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Dec 27, 2024 4:42 PM

Jun 2020
SSJ3 VEGETA!!!! And the Tamagami got a newish form too, looks like Sparking Zero fans will be eating lol. The animation was as beautiful as always

I am growing really attached the Arinsu's gang, I'm surprised that Kuu was able to solve the math problem how impressive
Dec 27, 2024 5:35 PM
Apr 2021
SSJ3 VEGETA!!!!!!! I was surprised when bro pulled out that form I was hyped bc we’ve never seen him go ssj3 EVER😭🔥🔥🔥🔥

Arinsu and and her Majin gang are actually really nice I’m really liking them Majin Kuu is a real one for solving that puzzle for Majin Duu but he’s lucky he was there to solve it bc that was such an impossible challenge man💀

Since all 3 dragon balls have been taken by Goku Vegeta and Arinsu I wonder what direction the story is gonna take bc I didn’t think they’d get all the dragon balls so soon🤔🤔🤔
Dec 27, 2024 5:48 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to AcD4c
I don't get you guys mentioning Dragon Ball Super. Super was never mentioned in Daima, events in Daima happen just after Buu saga and Super never existed in this timeline.
@AcD4c we saw gowasu on old episodes of daima when shin was explaining about rymus and we know gowasu first appeared on super
Dec 27, 2024 6:04 PM

Apr 2016
Arinsu won the dragon ball of 1 star!
But Vegeta got the dragon ball of 2 stars!!!
Great resolution to enigmas!!!
Dec 27, 2024 6:15 PM

Jul 2016
I like how spiky Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta's hair is. Better than what Raging Blast did, basically just giving him Gotenks's hair.
Dec 27, 2024 6:16 PM
Jan 2018
Reply to Novalogic
Kinda disappointed here. Everything up till now was consistent with later story development from DB super. And we know from the super story, that Vegeta has never learned to go SSJ3. I was actually excited to see the background lore drops about events that won't happen until much later in the future. Even developing what we knew so far from DBS. But doing that Vegeta stunt like that they just broke consistency with main story big time.
@Novalogic It doesn't break any consistency cus vegeta never had a reason to use ssj3 in super. It was useless. Even goku used it like twice in very short bursts cus he felt similar to vegeta. If they perfect their other forms Ssj3 immediately becomes incredibly obsolete jus like that
NightlyDataDec 27, 2024 6:21 PM
Dec 27, 2024 6:22 PM
Jan 2018
Reply to scabab
Novalogic said:
Kinda disappointed here. Everything up till now was consistent with later story development from DB super. And we know from the super story, that Vegeta has never learned to go SSJ3. I was actually excited to see the background lore drops about events that won't happen until much later in the future. Even developing what we knew so far from DBS. But doing that Vegeta stunt like that they just broke consistency with main story big time.

Was it ever actually said that Vegeta couldn't use Super Saiyan 3? I don't recall that.

There will be talk of "If Vegeta could use Super Saiyan 3 then why didn't he use it against Beerus". Is that really gonna matter when Gohan didn't transform into anything when he fought Beerus. Gotenks never went Super Saiyan 3 when he fought Beerus either.

If Gotenks didn't have to turn Super Saiyan 3 then Vegeta didn't have to either. It's also not supposed to be a very efficient form.
@scabab U're absolutely right
Dec 27, 2024 6:48 PM

Jan 2016
5/5, this episode made me assume multiple things:
-Kuu and Duu are connected (also understand the essence is from Fat Buu that absorbed the Kai's and not kid buu, hence their personalities)
-Demon Realm is kind of like other world and enabled Vegeta to SS3
-Moses parting the sea is part of Dragon Ball
-The Tamagami's final challenge is likely built around the opponent so that it's impressive to others, but contestant should win (Goku kept eye on the crazy movements no one else could; Kuu(/Duu) rapidly added up those insane numbers that no one else possibly could; Vegeta answered question that Kakkarot couldn't)

I really am loving Kuu/Duu. Unlike Majin Buu, Duu doesn't turn people into chocolate which I'm really happy about, and Kuu synergizes with him. Kuu is brain, Duu is brawn. Things about to get crazy now that all Dragon Balls secure and all parties are converging in world 1.

