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Sep 12, 2010 2:41 PM

Jul 2010
Could be hand made pictures, verses, poems....anything that you want to give your loved one ^_^

Why hide your love when you can happily tell everyone?? ^_^

Kai_MooreSep 13, 2010 12:45 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Sep 13, 2010 12:45 PM

Jul 2010
This is Kai's first dedication to welcome everyone to this club..... ^_^

Welcome Minna-san ^_^

Sep 19, 2010 6:38 PM

Sep 2010
I would write poems with her. ><
I would make something for her.
I will try to cook something for her.
I will try to play games that she likes for her.
I would try to express it in different languages..
I would dedicate songs for her.
I will try to play songs for her.
And more entirly, I want to spend time with her.
Sep 22, 2010 6:45 AM

Jul 2010
Kai's dedicatoin for...Kai's most precious people...

Mizu-chii (madheart), Dani-kun (Danim3) , Laura-chan (LauraKay), Ace kun (iacex3), Martin (muffinx3), Timka- kun (T1mkaz), Kaity-san (ikaity), Jeison-kun (Jesion)

Kai_MooreSep 22, 2010 6:50 AM
Sep 22, 2010 7:47 AM

Jul 2010

^^ Kai sure knows how to cheer people up
Danim3Sep 22, 2010 9:12 AM
Sep 22, 2010 11:38 PM

Sep 2010
To: Someone who's not here.

Even if I'll keep you waiting for the rest of your life,
I still believe someday we'll meet again.
And start a new story.


- "Hitagi Senjougahara is the Megan Fox of Bakemonogatari."

Help them level up please! :D

Sep 23, 2010 3:45 AM

Feb 2010
Ok, dedicating this to everyone who reads it. :)

Love is the gift that you recieve from others
So do not take it lightly
But cherish every new encounter
For in the wake of your meeting
Something new is born
Will it be for good or bad
Only you can decide
riderofreasonSep 23, 2010 3:48 AM
Sep 26, 2010 8:38 AM

Feb 2010
Ok, here is a short love story I just wrote. I dedicate it to Kai and all my friends, and members of this club. :)


He was so wonderful! Always helping Jenna, always being right there for her. She never had to ask, he just started helping. Never saying a word, just smiling that smile that made her body tingle from top to toe. They hadn't known each other for very long, he just moved in last week. Jenna had seen him as he moved his things into the apartment next door. That was also when she had first noticed that smile. Jenna had been watching him when he suddenly turned around. It felt like an eternity as their eyes met, and Jenna was so embarrassed she felt like sinking trough the floor. But he just smiled, and then he turned around and moved inside.

After that she had seen his smile many times, meeting him in the hallway, or when going to get the mail. Always mute, just smiling. Jenna had wondered if he even could speak, or maybe he came from some far away land and didn't speak English. She never dared ask, in fact she never dared say anything. They always walked in total silence, like some weird silent-movie from the 50's. But they didn't really need to. There seemed to be some sort of understanding between them.

He always seemed to know when she needed help, and just came over to her, walking with her, or helping her carry heavy stuff. Jenna was really short, and not very strong, so she appreciated his help. He seemed to understand that too, always just smiling when Jenna tried to thank him. He had walked with her home many times, just like he did now. And every time Jenna had wondered why she couldn't tell him how she felt, why couldn't she say she loved him. As if he could read Jenna's mind, he just looked at her and smiled that ever present and understanding smile. It had made Jenna blush more than a couple of times.

It was always so comforting to walk beside him trough the streets at night. People always told stories about what could happen, and it was a long walk home from the nightclub where she worked. Also it was sort of romantic walking in the slight illumination of the street lights. He was quite a bit taller than Jenna, so his steps was longer. But he always slowed his pace to Jenna's, allowing them to walk arm in arm. More often than not Jenna found herself resting her head against his shoulder.

