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Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Dec 13, 2006 1:34 PM

Aug 2006
i was bored and i just watched the raw of 11 ? XD
well at least seems like they didn't mess the eyes of Misa ..but well she still looks younger that she realy its and that shinigami i forget her name voice is kinda stupid.... (i know he is female but since he looks male i though he would have a male voice and not that old woman voice Xd (ugly voice btw)
LunaDec 14, 2013 2:02 AM
deviantart died

dedanda, katsore, sasore, ataerande
Dec 13, 2006 1:47 PM

Aug 2006
lol, Rem with an old women voice??.....I would'nt have expected that....
Dec 13, 2006 1:49 PM

Nov 2004
Rem was a woman ? lol i failed to notice that when i read the manga haha
Dec 13, 2006 2:33 PM

Aug 2006
yea ryuuk explain it later when they meet if i'm not wrong
forget to mention the voice of Misa is also stupid..(if a 21 years old have that kind of voice she should kill herself XDD)
deviantart died

dedanda, katsore, sasore, ataerande
Dec 15, 2006 12:55 PM

Nov 2006
I just watched the subs for episode 11. I don’t know if anyone found the part were L's team switched the TV station for the first news casters and he was sitting there dead with all this cute music playing and a picture of two puppies in the background humorous.

Also L's handle of two cell phones rivals that of Revy's handling of two guns from Black lagoon XD.
Dec 15, 2006 10:47 PM

Mar 2005
goddam Misa's so awesome! Why do I love Misa? Two words: Aya Hirano! FTW yo! (yea it seems like the voice doesnt fit too well right now. I don't care, 1 <3 Aya Hirano!)

anyway, about the episode, it was amazing...until L somehow "figured out" that this Kira is fake. Bullshit. Plot contrivance I tell you, no way he coulda figured it out with that kind of information. If Light did it, he probably would have deduced that Kira is changing his methods once again. Somehow he jumps to the absolutely correct conclusion?! I'm disappointed.
Dec 15, 2006 10:59 PM

Aug 2006
Its called......L is a genius....did you not get that?

and in any case it wasn't that hard to reach that conclusion, L feels he understands a bit about how Kira thinks, and Misa's methods don't exactly fit
Dec 15, 2006 11:48 PM

Mar 2005
Sorry, but geniuses just see more things with the same information. they don't have the ability to pull things out of their asses. At some point, these conclusions that L makes, with such certainty as well, is just not believable. Genius or not, that alone can't justify all the things he just comes up with.

personally i thought misa's methods fit quite well. Come on, just cuz these criminals were in girl's magazines don't mean they don't show up anywhere else (most likely that's not the case either). There's no way that could have been deduced that Misa got the information from girl's magazines only. The anchor things, I understand, but at the same time, L has said before that Kira can and will change his methods. It's too easy for him to just conclude that this is not one of those cases. 70% certainty? I don't believe it.

also, the whole coordination thing on TV, where anchors were killed exactly when the tape said they'd get killed...I thought that was very like Light.
Dec 16, 2006 12:45 AM

Aug 2006
I was just working off memory there, I'll have to watch the episode so I can come up with a better response.

*Spolier* (maybe)

I don't see why you like Misa though (if there is a reason besides Aya Hirano) she is a total plug who fails at life. She becomes Light's loyal puppet and does whatever he says. She is just another one of his tools

*End Spoiler*

Anyway, If you think there is contrivance now, just wait until you see what Light does a little later, probably won't happen for awhile...but its the biggest problem I have with this story
Dec 16, 2006 1:15 AM

Nov 2006
Well I have to agree with RL on this. Misa-Misa is by far a walking tool.
"Light, I'll die for you!"
Give me a break, a lemming has more sense.

And I think L's thoughts about the Kira tape were pretty accurate for him. I would guess he figures Kira wouldn't care if the police supported him or not. He would just keep doing what he has been doing. Plus I think Kira and L think incredibly similar even if they are on different sides.

Dec 16, 2006 4:40 AM

Nov 2004
Ishiyumi said:
yea ryuuk explain it later when they meet if i'm not wrong
forget to mention the voice of Misa is also stupid..(if a 21 years old have that kind of voice she should kill herself XDD)

I know a lot of adults with children-like voices. Even I could do that (well I'm 17, but I'm not sure my voice is gonna change that much in a few years). When I talk in Chinese my voice is also all high-pitched.