Dec 27, 2024 7:02 PM
Jan 2018
Reply to Skuvan
Yo if this wasn't one of the best episodes so far this season, i don't know what is. I'd like to start of by how hilarious, funny, stupid, and powerful Duu is. His fighting style is so nostalgic, reminding me so much of Buu, and how powerful he seems to be as well. Also, gotta hand it to the Tamagamis, both the one who was against Duu, and the one who was against Vegeta. Since they forced Vegeta's hand into going SSJ3, they must be like between Cell & Buu in terms of powerscaling, since Cell was beaten by SSJ2 Gohan, while Buu took even more than a simple SSJ3 to taste defeat. Also, gotta love how Vegeta always smirks after doing anything as to make it look like it's a piece of cake to him, when he wasn't even certain that his answer to the Tamagami's question was the correct one, yet when he realized it actually is correct, he was surprised as well as the rest of the crew. Gotta love how funny Vegeta could be at times. Gotta add, loving Kuu as well. How he actually thinks of Arinsu & Duu as family, when he was happy when Duu won, how he immedietly got him chocolate when he demanded it, and how SMART he is to calculate that end question that was obviously done on purpose due to the Tamagami feeling like they shouldn't be worthy of being given a Dragon Ball, yet Kuu just calculated such mathematics like it was a piece of cake. Thought he'd be a boring character, but he's really growing on me, been a long time since we've seen such an interesting character, that's supposedly a "villain", honestly. Curious to see what Gomah is planning with his phrase near the end saying "In that case...", cuz honestly, i ain't seeing any potential in any counter plans he might have against the Z Fighters, after what he personally have witnessed. The only downside i could honestly point out about today's episode, was SSJ3 Vegeta's design. Like, i know i ain't in the majority with what i'm about to say, but the idea of the saiyans' hair just randomly growing vertically with a new transformation instead of growing down like how the OG SSJ3 used to be, just isn't really to my liking. Like, i watched DBS Superhero the day it dropped in the cinema with my little brother, and although the movie was hype and stuff, especially during the Beast Gohan scene, i was like, why though? Like, it can just grow down, like the OG SSJ3, or be the same hairstyle that Gohan already has, whether in SSJ mode or Mystic/Ultimate mode. Like, there's no sense in just growing vertically honestly. I don't know, just ain't into it. Nonetheless, really liked today's episode. I think we're starting to really get into the good stuff since all the fighting over the dragon balls had come to a conclusion, i think we're gonna start seeing some actual Z Fighters against the Majin crew, including the golden duo, and their superiors. Really excited for the upcoming episodes!!
@Elero The design is to differentiate from goku & gotenks. It's also based off EARLY design concepts for ssj3 before it became a thing in the series in the 1st place
Dec 27, 2024 7:29 PM
Feb 2014
I’m enjoying it so far, finally SSJ3 Vegeta, no more fan pics! The real deal! All that’s left is for him to kill Freiza, not anyone else but him, it’s his time! The Prince of all Saiyans!
Dec 28, 2024 12:00 AM

May 2015
I'm glad Vegeta finally got a win fair and square with no debating required.

Neva powering up tamagami 2 was surprising. He looked pretty cool.
Dec 28, 2024 12:51 AM
Apr 2019
The biggest question I have now, can we expect SSJ4 in later episodes? Surely, Goku has to go one step further. And will SSJ4 design like GT or?
I hope we get a SSJ4 canon design (and hopefully it's GT's).
Dec 28, 2024 5:10 AM

Aug 2016
Reply to NightlyData
@Elero The design is to differentiate from goku & gotenks. It's also based off EARLY design concepts for ssj3 before it became a thing in the series in the 1st place
@NightlyData I mean, i get that, but it ain't like it was gonna be that hard anyway. All it takes to differentiate between the saiyans, even if they're all in the same form, is to look at their outfits. They've all got completely different outfits.
Dec 28, 2024 5:43 AM

Nov 2012
god I had this episodes big reveal spoiled by twitter again >:( similar thing happened with Duu, I guess I have to stay off it entirely as soon as it releases because the new big reveals are always the first thing I see as soon as I open the app once it's out, even unintentionally opening the app will expose me to it.

