Feb 12, 2010 2:36 AM
After the series is finally starting to throw in some information, people might start to get confused about certain things or some things may not get mentioned. Some time ago, after reading the VN, I started translating it's information database (called Aktipedia) so if anybody wants to look some parts up here you have almost everything the game has to offer (except the storylines of individual arcs). But be warned, there are heavy spoilers ahead and some things may not have been mentioned in the anime so far. And of course, none of this was actually written by me and all copyrights lie with the staff of the game, but the translation is mine and even though it was fun it took some work, so I would prefer you not stealing it and pretending it was yours. THE KUZUMI HOUSEHOLD Kuzumi Hiroshi Born: November 11th 1967 Age: 15 Height: 167cm, Weight: 58kg Bloodtype: A The protagonist of this game. A boy who moved to Jôgamachi this summer. He wears glasses because of shortsightedness, if he were to take his glasses of he maybe wouldn't even recognize his friends in the school's hallways when touching them. Because of his father being a writer, even though he just passed the exam to enter a school in the city, he is now attending the 2nd group of 1st grade in the Private Jouga Senior High School. His personality is not yet fully established, he is a normal student without any redeeming features. Sometimes he looks a little wimpy, he is not the type to take the opportunity to suggest something or to play the leader, before he transferred he had never been in the center of attention. With his father Kuzumi Masaaki and his little sister Kuzumi Mana they are a family of three. Because Mana's legs are paralyzed, he is often showering her with care. He thinks of protecting his little sister like his own mission, and is therefore often overcaring. But still his actions are fueled by the thought, that all this is for the sake of his sister. Because of his sister's condition, he is sensitive towards bullying and discrimination, those are the things he hates the most. „If you feel bad, go fishin'...“ That is Isuzu's way of dealing with bad feelings, as he learned from Kaname. Right after he transferred into the Private Jouga Senior High School, he was mysteriously met with friendliness from boys and girls alike. Because he was often getting called 'Kuzumi Hakase' before, he developed a complex towards his own name and doesn't like this nickname at all. To be called 'Professor' even though he's neither a genius nor talented goes against him, still it came about that his classmate Asagiri Kaname gave him the nickname 'Hakase-kun'. Even though he is living only with his father and sister, it is not as if his mother had died. Because of adult problems, they are living seperately right now. Even if he got into an age where he could understand those circumstances, he hasn't asked his father about those reasons. It happens often that he speaks out loud what he's thinking. Again and again this get's him into trouble. And even though he want's to be an adult, he has his fair share of problems with that. His hobby is building plastic models. Recently he has bought the model of a famous robot anime, but Hiroshi is also interested in airplanes, ships, cars and tanks. He is more rooted in reality than fantasy. Because he himself thinks of his hobby as a bit crazy, he can't speak openly about it and unintentionaly he tries looking good by saying his hobby is reading and things like that. It's not just limited to school, in town too he is gathering attention. Is it really right after he moved to Jôgamachi that he is being so closely watched? He can't stand big onions and eggplants. In front of Mana he can't speak about his likes and dislikes, but still what he dislikes he dislikes. Mana is often making a joke out of it, serving it at mealtime, he is often at the verge of crying. Mana's traffic accident which happened in the past. He thinks that the paralyzation of Mana's legs is his own fault and still can't forgive his selfprotective self from back then. That he is pampering Mana with care beyond neccessity, that he stays so close to her, that is the reason. To atone for the sins of the past, his unconsciousness is filled with thoughts that he should favour Mana over himself. As underwears he wears trunks. Since a school trip during middle school he went from wearing briefs to trunks. He spreads a fragrance that is very appealing to Kamibito. His colleagues who pampered him so much, were Kamibito who got drunk on Hiroshi's smell. That he is strangely treated so nicely after moving to Jôgamachi is also thanks to that smell. Hiroshi's smell is so strong that it is destroying the Kamibito's senses, makes them drunk and robs them of their sanity. To emmit such a stron smell is a rare constitution that maybe only 1 person in 100.000 people posseses. Because of this he becomes the target the Kamibito who lost their senses are hunting for. Kuzumi Mana Born: July 28th 1971 Age: 12 Height: 138cm, Weight: 36kg B:68 W:50 H73 Bloodtype: A Kuzumi Hiroshi's little sister. She is attending the 6th grade of the Municipal Jouga Sakken Elementary School. As an after-effect of an accident her legs have been paralyzed and she is bound to a wheelchair. She has a very philosophical view of the world, so she is often not very sociable. Because there is no mother in the Kuzumi household, she is taking turns with her brother and in charge of the household on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. But because she can't leave some things to her clumsy brother, she is often doing the chores outside her duty too. Her hobbies are watching TV and looking at sceneries without people. She doesn't seem to be that good around people, therefore she doesn't like going out. She likes her white hat so she often wears it. A saying she hates is 'Give it your best'. Her dislikes are, crowds of people, people who are overly meddlesome and people who are hard to deal with. Because she seems to perceive her brothers kindness as meddlesome, she is often greeting him with resistance. Her disliked food is everything that is bitter. She especially hates green pepper. The fact that it is hollow is a furthering cause for her dislike. Even though he refers to dumb people and those she doesn't like as 'green pepper', she makes sure to never say it out loud. If that person happens to be female, she starts refering to her as 'green pepperess'. She doesn't like the colour black. That is because as a small child she was taught that a black cat crossing your pass meant ill fortune. On the contrariy she decided for herself that a white cat meant good fortune. It is because of that that she also likes to wear white clothes. Being bound to a life in a wheelchair she thinks that it would be nice to become something like a white cat. She likes to cover her weakness that is causing trouble to people around her at least a little bit. Because she is very skillful with her fingers, she excells at making candy. She especially loves to make cream puffs and langue de chat cookies for her beloved. Her repertoire of sweet recepies is bigger than that of normal food. Even though her father begged her to put a little more heart's blood into cooking real meals, she unintentionally lays her hands on nothing but books on sweets. Normally she stays close to the recipe, but if she is to put in just 2 teaspoons of sugar she will deffinitely increase it. She loves everything stylish, which is why she often reads teen magazines. It often happens that, when she cuts out photos of fashion she likes, she doesn't notice any nice pictures on the other side and regrets it later. Then she decides to repair her one big regretable flaw by piecing it back together with tape in a rather poor manner. Her brother's taste in western fashion is something that is unacceptable to her. Because she loves TV she often watches it. She has a particular weakness for travel programs and soaps. On days when her favourite program airs, to be able to watch them properly, she prepares tea cookies well before the airing time. Kuzumi Masaaki Age: 46 Kuzumi Hiroshi's and Mana's father. He makes a living by writing novels, scientific books and magazine articles. He does not have a fixed monthly income, the finances of the Kuzumi household is dependant on his motivation and ability to create something. He is not a particulary well selling or favourite author, but somehow he is able to uphold being able to support his 2 children. He has many troubles and often overdoes it without people noticing it, but he doesn't let it show. If another person was to notice, he would overplay it with an optimistic face. Even if he gives the impression of being irresponsible, he is a caring and loving father. He has the trait to get lost in his work too much and not notice his sorroundings, but he works really hard to pass as a normal father. He has had an interest in Jôgamachi's history and culture before and has decided upon it as a target of his research. Because he recently got into his hand a municipal residence in Jôgamachi, he decided wholeheartedly to move with his family to this city. He lives seperated from his wife Kuzumi Misaki for 3 years now. Because he was too involved in his work and forgot to involve himself in family matters, she left him. He still loves his wife and would like to return everything back to how it was. He usually doesn't stand in the kitchen, and because his single living times are long gone, his cooking skills are rather lacking. He hides his inability to cook with laziness, but it seems to be his own peculiar way to protect his children. Kuzumi Misaki Kuzumi Hiroshi's and Mana's mother and Kuzumi Masaaki's wife. She left her family 3 years ago. Because she couldn't make up with her workaholic husband Masaaki, and also because of Mana's traffic accident, she fled her home due to emotional stress. THE KUSHINADA HOUSEHOLD Kushinada Nemuru Born: January 5th 1968 Age: 15 Height: 152cm, Weight: 42kg B: 77, W: 51, H:80 Bloodtype: A A female classmate of Kuzumi Hiroshi. She is the class representative of Hiroshi's class. She doesn't speak much and always seems calm and collected. Because of the air of elegance that accompanies her, she is always an image of courteousness. She is totally different from other girls her age, as she carries a certain air of mystery. Her faultless rigorous speech and conduct, she has a very close resemblance to a lady of the court. In Hiroshi, who was beloved by his classmates right after transferring, she holds no particular interest at all. It rather looks like she keeps herself at distance from Hiroshi. Somehow