD I guess there's no chance for this movie to cover for the answer right? The answer arc is quite interesting and a bit emotional as well. |
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