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Jun 10, 2012 8:01 AM

Oct 2010
Crazy episode! I am still shaky a little bit of the following,

Along with how it went in the spoiler
I cannot stop shaking that the system is weirdly associated to QB principles of sacrifice of the successors. Certainly it may not seem like it but it was truly a fearful part to behold. I had no idea it would develop like that.

I appreciated seeing Sonata in the following,

Along with her shorts in the spoiler
for its detail to the tail.

I liked a lot the cards and the new girls in the spoiler
not to mention that hat on Sonata was nice. The new girls had great new faces and designs to like.

Finally looks like everyone knows of Chieri’s problem with her father. It was indeed painful to see Chieri suffer due to all of it, however the hug and consolation in the spoiler
she got with Nagisa finding out was great as consolation for her. The emotional toll was hight and well presented.

So in thee end STILL SHAKING MAN! I don’t like Sensei-Sensei’s system that was presented. EVIL VIBES coming QB Madoka Magica style. Can’t wait to find out more of it.

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Jun 10, 2012 8:18 AM
Mar 2012
OK~ Soooo~~

The trainees are now being work as understudy. AKB is a theater group so things like understudying to the real member to learn more about how to perform is in their system. The girls learning about the secret underground cave (gorg <3 btw) is awesome and give more mystery to the show. Kanata learned about Chieri's past and she didn't react as dramatic as I thought...well I want more drama but Kanata's isn't the type I guess


Song inserts

Yuko hummed Heavy Rotation, which is the song that she's centered and it's actually one of AKB's most famous song and many westerners wouldn't think so but the song and video actually brought more fangirls to AKB's fandom than their other song.


BTW~ the member with the lemon on her head look like Ichikawa Miori, who's 18 and is known for her love of lemon.

Also the karaoke scene look like the JOYSOUND Karaoke sytem that AKB advertised for

And even in anime, the perverted 30 yrs old man still molesting other members like a boss :P This isn't really fanservice Yuri...Yuko really do have some lesbo rumor about her. :P She like touching boobs and butt and is really clingy to other members, especially Kojima Haruna. (WHY THERE NO KOJIYUU IN THIS SHOW YET?!!!)

akbfanJun 10, 2012 8:57 AM
Jun 10, 2012 8:56 AM

Nov 2008
Chieri has even worse father probs than Nagisa, but I'm glad she got consoled and lol at Nagisa entering in when Chieri and Kanata were having their consoling moment, it did result in a better outcome though.

Chieri got discovered by Nagisa while she was trying to be sexy and my she can get red with embarrassment,

Sonata was adorable in her outfit and frog movements.

I do not like what's going in the shrine, sacrificing AKB0048 members for any reason is bad practice.

Dat yuri, not fanservice but super adorable.

That video is nosebleed inducing cute.

Jun 10, 2012 9:19 AM

Oct 2010
Hoppy said:
I do not like what's going in the shrine, sacrificing AKB0048 members for any reason is bad practice.
I still have O_O and RAGE over this. I feared it could become like this but never I would think the element would be in this series. Truly it's a fearful moment and as such should never occur again. In fact I would like it to be reversed as to see those members brought back.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 10, 2012 9:45 AM
Mar 2012
Hoppy said:
Chieri has even worse father probs than Nagisa, but I'm glad she got consoled and lol at Nagisa entering in when Chieri and Kanata were having their consoling moment, it did result in a better outcome though.

Chieri got discovered by Nagisa while she was trying to be sexy and my she can get red with embarrassment,

Sonata was adorable in her outfit and frog movements.

I do not like what's going in the shrine, sacrificing AKB0048 members for any reason is bad practice.

Dat yuri, not fanservice but super adorable.

That video is nosebleed inducing cute.

yeah..when your dad supply the government with weapons and you're joining an idol group, things can get messy.