Anyway, only comment is.. well.. good episode. I like this part of the story involving Misa.
Dec 16, 2006 5:42 AM

Aug 2006
well you could talk like that (i guess me too?) but you don't talk like a child always, maybe for some joke or something stupid or to laugh at someone but not for talk serious XDD
Jin said:
Well I have to agree with RL on this. Misa-Misa is by far a walking tool.

uh...uh...XDDD i'm unable to see if you watch naruto XD but uh...thats the same as Sakura (naruto) and alot others least misa is beatiful..unlike sakura XDDD the same for orihime (this one is worse)(bleach)
deviantart died

dedanda, katsore, sasore, ataerande
Dec 16, 2006 12:00 PM

Mar 2005
yea you're all right, I don't know much about Misa so she might as well be as bad as you all say. Until then, Aya Hirano ftw!

Jin said:
And I think L's thoughts about the Kira tape were pretty accurate for him. I would guess he figures Kira wouldn't care if the police supported him or not. He would just keep doing what he has been doing. Plus I think Kira and L think incredibly similar even if they are on different sides.

I think L knows that Kira doesnt care about police support, but if this didn't reek of contrivance, then I'd say L's conclusion would be more like Kira has an ulterior motive for his actions that involves the police. That makes much more sense from the information he has. A possibility of a second Kira would be far down the list.

and Ishiyumi that's how many azn women talk. get used to it.
Dec 16, 2006 12:10 PM

Nov 2004
Rofl that phone talking of L was weird. =P

Really enjoyed the epiosde
Dec 16, 2006 1:24 PM

Nov 2004
Freakin' awesome episode. Brilliantly done series. I must completely agree with wildbeest0001 on everything he says. There's no possible way L could have figured out that there is a "fake Kira" with the information he told us. If L said a little more about how he deduced his "hypothesis" (with a bullshit 70% confirmation), then maybe I'd have believed him. However, he just is like, "oh well the real Kira wouldn't have done this." Blah, I don't think so.

Other than that though, Death Note is becoming freaking insanely interesting. Misa looks like she'll be hot too. Score. Hopefully she's not an idiot either.

Dec 16, 2006 4:01 PM

Nov 2004
If I don't remember too wrong i think he did do a bit more explanation in the manga, guess they just shortened it to not bore certain ppl =P
Dec 18, 2006 3:38 PM

Aug 2006
Ok, I watched the episode finally, and I really don't feel as though there is 'contrivance.' I thought the reason's why L 'thinks' (thats right, he only 'thinks') that there is a second Kira are pretty good. Suddenly Kira is killing innocents which he has never done before, and using petty criminals in his video's. Why would the real Kira suddenly change his style after all this time? From that I would say there is just as good a chance of being two Kiras, as of Kira changing his style.

In any case, its not like L said "Oh, I'm completely sure that there is a second Kira" I would completely agree with you if he did.

wildebeest0001 said:

If Light did it, he probably would have deduced that Kira is changing his methods once again.

How do you know what Light would have deduced in L's situation?? For all you know he would have come to the same conclusion

Also, its not like L always figures everything out, or is always correct. For instance, in that episode he see's people dying outside the TV station and is now unsure if Kira can kill with just a face or if he actually needs the name.

Finally, I like both Rem and Misa's voices
Dec 18, 2006 3:48 PM

Mar 2005
it's not the first time L saw Kira killing off petty criminals. Kira did it before when cameras were around his house. But he didn't come to this same conclusion last time.

Why would the real Kira suddenly change his style after all this time? From that I would say there is just as good a chance of being two Kiras, as of Kira changing his style.

agreed, so why would L say something like 70% certainty? especially when his typical response to previous changes in Kira's killing patterns was simply that Kira is changing his methods once agian?

If Light did it, he probably would have deduced that Kira is changing his methods once again.

How do you know what Light would have deduced in L's situation?? For all you know he would have come to the same conclusion

I meant if Light was actually the one killing off these innocent ppl and having the whole TV thing, which is highly possible. Would L have come up with the same conclusion?
Dec 18, 2006 4:28 PM

Nov 2004
Kira (Light) has killed innocents before. He killed all the police officers and FBI agents involved in the Kira case. They = Innocents. Therefore, L should not have thought anything was out of the ordinary.
Dec 18, 2006 4:59 PM

Aug 2006
L mentions that Kira has never killed innocents unless they were after him.

