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Blue Lock
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Nov 24, 2024 5:22 PM

Apr 2019
Will Sae change for the better later? His character is TERRIBLE. I don't care if he's good at the game, I'm not happy with his actions and goals because the guy is so unpleasant. His ego is thrown out into space. He thinks he's better than everyone. He can't talk normally to anyone, and he looks like he's constantly offended by everyone. He addresses his teammate as trash or monkey during the game. I'm impressed that after all the insults, no one has punched him in the face yet, because I don't think I could stand it. I wish him a painful defeat because then maybe he will wake up and start behaving like a normal person. Rin has a somewhat similar personality but isn't as much of an asshole as Sae.

Why do others tolerate this? Why doesn't Aiku, as the team captain, pay attention to the fact that he creates a terribly unpleasant atmosphere and literally insults them all? This is terribly frustrating for me, no one would ever want to work with such a person. Even if he is good, there should also be a good atmosphere between the players on the pitch but Sae behaves as if he respects no one and expects everyone to follow his orders.

Will he be the same all the time? ;/
Jollyne7Nov 24, 2024 6:47 PM
Nov 24, 2024 6:30 PM
Nov 2023
Jollyne7 said:
Will Sae change for the better later? His character is TERRIBLE. I don't care if he's good at the game, I'm not happy with his actions and goals because the guy is so unpleasant. His ego is thrown out into space. He thinks he's better than everyone. He can't talk normally to anyone, and he looks like he's constantly offended by everyone. He addresses his teammate as trash or monkey during the game. Rin has a somewhat similar personality but isn't as much of an asshole as Sae.

Why do others tolerate this? Why doesn't Aiku, as the team captain, pay attention to the fact that he creates a terribly unpleasant atmosphere and literally insults them all? This is terribly frustrating for me, no one would ever want to work with such a person. Even if he is good, there should also be a good atmosphere between the players on the pitch but Sae behaves as if he respects no one and expects everyone to follow his orders.

Will he be the same all the time? ;/

I think most likely he would. I can’t say much myself since I haven’t read the manga but characters like him would normally be developed breed later on in the series. Just look at characters like Itachi and Endeavour
Nov 24, 2024 7:39 PM
Nov 2023
He hasn't really appeared after the U20 match.
Nov 24, 2024 7:49 PM
Jan 2020
He hasn't appeared yet after this arc but he will. And there is a reason for his behavior too.
Nov 24, 2024 9:28 PM
May 2022
I haven’t read the manga but I’m just looking at it as Sae is the “villain” of this season. You’re supposed to want to see him and his team lose. I think Rin and him will reconcile later on though
Nov 25, 2024 3:18 AM
Jan 2020
which png is that character
Nov 25, 2024 6:38 AM

Jan 2021
I mean, his whole character has been about hating on the Japanese style of football from the get go. That's literally how he was introduced.
I don't think he ever insulted anyone on the field for no reason. Sae made plays that provided ample opportunities for the U-20 strikers to score, but they wasted every chance he created for them.

Also, when did he 'order' anyone around? He's a midfielder and playmaker, who expects the strikers to score when he creates an opportunity. Aiku knows his strikers are messing up, he's in no position to talk back.

I've personally gotten used to Blue Lock's trash talk, it's pretty fun for me.
Nov 25, 2024 10:58 AM

Apr 2019
Reply to certifiedbinger
I mean, his whole character has been about hating on the Japanese style of football from the get go. That's literally how he was introduced.
I don't think he ever insulted anyone on the field for no reason. Sae made plays that provided ample opportunities for the U-20 strikers to score, but they wasted every chance he created for them.

Also, when did he 'order' anyone around? He's a midfielder and playmaker, who expects the strikers to score when he creates an opportunity. Aiku knows his strikers are messing up, he's in no position to talk back.

I've personally gotten used to Blue Lock's trash talk, it's pretty fun for me.
In my opinion, if his character manifests itself as 'I don't like your style of play and I don't like everyone for no reason', then he is a very poorly written character. You can create an interesting character that is supposed to fit the 'antagonist' theme in the arc, but it doesn't work here.

