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Nov 11, 2011 1:07 AM
i found ayase extremely likable this epd. |
Nov 11, 2011 1:53 AM
Nov 11, 2011 2:10 AM
spigot said: loads of training that served absolutely no purpose and a fight won without using any ingenuity... so typical of this mediocre show. It's way better than Shu becoming a super soldier in only 3 days. The only bad thing is how convenient was the void he drew.. If you want to criticize at least be logical, don't do it just because it's "cool". |
Nov 11, 2011 2:21 AM
Ditch the emotionless Inori and go for Ayase. I support the ShuxAyase pairing even though its unlikely to happen. Can't trust Gai at all. I don't think he will die this soon but later on probably in the middle of the series, he will die. |
![]() ![]() |
Nov 11, 2011 4:08 AM
I now support Ayase-chan. <3 |
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Nov 11, 2011 4:17 AM
For to see the following, ![]() happens to be the true of Shu in the spoiler and so entrenched that of Inori being a bitch or Gai being an asshole or even worse Shu being a pussy. Let's break it down. About Shu being a pussy,
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() About Inori being a bitch, well certainly it looks that way in the spoiler ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Now in knowing this Inori has feelings for Shu with that spoiler part she gets worried about him in his fight against Ayase as a test. Problem is being a clone she is confused. That is because she has a duty to supply her blood to Gai for without he might die. Which brings me to the following spoiler ![]() ![]() Finally I offer the following, ![]() ION CANNON! At only 3% power in the spoiler ![]() Gai being an asshole, well I won’t write too much about Gai but I do know he needs his stuff for his Leadership to be maintained. Furthermore Gai has suffered through a near death experience which most likely never did kill off the virus but makes it inhabit him. Think of it as AIDS. I think Gai is a great person despite his asshole character and in any case I might edit my first post later in regards to Gai. BTW is it me or stuff changed in the ED based on shot in the spoiler ![]() ![]() ![]() On the other hand can’t deny Ayase’s Image Stitch in the spoiler ![]() |
Nov 11, 2011 4:39 AM
I wonder if anyone notice Shu has a big personality problems as well from episode one we see that even though he have friends it more like he act like their friends and when he finally trust one boom got betrayed. On top of that the dude just speak his mind without thinking he may sound a little crybaby but Shu speak his mind without watch what he says.Case and point in episode 3 he get chewed out for speaking his mind about Inori by another friend. Shu have a anti-social personality wish he kept to himself and now being force to trust people on top of that I think his reasoning is very sain. |
Nov 11, 2011 4:58 AM
Hey, does anyone know the song that was playing when Shu took out Argo's void? Cause that was epic. Is it just part of the OST? |
Nov 11, 2011 5:13 AM
kusotare said: Hey, does anyone know the song that was playing when Shu took out Argo's void? Cause that was epic. Is it just part of the OST? No idea, the OST isn't out yet. It's release date is the 25th January |
Nov 11, 2011 5:14 AM
Delicious NTR-type relationship between Shu-Inori-Gai shown in this episode. Loving this anime. |
Nov 11, 2011 5:17 AM
YES GAI IS DEAD I'M SO HAPPY That's what he gets for fucking underage girls! |
Did you like my avatar, perv? |
Nov 11, 2011 5:21 AM
So she took Shuu's cloth and put a towel on him and then came in knowing that and she slapped him ? I hate this pervert pervert girl slapping otaku fetish ecchi ecchi more girl flashing stuff. Shuu should stop saying "but she's a girl" since he's more girlier and fragile. and omg. This is the typical anime made for weak otakus harem and that fetish of excitement when girls tell them they are perverts. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Nov 11, 2011 6:11 AM
FemaleBodyFTW said: YES GAI IS DEAD I'M SO HAPPY That's what he gets for fucking underage girls! What....? I think you should watch the episode again |
Nov 11, 2011 6:36 AM
Still in good pacing so far. What's this? Gai needs blood supply 3-4x a month? My guess is he's infected with that so called virus. The virus that I think was caused by their government. What I like about this series is that there's something to guess and look forward to. Oh, I like Ayase than I thought now in this episode. Nevermind Inori, the typical chara boys go after in anime. |
Nov 11, 2011 7:12 AM
I don't know about anyone else, but I can't really see an InorixShu pairing, realistically speaking. Here's why: Shu is a teenage boy that wants to be average and left alone. A strange girl, who is his favorite online idol, shows up and suddenly he pushed into a world he's completely unaccustomed to [and NO WHERE READY FOR!]