I got pretty upset about this one having it spoiled for me, and for a while, I felt as if I couldn't enjoy the ep as much as I should've at first. However around the halfway point and beyond I got absorbed and enjoyed it still, it's a really good episode for sure!
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Dec 28, 2024 5:53 AM

Jun 2017
My wish has finally come true! I always felt bad that Vegeta never went SSJ3, but I prefer Goku's design though.

It seems I'm not the only one who got spoiled on this episode too! I should learn not to check my newsfeed on the day of the new episode release. Especially if I haven't seen it yet. The episode was still enjoyable though.

She got him back. If you understand the characters well enough, you'd know she did!
Dec 28, 2024 6:07 AM

Oct 2011
Rare Vegeta W

gotta treasure it for the next 5 years at least

also will be waiting for him to come in db legends in the future

"When the time is yours,
the future is waiting,
The person you become,
and the people you're creating.
Dec 28, 2024 7:01 AM

Apr 2020
Reply to PrivateKero
The biggest question I have now, can we expect SSJ4 in later episodes? Surely, Goku has to go one step further. And will SSJ4 design like GT or?
I hope we get a SSJ4 canon design (and hopefully it's GT's).
@PrivateKero I'd love to see SSJ4 in Daima but I doubt. In GT Goku was a kid but he had the tail, then transformed into oozaru then turn into SSJ4. But we can at least have our hopes. The final transformation will probably be SSJ3 Gogeta or Vegeto.
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Dec 28, 2024 8:08 AM

Nov 2016
Reply to scabab
Novalogic said:
Kinda disappointed here. Everything up till now was consistent with later story development from DB super. And we know from the super story, that Vegeta has never learned to go SSJ3. I was actually excited to see the background lore drops about events that won't happen until much later in the future. Even developing what we knew so far from DBS. But doing that Vegeta stunt like that they just broke consistency with main story big time.

Was it ever actually said that Vegeta couldn't use Super Saiyan 3? I don't recall that.

There will be talk of "If Vegeta could use Super Saiyan 3 then why didn't he use it against Beerus". Is that really gonna matter when Gohan didn't transform into anything when he fought Beerus. Gotenks never went Super Saiyan 3 when he fought Beerus either.

If Gotenks didn't have to turn Super Saiyan 3 then Vegeta didn't have to either. It's also not supposed to be a very efficient form.

Gohan used his Ultimate form against Beerus, no need for SSJ. And unlike Gotenks Vegeta was absolutely enraged after Beerus slapped Bulma, there was no reason to hold anything back. Let's not try to defend this nonsense.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 28, 2024 10:00 AM
Jan 2017
Super Saiyan 3 Chibi Vegeta!!!!!! I somehow knew he could do it, but I finally saw it with my own eyes. Cool fight and cool episode overall.
Dec 28, 2024 10:25 AM

Aug 2011
High key pissed off that Vegeta got spoiled for me while I was at work so I didn't even get to experience the hype irl. Spoilers being posted by websites 2 hours after the episode gets dropped is crazyyyyy. 🙃

Aside from that, the episode was good. Happy to see Vegeta shine again and also prove that he's not a moron (again, since he can't get a break). Also I agree with what someone else said in this thread, that Neva is the "real king" or at least has more power than he's letting on.

Last thought is about the new Majins. Majin Kuu may not be much of a fighter but he's clearly intelligent. I think we'll see a fusion of him and Duu later on, super strong, super smart, and a super big pain in the a** for everyone to fight. I'm here for it.

