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Apr 7, 2008 7:23 PM

Aug 2007
What the hell are you guys talking about?

V.V kidnapped Nunnaly and somehow teleported her to the Britannian mainland. Sheesh you guys try to make up the wildest of theories...
Apr 7, 2008 8:07 PM

Oct 2007
i believe V.V. brought nunally to an island in japan, and Lulu was on 1 side of that island while V.V./nunally was on the other side

awsome ep, i really want them to explain what happened in this "1 year" -.-;
Apr 7, 2008 8:13 PM

Feb 2008
well in anycase they will explain it soon. they have to. although the rebellion ended with pure fail, one doesnt really know who to feel sorry for. it all happened so fast that an explanation is definately in order.

the one think i dont like is that zero's tone is so arrogant it gets on my nerves. you kinda wish hed die.
Apr 7, 2008 8:28 PM

Aug 2007
Aspha said:
i believe V.V. brought nunally to an island in japan, and Lulu was on 1 side of that island while V.V./nunally was on the other side

awsome ep, i really want them to explain what happened in this "1 year" -.-;

The "preview" for episode 25 shows Nunnaly and V.V surrounded by bright sunlight in what looks like a floating platform similar to what we see the emperor standing on.

Well regardless of where Nunnaly was taken to, it sounds way too farfetched for Suzaku to have shot her. For one thing...Lelouch would have said a different thing if he just saw his own sister die in front of his eyes.
Apr 7, 2008 8:44 PM

Jul 2007
And yay, glad I'm not the only one to notice pay too much attention to the freaky hand things!
Apr 7, 2008 8:47 PM

Oct 2007
Good way to start off the season. I still wonder what happened back then with Suzaku and Lelouch pointing guns at each other.

One thing I didn't like was that this episode seemed so much like the first episode of season one...

Apr 7, 2008 9:02 PM

Apr 2007
Stop hatin' on Suzaku. >_>;;

This episode was alright, I hope the next ep answers the questions of what happened since the end of S1.

Apr 7, 2008 9:58 PM
Dec 2007
Lots of questions about how he lost his memory and stuff. Great way to start off the second season tho (And if someone didnt post PIZZA HUT) :)

Apr 7, 2008 10:13 PM

Jan 2008
i thought they'd drag out the plot of him having his memory erased a little longer, but i guess it's okay how they did it, but i hope they adequately explain what happened, and i'm not too sure of all the new characters that seem to be coming, with all they're new super powered nightmares, i don't really want it to be gundam-ish
Apr 7, 2008 10:21 PM

Jun 2007
I was rlly confused at the beginning but after everything was made clear... I was so happy! AHHH it was an awesome first episode!!!
I just LOOOVED Lulu's smug look when he remembered he was Zero. AHH!!! YES! EVIL SUZAKU, SHMEXY CHINESE DUDE!!! and more to come xD

ahem... yes.

Apr 8, 2008 12:00 AM

Apr 2007

Well my comment is useless here, but hey Code Geass is back!?!? :D

The ed art was awesome, Lelouch was so gar XO

/is back
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Apr 8, 2008 12:57 AM

Jun 2007
PimpToad said:
What the hell are you guys talking about?

V.V kidnapped Nunnaly and somehow teleported her to the Britannian mainland. Sheesh you guys try to make up the wildest of theories...

If you don't like people thinking or coming up with theory's then ignore it. Also next time watch the ep before making a thread. It made you look like an ass to try and justify that you watched the show when you really didn't in the first few posts you made. Then you came out and said you didn't watch it yet.
Apr 8, 2008 12:58 AM

Dec 2007
So glad this season started off with a bang, besides the horrible opening and ending songs it was a great episode.
Apr 8, 2008 3:39 AM

Feb 2008
It's gone to 9 pages now. I'm so glad I had the HD version, but well... Since my PC is ancient. Just watched it half, then it gone wrong. LOL! My PC can't handle 720p HD GOODNESS, well 576p is fine. But, oh well. I've downloaded again the SD version. Ouch! Then watch it with regret (I've seen HD version, of course I'll regret because of the MASSIVE decrease of quality).

