Apr 16, 2012 6:51 PM
Apr 16, 2012 6:54 PM
Sokurunde Watashi Sokurunde gracefully landed on his feet as he looked around at his surroundings. They landed in a dense forest at the base of a mountain, "That must be our target." Sokurunde thought, as he waited for the rest of his team whilst keeping an eye out for enemies. |
Apr 16, 2012 7:06 PM
" Finally " Wrath said with a huge evil smile on her face. She glided her hand over her sword holder with her sword in it. " Wrath is in the air " she said looking up at the sky. " I am here to deliver it" |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Apr 16, 2012 7:11 PM
Sokurunde Watashi Sokurunde hid a small smile on his face, the enemies probably stood no chance for Wrath. On the other hand, they were probably much smarter than her. |
Apr 16, 2012 7:57 PM
Pride landed with battle appropriate attire on. 'I guess, she thought that the dress wouldn't work out out here...' |
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Apr 16, 2012 8:30 PM
Sloth landed safely aswell,just like a cat.During the wrap,her clothes changed;she was now wearing short sport pants,sneakers and a white tank-top.Her hair was aswell tied in a ponytail.Looking around,she notices everyone's safe landing.Rising her nose,she sniffs the air."They are inside the mountain." she states after few moments. |
Apr 17, 2012 2:35 AM
Ivan looked up at the mountain and recalled his mountain climbing experience. Right now, he didn't care much with what he was wearing as long as he was comfortable with it. Plus, he wasn't one to take the lead and waited for the other thralls to start moving. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 17, 2012 2:44 AM
Pride stood and crossed her arms. "So who is leading us in this fight?" |
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Apr 17, 2012 4:33 AM
Sokurunde Watashi Sokurunde got up from where he was leaning on the trunk and looked at everyone, "I suppose I will, but don't expect me to fight much. I am more of a plan and behind the lines kind of guy." |
Apr 17, 2012 4:44 AM
Yoi landed gracefully as her eyes opened slowly, she took a glance at her surroundings and smiled"here we are, mountain Orthrys" she said with a low whisper, then she heard prides comment"You mean we need a leader of some sort~?" Yoi had a somewhat wondering yet a mocking face"will, the queen didn't specified anyone of us as the leader so... We will have to vote or something?" |
rika713Apr 17, 2012 4:51 AM
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri |
Apr 17, 2012 4:47 AM
"I guess so." Sloth replied to Lust absentmindely."So,ladies et gentlemen,who you vote as our leader for this mission?" she asks,acting like a ringmaster from the circus. |
Apr 17, 2012 5:01 AM
Sokurunde "Greed" Watashi Sokurunde leaned back onto his trunk and waited for people to vote. He decided he would not vote because that would make them like him less if he voted for himself. This team needed a smart leader of course, but they also needed one who would not hesitate to kill. Sokurunde sighed, no one on the team except him were smart enough for leader, but he did not like to kill or hurt things. |
Apr 17, 2012 5:27 AM
Ivan would have voted for himself but decided against it. He knew it was too troublesome to handle people he just met. But none of them seem to take the initial move so he did it himself. "Why not Ms. Pride?" he suggested. He muttered under his breath, pretty sure that he won't be heard, "After all, you will be to proud to obey anyone's orders." |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 17, 2012 5:43 AM
" so it's Pride or Greed now" she said as she clapped and joined her hands, she took a look at the other sins and asked"anyone else~?" Yoi didn't volunteer to be a leader because she didn't feel like the type who can lead, she also doesn't really care who leads as long she gets to have 'fun' |
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri |
Apr 17, 2012 8:09 AM
"Well, lets vote by plan. I say either Lust or myself distracts the Titans with images of Zeus, the giants, the cyclopes and that one creature with many heads and arms. If we use Lust's illusions and my psychic powers when she's drained, we an tire them out quicker and when they are pooped the rest of you can kill them like that." She finished her plan with a snap of her finger. "Greed, how about your's?" |
![]() |
Apr 17, 2012 10:35 AM
Sokurunde "Greed" Watashi Sokurunde laughed quietly, "First we will have to find out a way up the mountain Pride. That will not be an easy ordeal, surely monsters will see us walk up there, and I bet Sloth will not want to walk all that way up there. We need to find an easy source of transportation that will not wear us out before we even face the Old Gods Pride." |
Apr 17, 2012 12:32 PM
"that sounds nice, Pride,Greed"Yoi said while imagining how the plans look like"so, we should find an easy way to transport like Greed said then we follow Pride's plan of creating illusions and Images, and about fighting them, I think it's better to knock them up one by one, because I bet defeating the Titans isn't something we can do in a matter of minutes" She thought it's better to defeat them like that because the Titans might be gods, but if they attacked one of them with at less two sins, it will be a sure win, specially that every member of team must have a plenty of power and strength hidden within them, Yoi wasn't really suggesting a plan to be a leader or anything, she just thought of speaking her mind out along the plan that was still organized among the sins |
