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Mar 28, 2012 4:33 PM

Nov 2010

Main reasons for it not being a 9. 1. it was kind of a ripoff to have it right after Usagi Drop, and even spun off of the "srs parenthood" theme after ep 2 or 3 until now. 2. that one guy who RUINS so many moments in the show. 3. I'm so sick of hearing twinkle twinkle little star.

but i did like the show overall and would watch a S2 for sure.
Mar 28, 2012 4:42 PM

Jan 2011
Stark700 said:
MelbShaw said:
Hmm the same people that worked on the backgrounds for this anime are the same people that worked on Yosuga no Sora. Interesting they're both related to incest in a way.

There's no incest in this. In fact, I'm pretty sure no one even kissed in the series @ all. Did you watch the series?
um sir care to tell us what show you were watching that made you think that? :S.
Mar 28, 2012 5:11 PM

Aug 2009
Ah, that was good.
Great end for the show. Glad to have a happy end.

"Oi-tan Papa!" That's too cute, Hina~

Mar 28, 2012 6:56 PM

Oct 2009
As much as I felt sorry for Hina when Sora finally mustered the courage to tell her the truth about their parents, I also felt sorry for Miu. The way she ran into the other room and just sat there crying was just as heartbreaking as Hina letting it all out when she realized that her parents are gone. Very sad and emotional sequence, and I couldn't hold back my tears any longer.

But I was also amazed as how Hina recovered so quickly and moved forward with her life. Telling her Bunny-kun (which for now on will symbolize the presence of her mother's soul) that she won't cry any more for the sake of her older sisters was very courageous and grown-up on her part. It was also great that the neighborhood was there in support of Hina during the recital along with Yuuta and the others. That really did lifted her spirits and she gave a great performance. Hina deserves eternal happiness in her life, and she'll get it with the unconditional love and support of Yuuta and her sisters.

The best part of the episode was Raika's response to Yuuta's "proposal" - love that hat! Even if it was just pretend meant to support Hina during her performance, still it was very clever and cute. Raika and Yuuta would make a great couple if they do get married for real.

Also nice to know that Yuuta realized that he can't be the girls' real dad, but he is a dad and that alone was enough for the aunt and uncle to have faith in him to raise the girls. It was a rough 12 episodes, but I felt that Yuuta learned a lot about how to be a responsible parent, and he did the best he could given the dire situation.

So with that I'm very pleased and sastisfied with how this series ended. It was also awesome that they were able to move back into the old home. Unfortunately they had to say goodbye to their neighbors, but I believe that moving back to the old house will make the girls feel more comfortable. And it looks like that the relatives will provide some support for Yuuta and the girls apparently so it might not be as rough as it was when they were living in the cramp studio apartment.

For a show that I originally wasn't going to watch this season, this turned out to be one of the most enjoyable and emotional series that I've watched in a long time. I haven't felt such strong, emotional connections since the first time I watched Kanon some 3 years ago. The girls instantly won my heart from the first moment I laid eyes on them, and Yuuta developed into one of the best male leads that I've ever watched. His courage, passion, and determination to provide the best care possible for his nieces was very real and genuine. I gave the show a 9 on my MAL list - a few inconsistencies with the storytelling and the presence of Sako prevented Papakiki from getting the coveted Masterpiece rating. But what Papakiki did was established a permanent place in my ten favorite anime series of all time. It'll get multiple views from me in the future.
Mar 28, 2012 7:03 PM

Dec 2008
Just one word.... Perfect!
Unfortunately it's the end of the series.
Now I feel empty.

Mar 28, 2012 7:16 PM
Nov 2008
Oh wow! I completely and utterly lost it at the beginning, and then they turned it around beautifully into such a great feel good ending! What a fantastic show!
Mar 28, 2012 8:20 PM

Nov 2011
Only Raika could wear that hat in the midst of a "dramatic" scene and still have it seem natural. Raika <3
Mar 28, 2012 9:42 PM

Dec 2009
Sir_Lexa said:
OK this was a good show.
I loved Yuuta's "proposal" to Raika, and her answer was hilarious xD
FFS I don't even have the power to complain about the twinkle twinkle, automatically minus one point in the rating.

So overall I liked this show, but some MAJOR negatives.

- Pedo prez Sako-senpai. Please die in a fire. I just can't stand him and his orgasms in a daycare musical -_-'
- For a feel good show, I think it's unacceptable to have pantsu shots. Atleast when they come from little girls.