she seems to be feared by her classmates at times, everyone in class somehow seems to avoid to even look at her. The result is superiority and it is rumored if she may be class best if not even the best at school. If the blackboard is dirty before class begins, she cleans it silently even if it's not her day of duty (but afterwards she holds a demonic sermon), so she holds an extreme love for cleanliness. It is rumored that once when the staff room's floor was dirty, she sent all the teacher's out and silently cleaned every corner. You can often see her alone in a classroom, folding Origami cranes or reading. She seems to be very involved in Origami and the paper she uses does not seem to be cheap, ordinary paper found in any stationary shop, but high class japanese paper. The paper cranes folded from that paper are something beyond description. She is the niece of Kushinada Shigetsugu, the head of the Jôga Medical Centre. The Kushinada family seems to be a prominent and respected house in the Old Town, an integral existence to the Old Town even. Therefore the people living in this town since old times seem to be very conscious of her. It seems like she resorts to keeping a distance from every person she meets and is issolated in her class. She is bad at socializing with people and therefore remains silent. She has no interest in trivial social matters, she does not even watch TV, therefore she doesn't even know what programs might be on currently. This is why she can't keep up a conversation and many people who can't bear her standing there silently simply run off. In her private time she mostly wears a kimono and her behaviour stays formal. Almost like a character from a historical play, she gives off an old style impression. She is very skilled with her hands and at crafts even puts some of the boys to shame. How she indifferently models delicate objects resembles almost the cold behaviour of a machine. She likes japanese food and is especially fond of seafood dishes. Buri Teriyaki is her favourite food. On the contrary she has not much experience with meat dishes, suspects that they will not be tasty and therefore doesn't like to eat them that much. Even though it seems that it's beauty somehow fails to hit other people, she dearly loves Usamimi Kaeru. Considering her normal behaviour it is hard to imagine that lovey dovey behaviour, which even goes so far as to give that beloved doll the name Mr. UsaEru. She has got a good Mr. UsaEru fellow in Mana. Jôgamachi, where Kamibito and Ochibito live. Her true persona is the one who hunts the Kamibito who have conducted a missdeed, to hide the existence of Kamibito from the Ochibito. But, above her selfimposed mission as the one carrying out the execution of Kamibito, she wishes for Kamibito and Ochibito to coexist more than anybody else, this is why she bears that harsh role. And above all she loves this Jôgamachi where she was born. Because of her strict upbringing, she is so shy, she cannot even look at a kissing scene in a soap. The Kushinada family is the most noble among the Kamibito and contains the person who hunts the Fallen Ones. This influence is held over all Kamibito. She herself is also a Kamibito. She is a classmate of Tsumuhana Isuzu since Elementary School. Partly she secretly envies her for her absence of cowardice and happy personality. Because presently her father Kushinada Jûzo is confined to the sickbed, she is the acting family head of the Kushinadas. It is so to speak the position of leader of the Kamibito society, which is why she holds the heavy responsibilty of performing the Ôkami Purification through the Kamiotoshi. She also attends the township meetings in her father's place. She is the spitting image of her mother Kushinada Rikako and regards her Kimono of Jôga silk as a precious treasure. When she puts on her mother's kimono, she feels like she could become a noble person like her much respected mother and her body becomes tense. She regards her mother's way of life as a role model for herself as a Kamibito. Her hobby is Bonsai. While helping with taking care of her father, it subconsciously became her own hobby too. Her potted maple tree, which she raised with so much trouble, is her favourite. Kushinada Jûzo She is famous around this area and quite influential in town. He is the head of the Kushinada house and the leader of the Kamibito society. There is nobody among the people in the Old Town who doesn't know him, and everyone will greet him when he takes a walk. He is stubborn regarding his conservative stance, and because he is not comfortable with new people moving in or the construction of the New Town, he almost never leaves the Old Town. His exclusive thoughts are strong and he thinks that the Ochibito who further the wild drives of the Kamibito should be driven out of Jôgamachi. He is 43 years old. Compared to his older brother Kushinada Shigetsugu he ages rapidly, he looks much older than Shigetsugu. In the past he carried he carried out the Ôkami Purification through the use of the Kamiotoshi, he carried out many different exhausting deeds to uphold the Kamibito community. It is supposedly because of those that his bodily fatigue and his aging has progressed so rapidly. Presently he is bound to the sickbed and therefore several years ago had to pass the position of the Kushinada family head over to his daughter Kushinada Nemuru. Kushinada Rikako Kushinada Nemuru's mother. Deceased. She was a devoted wife, a caring mother and was famous for her beauty in the neighbourhood. She came to live in Jôgamachi practically right after it was open to migration. She was originally an Ochibito who came from outside, but a heartless Kamibito turned her into one of them. After turning into a Kamibito, she married the Kamibito Kushinada Jûzo. She regarded her child Kushinada Nemuru as her treasure. In the name Nemuru she put her earnest longing for her to live a rightful life, being able to put the cravings of a Kamibito to sleep. She believed in the power of words within a name, which could guide humans through their life. But that happiness did not last for long, as the mark of Ôkami-sama appeared on her and she had to leave her family's side and become a Hakurô Kanon. Shortly afterwards they received notice, that she had reached the end of her lifespan. She differs completely from her husbands stance towards Ochibito as she embraced the faith that Kamibito could live in coexistence with the Ochibito. This way of thought had a strong influence on Nemuru, too. Kushinada Shigetsugu Kushinada Nemuru's uncle. He is the head of the town's general hospital, the Jôga Medical Centre. Through his caring personality he gains the trust of his patients. Also, as an allround physician it happens that he is treating patients from other hospitals too, his appreciation as a professional and faithful veteran doctor is high because of that. His special field is the study of pathology, but he has also knowledge in pharmalogy and clinical psychology. Because he never married, he holds his niece Nemuru dearly like his very own child. He is worried because she sacrifices all to lend her powers to her father, which is why he wishes to lend her his powers even more. As Kushinada Jûzo's elder brother, it was originally his position to carry on the house of Kushinada. They had another brother, elder by 2 years, named Jûichi, but he commited suicide at 16. The will he left behind was written calm and composed, he wondered about the pain of bearing the cravings of a Kamibito and what would be the meaning of living with bearing them. This will and his brother's death was what prepared his way towards medical science. For the Kamibito who suffered through their cravings, the progress of medical science was important, which is why that superior Kamibito stepped up to become a doctor. Shigetsugu who had excellent grades in high school was allowed to persue his medical career and the Kushinada family decided on his younger brother Jûzo to lead the house. Because it was originally him who would have had to take the place as Kushinada family head, but now it was inevitably forced upon his younger brother to succeed the Kushinada family, this all was inexcusable to him. In the past he also once had a Kamibito fiancee who was decided by his parents, but she was led astray by the scent of an Ochibito, commited a sin and had to be executed. Because of that past experience, he feels troubled concerning the future of the Kamibito and strives for a full-blown research concerning the taboo ladden Kamibito. THE TSUMUHANA HOUSEHOLD Tsumuhana Isuzu Born: Octobre 20th 1967 Age: 15 Height: 153cm, Weight: 43kg B: 85, W: 52, H: 81 Bloodtype: B Kuzumi Hiroshi's classmate, who lives right next door to him in the appartment complex he moved into, a bright and sweet girl. She is attending the 1st year 2nd group of the Private Jôga Senior High School along with Hiroshi. She wears an intersting little bell on her left wrist and everytime she moves it makes this sweet little sound. She is a bright and lively girl, who sometimes comes off as a little tomboyish. She often behaves comically and almost always laughs. She is getting along with everyone and is someone who you could call a moodmaker, together with her overall character this is the reason why she is so popular in class. If she is excited it often happens that she can't find the proper words and starts blabbering. Because of that impression she has gotten the name 'Burst Angel' stuck to her. Why is it that she is so clingy and flirty towards Hiroshi even though she just met him, and all that right after he just moved here? At times her rather bold actions seem almost as if she is abusing Hiroshi who is so weak towards girls. And still she really gives it her all at everything. She is studying the ways of love day and night, just to win the heart of the person she loves. But even though her comparisons sometimes seem a bit absurd...she also often gets things just plain wrong. Right now, she still seems to think about wether or not to read the Shôjo manga and love novels she got from Mana. Even if she likes to brag „I love cooking“, her real skills are with one word, disastrous. One time, after eating one of her selfcooked meals, her brother lay in bed for 5 whole days, and meeting him after that you wouldn't even recognize him, at least that's what Kaname tells. At any rate, there are times when she confuses cooking with crafting, and even if it's natural, she never tastes her creations. It's really hard to actually say something concrete about her cooking. You could almost compare it to avant-garde art. And it proves true that „I love cooking“ does not equal „I am good at cooking“. She is extremely fond of sweet food, if there is a sweet smell in the air, she is immediatly drawn to it. She knows all the places for sweets in the Jôga Centre Market by heart. She doesn't consider it a personal hobby, but it sure seems like that once she is around sweets. Her favourite dishes are fish sausages and the egg yolk of boiled eggs. Her favourite food may seem a bit odd at first, especially when compared to those of your own, but it could be all because she is so bad at cooking. She hates scary stories. Even if she brings up such a story herself, it can happen that she just snaps. She is pretty fond of that game called 'Poof' where you turn the cap of a milk bottle inside out. She has a hobby of collecting those caps and carries a cookie box with a collection of many different caps around. Because of her divine skills the elementary school kids in the neighbourhood whisper about her as the 'Empress of Poof'. Isuzu uses to say „I can smell the presence of a competitor...