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CLAMP to Resume Gohou Drug Manga in Young Ace

Aug 6, 2011 12:53 AM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
According to Manga News, the September issue of Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Newtype magazine is announcing next Wednesday that CLAMP will resume its manga series Gohou Drug in the December issue of Kadokawa's Young Ace magazine on November 4. CLAMP put the manga on hiatus in Japan in 2005 after publishing three volumes from 2001 to 2003 which Tokyopop later released in the US.

Key illustration of Gohou Drug

Source: Manga News
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Aug 6, 2011 12:54 AM

Aug 2008
Young Ace?

Aug 6, 2011 1:01 AM

Dec 2009
Oh wow, finally! that's good news.
If they could only continue X...
Aug 6, 2011 1:16 AM
noiz cancelling

Jan 2008
This I never expected. I am thrilled.
Aug 6, 2011 1:18 AM

Oct 2008
Where is my X?
Aug 6, 2011 1:20 AM

Feb 2010
You know, I'd seen this in a bookstore and wondered what it was. Now I may look into it...

...but I have around nine other CLAMP works to read first.
Aug 6, 2011 1:32 AM
Jul 2008
Huh, weird ah? 6 year hiatus and then coming back.
Shame it's yaoi. Lots of yaoi lately.
Aug 6, 2011 1:39 AM

Jul 2009
Hmmm, I'll read it when they finish.
Give us some X, please.
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Aug 6, 2011 1:53 AM

Mar 2009
Looks like shounen-ai.. oh wait it is.
Aug 6, 2011 2:02 AM

Aug 2008

Oh, I never saw that coming. I don't know what to say.
I've been waiting so many years for them to finish SOMETHING and they only gave me more manga with crappy endings. This is unexpected. I hope this turns out well and not like Tsubasa, Kobato and xxxHolic..
I don't know why people keep waiting for X. I gave up a long time ago, they don't know how to end the story. Stupid Clamp.

「何度も立ち向かい続けよう 大切なもの失いたくないから 信じたそのさきへと・・・」
Aug 6, 2011 2:12 AM

Jan 2010
I was like interested because of the title (drug thingy)

and then i saw SHOUNEN AI ................ pffff
Aug 6, 2011 2:45 AM
May 2011
Clamp's known to put some shounen ai and shoujo ai in the mix.
Aug 6, 2011 3:03 AM

Feb 2008
Nice ! Now I can start reading this manga !
Don't know if there is still hope for X to continue and end too ...
Aug 6, 2011 4:00 AM

Nov 2010
This is unexpectedly good! Even though they had announced that they'd resume Gohou Drug, once xxxHOLIC and TRC were over, I still hadn't placed my hopes on them to do as they had said whatsover! This is indeed, an amazing surprise!

Still, I just hope Gohou Drug keeps up with its usual epicness and doesn't turn out to have chapters focused on food, and solely food, as opposed to other series of theirs such as Blood-C, xxxHOLIC and Gate 7. Other than that, I have high expectations from this ♥♥.
MalenaahAug 6, 2011 4:16 AM
Aug 6, 2011 4:01 AM

Jul 2008
Yes! More Kazahaya and Rikuo please. <333

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My Candies :
Aug 6, 2011 4:21 AM

Jun 2008
YES! Finally! I am so happy to hear they will continue this manga, I was already hoping for it since Holic and Tsubasa where finished. Can't wait to continue reading!
Aug 6, 2011 4:24 AM

Nov 2007
and this is after i started saying that it would be maybe better if they never finished it...I rather do not get another crap ending,CLAMP!

and lol at people complaining about shounen-ai...It´s CLAMP duh...

anyway,i am really psyched about it
Aug 6, 2011 4:26 AM

Mar 2011

Continuing X would be nice though
Aug 6, 2011 4:35 AM

Nov 2007
clamp should stop they're terrible.
Aug 6, 2011 4:42 AM

Jul 2010
But what about X? It's been on hiatus forever! I was hoping they'll get back to their unfinished manga's.
Aug 6, 2011 5:09 AM

Jan 2008
Yes, finally. I kind of lost my hope. That is very good news ^^
Aug 6, 2011 5:25 AM

Nov 2007
Metroid said:
clamp should stop they're terrible.

Just because you don't like them does not mean they are terrible.

