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Apr 30, 2024 10:10 AM
Jan 2021
Belleamenicole said:
I’m so dissapointed with this season. Waited all these years for this to return to be given lackluster and forgettable episodes. WTF?!!!

S2 is nowhere near S1 storytelling, animation, fight scene though S1 cut many content it was solid but S2 being 2cour(24epi) is actually Lackluster. The Animation by JC STAFF is too weak and fights are below average. Till now till 17th Episode it is below average.
Apr 30, 2024 2:55 PM

Mar 2023
Reply to ryoko6
meh... disappointing ep but ok much? this feels inferior compared to some of the previous eps. the animation was subpar too, lots of still frames as someone mentioned.
@ryoko6 I agree with this statement as well.
Apr 30, 2024 3:04 PM

Sep 2014
I genuinely like how nonapologetic this show is about the MCs standing by and watching while dozens of people get killed by those monsters. Usually the MCs are white knights and no real harm happens. But here they literally watched as this thing ate the other kids. Crazy.

Also lol at the VIPs just sitting there while everyone else runs away.

I always forget, but Kuzunoha summoning the lizardmen here reminded me he basically has a real army in his pocket. Its not a case of him trying to carve a country into existence with just his sidekicks, he basically already has one ready to go.

PS: All this bitching here but I quite liked the episode. Im also not going to complain about the animation when the monsters were actually animated instead of CGI garbage.

The only criticism I get is the powerscaling with the elite guards getting wiped out like fodder while here 2 students took down the monster even though they should have a way lower level.

Then again I dont hold this show to high standards, its the worst isekai show Im actually intersted in and still watch.
Comander-07Apr 30, 2024 3:14 PM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Apr 30, 2024 3:16 PM

Mar 2023
I made a one off comment all the way back around episode 7 or 9 that I was personally ok with them getting this random tournament arc over with this season so that we'd have a good 4+ episode season finale. Instead it looks like they're going to drag it out another 5 episodes and give us a "Meh.." Season finale
calling it now, the last episode of the season will end panning out as the MC over looks his parent's hometown he wants to save...Instead of just giving us that as the big battle season ending, we're getting balloon popping demons and characters standing around doing nothing while background characters fight and complain about weak tier demons being "too strong". Even Shiki's VA didn't sound all that into his role during the scene where he's instructing what the students should do.

Same when demon-kun's father and the King both just basically told the demon below them to Knock It Off, and in the most generic sounding tone. While standing there like "oh no i'm 10ft above the demon and he can't hear me, whatever will we do."

Episode wasn't terrible. Just, was Ok. Least in my books, I see a majority enjoyed this week's episode, and that's fine too.
Apr 30, 2024 4:38 PM
Apr 2021
I really liked the first season, but now... what the hell is happening here?

First thing I noticed was the somewhat dissonant tone of this episode, and comedy somehow got mixed with people getting mauled... and Makoto not caring, then suddenly caring for two random knights. I concur; even if Makoto dislikes hyumans because of the goddess, this just feels badly written. The pacing is offbeat, too.

However, what actually made me post here is the weird power scaling. I know Makoto and his friends are really powerful and all that, but am I actually supposed to believe that 4 elite magicians, employed by an elite magic school, were IMMEDIATELY KILLED by a monster, but then, somehow, a group of teenagers manages to exterminate it? And we even had a Sonic Heroes "WE'LL SHOW THAT CREEP THE REAL SUPER POWER OF TEAMWORK!" moment. Well, Mio and Shiki were coaching them, I guess.
letrollgalaApr 30, 2024 4:42 PM
Apr 30, 2024 9:28 PM
Aug 2018
What an stupid episode. When did the MC became a psychopath?
Completely out of character and no explanation whatsoever. Let's just make small talk and say nothing of relevance when there's a monster in front of us eating person after person.

That was just for shock. I wouldn't complain about this if there was an explanation why the MC is completely uninterested in this.

Apr 30, 2024 10:43 PM

Sep 2018
I liked the episode though the plot was a bit confusing. Seeing the nobles react to teleportation was funny. 4/5
May 1, 2024 3:40 AM
Jun 2014
I love this series, is amazing!
May 1, 2024 5:22 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Jonnah0906 said:
Its sad how much apathy I feel for this show after liking season 1 quite a bit.

My advice is, wait till the airing finishes, then binge, that is how S1 worked for me, that is HOW I enjoy most stuff nowadays, MOST shows don't have enough quality to keep me interested weekly, I don't need to create expectations or build up for shit.
Even those episodes that have that much quality to them, I enjoy them the best watching in batches.