EDIT: Well, its still good to note that L isn't 100% sure here, and also, he explains more about his theory later
running_lemonDec 18, 2006 5:28 PM
Jul 1, 2008 3:39 PM

Oct 2007
kei-clone said:
Sorry, but geniuses just see more things with the same information. they don't have the ability to pull things out of their asses.

lol... I agree also they accepted the fact that there are now 2 people running around with the impossible ability/god-like power to kill someone on a whim... One fine... but two?!?! i mean the human imagination can only stretch so far... what's likeliness of one assuming that people are gaining these abilities left and right... and not only the same ability but an an even more advanced version of the first? I'm not buying... it's logical to assume that Kira's gotten more serious... or deranged depending on how your looking at it... and has begun to act slightly out of character, And all in all L works with logic granted a far more advance logic than most but logic yet and still.

o yea and it's looking like i'm gonna love Misa.
Aug 17, 2008 4:31 PM

Aug 2008
Jin said:
I just watched the subs for episode 11. I don’t know if anyone found the part were L's team switched the TV station for the first news casters and he was sitting there dead with all this cute music playing and a picture of two puppies in the background humorous.

I didn't notice that at first, just watched it again and laughed my head off XD

Misa's annoying me already.
Light Fan <3
Nov 1, 2008 10:26 AM

Mar 2008
Contrivance? :/ Really? I thought it made sense. Firstly, since when has Kira wanted to broadcast information himself? If he wanted to send a message to the police he'd have gotten another criminal to write a suicide note. That's the main thing that's wrong there; there was nothing to provoke the announcement and it's something that's completely out of Kira's character. Secondly, Kira never once recognised himself as 'Kira' - it was a name people on the net came up for him, so that must have raised suspicion too. So that, with the fact that random news broadcasters and petty criminals only mentioned in woman's magazines start dying and police whose names are unknown die on scene, starts looking rather suspicious, ne? And at first everyone thought Kira was a group, so they wouldn't really be too shocked that there were 'two Kiras' now.

I think L's thought pattern is fine, especially as he's not 100% sure... :/
Dec 5, 2008 7:28 PM
Apr 2008
Awesome episode. It kinda made sense to me how he was able to figure out it was another Kira. Misa looks like she's going to be really interesting. And plus she kinda looks hot.
May 9, 2009 12:04 AM

Jun 2008
something new!! a girl having another death note pretending to be kira... well.. light and L would probably working against this new girl.. but she has the eyes.. interesting turn of events.. wonder whats happening next...
Jun 14, 2009 10:04 PM

Dec 2008
heh... at first i thought it was actually light that had gone crazy and went as far as to get the shinigami eyes.

misa's voice sounds like that of a little kid. maybe its because her life span got shortened due to acquiring the shinigami eyes and aged forwards half of her remaining life span.
Aug 6, 2009 2:57 AM

Aug 2009
Misa is strange girl.. stupid enough.
This episode is 5/5
Aug 27, 2009 12:18 PM
Apr 2009
I agree with kei clone though. I thought it would take L at least like 3 episodes to find out. But he found out 5 minutes after the broadcast (well video time/episode time x D)

And I was 'wow wait what'' but this might be better, cause else it'll be to annoying, although this is a pretty damn big thing. Why would he ever suspect there is another person like this, and so fast damn. The other Kira could have changed his strat like that si,,
Oct 25, 2009 2:23 PM

Oct 2009
Should have guessed they would bring in a new character. This makes things interesting...but kinda bitter for me. I think I'm going to miss the L vs. Light situations. I always feel awkward when I get really into the mystery and then everything changes...
Nov 7, 2009 2:23 PM

Jan 2009
Another Kira?!?! C'mon, can this get any better??
But I should have probably seen new characters coming. 37 eps of L vs Light would be just boring, their brains and egos would run out of clever things to fill the running time with. She doesn't seem that intelligent though. Maybe now we'll see what it would happen if a regular human being gets the death note.

Nov 29, 2009 11:18 PM

Mar 2009
It seems light knows that there is another person doing the killing aswell.
And here comes Misa, now that she has the Death God eyes if they teamed up NO ONE will be able to stop them.
awesome episode though.

Dec 28, 2009 1:39 AM

Jan 2009
The way L answers the phone is pure awesomess.

Is that Haruhi I hear at the end...oh boy...

