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Sep 16, 2010 9:47 AM

Aug 2010
O______O I don't know what to say ... I'll probably start to cry ... again ToT
Sorry for all my language mistakes x_o
Sep 16, 2010 10:09 AM

Sep 2008
I don't know. On one hand I'm disappointed at the ending, and on the other I'm happy with it. This will probably lead to more of a broken-base fandom but... I just don't know what to think. At least the ending was open-ended. And well, Ciel looks cute with black nail polish.
Sep 16, 2010 10:24 AM

Nov 2009

I hate waiting.
VcruzerSep 16, 2010 10:39 AM
Sep 16, 2010 10:32 AM
Aug 2010
Sep 16, 2010 10:41 AM

Nov 2009
Sep 16, 2010 11:04 AM
Aug 2010
Ok... I need someone to come up with a summary of this because... I really... don't know what to make of it.
Mh... I think I've never been so speechless in my entire life.
Sep 16, 2010 11:27 AM

Jan 2010
Damn, I want those subs to know what they are saying... But, if I understood everything correctly, this is the best end! So great that I couldn"t even imagine a better one :D I just feel very sorry that this is the last episode... looking forward to kuroshitsuji II specials...
Sep 16, 2010 11:41 AM

Aug 2008
It was propabluy first time when I was crying because Kuroshitsuji. But I don't know exacly what's happened. Ciel is a demon? With contract? Demons have a soul? On the end... it wasn't Ciel? He wasn't acting like him. And I think that Sebastian wasn't like it too. So... Why he was with him? And these letters in the boxes... To remember Ciel... It was... so...^^ I don't know how can I say it.
It was great end of Kuroshitsuji. But... I think that it wuld be better when Ciel was be a human. But now they can be for ever together... Propably.^^ It so sad that it is the end.
SlayerkaSep 16, 2010 11:54 AM
Sep 16, 2010 11:51 AM

Feb 2010
and btw if you wanna the link here it is
Sep 16, 2010 11:52 AM

Jun 2009
*cry in silence*
Sep 16, 2010 12:01 PM

Oct 2008
So last one, goodbye after this... or is it? It was pointed out that the Aniplex calendar lists an episode 13 and 14 over the next 2 weeks. The staff and even Sebastian said that 12 was the last but who knows with this mob lol
Sep 16, 2010 12:02 PM

Sep 2009
This episode gave me mixed feelings. D:

+ alois appearing in his physical form
+ luca and alois reuniting
+ letters in memory of ciel
- the cliffhanger ending. D:
Sep 16, 2010 12:05 PM

Jan 2010
It looks that Ciel isn"t the same, but somehow I see it this way: He is still same person, his soul isn"t eaten and he still has his memories... Yes, he is a demon and he will never die, so he had to go through some change, but for me this is a happy ending... I wish I could understand what were Ciel and Sebastian talking at the end of episode... *sigh*
But I think that Ciel in demon form is cute :D somehow, when I was thinking about possible endings, I wished that Ciel becomes demon, and I must say that I really didn"t expected that it will end like this :D
well, that it ended with Sebastians death, or him eating Ciels soul, it would be rather boring and too predictible...
Sep 16, 2010 12:13 PM

Feb 2010
so...sebastian's finally eats ciel soul , so ciel became a demon...?
Sep 16, 2010 12:14 PM

Jun 2009
Miri_Haptism said:
Kannei said:
*cry in silence*

*pats u* there, there T^T its okay.............

Sep 16, 2010 12:18 PM

Feb 2010
...this ending make me "WTF" all the time
Sep 16, 2010 12:22 PM

Jun 2009
that was the saddest anime death ive ever seen *sobbing*
Sep 16, 2010 12:22 PM

Jul 2010
filthy_victorian said:
It looks that Ciel isn"t the same, but somehow I see it this way: He is still same person, his soul isn"t eaten and he still has his memories... Yes, he is a demon and he will never die, so he had to go through some change, but for me this is a happy ending... I wish I could understand what were Ciel and Sebastian talking at the end of episode... *sigh*
But I think that Ciel in demon form is cute :D somehow, when I was thinking about possible endings, I wished that Ciel becomes demon, and I must say that I really didn"t expected that it will end like this :D
well, that it ended with Sebastians death, or him eating Ciels soul, it would be rather boring and too predictible...

