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Jul 13, 2010 2:40 PM

Sep 2008
One more good episode in my opinion... I'm getting so fond of Shoutmon and Taiki's relationship ;)
Jul 13, 2010 3:18 PM
Jun 2010
link to episode? I need a link so I can watch these...
Jul 14, 2010 10:56 AM
Apr 2007
animedark said:
link to episode? I need a link so I can watch these...

check the ryuu_rogue website, since they are subbing the series.

torrent for Ep2 English subs just got released ^.^
Jul 14, 2010 1:01 PM

Dec 2009
Ah! Thank you so much for the link! I'm downloading it right now.. so I will post my comment on this episode soon. I wonder if the other kids get their Digimons already, probably not.
Jul 14, 2010 1:41 PM
Jun 2010
Nerdo said:
Ah! Thank you so much for the link! I'm downloading it right now.. so I will post my comment on this episode soon. I wonder if the other kids get their Digimons already, probably not.

Dang it. I don't understand torrents... I have to watch it online. I really don't want to download it.
animedarkJul 14, 2010 1:55 PM
Jul 14, 2010 1:46 PM
Jun 2008
Jul 14, 2010 2:16 PM

Dec 2009
I've watched it! I'm kinda dissapointed though, I don't know why. There isn't even an ending "song". I don't like the fact the kids can have 2 Digimon you know. 1 is enough. I hope they add a ending song, a bit more drama and Digimons for the other kids.
Jul 14, 2010 2:44 PM

Sep 2007
Good good episode. :)
Yes Shoutmon talking a lot. XD
Jul 14, 2010 3:09 PM

May 2010
So far I feel disappointed too. The whole goal of the anime is for Shoutmon to become the King? At least in the first seasons, it was to save the Digital World that was involved with the real world...
I don't say, there are villains in this season too, but it feels more like some sort of tournament.

I liked the old times, where the kids had only 1 Digimon, now it feels like Pokemon.
Jul 14, 2010 3:28 PM

Mar 2008
I guess I liked Cutemon. lol
Jul 14, 2010 3:47 PM

Dec 2007
Yet another variation of Leomon, and Cutemon is so disgustingly cute.
Jul 14, 2010 4:08 PM

Jul 2008
So... I'm the only person hating the shit out of the ugly ass design of the tripple fusion digimon dicking around in the OP?

Omnimons head, the hind legs of a wolf, a body built from LEGO and with a completely mismatched color scheme which seems created by a spastic 5 year old with ADD, and a pair of out-of-place looking heads on each shoulder, just so the design can be just a little bit more retarded.

Worst lead digimon ever, and it ruins much of the enjoyment just knowing that that buttugly assmuncher of an aboirtion is lurking around, just waiting to burst out on the screen to stink up the whole shebang... Ugh...
Jul 14, 2010 4:09 PM

Jul 2008
animedark said:
Nerdo said:
Ah! Thank you so much for the link! I'm downloading it right now.. so I will post my comment on this episode soon. I wonder if the other kids get their Digimons already, probably not.

Dang it. I don't understand torrents... I have to watch it online. I really don't want to download it.

Don't understand torrents? LMAO.

Are you like, 60 years old?
Jul 14, 2010 4:09 PM

Aug 2009
LAboy456 said:
One more good episode in my opinion... I'm getting so fond of Shoutmon and Taiki's relationship ;)

Me too. I think Shoutmon has the most character compared to other lead Digimon.

Shoutmon X2 looks weird as hell though. It's probably the tiny head.
Jul 14, 2010 7:37 PM
Jul 2008
Does any1 else think that the Digimon look lame in this season compared to the others?
Jul 14, 2010 9:00 PM

Apr 2009
Suddenly this episode put Xros Wars in a bad light for me, and LOL, Shoutmon is like, a tsundere. >_>
Jul 14, 2010 11:15 PM

Jan 2008
I'm very disappointed in this series. Couldn't stand this episode. I hate Shoutmon. The character design for the three main protagonist also pisses me off.

Digi Xross Digivolution is simply retarded and pretty much looks like they creators couldn't think of anything else.