Feb 1, 2010 10:44 PM

Nov 2009
Stop trying to question L's logic, he's far too smart for you guys to comprehend his reasoning :P. Every episodes been great, its like this show hit a constant climax after episode 1 haha
Feb 24, 2010 12:18 PM

Jan 2010
damn that kira girl is crazy O.o,ever crazier than light lol
i guess this show is gonna get really intense from now on :)

btw did anyone notice at the ending song that light has death god eyes?

"Just how a mirror reflects you,people will also reflect your heart."
~Athena Glory,Aria

"Whatever happens,happens"
~Spike Spiegel's thoughts on dying(Cowboy Bebop)
May 25, 2010 7:29 AM

Feb 2009
What a huge twist... for now let's just see where this all this leads. I actually liked the whole episode until the very end, just not sure what to think of this Misa for now.
May 27, 2010 9:08 AM

Nov 2008
This new character is interesting and its a girl. I was wondering when one would appear as possible main character. It would have been boring if there were no females in this anime.

With this new addition to the "team" I fear that Light's father and family might be in danger. But I still don't know which side to support.
Jun 8, 2010 7:40 AM
Oct 2009
-Chrissi-chan- said:
Contrivance? :/ Really? I thought it made sense. Firstly, since when has Kira wanted to broadcast information himself? If he wanted to send a message to the police he'd have gotten another criminal to write a suicide note. That's the main thing that's wrong there; there was nothing to provoke the announcement and it's something that's completely out of Kira's character. Secondly, Kira never once recognised himself as 'Kira' - it was a name people on the net came up for him, so that must have raised suspicion too. So that, with the fact that random news broadcasters and petty criminals only mentioned in woman's magazines start dying and police whose names are unknown die on scene, starts looking rather suspicious, ne? And at first everyone thought Kira was a group, so they wouldn't really be too shocked that there were 'two Kiras' now.

I think L's thought pattern is fine, especially as he's not 100% sure... :/

I suppose when you put it that way, it's one of L's more conceivable conclusions... but for the entire series so far L's deductions have come across as extremely contrived; he'll take some random fact, make an obscure conclusion (which will be 100% correct) and sprint with it. Either his methods are badly written, or he somehow knows everything already.
Jun 26, 2010 2:23 PM
Jun 2010
this anime becoming nonsense!! L knows everything!!!Because one fact he understand that is 2 Kira who killed that people!! his IQ is around 400 like three Einsteins!!!! :(
Jun 26, 2010 2:47 PM
Jun 2010
so basically if yagami light get his devil eyes and change tactics this L gay would asume that its exists third Kira!!! lol
Aug 23, 2010 1:31 AM
Jul 2009
That was unexpected. Or rather, I should have expected that a copy cat would come along soon enough. After all, the death gods were starting to get interested over Kira's actions.
Aug 27, 2010 6:34 PM
Jun 2010
BIG plot twist
Oct 5, 2010 2:27 PM

Feb 2010
Well, there maybe is a logical failure in L's thinking now, but due to he knows Light and suspects him as Kira, it makes sense.
Nov 3, 2010 9:07 AM

May 2010
kei-clone said:
anyway, about the episode, it was amazing...until L somehow "figured out" that this Kira is fake. Bullshit. Plot contrivance I tell you, no way he coulda figured it out with that kind of information. If Light did it, he probably would have deduced that Kira is changing his methods once again. Somehow he jumps to the absolutely correct conclusion?! I'm disappointed.

Yes, surely not even L could figure it out with that small amount of information...
Nov 9, 2010 8:23 PM

Oct 2008
Andddddddddd, a new Kira.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Nov 26, 2010 10:42 AM

Aug 2010
Wasn't expecting a new fake kira so quickly. I knew something wasn't right when that one cop said he's headed to the TV studio. It felt rushed. the adrenaline rush he had sort of gave it away to me.

And how did this fake kira know the name of the police detective who died?
Aug 11, 2011 4:10 PM

Jun 2011
death note is going to be epic from now on
Nov 18, 2011 7:19 AM

Dec 2010
Now that's a plot-twist. At one point I even believed that Kira has finally found a way to trick the rules, knowing that he won't give up on the half of his lifespan so easily. But what ya' know - a hot blond chick can always turn out to be serious killer...
Apr 8, 2012 6:56 AM
May 22, 2012 7:51 PM

Sep 2011
Jul 31, 2012 6:59 PM

May 2012
Another great episode! I do wonder who the second person is with a Death Note!
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