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Feb 28, 2012 10:32 AM

Aug 2010
All the worrying about finding a new place was for nothing since the land lady changed her mind, mostly due to her soft spot for Hina.
Feb 28, 2012 10:53 AM

Oct 2010
overflowing moe saved the day
I maybe misunderstood, but she gave them a bigger place? or did she just change the agreement?
Feb 28, 2012 11:05 AM

Nov 2011
Good episode the cuteness is just to much for me to handle! Then we now have Sora and Miu starting school and Hina going to daycare can't wait to see how it all plays out!

choyos said:
overflowing moe saved the day
I maybe misunderstood, but she gave them a bigger place? or did she just change the agreement?

She just changed the contract agreement.
Basically she just told him to add the girls names to the paper showing that their is more then one person living there. Thanks to Hina's extreme adorableness.They still live in the same apartment.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Feb 28, 2012 11:12 AM

Jan 2010
Hina is able to convince anyone! :')
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Feb 28, 2012 11:14 AM

Jun 2011
landlaydy is not to bad after all :D
Feb 28, 2012 11:22 AM

Sep 2011
Good episode,Hina saves the day!!

Good hearth warming episode,this episode shows very well how important family is..also shows how much Yuuta is important for the girls.

Yuuta dream with Raika was funny,he really wants a happy family with Raika as a mother.....who doesnt?

Everyone helping Yuuta to get a new apartment,Nimura apartment was so bad it was curse,the Pedodent dream of taking the Miu and Hina may me laugh bad....i feel dirty by laughing by that.

Hina being over 9000 moe this episode she is just an angel!!!! She was so cute eating her icecleam and defending both the landlord and the voice actress,in the end she saved the day with her cuteness.

So the landlord at the beginning of the episode was bitch,then she may Hina cry she was even more a bitch but at the end she fall to the moeness trap and give in,so now she is not that bitchy she is just the typical strict women.

The girls go to school at last and Hina to the kindergarden,she is already popular of course.

Next episode looks like a Miu center episode.....FINALLY!!!!!!!

Btw Hina why so cute???

More GIFs and shit in the Club!!!:
raxius1230Feb 28, 2012 4:34 PM
Feb 28, 2012 11:25 AM

Dec 2010
prismheart said:
All the worrying about finding a new place was for nothing since the land lady changed her mind, mostly due to her soft spot for Hina.

Predictable but not bad at all.

Feb 28, 2012 11:25 AM

Feb 2011
Predictable ending but still a very good ep, enjoyed this ^-^
Feb 28, 2012 11:30 AM

Jul 2009
So now people are fawning for the landlady, seems like the majority was a bit quick to form their own opinions and pass judgement, more or less exactly what she did.
Quite amusing (^.^)

Decent episode, although somewhat lacking in comedy department imho.

Hina was as adorable as ever though, an even provided us with a nice bath scene =D
But she also managed to remind me why RL kids are so obnoxious, that crying >.<
EternalDreamerFeb 28, 2012 11:45 AM
Feb 28, 2012 11:31 AM

Dec 2009
This was a feel good, wasn't really as awesome as last week, but still good.

Pedo Prez once again with annoying Grandma comments, thank God Raika was there with the fan again.

Feb 28, 2012 11:33 AM

Nov 2008
I was about to label the land lady as the greatest bitch in existence for making Hina cry like that until she made up with Hina. I'm glad she changed her mind thanks to Hina, didn't know she would be the real heroine of the episode.

Yuuta's dream of a happy family with Raika was nice.

Kurimu-chan said:
Hina is able to convince anyone! :')

She has the charm ability similar to Hinata Hakamada from Ro-Kyu-Bu and Aria from Sister Princess. Although Hina's is more natural like Aria's.

Feb 28, 2012 11:49 AM

Sep 2008
Hina crying with the ice cream was so adorable! Reminds me of one of my preschoolers; even if it's annoying, it's adorable.
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Feb 28, 2012 11:51 AM
Apr 2010
Hina is such a lucky charm. <3
Feb 28, 2012 12:05 PM

Oct 2010
Good episode, here are my thoughts about it.