You should enjoy this more not following it weekly.
May 1, 2024 7:54 AM
Jan 2016
So, a student transforms into a mutated abomination and the author thought Makoto's best response to the situation is: "let's wait and see what happens."

Good lord, just pure apathetic expressions all around, and just the utter lack of enthusiasm from Makoto and his group, is just a whole other level of sheer arrogance from any generic Isekai I've ever seen. Like, even Rimuru wouldn't be this callous towards people other than his own kind.

Guess the only students he actually gives a shit about was his own, and not the ones being eaten alive. You wanted to establish good relations with hyumans? Maybe not let the people get massacred left and right, first? And why bother saving the two guards only after you've started protecting the King and the nobles, when you didn't even bother with the Purple coats as you mock them while they get eaten? The most OP group in the entire city and they just stood by and watched. What an absolute sh*tshow this is.

Plus, I could tolerate some jokes in some of the previous not so serious episodes but making jokes to make light of such a terrible situation, is just borderline cringe and insensitive.

I'm probably gonna be skimming these episodes every 5 seconds for the rest of the season cause I'm so close to dropping this sh*t.
May 1, 2024 1:04 PM
Jan 2011
I hate this school arc. Will it take up the rest of the season?
May 1, 2024 2:15 PM
Jan 2022
Quite a low point in the season - over 65% of the episode was people stood around talking - like, the city is under siege, and theirs a class of kids in front of a monster for like, over 3/4 the episode, and yet everyone stands around like lost lemons.

Truly hope it picks itself back up from this.
May 1, 2024 3:08 PM
Jan 2023
this was the worst episode of the series imo. I mean the pacing alone was horrendous, the entire arena evacuated and the monster was still just stood there, the mc walked across the side lines to talk to his students parents, the monster is still stood there, the mc moves to the vip bleachers and talks the nobles and the king and shows off his teleportation and then moves the king down closer, the monster is still stood there. at some point you do need to show that the monster isn't waiting for the camera to be on him to do anything.

on top of that the MC is being very uncaring which isn't consistent with his character in terms of the who series but even just in the episode he watches innocent students get eaten, innocent purple coats get eaten and then turns around and heals a knight who got injured after killing the monster that injured him. he does have a general dislike for hyumans but not this much and that doesn't explain his special treatment for a nameless knight.

0/10 for this episode
May 1, 2024 11:12 PM

Oct 2021
Those Purple coats didn't even stand a chance lol, all they have is power but no strategy at all.
May 1, 2024 11:40 PM
Apr 2020
Aaku27 said:
Belleamenicole said:
I’m so dissapointed with this season. Waited all these years for this to return to be given lackluster and forgettable episodes. WTF?!!!

S2 is nowhere near S1 storytelling, animation, fight scene though S1 cut many content it was solid but S2 being 2cour(24epi) is actually Lackluster. The Animation by JC STAFF is too weak and fights are below average. Till now till 17th Episode it is below average.

The animation is a lot better than ss1. Are we watching the same show? Expect like first 2 ep and final ep in ss1 the animation is good but rest is average. But ss2 animation is consistent. The story while not the best but i enjoy more than ss1.
May 2, 2024 4:12 AM
Mar 2021
how did Makato recognise the Limia princess?
May 2, 2024 10:40 AM
Sep 2023
Terrible episode tbh, consisted of mainly people standing around doing nothing while a monster roared at them, then ate some random goons who showed up while nobody even really reacted, then roared again a bit while people continued to stand staring at it.

Also MC and his gang can clearly save the city and have a large vested interest in saving the city (proving themselves to the aristocracy, opening up possible trade for them, and the fact they have FRIENDS there for pete's sake) and instead they decide to stand around while people are being massacred because... they feel like it I guess? Or perhaps because the little whingebag is still hung up on the fact that once a few hyumans said something mean to him.

The first season of this was really cool, and most of this season has been good, but like, why is he so emotionally dead suddenly? Kuzonoha seems to do nothing now other than stand around feeling mildly angry at people.
May 2, 2024 7:38 PM

Nov 2022
Case closed for tournament.
i hope they don't drag this arc until final episode.
May 3, 2024 9:48 AM

Apr 2009
Everything feels so slow, the transformation, the citywide attack, even the Purplecoats quick defeat seems to be slow too, and then Makoto's students fighting the transformed dude. Almost all of the arena audience had evacuated but the royal box occupants are just staring at arena below, I couldn't sense urgency about this disturbance at all up until when they were offered evacuation by teleportation.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
May 3, 2024 2:31 PM
Nov 2023
Arsteel16 said:
they just stood there watching the purple coats get slaughtered despite having the power to stop that monster in 2 seconds. He's also very nonchalant about having 50 monsters rampaging in the city. MC basically only cares about people close to him and didn't think much of everyone else, it's something else i guess

