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May 24, 2007 12:29 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Masugu GO~!!

Awesome final episode, I loved this show. Nice new clothing, character development... down right great. :D




[H+] ³  
May 24, 2007 12:47 PM

Mar 2007
i cried. :D
May 24, 2007 5:49 PM

Apr 2007
It was a great final episode for an excellent series. They kind of overdid it with the falling sakura tree leaves though.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
May 25, 2007 5:38 AM

Apr 2007
Heh, yeah, there were an awful lot of blossoms coming down. Still, this episode was a great ending. It wrapped everything up and had definite "aww..." factor. This is how a series is supposed to end.
May 25, 2007 10:45 PM

Feb 2007
I liked all of the falling sakura petals in the background, but I really loved it when Manabi dumped a handful on Mikan's face. ^_^ It was nice to hear Momo say more than 3 lines, too. Overall, it was a great end to a great series. My only minor complaint is that it leaves little room for a sequel, but that's okay. *huggles all the lolis*
May 31, 2007 11:00 AM

Feb 2007
*finishes marathoning eps 3-12*

Wow, that was a wonderful ride. I love this series. lol It's the only series that made me tear up quite a bit. I must have cried in more than half the series. It's just so heart-warming how they became the best of friends. Or should I say buddies?

I only graduated last year and I already miss high school. Bah! I wish I was as close to my friends as these girls. That's probably what made me cry.

Anyway, if they were in the same class as the 82nd Student Council and had the 82nd School Fair in 2035, then how did they have the 82nd Seioh graduation two years later? Either the entire student body was in the same class and didn't have a graduating class for two years or there's a counting error. Or maybe I'm just confused?
Jul 25, 2007 11:30 AM

Feb 2007
Asrialys said:
Bah! I wish I was as close to my friends as these girls. That's probably what made me cry.
While I did not cry, I agree.. I wish I was as close to my friends as they all were.. ; ;
Oct 6, 2007 8:22 PM

Sep 2007
I cracked up when they all saw Mika off at the airport and everything went slow-mo as they walked away. It was hilarious and sad at the same time.
Dec 26, 2007 9:42 PM

Nov 2007
I loved the last episode, it was just so sweet... but I want to watch the OVA now! XD
Jan 13, 2008 3:36 PM

Aug 2007
Shits gooood! This is how a series is supposed to be.
Jan 17, 2008 2:26 PM

Nov 2007
selective_yellow said:
Asrialys said:
Bah! I wish I was as close to my friends as these girls. That's probably what made me cry.
While I did not cry, I agree.. I wish I was as close to my friends as they all were.. ; ;
Same here...great ending. This is truly how a slice of life genre anime should end *FORWARD, GO!!!*
Jan 28, 2008 10:09 AM
Jan 2008
Some of it was a bit overdramatic, but I'm fine with that; it added to the comedy (even though it probably wasn't completely intentional). I liked how they ended with an alternate version of the OP song, though. That was awesome.
Feb 5, 2008 4:30 PM

Sep 2007
Awesome Ending for a awesome Anime...
I cried at the airport scene....

Definately one of the best Animes I have seen in a while
TrineasFeb 6, 2008 5:40 AM

Mar 1, 2008 5:36 PM

Jan 2008
A great ending! This series was amazing, it left me with such a good feeling after each episode! This series has the moments that I wish a lot more series had...
Mar 1, 2008 5:50 PM

Sep 2007
A great and very heartwarming episode.

I wish they would continue it, but that's not possible. ^^;
I'm glad everyone came back afterwards, and did an awesome rehash of the OP.

I would love to rewatch the whole series sometime again. :)

Damnit! Don't die without my permission!
Mar 3, 2008 6:55 AM

Oct 2007
i cried as Mika left for America
yuyanoMar 3, 2008 6:59 AM
Apr 3, 2008 4:53 AM

Jan 2008
This is art. Plain and simple. I can't count the number of times this show made me cry just from overwhelming me.
Apr 8, 2008 5:15 PM

Jan 2008
Panaru said:
This is art. Plain and simple. I can't count the number of times this show made me cry just from overwhelming me.