They were slowly approaching their apartments when Jenna heard footsteps following behind them. The pace just kept increasing. Jenna turned around just as a hooded man bumped into her, snatching her purse with him. Jenna looked up at her companion, but he was already acting. The smile now gone from his face, he ran after the thief, snatching him bu the arm. Then it all happened in a manner of seconds. Jenna could see the street lights reflecting om metal. She cried out, but it was already too late. Jenna could see her silent companion loosing his grip on the thief, allowing him to run away. And as she ran up to him he was already collapsing to the ground. A bright red pool of blood covered the ground around him.

Jenna just sat there crying and holding his hand. She did not know how much time passed like that, but the sound of an ambulance woke her up. It seemed someone had called 911. The paramedics lifted him up on a stretcher, his face now white from losing so much blood, and his eyes barely open as he struggled to remain conscious. A frightening thought struck Jenna. He might die. And she never told him that she loved him.

As the paramedics lifted him into the ambulance Jenna cried out. “I love you!” He lifted his head slightly and looked her deep into the eyes, smiling that smile again. “I know”, he said. “I have always known, I didn't need your words to see how much you love me”. “And I have always loved you too!” And then the doors closed.
riderofreasonSep 26, 2010 8:42 AM
Sep 26, 2010 9:09 AM
Dec 2009
that is one of the best stories i have read riderofreason
Sep 26, 2010 10:05 AM

Feb 2010
Really glad you liked it. I dedicated it to all of you after all. I thought it was fitting for this club. :)
Sep 26, 2010 10:49 AM
Jul 2010
A very nice and touching story. I've already told you, you've got a talent for creating that atmosphere ;)
The story gives a nice example of how we keep saying nothing until the very last moment, when the situation is critical... But, sometimes, do we even need words?
Danim3Sep 26, 2010 11:20 AM
Sep 26, 2010 10:58 AM

Jul 2010
its beautiful rider-san...

very very beautiful....
Sep 26, 2010 11:20 AM

Feb 2010
Awww, you guys. You're making me blush. ^^

@Danim: Yes, I think I agree. :)

Don't worry, blushing online is easily done ^^


See? You can even make it as red as when you are blushing offline :D

And I forgot to tell you you can call me Dani, since Danim3 consists of "D" from my first name and from the second part "anim3", which means... Well, hard to guess - anime. I'm was using the nickname Danime on other sites before I found MAL, and here it was already taken, so I went on with Danim3 ;)

It's just that Danim sounds a bit awkward to me ^^
Danim3Sep 26, 2010 11:30 AM
Sep 26, 2010 1:28 PM

Sep 2010
Oh my god Rider :'( that was so sad but so beautiful. I swear to god I'm gawking at the screen speechless

Dec 5, 2010 9:44 PM

Jul 2010

Dec 20, 2010 7:50 PM

Sep 2010
Danim3 said:
A very nice and touching story. I've already told you, you've got a talent for creating that atmosphere ;)
The story gives a nice example of how we keep saying nothing until the very last moment, when the situation is critical... But, sometimes, do we even need words?

Star Wars Nostalgia!^_^

I just remembered, which part of the Star Wars that was ^^
Danim3Jan 30, 2011 12:11 PM
Jan 28, 2011 7:41 PM

Sep 2010
Here is a short story i just wrote(my first serious short story). I wasn't planning on dedicating it to anyone at first....but now i think i will dedicate this to all who seek and long for love,and for all those who are still patiently waiting for thier loved one. I will also dedicate this to Kai(welcome back)and everyone else in this club as well. May you all find your loved one and live happily forever and ever.

Luke was in love with a student from his middle school.Her name was Maria.She had short brown hair,brown eyes,and was 5.6.She often wore a blue shirt jacket with a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

She was kind,outgoing,was the student president to boot.In Luke's mind,she was the most amazing person in the world. Just to be in the same hallway with her made him nervous

As he walked by she looked at him and said,H-Hi.Shocked that Maria had actually addressed him he said,H-H-H-Hi,back to her and became so nervous and shaky that he dropped his books.A few of the students saw and laughed,a couple said "Wow,what a clutz".Maria had then hurried away,blushing and muttering as she passed him.