. He changes a little WITHOUT KNOWING THE FULL EXTENT OF WHAT HE'S DOING and saves the idol-girl. After which he get tossed into the thick of the world with no friends, no family to help him. He was most likely feeling alone and completely overwhelmed, but no one [and I mean NO ONE!] was willing to help him out or cut him a break. Then comes the issue with his friend. He talked to his friend about everything and then convinced him to be a comrade with him. Thinking the matter closed he continues on his path in an unfamiliar world. Again no one really helping him, he's pretty much on his own. After that comes the shining moment: Inori says she wants to stay with him forever. Finally, someone is willing to help... He probably thought. Someone to stand and walk with him. Someone who KNOWS THE WORLD HE'S WALKING IN AND IS WILLING TO BE A GUIDE FOR HIM. A comrade, a sanctuary, a friend to help. But the other friend he thought was a comrade betrays him and send him to the wolves. Not only that, but the people that wanted his help... The one's Inori is a part of... Basically use his confinement to get the one person they wanted in the first place. So now Shu is even more alone and confused. The GHQ, that he saw do terrible things, suddenly don't seem so bad after hearing and seeing all that they have been doing and all the things that "Undertakers" have done. His friend betrayed him to save his brother. Basically Shu is confused and, in this world he's unprepared for, he is finding it really difficult to trust anyone anymore. Seriously, Gai cares nothing of him: He's now a tool to be used and thrown away. His friend just sent him to the GHQ when Shu thought he had convinced him not to. The GHQ have done bad things, but have done great things as well: Can't decide if they're evil or not. The Undertakers have done terrible things, but they say they're doing them for the right reasons: Again, not sure. The only one he feels he can trust is Inori. This is reenforced when Inori tries to break in to the facility, alone, for what she says is to find him. This gets Shu to move and definitely reenforced his trust for her, since she's there for him while everyone else is there for something else. He was the top priority to her, everyone else he was just extra baggage/excuse. His trust in her was complete when he asked her and she smiled at him and said "Yes". This caused him to completely give in to the sword and ultimately the "Undertakers". Now we come to the creme della creme... The Undertakers basically give him a typical welcome for an anime of this type, cold. He doesn't feel welcome, not even from Gai who invited him. he's basically thrust even further into this crazy, militaristic world he's not prepared for and NO ONE IS EVEN CARING. He's got to be feeling completely overwhelmed, overloaded. He needs a little relief. In comes Inori. She's the one person that he feels he can trust, the one person he opened up to near completely. The entire reason he went to the "Undertakers" in the first place. Of course she'll help him, give him a reason to continue this pointless struggle in a world he didn't want to be in, but found himself in all the same. Surely, right? Wrong... She was lying to him the whole time. Everything, EVERYTHING, was done in order to TRICK him into joining Undertakers AND MAKE HIM THINK HE DID IT OF HIS OWN FREE WILL. The things she said were told because she was told to say them. Shu must have felt like his world was completely collapsing... The one, last person in this crazy world, he though he could trust just betrayed ALL BECAUSE SHE WAS TOLD TO. She wasn't threatened, or tricked, or coerced in any way. Gai said do this and she did. End of story. Add the topping she tells him to stay away from her and then goes to Gai's room. Now we know what's going on in there, but to Shu [and everyone else apparently] it's not so clear. They all think they're physical and now Shu not only got betrayed by the one person he thought he could trust, but also got dumped [in the worst possible way] by the girl he thought he was starting to love. Can't really come back from that. ------------------ Now, with the backstory all taken care of, we get to the reason for the post: The completely impossibility of a ShuxInori pairing [if this was realistic]. Inori completely betrayed and lied to Shu when he was at his most vulnerable. Not only that she did it for the worst possible reason. Then she basically makes everyone think that she's been with Gai physically, completely crushing Shu's teenage heart. With that right there the InorixShu pairing is dead. Even if Inori comes back and says that she loves him and that she's sorry for everything AND if Shu decides to forgive her, things would still not be hunky-dory. If it was me I would never be able to trust Inori again. Every time she talks to someone I would be wondering what's being said. Anytime she disappears I would be wondering if she's with Gai. I would have doubt in the back of my mind. I would be thinking about my friend that betrayed me when I let my guard down. I would think about the fact that Inori [used to] do everything Gai said unconditionally. I would wonder to myself constantly whether it's another trick by Inori and Gai. I would suspect all the time in the back of my mind that Inori and Gai weren't completely over. I would wonder if they really DIDN'T have a physical relationship, the images of them together would plague me constantly. I don't think I would be able to fully trust someone that completely destroyed me like she did. Basically, the fact that the trust is damaged and doubt will be firmly implanted after all that he's been put through and lied about, there isn't really a chance he could be with her realistically thinking. He would either go crazy from the paranoia and suspicion OR he'll force Inori into a corner and make her feel like crap for the rest of her life [because they all stay together forever in these things]. --------------------------- But who am I kidding... This is anime and all the MC are unconditionally forgiving toward acts of betrayal and acts that shatter trust. They are fools and morons that can completely forgive someone without a second thought or suspicion. Basically he'll forgive her and they'll live their life completely happy without a care in the world... Because this is anime and the MC's are all idiots like that. ------------------------ Wow.... was not expecting to write a novel there. |