I have to agree. It truly was fantastic. I would also consider watching it again. *sniffle*
Apr 12, 2008 10:40 PM

Aug 2007
Panaru said:
This is art. Plain and simple. I can't count the number of times this show made me cry just from overwhelming me.

It only got me to really cry once ;P Teared up at least a couple other times though. Great end to a great series.
Jun 15, 2008 1:03 PM

Mar 2007
I love Odori's expressions when they're explaining her background :) --> :D

All cute from beginning to end, every episode was fun and never got old. The jokes and chemistry were just pure awesome ^_^ Be prepared for mah review.

"Why did u buy a manual anyway"
"Because its cheaper!"

Some Odori <3
RanivusJun 15, 2008 1:42 PM

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Jun 16, 2008 9:14 PM

Oct 2007
I loved this series. Yeah it could be sorta cheesy and melodramatic at times, but it's just so incessantly cheery and hopeful that you have to be real cold-hearted not to be touched by it.

I think this was slice of life the way it should be done. I mean, I like the random, shows about nothing just too, but I think the dramatic plotline that carried through was really what made this show shine. Characters grew, relationships evolved and I just felt that much closer to them at the end. Plus, cute overload as the cherry on top!
Jul 21, 2008 3:41 PM

Jan 2008
Trineas said:
Awesome Ending for a awesome Anime...
I cried at the airport scene....

Definitely one of the best Animes I have seen in a while

It truly was. A just down to earth, slice of life anime. C:
Jul 28, 2008 7:01 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Awesome series. I absolutely loved it, and I don't watch a lot of Slice of Life anime.

I wish high school could have been this fun. This series had be wanting more and more and more. I love all the girls, and all the development in this series.

Great job in bringing the OP in as the ending of the whole series. Fantastic move, I loved it. :D
Mar 28, 2009 1:17 PM

Sep 2008
I admit, I really liked the airport scene. It made them look really cool, for a lock of a better word, when they turned their backs against each other. I loved the transition to the ending with the spray cans.

Overall, it was a mediocre anime for me. I guess chibi drama is not my kind of thins. Ichigo Mashimaro was better for me because of its randomness.

On a side note, my favorite girl would have to be........ Kyouko!
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Apr 7, 2009 12:06 AM

Sep 2008
For a slice of life, it was pretty good, considering I don't like most ^^;

8/10 from me; my favorite character has to be Mei though~

I wonder where I'd find the alt. OP version at >.>
Jun 7, 2009 5:44 PM
Apr 2009
i cried several times its the only anime that has been able to do that to me its storie was great i loved the music and the colors of their hair where nice i wish i could find a new anime this hart warming <3
Jan 16, 2010 2:37 AM

Oct 2009
This series was just fantastic!! Im very pleased with giving up 4,5hrs of sleep to finish watching it =P This series had great characters (Manabi!! xD), great story, deep emotions, and it shared valuable and powerful messages to the viewers. I will definitely re-watch this series.

Plus, i enjoyed the anthem, both versions :D

Overall 9/10

Jan 20, 2011 7:52 PM

Jan 2011
YuenSan said:
selective_yellow said:
Asrialys said:
Bah! I wish I was as close to my friends as these girls. That's probably what made me cry.
While I did not cry, I agree.. I wish I was as close to my friends as they all were.. ; ;
Same here...great ending. This is truly how a slice of life genre anime should end *FORWARD, GO!!!*

* LIKE!! * ^_^
Apr 2, 2011 11:45 AM

Oct 2009
At first I thought this was a recap episode, thankfully it wasn't.
I like how they're supposed to be graduating highschool, but still look like 4th graders.

