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Dec 6, 2010 10:16 AM

Jan 2010
Wow! an unexpected end, but is eager to see the future Maya
Dec 11, 2010 1:06 AM

Jan 2010
I wonder Maya marry to Uchida....
few min before end really got me..
the house in name Uchida and Maya lived in too...
or I was wrong?

Dec 25, 2010 9:54 AM
Jul 2008
yes I think maya raised the shota bunmei to marry him. I wonder if the future bunmei gone to alien dimension?

it's quite interesting that time paradox theory doesn't apply here.

1. the old principal commander doesn't remember anything past 13 years
2. the place where he was also transformed when he got out
3. where's the people that got outside first? when the first person shout about 'look outside!', how can he come back to that 'room'? (because #2)

it's like he got transported to another world after he got out.
but he has maya's phone number means that he already lived there or maya never change her number?

despite some other weird things, this show is quite enjoyable.
and also I think people in that village is quite rich, they have mobile phone at 1999. it's quite expensive(and big) in here.
Jan 8, 2011 11:24 AM

Jul 2008
as leon mentioned many things didnt fit imo the series got inconsistent after the curry girl turned into a witch etc besides that bunmei regaining his long lost bending powers and killing off the whole alien invasion?

I love maya I really do but inthe end they wasted the potential the series had and it was shit . Took me long enough tobring myself to see the last episode ..

In the end the fact that the last episode only has few comments shows that the producers/storywriters etc etc just did something wrong with this series at some point
Jan 19, 2011 9:02 PM

Nov 2009
ending was.....messed up to say the least
Oldy said:
the series got inconsistent after the curry girl turned into a witch

yup, this is correct
i was like whaaaa?
Jan 22, 2011 3:35 PM

Nov 2009
Wow that was a pretty bad show, I think the best thing about it was a spoon of doom.

Oh well it's good to watch something like this every now and then it makes you appreciate good shows more.
Feb 3, 2011 1:09 PM

Jan 2009
Well... I was kind of WTF around episode 10 when it became a shounen action adventure... but contrary to everyone else I actually really liked the ending... Filled with awesome GAR... iono if she raised him to marry her... maybe she just raised him like a child iono. Speaking of Gar i thought it was so sick when he took the spoon and charged into the aliens... But... ya the story REALLY changed around episode 10. Honestly I thought it was definitely a dream/joke sequence. I LIKED THE ENDING!
Feb 15, 2011 11:55 PM

Jan 2008
I actually liked the ending.

It was emotionally satisfying how the relationships grew over time. Their group was pretty strange, yet endearing. The ending was so tragic because the Bunmei she grew to love no longer exists.. all those times they had together... :[

I just don't put too much thought into time paradoxes anymore. 0_o So that didn't bother me.
Feb 17, 2011 3:03 PM

Aug 2006
liked the ending, really gave it 1 extra point in its score but I can't scratch out the paradox:

If Bunmei's meeting with his younger self was the key to the Space Rift then why was he there the first time?
For Bunmei to go to the past there had to be another original reason, not considering the invasion (or Nostradamus' Key).
Was there a reason for him to go to the past in the first place?
Then it becomes a paradox.

It's like the paradox of another novel where a guy makes a time machine after his wife dies so he can go to the past and save her from the fatal accident but saving her wouldn't have given the guy the idea to build it therefore if the woman doesn't die, the guy never makes the time machine and can't go save her.

Feb 26, 2011 7:42 PM

Jun 2009
Having mixed feelings about the ending and the series in general. I've actually started watching it after a false review, which colored it completely different. Being a non-conventional, so to say, anime lover (as if I like things that fuck with you, like bakemonogotari, haruhi and such) I was looking for an anime that does not pack much of story line in it and is mostly just made to make you laugh. I wanted something to distract me so to say.

In that review it was called jap Harry Potter kind of story line, and being a fan of "secret world inside the one you know" stories I jumped in to it. But neither it had anything I was hoping it also was not very appealing in any other way. But I kept watching, simply cause I've already downloaded it and I hate doping anime and since it was only 13 ep's.