He clearly doesn't care about hymans because of how the goddess treated him. So he doesn't really care if anyone not close to him dies.
May 4, 2024 3:06 PM
Sep 2023
Reply to char_les-101
Arsteel16 said:
they just stood there watching the purple coats get slaughtered despite having the power to stop that monster in 2 seconds. He's also very nonchalant about having 50 monsters rampaging in the city. MC basically only cares about people close to him and didn't think much of everyone else, it's something else i guess

He clearly doesn't care about hymans because of how the goddess treated him. So he doesn't really care if anyone not close to him dies.
@char_les-101 Which I suppose is why he was so worried about that random knight who we didn't even see the face of, such a close friend of kuzanoha that one.
May 4, 2024 6:50 PM

Nov 2012
Standing by chit chatting in the bleachers while students are being slaughtered and eaten was a really shitty thing to do! I kept thinking, 'You're a teacher asshole! Do something.' What does he do? Save rich people so they owe him. His whims are too much. One day he'll save someone he doesn't know and another day he's ok with mass murder. He has spent way too much time with monsters.
dragynfaerieMay 4, 2024 7:00 PM
May 8, 2024 7:07 AM
May 2021
Another boring episode where there's a whole lot of talking and very very less fighting. I mean I don't mind the talking but they are dragging it for way too long that it is very boring
May 9, 2024 2:37 AM

Oct 2013
It's actually really mmo oriented to have the high levels wait for the low level to do some damages to farm xp before finishing it off, they're just standing next to it in case things go wrong and they actually need to help
It feels normal to me of that's what they're going for : making the student stronger while also not giving away how op they are.

But yeah they clearly don't care about the city and hyumans in general lol, he's probably healing them only to make connections and get to their good side. This anime is really political in many ways
May 13, 2024 7:12 PM
Jan 2021
Reply to UaEfAlCoN83
@Arsteel16 He does not care about humans in general because they didn't treat him well + because of the goddess. Technically, he is indifferent about humans and demi-humans and only cares about his people who live in demi-space. Also, he said it is to early to act because he still wants to establish relationships with demons and wants to rebuild that country -- forgot its name --. This is why he asked Luria and Eva about their answers; both of them mentioned that they have no connection to this city and do not care much about what happens to him.

The MC probably to wait before saving the city so that people will recognize and appreciate him. Also, if he does not intervene he will still be able to proceed with his plans to work with demons.

Either ways, he does not care about humans and he is willing to kill humans who stand in his ways or harm his followers.

@UaEfAlCoN83 his students who care more bout the city could’ve done something, and for a rampaging monster it sure just stood still for the entirety of their dialogue. It didn’t even look like they moved during that entire 10 minutes
May 24, 2024 4:08 AM

Apr 2018
They sure seem to love teleportation lol.
It's a very difficult situation though, mutants all over in the city, at least they managed to beat Irmugand right now :S
May 28, 2024 2:26 PM

Dec 2012
Interesting how a stadium with thousands of spectators is cleared out in literal seconds
May 29, 2024 6:43 AM

Nov 2019
so are we going to ignore the fact that we just watched Ilum mutated beast just eat up students and the purple mages while everyone’s having a nice long conversation in the stands. Like does nobody in MC’s faction understand urgency?
May 30, 2024 11:54 PM
Jul 2019
bad, the pacing is weird, the storytelling is wierd
Jun 12, 2024 12:29 PM

Apr 2013
So Tomoe teleported a few folks away and Mio gave orders to the students... I feel like we should be grateful that they are allowed to do anything at this point.
Jul 11, 2024 5:11 AM

Jul 2013
Now that the small fries are done fighting, it's time for Makoto and his group to save the city and take the fight to the demons. We all know they're gonna fight anyway cause it's in the op.
Sep 9, 2024 4:10 AM
Aug 2023
I can't believe everybody just stood there doing absolutely nothing while the monster ate the students who were defeated during the tournament, then again while the monster ate the fallen purple coats. Like even if the stupid MC can't get involved (despite there no actual rule or agreement he can't), his students could have done something to try to save helpless unconscious students from being eaten. Like cast an earth magic spell to push the unconscious students out of the monster's reach or something. But no, they did absolutely nothing while the MC talk on and on.
Feb 26, 11:44 AM
Jun 2016
what an episode, they just stood there like- ok cool, they die - ah there are some randoms - lets talk more
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