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Mar 30, 2016 7:34 PM
Oct 2015
I'm more pissed about the time skip than anything. We missed so much potential firsts and character development! And the ending would've sucked less, even of only a little less, if we got shown some DEVELOPMENT. Like, these feelings for Daikichi just appeared out of nowhere??? I think this author did a scrappy job of pacing of you ask me.
Apr 6, 2016 12:01 PM
Feb 2016
There's no word that can explain how disappointed I am with the ending ....
May 21, 2016 9:36 AM
May 2015
kukuro said:
I was completely disappointed with the ending...
I mean that certain revelation was a gigantic ass-pull, and I feel like the entire premise of the story was thrown out the window. I don't find the development of Rin's feelings realistic in the least, among other developments.

Did I just read a shipping fan-fic?


Heheh... Sorry for commenting on something so old, but I just wanted to say that you're wrong. Trust me, those feelings can be easily developed. I've done it. They haven't gone anywhere.
And it was just as sudden as Rin deciding she wanted to be with Daikichi.
And yes, I'm talking about attraction to family.
May 21, 2016 9:49 AM
May 2015
JustAYuriFangirl said:
I'm more pissed about the time skip than anything. We missed so much potential firsts and character development! And the ending would've sucked less, even of only a little less, if we got shown some DEVELOPMENT. Like, these feelings for Daikichi just appeared out of nowhere??? I think this author did a scrappy job of pacing of you ask me.

As for the time skip, I nearly dropped this manga on the spot.

Glad I kept reading, though.

As for sudden feelings for someone who's part of your family, it's a bit more realistic than you'd think.
Jun 17, 2016 3:43 AM

Apr 2016
Disappointment! Too much imagination, to destroy a great story, in a final book, which looks more like a childhood dream, but pure drama.
Real life is not that, and that was the real disappointment. Like if I had appeared dragons, unicorns and dwarves I would have liked more, but I think "love" father has not been able to reflect the end, and has chosen a fanciful melodrama. Finally, 2/10.

¡Decepción! Demasiado imaginación, para destrozar una historia genial, en un libro final, que parece más un sueño infantil, que un drama puro.
La vida real no es así, y eso ha sido la verdadera decepción. Igual si hubiera aparecido dragones, unicornios y enanos me hubiera gustado más, pero creo que "el amor de padre" no se ha sabido reflejar al final, y se ha optado por un melodrama fantasioso. En fin, 2/10.
Jul 2, 2016 3:01 PM
Puddi Queen

Oct 2009
I was really hoping for Daikichi and Kouki's mom to get together and didn't even imagine him and Rin ending up together because... hell, he raised her like his own daughter? I'm so very confused as to how he could ever see her as anything but that. Not to mention the age difference, even if they did a decent job of at least making Rin behave more mature than her peers. Still.. I'm surprised by the ending and that element is the only positive thing I have to say about it. It wasn't a suprise that got me giddy however. Argh, frustrating! I was hoping for a happy, slow relationship with Daikichi and someone of his own age and got served this instead. Meh.
Jul 4, 2016 11:46 AM

Jul 2016
Worst ending ever which ruined the whole story, fuck you Mangaka!

Seems like he was a horny lolicon and this is his shitty fantasy. Can't believe some actually like it but lolicons are disgusting anyway.

Shit like this can only happen in japanese anime/manga. At times just a really weird & creepy culture.