First 10 episodes were... decent. They had an ordinary story line, going somewhere towards harem, but without echi (and beautiful girls mostly, if I'll be completely honest). Occasional "occult" adventures were a bit out of place, but somehow blended in at the end.

The last 3 episodes actually were what I was looking for in the first place. Well, not exactly, but it would of worked. Lots of action, magic and nonsense, just what you would watch for relaxing. The "row, row, fight the power!" moment at the end was the only disappointing part of them.

But the ending... It does not fit. It's and awesome ending. Simply awesome. Yeah, it has problems with time travel logic, and it would of been better if they used magic to explain the world getting restored as opposed to science, but if you ignore that, it's just magnificent. But it's too good for this anime. It's too out of place for the first part of the series and too serious for the latter part.

Overall, it's not an anime I would normally watch and I can't really recommend it to anyone, simply cause of how unexpected and yet ordinary it is at the same time.
Mar 13, 2011 5:16 PM

Mar 2011
Wow, finally a decent ending blending together all the nonsense that distracts from episode 10 onward. Did not expect it to end this well. (And yes, we finally got the aliens)

I just wonder what happend to Bunmei.. did he dissapear to alternate space with the aliens? And how about the old principal.. Time leapse? The time paradox is something that is missing the point.

In the end..I think if Bunmei wouldn't return to the past in the first place notthing would change in the future and there wouldn't be a meaning for him to be sent back again to fix it.

Nonetheless, loved every single minute of it.
Jun 20, 2011 2:47 PM
Nov 2009
I can't believe he saved the world with a spoon. that's so damn epic OO"
Aug 5, 2011 8:56 PM

Apr 2008
That was a nice and satisfying ending IMO. Though the paradox annoyed me. I liked how bunmei became a hero in the end. When in the beginning he was a coward. Overall 8/10.
"Every man shall reap what he has sown, from the highest lord to the lowest gutter rat. And some will lose more than the tips off their fingers, I promise you. They have made my kingdom bleed, and I do not forget that"
Sep 21, 2011 9:33 AM

Aug 2011
wow, that was unexpected,

even though future Fumiaki sacrificed himself to save future,

he knew he was key and only way to save future is to kill himself.

well, he'll always be hero of world.

and i wonder what's Maya's relationship to Fumiaka, i was thinking maybe that

Maya got married to Fumiaki because from what i've seen in ending "Uchida".

i'll say this is 9/10 overall rating =)
OriginSep 21, 2011 9:47 AM
Jan 20, 2012 2:11 AM

Aug 2010
Horrible ending.
Mar 29, 2012 10:47 AM

Oct 2011
I really loved the last 3 episodes, and it's a pity the whole series felt very slow passed. They could have developed much more the idea of time-travel and such... but, it turned out quite interesting in the end!

Apr 27, 2012 10:19 PM

Jun 2010
What a mess. I've rarely seen such a strong opening wasted so completely. If the series had been about Maya's feelings toward her father (and his murder) it probably would have been better. Instead that's dropped immediately and we get episodes that could belong to any supernatural action-comedy series, abdicating the chance to create its own identity. When it tries to pick it back up, it's too little, too late, plus it missed its chance at being developed.

This is not to mention the unusually weak love story and shifting the lead to boring old Bunmei at the end.
Jun 7, 2012 4:17 AM

Jul 2009
This ending was literally perfect. O_O As long as 2 Bunmeis existed in the same time-stream at a point, they would meet and be the key. When the older one jumped into battle and died, it negated the time-stream and generated a new future... talk about craziness! :)
Dec 8, 2012 6:10 PM

Dec 2009
Velcor said:
If Bunmei's meeting with his younger self was the key to the Space Rift then why was he there the first time?
For Bunmei to go to the past there had to be another original reason, not considering the invasion (or Nostradamus' Key).
Was there a reason for him to go to the past in the first place?
Then it becomes a paradox.

Thank you. Exactly what I was wondering, but just couldn't put in words.

