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Jan 27, 2011 11:11 AM

Dec 2008
If someone doesn't beat the shit out of Chiba soon, I'm gonna go crazy!! All of the characters have some sort of endearing quality about them except for her. She's absolutely sickeningly wicked!!
Jan 27, 2011 11:17 AM

Jul 2010
VillettaIchihara said:
If someone doesn't beat the shit out of Chiba soon, I'm gonna go crazy!! All of the characters have some sort of endearing quality about them except for her. She's absolutely sickeningly wicked!!

Exactly my feelings. She need to stop being so goddamn self-centered and learn to be nice.
But otherwise, another wonderful episode! :]
<img src="" border="0" />
Jan 27, 2011 11:25 AM

Aug 2010
Wait so Takatsuki is trans-gender? What a revelation I didn't even know!

Pretty hard to wrap my head around that. Always thought this was mainly about BL, but this is on a whole different level.

Edit: I take that back, just read the profile. Takutsuki is actually a masculine girl. :o
billngJan 27, 2011 11:39 AM
Jan 27, 2011 11:55 AM

Jul 2009
Gah this is deep.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Jan 27, 2011 12:04 PM

Oct 2006
billng said:
Wait so Takatsuki is trans-gender? What a revelation I didn't even know!

Pretty hard to wrap my head around that. Always thought this was mainly about BL, but this is on a whole different level.

Edit: I take that back, just read the profile. Takutsuki is actually a masculine girl. :o

Err not to be rude, but I think you need to pay more attention to what you're watching.

After these three episodes I have finally come to the conclusion that I don't like the VA choices for Shuu, and to a lesser extent Mako, at all. Same with Takatsuki; a high voice, alright, but the girly way of speaking that sometimes comes through seems incredibly out of place.
Jan 27, 2011 12:31 PM

Apr 2010
I think this episode was better then the previous ones and i am starting to appreciate this show more now.

Chiba is a bit to straight forward and not completely honest with her feelings towards fellow classmates, she also seems to be having trouble with Shuu and Tatatsuki.
Tatatsuki was hit pretty hard by the fact that her breasts started growing, and has a hard time excepting that fact.
And Chi wasn't very considerate of Tatatsuki, tho she seems pretty careless in general and it seems to me that she doesn't fully understand the feelings of others.

Maho is a typical teenager with her first boyfriend and insecure feelings, being very ashamed of her little brother.

This Anime deals pretty well with the problems of puberty.
With all the new feelings a changes to the body and off course the raging hormones, it's something we all went true. (Or are still going true)
And all of us should be able to identify themselves in this.
Jan 27, 2011 12:35 PM
Jul 2010
I love Chiba ♥
Anyone who is a fantastic gif maker please contact me! ;)
Jan 27, 2011 1:34 PM

Jan 2010
This anime is hiding its own deep plot behind the scenes !
Jan 27, 2011 2:22 PM

Oct 2010
I am realy wondering what way the story will go further on, i have high hopes :)
Jan 27, 2011 2:23 PM
Jan 2011
Well... this episode was less schocking then the first 2 ... But srsly, it's quite intresting :)

Even so, I am still surprised that even after he(nitori) said it was ok to come for that "junior"(I forgot/don't know name) after school and then to cross dress... Well I did skip the actually scene of the crossdressing... it was too much.
Jan 27, 2011 2:30 PM

Sep 2010
Until now, i was confounding characters ... That pissed me off!
I wasn't hooked by this show since the first episode, and i'm not yet... Hope it'll catch me later! Beside that, the art is very beautiful!
Jan 27, 2011 2:37 PM

Nov 2008
Ugh, this reminds me of my voice change stage... It was horrible doing a speech in front of the class... x.x

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 27, 2011 3:34 PM

Aug 2010
I is in LOVE with this anime...
I think the animation is beautiful, I love the concept, and the characters... ALL OF IT <3
I look forward for its release every week ^^
"참 많은 파도가친다.앞으로 여행할길은 너무멀고길지만 멈추면안돼.. 멈춘순간 어른이 되어가는 길을 포기하는 나락으로 떨어진다. 어른이되어가는 경험은 이제부터 시작이지만 아직어리고 젊다는 최고의무기로 아직 눈앞에 보이지않는 더넓은 세상을 밟고싶다."
Jan 27, 2011 3:39 PM

Oct 2009
Another good ep. The OP is really starting to bug me though, it's so bland. If they were going to only show scenery, at least show some other stuff. There's nothing interesting about a Japanese school, they all look the same. xD

I thought it was cute how Makoto held his bag over Shuichi's head to block out the sun. And I thought the scene where Maho found them recording their voices, and when her boyfriend came over, was pretty funny.