“, which is why she involves herself in that game, but to be directly confronted with such manner is not a nice thing. She hates studying, which is why her grades don't seem to be that high. She often fails at tests and has to take extra curricular lessons... At times she is a fairly spoilt child, because she is so close with her elder brother Tsumuhana Issei. It's an everyday occurence that she watches TV while sitting on her brother's knees, both unashamed. Although she always expresses her bright and upbeat image, it is not like she is tough by any means. It is maybe just an act to hide her her free spirit which could just be called total arrogance and her true personality. Naturally she has many traits of a spoilt child, she desperatly needs to cling to something and if she is unable to establish a bond, you can catch a glimpse of a dangerously fragile emotional layer. She is a classmate of Kushinada Nemuru since Elementary School. She fears the Kushinadas, but different from her other Kamibito classmates who can't even get near Nemuru or even speak to her, she can approach Nemuru just fine. Even though she sufficiently understands what the Kushinadas are to the Kamibito, and though she knows the truth that Nemuru has succeeded the house of Kushinada, inside Isuzu Nemuru is still just her old childhood friend. Tsumuhana Issei Age: 19 The elder brother of Tsumuhana Isuzu, a young man who attends the Private Jôga University. He has gracefull features and is very popular at the university. Concerning his handling of girls, he also possesses a natural talent on that field. It seems that here in Jôgamachi, there exists a secret fanclub for him. He is very helpful and help Hiroshi who has just recently moved here with all his power and interest, a really nice brother-type guy. His reflexes are good and he loves working out and partying, which is why he always takes the initiative to throw a welcome party. Because he is older and has such a calm and collected manner to him, he seems like a person to whom they can turn to Hiroshi and the others, But, also because he is Isuzu's brother, there are parts of him that are hard to judge. You can't read his true motives and there are times when he seems pretty nervous. He holds his little sister Isuzu dearly and pampers her often, but basically he respects the free will and believes in the principles of laissez-faire. For Hiroshi who has just moved to this city and only has female friends, he is a person with whom he can share his hobbies and talk about different things. He also learned from him about a shop for things of more manly interest. Tsumuhana Seiji Tsumuhana Isuzu's and Issei's father. They've lived in this town forver, but along with the town's development the whole family moved into the apartment complex in the New Town. He works as a buisiness man in a trading company in the New Town. The inhabitants of Jôgamachi were normally all involved in the cultivation of Hassaku, but along with the town's development people like him who ascended to a new job (from the outside) increased. Tsumuhana Suzuka Tsumuhana Isuzu's and Issei's mother. She works as a part-timer in the New Town's supermarket during the day. OTHER CHARACTERS Asagiri Kaname Born: May 28th 1967 Age: 16 Height: 163cm, Weight: 45kg B: 88, W: 54, H: 86 Bloodtype: 0 A female classmate of Kuzumi Hiroshi. Generally she is a normal and nice girl. She is a person of character and can associate with any person no matter what kind. Her manners are refined and she speaks in a very calm way. Around a girl so smiling and cheerful as her, there always hangs a calm atmosphere in the air. She gives off a gentle impression, but even more impressive is her witty character and her abilty to observe and understand. She is a specialist in planning out communication based on foreseeing people's emotions way before, but there is also a form of clumsiness in her way of speaking. Therefore it can happen that she says something which literally hits you in your heart, but because there is no evil will at all in her voice, neither misunderstanding nor discomfort linger around. (To be honest, sometimes you might think she is evil...because of this doubt, Hiroshi can't even return something) In her straightforward way she often translates what Isuzu, who isn't that good with words, wants to say, she often tones her overly high spirit down a bit and acts as a sort of watchdog for Isuzu. Also, because she has extensive knowledge about many things and can handle many things at ease, she is being relied on even by her classmates who use to say „If you don't get it right know, why don't you try asking Kaname?“. She is very close with Isuzu, but that connection was only established when she entered senior highschool. Because like Hiroshi she only just moved here to Jôgamachi and she came here just in time for her entrance into senior highschool. Because she likes books you can often notice her reading all day long forgetting everything around her. She especially loves mystery novels, she is a big fan of detectives like Sherlock Holmes or Akechi Kogoro. Additionaly she is collecting guides about books, it seems to have become an obsession of her's. Because she is extremely good at observing things, she often notices things that other people don't. With her characteristic insight and power of observation, she also seems to understand how things functions. Maybe because she likes mystery and detective novels so much, her true character is full of curiosity. Normally she might be rather calm and collected, but once her interest-switch is turned on, she shows an unbelievably active side. Because she is is so calm and collected and it is so hard to anger her at all, her true self when angry is scary. Once, Isuzu is said to have pulled a prank on her as a joke, but her behaviour then is said to have been demonic. You can't really see the angry aspect of her, it is an anger that broods even through her ever smiling face, and everyone who sees that is struck with fear from the deepest pit. She belongs to the school commitee (library section). She is often in the library during the breaks or after school. Her actions are calculated and without any flaw. Therefore she is almost never disturbed by anything. If there really was something that could actually disturb her, it would probably have to be something really bad. Sakagi Junichiro Age: 25 A graduate student of a certain university in the city. He says he majored in geology, and he visits Jôgamachi to gather data for his essay movie. A young man who gives of an impression as if made of ice, maybe because he has always a sour look and doesn't even smile once. Hiroshi was saved by him when he was attacked by a hoodlum. This great performance and fighting skill is something which you would think of more fitting to an action movie. This is not something you would expect from a graduate student performing a geological survey. 4 years ago someone close to him was killed in this town. But this incident was masterfully concealed and never got known. It is possible that behind this incident might exist a mysterious group, and he is investigating that. 4 years ago, even though he tried to raise suspicion so hardly, and whatever else, the truth regarding this town which was so well hidden, remains uncertain. The person killed 4 years ago was his lover, he harbours a desire for revenge towards this whole city. He himself is an Ochibito. Still he knows about the existence of Kamibito and also very well about their habbits. He seems to have ties with the Kushinada family, but his true intentions remain uncertain. He holds a deep grudge against the Kamibito, but especially the Kushinada family. Which is because of the sudden murder of his lover. He researches about Jôgamachi to reach the truth behind it. He only knows that she was killed by a member of the Kushinada family. This grudge has him turned into a heartless, coldblooded murderer. Sakagi Junichiro is an alias, a name he assumed when he snuck into Jôgamachi to reach his goals. His own name, his life up till then... He threw all of his past away, everything before what happened 4 years ago and apart from the truth behind the incident sorrounding his lover Arami Mieko. Actually he never graduated from any university. The graduate student who majored in geology is also part of the profile he prepared for 'Sakagi Junichiro'. He attened the geological section of the department of science at a national university in a certain area. This is where he met Arami Mieko. Because his father had died on them some time ago, his family was not exactly wealthy, but also because of his mother's suggestions he entered that university. This is why he continued with his studies, while at the same time earning his tuition and his living expenses working on his own. His real name is Mukata Junichi. Arami Mieko Sakagi Junichiro's lover. She went missing and was killed 4 years ago here in Jôgamachi. Even though it was a murder no matter how you look at it, the incident never became officially known, the truth is buried in the dark. Concerning this, there is no kind of cooperation from the officials in Jôgamachi. She attened the geological section of the department of science at a national university in a certain area, just like Sakagi Junichiro. She ran into Sakagi Junichiro when they had just entered university and became close to him because they shared the same subject. At the time of her enrollment she completely changed herself, a senior high school girl who came to this university from somewhere really deep in the countryside, and she became someone who aroused some interest in her subject area. Her