As someone said, after the curry girl turned into a witch, this just went downhill. But overall I enjoyed.

Dec 29, 2012 7:55 AM

Oct 2012
What an awful ending. So the guy couldn't have just stayed in her office for two days and avoid meeting himself? Or they could've just sent him back to his time the moment they realized meeting himself was the key. But no, somehow being at the closing cermony or him meeting his mother is more important than the fate of the world.... ugh..
BaqaDec 29, 2012 8:06 AM
Jan 17, 2013 8:16 PM

May 2012
Ending not that bad for me. But overall it was an interesting series to watch. I really had a very low expectation for this yet I still enjoyed watching it...
Feb 27, 2013 4:18 PM

May 2012
That sure was a quite fucking epic ending! So he did manage to fix the future that sure was nice! Great anime in general I liked the start and the end the most, disliked the way they just started showing some side stories but well those where nice in their own way!

Quite lovely anime in general! 7/10
Apr 3, 2013 7:46 PM

Jan 2013
Ack that ending was not what I was expecting. It broke my heart that Fumiaki dies... sorta. I doubt that Maya raised him to marry him like someone earlier said. Their age difference is drastic, and if she is raising him then more than likely they will have a sibling type relationship.

Wasn't the happy ending I was hoping but still good.
"What color do you want to be?" -Shiina Mashiro
Apr 4, 2013 12:24 PM

Oct 2009

Logic is non-existence in this. What a waste of potential..loved Maya but even she became EH in the end. Plot holes are everywhere.

Was going for 7 until the last 3eps but now 5.7/10 = 6/10
Apr 7, 2013 10:59 AM

Jun 2010
One of the worst shows I've ever seen... Please, give me back my 13*25 minutes of life... T.T
Jun 26, 2013 2:31 AM

Feb 2012
I've said it before and I'll say it again any series that fucks with time/dimensions is bound to holes and problems because it's just that insane.

For instances even if #6 stopped the aliens it wouldn't have "reset" time in another time it would only mean from that point and forward the aliens wouldn't appear while at the same time they appeared in another time.

Also that fact that the incident probably happened billions of times until eventually #6 stopped them which means there are probably tons of problem worlds and 1 happy world.

Anyways no point in getting to deep since I could write a book on the insanity which is trying to understand how times/dimensions work ._.
Jul 19, 2013 3:37 AM

Feb 2013
I liked the show. It was funny and had some nice heartfelt moments. The only downside to it is all the inconsistencies in the plot but overlooking that I enjoyed it.
~ El Psy Congroo~

Aug 3, 2013 2:11 AM

Jun 2013
I always have to face palm myself when I read the comments on this website.

First of all its a work of fiction.

Second of all no one, at least to our knowledge has ever actually time traveled so everything is theoretical.

Third, they had supernatural creatures, witches, ghosts, and implied Heaven or an afterlife exists, and you are bitching about some unrealistic time paradox.

Also yes the ending all but spells out that they do marry. From what I gather the family name is what appears on the house, and in the ending its Uchida, Bunmei's name. Maya living with him would imply she married into his family. Otherwise if she had just adopted him the name would have been Kumashiro. Also Maya was 17 in the present, with Bunmei looking older than ten. So at most the age difference is 7 years, but probably closer to five. So its honestly not that bad.

The only thing I was wondering about was the fact the house they lived in seemed pretty small, when Maya's family was clearly mega rich. I actually figured they would move back into the house shown in ep 10 , after she had it rebuilt.

I thought it was great show, nice art style, characters with development and a good range of fairly unique characters versus your traditional handful of stick characters. The story had a nice mix of comedy, horror, sci fi, and more.

