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May 29, 2012 4:21 AM
May 2012
Hey. This is my first time posting in a forum. A little about myself, my first gateway gundam was Gundam Seed when i was a kid. Of Gundam related shows, I've watched 0079, Zeta, the infamous ZZ, 08th ms team, 0083 stardust memory,war in the pocket and Alternate Universes like, Gundam Wing, Seed, Seed Destiny, 00 and finally AGE. I'm in the midst of G Gundam, probably I'll watch X( I heard it's pretty good).

Ok now back to the reason I started this topic. I'm really tired of all this Gundam AGE hate. Just go to youtube and find any video with Gundam AGE with it. It'll have comments like "This show sucks" and "Gundam AGE is DA WORSE GUNDAM EVERRR??" and all of that crap. I'm pissed off cos i really liked AGE. Nobody likes it when someone disses something you like, right? For people who dont like the animation and graphics, hey i don't really like it either. But don't just judge that the show is lousy bcos of that reason only. Remember when we were kids, we learned to never judge a book by it's cover right? If you've viewed it and didn't like AGE, i can understand. Everybody has different tastes but dont just diss people who like AGE just because you didn't like it.

For people who say they didn't like it cos it's a kids show or it's big toy commercial. I'll come to the toy commercial part later. Yeah, Gundam is more or less targeted towards kids. Even the first series, 0079. It had a kid, Amuro who got in a robot called the Gundam and fought menacing looking Zakus. Look at Seed too. I got introduced to Gundam by Seed when i was 8. My country usually aired it around 10 a.m where most kids would be watching the television. Gundam is directed towards kids but it just happened to attract an older audience. And if a show wasn't even directed to your age group in the first place, it wouldn't make much sense to bitch alot about it.

About the toy commercial part, to Bandai every new Gundam series is a platform to sell you more model kits. But to me i don't care whether or not it is a toy commercial, as long as the story is decent and the characters are likeable.

Now about AGE, I know it has flaws like some parts feeling too rushed and that we didn't get to see much interaction with some characters. I didn't like how Grodek, Woolf and Decil's death were handled too. But overall I think the multigenerational aspect of the show is interesting but however I think for this to be more effective, there should be more episodes to flesh the whole story out and there wouldn't be too much timeskips. Overall I enjoyed AGE and can't wait for more episodes to be released.

Well I've said my part. It feels such a relief to type this all down. Oh and I hope I'll be more involved in the forum as this is my first post.
May 29, 2012 9:05 AM

Jun 2011
The most I see who bitch about AGE, are the one who ONLY watched Gundam 00, maybe SEED. They dont even know what a "Char Aznable" is, and they dare to call themselve Gundam Fans.
May 29, 2012 10:30 AM

Sep 2010
Basically my feelings on the whole thing.

AGE is very good despite its flaws. I actually like the character designs its unique for a Gundam series.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
May 29, 2012 10:49 AM

Sep 2010
They fucked up by reducing the target age for the series and are now trying to regretting it because the preteen audience don't like and aren't familiar with the war motif and space settings.

Oh you like it OP? Good for you. Bandai needs more people like you watching it.

May 29, 2012 3:11 PM
May 2012
I really like AGE. One of the things that got me really pumped up was the multigenerational aspect. Not many shows have that. I also really like the little references to other gundam series they put in AGE here and there for people who have been long time fans or have watched most of the gundam shows.
May 29, 2012 3:13 PM

Jun 2008
angelslayerX said:
The most I see who bitch about AGE, are the one who ONLY watched Gundam 00, maybe SEED. They dont even know what a "Char Aznable" is, and they dare to call themselve Gundam Fans.
Sure, why not, you make it sound like people had to watch the first Gundam series to be called fans. That just sound like an elitist's statement.
May 29, 2012 3:30 PM

Jan 2010
I honestly have no problem with AGE.I've said this before, I'm to the point where i'm just sitting back and enjoying the ride and calling out the flaws.

Is this the best Gundam series? Absolutely not, however it's unique in it's own way. Give the show a chance.Enjoy it and wait till the next AU come out.
May 29, 2012 5:22 PM

Nov 2007
Have to understand that no matter how good or bad a series is, there will ALWAYS be people who like it or hate it. It's a very realistic statistical result. Even the worst series in history has its own niche of fans.

Thus, I don't see what there is to complain about. Look at Mouretsu Pirates, it has horrible ratings too, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's bad from your own perspective. Same can be said of AGE. Subjective.