I am a clutz, aren't i"?Luke thought"I can't even confess to the girl i love, i just stand and shake like an idiot".

Luke was,at best,average.His grades were average,his looks was average,and his popularity was average.He had a few close friends, but no one from the so called " popular class".

Sometimes he wished he was a popular guy with lots of friends,good grades,and good at everything.

Then he though,Maria might notice him. But his fantasy was obscured by the fact that,no matter what he did,he would always be average.

The only thing he seemed to be good at was poetry.He spent most of his free time writing poems, about love,life,but mostly about love. A lot of the time,he would write confessions in the form of poems,and would imagine himself giving her the poem,and seeing her shinning face as she read the poem,and then hugging him and kissing him and... . "

WOAH!>;;;<Luke cried out.A few people in the hallway looked at him,a couple laughed,others gave him a wierd look and continued to their classrooms.Luke backed himself against the wall,trying to pull himself together.

"Since when do i think like that"? He asked himself"I never usually go that far"."I guess its because i feel so lonely today"He said"Well,better get to class before I'm late again".And so he gathering up his stuff,took a few deep breaths,and headed toward the classroom.

After school was over,he got together with a few of his friends,Mark,John,Vincent,and Nelson.They were all talking about what they were going to do together on the weekend.

"Hey,Said Mark"I hear John Mayer's gonna have a concert in town this weekend,you guys up for it?
"I'm in"Said John".
"Me two"Agreed John
"Nah"Said Luke.

"Your suppose to say me three"Said John annoyed."But their are four of us"Countered Luke."Oh,right i forgot"Said John.

"Your thinking about Maria again aren't you"?Said Mark. Mark knew his best friend very well indeed."Yeah"Said Luke,Without any denial in his voice.

"I think you should forget about it",Said John.

Luke looked at him in Disbelief

"Think about it,she's popular,class president,and pretty",Said John enthusiastically.

"And that says?"remarked Luke.

"That,no offense,your not",Said John."Your cool with us,but really she's way out of your league"

"Hey man,be careful",Said Nelson Sarcastically"You might hurt his feelings".

"Oh shut up you guys",remarked Mark sarcastically,as he pushed Nelson into a wall.Nelson laughed and pushed back.They did this for a minute and then laughed it off.

"I still think he's got a chance",Said Mark all of a sudden.

"Really"? Said Luke in surprise.

"Really",Mark replied,giving him a pat on the back."You'll get your moment",said Mark.

"Yeah,maybe you can announce it in front of the school at the end of the year",Nelson replied sniggering.

"I said shut up you guys",Mark replied back,laughing and pushing each other back and fourth again.

"My friends are little kids",Said Luke smiling as he watched them rough around.He followed them down and walk with them to the bus,talking about life and what others things they could think of.

Soon enough,it was Monday again. The sun was shinning under a bright blue sky and the birds were chirping under a blooming tree.It was truely a beautiful day.

As Luke got of the bus and walked towards the school,he though dwelled to Maria again and the poem he had finished late last night.

It was by far his best work,and he couldn't wait to show it to Maria."Check that,imagine showing it to Maria,though Luke,sighing as remembered that even if he could walk up to her and actually speak to her,he would never be able to say more than just a syllable.

As walked down the long hallway,he saw Maria and tried a quick glance.Maria saw him for just a moment.She blushed and kept walking at a fast pace.Mark had seen her do that before.

Whenever he had gotten into eye contact with Maria,she had usually blushed or looked away from him,getting her stuff together more hurriedly.She sometimes muttered something inaudible. He had wondered why she did that.

As far as he had known,she never acted that way with anyone else.Luke had sometimes feared that Maria might have noticed that he had been looking at her at times,and might have become afraid of him.