About the OP/ED, it's not really horrible although it is not also special. Maybe just a normal OP/ED for every anime. Nothing to comment about it.

Love the animation for this new season, it really improves alot from the first season. And I'm wanting to see more CC goodness again for heaven's sake!!!!!!! I really wish that there will be an episode with pure CC stuffs! LOL!
Apr 8, 2008 3:56 AM

Apr 2007
Awesome start with Bunny Kallen, omg that's just hawt *_*
But really I didnt think he would've forgot stuff..lets see where this goes.
Apr 8, 2008 7:36 AM

Oct 2007
didnt loved this episode alot it was starting be amazing like in the old season maybe in the last 10 min, that what i think anyway.and from when luluech have a brother?its really bother me.
Apr 8, 2008 8:38 AM

Apr 2008
this episode felt like a rerun of season1ep1

i really hope the rest of the episodes dont feel like this

Apr 8, 2008 9:23 AM

Aug 2007
Bunny Kallen FTW!
I thought this was okay... hopefully it will be better than the last season as I was a little disapointed.
GAH whats with Code Geass and terrible OP's? =/
Love Psychological? Join
Pyschological Love =D

Apr 8, 2008 9:32 AM

Apr 2007
DeathfireD said:
AngelLily said:
Teifi said:
but damn..I'm confused with this Nunally Scene I don't get it %-)
For me it seems like Suzaku has killed her? o_O

And why would he? He had no reason to. He had something against Lelouch, not Nunnally.

I'm not agreeing that shes dead (I still think shes alive) but one reason why Suzaku may have killed/shot her would be because she jumped in front of the bullet to protect both her brother and Suzaku from shooting each other.

The ending or OP of the first season showed her with her eyes open falling as if she was in the air or shot, if I'm not mistaken. I'm guessing that would answer what may have happened to her. The other C.C person could have used power to allowed her to see which then caused her to react and dive in front of the bullet. Nether Lelouch nor Suzaku would see that coming. That may have also played a roll in why Lelouch lost his memory. Either that or some other Geass messed with his head.

Wouldn't that require her to like, be able to walk? I thought Nunnally not only is blind, but can't walk either? Maybe my memory fails? And V.V. had her, then he let her "walk away", just like that?

As to why Lelouch lost his memory, I don't have any theories. ^^;
Apr 8, 2008 9:44 AM

Aug 2007
Great fist episode! I was actually hopping for some explanations about what happened in the end of season 1 but I guess that can wait :P
I wonder what happend to Nunally...and he suddenly has a brother? Where did Rolo come from? I keep making so many theories in my head, but I'll just keep them to myself XD

Can't wait for more!
Apr 8, 2008 11:25 AM

Feb 2008
Karen + bunnysuit = win :p

other then that very nice ep, simular to s1 first ep but still kept me exited. Like everyone im a bit confused by the lack of information of what happend between the final gunshot in s1 and now but i guess we'll get answers eventually.

my guess so far:

Apr 8, 2008 11:34 AM

Oct 2007
Rewatched the episode again, this time not a HD, and Eclipse subs instead of gg. So much better imo. And this time I could understand things better since I missed half of the stuff last time.

Ahem, awesome anyway. I don't like the OP/ED, but they're decent. Can't wait for the next episode... I really want to know what happened (although Phoentjah already said it :O )
Apr 8, 2008 11:45 AM

Aug 2007
Watched this episode yesterday - Wow! I'm so happy Code Geass is back! :D
Apr 8, 2008 12:20 PM
Jun 2007
Bunny Kallen was just teh hawt. will we see more of it in the future though?

I wasn't that impressed with the 1st episode though. the sequence of events in the academy were rather baffling at first, then the rest were rather predictable. anyways, I'm just happy that's its back after the long wait.
Apr 8, 2008 12:28 PM

Jul 2007
Eh, I expected better, but it was all right. confusing as heck. and where the heck did Rolo come from.. I thought we met all his brothers and sisters already and they keep on popping up, the father sure is fertile >_>

Ah the ending... Zero is back! whoo~
Apr 8, 2008 12:28 PM
Jun 2007
wow.. Last time I saw this topic had only 3 pages. Now I`m seeing 9 pages.
Apr 8, 2008 12:45 PM

Apr 2008
I just realized something

Notice how massive a ending they left us with?
Tell me how would you start season 2 with such a tremendous amount you had to follow up on

Also I loved the pictures at the ending(not the song, the pictures), Theres a massive amount of foreshadowing in it.
Apr 8, 2008 1:01 PM

Jan 2008
WOW! I loved this episode.