The ending was really great. Who would have known that the OP theme was actually the ending of the series. I give this show an 8/10
Oct 22, 2011 5:30 PM

Dec 2010
Fantastic show. Quality this high is rare hehehee. All the girls were wonderful, even the supporting characters were cool, and the message amazing. OP/ED is real good too. Colorful art, great use of BGM, OP/ED.

10/10 from me.

My only minor complaint is that character art could have change to show aging.
Mar 19, 2012 10:18 AM

Jul 2009
Wow... this show has greatly impressed me. Solid 8/10.
They're going to be forever lolis, aren't they?
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Mar 25, 2012 8:25 PM

Feb 2012
I went into this expecting something on the level of A-Channel (some of the flattest, most boring slice-of-life I've ever seen), but was impressed by this quirky, charming series with a main character that I absolutely adore. A pleasure to watch.
Apr 23, 2012 11:15 PM

Apr 2010
i was somewhat expecting a timeskip, or at least a short minute with them reunited as young adults.

all in all, a good comedy.
Sep 12, 2012 12:02 PM

Sep 2012
Awesome final. It was pure fantastic. And that opening which was the epilogue all this time *___*
Jun 24, 2013 8:34 PM

Jan 2013
Wow, the Opening actually takes place at the very end of the story. That was so awesome.

Those bitches don't age though, and they still use flipphones in the year 2037.

This anime was made before the iPhone came out, so it's understandable that the creators couldn't predict the touchscreen smartphone would catch on.

Anyways, 8/10
Dec 23, 2013 11:24 AM

Jul 2013
Amazing ending and Mikan's words after graduation was tear-jerking. Her friends saying goodbye as she is going to America was also sad but they will meet up again someday. TBH the very ending of the episode was kind of a drag when it didn't look like they didn't aged a bit.

It was a fun ride, but it's sad that it ended :(. I really like the balance of its comedy and drama in several episodes, as well as how close they are from their friendship. Though I wish Momo could appear more and Mei was a bit annoying (until I grew more on her character in episode 4).

Well, 8/10 for this. Oh wow the ending of the song is the opening of it, that was pretty good.
omega_d94Dec 23, 2013 11:35 AM

Jan 10, 2014 7:29 PM

May 2012
Quite lovely ending to be honest and a good final for this series! All by all it sure was a lovely series with some really cute moments and quite lovely character art! I sure enjoyed watching this tonight! 7/10
Mar 21, 2015 5:46 PM

Jul 2007
That was really nice. The major plus of this series for me was the direction. Some scenes were simply amazing and you can't find something like that even in todays anime. The characters were cute and made me laugh quite a few times. MASUGU GO!!!!! The drama was there too but without being extravagant or over the top. Overall really solid series I would recommend it to anyone it's definitely not your average moe cute girls doing cute things show. Still the biggest drawback of this series for me was that it had zero character development and that's really a shame. Mei got her own arc which was 2 episodes I think (4-5) and it was REALLY well done. They should have treated all characters the same and give them at least 1 episode. In the end I wasn't even sure if Mikan or Manabi was the main char or what the heck Momo was even doing with them. Like honestly she has to be the most neglected character in anime. She barely talked, barely was with them and yet they were best friends ever. We learned NOTHING about her the whole series besides the fact that she is rich and like cameras. I do think it had potential to be way better but still it was anything but bad. 8/10 ^^
Jun 20, 2015 11:21 PM

Dec 2013
Nov 6, 2016 12:29 AM

Sep 2013
A pretty okay series. Maybe I'd appreciate it more when it first came out, but other anime just do everything better. Heck, other series have done miniature moe 20 year olds better.