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri |
Apr 17, 2012 4:00 PM
Nao Satoshi Nao was behind Wrath, he was smiling to himself, listening to the plan carefully. His secondary blade strapped and hidden to his back as he stood. He was only going to use his blade if he was to use it as cover fire, or just to help out one in need of assistance. "Hmph." |
Apr 17, 2012 5:41 PM
Wrath crossed her arms and waited silently. She was wearing a long brown cloak on top of her usual school uniform attire. She didn't really care about who was leader, she just wanted to sink her blade into demons. The group said something about Sloth not wanting to walk all the way up the mountain. Maybe she would end up carrying Sloth. She chuckled lightly at the thought, thought she wouldn't really mind. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Apr 18, 2012 6:14 AM
"You're all idiots about the location of those monsters." she said,hitting lightly her face with her palm."As we reach around the middle of the distance you see from here," she said pointing the air,"there is a hole in the mountain,call it a..."cave",yea,that's the word." she explained on a soft,low tone."That cave is the path to the inner mountain,which is known to be the residence of the Titans." she ended,with a yawn."Ah!And one more thing.I wouldn't mind to walk my way to there in my Thrall form,but I'd rather not transform for now.So,who offers to carry me?" she added,laying on the grass. |
Apr 18, 2012 6:21 AM
Nao Satoshi Nao decided time should be wasted, and walked over towards Sloth. He leaned down, offering her a hand. "I'll be of service." he said with a smile. |
Apr 18, 2012 6:53 AM
"Don't get worn down" Wrath warned with a chuckle with her arms still crossed. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Apr 18, 2012 8:02 AM
Ivan was more impressed with Sloth who seemed to do more that what she was expected. To this effect, he wanted to offered his services to her as the one who would carry her atop the mountain. Unfortunately, Gluttony had move first and he was left biting his lower lip and remained silent. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 18, 2012 11:14 AM
Sloth looked at the three."Since I've proposed,I wanna pick." she grinned lightly noticing Envy.Getting up slowly she walked towards him."Ne,will you carry me?" she asked winking. |
Apr 18, 2012 1:50 PM
Nao Satoshi "Asking for no reason." He thought, before he continued to walking. He actually started walking pass the group when Sloth started to speak, feeling that her actions would answer his question instead of speaking. "I'm hungry.." he muttered. "I left all my pocky." |
Apr 18, 2012 4:14 PM
Sokurunde "Greed" Watashi Sokurunde decided that they needed to get on with the mission, leader or not, but had already spoken more than he wanted to. He heard that Gluttony was hungry and scanned the area, there seemed to be some edible fruit, the others were poisonous. Bringing his blade out, Sokurunde started to climb a tree and chopped down some of the edible fruit from it. "There you go Glutton, hopefully that will keep you satisfied." Sokurunde thought as he climbed back down. |
Apr 18, 2012 4:40 PM
in the end they didn't decide on a leader but Yoi was oky with it anyway, she stared at the cave Sloth pointed at"Will this fruits able to satisfy your hunger intel we find the Titans at less? Gluttony?" She asked while gracefully picking the fruit that Greed chopped |
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri |
Apr 18, 2012 5:12 PM
Nao Satoshi Nao looked up to greed, he smiled to him and his other partner. His tongue slightly stuck out and he scratched his cheek. He grabbed some fruit and started to nibble on it. "A-Arigatou~." he said. He then took one more for the trip. "chewchew." |
Apr 18, 2012 5:32 PM
Wrath waited patiently with closed eyes and crossed arms. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Apr 18, 2012 6:30 PM
Sokurunde "Greed" Watashi Sokurunde nodded at the Glutton, he did not want anyone complaining while they had a mission to do. Sokurunde started walking towards the mountain while his head and eyes were darting back and forth, searching for something that might hurt his group. "I do hope that nothing attacks us, I really despise killing living things." He thought. |
Apr 18, 2012 7:37 PM
Ivan was delighted to be chosen although his expression remained calm on the outside. Without a word escaping his mouth, he obliged and carried sloth piggyback knowing that it was easier for him that way than having to hold her princess-like. Moving forward, Ivan looked back a few times over their companions who seemed to be distracted by their own desires. Shaking his head a little, he addressed his burden. "You know the way to the Titans?" |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 19, 2012 3:56 AM
"Yes." Sloth answered in her usual soft tone with a little yawn."There should be a small path once we reach the foot of the mountain.Though it's kinda narrow,is better than having to climb rocks." she explained. |
Apr 19, 2012 4:46 AM