Another CC Lulu kiss!!! *dies*
Apr 8, 2008 2:57 PM

Jul 2007
Anyone get reminded of Death Note for those who have seen it?

In honesty, I loved it and I think they mainly wanted to refamiliarize us with the whole feel and message of the show rather than introduce the new story right off the back. I think there's a lot more to come in the upcoming eps, and I, for one, will be right there waiting with tail wagging for the next subbed ep to be released.

On another note though, I hope they don't venture too much into mecha; I liked how they handled it last season. Just enough mecha to keep the whole war topic alive and keep us interested with certain mechs having more creativity to their designs than others. Made each battle really feel like a level from Fire Emblem, and it was an awesome experience. Again, I feel CG isn't a strong mecha-focused show (it's more like the mecha is just an avatar for the person inside it unless you're just a lackey of course) so I just hope they keep that formula as it's always been.
きみ は だれ だい?
ぼく は ラムボ!
ぼく は だれ だい?
きみ は ラムボ!
ラムボ なんでし!
Apr 8, 2008 3:12 PM

Feb 2008
Loved the first episode, watched it 3 times already.
I'm actually liking the OP now, I didn't care much for it at first but it grows on you.

Bunny Kallen!
Apr 8, 2008 3:22 PM

Aug 2007
DeathfireD said:
PimpToad said:
What the hell are you guys talking about?

V.V kidnapped Nunnaly and somehow teleported her to the Britannian mainland. Sheesh you guys try to make up the wildest of theories...

If you don't like people thinking or coming up with theory's then ignore it. Also next time watch the ep before making a thread. It made you look like an ass to try and justify that you watched the show when you really didn't in the first few posts you made. Then you came out and said you didn't watch it yet.

I already said that I haven't watched the show when I made the thread, but finished watching it when I replied to the friendly troll. Twisting facts to suit your own needs, how pathethic. Are you seriously trying to start things up again?

I enjoy inventing and listening to fellow theories, but not when they are so farfetched without any regards to factual data at all. I can throw random theories too and "look like an ass" if I want, but I have some common sense and at least back up my theories with some evidence.

Everyone who has watched Code Geass knows that Nunnally has very little power on her legs. She isn't paralyzed on the waist down, but requires a wheelchair to move from place to place. Lelouch seemed to be interested in Lakshata's work on medical cybernetics, perhaps hinting on using it on Nunnaly to help her walk normally without having to go through extensive therapy; I don't think he wants to see her in pain.

Knowing all of this, you still say that she somehow managed to jump from out of nowhere, intercept the bullet meant for Lelouch, then dies in front of him? The nail to the coffin is that she is psychologically BLIND!!! This theory has a near zero chance of actually happening and I'm just here to tell you that. If its even somewhat plausible, I would support or even counter your theory. I don't really want to dig up your other posts about the "King" when you are supposed to be using "Emperor." I'm sure you should know the difference between the two...

Charles "di" Britannia
The 88th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire

Go ahead and keep confusing the hell out of people then get mad when someone corrects you for it. Try to actually think about what you post rather than typing up random crap. Go ahead and try to make a rebuttal out of this, or are you just going to attack me directly with your mindless drivel? This isn't even the thread to speculate about future events to begin with. This is an episode discussion forum, learn what that means.

Such as Rolo having white and black wings, both of which are small and frayed, Also Rolo is in the shadow of Nunally. Another thing about it, Nunally is the only one not connected by the golden chain but is instead wrapped in a blue ribbon. Notice also Rolo's Face in this picture, Its filled with despair as he stares straight into Nunally.
In the next scene, the sleeping girl (forgot her name) also isnt touched by the chain, and in the scene after that the blonde man in black has no wings.

