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Jul 23, 2008 9:47 AM

Apr 2007
In this fine episode, Zelgadis, master of traps, gets his chance to shine, along with with the ever-happy Amelia. When Zel pulls out the slide rule, you know he's getting hardcore. The show has gone back and redone manga chapter 2 in this episode with extended character interactions, and it worked extremely well in my opinion. I was really wanting this one to be animated.

Hilarious episode with the mysterious tank attack and the horrible, evil forces behind it. Kinetic and comedic all at once. This is great, just what I was hoping for when they announced a new series. My favorite episode so far. If you're not convinced yet that this is true Slayers, this is the episode that will do it.

And other poor town bites the dust. At least we get a Xellos flash in the preview.
Jul 23, 2008 8:26 PM

Jul 2008
The only thing I hated about this episode was about the fact of being so stupid as to wreck the whole town?????? I know this is standard but this between it's over stupidity as well as confusion. Everything else: magic,comedy,characters and action I LOVED. See ya in #5 and I AM GETTING SOOOOOOO EXCITED CUZ XELLOS IS COMING BACK!!!!!!!!! Also one of the true enemies are appearing. EVERYBODY FEEL THE XELLOS VIBE next episode!
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Jul 24, 2008 8:07 AM

Dec 2007
Another wonderful episode where Zelgadis and Amelia finally got a lot of screentime. Lina animal cruelty at the beginning and Zelgadis banana trap were my most favourite moments here and another big magical fight looked really cool. I can stand little brat Pokota much less than Wiser but overall excellent level that is being kept in the series so far makes him tolerable for me. Xellos showed up in the preview of the next episode and even though I'm not a big fan of him, I'm very looking forward for his appearance.
Jul 26, 2008 12:06 PM

Jan 2008
Wow, what can I say about this episode? If it hadn't been for the appearance of Xellos showing up in the preview for the next episode I was going to drop the rating by two points. I'm really not liking this season. It's just not the Slayers I'm used to. NEXT is still my favourite season, but REVOLUTION is most definitely not. It's just getting so stupid, and pointless. A fake mage-tank. Really? Hopefully with the return of Xellos the series will be good again.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Jul 26, 2008 3:40 PM

Jun 2008
I couldn't help but keep thinking about Team Rocket while they were in the fake tank.

Other than that, i was hoping Pokota would join them permanently in this episode, but now i'm guessing it'll still take 2 or 3 more.
Jul 26, 2008 8:03 PM

Jul 2006
YES YES YES!!!! Xellos next week!!!!

Liked how the episode focused on Zelgadis and Amelia. I thought they were going to get the shaft, and was surprised they basically got the episode dedicated to them. The fight got a little dragged out in the end, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.

Jul 26, 2008 8:45 PM

Jan 2008
Series dropped.

Revolution is probably only enjoyable for those that have actually seen all the different seasons of the series. At least for me I barely saw a couple of the beginning ones (the first series) a very long while ago, I recall seeing the characters before, but heck, these four episodes are totally a waste of time, unless I'm lost in the story or something. I did expect a bit more of this.

Why is Lina always yelling anyway? I'm guessing that's her "character", but it gets annoying over time.
RyoujinJul 26, 2008 8:48 PM
Jul 26, 2008 10:44 PM

Jul 2008
I'm trying to like the show, I really am. I've been a Slayers fan for so long that this is really frustrating. But is it me, or has Amelia (a character who I've never liked but tolerated just fine) increased her annoyance level ten fold? As for Pokota, the little Pokemon is just something I could have lived without from the very beginning.

Ill continue to watch this, simply because I don't want to have to say "Oh yeah, I saw every season except that one." But in all honesty, I think this is going to be a long awaited season that ended up breaking my heart.

On a final note, I liked it when the show was a little bit darker. The show just feels fluffy now.
Jul 26, 2008 11:16 PM

Jul 2008
Hmmm, never been a fanatic about Slayers but it's always been appealing. I am still sorta waiting for the series to develop a momentum, I guess that doesn't really show up til around 60% of the way through the season though.