Honestly people need to learn the ability to put something down when they don't like. Im tired of going on boards of shows that I watch to the end because I like them, and seeing some idiot bxtch and moan about how awful a show it was, and then say something as ignorant like "I must complete this show, to keep my completion percentage at maximum". Please grow brain, that is all.
krownklownAug 3, 2013 2:14 AM
Aug 9, 2013 8:36 AM
Aug 2012
Lets add some comment on this miserable show, since this isn't the first show to use time traveling over and over people tend to use the idea of time paradox.
The show totally killed my boredom off, it was worth a watch from randomly browsing anime even though the show was killed off due to the distance between the main plot and anime with people bashing it of. The show was a refresh since I haven't seen any anime matching with it
The side story was really fun to watch with bunmei and maya along with there friends
Aug 27, 2013 12:49 PM

Jun 2012
I watched this show not expecting much, but I got more than I expected. The show had really good potential, but most of it was wasted in the end.

While I wish it could have been more, I'm happy it wasn't less. If I went into this show with high expectations, I'd probably be in agreement that this is a terrible show. But I'm not.

I suppose pessimism is more rewarding than optimism at times.
Some parts of this post may be exaggerated.
Sep 7, 2013 5:32 PM

Jun 2010
damn this was random never saw this coming ill tell you that
<--- Who Your Waifus Look Up To --->
Jan 29, 2014 5:49 AM

Aug 2013
What a disappointing show.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Mar 12, 2014 1:43 AM

Aug 2013
To be honest.. I really liked and enjoyed the anime.
Those last few minutes of Fumiaki was totally epic.. loved that part of a change.
There were quite an amount of tragic and emotional moments which are good in those last few episodes too.
I don't mind the troll and messy ending but the lack of a concrete conclusion does disturb me to some point.
I was hoping more explaining rather than having to guess how some things turned out.
Nevertheless its a great story.. it's a work of fiction with monsters, psychics, aliens etc in it.
Whether its pure randomness or sillyness.. there shouldn't be a problem.
There's no rule to making a story.. just sit back and enjoy the plot.
First of all.. nobody's ever time traveled anyway.. but no point arguing.
It can't fit to everyone's ideal or satisfy everyone. Those who didn't like it just shouldn't bother.

I wished it had a happier end though.. I compromise with the epic Fumiaki for sacrificing himself.
He had such a harsh life.. a true man. *salute*
I can't help treating the younger Fumiaki as an alternate person so it's pretty sad for him.
I'm never fond of tragic and sad endings.. it leaves me tasteless but it's still a good story.
8/10 for me. *peace* (^w^)V
Mar 21, 2014 3:22 PM
Mar 2012
It was okay, the type of anime you throw on while multitasking that you don't have to think too much. Not as boring as somethin like Morbito. Easy watching.

Has flaws but since it wasn't pretentious or trying to be too smart for its own good it's forgivable.
Dec 18, 2014 12:46 AM

May 2011
Again, fiction works which try to explain time travelling concepts are just too controversial to be discussed about. Look at how many instances this episode defied scientific logic, one being the most important First Law of Thermodynamics. Well, I am not an elitist expecting perfect science from anime, in the first place, occult is pseudo-science and I am here to enjoy the anti-scientific concept behind Occult Gakuin. Everything was decent until episode 11 in my opinion, introducing new different occult knowledge each episode, until it realised that there ain't much time left and decided to crash course the anime. Episode 11 was atrocious, so to say, as the consistency of the plot literally turned upside-down. Still, to be able to pull off an average end to a plot with such a tricky plot device is notably decent, especially for me I really liked how the Principal appeared to come out from a totally different place. While not sticking to the parallel universe concept, they explain it with the characters forgetting all about the alien-invaded future, and remember the 'new' present. For this I give praises. 8/10 for my liking to the entire series except for the stupid twist.
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Aug 14, 2015 10:13 PM

Jan 2014
This turned out to be really enjoyable. Bunmei's self-sacrifice (destroying himself as the key and sealing the gate in a kamikaze attack) was touching and a little wacky. I mean, he did power up with a spoon. I liked the way Maya's father turned around and everything had changed. Overall, pretty good anime.
Oct 20, 2015 12:33 PM

Jul 2013
Well so after all that it was Bunmei meeting his younger self that caused it all and he was the key but then he sacrificed himself in an epic way to beat those aliens.