Nov 11, 2011 7:49 AM
For those that say Inori stil has some feelings for Shu because of ep. 4, I'm pretty sure that her disobeying Gai's orders was all part of the act, to make it seem like she chose Shu over Gai. |
Nov 11, 2011 7:53 AM
*speculation* Oh BTW, Segai is talking about Kido not Shu. I can already see that Kido is the mole they're talking about. It explains why they were betrayed and GHQ knew when to fire that leucosyte thingamajig at Gai's forces. Kido will also use Intel to vilify Shu among the rest of the Funeral Parlor. You can already see this with his "pretend teammates" ploy towards Ayase. |
Nov 11, 2011 8:19 AM
Shu is almost 100% Shinji Ikari, except now even the "angels" want him to fight on their side. At least Shinji doesn't have to care what's right or wrong, he just wants acceptance form Gendo. Shu has practically the same personality but he is faced with more screwed-up decision-making. He is constantly forced to interact with more people too, being a introvert like Shinji, it must not be something good. Similar to Rei, Inori is most likely some kind of replacement for another person. Very high chance of being a clone just like Rei. But lacking in the Lilith-concept. Very mindfuck as well when Shu in the end finds out this fact. |
Nov 11, 2011 8:22 AM
newnar said: Shu is almost 100% Shinji Ikari, except now even the "angels" want him to fight on their side. At least Shinji doesn't have to care what's right or wrong, he just wants acceptance form Gendo. Shu has practically the same personality but he is faced with more screwed-up decision-making. He is constantly forced to interact with more people too, being a introvert like Shinji, it must not be something good. Similar to Rei, Inori is most likely some kind of replacement for another person. Very high chance of being a clone just like Rei. But lacking in the Lilith-concept. Very mindfuck as well when Shu in the end finds out this fact. I'm tempted to add that Ayase = Asuka, in that she likes the hot guy, but I guess thats as far as the similariities go |
Nov 11, 2011 8:35 AM
Here's to you Inori [for when you apologize]: |
Nov 11, 2011 8:41 AM
yep, can't agree more, Shu is definitely shaping up like a Ikari Shinji character w/c i find more interesting now than the whole anime itself. and i'm also liking Ayase's personality. so what i don't like about this episode?the final scene, i can't accept a "satellite weapon" coming in this anime, oh well. |
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch. |
Nov 11, 2011 9:30 AM
AmberFebruary said: yep, can't agree more, Shu is definitely shaping up like a Ikari Shinji character w/c i find more interesting now than the whole anime itself. and i'm also liking Ayase's personality. so what i don't like about this episode?the final scene, i can't accept a "satellite weapon" coming in this anime, oh well. Shu: *Gets pissed off at Gai* /turns on transmitter *couple seconds later* *explluuussssiooooonnn* Bad End. |
Nov 11, 2011 9:34 AM
Anyone who actually believes Inori only told Shu that because Gai said so is horribly naive. narusasu1 said: Easy to set behind a screen and call a fiction character a pussy, how many life and death situations you been in and how many asses have you kicked lol Keep bitching.. If I had Shu's power, I'd be so reckless it'd be stupid. gg. |
Video rants & stuff: Top 12 Heart-Wrenching Scenes in Anime | DraconisMarch Video Club |
Nov 11, 2011 10:04 AM
I really dislike Shu. And no, not because he's not a badass. It's simply because the guy has ZERO charisma. NONE. AT ALL. His voice, his expression, the way he thinks etc.. they all got on my nerves somehow. |
Nov 11, 2011 10:08 AM
DraconisMarch said: Anyone who actually believes Inori only told Shu that because Gai said so is horribly naive. narusasu1 said: Easy to set behind a screen and call a fiction character a pussy, how many life and death situations you been in and how many asses have you kicked lol Keep bitching.. If I had Shu's power, I'd be so reckless it'd be stupid. gg. Then tell me why you think she didn't? It's most likely true that Gai did tell her to day that. Whether or not she said them because of that is not the issue. The fact remains she told Shu that Gai told her to say all that, that alone is enough to make her null and void as a romantic partner for me. Let's play devil advocate... and Gai didn't tell her to say that. What was her motivation for telling Shu that he did? Inori has shown two emotional states in the series so far: Indifference and concern for Shu. She could have just ignored him and been indifferent to him if she wanted him to leave her alone. But why would she show so much concern for him in episodes 3 and 4, then become indifferent to him in episode 5? There is no good reason unless the concern she showed in those two episodes was an act she put on in order to appease her true master and lover, Gai. That's really the only reason for her attitude this episode, which is an