They're not talking about sacrificing!
My japanese is limited but I'm pretty sure they're just talking about how Kanata is the better successor to the original Takahashi Minami than the Takamina right now, Takamina was chosen as successor because she was more trained at the time I think. That made Takamina feel like she can easily replace.
akbfanJun 10, 2012 9:49 AM
Jun 10, 2012 10:04 AM

Oct 2010
akbfan said:
Hoppy said:
Chieri has even worse father probs than Nagisa, but I'm glad she got consoled and lol at Nagisa entering in when Chieri and Kanata were having their consoling moment, it did result in a better outcome though.

Chieri got discovered by Nagisa while she was trying to be sexy and my she can get red with embarrassment,

Sonata was adorable in her outfit and frog movements.

I do not like what's going in the shrine, sacrificing AKB0048 members for any reason is bad practice.

Dat yuri, not fanservice but super adorable.

That video is nosebleed inducing cute.

yeah..when your dad supply the government with weapons and you're joining an idol group, things can get messy.

They're not talking about sacrificing!
My japanese is limited but I'm pretty sure they're just talking about how Kanata is the better successor to the original Takahashi Minami than the Takamina right now, Takamina was chosen as successor because she was more trained at the time I think. That made Takamina feel like she can easily replace.
They do mention of members becoming these things Kirara are. I would certainly prefer not be them and instead be in Heavens if possible.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 10, 2012 10:16 AM
Mar 2012
Yumekichi11 said:
akbfan said:
Hoppy said:
Chieri has even worse father probs than Nagisa, but I'm glad she got consoled and lol at Nagisa entering in when Chieri and Kanata were having their consoling moment, it did result in a better outcome though.

Chieri got discovered by Nagisa while she was trying to be sexy and my she can get red with embarrassment,

Sonata was adorable in her outfit and frog movements.

I do not like what's going in the shrine, sacrificing AKB0048 members for any reason is bad practice.

Dat yuri, not fanservice but super adorable.

That video is nosebleed inducing cute.

yeah..when your dad supply the government with weapons and you're joining an idol group, things can get messy.

They're not talking about sacrificing!
My japanese is limited but I'm pretty sure they're just talking about how Kanata is the better successor to the original Takahashi Minami than the Takamina right now, Takamina was chosen as successor because she was more trained at the time I think. That made Takamina feel like she can easily replace.
They do mention of members becoming these things Kirara are. I would certainly prefer not be them and instead be in Heavens if possible.

I thought they said it in the context that their SPIRIT as in left over idol aura and energy, not the actual girls' soul.

Jun 10, 2012 11:17 AM

Oct 2010
akbfan said:
Yumekichi11 said:
akbfan said:
Hoppy said:
Chieri has even worse father probs than Nagisa, but I'm glad she got consoled and lol at Nagisa entering in when Chieri and Kanata were having their consoling moment, it did result in a better outcome though.

Chieri got discovered by Nagisa while she was trying to be sexy and my she can get red with embarrassment,

Sonata was adorable in her outfit and frog movements.

I do not like what's going in the shrine, sacrificing AKB0048 members for any reason is bad practice.

Dat yuri, not fanservice but super adorable.

That video is nosebleed inducing cute.

yeah..when your dad supply the government with weapons and you're joining an idol group, things can get messy.

They're not talking about sacrificing!
My japanese is limited but I'm pretty sure they're just talking about how Kanata is the better successor to the original Takahashi Minami than the Takamina right now, Takamina was chosen as successor because she was more trained at the time I think. That made Takamina feel like she can easily replace.
They do mention of members becoming these things Kirara are. I would certainly prefer not be them and instead be in Heavens if possible.

I thought they said it in the context that their SPIRIT as in left over idol aura and energy, not the actual girls' soul.

After they die? That is still trapping them or their remains. It's called tampering with souls. That's not a good thing, perhaps in general but I guess in this series it's good since it does fuel up something good.

I still in general do not accept the general coined term "Playing with Souls" of anyone doing so less it's really acceptable for me. This sounds not be just because the cause if for a greater happiness and for me happiness never really amounted a truth of being happy when others are used for it.

