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Watched it at a movie theater. I really enjoyed the movie. The story was solid. The misunderstandings were somewhat frustrating, but understandable, and the part with the mom made me shed a tear. The humor, though often crude, was generally pretty great. I should've known better for the plot twist (never trust the characters with their eyes closed!!!), but the reveal was well-executed. And of course, the animation and fighting choreographies were DROP DEAD GORGEOUS.
"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Love it. I noticed some political agendas being inserted in like the $ or the Covid pill, but they felt like metaphors that probably only triggered the Americans. Honestly prefer this than some flags or nine dash line in random background
I enjoyed the movie a lot more than I'd thought I would, given that I thought the first movie was alright. It had a lot of comedic moments (although some may have just a bit too gross), but the extra scene at the end was probably the funniest, the one where The deer guy and crane girl were beating up their master :'D Karma~
One thing I really liked about story was that it lead the audience to think that Sheng Gongbao (leopard guy) would avenge his father and brother after hearing Nezha's name coming out of his brother's mouth, but Sheng Gongbao was smarter and that, being able to tell what his brother was hit by, and drawing from his own experiences of being used. Wasn't expecting the twist that the leader guy was behind the destruction of the city...which was a horrifying sight, I was thinking that might've traumatized me if I were a kid watching it tbh. Seeing the petrified bodies in their last moments :((((
I also cried at the scene with Nezha's mother, the montage and her last words to Nezha was so emotional. I had a bad feeling when Nezha didn't give his mother a hug when he left for the test ;_;
The movie definitely looked really good, and I love the creativity that gave us some mesmerizing visuals, such as when leader guy used all the wood to keep the lid closed, making a skeleton of a tree. And when all the hunters went to support, it looks like a blossoming tree (or maybe a tree with shiny leaves). Speaking of the cauldron (also forgot how this was translated), I was incredibly surprised the bgm incorporated throat singing! Honestly before the new Dune movies, I don't think I've encountered the technique being used in media, but it was a great choice as it made it feel ominous. I found this video about the guy who did the throat singing for the movie just now!
It felt like the last third of the movie was mainly fighting, so I kind of got battle fatigue, given how long the whole movie was. Not really a complaint, but even throughout the whole movie it felt like there were a lot of high tension moments. The fighting choreography was so good though.
Ao Guang (Ao Bing's father) was super hot btw :D
Third movie when? Nezha seems to finally be in his true form, and I really like Nezha and Ao Bing's relationship, hope to see them change the world ^^