The positives.

+ Raika. She's overall the best character by far. Nice personality, epic acting skills. The prefect girl for Yuuta, Hopefully they'll wind up together if we get a second season.

+ Hina before she got annoying with the stupid singing.

So overall I'll give this a 6/10. Almost gave it a 7 just because of Raika, but I didn't. Stupid Pantsu shots and pedos destroying this anime.

Sent with Mal Updater

After looking at the studio who was doing this, the light novel cover, and the promotional pictures, I knew that this will be filled with fanservice.
If you want a feel good show, Usagi Drop is way better than this, if you haven't seen it.
On another note, was I the only one who thought the Pedo-President was pretty funny?
I didn't like him, but he just made me laugh or smile everytime he was on screen.
Mar 28, 2012 9:44 PM

Jan 2011
i've seen so many people whine about it ripping off usagi drop...enough to irritate me. people apparently can't accept the fact the the world is running out of new ideas. we could pull up a bunch of examples on shows ripping each other off. there are a lot of differences between this and usagi drop, the one being the amount of children there were. the approach by each author is also very different, heck even the genre is different.

we could argue that the theme was the same, i agree. but at the same time couldn't we say that a hefty amount of all shounen have the same theme? if we were to say that the circumstances are similar: they both had to take care of children not their own, and the difficulties that come with it. what about those animes that the MC finds some superpower and goes on an adventures journey. then there's always the mainstream anime, which of most don't stray far from eachother.

they are similar, no one ripped off anyone else.
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Mar 28, 2012 10:25 PM

Aug 2008
Nice ending.
Dunno about you people, but I kinda don't like the part where they move out in the end... It's all well and good and for the best of course, but part of the zeal in the story for me was the financial struggling aspect in it. I suspect that the rest of the family (or at least those two) would pitch in with even more financial support, not to mention any wills the parents might've left behind. It didn't kill it for me, but it still disappoints a little. Oh well.
It's still a very nice ending.
Mar 28, 2012 10:28 PM

Jan 2011
hmm...i seemed to miss the part they moved out. all i remember at the end was the dude proposing to haika
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Mar 28, 2012 11:18 PM

Apr 2009
So Yuuta retained guardianships of the kids and they transferred back to their home, at least that will take care of the rent and the two girls daily commute to school. I really thought he'll hand them over to the other uncle on the ending last episode. It was unrealistic but...ah well, as long as everybody's happy and also because I'm such a sucker for happy endings. XD 8/10
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Mar 29, 2012 12:04 AM

May 2011
7.5 / 10

It was actually pretty good
Hina probably my favorite character
Mar 29, 2012 12:18 AM

May 2008
Cool ending,
Nice way to wrap up the Anime.
Mar 29, 2012 12:36 AM

Sep 2011
Hope they make a 2nd season, I've read it and they left alot to tell.
Mar 29, 2012 12:58 AM
Jun 2007
Lots of anime series don't deserve a second season, but this one definitely does.
Mar 29, 2012 1:56 AM
Dec 2009
even if they were testing him if he could handle the job, they should have given him financial support from the start.. just to give him a breather.. but because this is an anime, you gotta make it more dramatic ..
well i liked the anime, can't see a second season though.. still though.. i did not expect the death of his sister and her husband.. and it was so cheery too from the get-go, totally thought it would be about his romance
Mar 29, 2012 2:27 AM

Jan 2011
I'm so so so very glad this did not turn into a pedo anime. The first episode or two made me nervous but it turned out to be a good, warm family feeling comedy.

It was a good ending. They were able to move back to the girls old home which works out better for everyone because it is a more stable environment for them.

Hmm I doubt there will be a second season. The objective of this show was met and it ended conclusively. I'm sure there is more content to animate but I think if there were plans to do so, the show would of taken a different path for the finale.

Comparing this to Usagi Drop is stupid. The only thing the same is the theme. Family taking care of family. News flash...that's every season. Themes stay the same while everything else changes....duuuuuuh
Mar 29, 2012 3:47 AM

Aug 2010
A surprisingly good ending episode, especially the second half. Gotta play some Dead Space before I die of diabetes. 4/5.