"Shall we go then?" she asked as she was walking toward the mountain"strange, we have been here for quit a while and their wasn't a single demon who attacked us, even thought I sense the presence of plenty of them out there" Yoi thought to her self as she seemed to be somewhat in daze while walking quietly |
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri |
Apr 19, 2012 7:00 AM
Wrath walked with the others. "Finally we get to see some action" she muttered to herself. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Apr 19, 2012 7:40 AM
Ivan flinched a little when Sloth spoke. He was a little comfortable to feel her breath on his neck as she spoke. Nonetheless, he nodded his head and followed her instructions. He walked forward until he reached the foot of the mountain. Indeed, as the lady on her back had said, there was a path that lead up towards the top. Ivan braced himself for the climb and took a deep breath. "Shall we?" |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 19, 2012 2:01 PM
Apr 19, 2012 2:19 PM
Nao Satoshi "Won't be long until w-we see a Titan." he muttered, pointing towards the direction of what seems to be a Titan.. Or something that sure can roar. His hands slowly started to fidget, eager. |
Apr 19, 2012 4:15 PM
Sokurunde "Greed" Watashi Sokurunde heard a roar in the distance and cursed his teammates to hurry up already, he was almost at their destination. Sokurunde sighed and shook his head a little, this team was becoming a burden to him. "The only good thing out of this, is that I get some gold from all of this. I hope so anyways." He thought. |
Apr 19, 2012 5:56 PM
"Finally" Wrath grinned with a chuckle. "Hurry, my blade hungers for blood" she said holding the hilt of her sword. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Apr 19, 2012 6:03 PM
the loud roar breaks Yoi's daze, she looks up toward the direction of the roar and smiles with a wide grin"it's show time~" |
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri |
Apr 20, 2012 5:02 AM
Sloth turns her head to the direction of the roar.Her eyes glow red,as she sees clearly the target;for what she knew,it was a Titan."Think with your brain,"she sighs towards her comrades."Greed and Lust catch him in some illusions,and Wrath can slay it in half.Then we can get rid of this stupid mission once and for all." she yawned softly. |
Apr 20, 2012 6:37 AM
Ivan took a deep breath and let out a soft sigh. Clearly, his companions were too hotblooded. They want to get their hands on a fight so badly that they don't think. Sloth, however, was a little different. She was thought before she acted, and he respected her for that. And maybe just a little he was starting to get a little envious of that. Still, Ivan remained silent through that and waited. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Apr 20, 2012 6:53 AM
"me too Sloth, i want to finish this quickly because i just remembered that i have 'customers' waiting for me later"Yoi's shadow started to grow larger, her eyes glow, she was ready to fight"so any illusion in your minds" she asks Sloth of the idea, and Greed who is partnered with her in the plan |
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri |
Apr 20, 2012 4:51 PM
Apr 20, 2012 6:31 PM
"Hmm" Wrath said sniffing the air. She smelt the scent of the titans, but her eyes said otherwise. She sensed no presence in the air whatsoever. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Apr 20, 2012 7:00 PM
Sokurunde "Greed" Watashi Sokurunde had long since ignored his teammates and plowed on ahead. They were of no use or intelligence to him anyways. He climbed a tree and looked around the area when he heard another roar right next to him in a clearing. "It seems we must fight now, but I really do not feel like it. Taking another's life has just lead to bad endings in the past I have found out. I will let my teammates handle it and provide them with a shield if I find they need my assistance. If they actually think for once, they need me eventually, I know I will need them." Sokurunde thought. |
Apr 20, 2012 7:48 PM
Sloth didn't liked this.She shifted her nose uncomfortably as she scanned the area with her glowing eyes."Something smells fishy and it's not coming from Gluttony..." she mumbled,as she tried to locate the source of the feeling that made her adrenaline pump trough her entire body.Her brain was telling her there is nothing;but her instinct said otherwise. |
Apr 21, 2012 8:25 AM
Nao Satoshi "I may eat more than enough, but I do believe in hygiene, Madam Sloth." turning around to smile at her and Ivan, before turning back around. He stopped slightly, looking to the earth beneath them. "Hmm.." was the noise he made while thinking. He laid down on the ground, pressing his ear against the ground. He was trying to hear footsteps, assuming it would be heavy. "..." |
Apr 21, 2012 5:16 PM
Wrath didn't say anything. She just clenched her teeth and kept her hand on her sword. She was eager for combat, but she saw no titans, yet sensed them all. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Apr 23, 2012 2:32 PM
Yoi stared into the empty space she seemed in deep thought"could it be... an illusion..." she moved her hands and looked like she was warping air and space in her hands.. |
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri |
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