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Jun 26, 2008 4:33 PM

Aug 2007
So, opinions on the dub? I'll post mine later in the thread, but just to get the ball rolling: I think it's one of the best dubs ever! :D

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Jun 27, 2008 6:04 AM

Aug 2007
Well with Eva, it's difficult to truly understand the series while reading the subs. I mean yeah you could do it.. But it's so much easier when you're not wasting 5-10 seconds reading.

Jun 27, 2008 12:14 PM
Mar 2008
I really don´t mind to read de subs, specially the japanese seyuus been very good at waht they do, specialy the Eva crew.

Ok, i will make 2 dubs coments, first about the brasiliam portuguese one, then after that the english.

Braziliam portuguese version:
The first time i watched Eva was in portuguese (the braziliam version) it was ok, specialy Misato, Ritsuko, Gendo, Shinji and Asuka.
And at the time both Shinji and Asuka VAs was only 16 years old, so was easy to do the voice of 14 years old characters. The problems was some translation mistakes, specialy the way they say the japanese names, Asuka was pronounced like Açucar some times (with the U as the strong letter in the name) and in portuguese açucar means sugar, so it was a bit funny XD. Now they redubed the series with almost the same cast, Shinji VA is the same one, but he made a to mature and secure voice for him, he is good at deliver the emotion of the caracter but the voice tone is strange (and he can do a younger voice, he dubs Ash from pokemon XD). The voice for Rei is strange too, a little angry.
And there are translation errors, and they traslete it from the english version, it´s not even from the japanes, so it should easier to translate =P.

English version:
Well, some time ago i heard it on youtube, and, wow, i hated it XD
Specialy Shinji´s voice, he sounds like a 38 old year man doing a 18 year old voice to a 14 year old character XD. And he souds too whiny, very, very whiny, and screeams almost all the time, c´mon, the japanese girl who dubs Shinji sounds more manly than him XD. Shinji is not a whiny bitch, he is just a depressed kid, the english VA don´t get Shinji at all, his voice is too anoying.
And Asuka´s voice, what is that? Is she a country singer? The VA could not disguise the ascent a little? And why they included so many german lines and bad words, she don´t act like that on the original, why change that? And in english she is too bitchi (is this word right?), her japanese seyuu is so good, but the english one did a strange job.

So, for me, i don´t like the english dub,the braziliam dub its ok, but not very good, and the japanese is the good one, the seyuus are excellent.
BillJun 27, 2008 12:30 PM
Jul 2, 2008 1:45 PM

Jul 2008
I have to say that the dub rocks and it is one of my favorites. All the voices just seem to fit the person. Of course, I must add that I did watch the dub first so my opinion may be slightly biased but after I watched We Are Not Alone I was slightly disappointed that there was no English dubbing. It didn't really take away but ... it just seemed like there was something missing.
Aug 20, 2008 10:12 AM

Jun 2008
I can't exactly say if the dub is good or not since i generally don't like dubs. But i must say that NGE is one anime that has one of the best original voices. Especially not hearing the voice of Ayanmi Rei in her original Japanese voice should be a crime.
I also want to say that in general the English language is a more light language. How can i say this, an easy going language. So when you watch the dub you lose some of that sentimental heavy psychological spirit of the series.
Aug 25, 2008 4:08 PM

Jun 2008
Is it just me or did Shinji's voice in the dub just drive you up the wall....

Jun 16, 2009 4:59 PM
Jan 2009
Far and away one of, if not THE best dub of all time. Not because it's perfect - it's not - but the performances from nearly all of the lead actors and actresses are just amazingly fitting, heartfelt and spectacular (not to mention the show benefitted from some EXTREMELY sharp writing, and even a few well-placed Woolseyisms). This is one of the few shows that I started out watching subbed, THEN SWITCHED TO THE DUB because I liked it better, and since then I've always watched shows dubbed first. I don't think Evangelion could've had such a huge impact on me personally had I not been able to see it in my native language - and with such stellar and emotional performances, too. Almost all of the actors are great, but the real crown jewel of the cast is Spike Spencer. Megumi Ogata didn't exactly provide an easy performance to follow (I mean that as a huge compliment, in case anyone is wondering), but Spike just made the role his own and delivered a character so loaded with feeling, so believable, so tormented, and with a subtle hint of the inner anger that would ultimately become quintessential to the plot, that I simply cannot imagine anyone else doing it better. As great a performance as Ogata-san delivered, Spike gave Shinji an edge and a range that just (re)defined an already spectacularly written character. And let's not forget Tristan MacAvery's menacing, commanding yet ultimately broken Gendo Ikari, Aaron Krohn's suave-yet-contemplative Kaji, Amanda Winn Lee's haunting Rei, Allison Keith's boisterous yet heartfelt Misato, Sue Ulu's bitter scientist Ritsuko, Tiffany Grant's furious German-spouting Asuka, even Kurt Stoll's lovably nerdy Kensuke... it's just a cavalcade of career-defining performances. Great, great stuff.
Aug 14, 2009 5:06 AM
Aug 2009
For me all Dub anime is crap. There are only a few that I can stand to even watch, with that said Evangelion for me id better with subs. I watched this anime when it was first released in America, I bought all the VHS tapes, yes I have them on VHS lol but I got them from Sunrise video in the local mall here and they were dub. So for years before I got them on DVD I watched them dubed. But after I watched it with the original Japanese language I can never go back. There was just way to much of the story that was lost in translation so to speak. Don't get me wrong the actors did a great job. Rei was as close to the original voice actress I could ever hope for. I just did not feel that Shinji or his father were as good as the original.
CrackerSenseiAug 14, 2009 5:10 AM
Oct 11, 2009 3:50 PM
Jan 2009
CrackerSensei said:
For me all Dub anime is crap. There are only a few that I can stand to even watch, with that said Evangelion for me id better with subs. I watched this anime when it was first released in America, I bought all the VHS tapes, yes I have them on VHS lol but I got them from Sunrise video in the local mall here and they were dub. So for years before I got them on DVD I watched them dubed. But after I watched it with the original Japanese language I can never go back. There was just way to much of the story that was lost in translation so to speak. Don't get me wrong the actors did a great job. Rei was as close to the original voice actress I could ever hope for. I just did not feel that Shinji or his father were as good as the original.

