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Jul 2, 2008 6:57 PM

Aug 2007
cyruz said:

Episode was alright, the animation was better than in the past episodes but overall this was quite disappointing. 7/10

cosign. At least the guys were thinking of Yuuki while they were hugged up on each other. Otherwise....
Jul 3, 2008 5:26 AM

Mar 2008
lol. Dude, we know that there's gonna be a new season. You can at least rap this season up nicely instead of putting up a cliffhanger X@
Jul 3, 2008 8:59 AM

Aug 2007
shotta77 said:
dont know why the hell you people have to put spoiler buttons and shit and give spoilers fk. keep that shit to yourselves, if u put up a spoiler button obviosly people are gonna click it damn it. Just keep your mouths shut /sigh.

wow D:
he acts like he's the badass in this website. xD
Obviously he clicked the spoiler button.
Jul 3, 2008 9:27 AM

Sep 2007
Well this series was a bit disappointing but it did make me want to read the manga to see where all this is heading... plus I keep hearing it is way better. Hopfully the next season is better.

Jul 3, 2008 10:01 AM

Nov 2007
A sub par ending to a distinctly sub par anime.

Ive actually ended up downgrading this from a 7 to a 5 on my list, largely because this was initially a really intriguing anime thats degraded into melodramatic fluff.

I did start the manga however and may well continue with it, because, like Firefox above me im intrigued by the amount of hype it gets..
Jul 4, 2008 12:14 AM
Jul 2008
I personally like it. i think that it is not the best anime i have ever watched . it's good
Jul 4, 2008 12:15 AM
Jul 2008
i think that by this episode vampire knight is really angsty and it made me deppresed...
Jul 4, 2008 2:15 AM

Feb 2008
A satisfying ending for this first season. Going to give this show an 8/10.
Sucks we have to wait until October now =/
Jul 4, 2008 5:08 AM

Jun 2007
The ending was decent but the rest of the ep felt like it was lacking something. I thought the first season was pretty good. It could have been better but whatever, it was still a great vampire series.

As for the graphics, I had no problems with them in any of the other eps. In fact I even made a post in the episode 12 discussion on how people are blowing it way out of proportion. I have to say, this episode, graphics wise was bad. I don't know if it was the raw Shoku-dan used or what but it was noticeably worse then any of the other episodes.
Jul 4, 2008 5:18 AM

Mar 2008
Another boring VK episode. Manga ftw.
I was really disappointed while I was watching the anime.

CynojouJul 4, 2008 5:21 AM
Jul 4, 2008 11:21 AM

Jun 2008
Dramatic episode... boring kinda... but dramatic nonetheless!!! Really can't wait for next season =3

Sig WILL change soon~
Jul 4, 2008 6:18 PM

May 2008
Tch. Kaname wo nikumu!!!!! Nikumu, nikumu, nikumu.

I hope he dies.

But can't wait for next season xD
Jul 4, 2008 6:43 PM

Nov 2007
I liked this ep. It's probably my second favorite.

Really, is the anime THAT bad, guys. XD
I read the manga first, but I still think the anime's ok. It's definitely not awesome in terms of animation, but it's not that bad looking.
Jul 4, 2008 10:32 PM

Jun 2007
I think it was better than the rest, so it was a good episode and i have to admit it that Zero/Kaname moment did make it more interesting.
Next season hoping for better animation... meanwhile ill read the manga
Jul 4, 2008 11:24 PM

Jan 2008
At the beginning I actually liked this series and I'm a very big fan of the manga, but as the series continued it only got worse. Still, it manged to entertain me so I'd give it a 7/10. Shiki and Rima ftw! I personally didn't like the scene with Zero drinking Kaname's blood, only because it was so much more sexier in the manga!
Jul 5, 2008 8:42 AM

Feb 2008
Boo! The anime sucks!!! >_>

Jul 5, 2008 1:31 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
wakka9ca said:
This series really sucks and tainted the name of VAmpire Knight.....I can't believe they actually accept this kind of amateurish adaptation in 2008....In terms of animation, this series is on the bottom of the list compared to the other series of Spring 2008.....

The bite WAS NOT good at all. In fact, it made me angry! First off, it was waaaaaay too early (but whatever). Second (and most important)... it was ugly. In the manga they fight it out, both of them are all sexy and it's mouthwatering. Here see for yourself:
Forget about the poor drawings, they couldn't even achieve the mood. It was the only scene I was really looking forward to, and they ruined it. I'm sad. That totally drops it a point further. I think it's a 6/10 for me. Here's hoping they improve the quality for next season -- although I no longer have this scene to look forward to :(

Edit: Haha, looks like lostty and I are in agreement!
KinetaJul 5, 2008 1:58 PM
Jul 5, 2008 7:58 PM

Apr 2008
LolitaDecay said:
Edit: Urge to put that up to an 8 after the Kaname/Zero moment. Ohohohohoho~
I totally did, LMAO.