almost 180 from the previous ones so far. In just about every episode up to now, Inori seemed oblivious to Shu and seemed to start caring for him as a person as the episodes went on. She was wanting to stay with him forever, she tried to save him by herself, she was sticking pretty close to him and seemed to want to stay close to him. Then comes the 5th episode and now she's telling him to stay away from her, telling him that everything was lie she was told to tell, and basically crushing his spirit. The only explanation for her actions in the 5th Episode are exactly what she told Shu... She was told to make him believe in her and trust her by telling him things like that. All in order to get him to follow her to the "Undertakers". If that explanation was false then what was the point of telling him that when her actions up to that point practically screamed the opposite?! You can argue that she does care for him, but doesn't know how to express it or handle her feelings well. But that still doesn't explain why she would have to lie to about all the things she said and did. Not too mention she showed only a passing concern to him during the mock battle. She still had the same blank stare in her eyes as she stood on the walkway watching. She almost said his name as if she was confused on the happenings. She still didn't seem to understand what Shu was doing there [Even though the whole point of her being with him the last 4 episodes were to get him to join them]. At the shooting range she did get a little embarrassed, but really any girl would have reacted the same way if they did that to some one that acted like Shu did [He blushed and made a big about it]. Regardless of feelings, if a guy makes a big deal of some thing like that the girl is going to get embarrassed like that. It's pretty natural reaction to that kind of thing. Basically, Inori has emotions like any other girl, but shows them rarely... but she doesn't have feelings for Shu. She loves Gai and wants to be with him even if it's only a one-sided relationship. Shu might count Shu as a friend, higher than acquaintance. She loves Gai to the point that she would do anything for him... Anything. You could see it in her eyes when she was by Gai's bed, she wanted to be more to him than just a blood transfusion. She seemed sad when he said she looks more like 'her'. She seemed to hesitantly ask him if it bother him that she looks like 'her', as if she didn't really want to hear the answer... Like a confession almost. Plus she seemed almost happy when he told her it didn't bother him that she does, as she stared at the moon. I may be naive to think this, but if that's the case then I have to admit... The writers made me that way! |
Nov 11, 2011 10:09 AM
Firestalker5 said: DraconisMarch said: Anyone who actually believes Inori only told Shu that because Gai said so is horribly naive. narusasu1 said: Easy to set behind a screen and call a fiction character a pussy, how many life and death situations you been in and how many asses have you kicked lol Keep bitching.. If I had Shu's power, I'd be so reckless it'd be stupid. gg. Then tell me why you think she didn't? It's most likely true that Gai did tell her to day that. Whether or not she said them because of that is not the issue. The fact remains she told Shu that Gai told her to say all that, that alone is enough to make her null and void as a romantic partner for me. Let's play devil advocate... and Gai didn't tell her to say that. What was her motivation for telling Shu that he did? Inori has shown two emotional states in the series so far: Indifference and concern for Shu. She could have just ignored him and been indifferent to him if she wanted him to leave her alone. But why would she show so much concern for him in episodes 3 and 4, then become indifferent to him in episode 5? There is no good reason unless the concern she showed in those two episodes was an act she put on in order to appease her true master and lover, Gai. That's really the only reason for her attitude this episode, which is an almost 180 from the previous ones so far. In just about every episode up to now, Inori seemed oblivious to Shu and seemed to start caring for him as a person as the episodes went on. She was wanting to stay with him forever, she tried to save him by herself, she was sticking pretty close to him and seemed to want to stay close to him. Then comes the 5th episode and now she's telling him to stay away from her, telling him that everything was lie she was told to tell, and basically crushing his spirit. The only explanation for her actions in the 5th Episode are exactly what she told Shu... She was told to make him believe in her and trust her by telling him things like that. All in order to get him to follow her to the "Undertakers". If that explanation was false then what was the point of telling him that when her actions up to that point practically screamed the opposite?! You can argue that she does care for him, but doesn't know how to express it or handle her feelings well. But that still doesn't explain why she would have to lie to about all the things she said and did. Not too mention she showed only a passing concern to him during the mock battle. She still had the same blank stare in her eyes as she stood on the walkway watching. She almost said his name as if she was confused on the happenings. She still didn't seem to understand what Shu was doing there [Even though the whole