Only gonna give this a couple more episode, if nothing interesting happens, I'll probably drop it and rewatch Season 1 or 2 to get this out of my system.
PaulJul 14, 2010 11:19 PM
Jul 14, 2010 11:20 PM

Apr 2009
Paul said:
Only gonna give this a couple more episode, if nothing interesting happens, I'll probably drop it and rewatch Season 1 or 2 to get this out of my system.
Spoken like a true Digimon fan. The dub, right? RIGHT?!
IMO it's like they took everything bad from season 5 and managed to make it worse...
Jul 14, 2010 11:23 PM

Jan 2008
ReaperEXE said:
Paul said:
Only gonna give this a couple more episode, if nothing interesting happens, I'll probably drop it and rewatch Season 1 or 2 to get this out of my system.
Spoken like a true Digimon fan. The dub, right? RIGHT?!
IMO it's like they took everything bad from season 5 and managed to make it worse...

Pretty much impossible to find a Jap Audio/Eng Sub version of S1/2.(Last time I checked anyways, a few years ago). Maybe the movie but the TV series... pain. Dub is fine.

At the very least, the OP for this series is decent. IMO.
Jul 14, 2010 11:53 PM
Aug 2008
Yuki_Giou said:
So far I feel disappointed too. The whole goal of the anime is for Shoutmon to become the King? At least in the first seasons, it was to save the Digital World that was involved with the real world...

Um, we're on episode *two*. None of the other seasons had their save-the-world plot going by now, except maybe 02 as a lot was already established by Adventure.

I have no idea what everyone is complaining about besides 'they changed it do it's horrible'. Seems to be doing a lot better than Savers already, though the pacing seems to be pretty fast for whatever reason. I'm enjoying it though, and interested to see how this pans out.
Jul 15, 2010 1:26 AM

Sep 2007
Pretty much impossible to find a Jap Audio/Eng Sub version of S1/2.(Last time I checked anyways, a few years ago). Maybe the movie but the TV series... pain. Dub is fine.


Lol ... If you are a real true fan of Digimon, you will know Ryuu-Rogue did the S1 in Jap Audio/English Sub and positron have finished like a month ago the S2 in Jap Audio/English Sub.

Sorry guys but you failed this time. XD
Anyways, the thing to be "king" for Shoutmon is good for me. That change to much of the "We will be all friends and save the world !" thing. x_x
Jul 15, 2010 2:29 AM

Apr 2008
I can't help but wonder if people would enjoy this show a lot more if they could just take their nostalgia goggles off for a moment. I love Adventure and 02 as much as the next Digimon fan, but seriously, how can you declare Xros Wars Ruined Forever after two episodes? The other shows had their own flaws early on, but we're willing to overlook them because they became so great after a while. Who says Xros Wars isn't going to do the same?

I like what's there so far, and how Taki and Shoutmon's characters are established. Both can't turn their back on someone in need, hehe. And for everyone who managed to get throuh episode one thinking "Oh, Shoutmon just wants to be king, what a lame goal!" this episode kindly spells it out that "king" is just shorthand for the good old "I want to be able to protect my friends" motivation. It's common, but it's a good one, I think.
(Let's face it, Digimon always gives an "it's been done before, but it's presented well and we love it" vibe. So where's the "this has been done before so it has to be bad bad bad" thing coming from?)

Also, Cutemon. What an... apt name. That thing is so cute it's going to give me cavities. ^^;
Jul 15, 2010 3:30 AM

Mar 2009
animedark said:
Nerdo said:
Ah! Thank you so much for the link! I'm downloading it right now.. so I will post my comment on this episode soon. I wonder if the other kids get their Digimons already, probably not.

Dang it. I don't understand torrents... I have to watch it online. I really don't want to download it.
Wow, so much fail if you don't know how to use Torrents *facepalm*
Jul 15, 2010 3:56 AM

Sep 2007
I look one more time ...
Lilymon is a hot babe ...
But i prefer a lot of Lilamon. XD
Jul 15, 2010 6:27 AM

Dec 2009
It's not that I hate this season. It's wonderful actually. I've waited so long for a sequal you know. I only think they should have made it different.

Things I hate:
1. Kids get more Digimon, they should stick to only one.
2. Ugly Digi evolution.
3. No ending "song".

They should erase the Xross Digivolution and just stick to the original evolution line, with a Biomerge at the end (that was just fantastic in Tamers) and a better storyline (like in Tamers).

Still though, don't get me wrong. I'm really enjoying this! Just feel kinda dissapointd.. but hey, we're only just at the secon episode.
Jul 15, 2010 7:02 AM

Sep 2008
Lymsleia said:
I love Adventure and 02 as much as the next Digimon fan, but seriously, how can you declare Xros Wars Ruined Forever after two episodes? The other shows had their own flaws early on, but we're willing to overlook them because they became so great after a while. Who says Xros Wars isn't going to do the same?