I almost cried of happiness because the ending is PERFECT (at least without the subs XD) but I was still waiting for a kiss. At least they will stay together forever now ^^ Oh and Alois will stay with his brother now, too ^^
And almost cried of sadness too because it's the last episode i-i
Well... this episode just made my year.
~* P H A N T O M H I V E ~ H O U S E H O L D *~

...because I NEED to see some Ciel x Sebastian again...
Sep 16, 2010 12:23 PM

Jan 2010
LuciferTheAngel said:
so...sebastian's finally eats ciel soul , so ciel became a demon...?

Well, not actually... Sebastian couldn"t eat Ciels soul because of the contract Hannah had with Alois. His last wish was that Sebastian NEVER gets the soul he wanted so much. That"s why he became a demon. I wonder if that is the reason why Seabstian looked so sad through this episode...
That it didn"t happen, and that Sebastian ate Ciels soul, then he would end like Luca, sleeping inside od the demon...
Sep 16, 2010 12:28 PM

Feb 2010
filthy_victorian said:
LuciferTheAngel said:
so...sebastian's finally eats ciel soul , so ciel became a demon...?

I wonder if that is the reason why Seabstian looked so sad through this episode...

because he missed the old ciel (as humen) , i guess when he made ciel a demon , was a big mistake (for sebastian)
Sep 16, 2010 12:29 PM

Jan 2010
DominateOne said:
So last one, goodbye after this... or is it? It was pointed out that the Aniplex calendar lists an episode 13 and 14 over the next 2 weeks. The staff and even Sebastian said that 12 was the last but who knows with this mob lol

Well, somehow I don"t think that there will be more episodes because the story is really over and I have no idea what could happen next. And I don"t want to risk that some of the characters that actually survived get the chance to die too... But it would be great to get to see more of Ciel and Sebastian and their lives as demons... I wish that they make an anime movie or some special about it...

It was so sad to see Phantomhive servants and Ciels friends cry... :((( And is it just me, or the household badge on Tanakas suit was different? I"m almost sure that it wasnt the Phantomhive badge...
Sep 16, 2010 12:32 PM

Feb 2010
filthy_victorian said:

Well, not actually... Sebastian couldn"t eat Ciels soul because of the contract Hannah had with Alois. His last wish was that Sebastian NEVER gets the soul he wanted so much. That"s why he became a demon. I wonder if that is the reason why Seabstian looked so sad through this episode...
That it didn"t happen, and that Sebastian ate Ciels soul, then he would end like Luca, sleeping inside od the demon...

didnt ciel and sebastian sign a contract????
im kinda lost with this episode
Sep 16, 2010 12:39 PM

Jan 2010
LuciferTheAngel said:
filthy_victorian said:

Well, not actually... Sebastian couldn"t eat Ciels soul because of the contract Hannah had with Alois. His last wish was that Sebastian NEVER gets the soul he wanted so much. That"s why he became a demon. I wonder if that is the reason why Seabstian looked so sad through this episode...
That it didn"t happen, and that Sebastian ate Ciels soul, then he would end like Luca, sleeping inside od the demon...

didnt ciel and sebastian sign a contract????
im kinda lost with this episode

Yes, it is quite confusing without subs... (I"m learning to speak japanese for a year now and I understand some things but it"s still very confusing)
Alois/Ciel made contract with Hannah at the end of the episode 11. To make a contract, demon wants soul, and human must have wish or goal wich he will acomplish with the demons help. In this episode, we found out that Alois wish when he made a contract with Hannah was that Sebastian never gets ciels soul. And that happened. Sebastian didn"t eat Ciels soul, I"m sure of it...
The only thing that I don"t understand is how Hannah turned Ciel into demon...
It confuses me too why Sebastian and Ciel still have contract signs on them... It is possible that Sebastian will have to serve Ciel for the rest of eternity... lol poor Sebastian if this is true xD he will never get some rest :P
Sep 16, 2010 12:40 PM