Of course,if this was the case, she would have already reported it to a teacher and he would have had his butt halted off to the principals office on suspicion of stalking her.Or maybe she was too polite and didn't want to cause trouble,so she didn't bother to do anything about it.

Luke kept on walking,wanting to get to class as soon as possible,to end the torture of being in the same place as Maria.But as he was walking towards homeroom,someone accidentally knocked into him,causing Luke to spill all his books,notes,and...

"N-no,Ahh!,proclaimed Luke,as his newest love poem to Maria flew out of his bag and near Maria and her locker,where one of her best friends,Margareta picked it up.

(the poem can be any poem you might have heard of,it can be the one i just wrote if you want)

Margareta started to read,the students nearest her and in the hallway watching.Margareta had occasionally seen Luke sometime give a quick glance to Maria,and she highly dissaproved of it. Sometimes she would complain to Maria,telling she outta do something about "that dirty boy". Luke couldn't stand to hear what was about to come,but he couldn't do anything about it.He was as stil as a statue.He tried to move a muscle but couldn't.So he waited for the inevitable.

As Margareta read,her expression changed from angry concern to interest to smiling to tearing up to finally,emotional. She looked as though she had been confessed to herself by the time she was done reading.She started tearing up with happiness and said,"That-Thats SO BEAUTIFUL!,and then she continued to tear up,looking at Luke in deep admiration.

Luke had not expected this.He had expected to shout "you pervert" at the very least. He was even more shocked when Maria came over to read it.

"N-No,i...uh..,he stammered.He couldn't say anymore.Maria read it through except that her reaction was more intense than that of her friend.She went from concern,to emotional,to finally pure joy and tears.

"I...I'm-I"m sorry i...uh..i didn't mean..he stammered,but before he could say anymore she had run up to him,pulled him into a tight embrace,and kissed him on the lips.

Luke went so red you could have mistaken him for a tomato.He was shocked,confused,and...happy.He felt so happy and overjoyed,like he had won the lottery,no,like he had become the ruler of the world,no,even greater than that.He kissed her back,embracing her,running his hand through her hair,happy to be alive.Over joyed that it was happening,that Maria was actually embracing him and kissing him.

It felt like hours,even though it was probably only a minute. When she let go of him,everyone slowly started to applaud and it wasn't mock applause either,but the good kind of applause.The students clapped harder,Mark,John,and Nelson whopped,and everyone else cheered.

Then the principal came out of nowhere and said"What IS going on?"."Get to your classes,right now".

After that,everyone stopped applauding and started heading for class as usual.Maria gave him one last look of happiness,kisses him again and headed of to her homeroom.

After school they talked.She told him that she had been in love with him since the beginning of school,but had been so nervous and so busy as student council,that she hadn't been able to tell him until now.

Luke was so happy that he didn't even mind that it had taken this long for her to tell him this.After all, he hadn't been able to say anything until now anyway.

"I love you",said Luke
"I love you too,said Maria

And they kissed under the setting sun.

And so,Luke and Maria became boyfriend and girlfriend.Their relationship started slow,but soon developed into something beautiful. They leaned on each other when things got tough,and their love never wavered no matter what the circumstances. Their relationship turned from starting to serious to unseperatable.Eventually,they got married and had three beautiful children.And today they still love each other as much as always,as they raise their family they built together with thier love.

The End
Jan 30, 2011 12:07 PM

Jul 2010
DreamerofDreams1 said:
Here is a short story i just wrote(my first serious short story). I wasn't planning on dedicating it to anyone at first....but now i think i will dedicate this to all who seek and long for love,and for all those who are still patiently waiting for thier loved one. I will also dedicate this to Kai(welcome back)and everyone else in this club as well. May you all find your loved one and live happily forever and ever.