The "wings" symbolizes the allegiances of the characters, with white being Britannia and black of the Order. The white/black wings of Rollo symbolizes that he is some sort of double agent so to speak. We can assume that he is working for Britannia under the guise of Lelouch's brother. His "love" for his "brother" might cause him to switch sides later on. There seems to be a lot of speculation about how Rollo is somehow connected to Nunnaly. I don't think I've seen anything on Turn 1 hinting about a possible connection, so we'll just have to wait and see.

And yes...Kallen does look badass in that picture! xD
Apr 8, 2008 3:48 PM

Jul 2007
Requal said:
PimpToad said:
Haha good luck trying to find a stream that hasn't been deleted yet! xD

And just for the record, I've seen the episode =P
(albeit i barely understood anything other than epic lelouch goodness!) xD

Don't even bother going to any streaming websites to watch it. All links stay up for 30 or so minutes at the most, the youtube link I used is already blocked o-O

You're being pretty vague about the episode for someone who's supposedly seen it.

lol stop being an ass; the guy was just obviously just trying to spark the thread.
きみ は だれ だい?
ぼく は ラムボ!
ぼく は だれ だい?
きみ は ラムボ!
ラムボ なんでし!
Apr 8, 2008 6:06 PM
Nov 2007
Ok so pretty much the king has a geass and erased some memories. Is Rollo really Lulu's brother or is he just a spy, so will Lulu realize this (or he should have already). And then was Vilette's (or whatever her name is, Chigsau or something) memory erased or is she still in on the loop of things.

I don't like all these new characters. And it looks like this is just a big fucking reset in that we'll see just a different version of season one with pimped out knightmares.

Predictions of how it ends:
- Lulu's going to die just like Light, betrayed by Kallen & co. who comes to some self-realization during the last or 2nd to last episode.
-He dies because someone shot him so he was unable to fulfill his contract and C.C kills him somehow.
-Lulu will kill the King an episode or two before his death.
-Suzaku witnesses Lulu's death and is pyschologically fucked up.
-V.V. and C.C. fulfill their end of the contract or some shit and either return to their planet (if Jupiter is at all involved in this) or time or return to some kind of mental state and die.

predictions of the stuff in between:
-black knights are restored, obviously.
-those Chinese guys join the order.
-orange-kun keeps coming for more
-Lulu learns about the thought elevator and talks to his mom and all that stuff.
-We learn more about those scenes about the origin of the geass and C.C./V.V.

Apr 8, 2008 7:17 PM
Jun 2007
Lelangir said:

Predictions of how it ends:
- Lulu's going to die just like Light, betrayed by Kallen & co. who comes to some self-realization during the last or 2nd to last episode.
-He dies because someone shot him so he was unable to fulfill his contract and C.C kills him somehow.
-Lulu will kill the King an episode or two before his death.
-Suzaku witnesses Lulu's death and is pyschologically fucked up.
-V.V. and C.C. fulfill their end of the contract or some shit and either return to their planet (if Jupiter is at all involved in this) or time or return to some kind of mental state and die.

I don't think Lulu will die just like Light. And I hate comparing Code Geass to Death Note. I don't think they have the guts to kill off the super cool main character like that, it isn't like Sunrise at all. If they do, then the rating of this show will fall miserably, and less $$ for them.

Prediction of how it ends:
- Lelouch lives with CC. That's probably CC's wish.. X3
- Lelouch won't rule the world. He'll probably give it back to people and let them handle it. Him and CC will probably watch over the world in shadows.. X3


- Lelouch and CC dies and gets reborn. Then there's 3rd season, where they meet again and will remember their pass lives.. X3
Apr 8, 2008 7:24 PM

Aug 2007
I'm interested to know where you guys come up with these wild theories. Do you guys just right any random possibilities on a slip of paper, put them all in a hat, and randomly pick any possible scenario regardless of how farfetched it sounds? Well the posts are pretty funny, so keep em coming!

You shouldn't post spoilers about other shows Lelangir...
Apr 8, 2008 7:38 PM

Dec 2007
Great episode. I had been figuring that the King has a Geass himself and it looked like it in the opening credits.

Going to be a great season. Although, it's kind of lame that ALL the major Black Knight players are still alive. Kind of stupid to see them all escape. And why weren't they executed even a year after the rebellion? Makes no sense.