I really want to see what the play is going to turn out like.
Jan 27, 2011 4:55 PM

Aug 2009
I really like the atmosphere this series so far has given me. I liked this episode because it kind of elaborated on the troubles and hardships going through Takatsuki's and Shuu's life.

This show is making me more and more appreciative for the lifestyle differences in others.
Sig iz in deh makingz

Still learningz

Jan 27, 2011 5:03 PM

May 2010
When my voice changed I didn't even notice, and it only cracks when I mess up howling like a wolf, so I'm not sure how the characters have it.
Real Hell is inside a person-Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae)
Do you know where hell is? Inside your head-Chrona (Soul Eater)

Jan 27, 2011 5:35 PM

Feb 2008
billng said:
Wait so Takatsuki is trans-gender? What a revelation I didn't even know!

Pretty hard to wrap my head around that. Always thought this was mainly about BL, but this is on a whole different level.

Edit: I take that back, just read the profile. Takutsuki is actually a masculine girl. :o

Oh no, Takatsuki is definitely trans-gender any doubt against that will blatantly be blown away in the later few episodes, or somewhere in the middle.

That said, I didn't realize it when I read the manga, but the whole trans-gender Romeo and Juliet story is actually a good idea.

While watching the episode and hearing the lines from their play, I was reminded of the line from the work itself, uttered by Juliet to Romeo.
"Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Which in modern English would be "Why are you Romeo?"
Asked rhetorically by Juliet to mean "Why are you the Romeo who is the son of my fathers enemy?"

The way the play would theoretically work would be an interesting interpretation of that line.

Shakespearean nerdgasm aside, I liked this episode though it made me long for the beginning of the series where the whole interplay between Seya, Maho, and Shuuichi was actually elaborated on. While I don't mind how they're doing it now, it still feels like something is being lost.

I suppose that's not a feeling that people who are just watching the anime will get, but still.
Jan 27, 2011 5:58 PM

Jan 2011
So beautiful, I love the art so much.

I do wish the earlier scenes between Maho, Shuichi, and Seya were elaborated a bit more though because it is a large part in the development of Seya and Maho as complex characters.

Also, NEEDS MORE YUKI AND SHIINA. D:< I guess they were more important in the earlier parts of the series, but the scenes involving them, Shuichi, and Takatsuki are really important for getting a better understanding of what's going on in their heads. But its only episode 3, so maybe they'll appear more in flashbacks.

Great episode! [=
Jan 27, 2011 10:47 PM

Jun 2009
This anime is pretty weird but it's amusing to watch.

...and I actually like Chiba so hi haters.
Jan 28, 2011 1:15 AM

Sep 2008
I actually kind feel bad for Chiba for some reason; it feels like she's going to continuously be shoved aside. I continue to like her more when she has her hair down. On the other hand, I have no idea what's going on with the sister.
Takatsuki should have gotten a lace bra...
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 28, 2011 1:55 AM

Oct 2010
Really love this series.
Its very SOL-ish.
Jan 28, 2011 5:08 AM

Oct 2006
Felsch said:
Well... this episode was less schocking then the first 2 ... But srsly, it's quite intresting :)

Even so, I am still surprised that even after he(nitori) said it was ok to come for that "junior"(I forgot/don't know name) after school and then to cross dress... Well I did skip the actually scene of the crossdressing... it was too much.

2D people wearing clothes, oh god. So disturbing.
Jan 28, 2011 5:24 AM

Aug 2009
This fucking episode, man.
It was beautiful. Truly splendid. I love Takako Shimura. <3

Can't wait for episode 4.
Jan 28, 2011 6:06 AM

Jun 2009
So people notices when someone voice change. lol I never noticed that. And Chiba is...need to stop acting like that. Overall, that was an enjoyable episode.

Jan 28, 2011 6:49 AM

Nov 2007
Lovely episode, and a first time I've heard a girl in animeland say she wished she was flat-chested ^^
This show is really doing a great job in showing the intense emotions of these kids, without being overly dramatic or cheesy.

Aversa said:

Chiba is a bit to straight forward and not completely honest with her feelings towards fellow classmates, she also seems to be having trouble with Shuu and Tatatsuki.