I thought it was an epic show and I loved Maya and Bunmei but if they are a couple at the end with the younger version ...

But if the little Bunmei married Maya, that's kinda weird :/
Oct 23, 2015 9:51 PM

Oct 2010
The first time I watched this - I was like many other commenters and found the series to have many plotholes, and an inconsistent flow of events. After watching it a second time almost 2 years later, with only a remembrance of each character's role and the broad plot, I still can't say that there are no glaring problems with the series as a whole - but I found myself noticing a lot more of the elements that tie together many of the disconnected episodic parts of the series.

For example, knowing who Nakagawa Mikaze really is - you'll start to notice how a number of times she suddenly appears to invite Fumiaki to do something whenever Maya is involved in an event that Mikaze has instigated. You will also notice how many of the episodic events never target Maya directly, but seemingly through happenstance and her friends - I assume this has something to do with the book of defensive charms that Maya caries, and the fact that Mikaze cannot attack her directly.

However, needing to watch a series more than once to be able to retrofit explanations for certain events and what initially look to be plotholes is still a sign that this series could have been much better than it was. A cast of supporting characters that you never really develop interest in, and seem to be cut and paste from the pool of generic anime personalities, the Akari arc which was a clear attempt at somewhat bland character development for Maya (knowing Maya's father is alive, this arc suddenly became obvious as to how it wasn't a 'mistake' in summoning), and the rapid and inconsistent switches between a seemingly normal school setting, and then the full-on 'this school is heavily steeped in classes on the occult' for plot advancing purposes.

Surprisingly, I've also read a lot of comments on how the fact that Fumiaki time travels, and him meeting himself and causing a dimensional rift is one of the most unbelievable plot points of the series. Whereas I find it to be somewhat believable. The reference to the Ramachandran-Fischer Conjecture and how there can be limited amount of information processed in a given space causing a dimensional rift can kind of be argued for - in a fictional setting like this of course. Just like how molecules diffuse to reduce their concentration, you can kind of think of how the immense amount of information created by meeting your past/future self too much information for that particular point in space and time, it bleeds through to other dimensions to diffuse and stabilize the amount of information in that original point of space/time. As for the time travel paradox itself as a plot-hole, that's what it is - a paradox. It's supposed to be something that shouldn't work - but does, that's why it's a paradox.

I think that Itou Tomohiko simply wanted an overly complicated plot that when it came to condensing it into each seemingly episodic arc, the rest of the staff failed to keep up with him and did what they could to try and keep things working together. This is a series that could have been so much more, but really just screams average. However, if you are the kind of person like me who enjoys sitting down and piecing things together through a myriad of half-clues and implied foreshadowing, then this series is still quite an enjoyable watch.

Also - I'm pro FumiakixMaya at the end :D
I like to write many comments but they end up really long so I end up deleting them before I post - because even I can't be bothered reading them myself.
Mar 6, 2016 8:14 AM

Apr 2009
The ending is good. But there are lots of filler episodes. 6/10
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 27, 2016 12:27 AM
May 2013
An entertaining train-wreck from start to finish, one could even say they got the train back on the rails at the end of the day.
Jun 11, 2016 2:18 PM

Aug 2012
Baqa said:
What an awful ending. So the guy couldn't have just stayed in her office for two days and avoid meeting himself? Or they could've just sent him back to his time the moment they realized meeting himself was the key. But no, somehow being at the closing cermony or him meeting his mother is more important than the fate of the world.... ugh..
exactly: himself and her could have been sent further into the future and problem solved. Hated the end of a great series
Jun 11, 2016 2:23 PM

Aug 2012
hendrickx said:
The first time I watched this - I was like many other commenters and found the series to have many plotholes, and an inconsistent flow of events. After watching it a second time almost 2 years later, with only a remembrance of each character's role and the broad plot, I still can't say that there are no glaring problems with the series as a whole - but I found myself noticing a lot more of the elements that tie together many of the disconnected episodic parts of the series.