I wasn't really fond of the series. I didn't really find the comedy aspect funny, and the serious parts lacked emotional investment. 5/10, not even Raika-san could save this from being average.
Mar 29, 2012 4:06 AM

Sep 2009
Not as good as Usagi Drop but actually for my taste 9-9.5/10

P.S.: Don't compare this with the manga. LN's are not totaly filled with ecchi while manga did.
Mar 29, 2012 4:29 AM

Sep 2008
I liked it. Very nice ending. Don't know why they didn't move into a bigger house earlier.
Mar 29, 2012 7:11 AM

Jun 2009
Eh, it was okay. Got to overly dramatic in the end for me although "Will you be my wife?" made me smile.
Mar 29, 2012 2:06 PM

May 2011
It started off so tragically and sad, I even got teary when Sora was talking about what has happened with Nimura. Felt really bad for a while, but then I loved the turnaround it had.

So glad to see everything straighten out itself fine and great. Yuuta and the girls really have created an inseparable bond. And it was good to see just how much support he has from Raika, Nimura and even that pedo prez. That scene was great haha Raika <3. Love watching Sora get jealous and close to Yuuta too though.

No way they actually had a different song besides twinkle twinkle little star!?

It was nice to see the girls end up doing the same thing they did to their father in the first episode. And that last scene with them going along their usual chaotic fun was awesome to see. So everything ends back where they started, moving back into the house.

Such a great heartwarming ending. I loved this series, sure am hoping for a S2 hearing that there are hella lot more novel volumes to go through.
Mar 29, 2012 3:17 PM

Aug 2011
Oh, how happy I am that they didn't decide to revive the real parents... even though the moment with the car (reflection) made me think they actually would - the car could have easily been their parents'.

It was also nice to hear some other songs besides the typical "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" - some variety. And of course I appreciate that my biggest question about the plot was answered: Why didn't they receive any financial support? Well, not completely answered, but at least I'd say 'solved'. It remains a mystery to me why the relatives didn't try to sell the house and give the money to Yuuta, but in the end they all moved back in there. By the way, that house would surely require more taxes to be paid, so I wonder how they would manage to pay everything off.

At the same time I realize that this is an anime and it doesn't need to be very logical - overall the anime was good. Funny moments, sad moments (nothing too emotional/tear-jerking though), deep moments - pretty much a variety of everything.
Mar 29, 2012 3:51 PM
Aug 2011
Ending leaves me with a lot of questions but at the same time was nice. It's hard to understand how he uprooted his life and moved back home. I guess he decided to be a father full time and forget about school.

I guess I need to find out what happens in the novels. That endings give me the feeling they might not make another season.

Yumekichi11 said:

Raika in the future of mangas sadly becomes a slut for Yuuta's ecchi/hentai fantasies going as far as doing the cream for cum on her shit. That sadly is having a negative effect on its fans that complain of the show catering too much towards the ecchi fandom where it should stay for family viewing whom the BDs did their best to do with no nipples added. I will try like Yuuta when faced with a situation like that. To raise up to his challenge even if it's one girl. They just exaggerated it in this anime with 3 of them.

Even though we are not supposed to discuss the manga past this episode but don't you think calling her a slut for sexual playfulness is a bit harsh? The word is so negative and really doesn't describe her.
Tired_SmurphMar 29, 2012 3:56 PM
Mar 29, 2012 8:55 PM

Nov 2009
I would give this show of this quality a 6 but I'm a sucker for this type of show and Hina has become one of my all time favorite characters.

8 Smiling Hina's out of 10
Mar 29, 2012 11:27 PM

Jul 2011
Not really a final but still good.

So they have returned to their old house huh? But the main problem was that Yuuta couldn't keep the cost of the house...I'm confused.

Yuuta asking to Raika to be his life was hilarious, I immediately thought Bakuman!

Enjoyable series, 8/10 overall.
Mar 30, 2012 2:52 PM

Oct 2009
aiNkyy said:

So they have returned to their old house huh? But the main problem was that Yuuta couldn't keep the cost of the house...I'm confused.

Cratex pointed it out nicely how Yuuta and the girls were able to move back into the old house:

Cratex said:
I browsed through a translation of the first two light novels (not manga, light novels, which, by the way, didn't seem to have much, if anything, in the way of 'adult' content) and what I got from it was that Sora inherits the property and stuff as the eldest, but it's in a trust held by the older Uncle. The Aunt is the guardian of the girls until Yuuta becomes old enough to legally do so himself - she admonish him that if he fails this time she'll take the girls away. Basically, Yuuta gets to live in the house for free and commits to take care of the girls.

