Now in episode 7, which I just watched yesterday, there was an interesting concept discussed in the episode..the concept of color blindness.
Basically, any potential heir to the throne has to pass the Shrine of choosing test to be accounted as the true heir. YET..the current Emperor appeared to be failing the test.
SO what gives? Is there any illegitimacy issues in the royal blood line.
Well, let's go down the rabbit hole on this one.
1. The founding Empress of the nation was color blind herself.
2. The current Emperor's predecessor was chosen because all his half brothers died.
With tnat in mind
1. Color blindness is a genetic disease.
2. The gene for blindness is carried on the X chromosome . It is what is called a recessive gene.
(Pushback....what is a chromosome? Simple...they carry the genetic information, or the information that makes you you. IN humans there are 46 of them, and two sex chromosomes XX for females, and XY for males. Every female has two X chromosomes, a male can only have ONE X ...just like the Highlander...THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE...sorry, lost track there).
3. If a color blind female marries a normal male, all the males would be color blind and all the daughters would be carriers. If the color blind male then marries a 'normal female', their sons would not be color blind, but their daughters would be carriers.
Remember the gene for color blind ness is an X linked recessive gene. A male who gets an x chromosome with the color blind gene would end up being color blind. A female who gets two X chromosomes with the defective gene would be color blind.
A female who gets an X chromosome with a defective gene would only be a carrier. She won't be color blind, because the gene is recessive. When a female has two X chromosomes , one of which has the gene for color blindness...the dominant gene for normal color would come out in her phenotype. IN plain englisch...she would have 'normal' eyesight.
4. SO, how does this apply to our story...
A) Basically every descendant of the founding empress who was color blind could only see certian colors , and as a result of only being able to see certain colors, would simply be able to pass the test as shown in episode 7. and thus become the RULER OF THE PEOPLE.
b) Those who had normal eyesight, basically were not 'the chosen ones' (They might even be illegitimate...but if you understood the above explanation, and we would soon come back to it.)
5. Over time, in order to keep the blood line pure, many of the color blind emperor designates married color blind wives...usually fellow descendants of the Founding have children who would essentially pass the test .
(Note that MaoMao remembered Luomen telling her that color blindness is rare in their country. Too rare. So, the only source of color blind consorts for the aspiring Emperor was ...yes fellow descendants.).
6. The problem was that it resulted eventually in inbreeding. And you know what that means (just google the Hapsburg Jaw, or if you want an ancient example, King Tut's er autopsy. I need not say more).
7. By the time of the Emperor's predecessor, there were a lot of color blind heirs, who were inbred. Result, they all died of illnesses.\
8. The emperor's predecessor (I may be wrong, as I am going by anime only, and guessing) was probably the son of a consort who was from an outside family (like Mao Mao's current main employer for example). As a result, he was not inbred and he was not prone to die early.
9. Because all the other princes died, the survivor was elevated to Emperor. No need to go through any Shrine of choosing(It was an emergency, and special times call for special measures). DItto his son and successor, the current Emperor...whose mother (as far as we know...I am anime only for now)...was not a royal descendant nor was she color blind.
10. Thus we come to the Emperor asking MaoMao if he really was a descendant of the founding Empress. The answer is, yes his imperial highness is a proper descendant. Just one who hopefully does not carry the gene for color blindness.
This ends my ted talk on the matter.
If you want to know more, the following link gives a good idea of what I am saying, with diagrams.