AssumingControlJul 4, 2016 12:00 PM
Jul 19, 2016 8:41 PM
May 2016
In the first part of the story when Rin was still a child, i enjoyed the story a lot and felt that it was sweet and it made me happy to read, overall it was very fulfilling. AT THE FIRST PART!! I honestly wanted Daikichi, Rin, Kouki, and Kouki's mom to make a happy family. i wanted the rest of the story to be Kouki to be Rin's big brother(or little) and protect her, i was also fine with them falling in love(Rin and Kouki) but i really hated how Rin fell in love with Daikichi! Not only did she fall in love with her DAD (per say)but he agreed to go out with her! he should of set her down the right path! in the End they also said they wanted to have a kid... A KID! i mean Daikichi thinks of Rin as a daughter so i wouldn't like it that Rin and Daikichi have a child! i mean their pretty much father and daughter! Not only that but Kouki's mom remarried! When, in the first part of the manga they were obviously leading us down the road of Daikichi and Kouki's mom love each other. i thought it was a nice story of a happy family but i don't like how they had to bring in love affairs and absolute crap into the story. i absolutely think that the story when down the wrong path starting from when they first introduced everyone to Highschool, i personally think the story should have focused on the family Daikichi held dear, and that all four of them should of grown up as a loving family. but thats just my opinion feel free to disagree.
Jul 28, 2016 8:54 AM
Jun 2015
Best conclusion ever xd !! Pedophile Lolicon !! Nice Daikichi !! and Rin u can have as many kids as u want !!
MisanthropianJul 28, 2016 8:58 AM
Aug 17, 2016 3:35 AM

Aug 2007
The ending of Usagi Drop can be seen as a mental exercise to see whether or not you can objectively look at a viewpoint outside your own cultural bubble. Besides what right does anyone have to cast judgment on the decision made by two consenting adults? Mind you adults that aren't even blood related (which was tenuous at best) and aren't exactly breaking any laws (that I know of anyway).

Any gut reaction as to why this is "wrong" should immediately be followed with some introspection as to why you believe this is wrong. Do you actually have objective reasons or just preconceived notions indoctrinated by your culture/society? Granted what is "wrong" is rather subjective, but one can usually list objective reasons if the objection holds merit.

Rather than simply dismissing the ending as something that doesn't fit your cultural/societal values, use it as an opportunity to examine why you find it so offensive. The mangaka (a woman if that even means anything) did a great job of making this ending as kosher as possible. They aren't blood related, the relationship started when they were both adults, and everything was initiated by Rin with Daikichi rather vehemently opposed to the idea.

I believe that the only argument that holds merit is their father/daughter relationship. The problem with this is that Rin never saw Daikichi as her father if her calling him by his given name is any indication. Perhaps that is something insignificant based on your culture/society, but I do believe the Japanese hold great value in how they refer to others given the existence of honorifics and whatnot. And Rin referring to her father figure by his given name without honorifics should have perhaps been seen as a sign that things aren't as they appear to be.

For the record I would have much preferred a Daikichi/Yukari ending, but I have no issue with Daikichi/Rin given how events played out. Poor guy has to make the transition from daughter figure (she was never officially adopted if I recall correctly) to potential mate and I don't envy him that task.

Heh didn't plan on actually writing this much, but I did enjoy both the anime and manga so I hope those with raging morality boners do take the time to sit down and have a date with introspection.
Aug 17, 2016 9:28 PM

Dec 2011
The beautiful work of art anime should stand by itself. Manga should be hidden away somewhere, where it can do no harm to the viewers who enjoyed the first half of the story so much. I can't recall too many times I've seen something of this caliber tank this badly. I mean what a trainwreck!
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Aug 25, 2017 10:22 AM

Jul 2015
I'm in the extreme minority that liked the whole thing, guess i read too much hentai, i wasn't bothered at all by their relationship turning like that.
Mar 25, 2018 9:58 PM
Aug 2017
LayedBack said:
The beautiful work of art anime should stand by itself. Manga should be hidden away somewhere, where it can do no harm to the viewers who enjoyed the first half of the story so much. I can't recall too many times I've seen something of this caliber tank this badly. I mean what a trainwreck!

I wholeheartedly agree with you... although, it is not only disappointing, it is frankly something quite disturbing: how can Daichi get involved with her daughter? He claimed that several times. It is disgusting... it is way worst than the Woody Allen affaire... It destroyed the story completely.
Feb 17, 2019 4:15 AM
Apr 2018
Well, the ending was a massive disappointment. The non-blood related excuse was not hinted at all, despite of the "hints" that Daikichi saw, and also even if we erase the incest part, am I supposed to believe Daikichi is in love with Rin? He said that he still thinks of Rin as a daughter, why is he now even considering marrying her? The mangaka could've at least ended this with a sign of affection from him if them being a couple is what she wanted.