For example, knowing who Nakagawa Mikaze really is - you'll start to notice how a number of times she suddenly appears to invite Fumiaki to do something whenever Maya is involved in an event that Mikaze has instigated. You will also notice how many of the episodic events never target Maya directly, but seemingly through happenstance and her friends - I assume this has something to do with the book of defensive charms that Maya caries, and the fact that Mikaze cannot attack her directly.

However, needing to watch a series more than once to be able to retrofit explanations for certain events and what initially look to be plotholes is still a sign that this series could have been much better than it was. A cast of supporting characters that you never really develop interest in, and seem to be cut and paste from the pool of generic anime personalities, the Akari arc which was a clear attempt at somewhat bland character development for Maya (knowing Maya's father is alive, this arc suddenly became obvious as to how it wasn't a 'mistake' in summoning), and the rapid and inconsistent switches between a seemingly normal school setting, and then the full-on 'this school is heavily steeped in classes on the occult' for plot advancing purposes.

Surprisingly, I've also read a lot of comments on how the fact that Fumiaki time travels, and him meeting himself and causing a dimensional rift is one of the most unbelievable plot points of the series. Whereas I find it to be somewhat believable. The reference to the Ramachandran-Fischer Conjecture and how there can be limited amount of information processed in a given space causing a dimensional rift can kind of be argued for - in a fictional setting like this of course. Just like how molecules diffuse to reduce their concentration, you can kind of think of how the immense amount of information created by meeting your past/future self too much information for that particular point in space and time, it bleeds through to other dimensions to diffuse and stabilize the amount of information in that original point of space/time. As for the time travel paradox itself as a plot-hole, that's what it is - a paradox. It's supposed to be something that shouldn't work - but does, that's why it's a paradox.

I think that Itou Tomohiko simply wanted an overly complicated plot that when it came to condensing it into each seemingly episodic arc, the rest of the staff failed to keep up with him and did what they could to try and keep things working together. This is a series that could have been so much more, but really just screams average. However, if you are the kind of person like me who enjoys sitting down and piecing things together through a myriad of half-clues and implied foreshadowing, then this series is still quite an enjoyable watch.

Also - I'm pro FumiakixMaya at the end :D
that whole thing of seing himself is so stupid. I find no real logic to it. Why would anything happen at all? I liked an episode of Star Trek the animated series where Spock saves himself. it is a paradoxical event but you must not see time so linear. As someone said: "Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction, but I have seen the face of time and I can tell you they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm." If time-travel is possible then worrying about paradoxes is dumb. Time will fix itself. One person meeting themselves will no create such big issues.
Jun 11, 2016 3:07 PM

Aug 2012
So apparently whomever write this anime though that by using the old meet yourself time paradox would make him seem smart. And he used this as the end plot-twist. The show should have ended somehow when the evil witch was trapped. Regardless of what ending the author chose would have made a mediocre or even great anime depending on who saw it. But he had to add the stupidest trope in time travel fiction history. I see no real reason why meeting yourself would cause problems. Some say you should remember this as an adult but how many of us remember exactly everything from our past? Memory s highly unreliable. Also it has a lot of problems. If they go by simple cause and effect mechanism there has to be an original timeline when the guy did not travel back to the past. So something else caused everything. And even you go with this simple trope it is so hard to take a trip to another country? Yeah move to Ireland. Why is this so hard? Her father s loaded. So move and there, problem solved. I hate it when anime writers want an overly phylosophical ending.
Jul 23, 2016 12:33 PM

Dec 2015
So the house was Maya and his. I guess I can see them getting married, since the age difference wasn't that big anyways. The fact that his family name was on the house and not Maya or her dads family name is telling that they are a couple, since if he was adopted or raised as a sibling/son then the family name on the plaque of the house would be Maya's family name. Nice little hint, that could easily be overlooked.

