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Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta
Jan 24, 2023 6:52 PM
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Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta
Jan 24, 2023 6:51 PM
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Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta
Jan 24, 2023 6:51 PM
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great decision to take lessons, if you enjoy it that much its alwasy the best to do the things you like ^^ wow, opera must be really hard to sing... i personally like musicals more, because the lyrics are much easier to understand and some songs are really catchy :)
i watched it a second time today because its so awsm haha xD (and my sister + bf didnt know it so we decided (after begging haha xD) to watch it again ^^) its one of those movies you watch and after that you are full with thoughts and conclusions and reviewing the whole movie... and when you watch it again you'll discover so many things you haven't been aware of the first time.... its such a type of movie - if you like that its really really cool :) and i love hugh jackman anyway hehe x3
i'm a student right now and if everything works out i'll finish it at the end of june ^^ lets see if it works out :)
aaah~ i see!! i went home today and watched a movie with my mum, its called prestige with hugh jackman and christian bale, that was one of those films you will be like "WTF" for about 7-10 times throughout the whole film, how i loved it!!! must watch it again soon *^*
i'll tell her that, thanks :D i'll see her again tomorrow ^^
just fine i guess, my sister has birthday today and i'm going home tomorrow for easter-break tomorrow :) and i'm playing final fantasy x at the moment ^^ (last week not that much because of the exam) but i love this game so much x3
how about you? :)
i'm fine too thanks, just had an exam which was kind of hard... dont know how it will go out... just have to wait now haha xD
Thank you :D
I guess I'll add Nausicca manga to my plan to read. I didn't know the movie didn't cover all the manga volumes.
i still have to watch Porco Rosso and The wind rises too. I hope it won't be his last movie....
Yeah, It's Himari ;)
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