But the OP being the ending of the series was pretty clever.
Feb 17, 2017 2:02 PM

May 2010
This series was pretty fun overall. I liked it. Fun characters and jokes which made me laugh quite hard. The parting scene touched me, too. The direction was really nice there. A solid 8/10 but it had room for a lot more. Momoha deserved an episode or two of her own. Like I get that she was supposed to be ignored for fun but still.
Mar 6, 2019 4:02 AM

Oct 2015
cute series and i loved the time skip but it was not that of a great watch. i did not sync with the plot and the characters that well.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jan 18, 2020 1:02 AM

Sep 2014
This show had a great start, first half of this series was quite fun and humorous but the afterwards the story became somewhat stale. The characters were good though, especially mei-san who almost shouldered most of the student council on her own.
Sep 25, 2020 4:44 AM
Apr 2019
What to is an amazing anime..solid direction . I loved those Eagles eye was fun and there were lots of things to take from it . I love this show... 8.5/10
Jan 11, 2021 7:24 PM

Apr 2018
Nooo it ended :( they were all so sad but happy at the same time to graduate, their school lives have really been a journey, and it was very fun to witness, too bad there is no TV series sequel about them in college, it should be fun even though they're not together :/, but anyway this anime is quite underrated I think
Mar 20, 2021 12:08 PM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Touching finale.

Overall, a good CGDCT. The only thing I really didn't like was the relationship between the superintendent and Manabi's older. It felt somehow out of place and awkward. I just don't like that woman.

SerafosMay 22, 2024 10:38 AM
May 13, 2021 11:59 AM
Jul 2018
Oh wow, the OP definitely was some foreshadowing. Eyyyyy, Mika went to Oregon (jelly). Maybe she discovered/tried Mary Jane whilst she was there lol.

This was a neat series, I liked it more than I thought I would. I am a bit sad this is the end of the series, I would've loved to have had at least a few more episodes
Mar 15, 2022 2:28 PM

Jun 2017
Awesome final episode, one of my favorite moe club shows now. Not usually a fan of the genre but this show was great!
Jul 17, 2022 4:05 AM

Aug 2018
Well I for one am glad to be done with this tedious show. Sometimes it was a downright bummer, what with the emphasis on low birth rates changing the culture and causing time-honored traditions to be phased out. Why even bring up these depressing issues but never really go anywhere with it?

If anything, this show makes me appreciate even more the actually good CGDCT anime. Stuff like K-On did SO much more with an equal number of episodes.
epidemia78Jul 17, 2022 4:09 AM
Feb 10, 2024 4:35 PM

Sep 2020
I guess I'm in the minority here because I did not enjoy this as much as I thought I would. I guess it's one of those "should've been there at the time" type shows, since despite its cuteness and a few well-done stories (especially Mei's trauma), I found it a bit humdrum.

Part of the problem was it sets expectations too high for itself. At first, we see Manami come it like a typhoon, seemingly ready to bring fun back and possibly revitalize the school system. But then she does nothing outside of the council group. She made this big plea about the council room being a place for the other students to come and hang out, but nobody ever steps foot in there apparently. This would have been much better if some had actually come in, interacted with the group, and possibly brought some of their own stories. It also would've been nice to see the society at large: What's the job scene like without all these high school graduates? What about all this technology, like hoverboards/bikes and computers?

Then when the situation gets desperate for signatures, the girls struggle to come up with ideas to appeal to the everyone while the other students kept talking about some big event in front of the station that they are more interested in. I don't know about anyone else, but that set me up to expect some grand gesture to win the students over but of course, nothing of the sort happens. They could've just done the easiest and most obvious thing to do - produce another video to highlight why the festival was important - but nothing of the sort happens. Instead, they just luck/cop out with the students suddenly coming around to renovate the old dorms and sign the petitions for no reason.

I will also say I was put off by the sexualizing parts, like when they were bouncing their asses at the school webpage and Mutsuki straight up fellating a popsicle. I'm in no way a prude and in any other show I would've found it funny, but here it felt like nothing more than pedo-pandering.

Like I said, it did have some touching moments of friendship and good comedy, but overall, it was dull.

7 fists flying toward the future /10
"You can't decide the future, but I'm going to re-educate you in the past!" - Erna Kurtz

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