True happiness can be music from one's singing as an example.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 10, 2012 11:33 AM
Jul 2009
Ok, Yumekichi11, stop here. I don't know how well you think you know Japanese, but no one is sacrificing girls in this series.

All that's happening is that the Kirara choose the most suited successor of the original AKBs. What happened in the cave is that the current Takamina found out Kanata is currently better suited to be Takahashi Minami's successor than she is.

It should be noted that "soul" is just a fancy name to describe a combination of things like personality, mood, behaviour, disposition, etc. Since any of these traits may change depending on the moment and situation you're in, it's only natural the Kirara might change their opinion on who's more suited to succeed x idol at any given time.

That's why, although in the past the current Takamina was the most suited to be Takamina, right now the most suited is Kanata. And yet, Tsubasa said that if Takamina doesn't give up and keep doing her best the kirara might choose her again in the future.
1idd0kunJun 10, 2012 11:41 AM
Jun 10, 2012 12:38 PM

Oct 2010
1idd0kun said:
Ok, Yumekichi11, stop here. I don't know how well you think you know Japanese, but no one is sacrificing girls in this series.

All that's happening is that the Kirara choose the most suited successor of the original AKBs. What happened in the cave is that the current Takamina found out Kanata is currently better suited to be Takahashi Minami's successor than she is.

It should be noted that "soul" is just a fancy name to describe a combination of things like personality, mood, behaviour, disposition, etc. Since any of these traits may change depending on the moment and situation you're in, it's only natural the Kirara might change their opinion on who's more suited to succeed x idol at any given time.

That's why, although in the past the current Takamina was the most suited to be Takamina, right now the most suited is Kanata. And yet, Tsubasa said that if Takamina doesn't give up and keep doing her best the kirara might choose her again in the future.
Fair enough but the mood with the BGM along with the way Minami blew up on Tsubasa along with how the other characters reacted gave out a rather deeper tone than light over just the problem you mention that Minami has. That's all. Especially with the how at first the girls were and how their expressions changed later. That's all and I shall leave it at that. I was also talking about in general in my previous post and how I saw it give me impression. Might be exaggerated but it still remains to be solved. Perhaps it's more gruesome than it appears. THE WILD factor is in the series way more than before to say the least.

With what akbfan told of the production, it can get crazy and this could the tip of the iceberg. That's all. I shall leave it at that.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 11, 2012 2:28 AM

Aug 2010
Indeed, no one is talking about sacrificing members. I think, the thing that shocked Takamina the most is the fact that Kanata is already considered to be the next Takamina, once the current one graduates. No one forces her to graduate, it's just the feeling that "someone is already behind you in line, you won't leave an unfillable hole" that shook her.

And ofc, the other girls didn't took it well. Takamina (the current) is their friend, and graduations always start the big waterworks. From the graduates, the remaining, and the fans. They always knew it would happen someday, but seeing it like this is like walking over your own grave... not a good feeling.

On a side note, Sanata was ubercute, as always. Chieri blushing was lovely, too.
And I LOVE how Suzuko is a diehard sonata-fan now :D
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Jun 11, 2012 4:33 AM

Oct 2011
just saying Sonata would be able to become everyone successor - at the same time
she is that amazing

and we're back at Chieri's induced drama - this time she had some nice moments but later we god emo again (sure she had quite good reason to do so)
but she changed a bit so she gets a pass, plus at the end was even cute - less arrogant than at the start. Nice.

On the other side older members may now go into that area - this I can understand well. There is also factor that Kanata is their friend (as much as one can be) so also feeling that you are stoping someone is not the most pleasant.
Still that cave is creepy place :D little weird things feeling your soul brrrr - yet somehow also effective way of determining one's potential.