I might be the only one, but I rather prefer Digimon Zero Two than Digimon Adventure, Frontier and Savers (from the last one mentioned, I only saw few episodes, but that was enough to drive me off. I might see it again some day, but I don't know when). And as I said before, Digimon Tamers is still my #1. So far, Digimon Xros Wars has chances to be my #2

My Digimon series top so far:

01: Digimon Tamers
02: Digimon Xros Wars (just after only two episodes so far, but it's still soon)
03: Digimon Zero Two
04: Digimon Frontier
05: Digimon Adventure
06: Digimon Savers (few episodes seen, but hoping to see it again and complete it someday to give a more clear opinion)

LAboy456Jul 15, 2010 8:30 AM
Jul 15, 2010 7:21 AM

Sep 2007
01: Digimon Zero Two
02: Digimon Savers
03: Digimon Tamers
04: Digimon Frontier
05: Digimon Adventure

The Xros Wars, i will wait but if i have more thing like the Lillymon or Lilithmon ... :D
Jul 15, 2010 7:49 AM

Dec 2009
1. Digimon Adventure.
2. Digimon Tamers.
3. Digimon Zero Two.
4. Digimon Frontier.

Haven't completed Savers yet. I'm gonna watch it again this summer.
Jul 15, 2010 7:55 AM
Jul 2008
this is gettinf rediculous. digievolution is teh way to go, fuck the union of power bs lol
<img src="" border="0" />
Jul 15, 2010 7:58 AM

Aug 2009
Adventure 02

I really don't get all the love for Adventure 02. Just was never that great for me.

And I can't believe that the nostalgia goggles always put Adventure as "The best" when Tamers took the formula and did so much more with it
Jul 15, 2010 8:58 AM
Jan 2009
Imho the best series are: Adventure, Tamers and Savers.. in no particular order.
02 was uber-shitty imho and frontier was different but It was kinda good in it's own way..
Xros wars seems to be good, 1st episode was good but the 2nd episode was kinda meh..
Jul 15, 2010 9:04 AM

Sep 2007
garfield15 said:

I really don't get all the love for Adventure 02. Just was never that great for me.

The end ... The end ...
For me ... Oikawa ...
The insert song ... The best of all ...
Jul 15, 2010 10:30 AM
Aug 2008
Nerdo said:
Things I hate:
1. Kids get more Digimon, they should stick to only one.
2. Ugly Digi evolution.
3. No ending "song".

Well, to be fair, it seems like only 3 out of the 5 known kids even have digimon in the first place, while Zenjiro and Akari seem to be supporting characters. I actually kind of like the idea of the Chosen [Er, Generals..whatever they are called here] commanding their own army, it's an interesting new twist. If the other two do not get Digimon, they could basically skip the problem of Taiki being a glory hog [Takuya, Kouji, MARCUS], as the other two wouldn't have need to battle anyway. So I guess we'll see how that pans out.
Jul 15, 2010 11:17 AM

May 2010
Paul said:
ReaperEXE said:
Paul said:
Only gonna give this a couple more episode, if nothing interesting happens, I'll probably drop it and rewatch Season 1 or 2 to get this out of my system.
Spoken like a true Digimon fan. The dub, right? RIGHT?!
IMO it's like they took everything bad from season 5 and managed to make it worse...

Pretty much impossible to find a Jap Audio/Eng Sub version of S1/2.(Last time I checked anyways, a few years ago). Maybe the movie but the TV series... pain. Dub is fine.

Actually, this group has subbed fully Digimon Adventure 02.

WheelerTheViper said:
Yuki_Giou said:
So far I feel disappointed too. The whole goal of the anime is for Shoutmon to become the King? At least in the first seasons, it was to save the Digital World that was involved with the real world...

Um, we're on episode *two*. None of the other seasons had their save-the-world plot going by now, except maybe 02 as a lot was already established by Adventure.

I have no idea what everyone is complaining about besides 'they changed it do it's horrible'. Seems to be doing a lot better than Savers already, though the pacing seems to be pretty fast for whatever reason. I'm enjoying it though, and interested to see how this pans out.

And I made a judgment upon episode 2. Surely, Digimon gets better after episode 5, however the main basis is awful personally to me. For example the digi-evolution or Taiki having an army of Digimon. I just said that I miss the old times.