A short break and then the dub lands Jan 10! Happy New Year!
Dec 28, 2024 11:18 AM

May 2015
Dec 28, 2024 11:49 AM

May 2017
Vegeta SSJ3? Damn, was about time! Also we might end up seeing SSJ3 (Kid) Gogeta/Vegito, because Duu already seems to be at least SSJ3 Vegetas Level. Now imagine Duu and Kuu fusing.
Dec 28, 2024 12:30 PM

Oct 2013
Very enjoyable episode. I preferred the fight between Duu and Tamagami #1, but the one between Vegeta and Tamagami #2 was also cool (though underwhelming when it comes to choreography, and it focused a little bit too much on fanservice). Vegeta didn't job later on, but actually transformed into SSj3 for the first time in this timeline, and defeated his opponent with easy.

I had a hunch before about a possibility of Vegeta going SSj3 in Daima, however, I thought it would take place later, during the hypothetical clash against new Majins (y'know, to have a nice reference to DBZ's fight against Kid Buu, where Goku fought for some time in his SSj3 form). It might've felt a little bizarre to see Vegeta not fully adapted into his kid form using a transformation that consumes a lot of energy, so is pretty much not the best choice for Vegeta's primary combat style, but whatever. It looked nice, hehe.

While I'm not a fan of how Vegeta's hair looked like in Daima's SSj3 design, I find it cool to be possibly a nod to the original SSj3 concept:

AdnashDec 28, 2024 2:31 PM
Dec 28, 2024 12:33 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to Genesis007AUT
Vegeta SSJ3? Damn, was about time! Also we might end up seeing SSJ3 (Kid) Gogeta/Vegito, because Duu already seems to be at least SSJ3 Vegetas Level. Now imagine Duu and Kuu fusing.
Genesis007AUT said:
Now imagine Duu and Kuu fusing.
I hope it will happen, haha. Kuu's brain and Duu's power would result in an extremely powerful entity if they are combined through fusion.
Dec 28, 2024 1:03 PM

Apr 2010
Reply to FMmatron

Gohan used his Ultimate form against Beerus, no need for SSJ. And unlike Gotenks Vegeta was absolutely enraged after Beerus slapped Bulma, there was no reason to hold anything back. Let's not try to defend this nonsense.
@FMmatron He used Ultimate in the movie, which originally was Super Saiyan which they just recoloured. In the anime he wasn't Ultimate, he wasn't anything.

Gotenks saw Gohan, Buu, Vegeta and the others get slapped around like nothing and he simply went at Beerus either as a Super Saiyan or as nothing.

Vegeta can be as mad as he wants, Super Saiyan 3 still isn't a great form. In fact in the movie he never even went Super Saiyan 2 at all. He just transformed into a Super Saiyan. People always just used to say it was a Super Saiyan 2 just for their own peace of mind because it was already a struggle for them to comprehend him surpassing Goku.

But no in Battle of God's when Vegeta snapped and got angry, he didn't transform into a Super Saiyan 2 when everyone knows he had that form so him not transforming into Super Saiyan 3 doesn't mean squat.
Dec 28, 2024 2:25 PM
Apr 2024
A dream come true, really.
Dec 28, 2024 2:41 PM

Mar 2020
i cant believe ssj3 vegeta is cannon
Dec 28, 2024 5:40 PM
Jan 2018
Reply to Skuvan
@NightlyData I mean, i get that, but it ain't like it was gonna be that hard anyway. All it takes to differentiate between the saiyans, even if they're all in the same form, is to look at their outfits. They've all got completely different outfits.
@Elero Tori has always made the hair of every form look diff on every Saiyan. Ssj1 doesn't look the same between any of them, same wit 2 & 3. Tori has always done this. On top of which he always loves to throw a curveball even when he's technically givin ppl wut they want(instead of jus outright doin the complete opposite which he loves to do too). It's cool fanservice we're never gettin again so I don't C the issue. It's consistent wit everythin else Tori has done & it's jus cool.
Dec 28, 2024 10:34 PM

Feb 2018
Justice for my boi Majin Kuu lmao.