Feb 2010
"in the memory of...
{Ciel phantomhive}
who died at aug , 26th , 1889

-applejackSep 16, 2010 12:43 PM
Sep 16, 2010 12:42 PM

Jun 2009
LuciferTheAngel said:
filthy_victorian said:

Well, not actually... Sebastian couldn"t eat Ciels soul because of the contract Hannah had with Alois. His last wish was that Sebastian NEVER gets the soul he wanted so much. That"s why he became a demon. I wonder if that is the reason why Seabstian looked so sad through this episode...
That it didn"t happen, and that Sebastian ate Ciels soul, then he would end like Luca, sleeping inside od the demon...

didnt ciel and sebastian sign a contract????
im kinda lost with this episode

Alois made a contract with Hanna before the two butlers arrived in the tower. He wished for Ciel to be save from the demon butlers and for his soul to never be eaten (maybe because he did not want for Ciel to end up like him). So Hanna made Ciel a demon and thus Sebastian was forever unable to eat Ciel's soul (because demons don't have an immortal soul).
BUT, and that's why Sebastian is 'sad' (more like innerly destroyed), the contract between Ciel and Sebastian is made with the promise that it is over once and only once Sebastian has devoured Ciel's soul. Because that is impossible now Sebastian is now forever chained to Ciel (this is what they talk about in the carriage at the end) by the contract they made.

Like the cards to their former friends said, Ciel Phantomhive is practically dead now and there is no reason for him anymore to stay. Like he said to the servants ''Use the mansion however you like. You may as well burn it down''...I thought that was really sad.

I'm really impressed at the guts they showed in the end by producing such an ending. I think many manga-fans will be raging because of it, but I love it.
Waiting for: God Eater (PSP)

Sep 16, 2010 12:45 PM

Apr 2008
Horrible episode. Quite honestly the most pointless ending ever. 1/5 since I can't rate it any lower
Sep 16, 2010 12:46 PM

Jan 2010
carol_4never said:
filthy_victorian said:
It looks that Ciel isn"t the same, but somehow I see it this way: He is still same person, his soul isn"t eaten and he still has his memories... Yes, he is a demon and he will never die, so he had to go through some change, but for me this is a happy ending... I wish I could understand what were Ciel and Sebastian talking at the end of episode... *sigh*
But I think that Ciel in demon form is cute :D somehow, when I was thinking about possible endings, I wished that Ciel becomes demon, and I must say that I really didn"t expected that it will end like this :D
well, that it ended with Sebastians death, or him eating Ciels soul, it would be rather boring and too predictible...

I almost cried of happiness because the ending is PERFECT (at least without the subs XD) but I was still waiting for a kiss. At least they will stay together forever now ^^ Oh and Alois will stay with his brother now, too ^^
And almost cried of sadness too because it's the last episode i-i
Well... this episode just made my year.

Me too :D :D :D It was so funny because I read Kuroshitsuji doujinshi with almost the same ending lol xD the ending (at least without subs, and I so hope that I won"t discover anything sad when they come out) is like some demon yaoi fairytale lol xD and they lived dark and happily ever after. XD awwww :)
Somehow it seems to me that Tsoboso Yana and producers were making 2nd season according to wishes of the fans... all those fanservice and everything xD almost like they read doujinshies and forum posts xD lol
Sep 16, 2010 12:49 PM

Apr 2008
filthy_victorian said:
Somehow it seems to me that Tsoboso Yana and producers were making 2nd season according to wishes of the fans

Then it is official. FANS RUIN SERIES.
Sep 16, 2010 12:50 PM

Jan 2010
seizonsha, thanx for clearing the things I didn"t understand... :) Quite interesting, then this is really the best possible ending...
I was afraid what might happen when subs come out... I was wondering what if Ciel is dead and this is someone else, or a demon who has no memoryes on his former life... xD glad it isn"t like that...
wheee! :D can"t wait fr the specials :)
Sep 16, 2010 12:57 PM

Jul 2010
filthy_victorian said:
Me too :D :D :D It was so funny because I read Kuroshitsuji doujinshi with almost the same ending lol xD the ending (at least without subs, and I so hope that I won"t discover anything sad when they come out) is like some demon yaoi fairytale lol xD and they lived dark and happily ever after. XD awwww :)

What's the name of this doujinshi?? *-*
~* P H A N T O M H I V E ~ H O U S E H O L D *~

...because I NEED to see some Ciel x Sebastian again...
Sep 16, 2010 1:01 PM

Nov 2009
*tries not to read what all of you been saying-

Does anyone knows when the subs comes out?
Sep 16, 2010 1:04 PM

Feb 2010
I'm scared to watch this.
Sep 16, 2010 1:09 PM

Feb 2010
Darklight0303 said:
filthy_victorian said:
Somehow it seems to me that Tsoboso Yana and producers were making 2nd season according to wishes of the fans

Then it is official. FANS RUIN SERIES.