Well, in Digimon Frontier it was also obvious that they were gonna save the world, because they were the legendary warriors.
Jul 15, 2010 11:27 AM
Jun 2008
RyuRobin said:
Imho the best series are: Adventure, Tamers and Savers.. in no particular order.
02 was uber-shitty imho and frontier was different but It was kinda good in it's own way..
Xros wars seems to be good, 1st episode was good but the 2nd episode was kinda meh..

yup Tamers>adventure>savers>02>frontier

I really hated frontier, boring bs all the time, I forgot a bit about 02, don't really know how it went...

Tamers is definately the best

The only thing about this serie is that madleomon is such a weak guy. I thought ultimate digimon were pretty strong, but i guess that doesn't matter anymore. Furthermore i really don't like that beatle/robot guy, he's just ugly as f*ck... For the rest this serie is pretty enjoyable
Jul 15, 2010 6:18 PM
Jul 2008
reaght said:
RyuRobin said:
Imho the best series are: Adventure, Tamers and Savers.. in no particular order.
02 was uber-shitty imho and frontier was different but It was kinda good in it's own way..
Xros wars seems to be good, 1st episode was good but the 2nd episode was kinda meh..

yup Tamers>adventure>savers>02>frontier

I really hated frontier, boring bs all the time, I forgot a bit about 02, don't really know how it went...

Tamers is definately the best

The only thing about this serie is that madleomon is such a weak guy. I thought ultimate digimon were pretty strong, but i guess that doesn't matter anymore. Furthermore i really don't like that beatle/robot guy, he's just ugly as f*ck... For the rest this serie is pretty enjoyable

Yes. Tamers was the best!

They should just get rid of mult. digimon for each child and the music theme.

I do like that the main digimon has an incentive of his own.
Jul 15, 2010 8:13 PM

Feb 2010
...I thought about it enough already, but didn't come to a conclusion, so maybe someone of you might help:

WHY THE HELL is there a V on the XrosLoader? Why is the Logo a V? Why has Shoutmon a V on his head?

XrosLoader, not V-Loader!

Episode was okay, the whole King-theme contradicts the Digimon-origin, though.
I mean, yeah, it's just episode 2 and in Adventure we also had some episodes til the plot was revealed step by step, but still...

There's no real threat to the Digiworld aside from War. War is bad, of course, but it won't destroy the Digiworld itself.

We'll see, I'm still eager for more~

Legomon look like shit...
Jul 15, 2010 9:05 PM

Sep 2008
I really like the new characters and Digimons but I COMPLETELY hate the fusion system. I think it's really lame and I don't want the main digimon to become a weird looking robot. He's just not scary at all. Man, I really wanna see the good old digivolution
Jul 16, 2010 7:02 AM

Dec 2007
Ok, it's really bugging me how this one got all the flaws Frontier had. It's really annoying me to death how a pathetic little rookie can stop Orochimon, an ultimate, with next to no trouble at all.

EDIT: Plus, they are doing nothing Digimon-like other than using names. Seriously, using the smaller digimon as innovative items/weapons? Next thing you know, we'll have digimon merging with humans. Oh, wait..
HalRyderJul 16, 2010 7:05 AM
Jul 16, 2010 8:08 AM

Sep 2007
HalRyder : If you saw the two episodes ...
Have they ONE TME spoke about the level in Digimon ?
It's stupid but i don't remember Xros Wars to spoke about Rookie, Ultimate, Perfect level ...
So if they don't spoke about that, they don't "exist" for the moment so a big bad guy who is defeated by three little guys, at this moment of the story, it's not a problem.
Jul 16, 2010 10:28 AM

Jul 2009
I would like to see them explain the difference in power now since the Rookie/Child VS Ultimate/Mega and winning thing is a bit odd. In Adventure 02, Armor Digimon were at Champion level so I'm guessing that the Xros versions are also Champion/Adult?
Jul 16, 2010 3:36 PM

Dec 2009
I don't understand how some people can gauge an anime based on the first few episodes.

Digimon Xros Wars definitely shows potential at this point.

The only issue I have thus far is with the Xros system as it simply makes the Digimon to powerful. Hopefully some flaw or issue is introduced to prevent the over reliance on this ( Maybe in a similar way to Skull Greymon's introduction).
Perhaps since it relies on Taiki having sound tactics this could be used against him as he realizes that actual battles do not quite go as he imagined they would. (Perhaps I am over thinking this however I think it would make a brilliant opportunity for character development.)