Daikichi went from cool single dad to some lazy adult after the first time skip. Yukari... I don't even understand her train of thought, did the author want to get rid of her? Kouki was annoying but w/e.

As a slice of life, it crumbles after the time skip and as an incest series, it isn't even one "technically".
Mar 2, 2019 6:08 PM
Apr 2017
Disgusting shit -1/10
Jan 10, 2020 11:05 PM
May 2016
Are Japanese mangaka just incapable of understanding familial relationships that don't end in sex? Like what the fuck.
May 1, 2020 7:04 PM
May 2019
This made me nauseous, I wish I could forget it 0/10
Mar 4, 2021 7:33 PM
Jan 2017
I liked the pairing in the end. I should be happy but as always like every romance mangaka always bum rushes the ending and went 3 to 5 chapters of side stories.

The very vital part of the story's ending was shrunk in 6 panels nonsensical banter.

Where's Dai's proposal? Her on a wedding dress? Jeebus. Not even one kiss?!? Cuddle panels? The only dude who kissed her was Kouki in the whole damn series.

They married but what a disappointing set of end panels
Jan 15, 2023 2:42 AM
May 2022
I dislike the ending well, because of course it's weird, but also because.. the feelings of this 16-18 year old girl isn't really something I trust. In the sense of, a kid having feelings for their father/mother figure isn't something unheard of, and it isn't something that should be seen as genuine feelings especially so fast. It could stem from overwhelming issues but okay, say that it is genuine, I question why everyone else seems to be so overwhelmingly accepting of it. The way this pans out could be described as "rushed" to get into a conclusion right away but it could also be just brushing the weird feeling away. In reality, you can't bash someone for disliking the story's ending as it's not a surprise. If this were to happen in real life, people would also have the same reaction. It would be seen as gross, malicious, and having Daikichi being seen as a predator. We know that the way the story is portrayed it doesn't seem like it, but to me it just looks like a sugar coated way of showing themes of that, that makes it a little disturbing... but it's supposed to be a light-hearted manga. It can't dive deep into the fears and the torment that comes with the judgement of other people when being in a relationship of that nature, and because of that I feel that I fail to look at it with more kind and consideration. I believe the plot should've been written better. It's arguably careless to put something that would take much more of a psychological toll on the characters in and just.. not do that or acknowledge it?? It's shallow, and it dances around the heavy brooding topics, therefore it comes out as something the author made for their own sick desires.. I'd like to believe that isn't the case, as, if there was a more psychological manga with the same plot I think it would've been received better. 
Rainne x
Aug 14, 2023 6:58 PM
Oct 2020
I had known that this end was coming but I can't fathom why the author turned what was a sweet wholesome great story into this? Besides the ending, the quality just started degrading after the time skip. I don't even understand why such a time skip was needed? Well at least before the time skip it was great so I can appreciate it and the anime.
Feb 7, 9:48 PM
Jul 2021
the art ranges from passable to out right cursed, dissapointing endings is nothing new so I guess the authour just hates their own series and turned it into a 101 on a how destriy a perfectly good story.

like when has daikichi ever indicated that he was romantically into rin before hand like that's like the worst part of it it's just written that he accepts & anyways like why?
she didn't even like daikichi at first but kouki then a bit out of nowhere she jumps ship like this definetly wasn't a thing at the start and the way they assassinated kouki's character post time skip I could cry.

The time skip was too jarring that was the soft beginning of the end where things first sloped downhill before jumpng of a ClIfF half way into the timeskip.

wtf is even left for the last 6 chapters.

It was in a way interesting to watch it burn to the ground in a dumpster fire but still dissapointing for the investment I put into this series.
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