Dude really? Don't even post on this thread if the first thing you're gonna say is "all dub is crap".
Oct 11, 2009 3:59 PM

Jun 2009
I´m a German so i watched NGE with Ger Dub, i think the German Dub is one of the best Dubs together with Elfen Lied, but the Translations are in every language different so i watched the Dub and Sub Versions, and i must say that helped me a bit to understand the story
Dec 6, 2009 3:24 PM
Jan 2009
I guess it makes sense that the English and German dubs should be pretty good, since America and Germany are the two most relevant countries (other than Japan and Antarctica) to the series' plot. Not to mention a lot of German and English allusions and terminology. This is pure conjecture, but perhaps Anno/Gainax had more direct involvements in these two particular dubs? I know Anno proofread the English script adaptation and provided the "international" episode titles, but I'm not sure to what extent he was involved with the casting and recording.

Also, I continued to be puzzled by just how polarizing the Eva dub is. Like many other things about the series, people really seem to fall under a sharp divide when it comes to this topic. Either they love it and think it's one of the best dubs there is (e.g. myself, CitizenGeek, Fallen101, ANN's Theron Martin and Mike Crandol) or completely hate it and think it's overacted and ruins the show (e.g. ANN's Zac "Douchebag" Berthsky and Sevakis siblings and an increasingly large number of people I've discovered on the Net). Now, I know everyone's tastes are different, but I haven't seen many other shows or movies that are as utterly polarizing in regards to acting quality as this one.
Dec 8, 2009 9:26 PM

Dec 2009
Hello, new to this club, nice to meet y'all.

As for me, I had no problem with the dub at all. I agree with gatotsu911's comment about how the performance was pretty good, especially in the emotion heavy scenes.

Though to be quite frank, I did kind of think Shinji's voice was a little whiny at times but then again I can always chuck that to the fact that the kid is suppose to be young and he is pretty much thrown into something much bigger than he is, a little whining is acceptable lol.
Dec 17, 2009 5:09 AM

Jan 2009
its ok you can somehow understand the story better
Jan 8, 2010 11:57 PM
Jan 2009
Nihilus_ said:
Though to be quite frank, I did kind of think Shinji's voice was a little whiny at times but then again I can always chuck that to the fact that the kid is suppose to be young and he is pretty much thrown into something much bigger than he is, a little whining is acceptable lol.

Yeah, if I was 14 and in Shinji's shoes (which I actually was when I first watched it - by which I mean I was severely depressed, not a giant robot pilot with an estranged father) I'd be whiny as fuck. Especially since every other character pretty much consistently craps all over him, all the time. In fact, the fact that he whines and withdraws when confronted with problems - instead of being consciously resentful or taking out his anger on others - is thematically significant, as it indicates that he is innocent and pure: above all else, he does not want to hurt other people. This purity, in fact, is what keeps him trapped in an ongoing cycle of withdrawal and social phobia. If he was willing to deal with his problems by being a dick and neglecting to feel empathy for other people, he wouldn't be in the situation he's in. Plenty of other kids under those circumstances might well blossom into sociopaths. Shinji doesn't. He's afraid to do anything because he doesn't want to hurt other people - or himself. But it is his desire not to see others hurt that ultimately spurs him to action, as well. At the end of the day, for all the mistakes he makes and all the things he doesn't do because he is afraid, Shinji is a kid who really, honestly wants nothing more than to do the right thing and be loved. How can you hate him for that?
Sorry, tangent. This is in the wrong thread, I know. Spike Spencer did a bitchin' Shinji. 'Nuff said.
Jan 29, 2010 7:11 PM