For me, AGE is like a mix of mediocre episodes and some good episodes. Unfortunately, the mediocre ones are the majority. However, I still enjoy watching the Asuno family members. They are so hilarious.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
May 30, 2012 12:41 AM

Jun 2011
Tachii said:
angelslayerX said:
The most I see who bitch about AGE, are the one who ONLY watched Gundam 00, maybe SEED. They dont even know what a "Char Aznable" is, and they dare to call themselve Gundam Fans.
Sure, why not, you make it sound like people had to watch the first Gundam series to be called fans. That just sound like an elitist's statement.

"Gundam" has a lot of different timelines and stories, so I think just watching ONE, doesnt make you a Gundam Fan in a whole, but rather a fan of only this season. I know many who only like 00 and will never watch any other Gundam, but they still comlain about AGE.

Its just.... interesting that so many I know who only watched 00 complain about AGE.
The biggest reason they hate AGE is cuz a kid pilots a gundam. Um, yeah. What should I say to this? Gundam was almost every time (expect G, Wing, 00, which are well known outside Japan), about a kid, who gets to pilot a Gundam, who has to fight for his friends (wheter he like it or not), and go through a kinda like "Crybabyphase" or a "RevengePhase" when girlfriend/mentor/whoever dies. And exactly THIS is AGE. And thats why it hated, which I cant understand.

(And there re those who dont watch it for the graphics, this is a point I kinda understand).
May 30, 2012 10:31 AM

Jan 2008
What haters? There are barely any posts in episode discussions compared to other anime. Most people expressed their opinion early on and dropped it. There would be hating if these people still commented en masse on newest episodes.

This show simply tanked, even in Japan, a motherland to all relevant mecha. Anime aimed at kids with middle age+ demographics is a failure, simply put.

I have mentioned it several times that the design isn't as much a culprit here as a subpar plot and shoddy scriptwriting. This 'killed' the show in my opinion.

And, as wakka9ca said, opinions are often highly subjective. There's no hate in this case, just indifference.

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Jun 1, 2012 7:07 AM

May 2008
This one is a kids show. Get over it. It's like watching Digimon, Pokemon, and YugiOh! and complaining why the hell the plot is so easy and predictable? Those haters have to understand AGE is totally different. And, why would you (haters) complaining and still watching it when it's easy, you just need to drop the show and forget this show ever exist. lol
Jun 2, 2012 12:13 AM
May 2012
To me it's funny that how some plots & elements in this show are left unexplained till it never mentioned again in the later episode anyway like what happened to our Genoace Pilot Largan Drace from Flit's arc, Arisa Gunhale from Asem's arc & ETC unless they would've had a side-story manga of it. #SMH
Jun 3, 2012 4:56 AM

Jan 2009
im enjoying Gundam AGE too, even though its not the best show i find it one of the best gundam ive watch so far on par with Gundam Unicorn

but i hope they learn here that inconsistent animation can have a big impact on popularity, so i hope they animate very well the next gundam series which is Gundam The Origin
Jun 4, 2012 2:55 AM

Feb 2011
The only problem I see with AGE is its pacing, it's terrible. Despite that, it's a really good anime and Gundam series.

Now, I liked Gundam SEED a lot and 00 too, but AGE is very different from those and some people don't seem to get that not every Gundam is like that.

I say, just ignore those people altogether and get back to watching Gundam AGE awesomeness.

Personally, I like AGE more than Wing, SEED, 00 and even The 08th MS Team. In fact, I'm considering on giving it a 9.
P.S. I don't think any Gundam can stand above the original.
Jun 4, 2012 11:26 AM

Sep 2010
Depending on how the rest goes I might give AGE a 9 too.

For me I don't think anything can beat 00 though cause I love my innovators. 0079 is my least favorite. I guess its because I got spoiled by Zeta, 00, and SEED awesomeness that it fails in comparison. Although it is nice to see where Gundam all began the art is pretty decent for that time too. Its just the characters I feel nothing for them at all except for Kai and Miharu. Since none of the characters really interest me in 0079 its boring and slow paced for me. I find the cast from 0079 better in Zeta personally.

j0x said:

but i hope they learn here that inconsistent animation can have a big impact on popularity, so i hope they animate very well the next gundam series which is Gundam The Origin

Character derps are unavoidable some series has them worse than others *cough*pandoraheartsandbrave10*cough* I mean if that is what you are talking about when you were saying inconsistent animation. Not to mention comparisons from the original SEED compared to the HD remaster I had no idea the original was so badly animated. xD Despite that its the most popular Gundam in Japan.