Did I say that Sonata is the cutest one?
Jun 11, 2012 7:55 AM

Jun 2011
I want to see some nagisa episodes soon xD
Jun 11, 2012 8:07 AM

Jan 2011
I really like the story so far, it's far from the only happy crap shows that are common in this category.
I'm looking forward to more internal secrets of AKB, such as the sensei-sensei one.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Jun 11, 2012 8:40 AM

Jun 2008
Man, that Kirara successor scene did really hurt.
TakaMina's dilemma is really big.
-On one side, she wants Kanata to finally be a successor.
-But on the other side, since the Kirara's chose Kanata as TakaMina the only way she can be a successor is when the current TakaMina graduates and she doesn't want to graduate early.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jun 11, 2012 8:55 AM

Jun 2007
kaimax said:
Man, that Kirara successor scene did really hurt.
TakaMina's dilemma is really big.
-On one side, she wants Kanata to finally be a successor.
-But on the other side, since the Kirara's chose Kanata as TakaMina the only way she can be a successor is when the current TakaMina graduates and she doesn't want to graduate early.

Painful, indeed. I'm interested to see how they will tackle this.
Jun 11, 2012 9:19 AM
Mar 2012
Hopefully not kill her off that's for sure....

Jun 11, 2012 9:51 AM

Jan 2008
A peace conference in Kazakhstar + Kanata chosen as next TakaMina + current TakaMina must graduate = R.I.P.

Wave that funky death flag, white boy!
Jun 11, 2012 10:11 AM
Mar 2012
Or maybe next ep, Takamina gain back her strength and confidence after fighting with the DES. That'll free up Kanata of being the next Takamina because I think in the end, instead of succeeding, the trainees form a new team.

AKB0048, the double 00 look like an 8 and there has been talk of forming a Team 8 in AKB, this could just be a reference to that.
Jun 11, 2012 11:05 AM

Aug 2011
Thank God: This episode was actually great. Chieri characterization coming to light; Nagisa/Chieri dynamic present again; as well as important plot points.

Not much else to say. Except that this episode was great.

Hugely looking forward to the next episode.
Jun 11, 2012 11:30 AM

Apr 2011
This is getting quite interesting.
Jun 11, 2012 11:57 AM

Aug 2011
What a twist!! This is getting even more interesting. I wasnt suprised to hear Cheiri's dad built the DES robots.
Jun 11, 2012 12:40 PM

Aug 2008
This episode may be the best so far. Now the girls are getting closer to becoming the successors.

I'm sorry for TakaMina. She's my favorite in both AKB48 and AKB0048.
She has a good heart and want Kanata to be promoted, but has to find out that Kanata is surpassing herself hurts.
That's the pressure she has to overcome though. I just hope this is not a dead flag. It's Kawamori, you see.
Jun 11, 2012 2:01 PM

Feb 2012
Damn, this episode was good, shit is going down with the succession system and Kanata maybe successing the current Takamina, I wonder how she will act in front of Kanata next episode.
By the way, didn't the ones who graduate disappear or was that just the case with the originals?

Tsubasa needs to tell us some things about the kirara, the cave, graduation and Sensei-sensei, it's about time.
Jun 11, 2012 2:26 PM

Oct 2011
Zhou said:
By the way, didn't the ones who graduate disappear or was that just the case with the originals?

I think that was just the old centres, which is why they stopped having a centre position.

This episode was amazing! This is such a good anime! Tsubasa and Sensei-Sensei are really getting to me, I need to know more about them! I felt so sorry for Takamina when it was revealed Kanata is the new Takamina, she must feel so pressured. Sonata continues to be my favourite character, I can't wait for the next episode~
Jun 11, 2012 2:44 PM

Aug 2010
Kanata and the curretn TakaMina are going up against each other. It looks like Chieri and Nagisa will go up against each other. This show might get kind of ugly and sad.
Jun 11, 2012 3:27 PM
Mar 2012

Chieri is so adorable in this ep too

Jun 11, 2012 5:00 PM

Feb 2012
Definitely a great ep.

Story's picking up and plots are thickening!

I'm getting vibes that the current Takamina will get killed off somehow. Maybe not killed off, but leaves due to her dilemma.