corpse, who was discovered by her lover Sakagi Junichiro 4 years ago, was slaughtered following the old rites and customs of the Kamibito. Sakagi knew it was his lover's body from the ring stuck to her finger. Mana Kaori Born: Decembre 17th 1961 Age: 21 Height: 166cm, Weight: 46kg B: 84, W: 56, H: 81 A student enrolled in the Private Jôga University. Out of certain reasons she is temporarly absent. She is very helpful, a nice girl with a warm and loving aura around her. Her hobby is playing the violin, she performs at a nearby river or at her home. She moves the hearts of those people who hear her play, her fans who want to hear her play more are many. Her parents have died so her grandmother from her father's side took care of her, but she died too. Right now she is living alone in her grandmother's house in the Old Town. Her house is constructed barrier-free, which is rare even in the city. Her grandmother had it reconstructed, because she wanted to live a good life despite her bad legs. Because both her parents were famous musicians, she has played with the violin's bow since she was a very young child. Her interest in the violin, to which she was used since infancy, never stopped, everytime she started playing at home people would stop to listen, everytime she plays now people flock by in masses. So the place before Kaori's house unawarely became known and loved as 'tranquility square'. Opposite to her calm behaviour her inner self is strong, she never wavers once she has decided on something. But this isn't something that could be described with selfishness, she also thinks about other people when doing that. Her body seems weak and her condition rather frail. She tries her best not to let anyobdy notice that side of her, but lately she grows worse and worse in hiding it. She loves it to spend her time resting in the forest, which is why she has started to take longer walks in the woods. Maybe because she has such a calm personality, she enjoys it to spend some time allein doing nothing at all. Even though much greenery is torn down due to the development of Jôgamachi, the virgin forest in the remaining forest park is a precious place to her where she is able to relax. She very much resembles Sakagi Junichiro's lover Arami Mieko. Even to Sakagi, who knew Mieko personally, it happens that he mixes Kaori and Mieko up. She wanted to transfer to a different university with a musical department, but due to certain circumstances that won't allow that she keeps attending the teaching department of the Private Jôga University. It seems she has given up the path of music, but it seems that deep in her heart there still remain some lingering emotions which she just can't get rid of. She is a Kamibito who bears the sign of Ôkami-sama. She is chosen to become a priest of the Hakurô Kanon. Mana Iwaya Mana Kaori's father. He died in an accident together with his wife Mana Chiharu several years ago. He was a skilled violinist and his music still remains famous. Jôgamachi was where he performed and the town hall was a place of frequent concerts. Famous musicians who visited his concerts where deeply impressed by his talent, they recommended him to play outside of Jôgamachi too, but strangely he didn't want to leave. His music spread and became famous through records and he became known as the mysterious musician. Mana Chiharu Mana Kaori's mother. She died in an accident together with her husband Mana Iwaya several years ago. She was a famous pianist and together with Iwaya she gained the name of the Mandarin Musicians. Like her husband, she wasn't willing to leave Jôgamachi and so at least her music remains to her fans around the world. Washiba Misaki Age: 24 The homeroom teacher of the 2nd group of the 1st year at the Private Jôga Senior High School. His name might seem girly at first, but he doesn't look that way in the slightest... He's a P.E. teacher with a gruesome smile, who knows all the martial arts. He's also very enthusiatic while teaching and has earned the nickname 'Yukki' among his pupils. Because he practises both karate and rugby since his own schooldays, his bodylanguage is pretty strong. It isn't about skinship, it's about muscleship. Because he can make you hurt, there are some students who dislike him. His special move is the headlock. His motto is „Meat can do what words can't.“ He lives according to this saying and sometimes that's troubling as a teacher. During his schooldays he longed for the title of „King of Poof“, which is where he gained his abilities. He is the only person equal to the current queen, boasting with overwhelming power, Tsumuhana Isuzu, and would be a good match for her, wouldn't he be retiring from duty now. His powerful breath, due to his superhuman lung capacity, is what makes his most dangerous weapon. Kasai Eiji The assistant chief of the Jôgamachi Medical Center, a very capable man. He graduated as top student from the Private Jôga University and is also a very talented surgeon. Although he is still young, the expectations as a candidate to follow Kushinada Shigetsugu as the next hospital chief are piling up on him. Still he is very diligent and shows a very strict attitude towards people who show incapability. To stand above other people and lead them, he seeks for a way to gain more experience and strengthen his image. He shows disgust towards the Ochibito. Machida Yûshio A man in the prime of his life who got assigned by the neighborhood association to be a night watchman (in the vigilant corps). He works in a small in-town factory. He has one child with his wife, so he leads a fairly normal family life. His most favourite part about patroling the lonely streets at night is that he could even fart without any restraints, so he's not a man with any special mentionable traits. By the order of the neighborhood association and council, he is now tailing Tsumuhana Issei. Itsukushima Kanako A young woman who snatched the lips of an Ochibito and turned her partner into a Kamibito. It was the boy who actually started it, but she was still executed by the laws of the Kamibito. Whatever reason there might have been, to turn an Ochibito into a Kamibito is a serious crime and needs to be punished according to the law. Ogasabara Shûgi A classmate of Kuzumi Hiroshi. A male student who has started to talk to him often lately. Because people moving in from the outside are rare and he isn't the only one who was approached by him, Hiroshi thinks nothing of it. He is basically a good guy, but occasionaly he cracks some pretty strange jokes, which gave Hiroshi the creeps. Yomoda Yui A female waitress who works at the Cafè Etranger in the Old Town. She is good with people and has a reputation as a diligent worker. PLACES AND FACILITIES Jôgamachi A town in it's growing period, it is seperated from the city by the mountains and has a population of about 25.000 people. Nowadays the development of the town is still in progress and the population is still growing. The only way to reach the town is by overland route and there are still no plans for a better connection, you could almost better go to Okinawa then there. As there are still many customs and beliefs left in this area which are shrouded in mystery, it stirs up the interest to research in some folklorists. The town is known for it's cultivation of Hassaku, you can see a Hassaku tree almost everywhere. It is divided into Old and New Town and the river which originates somehwere in the mountains is a dividing line of those two parts. The night quickly falls everywhere around here, after 9pm you see almost nobody walking around outside. Because this is a small town sorrouned by woods, this is an aspect that belongs to the atmosphere of a town that appears unexpectedly among all this nature. From this feeling that it is a town swallowed by nature there is no escape , it feels almost like it is a place cut off from the rest of the world. This town is the hidden village of the so called Kamibito, an existence different from men. How much time has passed since they settled here is unknown to anybody and shrouded in mystery. New Town In Shôwa 40 the emigration rate to the town began to rise, therefore a plan for the town's seperation was made and slowly the municipal housing was constructed. Along that time they also constructed, among other things, a park with a fountain, a supermarket, a mall, a mid-size cinema, a library, an assembly hall, and the construction of a broad paved road for a bus system was planned. Furthermore there is now a land development project called NYU-TOWN in progress. The Jôga Central Market in the shopping district is now the most popular spot in town. Old Town The place where most of the citizens who lived here for a long time live. Even today it keeps it's strong image of a town at the beginning of the Showa period and the closely build, old fashioned houses silently wither away. The alleys are narrow, as well as the hill roads, there are also many stairs and the layout is almost like a labyrinth. The withering signs, a rustic bathhouse, a old-time candy shop, with a pinball machine, where you can eat instant noodles, old fashioned, derelict apartment buildings, three wheel vehicles still in use, this place is overflowing with such almost antique stuff. There are also still areas left where you can see parts of an old neighbor village. In almost all gardens there is a Hassaku tree growing. Most citizens of the Old Town consist of Kamibito who have been living here since long ago. Municipal Housing A multi-unit apartment complex managed by the town. Each house has 5 floors and 3 stairways. Along each staircase there are lines of rooms arranged at both sides, so that each house can hold 30 parties. The layout of each apartment is, 4 rooms, a kitchenspace, a bathroom, a toilet and a balcony. The apartments are divided by numbers, the Kuzumis live in building #3 apartment #101. Because it was build to collect those people moving to Jôgamachi from the outside, it is a municipal housing of huge conformacy. The rent from the city is rather low, so many people who have been living in Jôgamachi for a long time live here, too. Jôga Central Market A market which is almost at the center of the New Town and has been tagged with the name Central-Jô. There is a bookstore and a clothing store, a cafè, a grocery store and many other things, so all the necessary places are combined here, for a city like Jôgamachi, which feels cut off from all other cities, it is good to have a place where all comes together. If you count all stores together, no matter if big or small, there should be not much less than 100. This composite market which was build alongside Jôgamachi's expansion keeps growing in size along with the expansion of the city. That a place of commerce expands along with a rising population is just the flow of nature. For Jôgamachi which is sorrounded by mountains and forests this is the citizens only place for amusement and on weeksends the young people storm this place. It is the total opposite of the town where Hiroshi used to live, there seem to be a plan to not let people walk around late, as the shops start closing around 6pm and the whole market closes at 7pm. Cafè Etranger A snugly little cafè, located in the Old Town. There is a wide variety of coffee, which has become one of the many prides of the store. Due to the current town-expansion many costumers start flocking towards the Jouga Central Market, so as a countermeasure they have introduced a new uniform. Thanks to this, the cafè's uniforms are known among students to be really cute and many have become regular costumers. But, because it is a rather showy costume, it could become a vision of hell if someone older were to wear it. |
