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Apr 6, 2008 1:52 AM

Aug 2007
Begun R2 has! xD
(and I don't even know if I got that right)

Less than an hour after this thing aired and the internets are already buzzing!
(Hell 2ch was already buzzing with activity hours before it aired)

Can the internets handle 24 more weeks of madness? Only time will tell...xD

Apr 6, 2008 1:54 AM
Feb 2008
You haven't even watched it.
Apr 6, 2008 2:39 AM

Aug 2007
Haha good luck trying to find a stream that hasn't been deleted yet! xD

And just for the record, I've seen the episode =P
(albeit i barely understood anything other than epic lelouch goodness!) xD

Don't even bother going to any streaming websites to watch it. All links stay up for 30 or so minutes at the most, the youtube link I used is already blocked o-O
Apr 6, 2008 2:40 AM

May 2007
Just watched it an hour ago on TV. It was exactly the same pattern as the first episode of the first season. >_>
It was quite amusing that Lelouch reminded me of Light from Death Note when he regained his memory.
And I thought the opening was quite bad, but I liked the ending.
Overall, I will drop the series after this episode because I didn't like so much the first season, and it looks like the second season is going the same path.

Apr 6, 2008 3:00 AM
Feb 2008
PimpToad said:
Haha good luck trying to find a stream that hasn't been deleted yet! xD

And just for the record, I've seen the episode =P
(albeit i barely understood anything other than epic lelouch goodness!) xD

Don't even bother going to any streaming websites to watch it. All links stay up for 30 or so minutes at the most, the youtube link I used is already blocked o-O

You're being pretty vague about the episode for someone who's supposedly seen it.
Apr 6, 2008 3:10 AM

Jul 2007
Seen the raw.

- Interesting OP vid with a lot of shocking stuff. Views of new mecha, characters and places.
AhenshihaelApr 6, 2008 3:45 AM
Apr 6, 2008 4:11 AM

Oct 2007
Saw the raw, laughed when he made them kill each other. Again.

Apr 6, 2008 4:48 AM

Nov 2007
Saw the raw and it was quite awesome (even if I knew everything that would happen from the spoilers). True, no new revelations or so on, but still a good ep to bring things back up to speed. I think I was mostly just really happy to see the characters in action. Also, HD = yes, please ^_^

[avatar from Tales of the Abyss]
Apr 6, 2008 4:57 AM

Aug 2007
Still great, but I think something will be with this Lelouch "brother"... maybe he's something like Nunnally substitute? Anyway, it'll be great from what I see :D
And the OP is quite poor, but it has a lot of spoils in it xD

And why the hell Chigusa has amnesia again? (If she has it, i mean...)
TaiApr 6, 2008 11:34 AM
Apr 6, 2008 5:12 AM

Jul 2007
Well, Rollo is certainly mistery. Even more so, after playing the Lost Colors game....
Direct clip from game:

That certainly brings some new insight to his character.
Apr 6, 2008 6:53 AM

Sep 2007
I think Viletta don't lose her memories once more. She just don't have a evidence that Lelouch is Zero, only a hint, so she keep chasing after him so maybe she finds out something to confirm this.

About Rollo I think he will be real psycho. Alan's sister from Escaflowne anyone? :D

New opening is nothing special, but I like ending, I love CLAMP's artworks.

Nice catch with repeating scheme from 1 episode, 1 season. CC must be really longing for Lelouch after one year and yet his amnesty.

Opening... Emperor with Geass XD I bet that VV is his geass provider.
Apr 6, 2008 7:05 AM
Nov 2007
Can somone please tell me where i can get the raw from?
Apr 6, 2008 7:06 AM

Jan 2008
Horrible OP but the episode itself was quite nice. Love the raw HD quality =) BEats my why Lelouch wasn't killed even though his identity was revelead. But then again, it's fiction and anything is possible.

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Apr 6, 2008 7:21 AM

Nov 2007
And here it starts all again... reminded me of EP1 of the 1st season.

I didn't like the new OP that much... COLORS rulez. :P

lol its interesting how all the people are sooo crazy about Code Geass... well It has that tension from where season 1 left off.. :P

kimatg on | blog | pixiv | deviantART
Apr 6, 2008 7:29 AM

Oct 2007
Yeah, it's basically the 1st season all over again, ofcourse with this time some loose ends tied up. At the moment they're leaving us in a mystery though. Am going to enjoy it again, but I'm afraid I'll have to watch the subs to fully understand the small talks.

My kingdom for a bottle of plum juice!
Apr 6, 2008 8:21 AM

Aug 2007
I was happy with the first episode, just have to wait for subs to fully make sense of it.
Apr 6, 2008 8:45 AM

Oct 2007
Episode 1 was always going to play out the same as the first episode of season 1, you have to remember that they changed time slots from late night to prime time and while all the fans from season 1 know what's the deal is, for a lot casual anime viewers this is their introduction to Geass. At least the time slot change actually made them doing this make sense unlike the first episode of Shana The Second.