Also loving the yuri moments, however small lol.
Jun 11, 2012 5:29 PM

Aug 2011
Oh. Forgot to mention in my last post:

The animation quality really shines in the dark scenes (i.e. the path to the Kirara cave; the scene in Chieri's room). I hope we get more of those scenes and less super-bright colorful dominance. They just seem better at generating atmosphere in the dark scenes.
Jun 11, 2012 5:54 PM

May 2008
Damm i really like Takamina so it kinda sucks that she would have to graduate in order for Kanata to come in. Also SEXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jun 12, 2012 1:08 AM

May 2010
This whole succession thing sure is hard, I felt kinda sorry for Takamina and Kanata!!
Jun 12, 2012 7:39 PM

Apr 2011
Chieri's sexy pose is just MOE worthy and then she got caught by Nagisa.

I'm not worrying much about the succession about Takamina. She won't be replaced by Kanata anytime soon. But I'm curious of what will happen next episode.
Jun 14, 2012 10:12 AM

Feb 2008
Yeah the animation quality sure is different from the other anime and awesome isn't it when you look closer at it.

DraconisMarch said:
Oh. Forgot to mention in my last post:

The animation quality really shines in the dark scenes (i.e. the path to the Kirara cave; the scene in Chieri's room). I hope we get more of those scenes and less super-bright colorful dominance. They just seem better at generating atmosphere in the dark scenes.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jun 14, 2012 10:17 AM

Feb 2008
kaimax said:
Man, that Kirara successor scene did really hurt.
TakaMina's dilemma is really big.
-On one side, she wants Kanata to finally be a successor.
-But on the other side, since the Kirara's chose Kanata as TakaMina the only way she can be a successor is when the current TakaMina graduates and she doesn't want to graduate early.

Yeah it's really painful, that's mean Kanata won't become a regular member unless Takamina graduate.
I don't think TakaMina will act like an ass for just that.

Jeez I don't want a death flag :(

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jun 14, 2012 11:22 PM

Feb 2011
I'm liking AKB0048 so far. One of the surprises this season.

Plus I'm glad to be reading the older episode discussion topics and finding that my favorite clown is still being frustrated over petty things.
Jun 15, 2012 3:30 AM

Apr 2011
Blackbird said:
Yeah the animation quality sure is different from the other anime and awesome isn't it when you look closer at it.

DraconisMarch said:
Oh. Forgot to mention in my last post:

The animation quality really shines in the dark scenes (i.e. the path to the Kirara cave; the scene in Chieri's room). I hope we get more of those scenes and less super-bright colorful dominance. They just seem better at generating atmosphere in the dark scenes.

Agreed. The scene in the kirara cave felt magical. Added points for animation quality for them.

I wonder if Chieri will be Yuuko's succesor? I guess Nagisa is not fit to be Yuuko after all. Poor Nagisa.

Kanata is really fitting to be Takamina. Her ribbon even place in the same position as the successor.
MagitoJun 15, 2012 3:40 AM
Jun 15, 2012 3:59 PM
Mar 2012
Magito said:
Blackbird said:
Yeah the animation quality sure is different from the other anime and awesome isn't it when you look closer at it.

DraconisMarch said:
Oh. Forgot to mention in my last post:

The animation quality really shines in the dark scenes (i.e. the path to the Kirara cave; the scene in Chieri's room). I hope we get more of those scenes and less super-bright colorful dominance. They just seem better at generating atmosphere in the dark scenes.

Agreed. The scene in the kirara cave felt magical. Added points for animation quality for them.

I wonder if Chieri will be Yuuko's succesor? I guess Nagisa is not fit to be Yuuko after all. Poor Nagisa.

Kanata is really fitting to be Takamina. Her ribbon even place in the same position as the successor. did spot a resemblance between Chieri clothes and Yuko's clothes from this performance.