I think she's quite honest. It's obvious she's in love with Shuu, therefore resenting Tatsuki - the object of his desire - is quite natural.
It's her honesty and straightforwardness that lead her to being harsh at times. But I much rather see that, than some fake 'learning to be nice' to Tatsuki, a person she has no reason to like.
Jan 28, 2011 9:07 AM
Nov 2008
I'm actually struggling with this show, sad to say. I think a lot of the characters and themes are really interesting, but I think the character relationships are just...poorly presented I guess? I don't know, I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about this show is pushing me away...
Jan 28, 2011 9:24 AM

Jul 2007
I'm kind of dissapointed in this show, I thought this was going to be my favorite series this season but sadly not. If I hadn't started reading the manga I would really be struggling to understand what's going.
Jan 28, 2011 10:12 AM

Dec 2009
Damonashu said:
Oh no, Takatsuki is definitely trans-gender any doubt against that will blatantly be blown away in the later few episodes, or somewhere in the middle.

That said, I didn't realize it when I read the manga, but the whole trans-gender Romeo and Juliet story is actually a good idea.

While watching the episode and hearing the lines from their play, I was reminded of the line from the work itself, uttered by Juliet to Romeo.
"Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Which in modern English would be "Why are you Romeo?"
Asked rhetorically by Juliet to mean "Why are you the Romeo who is the son of my fathers enemy?"

The way the play would theoretically work would be an interesting interpretation of that line.

Shakespearean nerdgasm aside, I liked this episode though it made me long for the beginning of the series where the whole interplay between Seya, Maho, and Shuuichi was actually elaborated on. While I don't mind how they're doing it now, it still feels like something is being lost.

I suppose that's not a feeling that people who are just watching the anime will get, but still.

Wow, I never noticed this which is not surprising knowing near nothing about shakespearean literature. But anyways, thanks for pointing that out, really fits in with the story. Wish I caught that when reading the manga
desolatoJan 30, 2011 1:01 PM
Jan 28, 2011 11:25 AM

Mar 2010
This was so cute.. I feel sad for those who can't be who they want to be ; /
Jan 28, 2011 1:25 PM

Aug 2010
Puberty hits hard nowadays. :p

Jan 28, 2011 3:24 PM

Dec 2007
Oh man, this show is going to leave me bawling at the end I can already tell. I so hope this ends with Nitori learning to embrace his femininity and vice versa, with Takatsuki and her masculinity.

(for the love of god don't spoil it to me those who have read the manga D:)
Jan 28, 2011 5:33 PM

Nov 2007
Indeed beautiful episode.

The only thing is that it's really really confusing for those who haven't read the manga. We are in the middle of the story lol..
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jan 28, 2011 7:57 PM

May 2008
bras ftw?

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jan 28, 2011 8:21 PM

Nov 2010
I wonder whats going to happen next, thats the only thing on my mind right now. Looking forward to the there gender swapped play of Romeo and Juliet if they do act it out.
Jan 28, 2011 8:52 PM

Jan 2009
This episode was a lot sweeter than the previous one. I like the development's that happening, but again, the awkward start of the series already leaves some of the earlier details of the manga missing. Still, it doesn't mean it's not a fair adaption.
Jan 28, 2011 9:01 PM

Jul 2008
I keep reading posts about Takatsuki being transgender. I thought that Takatsuki was a girl that wanted to be a boy and Nitori was a boy that wanted to be a girl. Is that not right?
Jan 28, 2011 9:07 PM

Nov 2009
this anime is the worst anime of 2011, in my opinion. but im gonna watch it anyway.
Jan 28, 2011 9:57 PM

Feb 2008
GarLogan78 said:
I keep reading posts about Takatsuki being transgender. I thought that Takatsuki was a girl that wanted to be a boy and Nitori was a boy that wanted to be a girl. Is that not right?
It's right.
Jan 28, 2011 11:20 PM

Nov 2007
i'm trying to figure chiba out. if she likes nitori, why does she want him to dress up as a girl? kinda confused about her, but i guess the subtle vagueness of the show is what makes it so beautiful.

Jan 29, 2011 12:33 AM

Aug 2010
wakka9ca said:
The only thing is that it's really really confusing for those who haven't read the manga. We are in the middle of the story lol..

Everyone who liked the anime should read the manga. It's less confusing and there are parts which make me laugh (unlike the gloomy anime). Chiba is so pretty in manga, same goes to Suehiro Anna.