Luke was in love with a student from his middle school.Her name was Maria.She had short brown hair,brown eyes,and was 5.6.She often wore a blue shirt jacket with a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

She was kind,outgoing,was the student president to boot.In Luke's mind,she was the most amazing person in the world. Just to be in the same hallway with her made him nervous

As he walked by she looked at him and said,H-Hi.Shocked that Maria had actually addressed him he said,H-H-H-Hi,back to her and became so nervous and shaky that he dropped his books.A few of the students saw and laughed,a couple said "Wow,what a clutz".Maria had then hurried away,blushing and muttering as she passed him.

I am a clutz, aren't i"?Luke thought"I can't even confess to the girl i love, i just stand and shake like an idiot".

Luke was,at best,average.His grades were average,his looks was average,and his popularity was average.He had a few close friends, but no one from the so called " popular class".

Sometimes he wished he was a popular guy with lots of friends,good grades,and good at everything.

Then he though,Maria might notice him. But his fantasy was obscured by the fact that,no matter what he did,he would always be average.

The only thing he seemed to be good at was poetry.He spent most of his free time writing poems, about love,life,but mostly about love. A lot of the time,he would write confessions in the form of poems,and would imagine himself giving her the poem,and seeing her shinning face as she read the poem,and then hugging him and kissing him and... . "

WOAH!>;;;<Luke cried out.A few people in the hallway looked at him,a couple laughed,others gave him a wierd look and continued to their classrooms.Luke backed himself against the wall,trying to pull himself together.

"Since when do i think like that"? He asked himself"I never usually go that far"."I guess its because i feel so lonely today"He said"Well,better get to class before I'm late again".And so he gathering up his stuff,took a few deep breaths,and headed toward the classroom.

After school was over,he got together with a few of his friends,Mark,John,Vincent,and Nelson.They were all talking about what they were going to do together on the weekend.

"Hey,Said Mark"I hear John Mayer's gonna have a concert in town this weekend,you guys up for it?
"I'm in"Said John".
"Me two"Agreed John
"Nah"Said Luke.

"Your suppose to say me three"Said John annoyed."But their are four of us"Countered Luke."Oh,right i forgot"Said John.

"Your thinking about Maria again aren't you"?Said Mark. Mark knew his best friend very well indeed."Yeah"Said Luke,Without any denial in his voice.

"I think you should forget about it",Said John.

Luke looked at him in Disbelief

"Think about it,she's popular,class president,and pretty",Said John enthusiastically.

"And that says?"remarked Luke.

"That,no offense,your not",Said John."Your cool with us,but really she's way out of your league"

"Hey man,be careful",Said Nelson Sarcastically"You might hurt his feelings".

"Oh shut up you guys",remarked Mark sarcastically,as he pushed Nelson into a wall.Nelson laughed and pushed back.They did this for a minute and then laughed it off.

"I still think he's got a chance",Said Mark all of a sudden.

"Really"? Said Luke in surprise.

"Really",Mark replied,giving him a pat on the back."You'll get your moment",said Mark.

"Yeah,maybe you can announce it in front of the school at the end of the year",Nelson replied sniggering.

"I said shut up you guys",Mark replied back,laughing and pushing each other back and fourth again.

"My friends are little kids",Said Luke smiling as he watched them rough around.He followed them down and walk with them to the bus,talking about life and what others things they could think of.

Soon enough,it was Monday again. The sun was shinning under a bright blue sky and the birds were chirping under a blooming tree.It was truely a beautiful day.

As Luke got of the bus and walked towards the school,he though dwelled to Maria again and the poem he had finished late last night.

It was by far his best work,and he couldn't wait to show it to Maria."Check that,imagine showing it to Maria,though Luke,sighing as remembered that even if he could walk up to her and actually speak to her,he would never be able to say more than just a syllable.

As walked down the long hallway,he saw Maria and tried a quick glance.Maria saw him for just a moment.She blushed and kept walking at a fast pace.Mark had seen her do that before.

Whenever he had gotten into eye contact with Maria,she had usually blushed or looked away from him,getting her stuff together more hurriedly.She sometimes muttered something inaudible. He had wondered why she did that.