Basically, the house is under Sora's name through her uncle's trust fund (which she will inherit eventually - lucky you, Sora!) and Yuuta can become a freeloader there as long as he keeps his end of the deal and takes good care of the girls. Definitely relieved a lot of stress on his part. Course that means his commute to school will be longer, but he obviously was willing to trade that for the girls' resuming their normal commute to their school.
Mar 30, 2012 2:54 PM
Feb 2011
Great show and finale!

Only thing is... They should have had Yuuta and Raika date having a more complete family setting. She was great with the kids and with cooking. A great wife/mother figure. And I'm she probably has feelings for Yuuta.
Mar 30, 2012 7:40 PM

May 2011
I was very happy with this series. It was an emotional thrill ride, a nice a relaxing experience, and so much of that happy, warm feeling. This is slice of life at its finest. ^^
Mar 30, 2012 11:33 PM

Apr 2011
9/10 overall

My star attraction was Hina and her reaction to the news, but it went kind of well. Guess thats fine, because she Yuri daughter and Yuri ultra cool!

Still be puzzle why the Yuta wants to have the daddy status. Just be the uncle/brother geez....
Mar 31, 2012 8:44 AM
Jul 2011
Yay, they ended it just like I wished they would :-) Though I'm still astounded how obsessed with marriage Japanese people still are. I heard there are some nuances between being friends and being married :-P

As a whole I'd say 8/10. It wasn't very special to me, but it was heartwarming, fun and also dealt with some pretty mature issues for a change. And they actually managed to pull off the latter without really pissing me off, which usually happens a lot because of the way Japanese adult society still is. And last but not least we got quite a bit of pretty borderline fanservice on top of that. I'm happy ^^

Dr_Smurph said:
Yumekichi11 said:

Raika in the future of mangas sadly becomes a slut for Yuuta's ecchi/hentai fantasies going as far as doing the cream for cum on her shit. That sadly is having a negative effect on its fans that complain of the show catering too much towards the ecchi fandom where it should stay for family viewing whom the BDs did their best to do with no nipples added. I will try like Yuuta when faced with a situation like that. To raise up to his challenge even if it's one girl. They just exaggerated it in this anime with 3 of them.

Even though we are not supposed to discuss the manga past this episode but don't you think calling her a slut for sexual playfulness is a bit harsh? The word is so negative and really doesn't describe her.

Well, it makes perfect sense if you're a moral guardian ;-) Where would we be if we wouldn't scold people for consensually doing stuff that we don't like...
Mar 31, 2012 10:39 AM
Nov 2009
That pedo guy made this series 1 point lower. 7/10.
Mar 31, 2012 3:23 PM

Aug 2011
What a lovely final episode.

I almost couldn't bare watching Hina handle the news about their parents, although she managed to buckle up and take one for the team. I'm very glad Yuuta managed to keep the kids in the end, I admire his determination. Raika answering with the hat was hilarious, Hina's performance was heartwarming and the ending left on a high note. Love the OP and especially the ED.

When I started watching this series, I didn't expect much of it and to be honest, I thought it was going to be a drag to get through. But since it deals with quite heavy topics (I still can't believe their parents have passed away so early on), I ended up sympathising with the characters a lot more. I was left tearful on more than one occasion.

An unexpected gem of a show: 7/10.
Apr 1, 2012 6:02 AM

Apr 2009
ArcanaTrace said:

P.S. You know i just realized a problem. So now that they're back to their old house, does that mean that now Yuuta have to wake up early and take a 1/2 hour train ride to and from his university?

I have the same question too. Does Yuuta still go to school?
Apr 1, 2012 8:34 PM

May 2011
Two surprises for me:

1) A song other than Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It was something about acorns, I believe. I don't know how the hell those people managed to translate that mess, but they've earned a well-deserved kudos.

2) They really killed off the parents. This whole time I've been expecting them to pop up as cliche #1, but instead, they stayed dead, and we got every other cliche to satisfy this last ep. Can honestly say I did not expect them to stay dead...

As for the rest of it, not bad. I've actually enjoyed this show a lot more than I thought I would at the beginning. I didn't really like how they did a lot of the drama and more emotional parts, but they did a bit better towards the end. The funnier parts and overall satisfaction definetly improved throughout, not that it was bad at all to begin with. I especially loved the final scene. Hina crying and banging on the door was the funniest part of all.