point of her being with him the last 4 episodes were to get him to join them]. At the shooting range she did get a little embarrassed, but really any girl would have reacted the same way if they did that to some one that acted like Shu did [He blushed and made a big about it]. Regardless of feelings, if a guy makes a big deal of some thing like that the girl is going to get embarrassed like that. It's pretty natural reaction to that kind of thing. Basically, Inori has emotions like any other girl, but shows them rarely... but she doesn't have feelings for Shu. She loves Gai and wants to be with him even if it's only a one-sided relationship. Shu might count Shu as a friend, higher than acquaintance. She loves him to the point that she would do anything for him... Anything. you could see it in her eyes when she was by Gai's bed, she wanted to be more to him than just a blood transfusion. She seemed sad when he said she looks more like 'her'. She seemed to hesitantly ask him if it bother him that she looks like 'her', as if she didn't really want to hear the answer... Like a confession almost. Plus she seemed almost happy when he told her it didn't bother him that she does, as she stared at the moon. I may be naive to think this, but if that's the case then I have to admit... The writers made me that way! tl;dr it all. Because Gai told her to act that way to Shu, as in act as if she was told to. So like a double agent thing. Though that's just a possibility. |
Nov 11, 2011 10:21 AM
Ayase, I love her kickass attitude. ♥ And even I was totally taken aback when Inori said it was all an act. Imagine how crushed Shu must be. |
Nov 11, 2011 10:23 AM
Paul said: Firestalker5 said: DraconisMarch said: Anyone who actually believes Inori only told Shu that because Gai said so is horribly naive. narusasu1 said: Easy to set behind a screen and call a fiction character a pussy, how many life and death situations you been in and how many asses have you kicked lol Keep bitching.. If I had Shu's power, I'd be so reckless it'd be stupid. gg. Then tell me why you think she didn't? It's most likely true that Gai did tell her to day that. Whether or not she said them because of that is not the issue. The fact remains she told Shu that Gai told her to say all that, that alone is enough to make her null and void as a romantic partner for me. Let's play devil advocate... and Gai didn't tell her to say that. What was her motivation for telling Shu that he did? Inori has shown two emotional states in the series so far: Indifference and concern for Shu. She could have just ignored him and been indifferent to him if she wanted him to leave her alone. But why would she show so much concern for him in episodes 3 and 4, then become indifferent to him in episode 5? There is no good reason unless the concern she showed in those two episodes was an act she put on in order to appease her true master and lover, Gai. That's really the only reason for her attitude this episode, which is an almost 180 from the previous ones so far. In just about every episode up to now, Inori seemed oblivious to Shu and seemed to start caring for him as a person as the episodes went on. She was wanting to stay with him forever, she tried to save him by herself, she was sticking pretty close to him and seemed to want to stay close to him. Then comes the 5th episode and now she's telling him to stay away from her, telling him that everything was lie she was told to tell, and basically crushing his spirit. The only explanation for her actions in the 5th Episode are exactly what she told Shu... She was told to make him believe in her and trust her by telling him things like that. All in order to get him to follow her to the "Undertakers". If that explanation was false then what was the point of telling him that when her actions up to that point practically screamed the opposite?! You can argue that she does care for him, but doesn't know how to express it or handle her feelings well. But that still doesn't explain why she would have to lie to about all the things she said and did. Not too mention she showed only a passing concern to him during the mock battle. She still had the same blank stare in her eyes as she stood on the walkway watching. She almost said his name as if she was confused on the happenings. She still didn't seem to understand what Shu was doing there [Even though the whole point of her being with him the last 4 episodes were to get him to join them]. At the shooting range she did get a little embarrassed, but really any girl would have reacted the same way if they did that to some one that acted like Shu did [He blushed and made a big about it]. Regardless of feelings, if a guy makes a big deal of some thing like that the girl is going to get embarrassed like that. It's pretty natural reaction to that kind of thing. Basically, Inori has emotions like any other girl, but shows them rarely... but she doesn't have feelings for Shu. She loves Gai and wants to be with him even if it's only a one-sided relationship. Shu might count Shu as a friend, higher than acquaintance. She loves him to the point that she would do anything for him... Anything. you could see it in her eyes when she was by Gai's bed, she wanted to be more to him than just a blood transfusion. She seemed sad when he said she looks more like 'her'. She seemed to hesitantly ask him if it bother him that she looks like 'her', as if she didn't really want to hear the