Quite enjoyable, this episode!
I still don't see the point of the show, but I'm gonna watch the second season when it comes out.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 6, 2008 2:34 AM

Feb 2008
I think this episode was so so, it could be better. But I guess second season will be superb if they stick to manga!
Jul 6, 2008 11:35 AM

Jan 2008
Well hmmmm I liked it until the end now I do want to see the next season to see if they clean it up so we will see.
Jul 8, 2008 5:37 PM

Nov 2007
My, a lot of you in here really do perpetuate the stereotype that VK manga fans are rabid o_o (This is not to say all, and cheers to those of you who are civil whether you like the series or not ^^)

Personally, I found the last few episodes of this series to be much better than the early ones. I was actually enjoying some parts, rather than feeling like watching was a chore ("What stupid, cliche things will Yuuki and Zero do next?"). Kaname is still my favorite; his semi-creepy side is just fine with me ^_^ but even Zero was pretty cool at the end (also, my opinion of an episode is always higher when the other vampires of Cross Academy are more involved). Furthermore, I didn't think the art for the series was that bad -- sure, it's nothing compared to the manga (which I've only read a few chapters of, a long, long time ago), but most anime aren't. I don't think it ever looked as bad as say, certain episodes of Macross F (which looked a lot better most of the time, but has had at least one really horribly animated episode despite being a high budget series).

So, it gets a 6 from me overall -- the end was pretty good, but there was a lot of mediocrity in between. I'm not exactly jumping up and down for the second season, but I'll be watching it when it arrives.

[avatar from Tales of the Abyss]
Jul 9, 2008 5:47 PM

Jan 2008
Hrmm...can't believe that was it for first season, i was hoping that in the end, Yuuki would appear and have this yuuki & zero moment. But of course, the manga was way~ better. This episode was okay, kind of unexpected about the Zero&Kaname moment. It's either me or...why is Zero such a wimp now...><"" i hope the next season would be better.

Jul 11, 2008 10:29 PM

Nov 2006

How can you people rate this an 8/10 if it was "meh" or "just okay, but that scene was cute so i'll rate it up." ???????????

An 8 is extremely good, not meh.

AGHHHHHHHHH I'm surprised I finished this. Such an embarrassment! The animation and art were SO HORRIFIC it was inexcusable. This should not be rated as high as it is. Oh my.

Also, about the spoiler thing, technically you are in the right since you DID post it in a tag, but it was a manga spoiler, and those aren't allowed. I click spoiler buttons in discussion threads because I assume they had to do with the anime, and I got spoiled. I've recently come to assume that idiots post information for the actual episode discussion in a spoiler tag, so I've gotten used to clicking.
Next time, please state that it is a manga spoiler first, just in case. Thanks.
windyJul 11, 2008 10:40 PM
Jul 15, 2008 8:21 PM
May 2008
i'm glad they ended it at that spot but on the other hand, i would have liked to see the kaname/zero fight. that would have been awesome! but that's too bad...

i didn't mind this ep. it was more action-packed than most of them, so it kept me entertained. that's good enough for me.
Jul 15, 2008 8:31 PM

Jul 2007
im glad i havent read the manga yet, so i loved the anime. But, its true that the scene where zero drinks kaname blood is more RAWR in the manga, LAWL!!!!
Jul 18, 2008 12:51 AM

Oct 2007
yeah it was alright. I really do love vampires though, so even though the animation was so so and compared to the manga it was kinda bad...i still like it. Which reminds me, i havent read the manga in quite awhile, i should do some catching up.

Jul 18, 2008 11:50 PM

May 2008
i decent series. i was originally gonna give it a 8/10 but i absolutely love the soundtrack. so i bumped it to a 9 fro having great music and maria.
Jul 22, 2008 6:55 PM

Jan 2008
Ahh, getting through all this was such hard work. Kaname probably planned something...
Jul 25, 2008 12:05 PM
Jul 2008
I really liked it!! ^_^
I can't wait till the next season!! <3

Jul 25, 2008 3:43 PM

Jan 2008
IncognitoOtaku said:

Even though I may be in the minority, I still enjoyed this series. ^^ I honestly don't see why everyone is coming down so harshly on it... Maybe I just don't expect too much from things?? (lol) Anyway, I always enjoy seeing a manga I like get animated, so I'll give it a decent score.