Feb 12, 2010 2:37 AM
::CONTINUATION FROM 'PLACES':: Jôga Medical Center The general hospital adorned with the nickname Center. There are several small scale physicians all over Jôgamachi, but there is only this one large scale hospital, which could be described as a general hospital. It is the oldest hospital around and existed even before Jôgamachi became a bigger town, but it expanded along with the town. It changed into a real large scale hospital. The director is Kushinada Shigetsugu. There are several amazing doctors alongside him, so if somebody calls for a hospital, he will surely be send here. All physicians and nurses combined, there are approximately 30 people employed here. It somehow feels like there are relatively few people working here for a general hospital. This clinic alone has the authority over handing out the special medicine called capsules. According to Isuzu those are a nutrient with the extract of Hassaku and almost all people in town seem to take them from time to time. It is a well organized hospital which does not loose to a city hospital in terms of equipment, but it is also a very personal place that almost gives the feeling of being treated by a private doctor. They have never been irresponsible in any way and there is a high level of trust toward them. This hospital also has an incinerator. Normaly they only burn firewood in this incinerator, but it is also used to secretly dispose of the bodies of those who were executed as Fallen Ones. Because the chimney attached to the incinerator is rather old, it gives of a sound like a howling beast when used, that resounds through the whole town. It is almost like the howl of a wolf. Along with the town's urbanization it began to be used as a general hospital, even though it was formerly a hospital only for Kamibito. The mainly performed treatments are those for the impulses of the Kamibito. From physicians, to nurses, even the garbage man, everybody working here is part of an organization knowing everything about the situation of the Kamibito. In the hospital there exists an old ward from the times of the old hospital. Due to the citizen's ghost stories and rumors, even humans who no nothing about the Kamibito heard about it's existence. In the basement of the old hospital lies the confinement room. It isn't known to the public, but the hospital wards are seperated into those for Kamibito and those for Ochibito. Private Jôga Senior High School The Private Senior High School into which Kuzumi Hiroshi transferred. It is at the boundaries of Old Town and New Town. It is a school that existed in Jôgamachi since long ago, but because they had to hurry building new parts again and again with each rise in population, the buildings architecture is uneven. Each class has more or less 30 students and in each year there are 5 classes. It is no different from a school in the city, there is even a little shop. Municipal Jouga Sakken Elementary School The Elementary school that Kuzumi Mana is attending. It is fairly close to the Private Jouga Senior Highschool that Hiroshi is attending, about 15 minutes walking distance. Therefore, when Mana goes to school, it often happens that Hiroshi accompanies her. It seems to be rather annyoing for Mana, that Hiroshi is so overprotective. Private Jôga University Jôgamachi's only university. There is also a medical faculty with unexpected size, which does not lose to any other university in terms of good equipment. People with especially good grades in Jôga go there and it often happens that they work as an intern at the Jôga Medical Center alongside their studies. It seems that medical science has become rather important to the town, after the rapid growth in population. Hiroshi's old school A private senior highschool within the city. There was co-education, the school was known for it's high level of education to assure a transfer into a good university and was among the highest ranking in the city. The equipment and the environment was a big focus as there were many famous patrons. But because of that it was also known for it's high tuition. After hard studying Hiroshi finally managed to enter that prestigious school, but then due to his family situation he had to transfer to the Private Jôga Senior Highschool. Hiroshi had no deeper reason to choose this school, he just thought that it might prove worthwhile to enter such a school. If you had to give one, it might have been his way to rebel against his nickname 'Hakase' (Professor), by entering a school which showed that he really was literally a genius. Because when asked 'What do you want to be in the future?' about his career choice, he just answered 'That's something haven't given much thought until now.', which showed that he had no particular attachements and wasn't affected by transfering in a particular way. Masaaki advised Hiroshi to stay in the city and attend this school, but Hiroshi chose to move with his family to Jôgamachi. It would have been a burden, also financially, if he were to live alone. It seems as if he put his own intention on hold, because he understood his familiy's situation. The shrine of Ôkamisama A shrine half-way up the mountain, where Ôkamisama is worshipped. It was build in the midth of the Edo-period and is a place that is loved by the citizens of Jôgamachi and is considered important. In the back of the shrine there is a door, but it is tightly closed. It is forbidden for any normal person to enter without permission. Behind this door a cave is said to continue on into the heart of the mountain. The holy ground It is the sacred place where the Hakurô Kanon is delivered to. There the Hakurô Kanon works for Ôkamisama and lives a peaceful life. It is an institution to ensure the Hakurô Kanon to lead the remaining life in peace. The bonds to this world are almost completely severed. You could say it is a place similar to the isolation ward. Seiryû ~ The clear stream A dried up river bed, just a small footmarch away from the street near the terminal at the foot of Jôgamachi's mountainrange. If you follow the footpath on one side along, in the direction of the shrine of Ôkami-sama and the waterfall, you can reach the upper stream. In the recent years they errected a dam at the upper stream. The water quality is excellent and many fish can be found living here. This place has become a leasure sport for many citizens, where you take your family along during the summer holidays for a barbecue or some boating. It is known that a bit further into the depth of the mountains, there are bears and other wild animals, but they rarely come down due to the presence of humans. Long ago you could also spot wolfs (this area's special kind, called Jôga Wolf) around here, but they have long been extinct. SPECIAL ITEMS, EXPRESSIONS AND CUSTOMS Hassaku A certain breed of mandarin orange. The name Hassaku (八朔) is derived from 'The first day of the eight month' (八月朔日) today 'the first day' (朔日) is read as '1st' (一日). The theory was established that this name was coined, because they were known to be eatable earliest on the first day of the eight month of the old lunisolar calendar (which is in the last third of August in the Gregorian calendar). Still the shipping season only starts around spring, because in the last third of August the fruit is still small and barely eatable. You can find Hassaku trees almost everywhere in Jôgamachi. Because there is one in almost every garden and they are even used as roadside greenery, the town brims with the smell of Hassaku, it is almost as if the town was covered by one giant Hassaku tree. It seems that they are Jôgamachi's most famous product and the cultivation of Hassaku has become the town's kernel industry. The town had a profound connection with the Hassaku since ancient times, but they only became an export product in the post-war period. Because they are cultivated in several places in the downtown parts of Jôgamachi, there are no remarkably huge plantations, to many outsiders it may seem as if the Hassaku tree is nothing more than a garden decoration. Because of the towns deep relationship with the tree, they are treated with much respect. Because of their high quality, this town's Hassaku are sold for a high price on the market. They have established fame as a high quality product and can be sold well to cities over the whole country. There is also a pretty well known commercial with a costumed wolf holding a Hassaku, but the connection is a bit hard to understand. The cultivation in artificial greenhouses is also in progress, so that they can be harvested all through the year, which makes them easy to purchase at any time throughout the town. The Hassaku of this town are a high-class product, still you can purchase them at a low price in the supermarket in town. This year's harvest was rather poor which seems to have a big influence on the Hassaku Festival. It seems highly probable that the so called 'Moon of Misfortune' had some influence. The main purpose of the Hassaku is, to keep the wild impulse of the Kamibito at bay. Because of this the citizens of Jôgamachi hold the Hassaku extremely precious and it is a much higher reason for it's cultivation all over town than the export factor. Without the Hassaku cultivated in Jôgamachi, the effect of the drugs would also dwindle. One could question if their might be not some secret hidden within the soil of this very Jôga itself. Jôga-pongee In this town, from the Edo period until the beginning of the Showa era there was a continuing local industry of weaving and dying silk threads to use for the creation of kimono. Kimono from the so called Jôga-pongee