answer... Like a confession almost. Plus she seemed almost happy when he told her it didn't bother him that she does, as she stared at the moon. I may be naive to think this, but if that's the case then I have to admit... The writers made me that way! tl;dr it all. Because Gai told her to act that way to Shu, as in act as if she was told to. So like a double agent thing. Though that's just a possibility. Still doesn't make sense. Why would Gai tell Inori to ACT like he told her to say that stuff? Gai knows the only reason Shu is there is because of Inori. Why would want to cut off the single easiest way to control Shu? Why would he get Inori close to him and see how Inori has changed next to him, then completely destroy that bond? Doesn't really make sense. Let's say that Inori DOES have feelings for Shu and everything int he first 4 episodes was real and the 5th episode was a lie. Gai knows that Inori and Shu have mutual feelings, but haven't been able to express them very well. He also knows that Inori was the reason that Shu came with them after the 4th episode. He also knows that Shu is very suspicious of the "Undertakers" and especially Gai. Now knowing all that, why would he want to destroy Shu's bond with Inori? That's his one means of control on Shu. If Inori was to be there Shu would have listened to Gai... If it was conveyed to him that it would help Inori. Not to mention, why would Inori even follow that order? If she really cared for Shu as people seem to think, why would she follow an order that was designed, and who's only purpose is, to destroy that bond they had? She had disobeyed orders before because of Shu, so why would this one [arguably the most damaging order] be the one she decides to follow? That makes liitle to no sense. Though Gai did tell Shu that if he came with them he would have to follow Gai's orders unconditionally, Shu was under no real obligation to follow that. He was only there for Inori and Gai knew that. --------------------- BTW: What the hell is tl;dr?! |
Nov 11, 2011 10:47 AM
tl;dr = too long; didn't read. I think she reacted that way because she's afraid that Shu'll convince her to leave Undertakers, and she doesn't want to betray Gai, while at the same time, not wanting to stay there. Or maybe she's just afraid of Gai's plan/any dangers involved for Shu and is trying to make him leave. |
Nov 11, 2011 10:48 AM
Nov 11, 2011 10:50 AM
Firestalker5 said: Paul said: Firestalker5 said: DraconisMarch said: Anyone who actually believes Inori only told Shu that because Gai said so is horribly naive. narusasu1 said: Easy to set behind a screen and call a fiction character a pussy, how many life and death situations you been in and how many asses have you kicked lol Keep bitching.. If I had Shu's power, I'd be so reckless it'd be stupid. gg. Then tell me why you think she didn't? It's most likely true that Gai did tell her to day that. Whether or not she said them because of that is not the issue. The fact remains she told Shu that Gai told her to say all that, that alone is enough to make her null and void as a romantic partner for me. Let's play devil advocate... and Gai didn't tell her to say that. What was her motivation for telling Shu that he did? Inori has shown two emotional states in the series so far: Indifference and concern for Shu. She could have just ignored him and been indifferent to him if she wanted him to leave her alone. But why would she show so much concern for him in episodes 3 and 4, then become indifferent to him in episode 5? There is no good reason unless the concern she showed in those two episodes was an act she put on in order to appease her true master and lover, Gai. That's really the only reason for her attitude this episode, which is an almost 180 from the previous ones so far. In just about every episode up to now, Inori seemed oblivious to Shu and seemed to start caring for him as a person as the episodes went on. She was wanting to stay with him forever, she tried to save him by herself, she was sticking pretty close to him and seemed to want to stay close to him. Then comes the 5th episode and now she's telling him to stay away from her, telling him that everything was lie she was told to tell, and basically crushing his spirit. The only explanation for her actions in the 5th Episode are exactly what she told Shu... She was told to make him believe in her and trust her by telling him things like that. All in order to get him to follow her to the "Undertakers". If that explanation was false then what was the point of telling him that when her actions up to that point practically screamed the opposite?! You can argue that she does care for him, but doesn't know how to express it or handle her feelings well. But that still doesn't explain why she would have to lie to about all the things she said and did. Not too mention she showed only a passing concern to him during the mock battle. She still had the same blank stare in her eyes as she stood on the walkway watching. She almost said his name as if she was confused on the happenings. She still didn't seem to understand what Shu was doing there [Even though the whole point of her being with him the last 4 episodes were to get him to join them]. At the shooting range she did get a little embarrassed, but really any girl would have reacted the same way if they did that to some one that acted like Shu did [He blushed and made a big about it]. Regardless of feelings, if a guy makes a