The ending was alright, I mean there was a plot hole, big one at that. In order for the key to be released and cause world invasion by aliens he had to meet his past self. They had to meet (his 2 selves) in order for this to happen. Well, the first time the event happened before they made all the time machines and stuff, there was only the 1 Bunmei. Making this event impossible to activate to begin with. The event would have to activate OUTSIDE of the reason of Bunmei meeting himself the first time (ex: the first time's cause could have been the witch winning and unlocking the key somehow) which in turn would cause the "future" to happen in order for Bunmei to go back, defeat the watch then become the cause of the Key unlocking. The design has the inherent flaw that the first time the event happens, its physically impossible for older Bunmei to exist and go back in time until it actually happened. So it doesn't make sense and is a big plot hole.

Other than that, if I overlooked this plothole and rated based on everything else, I would say its a 6.5/10 overall. I liked the ending part of it, and the beginning was enjoyable as well. The middle was less enjoyable for me and kind of average although I did like the Mizake episodes, since she's sexy as hell.
Jan 17, 2017 12:08 AM

Sep 2009
There's a lot of unanswered and unexplained plot points to address; but damned if I still don't love the fuck out of this show.

It's got that campy and cult appeal that reminds me of older horror and sci fi genre examples from the 90's and before.
Apr 13, 2017 9:40 PM

Dec 2014
krownklown said:
I always have to face palm myself when I read the comments on this website.

First of all its a work of fiction.

Second of all no one, at least to our knowledge has ever actually time traveled so everything is theoretical.

Third, they had supernatural creatures, witches, ghosts, and implied Heaven or an afterlife exists, and you are bitching about some unrealistic time paradox.

Also yes the ending all but spells out that they do marry. From what I gather the family name is what appears on the house, and in the ending its Uchida, Bunmei's name. Maya living with him would imply she married into his family. Otherwise if she had just adopted him the name would have been Kumashiro. Also Maya was 17 in the present, with Bunmei looking older than ten. So at most the age difference is 7 years, but probably closer to five. So its honestly not that bad.

The only thing I was wondering about was the fact the house they lived in seemed pretty small, when Maya's family was clearly mega rich. I actually figured they would move back into the house shown in ep 10 , after she had it rebuilt.

I thought it was great show, nice art style, characters with development and a good range of fairly unique characters versus your traditional handful of stick characters. The story had a nice mix of comedy, horror, sci fi, and more.

Honestly people need to learn the ability to put something down when they don't like. Im tired of going on boards of shows that I watch to the end because I like them, and seeing some idiot bxtch and moan about how awful a show it was, and then say something as ignorant like "I must complete this show, to keep my completion percentage at maximum". Please grow brain, that is all.

For watching a particular genre one must be prepared to accept things the show is offering, as the creators are very well aware about the content they are showing. You said it right Sir/Ma'm..!

Aug 25, 2017 9:46 PM
Jul 2016
Most people are stupid and do not notice that it would have 24-26 episodes, because of lack of money they had to rush 13 episodes in 3. In order to "finish" they left a lot to be desired. After all was my time has been well spent, it is an anime that is worth to be seen bearing in mind the items quoted above.

shittalAug 25, 2017 9:59 PM
Oct 19, 2017 3:29 AM

Dec 2008
IN the end , it was better than a cheap back to the future jap version. Though EXTREMELY predictable, I liked it enough at some times, and the ending was just right. Oddly enough, the whole crisis of 1999 was the theme of the show, yet the fear of the world ending in 2012 also came to mind considering the post apocalyptic state of the world in that same year...AND NOTHING HAPPENED again irl at those junctions in time roflolmfao Unless somebody went back in time and save us.O>o Good show 6/10 ^ (6.5)~^
AnchientProphet2Oct 19, 2017 4:13 AM
Jan 31, 2018 11:03 AM
Jan 2018
A grade schooler fumiaki and a high schooler maya got married? I mean, like 10 years old different or maybe more than 10.but yeah anime world sure can do it...
Feb 7, 2019 1:31 PM

Nov 2016
I liked Fumiakis sacrifice, but the last couple of episodes have been a trainwreck.

They crammed too much into this series and wasted the potential it has shown at the beginning. There were still some nice parts, especially when it came to the comedy or the story around Akari.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

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