have gained fame as having a peculiar, radiating blackish brown and an almost glasslike smoothness. The industry of the town (which was just a village back then) prospered because of the high export to other urban areas, almost everyone in town was either cultivating Hassaku or fabricating this. Todays industry consists mainly only of the cultivation of Hassaku, the fabrication of Jôga-pongee has almost died out. There are many secrets involved in the process of dying and weaving and even among the citizens there are only a few who actually know those peculiar information. Neighborhood Association A representative group managing the Kamibito living in the Old Town. They organize the creation of rules in the Kamibito society and watch over the following of beliefs. It is organized according to the hierarchy of the most influential people of this land. The meetings in the Old Town happen mostly in a small clinic in town. The neighborhood association of the Old Town, which is the backbone of the Kamibito community, follows a very conservative line of thinking and tends to lean heavily towards the strict following of ancient customs. Their basic principle is an ascetic life. They have many members who thinks negatively of the more progressive neighborhood council of the New Town. Neighborhood Council A representative group managing the Kamibito living in the New Town. The meetings of the neighborhood council happen mostly in the assembly room of the multi-unit apartments or in the culture assembly hall. They regard progressive thinking as important, because, different from the Old Town, they coexist together with many Ochibito in the New Town. Therefore they have a high tendency towards a realistic line of thinking. Hospital A general term for a decisive mechanism among the Kamibito. Only the superior elders of both the Old and New Town know about this 'hospital', an institution where the consensus of the town is decided. Because it is a place of meeting, they decided upon the name 'hospital'. The joint meetings of the neighborhood association and council are held within the conference room of the Jôga Medical Center. The joint meetings are an important thing, where the head members of the association and council meet and decide upon the future fate of all Kamibito. In other words, the head delegates meet and the final decision will be treated as the decision of the 'hospital'. The decision of the 'hospital' is the consensus of the Kamibito, and to violate those rules means betraying the community. If there is no important discussion, no joint meeting is held, so normaly only the heads of the respective fractions meet among each other. Police Jôgamachi's police, fire department, administrative organs and other facilities are being governed by the Kamibito, the affairs of this town (the operation of postal items from the inside, the operation of personal affairs in the hand of the public office etc.) are being governed secretly. They also conduct the destruction of evidence which are related to the law of the Kamibito or the management of official information and work for the goal of not letting knowledge about the existence of the Kamibito surface. Hakurô Kanon ~ The White Wolf Deity People who were chosen by Ôkami-sama and are marked with 'the symbol'. They are sacrificed to Ôkami-sama as a prayer for an abundant harvest or to seal calamities. Those chosen as Hakurô Kanon are to sever their ties to this world and are delivered to the holy ground. It is said they serve Ôkami-sama there and lead a quiet life. Today such a custom can impossibly exist, so the Hakurô Kanon during the festival is an existence who creates a bond to those ancient customs. Each year a certain person from the town is chosen and participates in the festivities. To be chosen as a Hakurô Kanon is a great honour for the people in town. They are clad in white and wear a mask which symbols a wolf, that is the uniform of a Hakurô Kanon. Even though it is considered as a make belief role during the festival, it has always been reality. They serve Ôkami-sama on the holy grounds and lead their remaining life quietly as a form of priest, they are entrusted with important business, their role is to support those who have just been turned into Kamibito and to deal with those who can't control their impulses anymore and are on the verge of running wild. This role is carried out in the confinment room, normally they lead a life of a priest on the holy ground, but it is allowed for them to be touched by another person. The Hakurô Kanon possess a special trait among the other words, their aging process sets in even earlier. The signs of sudden aging on those people is regarded as a 'sign' and to let those people, who are brought to the holy ground as Hakurô Kanon, sever all ties to this world is considered by the normal Kamibito as a way to keep those with the sign on them away. If one notices the beginning of aging in an early stage it could create chaos and disorder in the Kamibito society. To prevent this chaos, the people who know about this secret, have issolated the people with the sign since ancient times. To the general Kamibito this truth is unknown, so they consider the Hakurô Kanon as somebody who has been chosen by god to live as another god among them. The special people who are chosen by Ôkami-sama are not only cursed or blessed, but also appear somehow like a holy existence. ÔKAMI A mysterious group, clad in black. They all wear long, jet-black hooded coats and masks which symbolize wolfs cover their faces. They carry blades, daggers or knifes as weapons, which can't be detected at first sight. They or their 'killings' are something which is not discussed in public. Even their traces are completely and thoroughly erased. It is a group specially build to hide the existence of the Kamibito from Ochibito. They also exectute people who have violated the laws according to it. This act may seem like a disgusting act of murder for those who don't know about about the actual circumstances, but it is a costum that is being conducted since ancient times, to allow the Kamibito to live. They act centraly to perform the Kamiotoshi. There are no special people behind those masks, each time something occurs they are chosen from the vigilante commitee and the close relatives of the Fallen One, therefore there is no solution to the question 'Who is the ÔKAMI?'. If one had to give an answer to the question of the true form of the ÔKAMI , one could say it is 'the darkness of Jôgamachi'. Diehards An extremist position among the Kamibito, who would favour for all those emitting a strong scent to be killed. Of course this is a claim that the fraction who favors a symbiotic life with the Ochibito can never approve. With a majority of over half of the people who share the opinion to sort out things peacefully, this idea was denied. But those people with an especially strong scent, especially in this years abnormal weather, there have been big changes to the normal life of the Kamibito and many disturbances started to occur. And today the idea of killing those Honey's, which had been denied before, has become a topic of discussion again. And even among those who hold the right for decision, there are people people with the firm belief that a move to erradicate those Honey's has to be made. Ôkami-sama The indigenous' god of this land. He is revered in the shrine of Ôkami-sama which has been build half-way up the mountain near a waterfall. A long time ago, in the area of Jôgamachi, there lived wolves, who were said to be the incarnation of Ôkami-sama. For those believers who worshipped the sun and different aspects flora and fauna with fear and respect, such a form was nothing out of the usual. In a place among the mountains, like Jôgamachi, you can almost feel the grace and wonders of nature. It is a natural outcome for believers in the power of nature to arise in such an environment and that an existence like Ôkami-sama would be revered here. Therefore the belive in Ôkami-sama among those people who have long lived here is strong. The exploitation of the land that is occuring nowadays is something that most people who have been living here since ancient times would naturaly not approve of. It is being whispered and believed, that Ôkami-sama is angry with those who cut down the forests and level the land and show generally no fear or respect for nature. There are all kinds of rumors like „Demons roam the streets in moonlit nights“ or „The wolfs which have been driven out of the mountains attack people under the moon at night“, but those rumors are nothing new and being whispered among people since old times. Jôga Wolf A kind of wolf that is said to be seen in the outskirts of Jôga. It is said to be a kind of gray wolf (which is the type mostly meant when refering to wolfs), but he is 80-110cm tall (assumption), weighs 40-70kg (assumption) and there are several other differences in this type beside it's build, like for example an unusual set of teeth. It is a widely discussed topic among scholars. Today there are only legends left that record the existence of such a wolf, no specimen of any kind of Jôga Wolf remains. Because there is nothing more than little parts of fur or teeth remaining, it is widely regarded as a fabrication by scholars. If such a wolf might have truly existed is something that cannot be clearly decided today. Jôga Wolf is not a scientific term, it is what the people living in this region were called in ancient times. Hassaku Festival A festival that is held each year in Jôgamachi. It is considered a ritual to send the prayers for a good, bountiful Hassaku harvest to Ôkami-sama. Also a ceremony that is held under the fool moon in this region since ancient times. In the past the religious aspect was strong, it was strictly planned out so that it would happen under a full moon, but today the festival aspect is stronger and it happens on a weekend closest to the next full moon. It is a most maginificent festival that involves the whole town. It is a divine ceremony involving special duties that is held in this town since long ago. It is told, that in the past a shrine maiden, the Hakurô Kanon, who was bestowed with 'the sign' by Ôkami-sama, was lifted up as a sacrifice, to pray for a bountiful harvest and the prevention of disasters. The Hassaku Festival was a ceremony where the Hakurô Kanon was sent to the holy grounds. It is clear that today there is no sacrifice of the Hakurô Kanon, these are only festivities that can be traced back to those old religious customs. Each year someone assumes the role of Hakurô Kanon and opens the festivities. The festivals main event is the picking