About the beginning, I find they started out pretty nicely by showing Hina coming out of the store and hugging the old lady. Little did I know who she really was. I loved they showed the MOE of Hina right away in the spoiler
the way she went about with the candy was nice. While I do admit I was surprised that the old lady figured out Sora from her face here but Miu took things in hand while being nice nice here.

About Yuuta and the Sawa-chan, well certainly the room and Yuuta were all gloomy here. Rather well shown TBH. Now I can understand from here a contract is a contract but there is still nothing that says it cannot be changed. Moreover Sawa-chan was portrayed as evil in the spoiler
a typical depiction when they a show a person being evil. Yuuta’s gloomy state up close showed a good emotional depiction in detail. Despite Sawa-chan being shown evil she is quite normal in the spoiler
and it tells me that she does have a conscious somewhat at that point.

About Yuuta meeting Raika, Raika was pretty cool at first with her greeting here. That quickly changed with Yuuta’s imagination. In it Raika suddenly peeking here and running towards him in that heart apron was super MOE considering he was thinking he was married to her. Best was that kiss in the spoiler
that sadly had to get interrupted by Hina. Raika however had nothing but a nice smile towards the sheer MOE of Hina. I liked how nice she was with Miu/Sora in the spoiler
that was nice. However in thee end it was nothing but a fantasy that Raika caught on here. She even knew what the fantasy was and at first I was WTF until Yuuta realized and I face-palmed. Should never say outloud your fantasies.

About being back at home for Yuuta. So back at home so nice to see Yuuta taking care of Hina here and that blush of his here was nice. Hina continues to be MOE with her blush here. That was hitting MOE hard. While Miu was nice to give Yuuta a massage, she sure did it with taste by teasing him here. Miu is just a master troll of teasing. Her hands looked good here. Hina in the window and running into Yuuta in the spoiler
created strong MOE while the high five between Hina and Miu here continued that. While Miu was mentioning to Sora of giving a back wash to Yuuta. My thoughts were somewhere along. Miu just went over 9000 on cock-teasing Sora with the back scrubbing of Yuuta, which makes some gold comedy that I ROFL, however I think she can do it with 2 ways:
A) By wearing a swimsuit.
B) By wearing a towel.
Of course I come to the conclusion due to her shy complex that it will never happen.
So I though. Miu just proves she is a good teaser with Sora in the spoiler
that grin and Sora’s expressions of flushed out facials says it all of how effective it is. Add to that she hides behind Yuuta’s back and accuses fakly Sora of being violent shows a lot. Still Hina comes back with her MOE. While Sora has worries. However but still showed strong support towards Yuuta here in helping him out to choose a daycare. Meanwhile Sora is studying more here andYuuta gets finally good news comes as Yuuta’s friends help him out. Let’s see about that.

About the apartment search, well certainly it was nice of Raika to greed nicely Sora here and Sora’s blushed face here sure shows her appreciation. However it looks like Sako does not like it. Well he GTFO cause Sora does not deserve his shit at all. In thee end I am damn glad he got hit in the spoiler
by Raika’s fan. The house at first was really impressive and big! For the same price as Yuuta’s old place it was so amazing that’s Sora’s face was surprised too. Just the catch is it’s haunted! OMG! Call in the exorcist. The second place is not looking too shabby at all but does look clean either. Now I was not surprised of Yuuta/Sora’s reaction here in this being for 2 of them while Sako takes Hina/Miu.

WHAT? WHAT? Of Sako fantasies in the spoiler
Can I ask WTF Sako in the following,

Along with his other faces in the spoiler
someone please FALCON FAN HIM out of Earth ASAP! Good thing Raika does it. I liked Sora’s positive face here.