Jun 2008
I like the Japanese version better, for sure, but the dub is alright.
Feb 28, 2010 3:42 PM

Aug 2009
Fingers crossed for Tiffany Grant as Asuka in Evangelion 2.0
Mar 7, 2010 11:34 PM
Jan 2009
ZAM19XX said:
Fingers crossed for Tiffany Grant as Asuka in Evangelion 2.0

I can't possibly see it not happening. She still lives in Texas, has been working with Funimation relatively recently, and of course even if none of those things were the case, she would undoubtedly do anything in her power to return. The only reason why she would not reprise the role at this point is if either she becomes physically incapable of doing so or if Funimation decides they have it out for her.

Personally, I'm far more worried about Aaron Krohn returning to voice Kaji, which is far less of a certainty. He was one of my favorite voices in the original dub, which is saying something, so I REALLY hope that Funimation somehow makes it happen.
Nov 7, 2014 11:43 AM

Mar 2013
It's pretty decent. It's not bebop though.
added the fourth most popular anime onto this site
Nov 7, 2014 9:11 PM

Aug 2014
Besides The End of Evangelion, I usually watch the dub exclusively. I think it's excellent considering when it came out. The sub is also amazing as well.
Feb 28, 2015 12:33 PM

Feb 2015
My problem with the dubs are the small artistic differences that have vast consequences for what the show is trying to convey, especially towards the end of the series. A lot of what is spoken in Japanese has a very cold, neutral, realistic tone to it describing influence over reality, but in the English dubs small changes in interpretation cause the same ideas to be cast in a more hopeful and spiritual way almost urging a direct cause/effect control over reality, this bothered me a lot when my friend was watching the dubs.

She's a spiritual person and I am the most secular scientific logical asshole you'll ever meet, so I did not appreciate my favorite series reinforcing her astrologically-influenced mindset when Anno's idea was to reveal a harsh but true reality filled with opportunity you can build through hard work and effort.

I am nitpicking several sentences hardcore here though.
Feb 28, 2015 12:34 PM

Feb 2015
Ni_Go_Zero_Ichi said:

Dude really? Don't even post on this thread if the first thing you're gonna say is "all dub is crap".

also, all dub is crap. it's the last thing I said so there.
Apr 13, 2015 11:40 PM
Apr 2015
I really like english dub. I'ts japanese that I disliked. In general I don't like japanese. It took me a while I think to get used to it when I was watching one piece and I got out of it pretty quick.
Mar 24, 2016 6:59 PM

Jan 2016
The VA in the eva dub is just meh. It's what I'd expect out of most dubs. It's the translation errors that make it terrible. To be fair, many of the translation errors where also in the official subs, but that's what fansubs are for. There are several scenes in the last 2 episodes and EoE that get messed up. most importantly, the scenes where shinji rejects instrumentality, in both versions. The tv version has shinji saying that "this world of reality" isn't that bad instead of "the world of reality" isn't that bad, which makes it seem like shinji is accepting instrumentality instead of rejecting it, and the EoE dub has shinji rejecting instrumentality because he wants to inflict pain on people, when he actually rejects it for nearly the opposite reason. There's also some other scenes that got messed up. One in particular that cones to mind is the scene in 22 where there's all the asukas saying different things asuka has said throughout the series followed by her saying "None of those are the real me." In the Japanese version, they have different voice actors from the series say asuka's lines, followed by Yuko Miyamura saying "None of those are the real me." In the dub, they just have Tiffany Grant say all the lines. Not only does the scene lose some of it's meaning, it also makes no sense. Also, in episode 26, when shinji learns to live with himself, the Japanese version has Asuka and Misato saying the line with shinji. It's not just shinji learning to live with himself, it's all 3 of them. The dub ignores this entirely, only having shinji say the line. And nothing will ever beat Yuko Miyamura yelling "Anta Baka?!" at shinji.

But the EoE dub is just awful. Especially that jelly sound. And don't even get me started on the Manga entertainment and ADV "special" features (but that's a topic for another time).

Also, why does MAL have a cancel button on quick reply? I typed this entire damn thing up on my phone, only to slip and tap the cancel button so I had to type the whole thing up again.
"I'm gonna move it today! The mountain! The galaxy! Listen to my song!"
-Nekki Basara, Macross 7
Jan 7, 2018 12:10 AM

Nov 2017
The dub of Eva starts off pretty shit but in my opinion becomes one of the best dubs after episode 12 and especially in end of evangelion
Nov 9, 2019 7:08 PM
Mar 2019
The English dub of Evangelion was pretty good, well not as perfect as other dubs (like Cowboy Bebop) but I really like Spike Spencer's performance as Shinji, and Tiffany Grant's performance as Asuka.

Overall I give the Dub 8.5/10
_AB2000_Nov 9, 2019 7:11 PM
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