I'd have to say I enjoyed Zel the most in this episode. Immediately after criticizing Lina for her rampant and inefficient deforestation, his first plan is to destroy the lake! Poor Amelia, being almost the most sane person sure brings a lot of responsibility.
Kind regards

Jul 26, 2008 11:46 PM

Jul 2006
sakuko said:
I'm trying to like the show, I really am. I've been a Slayers fan for so long that this is really frustrating. But is it me, or has Amelia (a character who I've never liked but tolerated just fine) increased her annoyance level ten fold? As for Pokota, the little Pokemon is just something I could have lived without from the very beginning.

Well, I've always liked Amelia, but I see where you're getting at. I've always thought of Amelia has the cute little counterpart to Lina, with a strong sense of justice. Sometimes she went a little overboard with it, but it was fine. What does bother me, and this includes Zelgadis also, is that I sense no emotional attachment to the journey. it's like the writers decided to just throw them in because they've been apart of every season. The seasons before they tagged along and had some kind of emotional attachment, but now that is not the case. Instead of being emotionally attached to the journey, they are just there to be there. Being able to tolerate someone because they are a part of the story is fine, but it's hard to do that when they have shown no signs of attachment to what is going on.
I don't like the pokemon thing either.

sakuko said:
On a final note, I liked it when the show was a little bit darker. The show just feels fluffy now.

JusticeGundamJul 26, 2008 11:54 PM

Jul 27, 2008 1:08 AM

Apr 2007
JusticeGundam said:

sakuko said:
On a final note, I liked it when the show was a little bit darker. The show just feels fluffy now.


I suspect this might be a reason why opinions have diverged on this show. If you are a Slayers fan who is more partial to Next and the darker and more dramatic aspects of the series, I can see how Revolution might be seen as a disappointment so far. If you go in looking for the comedic aspect, and prefer the pure comedic episodes of the original series and the movies, Revolution has focused on that so far, although somewhat unevenly. My favorite moment in the entire Slayers franchise was when Lina and Naga were slugging it out in their golems in Great, which is probably why I liked this episode so much.

I think (and hope) the darker aspects will come into Revolution eventually. That's one of the things that made the series so popular originally -- the ability to show and balance both.
Jul 27, 2008 2:03 AM

Jul 2008
Iri said:
My favorite moment in the entire Slayers franchise was when Lina and Naga were slugging it out in their golems in Great, which is probably why I liked this episode so much.

The thing is, the OVA and movies are some of my favourite. The episode to which you referred was one of the episodes I watched, and loved, in anticipation of this show. But even that episode had some element of darkness to it with the rival factions. Scary Chimera Plan, Jeffery's Knighthood and so forth are some of my ultimate favorites but each still had a bit of grittiness mixed in with absolutely outrageous comedy.

Nothing was funnier than
But it still had that bit of dark to it that made the humour and dark so well mixed.

However, I do think you're right and that they will eventually get there. This is, after all, only the 4th episode. I'm probably just being impatient is all.

LensFlaredAwayJul 27, 2008 2:06 AM
Jul 27, 2008 9:08 AM

May 2008

This just made me happy. :3

Jul 27, 2008 4:04 PM

Jul 2007
OMFG Xellos!

Great episode.
Jul 27, 2008 10:49 PM

Jun 2008
lol'd a lot watching this ep XD

just when i was getting sick of the series too

moar episodes like this one please
Jul 30, 2008 9:33 AM
Mar 2008
I was kinda hoping that the main plot would start off with this episode, but I guess they're not done with the sillies yet. From what I can remember, pretty much every season starts off with a handful of light episodes before things get serious, should only be a matter of time. And yes, Xelloss in the preview made up for this being (more or less) a filler episode. I wonder if they were banking on fans forgiving them for that reason. <.<

The 10(?) years since I last watched Slayers has taken the shine off the show's signature brand of humour, but that's my fault, and not the show's. I'm going to stick with this season regardless of how it turns out.

Jul 30, 2008 11:29 PM

Jul 2008
think this was a good episode. for me i didnt watch all series of slayers, but back there i loved them. But still i can understand enough, like linas character.
but did enjoy the episode through, had many funny parts.

Jul 31, 2008 6:47 PM

Jan 2008
sakuko said:
I'm trying to like the show, I really am. I've been a Slayers fan for so long that this is really frustrating. But is it me, or has Amelia (a character who I've never liked but tolerated just fine) increased her annoyance level ten fold?