About Sawa-chan’s meeting with Hina, looks like Atarashi got in shit with Sawa for being 3 days late. I understand since that always gets you in shit. Hina was very nice with her ice cream and Miu was good to come suddenly here. However Sawa-chan must be really a BITCH to make Hina cry in the spoiler
you never fucking yell at a kid for calling you old ever. They never have a sense of judgement anyway at that age and I know that! It still resulted in a mess that bewildered Miu and Sawa-chan. My jaw dropped in the spoiler
Sawa-chan is the daughter only and the real landlady is her! HER! Wow! I never knew and she was playing all the time with Hina. That was quite the surprise TBH. Hina kept getting cutter with her pose from the table with the bunny here and when she emerges from under the table.

Boy did I love how Sawa-chan’s mother scolded her here. That was so win. I was quite surprised that Yuuta and Sora bowed down here. That’s a lot of respect. What changed complete is the following,

(mucho thanks to BRO for GIF) With the contract changing in the spoiler
I did not have such heartwarming for a very while.
So deep and profound. Word cannot describe that intense moment as all turns out nice. Besides that Hina was MOE in the spoiler
being hugged by Sawa-chan and trying to prevent fighting between mother and daughter. In thee end I liked Sawa-chan expression when her mother suggested that she wanted kids and of how Raika had a nice smile here.

About the fan service, it was toned down and it should be like that however the with Hina was not good at one point. List says more.
  • During Raika’s fan attack there was in the spoiler
    a depiction I should call risky of Hina/Miu. I take it as a joke but I will mention it anyway.

  • The toning down between Hina and Sawa-chan’s bath part in the spoiler
    by making the water not clear was a good move and necessary one. Just please don’t make it clear and add nipples there in the BDs cause that will be really low. It’s possible but I hope they won’t. Moreover it helped the MOE and drama in that part.
So other than that Hina part, it was alright.

About thee end of the episode, looks like the girls are back at school and already Sora is flushed over her gift here. While Miu teasing her in the spoiler
always wins out considering she did in a train station and in public, it was nice to see. Looks like Hina’s daycare is nice and she gets along with everyone in the spoiler
whom is nice to know.
While Yuuta is learning of the bed sheets. Guy should just wash them on Saturday and let them dry out all Sunday. At least this time to make a mistake he does write down everything.

About the preview, it’s Miu’s time to shine! Enter Miu at school and Miu running while the guys of her age ogle at her body/form. I am very curious as to how things will go when she is with Nimura.

BTW Image Stitches are done in the club:
There is a nice one of Miu, Miu/Hina and Group Ones.

Intermissions in the spoiler
is of Raika with the girls and of Sawa-chan.

End Card in the spoiler
is of Miu in a erotic fashion. Personally I don’t approve of it cause it emanates sexually and she is 10 years old but it has some form of MOE I guess with the shirt like that. I would have preferred a bra and panties better.
Yumekichi11Feb 28, 2012 4:39 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 28, 2012 12:07 PM

Nov 2009
Hina-chan was so cute when she was licking the ice cream.

Moe will save the world!
Feb 28, 2012 12:16 PM

Dec 2010
Another feel good episode; predictable ending but still good, but i didn't expect that the lady was the mom; while it seems the living conditions are stable it will be interesting to see how they address school. Looks like next episode is Miu centered, so perhaps next episode they will show the girls school life and the episode after they will show Yuuta's college life.
Feb 28, 2012 12:35 PM

Aug 2008
Oh wow, who came up with this horrible filler episode? It had pretty much everything what makes fillers the worst episodes possible. Seeing the preview, isn't the next one a filler too?

Another two names to my list of directors and scrip writers I don't want to watch again.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Feb 28, 2012 12:58 PM

Oct 2011
ok it's better than previous week - ok it wasn't hard
president wasn't also so irritating this time, yes he was weird as always (WTF?! o.O) but he was helping

but Hina saves this show :)
but that haunted house was decent - I don't know why didn't they choose it
Feb 28, 2012 1:05 PM

Aug 2010
Antanaru said:
Oh wow, who came up with this horrible filler episode? It had pretty much everything what makes fillers the worst episodes possible. Seeing the preview, isn't the next one a filler too?

Another two names to my list of directors and scrip writers I don't want to watch again.

Haven't you noticed? Your average slice of life anime has about 11-13 filler episodes per season.