Sheesh, Vegeta went ssj3? It looks a lil different but still pretty cool to see. He also clutched with the question with common sense than thinking too hard lmao. I thought Bulma was gonna do a sneaky assist like Majin Kuu did.

Never ending plan to watch list...

Dec 29, 2024 6:55 AM

Apr 2014
I'm so glad they decided to give the did justice to Vegeta with the "missing transformation" but at the same time I'm equally upset cause I wish we would have experienced it "way" earlier and in an adult form... Before the rainbow hair fanciness came... But hey I still have hope Daima can get us all (and particularly who like me grow up with DB as a kid) some great emotions.
Dec 29, 2024 7:20 AM
Mar 2016
While it was cool to see Vegeta go SS3, I don't really see the point in doing it other than pure fan service or selling more merchandise. I wouldn't be shocked if this is something that Toei or Bandai pushed for. The only way this transformation actually means anything is if Daima takes place in its own separate timeline from DBZ movies 14 and 15/Super's TV series/Super's movies/Super's manga (yes, Super has distinct 3 timelines). We already know that Vegeta's training with Whis and Beerus has put him on a similar level with Goku. Because of that, I don't see a real narrative reason to retroactively give Vegeta this outdated power-up.

Also, this decision just adds on to the list of other weird decisions that make this series feel like it can't fit in with any of Super's timelines. The series isn't done yet, though, so this can be rectified. And for the record: I really don't care about the whole argument about what's "canon" since Super clearly doesn't care about it either. I only bring it up because so much of the fan base is obsessed with talking about it.
MediocreOtakuDec 29, 2024 7:23 AM
Dec 29, 2024 12:31 PM
Sep 2024
ss3 Vegeta is so clean
Dec 29, 2024 1:13 PM

Mar 2007
Majin Duu, after a chocolate tantrum, physically wins against Tamagami #1. But things aren't over as the final test is adding a series of numbers! OH NOES, not the dreaded MATH TEST! (Way harder than finding the prize in a shell game). Majin Duu is totally out of his depth until Majin Buu whispers the answer. God dammit he must have been that curve wrecking math genius we all love to hate, from our time in school (in Asia) because there's always that ONE GUY! Arisa's faction wins a dragon ball. Woo!

Meanwhile Vegeeta has NOT been eaten by the Kraken. After he goes super saiyan in his fight against Tamagami #2 the Kraken wisely decides he's not worth eating after all that trouble (burp). Despite the Namek's boosting, Vegeeta eventually has enough and goes super super saiyan with the big hair, and proceeds to deliver an epic beat down! His final challenge, another MATH PROBLEM!! LMAO!

I can't help feeling that they wanted to fuck with all of us who've had to endure math lessons, showing that even though this is a wildly entertaining fighting shounen, MATH still matters! Gambatte.

Can't believe I'm enjoying this "kids" show so much.

Dec 29, 2024 2:12 PM

Oct 2010
Another ho hum episode, throwing SSJ3 Vegeta for the bants. Next episode might be interesting.. but there's just no real meat to the story or character interactions.
7/10 seems generous overall.
Dec 29, 2024 4:40 PM
Jun 2021
This is what dragon ball should have been after z, idk what is super
Dec 29, 2024 9:10 PM

Feb 2015
Reply to Marinate1016
CANON SUPER SAIYAN 3 VEGETA ?!!? OH MY GOD. Toriyama sensei rest in peace. Gave all of us uncs who grew up watching the series an amazing Christmas present. SSJ3’s first ever W goes to Vegeta!

Old namekian dude a bitch for giving the Tamagami a power up. Just because Vegeta and Goku like to fight don’t mean you can give an unfair advantage to the opponent!! But it gave us an amazing gift so I’ll allow it lol. He’s definitely only out for himself though and will betray them once they get all the balls.