And yes, he insults people for no reason. Everyone who watches or plays football knows that before one team scores a goal, sooner or later there are a lot of actions in which a player passes a little worse, misses a shot, or his shot is saved by the goalkeeper. These are completely normal situations and no one reacts like Sae after something like this. His teammate shot on goal and Gagamaru saved. Sae's reaction? ''You're trash.'' Wtf. Even if he has a grudge, you can say it politely and not like a total asshole. The pitch and the match are not the time and place for such calls to someone from your team. He clearly had his eye on this red-haired player. Even after the situation in which Aiku couldn't stop Rin and apologized to his friends, and his friends said it was nothing, Sae approached red dude again after this action and started trash talking to him. I wonder how this narcissist would react to a situation in which he messes up. He would probably think it wasn't his fault XD

And he strongly influences the decisions of these, I don't know, U-20 ''managers''. ''If I can't take this player, I won't play,'' so they do everything not to offend him. An 18-year-old kid rules over adults xD
Nov 25, 2024 1:45 PM

Apr 2019
Reply to Anyafooojaa
He hasn't appeared yet after this arc but he will. And there is a reason for his behavior too.
@Anyafooojaa It's hard for me to find an explanation for his behavior. Difficult childhood? XD There are a lot of strange and crazy characters in Blue Lock, but his behavior is that of an ill-mannered child who thinks too highly of himself. If it's explained well, I'm looking forward to it, but I have doubts about it.
Nov 25, 2024 2:10 PM

Jan 2021
Jollyne7 said:
In my opinion, if his character manifests itself as 'I don't like your style of play and I don't like everyone for no reason', then he is a very poorly written character. You can create an interesting character that is supposed to fit the 'antagonist' theme in the arc, but it doesn't work here.

And yes, he insults people for no reason. Everyone who watches or plays football knows that before one team scores a goal, sooner or later there are a lot of actions in which a player passes a little worse, misses a shot, or his shot is saved by the goalkeeper. These are completely normal situations and no one reacts like Sae after something like this. His teammate shot on goal and Gagamaru saved. Sae's reaction? ''You're trash.'' Wtf. Even if he has a grudge, you can say it politely and not like a total asshole. The pitch and the match are not the time and place for such calls to someone from your team. He clearly had his eye on this red-haired player. Even after the situation in which Aiku couldn't stop Rin and apologized to his friends, and his friends said it was nothing, Sae approached red dude again after this action and started trash talking to him. I wonder how this narcissist would react to a situation in which he messes up. He would probably think it wasn't his fault XD

And he strongly influences the decisions of these, I don't know, U-20 ''managers''. ''If I can't take this player, I won't play,'' so they do everything not to offend him. An 18-year-old kid rules over adults xD

I find it hard to believe I'm discussing a story as surface level and straightforward as Blue Lock, but here we go.

Sae's character is established as an antagonist who after exposure to the world's modern ideologies, views his domestic conventional thought process as outdated and third-rate. He then joins an antagonistic conventional faction to test and observe the birth of modern ideologies within the established domestic sphere. He's put in a unique position to call out his more conventional peers, which in this case is the U20 team, on their ideology.
That's the actual gist of his character.

'Shit happens on the field' isn't an excuse for Sendou. If anyone really watches or plays football, the GK loses 1v1s against good strikers most of the time. Sae is also sending perfect passes to the strikers. From Sae's perspective, a striker needs to respond to a calculated pass, and score a perfect goal. Sendou and the other two strikers are incapable of doing that because they aren't skilled enough to match Sae's plays. Gagamaru being unnaturally talented isn't an argument either, Sae scored off a wild angle already.

I honestly can't take your point seriously simply because it's based on 'politeness', and this is Blue Lock. We've witnessed way worse trash talk before, and we'll hear even worse after. Personally, if I was this bothered by insults, I would've quit watching this show a long time ago lol
Nov 25, 2024 2:18 PM

Apr 2019
Reply to certifiedbinger
Jollyne7 said:
In my opinion, if his character manifests itself as 'I don't like your style of play and I don't like everyone for no reason', then he is a very poorly written character. You can create an interesting character that is supposed to fit the 'antagonist' theme in the arc, but it doesn't work here.

And yes, he insults people for no reason. Everyone who watches or plays football knows that before one team scores a goal, sooner or later there are a lot of actions in which a player passes a little worse, misses a shot, or his shot is saved by the goalkeeper. These are completely normal situations and no one reacts like Sae after something like this. His teammate shot on goal and Gagamaru saved. Sae's reaction? ''You're trash.'' Wtf. Even if he has a grudge, you can say it politely and not like a total asshole. The pitch and the match are not the time and place for such calls to someone from your team. He clearly had his eye on this red-haired player. Even after the situation in which Aiku couldn't stop Rin and apologized to his friends, and his friends said it was nothing, Sae approached red dude again after this action and started trash talking to him. I wonder how this narcissist would react to a situation in which he messes up. He would probably think it wasn't his fault XD

And he strongly influences the decisions of these, I don't know, U-20 ''managers''. ''If I can't take this player, I won't play,'' so they do everything not to offend him. An 18-year-old kid rules over adults xD

I find it hard to believe I'm discussing a story as surface level and straightforward as Blue Lock, but here we go.