But in term of personality, Chieri is closer to Yukirin than Yuko.
Since there's a hint of double center, Nagisa and Chieri, like how in the real AKB, it's Acchan and Yuko, I think that's why Chieri is being made Yuko's understudy here.
Jun 16, 2012 7:00 PM

Oct 2010
This was a lovely episode and Chieri was so cute in this.

But yeah, I'm really hoping that this is not a death flag for the successor though. The preview isn't making me any less scared for her.
Jun 16, 2012 11:26 PM

May 2011
Looks like the successors have their own problems too. Takamina's conflict really sucks, knowing that she's just an obstacle for Kanata to become a successor and that Kanata's soul is closer to the original Takamina than hers is. I really hope she doesn't end up graduating or something just because of this.

Alottaa cute moments in this episode like Sonata and Chieri's sexy pose. Good to see Chieri cry like that and loosen up a bit more.
Jun 17, 2012 12:36 PM
Jun 2012
In my opinion... The episode was Great...!!! But i really surprised about the succesion system really , hit me.. {*~*}!!! Talking about seeing somebody else taking UR place... But anyway i doubt that takamina will not let go his position to kanata... Or maybe the understudies will make a new group..
Anyway the episode plot were terrific!!! 5/5 finally some head up... Love the cute sonata BTW.. Hope to seeing some advancement in the anime (^~^)
Jun 17, 2012 4:56 PM

Apr 2011
I felt sorry for her a bit, but I know she'll have a turn to shine.
Jun 17, 2012 5:55 PM
Mar 2012
Kanata is one of the lead if you consider the OP. The system of AKB now....
Center --> Maeda Atsuko
2nd Center (because her popularity is on the same center as Acchan) --> Oshima Yuko
AKB's leader ---> Takahashi Minami.

Basically Chieri and Nagisa will be the wcenter/double center, with Kanata as the guiding senior of the group
Jun 26, 2012 4:24 AM

Aug 2011
When the music began during the Kanata/Cheri scene, I couldn't help but get all teary eyed all of a sudden. Also, the successor process just became interesting with that odd higher power judging the member's souls. This show is really anchoring the fantasy element quite well.
Jul 22, 2012 4:50 PM

Sep 2008
Standing in for Mamiko Noto!?
Ahahahahahaha, this anime is pure comedy, right?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 25, 2013 9:58 AM

Feb 2013
(rewatching in 1080p)

akbfan said:
That scene was so funny.

This episode confirms that Kanata is the captain of the understudies. It should have been obvious to the current Takamina that she's next in line for the position, but now she shows that Kanata will not succeed as long as she is there, no matter how ready Kanata is.
Oct 29, 2013 11:11 AM

Jun 2011
Pretty good episode, main reason being not having much of 77th members, still too much of Nagisa. Dislike the ending part too..
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Apr 15, 2014 2:37 PM

Dec 2012
Yuuko is awesome. That "sexy" pose was hilarious, both Yuuko's and Chieri's. Kanata is great, glad she's getting more recognition. The whole successor/original idea is cool and keeps getting more and more creative. Seriously wondering who (or what) is in charge of AKB though.
May 8, 2014 6:21 PM

Feb 2013
3rd time watching

I never noticed before... but when Chieri gets caught by Nagisa being "sexy"... her kirara blushes too!
Oct 12, 2014 8:45 AM

Jul 2013
Oh man I can't believe Takamina is loosing her position! Things are getting intense!
May 15, 2015 10:20 PM
Mar 2015
HECK, first I Love Yuuko, then i love Nagisa too!.and i though Nagisa will Take Yuuko Place, but............... IN [04.00]
I SHOCK! AND THOUGH Chieri will take Yuuko Place!!!.
I SHAKING/SHock for second time
why KANATA will be CAPTAIN!!
When Chieri and Kanata make up and Nagisa Show up and Say "Chieri, i was..."
and I SHAking/Shock Again for Third times!! lol.
"I was..." What!???? Nagisa will Take Over Chieri Place!! LOL

S-QuadrupleMay 16, 2015 5:27 AM
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