Sure, some of their works are quite questionable but they are far from being terrible.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Aug 6, 2011 5:39 AM

Oct 2008
Maybe I should start reading it then...? Looks interesting enough.
Aug 6, 2011 6:08 AM

Mar 2008
YES! FINALLY! xD And despite what people say about their style of ending a story, I like the endings most of the time.
SellehaMay 6, 2013 7:20 AM
Aug 6, 2011 6:29 AM

May 2010
clamp = overrated
Aug 6, 2011 7:08 AM
Aug 6, 2011 7:15 AM

Aug 2008
FINALLY. I THOUGHT THEY WOULD NEVER RESUME. ; u ; especially after I waited past 2008 when they said they would resume. I feel so happy.
I can't believe neither my anime nor manga list is completely listed
Aug 6, 2011 7:18 AM

Feb 2008
nekonekogirl said:
Hmmm, I'll read it when they finish.
Give us some X, please.

nekonekogirl said:
when they finish.


I'm sorry, CLAMP is a total joke now; they used to have a whimsical sense of childishness and charming cheesiness to their works, but now they're just complete jokes, I can't take anything they do seriously.
Aug 6, 2011 10:30 AM

May 2010
CLAMP is character design for code geass and I respect that but it stupid for getting on Yaoi .
Aug 6, 2011 10:51 AM

Aug 2007
It's just so surprising that CLAMP even revived one of their hiatus series! I'm assuming DMP will relicense the series if it gets more volumes. But yeah, it's a good thing that they didn't throw away an idea. *now awaiting X to be revived as well, but it's most likely after Gohou Drug.
Aug 6, 2011 10:54 AM

Dec 2009
Akatsubaki said:
CLAMP is character design for code geass and I respect that but it stupid for getting on Yaoi .

Indeed, since that was the only respectable thing about Code Geass lol and no, this manga is not yaoi.
Aug 6, 2011 11:05 AM

Jul 2007
Can't believe it .......... miracles do exist! (some of them)

I would really like they resume X though
Aug 6, 2011 11:34 AM

Feb 2009
After five million years they finally decide to do something about it.

Hope this means they will one day aim to finish X.
Aug 6, 2011 11:46 AM

Jan 2008
Yaoi? Do not want.
Aug 6, 2011 12:08 PM
Sep 2007
Guys, it's not yaoi or shounen ai, it's BL. Shounen-ai is an outdated term that now refers to pedophelia as shounen means young boy.
Aug 6, 2011 12:15 PM

Aug 2008
And even then, what people are missing is that it's being transferred into a seinen magazine. No raging BL in Young Ace.
Aug 6, 2011 12:35 PM

Jun 2008
Kazeshini said:
clamp = VERY overrated


Anyways, yeah they have good artists but apperantly none of them can do a proper story structure that includes an ending....

I have yet to read a Clamp manga that has had a REAL conclusive ending, everything is so open and can be interpreted a million ways.

Don't get me wrong I LOVED TRC, but the "ending" is......annoying.

Redlinks said:
Guys, it's not yaoi or shounen ai, it's BL. Shounen-ai is an outdated term that now refers to pedophelia as shounen means young boy.


It's two guys who are GAY for each other.....

I don't care if there are sex scenes or not, that's Yaoi in my book, and it annoys me that clamp is focusing on this shit instead of a serious manga or the REAL conclusion to some of their more important titles.
--ALEX--Aug 6, 2011 12:38 PM
Aug 6, 2011 1:17 PM

Aug 2011
I'm so happy right now -cries tears of joy- thank you CLAMP

Aug 6, 2011 2:01 PM
Jul 2008
Redlinks said:
Guys, it's not yaoi or shounen ai, it's BL. Shounen-ai is an outdated term that now refers to pedophelia as shounen means young boy.

Terms do not mean what You want them to mean. They mean what people consensually make them mean. Guess what? Most people here in this topic seem to have the same definition. Yaoi = shounen-ai = BL = gay. I'm not saying this in a pejorative way mkay? It's just objectively gay, I don't like it, but some people do, so well, good for them.