Majin Duu and Kuu got their W too which means Gommah is left without a dragon ball lol. Arinsu got her plans, namekian dude got his and our heroes caught in the middle. Things are gonna get very interesting now. Best episode yet.
@Marinate1016 That seems to be a power the Tamagamis already have, Neva just unlocked it for #2, maybe only #1 can use it whenever he wants.


makes no sense for Vegeta to be able to turn SSJ3, Daima is only a couple of years after the Majin Buu fight, Goku basically needed 7 years to achieve the form, while training with his ethereal body, which recovers way faster than a regular body, now you're saying Vegeta was able to do it way way faster, just bc he knew about it, dude took longer to learn SSJ1 and SSJ2 even after seeing first hand.
Also it looks weird, don't know why they didn't give him the usual SSJ3 hair, maybe so it's easier to animate.

This at least makes more sense than SSJ2 Vegeta in Battle of Gods(a year or so earlier than Daima) being stronger than Gotenks, SSJ3Goku and Ultimate Gohan.
SteelingMaxDec 30, 2024 10:20 PM

Dec 29, 2024 9:13 PM

Feb 2019
SteelingMax said:
@Marinate1016 That seems to be a power the Tamagamis already have, Neva just unlocked it for #2, maybe only #1 can use it whenever he wants.


makes no sense for Vegeta to be able to turn SSJ3, Daima is only a couple of years after the Majin Buu fight, Goku basically needed 10 years to achieve the form, while training with his ethereal body, which recovers way faster than a regular body, now you're saying Vegeta was able to do it way way faster, just bc he knew about it, dude took longer to learn SSJ1 and SSJ2 even after seeing first hand.
Also it looks weird, don't know why they didn't give him the usual SSJ3 hair, maybe so it's easier to animate.

This at least makes more sense than SSJ2 Vegeta in Battle of Gods(a year or so earlier than Daima) being stronger than Gotenks, SSJ3Goku and Ultimate Gohan.

Yea because he made them
Dec 30, 2024 1:32 AM
Nov 2013
Reply to Nerdason
I got confused... I don't remember Vegeta using ssj3 in Tournament of Power in Dragon Ball Super 🤔
@Nerdason He didn't, it's just yet another retcon.
Dec 30, 2024 2:39 PM
Jan 2024
Reply to deg
finally vegeta learns ssj3

also i like that there is an iq test as the final test to get the dragon balls lol

@deg - For a second, I thought Vegeta was actually just gonna destroy Tamagami Nr.2 rather than do the second test at all.
Dec 30, 2024 8:03 PM
Apr 2010
If this was the old Dragon Ball series that kraken would have had his head blown off
Dec 31, 2024 5:10 AM

Jan 2017
Peak Vegeta moment right here! Finally going full SSJ3! It took him 30 years but we are finally here!
Also, the dark scene in that monster's mouth was SICK AF!

The pace for Daima is way faster than I was expecting. In 12 episodes they already have two Dragon Balls and the main villain(?) has the third one. This will be a short story overall or they will be much more story after the Majin Doo ark.
Dec 31, 2024 7:10 AM

Mar 2017
Feel pain, think about pain, accept pain, know pain... Shinra Tensei!
Dec 31, 2024 4:52 PM

Feb 2021
Wow, Vegeta got into SS3 form :)
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Jan 2, 12:57 PM

Dec 2012
Actual ssj3 kid Vegeta, what the heck 😅 didn’t think they would go there in this show
Jan 3, 9:18 PM
Jul 2021
Jan 4, 3:08 AM
Oct 2011
Why has dbz turned into a preschooler show?
Jan 4, 5:19 AM
Nov 2024
Jan 7, 9:21 AM
Aug 2024
its better than i expected
Jan 9, 1:59 AM
Oct 2019
Woahh Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta!!
That's hyped AF 🔥

Great battle and what a silly quiz that was lol
Jan 9, 9:03 AM

Feb 2016
Dropping this piece of shit, bye.
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

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