I do believe Lelouch is going to die by the end of the series.
Apr 8, 2008 7:54 PM

Nov 2007
Probably Rollo was giving Britannia the info about LeLouch's activities. LULU!!!!!!
Apr 8, 2008 8:32 PM
Nov 2007
PimpToad said:
I'm interested to know where you guys come up with these wild theories. Do you guys just right any random possibilities on a slip of paper, put them all in a hat, and randomly pick any possible scenario regardless of how farfetched it sounds? Well the posts are pretty funny, so keep em coming!

You shouldn't post spoilers about other shows Lelangir...

Oh my bad about that, didn't even notice. But yeah, I'd still say that Lulu will die, or at least fail. I think that Lulu might turn "evil" or just forget his "altruistic" goal and just want revenge like what was happening on the last episode of S1, then his pro/antagonist role will be somewhat ambiguous and he'll die, or something.

I don't think I've ever seen an anime where a main character actually succeeds in screwing the world.
Apr 8, 2008 9:06 PM
Jan 2007
Lelangir said:
Oh my bad about that, didn't even notice. But yeah, I'd still say that Lulu will die, or at least fail. I think that Lulu might turn "evil" or just forget his "altruistic" goal and just want revenge like what was happening on the last episode of S1, then his pro/antagonist role will be somewhat ambiguous and he'll die, or something.

I don't think I've ever seen an anime where a main character actually succeeds in screwing the world.

Hopefully not, I don't want CG to turn into DN ;_; Also, Lulu's not really trying to screw the world over or anything imo. He wants to overthrow Britannia, which could essentially end up screwing the world over, but that's what revolutions are like. The world could fall into chaos, or it could change for the better. Actually, with all the stuff that happens in CG, Lulu's original intentions are kinda vague in my mind, lol. I think he was aiming to improve the world by overthrowing Britannia or something.
Apr 8, 2008 9:15 PM

Dec 2007
PimpToad said:
DeathfireD said:
PimpToad said:
What the hell are you guys talking about?

V.V kidnapped Nunnaly and somehow teleported her to the Britannian mainland. Sheesh you guys try to make up the wildest of theories...

If you don't like people thinking or coming up with theory's then ignore it. Also next time watch the ep before making a thread. It made you look like an ass to try and justify that you watched the show when you really didn't in the first few posts you made. Then you came out and said you didn't watch it yet.

I already said that I haven't watched the show when I made the thread, but finished watching it when I replied to the friendly troll. Twisting facts to suit your own needs, how pathethic. Are you seriously trying to start things up again?

I enjoy inventing and listening to fellow theories, but not when they are so farfetched without any regards to factual data at all. I can throw random theories too and "look like an ass" if I want, but I have some common sense and at least back up my theories with some evidence.

Everyone who has watched Code Geass knows that Nunnally has very little power on her legs. She isn't paralyzed on the waist down, but requires a wheelchair to move from place to place. Lelouch seemed to be interested in Lakshata's work on medical cybernetics, perhaps hinting on using it on Nunnaly to help her walk normally without having to go through extensive therapy; I don't think he wants to see her in pain.

Knowing all of this, you still say that she somehow managed to jump from out of nowhere, intercept the bullet meant for Lelouch, then dies in front of him? The nail to the coffin is that she is psychologically BLIND!!! This theory has a near zero chance of actually happening and I'm just here to tell you that. If its even somewhat plausible, I would support or even counter your theory. I don't really want to dig up your other posts about the "King" when you are supposed to be using "Emperor." I'm sure you should know the difference between the two...

Charles "di" Britannia
The 88th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire

Go ahead and keep confusing the hell out of people then get mad when someone corrects you for it. Try to actually think about what you post rather than typing up random crap. Go ahead and try to make a rebuttal out of this, or are you just going to attack me directly with your mindless drivel? This isn't even the thread to speculate about future events to begin with. This is an episode discussion forum, learn what that means.