Cutemon is a wonderful idea. I would like to seen where Cutemon fits into the evolution line. The character design is just to similar to Lopmon and Terriermon to be that way by accident.
Jul 16, 2010 10:41 PM
Feb 2010
Graphic-wise it's not really good... but it's understandable. After all it's from Toei... but the presentation was was pretty nice, content is nice and there really are 'infinite' possibilities to the digimons' attacks.
Jul 17, 2010 8:28 AM

Feb 2009
No love for Frontier in this thread leaves me in despair.

Frontier>Adventure 01>Tamers>Adventure 02 for me. Haven't watched Savers yet.

I would have appreciated it if MadLeomon died but him being alive again is kinda disappointing. And what's with the different color of Greymon for Blue(the rival, forgot his name). I kinda get now why Shoutmon is named like that. He's too loud. Less talking, more plot and fighting kthnx. This DigiXros thing had many uses but I don't like it at the moment. I'll get used to it somehow.

Lilymon was awesome. Nuff said ;)
Jul 17, 2010 10:15 AM

Sep 2007
You have good taste ...
But when she will do the same thing with her Rosemon form ... :D
For Frontiers, i loved the references in. XD
Jul 17, 2010 1:17 PM

Mar 2009
I'm a first time Digi watcher, well other than the random dub episodes I caught on TV years ago, and I'm really enjoying this.

It's so GAR, which is +1!

And, I love the seiyus, especially Shoutmon, he is awesome.

I personally think the Xros is cool, I like the whole fighting system.

I have already grabbed Ryuu-Rogue's batch of S1, and I'll be watching all of the series now.

Just another long show to jump into, I really think I have a problem, LOL.
I can't stop watching animu!! XD

Maybe my fav of the season, but that's gonna be hard to call, and I still haven't started Sengoku Basara 2 yet...the GAR of all GAR!

Urahara Out!!
Jul 17, 2010 2:33 PM
Jan 2009
@Xros haters - Take the nostalgia glasses off .. the only reason you got hooked to 01 from the first 2 eps was because you were a kid, trust me, the first 2 eps of 01 weren't good either.
Jul 17, 2010 4:06 PM

May 2009
I hate the design of them fusing, It's just so white, blue, and yellow. ugh. and it's just so bulky...But I do like the way things are heading, the first 2 episodes were good in my opinion, I can't wait to see more. I also think the relationship between taiki and shoutmon is adorable.
Jul 18, 2010 12:24 PM

Jul 2007
Random things starting.

1) I re-watched Adventure, 02 and watched tamers all with jap audio, english subs 2 weeks ago (finished tamers today). So nothing is impossible.

2) I don't know about the setting this will follow since its just 2 eps but i really don't like the characters,music,evolution and digimon. Why did they changed Graymon? Cutemon??? Dont make me laugh. Culumon is Cutemon ultimate form after jogress evolving 100 cutemon together!! (Aside from trolling seriously Culumon is the cutest digimon ever)

3) How come no power level? They ruined all the fun ffs. I wasnt sure at first ep but this one made it clear. There are no ultimate forms or anything like that. Digimon can win a fight based only at how good they are at it. I dont like this either :(

4) I have no nostalgia glasses or w/e people who like this keep talking about. Im very specific with the things i dont like. The animation could be better (not saying its bad atm but still), the music is NOWHERE as good as adveture or tamers, I dislike the chars AND the digimon. The new digivice seems stupid. And god when Taiki is using the Xros shit and doing that lame move that we have to see 3 times... I hate that too.

Anyways im not gonna drop this... yet. I wanna watch at least 4-5 more eps and hope something good happens which will change my mind.
Jul 18, 2010 12:47 PM
Jun 2010
AfterGlow said:
animedark said:
Nerdo said:
Ah! Thank you so much for the link! I'm downloading it right now.. so I will post my comment on this episode soon. I wonder if the other kids get their Digimons already, probably not.

Dang it. I don't understand torrents... I have to watch it online. I really don't want to download it.

Don't understand torrents? LMAO.

Are you like, 60 years old?

No! I'm not that old! It's just something that's hard for me to understand. Especially because they're confusing to me. That was unnecessary to say!

Anyways, on topic: I was hoping that one of the other people who had made it to the digital world had gotten a digivice in this episode and had found thier digimon that could digicross.
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