Anyway Kallen wins episode 1, bunny suti montage ftw.
Apr 6, 2008 9:01 AM

Nov 2007
That was wow..

It kept me on the edge even though I understood about the words in the entire show...

Apr 6, 2008 10:46 AM

Dec 2007
Awesome, I liked that it mirrored the first episode of the series. I liked the opening a lot, not thrilled about the ending though.

Li (is that his name? The chinese guy with the sword) seems cool. He's definitely hardcore, although he seems a little on the brooding bishounen end...

My guess is that Rollo is a replacement for Nunally, in the minds of others as well as physically (I didn't catch anyone mention her during the raw, but I honestly only understood about 80% of it.) The locket seems to serve some significance in relation to this as well. It should be interesting to see how that turns out, he's probably the Emperor's insurance policy.

Was it just me, or did Suzaku "forgive" Lelouch because they were friends? And then say he would be the one to kill Zero?
世界は美しくなんかない。 そしてそれ故に、美しい
Apr 6, 2008 11:04 AM

Sep 2007
I think he said "Yes, your majesty (XDDDD), I don't want to burden this to anyone, that was I who couldn't kill Zero" but my japanese is very poor so I could misconceive.
Apr 6, 2008 11:04 AM

Jan 2008
Like others have said basically first episode from season 1 redone in a different fashion. Still quite awesome though and can't wait for the next episode.
Apr 6, 2008 11:15 AM

Aug 2007
No need to be a douchebag now. To satisfy your e-peen, I haven't watched the episode yet when I made the topic. Are you happy now? Go cry tears of joy since you were right. I'm being vague about the episode since I prefer not to give out spoilers to those who haven't seen the episode yet...but hey I'll make sure to give out posts filled with spoilers WHEN THE DAMN EPISODE HASN'T EVEN BEEN SUBBED YET AND WHEN ITS ONLY BEEN OUT FOR 2 FRIGGIN HOURS...damn trolls.

On a lighter note...did Lelouch forget how to do his hand gestures when his memories were sealed? xD
Apr 6, 2008 11:18 AM
Jun 2007
HOLY MOFFO!!! Damn... That was an amazing episode!!!! The animation has improved. Good opening, but I don't like it, well I like the middle part of the song, but the rest I didn't liked it. I LOVE THE ENDING THEME THOUGH!
Apr 6, 2008 11:44 AM

Apr 2007
Holy shit spoiler, the scene at the beginning with the king O.o
Apr 6, 2008 11:50 AM

Oct 2007
Oh c'mon he was talking to a dead clovis in season 1, what's so shocking about him having a geass?
Apr 6, 2008 12:18 PM
Jun 2007
Roketsu said:
Holy shit spoiler, the scene at the beginning with the king O.o

Well, I kinda expected that. =P
giossApr 6, 2008 12:30 PM
Apr 6, 2008 1:20 PM

Aug 2007
subs are up...

holy crap thats fast! o_O
Apr 6, 2008 1:22 PM

Oct 2007
fuck yeah, raws only been available for what... 8 hours?
Apr 6, 2008 1:38 PM

Dec 2007
subs by who and where?! :O
Apr 6, 2008 1:40 PM

Nov 2007
out by gg
Apr 6, 2008 1:41 PM

Aug 2007
gg is doing it and only 720p raws!

as per the rules of MAL, sharing of copyrighted material isn't allowed. it shouldn't be hard to find though...xD
Apr 6, 2008 1:48 PM

Feb 2007
Ah, Geass.

Suzaku sucks still..

kinda lame imo that he "forgot" shit but meh.

let's see what happens from here.
Apr 6, 2008 1:51 PM

Jul 2007
Well that kinda sucked.

Sam is my sweet peach
Apr 6, 2008 2:04 PM

Sep 2007
Naaah, I don't think it was that bad, It's just getting started, I will give it a chance till everything is cleared and they will continue where they did end it last time :D

Apr 6, 2008 2:11 PM

Aug 2007
I have never seen irc as busy as it was when this came out. . I love that its finally back. It will start to pick up, but the first episode was still pretty good.
Apr 6, 2008 2:18 PM

Aug 2007
Don't forget that the episode was purposely done this way to attract new viewers. Geass used to have a timeslot of 24:30?? (either way it was a midnight time slot) and is now moved to the nichigo (17:00) primetime slot.

There are some theories floating around about Lelouch's "memory loss." A popular theory is that the Emperor sealed his memories and is using him to lure out C.C, they even mentioned it if you understood the RAW.
Apr 6, 2008 2:20 PM

Jun 2007
Loved this episode...A nice way to start the season...Lots of action and nothing boring in it. <33333 Cant wait until next week ^.^
Apr 6, 2008 2:24 PM

Oct 2007
The opening and ending songs aren’t anything special to me. But I love the drawings in the ending. Even though it was similar to last season’s first episode like everyone has said I was just happy to see Code Geass back in action again. Plus it makes sense that it was done that way, with the time-slot switch.