Speaking of which is Origin going to be an OVA or a TV series? I personally hope its an OVA while we get a new TV series set in a different universe. I'm sure Sunrise/Bandai learnt from this and I doubt they will try another risky move like AGE for a while.

Still wondering how they are going to get a younger audience was SD Gundam Force successful in getting younger viewers or did it also flop like AGE?
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jun 4, 2012 6:38 PM

Nov 2007
Well Origin is like remake of 0079 with alternate progression. Don't know how it's gonna fit canon. They are conflicting materials.

I was hoping for new UC series not a remake. Oh well. Time to revive the classics.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jun 7, 2012 11:19 PM

Aug 2010
AGE has been a good series so far, despite its horrible pacing. It's sad to acknowledge that AGE was pushed down with its ratings because of the many people who judged the book by its cover.

AGE is more like a refresh of the first 3 Gundam UC series. SEED attempted it for 0079, but then it branched off to its own path. AGE is a definite homage because of the modeling Gundams and how some characters specifically play almost like the UC counterparts (Zeheart to Char sort of deal).

In the end, I'm giving this a 7 or 8. 8 or 9 if they can really change the pace accordingly and really give a mind blowing ending. Gundam Unicorn is incomparable imo because of the great deal of time done for the animations and the way it was directed. Just saying. lol
Jun 10, 2012 2:31 AM

Jan 2009
Roloko said:
Speaking of which is Origin going to be an OVA or a TV series?

no official information about its format yet, but most people like me predicts it will be an OVA format, and has quality animation like Gundam Unicorn now
Jun 10, 2012 3:08 AM
Mar 2011
most of the Time Au Gundams will never do better than a UC Gundam does cua AU's are aimed at the peole who did not grow up watching True Gundam

Seed was did decently but thats Just in Comparison to other AU Gundam Tv anime

Ji Failed
W for being a prime anime one TV ahshi it Failed but take in to accout most anime [ that was not sazae san or a few others] that was Aring at the time wwere getting low TV ratings
X Cult classic in the fandom
Turn A met with mixed reactions
Seed /Destiny was/is the worst AU but sold the best i hate the show but love the Kits [ but the worst crime this show did for me was haive Both Haro and red Zaku II in an AU] only Zeon /neo zeon should fly Zaku and red Zaku II are not MP Models that is Char Mobile suit when the main named chactrer who flies the Red Zaku II in SEED is not even te Char Clone fo the Sries i fpr 1 Have issues when the person piloting that is the shows version of Roux Luka that and big issue for me and when te shows Amuro clone [ Yes seed is a reamke of 0079 ] is such a whiny sactamious hypocritical Idiot who makes Squall from FF8 Likable to me .

Age = AU Victory bandai will end up hating age like they did Victory
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 22, 2012 5:53 PM

Mar 2012
I've only watched one episode of AGE, so I don't have the utmost knowledge about the series. All I know is I watched the first episode when it was already airing for a while, didn't care for it, and asked some other fans of the show if it gets any better? They told me it doesn't so I decided to drop it. However, I will make some analysis of the show by what I know and from others' opinions on the show.

It seems like this show is aimed toward the wrong demographic. It seems as though they decided to take the Gundam series and make it more "kid friendly". That doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do since Gundam has more of a teenage/young adult following. Hell, I've even seen middle-aged Gundam fans. Making Gundam a kids show isn't just appealing to a demographic that it doesn't quite fit, but it's alienating the fans that have grown and loved each series. Even if it is more "adult" themed than I mentioned, the animation is a bit too childish to appeal to them. The animation of the first episode didn't really bug me too much but the story and scriptwriting really annoyed the living hell out of me.

I know personally, I've seen the following...
Some of X (on-hold at the moment)
Most of Wing (on-hold at the moment)
Seed Destiny
About half of Unicorn (not finished yet)

So these comments aren't coming from someone who saw only SEED and 00 and considers himself a fan. My favorite series is probably Zeta and least favorite is probably ZZ.
Jul 22, 2012 6:13 PM
Nov 2009
Toucanbird said:
I've only watched one episode of AGE, so I don't have the utmost knowledge about the series. All I know is I watched the first episode when it was already airing for a while, didn't care for it, and asked some other fans of the show if it gets any better? They told me it doesn't so I decided to drop it. However, I will make some analysis of the show by what I know and from others' opinions on the show.