Anyway, even without messing with what's the definition of the word, words express meaning, if you can get the meaning, it doesn't matter if the word is slightly incorrect. That's why people say "This anime is shit!" while in reality the anime is not really excrement.
Aug 6, 2011 2:19 PM

Aug 2007
really? I expected a better new from CLAMP. Legal drug is one of the mangas of the group that I dont like
Aug 6, 2011 2:21 PM

Jan 2010
It looks...kind of interesting. Since the only thing from clamp I actually like (really like) is Chobits, I'm thinking I should branch out more with their titles. Though if it's Shounen-Ai I'm not quite sure about reading it (not a big Yaoi fan).
Aug 6, 2011 2:35 PM

Feb 2011
Some people come off as so close-minded instead of supportive. If you don't have anything decent to say, don't say hateful things.

I'm happy for the excited or curious people that get more of something they like, and I don't have to like BL to feel that way.
BluaPapilioAug 6, 2011 2:43 PM
Aug 6, 2011 2:42 PM
Jul 2010
OMG YAY! I'm so excited ^_^
Aug 6, 2011 3:38 PM

Mar 2010
CLAMP = the ultimate trolls xDD
anyways, if they happen to actually finish the manga I'll read it :]
otherwise I don't want another X on my list @_@
Aug 6, 2011 4:00 PM

Aug 2008
JakeeDylan said:
shinkeikaku said:
And even then, what people are missing is that it's being transferred into a seinen magazine. No raging BL in Young Ace.

Sure, no more raging BL, but there still could be more. Even then, what about the first 3 volumes? Eitherway, I don't see how this can appeal to me or any other guy, unless they just want to read every single damn CLAMP manga. Unless this ends shortly, ehhh. Of course it can do well if every damn fujoshi switches to Young ACE and it does well, I don't know then.

Well apparently you need to take over Young Ace and tell them how to do things then. Gohou Drug was never really part of CLAMP's circle jerk, but you'd have to inform yourself to realize this and go against the general flow of the rest who dismiss Gohou Drug in the thread. Japanese seinen magazines can be tolerant of even outwardly gay characters, such as the popular Kinou Nani Tabeta? that runs in Morning KC. Young Ace even had Mirai Nikki Paradox, which starred Akise. Despite (or because of?) his fixation on Yukiteru, he was still a popular character. Yes, even amongst "other guys." I think it will be okay, even if there is "more." It will likely not be raging level, something we can all be thankful for. Subtle is good.
shinkeikakuAug 6, 2011 4:04 PM
Aug 6, 2011 5:05 PM

Aug 2009
I might check it out later on. Just glad they aren't starting a new series again with so many other series they have on hiatus
Aug 6, 2011 6:26 PM
Sep 2007
Nachotee said:
Redlinks said:
Guys, it's not yaoi or shounen ai, it's BL. Shounen-ai is an outdated term that now refers to pedophelia as shounen means young boy.

Terms do not mean what You want them to mean. They mean what people consensually make them mean. Guess what? Most people here in this topic seem to have the same definition. Yaoi = shounen-ai = BL = gay. I'm not saying this in a pejorative way mkay? It's just objectively gay, I don't like it, but some people do, so well, good for them.

Anyway, even without messing with what's the definition of the word, words express meaning, if you can get the meaning, it doesn't matter if the word is slightly incorrect. That's why people say "This anime is shit!" while in reality the anime is not really excrement.

Well perhaps you should take a gander at this, It's not just on Urban Dictionary, it's everywhere. I didn't just make this up just to piss people off. There's nothing wrong with correcting somebody at all. You can either take in the new information or leave it mkay?
MoonLite88Aug 6, 2011 6:31 PM
Aug 6, 2011 6:46 PM

Aug 2011
CLAMP... finish X already T_T

Aug 6, 2011 6:52 PM
Jul 2018
Are they going to resume it or restart the series with the same caracters? I thought that since the members of CLAMP had changed over the years, the older works were protected by copyright laws and stuff and that's why they couldn't finish it? I didn't read this anywhere, thought, I just assumed that was the reason. I checked this same news in ANN and even though it has the same source, they state it's a remake or something, ummm.

I'll probably check it out anyway. I've been wanting to read it for a long time, but I was forever bitter about starting it and not being able to finish it EVER.
Aug 6, 2011 7:05 PM

Apr 2009
wtf... continue TRC or xxxholic

or even Cardcaptor Sakura LOLOLOL
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