EarlCiel said:
I'm scared to watch this.

i prefer you dont watch this , or you will say "WTF" all the time , non stop
Sep 16, 2010 1:10 PM

Feb 2010
Before I continue watching, I just want to say that I hate how they are making it...a game. SEEING ALOIS IN HIS PHYSICAL FORM ANDDD BACK-TO-BACK WITH

But I think Ciel was just being his usual self and doubting the word "ai" (aka love)
while Alois wus all "WAHHT? YOU DON'T AGREE WITH LOVE????"
Sep 16, 2010 1:13 PM

Mar 2010
WTF happend....*goes back to watch*....

-I don't care anymore...
I wish everybody would just dissapear into darkness...

Sep 16, 2010 1:14 PM

Feb 2010
seizonsha said:
LuciferTheAngel said:
filthy_victorian said:

Well, not actually... Sebastian couldn"t eat Ciels soul because of the contract Hannah had with Alois. His last wish was that Sebastian NEVER gets the soul he wanted so much. That"s why he became a demon. I wonder if that is the reason why Seabstian looked so sad through this episode...
That it didn"t happen, and that Sebastian ate Ciels soul, then he would end like Luca, sleeping inside od the demon...

didnt ciel and sebastian sign a contract????
im kinda lost with this episode

Alois made a contract with Hanna before the two butlers arrived in the tower. He wished for Ciel to be save from the demon butlers and for his soul to never be eaten (maybe because he did not want for Ciel to end up like him). So Hanna made Ciel a demon and thus Sebastian was forever unable to eat Ciel's soul (because demons don't have an immortal soul).
BUT, and that's why Sebastian is 'sad' (more like innerly destroyed), the contract between Ciel and Sebastian is made with the promise that it is over once and only once Sebastian has devoured Ciel's soul. Because that is impossible now Sebastian is now forever chained to Ciel (this is what they talk about in the carriage at the end) by the contract they made.

Like the cards to their former friends said, Ciel Phantomhive is practically dead now and there is no reason for him anymore to stay. Like he said to the servants ''Use the mansion however you like. You may as well burn it down''...I thought that was really sad.

I'm really impressed at the guts they showed in the end by producing such an ending. I think many manga-fans will be raging because of it, but I love it.

I hope people don't bash Alois and say it's his fault because of this...
I can see the rage coming from the Ciel and Sebastian fans..*shivers*
made them come to this situation. What an interesting situation..
Sep 16, 2010 1:15 PM

Feb 2010
Sep 16, 2010 1:19 PM

Sep 2010
What did I just watch...What is this, I don't even.

"Death is the end of a dark prison."
Sep 16, 2010 1:25 PM

Jun 2009
EarlCiel said:

now your happy right thats what ya all whanted isnt it
Sep 16, 2010 1:26 PM

Feb 2010
I knew they would you "The Devil" card.
It actually has nothing to do with demons and satan either..
there's a convincing argument that this is the most powerful and dangerous card in the deck. Magically speaking, it is the one card in the deck that holds the secret of how to escape the material and temporal bonds of Earth.

This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious.

I can totally see how it relates to this episode.
Sep 16, 2010 1:26 PM

May 2010

I mean, Ciel turned into a demon?
I.. knew it, but.. but!!

I have no words.
I'm sad, because soon ALL the hate will come and cheer about Claude's death, which I'm not looking forward to .
Remember, respect the fans who just lost a character they love.

I just don't .. it's not a bad ending. Just confusing.
But I guess.. at least Sebby and Ciel stayed together in the end.