up of the Hassaku with wishes written on them. The Hakurô Kanon takes the wishes written on the Hassaku along to Ôkami-sama and the person who took up a Hassaku will have the wish written on it granted to himself. Those Hassaku with wishes written on them are wrapped in Japanese paper so that there is no way to see what wish might be written on them. The Hassaku are rolled around town and many of the townpeople who participate in this see it as the climax of the festival. Many people work on special plans to be able to pick up as many Hassaku as possible at once. The city center which is always smelling of Hassaku will then once again overflow with their scent. The goal of rolling so many Hassaku around is to spread the scent of Hassaku and therefore supress the instincts of the Kamibito. This is why the festivities don't remain at their startpoint at the shrine of Ôkami-sama, but lead through the whole town. The Symbol The proof of being chosen by Ôkami-sama. A kind of omen appears on the body of the one who is chosen. A very early stage of aging sets in, it is a peculiar trait even among Kamibito. Originally Kamibito have only half of the lifespan of an Ochibito, so an even faster progression of aging is being treated as a sign of being chosen by god. Confinement Room An institution established somewhere in an underground place. Even in the Kamibito society only a few know about it's existence. This facility is used in times of a certain kind of crisis to the Kamibito society. The story about this confinement room is passed around town as an urban legend and is considered creepy by the citizens. The people who are confined in this facility are mainly among the two following categories: ★A new Kamibito is born. If they wish it or not, Kamibito who cannot acccept their present state are sent here. #In cases that someone acts violently and won't acccept the new rules or the community, he is often taken here by police force. There they are gently taught the way of life of the Kamibito. To make him reach a point of mutual understanding of his new companions, there is never any kind of torture. The guidance is carried out dutifully by the priests called Hakurô Kanon. ★A Kamibito is almost running wild and is deemed to dangerous. If the ímpulse control treatment has no effect and after the necessary physician has decided upon it, he is sent here until he has recovered. The guidance is carried out dutifully by the priests called Hakurô Kanon. In case the time needed for a rehabilitation stretches over a long time, even though it is only a small room laid out with tatami, the chamber is equipped with many things to assure a good time. Even though he cannot be informed about time or information from the outside, there are magazines, a stereo and many other things. The old ward of the Jôga Medical Center, which is no longer used. It is located in the basement. There is a tunnel leading away from the confinement room, but it only leads to the holy ground. The tunnel from the confinement room to the holy ground is almost like a connection between the afterlife and this world, it is almost like Yomotsuhirasaka, the path to the underworld. Ôkamiharae ~ The Great Exorciser A scythe bigger than a human, used in the ritual of Kamiotoshi. There is a big bell fastened to the blade which lets a solemn song resound when swung. It is the blade to cleanse and judge the wolfs. With it wolfs who have given in to the scent, who have fallen from grace and have turned into mere monsters are purified. It is handed down in the Kushinada household which carries out the ritual of Kamiotoshi generation after generation. Kamiotoshi ~ The Exorcism A ceremony among Kamibito passed on since ancient times to judge Kamibito who have conducted a misdeed. It was held because it is told that in the flesh of each Kamibito resides a wolf and if one commits a sin this wolf turns into a demon. Therefore, the necessary act of restoring purity to someone by driving out the fallen wolf from the body it dwells in, was called Kamiotoshi, because狼をおとす(to remove a wolf) became カミオトシ. Because this ritual has become a part of the law of the Kamibito, it has not only a religious aspect. The biggest aspect is, that it is needed for the coexistence with the Ochibito. The ceremony is an execution which is carried out by the Kushinada family and has been held among Kamibito generation after generation. From here on we will describe the ritual how it was done in ancient times. During the ritual the one who has comitted a misdeed is executed and brutally dismembered. Carrying out this ritual is gruesome and brutal so that another Kamibito may never commit a similar crime again, the deterent power was considered strong. The details of the ritual are listed here: The enforcers (including vigilant corp members who are representatives from both the neighborhood association and council, wearing the black OKAMI costumes) who take part in this ceremony are chosen by the neighborhood association and council. In case the Sinner should plan to escape the enforcers are to pursue and capture him. He is then to be executed After that he is to be openly displayed as a warning, afterwards things are to be secretly put in order. The place of this example has to be a place where no Ochibito will go and where there are only few pedestrians. Even though this place might be hiden, to a Kamibito with a good sense of smell it will be easily noticable. The fact that a warning has been carried out has to be easily noticable. The interval of such warnings has to be decided by the neighborhood association and council in their joint meetings according to the current level of impulse outbreaks. And finally they are to be erradicated so that not even a piece of bone remains, as if they never existed in the first place. Even though citizens know that an execution has taken place, they would never go and take a look upon it. They would never touch upon the moral hazard of forgiving a Sinner, but there is the fearful thought in everyone that 'I could be next'. And most Kamibito plug their ears, should they hear the agonizing screams of pain from outside. To someone who knows nothing about the circumstances of this ritual it seems like the most gruesome and brutal atrocity. It is in fact so, that most Sinners scream and shriek in agony while being killed. For the close relatives of the Sinner, this sight is so horrible that it is almost unbearable. People who take part in the ritual all wear a hooded long-coat (in jet-black colour), a ceremonial garb decorated with animal fur. They also wear masks modeled after wolfs over their face, so who they are and from which family they come is completely hidden. That concerns the vigilante corps managed by the neighborhood association and council as well as the families and lovers taking part in the ritual. All the enforcers have to wear those garments. Those ceremonial garbs are items possessed by the neighborhood association and council and lend to the enforcers on the appointed day. If seen by an Ochibito, that one might think of them as some kind of strange cultist group of murderers. But to the Kamibito who have been living here originally they are a well known existence, which doesn't surprise them much. But it seems that many of those become frightened, once they know that they are on their move again. Kamibito The original inhabitants of Jôgamachi. They are different from humans and the biggest difference might be their sensible sense of smell. The scent that humans emit seems to intoxicate Kamibito and it can happen that Kamibito who become affected by that fragrance might loose their reason and attack humans. To attack a humans as a Kamibito does not mean to kill that person in any way. By touching their mucous membrane they turn people into Kamibito. The wild drive of the Kamibito... That is the impulse given by directly nosing a persons pheromones with the help of a smell device placed in the part of the palate directly behind the front teeth. This act might seem, to an outsider, like kissing. But to the Kamibito it is an act stired up only by their instincts. They regard themselves as special people who have been granted their body by Ôkami-sama and have a 'god' dwelling inside their sacred flesh... But it is also said that they were called like that, because when attacking people, it seems a bit like biting, so they were both 'wolf people' (狼人: ôkamibito) and 'people who bite' (噛み人: kamibito). If seen by people, they might appear like monsters who attack humans, but they do not search the conflict with humans in the slightest. They rather want to coexist with humans, so to keep their existence from them, they live their lifes quitely. For that reason they created strict rules among themselves. If an Ochibito is turned into a Kamibito, because the body is undergoing a state of transformation, he suffers a high fever. The first symptons are different from person to person, so there might be people who turn right after being touched by a Kamibito, but others might take an incubation period of up to 5 days. An Ochibito who has become a Kamibito looses the fragrance he has emitted before. The attacks by Kamibito against Ochibito have become openly visible, because of the high tension provided by the abnormal weather and the strong smell by the increased Ochibito population. In case of a normal dregree of Ochibito-scent Kamibito should be able to keep their senses, but because of the abnormaly strong smell that Kuzumi Hiroshi seems to posess and due to the weather a crisis is occuring within the Kamibito society. If a Kamibito looses his reason and his calm to the scent of an Ochibito, his pupils turn bright and flaming red. It could almost be compared to the glare of an animal. To the Kamibito a kiss is something sacred. In the Kamibito ethics it is considered something that should only be exchanged as an oath of eternal love. This is not simply a question of virtues, it is also because, if a Kamibito should kiss an Ochibito, they turn into Kamibito... shortly, because they change them into Kamibito, they strongly hold onto that ideal. To a Kamibito who has been chosen by god, it is a matter of community. Because this is a gravely important ritual, this is something that shouldn't occur and is considered frivolous if it happens among two Kamibito. If for example a Kamibito observes a kissing scene, it is like witnessing a ceremony of eternal love. This morale has become common knowledge among all Kamibito. The impulse of a Kamibito can be supressed to a certain degree by a Hassaku. This is why Kamibito have to consume Hassaku in certain intervals. They have a short lifespan compared