It's all about if it's enjoyable. It WAS enjoyable to me. Obviously not to you, so feel free to leave.
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Feb 28, 2012 1:32 PM

Jul 2010
EternalDreamer said:
So now people are fawning for the landlady, seems like the majority was a bit quick to form their own opinions and pass judgement, more or less exactly what she did.
Quite amusing (^.^)

Well, the first impression is the most important one. If a character comes off as cold and bitchy, that's what going to stick until proven otherwise. Even afterwards, the first impression is still embedded even though we think of the character differently now. But enough about that, Hina was the MVP of this episode.

That end card of Miu was nice, though a bit erotic.
Feb 28, 2012 2:33 PM

Oct 2009
raxius1230 said:

Next episode looks like a Miu center episode.....FINALLY!!!!!!!

'Bout time!

And no one can resist the power of Hina's Cute Charm :P .
Feb 28, 2012 2:54 PM

Sep 2011
Secret Weapon: Hina Moe Mark I
Feb 28, 2012 3:08 PM

Sep 2011
Antanaru said:
Oh wow, who came up with this horrible filler episode? It had pretty much everything what makes fillers the worst episodes possible. Seeing the preview, isn't the next one a filler too?

Another two names to my list of directors and scrip writers I don't want to watch again.

Bye bye! Don't let the door hit in from behind on your way out. ;)
Feb 28, 2012 3:13 PM

Oct 2010
Elite60 said:
That end card of Miu was nice, though a bit erotic.
I would be more worried about Hina in the spoiler
I have mixed feelings of MOE and awkwardness during that segment. Its seems less is hidden more revealed? Anyone felt awkward at that part?

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 28, 2012 3:16 PM

Oct 2009
Yumekichi11 said:
End Card in the spoiler
is of Miu in a erotic fashion. Personally I don’t approve of it cause it emanates sexually and she is 10 years old but it has some form of MOE I guess with the shirt like that. I would have preferred a bra and panties better.

I actually don't think it's that bad. True it's a bit erotic, but isn't Miu supposed to be flirtatious? That was the vive I felt from the picture.

And speaking of which, I'm looking forward to next week's episode. I don't care if it's filler or not.
Feb 28, 2012 3:48 PM
Jan 2011
The episode was boring and pointless. But is anyway besides me weirded out at all the strangers having baths with the kids?
Feb 28, 2012 3:57 PM

Oct 2010
bci110 said:
Yumekichi11 said:
End Card in the spoiler
is of Miu in a erotic fashion. Personally I don’t approve of it cause it emanates sexually and she is 10 years old but it has some form of MOE I guess with the shirt like that. I would have preferred a bra and panties better.

I actually don't think it's that bad. True it's a bit erotic, but isn't Miu supposed to be flirtatious? That was the vive I felt from the picture.

And speaking of which, I'm looking forward to next week's episode. I don't care if it's filler or not.
I will agree with you that it does show her flirtatious character however that Miu knows of it sexually is a bit surprising for me at her age. She does act more mature than she let's on and that I will affirm.

Well if she can cock tease at 10 then she is a danger for some males. I wonder how the guys will react to her next episode?

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 28, 2012 3:59 PM

Dec 2009
The first apartment was so awesome, but I must admit I wouldn't want to live in a cursed place as well. XD
Feb 28, 2012 4:05 PM

Sep 2011
Yumekichi11 said:
Mio...She does act more mature than she let's on and that I will affirm.

I actually 'blinked' at the beginning when the three girls were talking to the older woman (who turned out to be the uber landlord) - when the older woman asked a depressed looking Sora about what might be wrong Miu quickly covered for her. Very, very few 10 year olds could do that as well as she did. (my own 11 year old has trouble hiding anything, but that's unusual in the other direction)
Feb 28, 2012 4:13 PM

Jan 2011
so good i knew something was up with the landlord yeah she came off as a bitch but like many have said she had her reasons because of the contract but in the end she Caved because the power of Hina is strong seems almost everyone wants to take her home lol,was nice seeing everyone pitch in and help out but that prez..thought he could kinda reedem himself just a bit but then had to go and have that crazy ass fantasy!.

still wish they moved out that first and 3rd one were pretty good
Feb 28, 2012 4:46 PM

Oct 2010
Cratex said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Mio...She does act more mature than she let's on and that I will affirm.