It seems like this show is aimed toward the wrong demographic. It seems as though they decided to take the Gundam series and make it more "kid friendly". That doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do since Gundam has more of a teenage/young adult following. Hell, I've even seen middle-aged Gundam fans. Making Gundam a kids show isn't just appealing to a demographic that it doesn't quite fit, but it's alienating the fans that have grown and loved each series. Even if it is more "adult" themed than I mentioned, the animation is a bit too childish to appeal to them. The animation of the first episode didn't really bug me too much but the story and scriptwriting really annoyed the living hell out of me.

I know personally, I've seen the following...
Some of X (on-hold at the moment)
Most of Wing (on-hold at the moment)
Seed Destiny
About half of Unicorn (not finished yet)

So these comments aren't coming from someone who saw only SEED and 00 and considers himself a fan. My favorite series is probably Zeta and least favorite is probably ZZ.

Well, it gets different. It's hard to judge it based on one episode or even a few episodes because things end up changing pretty drastically once the first generation ends.

I've seen people who didn't like the first generation, liked the second and then don't like the third, and also people who like gen 3 and don't like the other 2, etc. It's kind of a polarizing show due to the format, but I've honestly been enjoying it quite a bit since day one and I've seen every TV Gundam.
An_anonJul 22, 2012 6:18 PM
Jul 22, 2012 6:25 PM
Mar 2011
MY vies on AU Gundam [
Ji Failed
W for being a prime anime one TV ahshi it Failed but take in to accout most anime [ that was not sazae san or a few others] that was Aring at the time wwere getting low TV ratings
X Cult classic in the fandom
Turn A met with mixed reactions
Seed /Destiny was/is the worst AU but sold the best i hate the show but love the Kits [ but the worst crime this show did for me was haive Both Haro and red Zaku II in an AU] only Zeon /neo zeon should fly Zaku and red Zaku II are not MP Models that is Char Mobile suit when the main named chactrer who flies the Red Zaku II in SEED is not even te Char Clone fo the Sries i fpr 1 Have issues when the person piloting that is the shows version of Roux Luka that and big issue for me and when te shows Amuro clone [ Yes seed is a reamke of 0079 ] is such a whiny sactamious hypocritical Idiot who makes Squall from FF8 Likable to me .
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 23, 2012 6:20 AM
May 2012
I never thought this show is kinda hit & miss (NO idea why am I havin this uncomfortable feeling about this one).
Feb 11, 2016 5:03 AM

Sep 2010
angelslayerX said:
The most I see who bitch about AGE, are the one who ONLY watched Gundam 00, maybe SEED. They dont even know what a "Char Aznable" is, and they dare to call themselve Gundam Fans.

1 If you have watched and loved even 1 gundam series, you are perfectly free to call yourself a gundam fan. Because you would be a fan of at least 1 gundam show. Don't judge people just because they didn't watch everything. It's not a competition. And just because a fan loves the shows you don't, or didn't watch the shows you loved most doesn't mean they aren't every bit the fan you are.

2 I'm sick and tired of UC purists and fanboys acting like it's the best thing ever and every other au gundam sucks for not being UC.

It's perfectly fine to prefer the UC over other gundam entries. but it's also perfectly fine to prefer AU gundam shows over UC. It's about time people stopped attacking eachother for loving a different Gundam shows. No matter how mean/vicious and bullying (because make no mistake, thats exactly what your doing when you attack people for liking AU gundam shows) you act towards these fans, they are not going to change their minds and suddenly decide that UC is better. They won't. And the more you act like an ass to the people who haven't seen UC yet, the less you will make them want too. You want to make your UC fanbase bigger? Try using honey instead of vinegor. Show them that it's great they loved Seed/or another AU gundam show, then proceed to try and convince them to watch UC because they enjoyed that gundam show so much. If they don't want too, leave them alone or if they do but end up not caring for it, leave them alone. Be nice.

It's not a personal attack towards you if people love Seed more then Mobile suit gundam. It's not personal if somebody prefers Zechs over Char. It's not personal if somebody loved Age but couldn't care less about UC. Get over it. Be nice about it.

Why is it so hard for some UC fans to respect their fellow AU fans? We are not in a gundam show. There is no need for us to go at war over something as pointless as an opinion. Yes OPINION. UC IS NOT BETTER THEN AU. AU IS NOT BETTER THEN UC. The only thing people can decide on which of the 2 is better for them personaly.