On a final note, I liked it when the show was a little bit darker. The show just feels fluffy now.

I have to agree, Amelia's annoyance has gone up, but honestly it seems that they have taken the traits of the characters throughout the past three seasons and magnified them an ass load as if everyone has forgotten what they were like (it has been a long while since TRY but really) I'm sure once whatever the real story of this gets going though, things will start to be "normal" again.

As for being darker, remember that the other three seasons weren't dark at the beginning, they worked their way into it. Once we get past these "intro" episodes, i think we can expect what we want from slayers.

Hopefully Xellos will rock though, he is my fav character.
May 6, 2009 2:48 PM

Apr 2009
I love Amelia so freaking much. <3
Zel was great in this episode, too. I love that his trap actually worked. XD
Jun 27, 2011 7:01 PM

Jun 2010
I know Lina's always had a fairly self-absorbed and weak sense of morality, but DELIBERATELY wrecking an entire town for her own gain? That is going much too far! She's wrecked plenty of random people's stuff before and never really cared, but it was always an accident and she at least seemed like she would have preferred it hadn't happened.

For the first time, all the rumors about Lina being a vicious psychopath seem to be true! What were they thinking?
Aug 21, 2011 2:16 PM

Dec 2009
Zelgadis was hilarious in the first half of the episode lol
Aug 5, 2012 12:16 AM

Aug 2009
I liked this episode. True, it had none of the darker aspect's of the Next show, but the comedy was spot-on. True 90's Slayers humour. For now my favorite episode of this season.

And wasn't Amelia's face when she talked to Pokota the cutest thing you've ever seen? :3

The english VA's are doing a really good job with their voice-acting so far. Pokota's VA had some trouble with his voice though.
May 17, 2013 10:23 AM

Nov 2011

Not a bad bet the clash between Line and Pokota continues!
Nov 10, 2013 1:53 PM

Sep 2012
I usually liked Amelia now she is just being an overdone joke character but whom isn't anymore?

Edit: Although I did kinda lol about the World Peace speech then they yelled at her to get down from there.

and all for world peace? What about the destroyed fishes that got ate? ALL OF THEM? AND YOU LECTURE LINA? Guess it is for the greater good and all of that...

I am tired of this pokemon looking zipped up suit animal thing. If they made another season what lame villain would they have then? Blah.

Also with all their magic could they not have used some kinda locate spell? Guess that would be too easy? The food trap is fitting for Slayers though. I was totally expecting Lina to be caught. Or both of them.

I am glad that Xellos seems like to be appearing in the next episode his is like the one I have liked the most in these shows overall.

Edit 2: Now I seen more of the episode I did like the dual between Amelia, Poke...Pokota and the Mage Tank. That was pretty funny... and good., and yes Zelgadis was pretty funny this episode.
RPGX_OmegaNov 11, 2013 11:12 AM
Dec 5, 2013 1:22 PM

Jan 2013
It was good. I like the scene with Pokota being caught in the cage.. but other than that not much.
About that trap.. I thought Lina will be caught in it too xD.
Jul 14, 2015 12:26 PM

Jul 2014
Lina can't draw. I even paused to looked at her drawing and couldn't figure out what was it :D

Pokota doesn't know who stole those magic tanks. But were they stolen from him or from someone else and he was just paid/asked to destroy them?

And on a side note, Lina will soon get the same fame as "Lovely Angels" :D
mozgowJul 14, 2015 12:31 PM
Jul 9, 2016 3:34 PM

Aug 2013
Those poor townsfolk at the end, and my second favorite Slayers character is finally going to make an appearance next episode.
May 20, 2020 11:39 AM

Nov 2011
Man, the gag episodes really are on point. We got a bit of character bonding too, which was nice.

Looks like the main plot for this season starts getting in gear in the next episode.

Also... I noticed some people above saying they haven’t watched previous seasons. What? That is such a stupid idea. You can’t start a series three sequels in and expect to “get” it. People’s idiocy never ceases to amaze me.
Feb 10, 2021 3:11 AM

Apr 2013
Amelia can actually be freaking cute if she isn't talking about justice all the time haha.

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