As far as he had known,she never acted that way with anyone else.Luke had sometimes feared that Maria might have noticed that he had been looking at her at times,and might have become afraid of him.

Of course,if this was the case, she would have already reported it to a teacher and he would have had his butt halted off to the principals office on suspicion of stalking her.Or maybe she was too polite and didn't want to cause trouble,so she didn't bother to do anything about it.

Luke kept on walking,wanting to get to class as soon as possible,to end the torture of being in the same place as Maria.But as he was walking towards homeroom,someone accidentally knocked into him,causing Luke to spill all his books,notes,and...

"N-no,Ahh!,proclaimed Luke,as his newest love poem to Maria flew out of his bag and near Maria and her locker,where one of her best friends,Margareta picked it up.

(the poem can be any poem you might have heard of,it can be the one i just wrote if you want)

Margareta started to read,the students nearest her and in the hallway watching.Margareta had occasionally seen Luke sometime give a quick glance to Maria,and she highly dissaproved of it. Sometimes she would complain to Maria,telling she outta do something about "that dirty boy". Luke couldn't stand to hear what was about to come,but he couldn't do anything about it.He was as stil as a statue.He tried to move a muscle but couldn't.So he waited for the inevitable.

As Margareta read,her expression changed from angry concern to interest to smiling to tearing up to finally,emotional. She looked as though she had been confessed to herself by the time she was done reading.She started tearing up with happiness and said,"That-Thats SO BEAUTIFUL!,and then she continued to tear up,looking at Luke in deep admiration.

Luke had not expected this.He had expected to shout "you pervert" at the very least. He was even more shocked when Maria came over to read it.

"N-No,i...uh..,he stammered.He couldn't say anymore.Maria read it through except that her reaction was more intense than that of her friend.She went from concern,to emotional,to finally pure joy and tears.

"I...I'm-I"m sorry i...uh..i didn't mean..he stammered,but before he could say anymore she had run up to him,pulled him into a tight embrace,and kissed him on the lips.

Luke went so red you could have mistaken him for a tomato.He was shocked,confused,and...happy.He felt so happy and overjoyed,like he had won the lottery,no,like he had become the ruler of the world,no,even greater than that.He kissed her back,embracing her,running his hand through her hair,happy to be alive.Over joyed that it was happening,that Maria was actually embracing him and kissing him.

It felt like hours,even though it was probably only a minute. When she let go of him,everyone slowly started to applaud and it wasn't mock applause either,but the good kind of applause.The students clapped harder,Mark,John,and Nelson whopped,and everyone else cheered.

Then the principal came out of nowhere and said"What IS going on?"."Get to your classes,right now".

After that,everyone stopped applauding and started heading for class as usual.Maria gave him one last look of happiness,kisses him again and headed of to her homeroom.

After school they talked.She told him that she had been in love with him since the beginning of school,but had been so nervous and so busy as student council,that she hadn't been able to tell him until now.

Luke was so happy that he didn't even mind that it had taken this long for her to tell him this.After all, he hadn't been able to say anything until now anyway.

"I love you",said Luke
"I love you too,said Maria

And they kissed under the setting sun.

And so,Luke and Maria became boyfriend and girlfriend.Their relationship started slow,but soon developed into something beautiful. They leaned on each other when things got tough,and their love never wavered no matter what the circumstances. Their relationship turned from starting to serious to unseperatable.Eventually,they got married and had three beautiful children.And today they still love each other as much as always,as they raise their family they built together with thier love.

The End

Oh... wow..... just... wow....
firstly.. thank you dreamer kun for the dedication... it means a lot. and the story... all along when i was reading it.. i felt like.... c'mon Maria.... he loves you >_<
i guess..... true love does find a way eh? ^.^

thats a beautiful story.... and kai loves the way you write ^.^
Oct 18, 2011 3:57 AM

Oct 2010
That was so nice &gt;.&lt;
I love it till the last like, like ^.^
i wish I can do some good stories also
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