UC fans, stop attacking fans of G 00 SEED Wing AGE and any new AU that will follow.
Of course AU fans should not go on random UC attacking spree's either. You very rarely see this happen however because more people have seen AU then UC. And that will probably stay that way because a lot of people have no interest in watching such dated animation in the form of MSG Zeta and ZZ (Unicorn is often liked/loved by even non UC fans however as well as 08th ms team).

it's not a crime if you love AU. It's not a crime to prefer it over UC. UC purists need to stop acting like superior dickheads. Some people love AU gundam shows, and are indeed Gundam fans wihtoud having watched UC or having watched it and not cared for UC.

We are all gundam fans here. Instead of shooting eachother for prefering different gundam shows, we could all just, I don't know, share our love for Gundam in general with eachother. Wouldn't that be more fun?

You can have a conversation like this:
UC FAN: I just love UC. It's so vast and big with so many characters. The battles are great.
Other fan: I haven't seen it yet, but I really loved Gundam Seed.

UC FAN: OMG that was garbage you should watch UC it's much better.
Other Fan: But I loved Seed, I didn;t think it was garbage at all. UC also seems like a lot of work to get into, and the animation is kinda dated. not a big fan

UC FAN: You can't call yourself a fan if you don't watch and love UC.

And then we get a situation where a new gundam fan is made fun off, attacked, and starts to feel unwelcome in the fandom and just leaves.

We could also have this conversation:
UC FAN: I just love UC. It's so vast and big with so many characters. The battles are great.
Other fan: I haven't seen it yet, but I really loved Gundam Seed.

UC FAN: That wasn't my favorite gundam show, but I did like (enter something you liked)

Other fan: (Happy you mentiond something about seed they can talk about and ends up discussing that thing with you and getting excited/happy for meeting a fellow gundam fan and welcomed into teh fandom)

UC fan: You seem really into it. Perhaps you should consider giving UC a chance. It's how Gundam started and you might really enjoy it.

Other fan: I don't know the animation seems rather outdated, and the UC is so big I don't know where to even start.

UC fan: I can help you with where to start. The animation is rather outdated. For the first series I could recomend watching the movies instead. That animation is slightly better and the whole series is put in 3 movies so you have less outdated animation you have to sit trough. If you tried it but it wasn't for you, you could give 08th ms team a try. It's animation is much better and you don't really need the rest of UC to be able to watch it. though i would advise reading a bit about the zeon/federation conflict one year war a bit just because it gives some clearity on why they are even fighting.


UC fans can make AU fans excited to try UC as long as they feel respected and welcomed into the fandom regardless of which Gundam series they love. It's not that hard people. And again. you can't predict a persons opinion. you should never advise people to not watch certain AU or UC series because even though you might not care for it, others might love it.

i loved Seed Wing OO X Unicorn 08ms team most from everything I have seen so far. That does not mean I don't enjoy the rest of UC. To each their own. lets respect that, please.

3: Stop Using Char as a way to determine if somebody is a fan. I know Char, I have watched 2 seasons and a movie with him in it, and I find him overrated. I get why he is popular. He is a really cool dude. (Who kinda looses it in the movie but ok he wouldn't be the first gundam character to lose it) But he isn't nearly this gundam god people make him out to be. It's nostalgia, and every UC purist (pursist are those who are against AU gundams) promoting Char that gives us this idea. From all the people I know who watched the UC, only 1 has char has a favorite character, the other 8 didn't care for him much and where more into Bright or Sayla or later on Haman Karn (the other 8 are mixed in gender, 3 not really anime fans but they do like gundam for some reason). Char IS LOVED or at least liked by many people. But I think it's more because he was that 1 very cool dude in the original show that just gives him an edge over other characters. If UC was not the first gundam series And UC would have appeard now, for the first time. After all those other GUndam series came first. Char would not be nearly as popular. He is an interesting character. And again pretty cool a good pilot. But the idolising he gets is kinda absurd. It can be compared to how fangirls fan over a pretty boy singer or actor. You can create a new AU gundam that would have the coolest gundam character in history, and he/she would still not stand a chance against Char. Love for Char is blind. they place him on a pedestal. (Not all of them, but many do). It's scary how completely obsessed people can be with a character. It's almost a religion with Char as their god. It's creepy. Stop it.

I do not hate on char. I like Char, I looked foreward to every scene he was in because he made things more interesting. But the amount of love he gets is just insane.

Also, shouldn't we refer to Char as Casval anyway considering thats his actual name? Poor actual Char. I feel for the guy.

End of rant. Conclusion: There is but one factor that decides if your a gundam fan or not, and thats when you love or do not love at least 1 gundam show. The more gundam shows you love, the bigger a fan you are. But a small fan is still a fan.

Lets be fans together everyone. :)

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