Such as Rolo having white and black wings, both of which are small and frayed, Also Rolo is in the shadow of Nunally. Another thing about it, Nunally is the only one not connected by the golden chain but is instead wrapped in a blue ribbon. Notice also Rolo's Face in this picture, Its filled with despair as he stares straight into Nunally.
In the next scene, the sleeping girl (forgot her name) also isnt touched by the chain, and in the scene after that the blonde man in black has no wings.

The "wings" symbolizes the allegiances of the characters, with white being Britannia and black of the Order. The white/black wings of Rollo symbolizes that he is some sort of double agent so to speak. We can assume that he is working for Britannia under the guise of Lelouch's brother. His "love" for his "brother" might cause him to switch sides later on. There seems to be a lot of speculation about how Rollo is somehow connected to Nunnaly. I don't think I've seen anything on Turn 1 hinting about a possible connection, so we'll just have to wait and see.

And yes...Kallen does look badass in that picture! xD

Wall of useless text crits you for 500000.
Apr 8, 2008 9:36 PM

Apr 2008
Anyone else noticed how conceited Lulu is?

"Im not the one whos wrong, the rest of the world is!"

I bet he says that to things like gravity too
.......... while jumping off a 20 story building
..................... then going splat!
Apr 8, 2008 9:44 PM

Aug 2007
playconn said:

Wall of useless text crits you for 500000.

You just earned +1 troll points!
Collect 10 of them to increase the size of your e-peen!

Seriously why even post if you aren't going to add anything constructive to the topic?

Lelouch has always been that way ever since Episode 1 of Season 1. That kind of charisma is one of the reasons the people of Area 11 follow him, even if he is hiding behind that mask.
Apr 8, 2008 9:53 PM

Apr 2008
Yea, I realize that, but it seems much more blatently obvious this time around.(At least to me) I know all thru out S1 he was trying to change the world and was slowly developing a God complex, but now it seems as if his development is complete.

Crucified by his friend Judas... I mean Suzaku, After 3 days... I mean 1 year, he has been reborn. Now the Rapture has cometh and thou shall be judged!
Apr 8, 2008 11:07 PM

Dec 2007
PimpToad said:

Collect 10 of them to increase the size of your e-peen!

Seriously why even post if you aren't going to add anything constructive to the topic?

You should not actually watch the episodes, make more "I'M FIRST LOLOL! LOOK AT ME GUYS! <insert useless information here>" posts, and then talk about e-peens more I think.
Apr 8, 2008 11:15 PM
Nov 2007
Im pretty sure that this a theory or two has been posted on this thread somewhere but I was wondering what had happened to everyone right after the end of the 1st season?

The season seems to me that it is only going to make things more complicated and harder to understand.

The picture on the bottom of your post (I have no idea what to call that section) the person looks kinda like
Cortez321Apr 8, 2008 11:23 PM
Apr 9, 2008 2:27 AM

Dec 2007
It was really a bad episode... Chinese looks like actors in the shaw brother films...
Lelouch which insult zero, lol
Apr 9, 2008 3:45 AM

Apr 2008
ooh i just noticed now after watching the first eps like 10x

one... im starting to like the opening (watch it 10x and you too probably will)
but more seriously, when the song goes - I continue to fight - thats Orange-Kun right?
Apr 9, 2008 4:53 AM
Feb 2008
first episode was awesome, looks like they will pull off a great second season from first impressions. Which is always iffy in the anime world as sequels rarely turn out wel.l
Apr 9, 2008 5:00 AM

Feb 2008
Kenrokuen said:

Lelouch which insult zero, lol

Did you actually watched the episode?

Anyway, after re-watching this episode, I've noticed that this 1st episode was quite similar to the first episode of season 1:
Lelouch gets in the middle of the Eleven's actions (well, here they were after him, but it was still similar =P), after defeating a Britanian noble (not really a noble in R2, but he was still an important guy) in a chess match, C.C. is chased by Britanian soldiers, which end up being killed by Lelouch's Geass, after he made (re-made in this case) the contract with C.C., among other things (if this was already said, I'm not going to read all those pages, then ignore this).

KayroApr 9, 2008 5:05 AM
Apr 9, 2008 5:51 AM

Sep 2007
I don't want to brake your little theory discussions

But this is the episode 1 only discussion thread :D

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