Sae's character is established as an antagonist who after exposure to the world's modern ideologies, views his domestic conventional thought process as outdated and third-rate. He then joins an antagonistic conventional faction to test and observe the birth of modern ideologies within the established domestic sphere. He's put in a unique position to call out his more conventional peers, which in this case is the U20 team, on their ideology.
That's the actual gist of his character.

'Shit happens on the field' isn't an excuse for Sendou. If anyone really watches or plays football, the GK loses 1v1s against good strikers most of the time. Sae is also sending perfect passes to the strikers. From Sae's perspective, a striker needs to respond to a calculated pass, and score a perfect goal. Sendou and the other two strikers are incapable of doing that because they aren't skilled enough to match Sae's plays. Gagamaru being unnaturally talented isn't an argument either, Sae scored off a wild angle already.

I honestly can't take your point seriously simply because it's based on 'politeness', and this is Blue Lock. We've witnessed way worse trash talk before, and we'll hear even worse after. Personally, if I was this bothered by insults, I would've quit watching this show a long time ago lol
@certifiedbinger Ok, I see that you are explaining Sae's behavior, but for me, apart from the fact that he is very annoying, the way this character is written is very poor. Your explanation doesn't buy me a bit because his behavior is that of a spoiled, offended kid who knows everything better and does everything better. And that's it.

Damn, even the crazy Shindou or Shidou is a more interesting character. Sae, as the ''chosen one'', has one character trait and that's it. Actually, most of the characters here have such features, but in him it manifests itself exceptionally.
Nov 25, 2024 2:31 PM

Jan 2021
Jollyne7 said:
@certifiedbinger Ok, I see that you are explaining Sae's behavior, but for me, apart from the fact that he is very annoying, the way this character is written is very poor. Your explanation doesn't buy me a bit because his behavior is that of a spoiled, offended kid who knows everything better and does everything better. And that's it.

Damn, even the crazy Shindou or Shidou is a more interesting character. Sae, as the ''chosen one'', has one character trait and that's it. Actually, most of the characters here have such features, but in him it manifests itself exceptionally.

Well, regardless of whether or not you 'buy' that, I simply did a small breakdown of what his character stands for in this particular narrative, and why it works well. That's actually objective.

You seem more bothered by his words, if anything. Which is completely subjective. Hilariously surface level, but still valid.

This week's episode will probably flesh him out some more, so look forward to that I suppose.
Nov 25, 2024 6:15 PM
Apr 2020
Jollyne7 said:
Will Sae change for the better later? His character is TERRIBLE. I don't care if he's good at the game, I'm not happy with his actions and goals because the guy is so unpleasant. His ego is thrown out into space. He thinks he's better than everyone. He can't talk normally to anyone, and he looks like he's constantly offended by everyone. He addresses his teammate as trash or monkey during the game. I'm impressed that after all the insults, no one has punched him in the face yet, because I don't think I could stand it. I wish him a painful defeat because then maybe he will wake up and start behaving like a normal person. Rin has a somewhat similar personality but isn't as much of an asshole as Sae.

Why do others tolerate this? Why doesn't Aiku, as the team captain, pay attention to the fact that he creates a terribly unpleasant atmosphere and literally insults them all? This is terribly frustrating for me, no one would ever want to work with such a person. Even if he is good, there should also be a good atmosphere between the players on the pitch but Sae behaves as if he respects no one and expects everyone to follow his orders.

Will he be the same all the time? ;/

Sae was the best striker till rin came in u could say sae is jealous of rin so he became a midfielder who creates goal chances so as it goes on and rin becomes a top player we will see sae change I would say maybe the World Cup he might have a big role
Nov 29, 2024 2:29 AM
Apr 2021
Jollyne7 said:
@certifiedbinger Ok, I see that you are explaining Sae's behavior, but for me, apart from the fact that he is very annoying, the way this character is written is very poor. Your explanation doesn't buy me a bit because his behavior is that of a spoiled, offended kid who knows everything better and does everything better. And that's it.

Damn, even the crazy Shindou or Shidou is a more interesting character. Sae, as the ''chosen one'', has one character trait and that's it. Actually, most of the characters here have such features, but in him it manifests itself exceptionally.

Definitely not poorly written… you have almost zero background on sae at this point. You can say you hate his personality but saying he is poorly written is just farther from when they pretty much just introduced him at this point lol…
Nov 29, 2024 7:19 PM

Sep 2013
Understandable. We will get a bit of backstory of Sae later. However, even amongst the most egotists, I still find him incredibly underwhelming writing-wise compared to others. There will be a ton of new characters having way more egos, but still very entertaining to see them playing.
Geark77Nov 30, 2024 11:02 PM
Nov 30, 2024 9:31 PM
Oct 2020
Sae my favourite on the u20 arc after shidou,he is so cool, hope he never change his nonchalant personality.

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