I'm so in love with Anna, not a single day pass by without me thinking of her.
Jan 29, 2011 2:24 AM

Feb 2008
brief said:
i'm trying to figure chiba out. if she likes nitori, why does she want him to dress up as a girl? kinda confused about her, but i guess the subtle vagueness of the show is what makes it so beautiful.


Well two things can be inferred from Chiba's behavior toward Shuuichi.

The first is that she is homo or bisexual, which would lead to her having no problems with Shuuichi being a girl, or dressing like one, or she'd prefer him to be a girl.

The second is that since she loves him (or at least has high enough affections for him) she wants him to be happy. It should be apparent by now that he is most happy when he dresses in feminine wear, and he could only be happier if he was a girl. Saori's goal may very well be to help Shuuichi reach his highest level of happiest.

There are likely other things one can infer, but such character interpretations is what makes a character driven show good, and should be left to oneself to decide. In the first inference, a person may see Chiba as selfish while the second one makes her more compassionate and understanding.

Explaining this had made me long for a the part of the story that follows her confession to Nitori and the resulting rejection elaborated on in the previous episode. I try not to consider the in medias res a major factor, but it's becoming increasing harder.
Jan 29, 2011 7:42 AM

Dec 2007
GarLogan78 said:
I keep reading posts about Takatsuki being transgender. I thought that Takatsuki was a girl that wanted to be a boy and Nitori was a boy that wanted to be a girl. Is that not right?

If you do anything at all that does not adhere to the norms associated with the gender affixed to your sex, you are performing transgender. This of course, means that everyone is transgender, which of course begs the question "What the hell really is gender anyway?".
If you're thinking of someone who does all the medical stuff to change their body, that's transsexual.
Transvestite is an outdated term from the 50s people still use because of Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Jan 29, 2011 12:40 PM

Jun 2009
leeree said:

If you do anything at all that does not adhere to the norms associated with the gender affixed to your sex, you are performing transgender. This of course, means that everyone is transgender, which of course begs the question "What the hell really is gender anyway?".
If you're thinking of someone who does all the medical stuff to change their body, that's transsexual.
Transvestite is an outdated term from the 50s people still use because of Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Marxist... indoctrination.... overload....
Sophistry... detected.....
Nonsense... filters... clogged.....
Meaningful dialogue shutdown to conserve energy.

Look between your legs dude/dudette. That should answer most of your questions.

As for the show:
Art = good
Slice of life = OK
Loli trap = bleh

Jan 29, 2011 1:09 PM

Jun 2009
Loved the episode, as usual.

Nitori and Takatsuki’s problems are something everyone can felt a least a little related to, not because even though they weren’t in their predicament and situation, they lived part of their teenage years with those kinds of changes and experiences happening.
The whole Romeo & Juliet gender-bender play idea was well-presented; it brings up a different perspective on their actual circunstancies.

I can’t help but adore Hourou Musuko, I just love this kind of concept ♥
I think, then procrastinate.
Therefore, I am.
Jan 29, 2011 1:20 PM

Aug 2008
Lol this totally reminds me that boys at that age are really immature; always teasing girls about their bras. -_______-
Jan 29, 2011 3:11 PM

Feb 2010
Now I finally got that Takatsuki is female. After three episodes.
Jan 29, 2011 3:19 PM

Nov 2009
I like Chiba because she is the only one that is mean in this show. I think if she wasn't who she is then the whole show would lose a bit of its darker side.

I thought Maho was great this episode although i sort of failed to pick up that she actually started dating last episode.

Romeo and Juliet metaphor was good.
Jan 29, 2011 7:34 PM

Feb 2008
helur said:
I like Chiba because she is the only one that is mean in this show. I think if she wasn't who she is then the whole show would lose a bit of its darker side.

I thought Maho was great this episode although i sort of failed to pick up that she actually started dating last episode.

Romeo and Juliet metaphor was good.

Nah, she was dating long before the last episode.
Jan 29, 2011 10:26 PM

Sep 2009
This is all interesting, but I'm ready for something even more interesting to happen. Looks like next episode might have that. Don't get me wrong though, I'm really enjoying the show.
Jan 30, 2011 6:11 AM

Oct 2008
I have to admit that a tear came out while I watched this episode. Possibly because I had more or less the same feelings when my voice changed. Sounding manly is definitely a negative thing for me.
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