I actually 'blinked' at the beginning when the three girls were talking to the older woman (who turned out to be the uber landlord) - when the older woman asked a depressed looking Sora about what might be wrong Miu quickly covered for her. Very, very few 10 year olds could do that as well as she did. (my own 11 year old has trouble hiding anything, but that's unusual in the other direction)
Shows she has a developed intuition to sense emotions or situation tensions. Could prove a life saver in her future from dangerous situations.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 28, 2012 4:57 PM

Sep 2011
Yumekichi11 said:
Elite60 said:
That end card of Miu was nice, though a bit erotic.
I would be more worried about Hina in the spoiler
I have mixed feelings of MOE and awkwardness during that segment. Its seems less is hidden more revealed? Anyone felt awkward at that part?

I most say it was weird but it was more MOE she is just to cute to think anything wrong,still hope they leave her "fanservice" stay like that and nothing else.
Feb 28, 2012 4:59 PM

Nov 2010
the power of Hina, not even the grinch would stand a chance against it, much less a common landlord!

Sako's fantasy makes me want to break out the mind soap >.>

i'm also glad at how un-ecchi the bath scene was.
Feb 28, 2012 5:03 PM

Apr 2009
Antanaru said:
Oh wow, who came up with this horrible filler episode? It had pretty much everything what makes fillers the worst episodes possible. Seeing the preview, isn't the next one a filler too?

Another two names to my list of directors and scrip writers I don't want to watch again.

^ one of the stupidest comments i have read recently.. i'm LOL'ing so hard.. not only did you not realize what type of show this is, you could hardly even call this episode a filler because it follows up a significant issue from the previous episode that needs to be resolved and this actually adds a bit of realism by addressing an important aspect when taking care of kids and proper living, proper residency.. oh darn.. i just realized you wasted a bit of my time here..

Yumekichi11 said:
Elite60 said:
That end card of Miu was nice, though a bit erotic.
I would be more worried about Hina in the spoiler
I have mixed feelings of MOE and awkwardness during that segment. Its seems less is hidden more revealed? Anyone felt awkward at that part?
come on, Yumekichi, i wouldn't even have a reaction even if Hina was shown naked without cover.. it's nothing to feel awkward about seeing your niece naked or any 3-year old kid for that matter.. unless you're.. .. .. but DAT ending card.. Miu-tan FTW! buttoned long-sleeve shirts FTW!

anyway, i'm so excited for the next episode.. my most awaited Miu-centric episode..
argiliumFeb 28, 2012 5:09 PM
Feb 28, 2012 5:20 PM

Jan 2011
Raika offered to take care of the kids if necessary... and LOL @ Yuuta's imagine spot with the kids calling Raika "Mommy"...

I thought the pedo president was going to redeem himself this episode, but he just had to have another of those fantasies... *sigh*

Hina is the solution to every problem, including the landlady! She kinda redeemed herself by warming up to the kids. And then it turns out the landlady's mother is the real landlady.
Feb 28, 2012 5:29 PM

Oct 2010
argilium said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Elite60 said:
That end card of Miu was nice, though a bit erotic.
Elite60 said:
That end card of Miu was nice, though a bit erotic.
I would be more worried about Hina in the spoiler
I have mixed feelings of MOE and awkwardness during that segment. Its seems less is hidden more revealed? Anyone felt awkward at that part?
come on, Yumekichi, i wouldn't even have a reaction even if Hina was shown naked without cover.. it's nothing to feel awkward about seeing your niece naked or any 3-year old kid for that matter.. unless you're.. .. .. but DAT ending card.. Miu-tan FTW! buttoned long-sleeve shirts FTW!
For Miu me and someone else in this thread confirmed it was at most a sexual risky teasing of Miu's character.