big deal of some thing like that the girl is going to get embarrassed like that. It's pretty natural reaction to that kind of thing. Basically, Inori has emotions like any other girl, but shows them rarely... but she doesn't have feelings for Shu. She loves Gai and wants to be with him even if it's only a one-sided relationship. Shu might count Shu as a friend, higher than acquaintance. She loves him to the point that she would do anything for him... Anything. you could see it in her eyes when she was by Gai's bed, she wanted to be more to him than just a blood transfusion. She seemed sad when he said she looks more like 'her'. She seemed to hesitantly ask him if it bother him that she looks like 'her', as if she didn't really want to hear the answer... Like a confession almost. Plus she seemed almost happy when he told her it didn't bother him that she does, as she stared at the moon. I may be naive to think this, but if that's the case then I have to admit... The writers made me that way! tl;dr it all. Because Gai told her to act that way to Shu, as in act as if she was told to. So like a double agent thing. Though that's just a possibility. Still doesn't make sense. Why would Gai tell Inori to ACT like he told her to say that stuff? Gai knows the only reason Shu is there is because of Inori. Why would want to cut off the single easiest way to control Shu? Why would he get Inori close to him and see how Inori has changed next to him, then completely destroy that bond? Doesn't really make sense. Let's say that Inori DOES have feelings for Shu and everything int he first 4 episodes was real and the 5th episode was a lie. Gai knows that Inori and Shu have mutual feelings, but haven't been able to express them very well. He also knows that Inori was the reason that Shu came with them after the 4th episode. He also knows that Shu is very suspicious of the "Undertakers" and especially Gai. Now knowing all that, why would he want to destroy Shu's bond with Inori? That's his one means of control on Shu. If Inori was to be there Shu would have listened to Gai... If it was conveyed to him that it would help Inori. Not to mention, why would Inori even follow that order? If she really cared for Shu as people seem to think, why would she follow an order that was designed, and who's only purpose is, to destroy that bond they had? She had disobeyed orders before because of Shu, so why would this one [arguably the most damaging order] be the one she decides to follow? That makes liitle to no sense. Though Gai did tell Shu that if he came with them he would have to follow Gai's orders unconditionally, Shu was under no real obligation to follow that. He was only there for Inori and Gai knew that. --------------------- BTW: What the hell is tl;dr?! Like it said, it was only a possibility and there are multiple random possible answers as well. Some random possible answers would be: -Gai doesn't want them to deepen their relationship to the point where Inori will love Shu enough to run away with him as he wanted to this episode. Gai 'needs' her... for now. -Gai doesn't want emotions to get in the way of Inori's mission, such as the previous episode, assuming it was 'real' as you said. Though it seems he has everything plan out if something goes bad. -Gai still doesn't trust Shu for multiple reasons. Using the vial. Not 'eliminating' Sugar. Etc. Also, maybe Gai can tell Shu may betray them? With his ability to see what kind of void someone has, it might be more than just that. -Fatherly love and doesn't want to give up his daughter. He did give Inori her name. (Lol) tl;dr means" too long; didnt read". I also put 'it all' so i meant to say I didn't read your entire post. |
Nov 11, 2011 10:55 AM
I honestly hope Shu pulls a Lelouch and trolls everyone. :D |
Nov 11, 2011 11:07 AM
Inori really is an idiot. Don't know if the whole thing was really an act or she's just saying it was but it doesn't really matter. Sure, tell the guy that's only there because of you that you played him because Gai said so. Real smart. Don't have a huge problem with Shu but it would be nice if he'd assert himself a bit. He still seems pretty normal, especially for someone that keeps getting screwed. Of course I don't need a protagonist to live vicariously though and actually like seeing someone normal for a change. Really didn't get why Shu was even there after Inori said what she did. If it was me I probably would have got the hell out of dodge. Then I realized something. Gai seems like the kind of bastard that would turn on Shu if he thought he couldn't be used. Shu might have thought of that so is going along so he doesn't face any backlash. Could just be he got caught up in everything too quickly so far to even think, though. Not a big fan of the over the top satellite weapon. Seems powerful to the point of being ridiculous. So much so that even calling it over the top seems like an understatement. Seems a bit too early for something like that as well. At least things like Gundam and Code Geass saves the super weapons for the later parts of the show. Exactly what do you have left once you pull a big death laser out of your butt? Guess we'll see. |
Nov 11, 2011 11:14 AM
Awesome episode. I can't help but feel sorry for Shu, I mean having what was thought to be a friend back stab him and finding out the girl that he thought liked him say that it was all a lie. The way he acts is totally reasonable since a lot has happened to him since he met Inori. I'm glad he hasn't thrown the pen/transmitter away yet , it shows that he learned not to trust anyone yet since he got deceived by Yahiro and Inori. |