to Ochibito. Their lifespan is only about half the time of an Ochibito. Their aging process is fast and even though at which age it kicks in is individual, the Kamibito's aging process accelerates with age. A Kamibito in his 40s would look like an Ochibito in old age. For that reason they are very intent on marriage and oversensitive to courting actions. The idea generally permates among Kamibito, that one should have decided upon their future life partner at the point when graduating from senior highschool. Ochibito The term with which Kamibito describe people who are different from them. The wild drive of Kamibito is considered as a sign of the god dwelling within a Kamibito running wild. Ochibito emit a fragrance which drives the Kamibito insane, they are considered people who let the god within them run wild, a fallen existence is implied by the term Ochibito (堕ちる: ochiru → to degenerate). Kyûbito A term that Sakagi Junichiro coined with some scorn towards the Kamibito. Because they react similar to dogs towards certain scents he named the Kamibito that way. Furachimono ~ The Sinner A Kamibito who has no control over his impulses and has attacked an Ochibito. It briefly describes a Kamibito who has turned an Ochibito into another Kamibito. This means he has violated an absolute rule of the Kamibito, which means he has to be judged according to the rules. To the Kamibito who want to coexist with the Ochibito, a Furachimono is an existence that can't be tolerated. A Kamibito who has commited a sin once can never control his impulses again. He can't be reasoned with anymore, because of his impulses. Someone who has been executed as a Furachimono is erased from the family register, the truth about his very existence is erased from this world. Therefore it is forbidden to erect a grave or even an altar. Bousousha ~ The Wild Hound If a Kamibito has given in to his wild drive after having been intoxicated by the scent of an Ochibito and can't keep his reason anymore. He completely changes into an animal which lusts after each and every scent he notices and can't think clearly or reasonably anymore. #It is said that humans leave 70% of their brain capacity unused, it is considered that a wild Kamibito somehow uses a part of those 70%. Also the pupils of a Kamibito who has given in to his inner animal turn blazing red. The Impulse The nature of a Kamibito when experiencing being aroused by the Honey, and wanting to attack an Ochibito. The minimum rule in the life of every Kamibito is to at least supress this urge, that at least is considered a correct way of life. The Kiss The act when a Kamibito cannot control his desire anymore and is too excited in face of the strong Honey emitted from an Ochibito's lips. An Ochibito who has been kissed turns into a Kamibito. Therefore any Kamibito who kisses without being authorized and enlarges the size of the pack is to be punished by the most severe law. The Honey A scent that can only be smelled by the Kamibito, a general term for a small group of Ochibito who emit a very strong scent or to their scent itself. This expression is used, because their sweet fragrance somehow resembles that of honey. It is common to name the Ochibito with a genetic preposition of a maximum strength fragrance that way. It is assumed that in the past, because the Honey brought misfortune to the Kamibito society, those individuals were killed. Each honey has it's own and very peculiar fragrance. Kamibito can guess by the others honey everything from age, over physical condition, to character and physique. Only the Ochibito posess this Honey. If those people become Kamibito, they loose their Honey. Going to Tokyo This term practically indicates a Kamibito being killed after he ran wild and attacked an Ochibito. An expression that only the resident Kamibito of Jôgamachi use, 'moving away' has the same meaning. To conceal the existence of Kamibito from the outside world, it is considered a smooth expression to use in such a situation. It is to deceive the public after someone has suddenly vanished, in case they ask where he has gone. It is also often used on the Kamibito side when considering emotions and to some extent lessen the extent of the harshness of the execution. The Wolf Figurine A small figure carved from wood which can be seen at the entrance of every house around the Old Town. The figurine has a strange shape, almost as if it were a fusion of both wolf and human. It gives an almost comical expression due to it's round shape resembling a little Enkû Buddha. It doesn't seem frightening at all. It seems to be a charm against evil spirits in this part of the region. In reality they are placed as a sign in front of those houses who brought forth someone who was judged and executed as a Furachimono. Some seem to have been made a fairly long time ago and still remain here, they remind us of things happened long ago. Because it is something they let students today create during arts class there are some very nice and some less nice ones around. It was an idea by the neighborhood association and council to let students make them, their goal is to remind the young people of the severity of the Kamibito law. It is an implicit threat that symbolizes, 'If you run wilf, this is your destiny'. The Moon of Misfortune The Moon of Misfortune symbolizes a time of mysery. It points to the time right before the 3rd month when the Moon of Fortune rises. For some reason the moon often appears red during the season of the Moon of Misfortune, which is considered a bad omen. Today the red moon itself is being called that way, in ancient times it brought fear to the people. But even today that costum is firmly rooted within the people, and the citizens consider it to bring bad weather and disaster with itself. Therefore people who admire a deep crimson moon are disliked in this area. Kamibito have a tendency to feel stronger impulses on nights with the Moon of Misfortune. But the theory is prominent, that this is just some kind of pseudo-dependency, or delusion caused by considering themselves animals, and they have somehow synchronised with it by regarding themselves wolves, because it is impossible to scientifically explain an influence of the moon. The Time of the Moon of Misfortune This years sommer is considered a summer of the Moon of Misfortune, which comes about only once every 100 years and is called the Time of the Moon of Misfortune. The crimson Moon of Misfortune, the bad Hassaku harvest, the instability of the weather, the high level of humidity, the rise in temperature...all those are factors which make it difficult to surpress the impulse, so it has become an exceedingly dangerous season. The Kamibito are in a nervous state because they noticed an exceptionally strong scent of Honey. The Capsule With a special method the citrus oil is extracted from the juice of the Hassaku, and from there a high concentration of auraptene is collected. This extract is then filled into those capsules. Because you can only refine a certain amount of auraptene from one fruit, a large quantity is needed. Jôgamachi is a farming ground for Hassaku, so you could say that this production is possible. It seems to also possess an anti-aging effect. Because they seem to have the effect of surpressing the impulse of the Kamibito, they are prescribed by the Jôga Medical Center. You could call them an Impulse Control Agent. About 7 years ago, the chief Kushinada Shigetsugu developed a research team with some fellow Kamibito and himself at the center. Most Kamibito take them on a daily basis. Clinical experiments showed, that more so then Hassaku themselves, they have a strong effect of temporarily shutting down the electric signals toward the tonsils and paralysing the olfactory bulb. The individual results differ, but they are between 10 and 40 times as strong. If they are manufactured from Hassaku not grown in Jôgamachi, the calming effect on the impulse is rather weak. There are still no definite scientific results published if it is somehow connected to something mysterious within this regions soil. Treatment Oil Kamibito who experience a very harsh form of impulse are either injected with this oil or conected to an intranvenous drip. This oil is gained from 100% natural substances, it contains no synthetically produced parts at all. But because it is something that is no natural part of the body, it's injection is often accompanied with violent nausea and dizziness. Because it contains an even higher concentration of auraptene than the capsules, it has an immediate effect. Auraptene It is an natural antioxide in the skin of citrus fruits like Hassaku, grapefruits, mandarin oranges or Yuzu. Through the very few aromatic ingredients in the flesh of the fruit, it is considered a form of coumarin. It has a strong supressive effect on cancer, has a healing effect and is considered to strengthen the immune system. Mana's traffic accident When he was in his 5th year of elementary school, Kuzumi Hiroshi planned to go to his grandparents place, which was about 2 hours away, by train on his own. He wanted to go there alone by any means and considered it a burden that his little sister Kuzumi Mana would come along. Eventually both of them set off, but Hiroshi who considered his little sister a hindrance sent Mana back home after they had arrived at the train station. On her way back Mana got into a traffic accident and was forced into a life in a wheelchair. Hiroshi is driven by self-reproach, because he was the one who drove her away against her will and left her like this. But Mana claimed in front of her parents that she went back home because she had a stomach ache, and protected Hiroshi. That became a big debt towards his sister. So Hiroshi decided deep in his heart, that he would dedicate his whole life to Mana. It was my selfishness that drove her away... It's my fault that she got into that accident... From this day on I always have to protect my little sister. That is my duty, I will always remember this to repay my sister for lying for my sake. Good Morning Jôga A local program which is braodcasted in Jôgamachi for half an hour every weekday from 7am on. They talk about Jôgamachi's famous spots, local festivals or new scandals. There is only a very narrow scope of information presented, but the ratings always seem to surpass even the 50% hurdle. Urban Legends Feb 12, 2010 2:39 AM #3
Feb 12, 2010 10:09 AM #4 Feb 12, 2010 4:59 PM #5
Feb 12, 2010 5:28 PM #6
Feb 12, 2010 6:06 PM #7
Feb 25, 2010 1:22 PM #8
Feb 26, 2010 4:13 AM #9
OrochiPLFeb 26, 2010 4:17 AM
Feb 26, 2010 7:26 PM #10
Mar 29, 2010 6:59 AM #11
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