For Hina, I guess I wanted more a feedback but I never really felt comfortable around naked kids as I grew older probably cause of psychology courses or it might be just my character. Maybe it's personal but it did not affect you awkwardly so that's good.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 28, 2012 5:54 PM

Aug 2010
Hoppy said:
I was about to label the land lady as the greatest bitch in existence for making Hina cry like that until she made up with Hina.

For some reason I felt the land lady consoling Hina was going to happen, and the subsequent give in to Hina's adorable nature and let Yuuta and the kids stay in the apartment.

HawthorneKitty said:
Reminds me of one of my preschoolers

I would never have guessed you had preschoolers.
Feb 28, 2012 6:19 PM

Jul 2009
This episode just really pissed me off...
I still don't like the landlord, and the president is just annoying - not even funny.

Sigh, being broke sucks, especially if you have kids.
KurogashiFeb 28, 2012 6:23 PM
Feb 28, 2012 6:33 PM
Oct 2010
hina so fkn moe. great ep. his delusion of his family with raika was funny. great ep
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Feb 28, 2012 7:03 PM

Mar 2010
Well, that was predictable. Not much to be said about this episode to be honest. Looking forward to the next!
Feb 28, 2012 7:08 PM

Aug 2008
That landlady was such a bitch to have made Hina cry over something so trivial! God, she's only 3, and you get pissed off because she called you an aunty?

That club president in the bunny suit was the scariest shit in this show so far. I literally squirmed uncomfortably when I saw that. Also, they totally should have taken the haunted house. It was nice as hell if you just drop the superstition bullshit.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Feb 28, 2012 7:47 PM

Jan 2010
hina, the force is strong with this one
Feb 28, 2012 8:01 PM
Jun 2008
ok now all thing are safe & well

3 sisters on another shop time while yuta meet landlady for more time on room.
yuta on what to oh here raika during with his fantasy sorta got mix to saying yea mama raika?
yuta on hmm so raika & etc show some apartment places with sora.
room 1 hmm wandering spirits, room 2 only for yuta & sora cause kouta-lookalike doing get pwn'd by raika fan, room 3 hmm maybe.
meanwhile landlady meet hina oh you make hina cry ice cream attack.
then yuta go meet landlady again for room time.
while hina & landlady bath give miu also asking for more room time.
when yuta & sora arrive here come landlady's mom to help in.
so landlady let them stay give she want hina too.
all check sora & miu on school, hina on daycare, etc all safe.

next ep is miu ep.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Feb 28, 2012 9:15 PM
Aug 2010
List of what Hina's Cuteness could do:

  • End WWII peacefully
  • Cure AIDS and Cancer
  • Bring World Peace

    I swear, I don't think I have ever seen a cutter anime character, and I've seen hundreds of anime.

    This episode was really heartwarming, not as funny as some of the pervious ones, but still very enjoyable.

    NEXT UP.....Miu Episode?.....should be interesting.
  • Feb 28, 2012 9:40 PM

    Dec 2009
    Antanaru said:
    Oh wow, who came up with this horrible filler episode? It had pretty much everything what makes fillers the worst episodes possible. Seeing the preview, isn't the next one a filler too?

    Another two names to my list of directors and scrip writers I don't want to watch again.

    I said this in the Another thread this week, and I'll say it again.
    "If you don't like it, stop watching it".
    Feb 28, 2012 10:14 PM

    Jul 2008
    Hina, Lunaluna saves the day~ lolol
    This episode basically confirms that Yuuta has no romantic interest in Sora, poor Sora...
    Lookin forward to the Miu episode tho =3
    Feb 29, 2012 12:31 AM
    Nov 2009
    How could you say no to Hina
    Feb 29, 2012 1:27 AM
    Jun 2010
    That prez fantasy still has me laughing my ass off. wtf I don't even.

    I'd make friends with some spirits to live in an apartment like the first one they saw for that price.

    Raika is still win.
    Feb 29, 2012 2:59 AM

    Oct 2009
    Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
    Feb 29, 2012 3:09 AM

    May 2010
    Nice episode,Don't know why but I have ended up hating fan-service in this anime..I mean it is heartwarming in its own way & I don't think it need something cheap like fan-service..
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