Nov 11, 2011 11:15 AM
Tanrim said: Not a big fan of the over the top satellite weapon. Seems powerful to the point of being ridiculous. So much so that even calling it over the top seems like an understatement. Seems a bit too early for something like that as well. At least things like Gundam and Code Geass saves the super weapons for the later parts of the show. Exactly what do you have left once you pull a big death laser out of your butt? Guess we'll see. Just thinking about it probably means there'll be an even a stronger weapon later on. LOLMOONBASEWITHSATELLITEBEAM. |
Nov 11, 2011 11:22 AM
Paul said: LOLMOONBASEWITHSATELLITEBEAM. After War: Gundam X I love that series.... Though they had a rather idiotic MC as well. Though the Main Girl was a lot better Inori. |
Nov 11, 2011 12:09 PM
That was a preyy heavy blow for Shu to hear from Inori that she faked being close to him because Gai said so. Gai seems to have some sort of illness and maybe that's a reason for why he is rushing this operation so much. It also looks like Gai actually knows Inori's mother. Maybe he loved her once and Inori's mother died so that's the reason he took her in and gave her a name. Shu managed to win the mock battle pretty intelligently I'd say. He used a weapon of his own, even though you could see it as cheating. If Shu manages to save Gai from the attack then everyone would really respect him. Can't wait for next week! |
Nov 11, 2011 12:20 PM
Typical rejection was typical. The bgm was awesome though. Shu x Argo now |
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Nov 11, 2011 12:25 PM
This anime is falling apart. Gai isnt probably dead since he's not a character that would make Shu grow ( he basically isnt Kamina and Shu isnt Shimon, but a spineless Shinji ). Therefore I find this episode pointless, spent on some newbie initiation fluff, some interpersonal awkwardness and tease. And whats with that guy's analogy, about his void being so dark because his personality is also .. gloomy? Then what about Inori, she has a sword because she's No anime. She's dull and uninspiring. Seriously anime, grab a rock and a rope. |
Nov 11, 2011 12:36 PM
I liked the interaction between Shu and Ayase (she's a great character btw). And I didn't like Inori too much in this episode, everything she did was fake? I don't think so. Anyway, good episode, loving the music. |
Nov 11, 2011 12:54 PM
You know I want to like Shu but there is so little to like about his character at this time. Which is an interesting change of pace though. I enjoy the fact that the main character is so unreliable and honestly is just "lucky". |
Nov 11, 2011 1:03 PM
Shu x Ayase :DD |
Nov 11, 2011 1:10 PM
Holy crap...the satellite was only using 3% of its power output? Hell at 100% that thing must blow up countries. How the hell did they build that thing without every country on the planet freaking out? |
FatherAndersonNov 11, 2011 1:15 PM
Nov 11, 2011 1:23 PM
Wow, the only real characters I see in this show at the moment is Shu and Ayase. It's kinda sick to see a pretty boy sexually abusing his doll, but what else is Inori good for? Singing? HA! |
Nov 11, 2011 2:17 PM
Confucius said: Um where you watching the same show?lol because if your referring to the scene with gai and inori,the dude lying on the bed with some kind of blood manchine hooked up to him and inori is sitting next to him :/.Wow, the only real characters I see in this show at the moment is Shu and Ayase. It's kinda sick to see a pretty boy sexually abusing his doll, but what else is Inori good for? Singing? HA! |
Nov 11, 2011 2:19 PM
Glad shu kept that transmitter.keeps things interesting because if he decides to do an anakin skywalker |
Nov 11, 2011 3:29 PM
Loved the episode. The training was funny and he was lucky with the test, because he could have drawn out something not useful and then he would've lost :p One negative thing is that Shu is a jealous guy. But one the other hand it"s not cool that he was played by inori. I hope his jealousy will end in the further episodes. |
Nov 11, 2011 3:33 PM
God. I never expected Inori to become more aware of the gender differences. OMFG. When I saw it at first, I thought she wouldn't react but Shu. Can't believe she realized it. But ohh fuck. So that's what she meant when she first said "Don't get close to me" at the gun range scene. Fuck. So Gai fucking pulled the strings on this one...damn. I can't even figure out if what Gai did was for the good or bad. If Shu didn't listen, would he have died? Fuck I feel bad for the dude. Another one-sided misunderstanding. Well it seems Gai is definitely someone who "created" Inori. And what I assume the reason to be is that he wanted to recreate someone who he loved but lost. Lol he used some sort of time warp gun to beat a race. No fair. If this anime wasn't trying to be serious and had comedy, I'm pretty sure Kenji would play the role of the bad-ass with a gay side. I mean, it looked like he was about to jump on Shu. And damn, that old man just blew a crater into Earth...and at 3% output too. What a bastard. |
Nov 11, 2011 3:37 PM
Art2010 said: bonifide said: Truer words never spoken!!!Shu is the biggest pussy in anime history. He makes Tsunayoshi Sawada looks manly. All of this. |
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