And the final line was cute. For managing to say the title in there: +1

Overall: 7/10. Good job. ^^=
Apr 1, 2012 11:09 PM

Jan 2011
Forest-kun said:

2) They really killed off the parents. This whole time I've been expecting them to pop up as cliche #1, but instead, they stayed dead, and we got every other cliche to satisfy this last ep. Can honestly say I did not expect them to stay dead...

you never know, the LN hasn't ended and they may always come back :) or rather :(
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Apr 2, 2012 1:36 AM
Feb 2009
needed more Raika in the show :)
Apr 2, 2012 5:36 AM

Nov 2010
Episode : 9
Series : 8.5 for me. In the end I give this 9 for exceeding my initial expectations and promoting feel good anime.
Apr 2, 2012 8:20 AM

Mar 2012
i like the ending, at least they're going to live in their old but bigger house again, just one thing they should be prepared of, there are lots of memories there that might make them sad when recalling them, but i think they had already moved on so i think that's not a big problem anymore..
Apr 2, 2012 12:30 PM

Jul 2011
ah, pretty heartwarming show, the happy ending was a nice touch too. this is probably one of the best shows i've watched this year. it would be cool if it gets a seconds season.
Apr 2, 2012 3:22 PM

Feb 2011

The parents never came back ;________;
Apr 2, 2012 3:24 PM

Dec 2009
Fleiya said:
needed more Raika in the show :)

Apr 2, 2012 5:47 PM

Dec 2007
pretty decent anime in my opinion, 7/10.
Apr 2, 2012 6:16 PM
Feb 2012
this anime needs a second season in my opinion
Apr 2, 2012 6:35 PM
Feb 2011
I would have to agree. I like stories of a single guy taking on a child/children and seeing the development of the story.

Also reading a few manga along those lines to.
Apr 3, 2012 12:19 AM

Oct 2010
Dr_Smurph said:
Yumekichi11 said:

Raika in the future of mangas sadly becomes a slut for Yuuta's ecchi/hentai fantasies going as far as doing the cream for cum on her shit. That sadly is having a negative effect on its fans that complain of the show catering too much towards the ecchi fandom where it should stay for family viewing whom the BDs did their best to do with no nipples added. I will try like Yuuta when faced with a situation like that. To raise up to his challenge even if it's one girl. They just exaggerated it in this anime with 3 of them.

Even though we are not supposed to discuss the manga past this episode but don't you think calling her a slut for sexual playfulness is a bit harsh? The word is so negative and really doesn't describe her.
Appearance wise it leads to think like that. Actually it's more a spin off but still part of the main series. It's more specific towards Raika and Yuuta. Sure it's harsh but it's more the impression of her not her character. Little hard to explain but if follow the spin off, it's how it appears to me.
Soshintsu said:
Dr_Smurph said:
Yumekichi11 said:

Raika in the future of mangas sadly becomes a slut for Yuuta's ecchi/hentai fantasies going as far as doing the cream for cum on her shit. That sadly is having a negative effect on its fans that complain of the show catering too much towards the ecchi fandom where it should stay for family viewing whom the BDs did their best to do with no nipples added. I will try like Yuuta when faced with a situation like that. To raise up to his challenge even if it's one girl. They just exaggerated it in this anime with 3 of them.

Even though we are not supposed to discuss the manga past this episode but don't you think calling her a slut for sexual playfulness is a bit harsh? The word is so negative and really doesn't describe her.

Well, it makes perfect sense if you're a moral guardian ;-) Where would we be if we wouldn't scold people for consensually doing stuff that we don't like...
It's not that but I do think they are pushing it far with Raika too much. Heck Hina in the future
Hence why I think if they push too much, it will not be good. However there are chances none of this will be in the S2.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Apr 3, 2012 5:54 PM
Nov 2011
1. I thought it was a good episode to conclude the season. I'm not happy that the series ends there, but I'm not expecting more from it.
2. I really was hoping for more movement with Raika-san. When she says yes to Yuuta's proposal I thought wow YES!, but then everyone else shows up, so i can't help but wonder, hrms.... maybe it wasn't meant the way I thought. Which is a bit of a bummer, and I didn't feel was explained well.
3. I could live with Raika and Yuuta not pairing at this point, but some how I wanted more.

The show had its ups and downs, and was very slow developing for a show that may only be the one season IMO. I'm mulling a 7 or 8 for it right now.
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear
For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind
Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day.
Apr 4, 2012 12:12 PM

Feb 2012
8/10 need 2nd season :D
Apr 4, 2012 2:03 PM

Mar 2010
gave it a 7/10 enjoyed it but too standard sometimes but very enjoyable
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