And I'm glad all characters had an appearence, even the wonderful Alois. <3
But poor servants, Soma and Agni. ;;


love is such a strange thing
but with you, it doesn't matter

Sep 16, 2010 1:28 PM
Aug 2010
EarlCiel said:

Sep 16, 2010 1:31 PM

Feb 2010
Mony-Chan said:

I have no words.
I'm sad, because soon ALL the hate will come and cheer about Claude's death, which I'm not looking forward to .
Remember, respect the fans who just lost a character they love.

No one said anything.
And I don't have any intention of celebrating my happiness towards his death
because I am mentally confused..but I'll say that I felt no emotion when he was stabbed.
I just kind of laughed when Sebastian put on his glasses, rofl

Sebby:...I'll put your glasses on you since you always wanted it on *sniffles*
Claude: X______X
Sep 16, 2010 1:32 PM

Jun 2009
Astrid_ said:
EarlCiel said:


whats soo great about that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CLAUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!*starts crying again*
Sep 16, 2010 1:33 PM

Feb 2010
If I heard right (with my horrible japanese skills)
Sep 16, 2010 1:34 PM

Jun 2009
i really hate the additude of yours
Sep 16, 2010 1:36 PM

May 2010
EarlCiel said:
Mony-Chan said:

I have no words.
I'm sad, because soon ALL the hate will come and cheer about Claude's death, which I'm not looking forward to .
Remember, respect the fans who just lost a character they love.

No one said anything.
And I don't have any intention of celebrating my happiness towards his death
because I am mentally confused..but I'll say that I felt no emotion when he was stabbed.
I just kind of laughed when Sebastian put on his glasses, rofl

I'm not saying that to you, just saying in general, like when people cheered on Alois' death.
Remember it wasn't a nice feeling, so why past that feeling on to someone else.
That's simply all I'm saying.

love is such a strange thing
but with you, it doesn't matter

Sep 16, 2010 1:39 PM
Aug 2010
Well I must say I am satisfied. I didn't think I would have ever ended up saying this about the second season but... here we go.
Of course I don't accept the fact that Alois died, but well, this is like the third (or even fourth) time he dies in this series, and this one seemed to be by fair the happiest. He reunited with Luca, and if I understood it correctly, Claude is stuck with him, Luca and Hannah too. So yeah, he got Claude back, and now it doesn't even matter if Claude doesn't love him because he's got Luca and Hannah as backup (hehe, not only Claude died and didn't get to eat Ciel's soul, he's also stuck with Alois... oh revenge is a wonderful thing).
Also, he managed to get his revenge on Sebastian (who hasn't done nothing to him but well... it was a question of principle) and revealed himself to be a good friend for Ciel (yeah, we got hints of AloisxCiel friendship as well) by protecting him from the demons. In short, he pretty much ruled everything and I think this is how things had to be.
Also, Sebastian lost his chance to eat Ciel's soul forever, and he DESERVES it because he's lied to Ciel. Hehe.
Ciel seemed pretty satisfied when he became a demon, and I really love this twist of plot. Even if Sebastian is colder towards Ciel, it's like Ciel doesn't need him anymore because he's also a powerful demon now... everything is settled.
Again, I am satisfied.
Sep 16, 2010 1:40 PM

Feb 2010
EarlCiel said:
Mony-Chan said:

I have no words.
I'm sad, because soon ALL the hate will come and cheer about Claude's death, which I'm not looking forward to .
Remember, respect the fans who just lost a character they love.

No one said anything.
And I don't have any intention of celebrating my happiness towards his death
because I am mentally confused..but I'll say that I felt no emotion when he was stabbed.
I just kind of laughed when Sebastian put on his glasses, rofl

Sebby:...I'll put your glasses on you since you always wanted it on *sniffles*
Claude: X______X

you said that , and theres an anti claude banner in you're signture XDDDDD
Sep 16, 2010 1:41 PM

Feb 2010
Kannei said:
i really hate the additude of yours

My attitude..?

And people will probably be too surprised and confused than to celebrate over his death..
If they do rejoice and skip around while expressing their happiness, let them be for they
are pretty much allowed to do that. If the get HA IN YOUR FACE YOU DESERVE IT FREAK
they might have to calm down a little...
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