I'm agreeing with you, I enjoyed the series as well. It was entertaining, I enjoyed the story, the characters, the animation was ok, but overall I thought it was a very rounded show. It really pulled me in, and kept me coming back for more; but I think, the reason other people don't like it is because they're looking for a fantastic anime, but I think this one was made for different reasons than just to be a fantastic anime. It was a little stereotypical in some ways, so people probably judged that and thought the whole series was like that, but it wasn't. I really enjoyed this, and can't wait for the sequel. I would also give this a pretty decent score.
Aug 3, 2008 6:39 AM

Mar 2008

Finally wins the love!
Aug 8, 2008 6:49 AM

May 2007
Need New season soon or I will kill myself, I am dying to know what happens =P
Aug 10, 2008 9:27 AM

Jun 2008
meh...not a bad waste of 4hours 30minutes...

ill watch the next season but i hope it gets more interesting

i didnt think the animation was too bad but idk i haven't watched anything recent besides maybe gundam 00 and i guess the difference in those really shows ??
Aug 10, 2008 12:54 PM
Apr 2008
hmm, if that was bad anime I really have been watching some utter c**p... I really should start reading more manga.

Starting with this.

Still, I was expecting them to have put something more exciting by for the last-of-series ep. Although Kaname and Zero were a bit of a consolation.
Aug 11, 2008 9:43 PM

Jul 2007
Hahaha @ all the people complaining :P

This is why I don't read manga. Plus, I'd rather see an animation than static images. And I'm not a girl so I could careless about the "hawtness" of the guyxguy :P But, for all the girls out there, I'm sorry...

This anime kept me pretty entertained and I enjoyed the main characters. The side-characters as well were pretty interesting.

My only gripe is, I don't know if I'd watch it again. But who knows, maybe I'd want to watch this in another year or so.

8/10 from me (low 80s)
Aug 20, 2008 5:38 AM
Jul 2008
DragonsWhip said:
In the end it dropped from a 8 to a 7 in my list. Zero biting Kaname was pretty w00t. All for Yuuki. Yeah, could it get more cliché? xD Yuuki is just annoying me. Oh well, I'll start the next season ofcourse when it starts... as I don't want to miss Kaname =)

howcome i keep thinking about Blood+ when i watch this and compare it unfavourably >.< damnit- have to rember!! - Shojou anime = gah!
Aug 29, 2008 1:19 AM

Mar 2008
oh man, it ended in a cliff hanger wtf lol
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Aug 31, 2008 8:09 PM

May 2008
it was an ok episode for me i think it could have been more exciting
hope the next season in a little better than thin one!!
Sep 3, 2008 9:55 PM

Dec 2007
The first 6 episodes were so good, but then it all fell from there. -_- I was so bored watching the second half, especially because it doesn't get more cliche than that. And I'm surely in the minority, but even if I think Kaname is hot, I strongly dislike him. I loved Zero towards the beginning, but he was getting way too dramatic and theatrical towards the end. And Yuuki... ugh... yeah, she's annoying, and not just a little. the storyline is really interesting though, I must admit. maybe I'm gonna read the manga.
Sep 3, 2008 10:03 PM

Aug 2008
one more month...
Sep 3, 2008 10:55 PM

Aug 2008
Ok... so it was a little shoujo and cliche...

But the drama of the first season was fantastic!

I was meh after first 2 episodes; however, after the 3rd episode I really started enjoying it. The next season should be fun, the atmosphere, the setting, the characters, all have a lot of potential to make an exciting and dramatic second season.

It seems like the series was great for the first half and then trailed off for the 2nd half, but I think it was just the fact that they were setting up characters/back stories for certain characters that made the 2nd half of the series seem a bit meh.

2nd season is definitely on my plan to watch.

Sep 20, 2008 2:16 PM

Dec 2007
Great anime.

Oct 11, 2008 7:17 AM

Jun 2008
YAY!!! does that mean zero's a true vampire now and will never turn to level E??? YAY! hahhaha.. can't wait for the guilty!
Oct 12, 2008 12:12 AM

Aug 2008
I hate Kaname!!! Very Good! Zero is now a true Vampire! Second Season START!
Nov 24, 2008 2:08 AM
Aug 2008
I didnt think too much of this epsiode to be honest
it annoyed me how they changed it totally and confused everything
Zero doesnt drink Kanames blood until later in the manga and i feel that they missed out main parts of the manga and changed rather silly things
Season 2 started out slow and pretty much a recap of the last few episodes of this season, but now its getting good.. (dont worry NO SPOILERS)
Mar 30, 2009 7:57 AM

Jan 2009
I hope it gets better in season 2. This story was REALLY slow, but cool character development. So what now? Zero is now a true vampire? and wtf is with Kaname objectives?

7/8 For me the first season.

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Jun 23, 2009 5:02 PM

May 2009
i thought it was pretty good lulz
KeweeJun 24, 2009 11:14 PM
"Non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis" Which means "It's not for me, It's not for you. It's for everyone"
Jul 15, 2009 1:25 AM

Dec 2008
I thought the series was consitently well animated and yehhh i enjoyed it but I'm hoping for more from the second series..
Aug 31, 2009 10:23 PM

Apr 2008
It exceeded my expectations 6/10.
Sep 22, 2009 8:06 PM

Aug 2008
Jesus Christ this episode was booooooring. I'm not sure if I want to see the 2nd season :/

I'm still deciding if I should give it a 5 or a 6...

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