And I liked how Lulu had the soldiers kill each other again. XD
Apr 6, 2008 2:35 PM
Aug 2007
Ah it's finally here. And in a prettyful 720p format. (it looked especially good since I rewatched the first season this weekend, in crappy rmvb quality)

Like many have mentioned, it's similar to the first episode of season one.
First I thought it was some kind of alternate timeline with Rollo instead of Nunnally, Viletta as a teacher, and someone else being Zero. But in the end that was wrong.
So I'm looking forward to see why things are as they are.

Kallen in a bunnysuit was <3. And Suzaku and his new posse seem to work directly under the Geass using Emperor. Pizza hut survived to R2 as well lol.

All in a all a pretty good ep. :)
Apr 6, 2008 2:36 PM

Nov 2007
I thought the forgot shit was lame too, till they didnt drag it out and he got all memories back in that ep and everything was right in the world. Needless to say I loved ep, even if it was like a remake of first ep of first season, cant wait for more ~
Apr 6, 2008 2:38 PM

Oct 2007
I really like how they handled the time skip and set everything up in this first episode. The opening and ending songs are pretty nice - loved the artwork in the ending more than last season's gallery. This series is eye candy in HD as well!

Apr 6, 2008 2:45 PM

Jul 2007
most of the episode was boring, only got interesting near the end. some of the dialogue was shitty (such as lelouch announcing himself as zero near the end of the episode).

also lol @ kallen backflip kick

sort of a weak start compared to the first season I think. I hope they give more info about what happened in the gap between the 2 seasons.

and with this post my post count has increased, making me 1 post cooler than before
Apr 6, 2008 2:47 PM

Feb 2008
I thought it was a good start of the new season
Apr 6, 2008 3:01 PM

Aug 2007
Same. I liked this episode. Though I didn't really care for the DN similarity. Oh and why couldn't Suzu die. >_> Well he should die soon...or the last episode..either way he'll die.

Apr 6, 2008 3:11 PM

Sep 2007
It was okay...but not quite what I expected of CG 2. But oh well, it's only starting so I can accept it.
I want more Information what happened in the gap between the 2 seasons. now!
Apr 6, 2008 3:13 PM

Apr 2007
LELOUCH IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

shit, I came.
Apr 6, 2008 3:15 PM

Nov 2007
Li looks promising, Rollo looks annoying (although I do believe he is a replacement for Nunnally memory-wise), the confirmation of the emperor having geass<3!!!, Kallen's fighting skulls are still superb, and I enjoy Lelouch turning a bit more evil with each episode. I'm glad they didn't drag out Lelouch's memory loss for more than one episode, though I can't wait until they explain it!

Since I've read CG spoilers a few months ago, I'm not too surprised about a lot of news, such as Suzaku being alive. And since I love evil characters, him being completely pessimistic is fun for me. ^^ I wonder if his memories have been affected...

The art for the ending video was *amazing*.
Apr 6, 2008 3:17 PM

Nov 2007
I`m in heavens! Now I don`t mind dying!!
The ep was just as good as espected. Just watched it and now I`m gonna watch it again!Yes the OP was somewhat retarted Ed so-so. But Lulu again in front of my eyes. I`m gonna cry until there`s no tomorow. Right now I`m so happy!! Lelouch- sama!!!
Apr 6, 2008 3:19 PM

Nov 2004
Woah, my mind was racing through the episode. I was trying to think of why Lelouch lost his memory, who the hell Rollo is (yes I know he said brother), how Lelouch is now safely leading his school life again and etc. I was even surprised if Kallen made no expression of knowing Lelouch until we saw her try to pass something to him. A part of me didn't like what was happening, I mean, the first season ended on a HUGE cliffhanger, and most of the episode is Lelouch going around like in episode 1 leading a decently peaceful life again. I was wondering if he forgot that he's also the Emperor's son. The ending made up for it though, I still don't like Lelouch being all dramatic over being the man who will do this and this, but the backdrop of purple flames and the title of the episode, the 'day the devil awakens' again makes up so much for it. Unlike the first episode of season 1, this time Lelouch really does awaken again like a devil. It was like watching Light, Lelouch's expression changes completely with his memories. Although it wasn't as extreme as light (who went from being fairly innocent to his crazed self). Lelouch without his memories (or with 'planted memories') still has much of his actual personality within him.

I actually liked the concept of what they did here, instead of the mundane continue from where season 1 left off and just telling the story in a linear fashion. Even if this way we sort of need the next episode to get a better hold of what's going on within the Black Knights. I want to know why Suzaku would rather work for the man who destroyed his country and previous lifestyle (the Emperor) over his best friend who did commit a crime also but...
Apr 6, 2008 3:19 PM

Dec 2007
*drools* I'm sorry... but the Code Geass in HD is like candy.
Looks like this season isn't going to be much of a change from the first season.

Besides that.. questions are emerging... and i can't wait to find out what happened in the 1 yr gap
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