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Jul 2, 2024 4:45 AM
Oct 2011
One thing I can say is that you won't find anything like it.
S3 will probably cement that.
Shame about skipped content which is common when adapting an LN into an anime because it's even better than you think it is.
Jul 2, 2024 4:50 AM

Feb 2022
Reply to nishant0
@Lucianael if there are group of people who thinks the same way then it also applies to them, and i’ve witnessed quite a few of them already, so you’re not entirely wrong here.
@nishant0 would you say that I am part of that group?
Hello, please don't take anything I say as an insult, it is not meant as an attack against you as a person. If I directly disagree with you, that does not mean I think you are wrong, I am just more correct.
Jul 2, 2024 7:58 PM
Feb 2016
It's good. For an isakai it's pretty good. Not the best, but certainly not the worst.
Jul 2, 2024 10:23 PM
Oct 2023
I was a bit late to MT and was enthralled, binging my way through to the end of S2 Part 1 which was all that was released to that point. Wanting to continue the story I started on the LN from that point in the story and it's the first time I've read an LN. Being an avid reader of adult fiction most of my life the LN was a bit of a come down tbh, I guess LN's are generally equivalent to Young Adult in western media, which without wanting to offend anyone is a bit below my reading level. I have generally enjoyed it and finished off all Volumes but was a bit perplexed as on one hand it wasn't exciting me but I was still motivated to keep reading.

Coming into this season I haven't enjoyed it as much, I'd still rate it quite highly compared to other anime I've watched but the LN has somewhat spoiled it for me. Both in the sense that I know what's coming and an adaptation can never fully capture and do a book justice, as well as the story overall having lost some of it's shine for me. I guess what appeals to me in the anime format is actually kinda tame or unsophisticated in novel format and unfortunately in this case it has negatively effected my enjoyment of this show.
Jul 5, 2024 4:55 AM
May 2016
Reply to V1P3R0P
ktg said:
Mushoku Tensei feels like a show where you are forced to watch the side characters boring life instead of focusing on the main story which was introduced in S1.

So, these pointless waste of time storylines aren't helping the story. It's not even world building at this point, because the drama part could have been of any age, like even in a modern show.

MT was always a drama to begin with. It follows an MC who is dealing with his past life trauma in his second life. Action and adventure in this show is nothing but a fan service. And what plot exactly is it not following since season 1 coz I feel like you are having some huge expectation without realizing it is not what the show was to begin with.
@V1P3R0P There's a difference between a fantasy drama and SoL drama. This is a SoL drama, it has nothing to do with the fantasy elements. That was my point and not just being a drama.
Secondly, it started off as clearly a fantasy show. We got an introduction on even the magic system to some degree, so making it clear that the fantasy should be a huge part of the story.

At the beginning this show clearly wanted to be a fantasy, especially a high fantasy. You can tell this by looking at what started the original conflict in the show. It was a fantasy element, a mass teleportation incident. Can you tell me what was the solution for this problem? Like what is the solution that makes sure that it never happens again? Because this was the original question, this is the problem that should've been solved or we should work towards this.
This incident happened at the same time we got introduced to the flying castle and Ruijerd also had a story that connects to this. This elements prove that there's a main story under this B-plot SoL-drama that shouldn't be in focus.
Jul 6, 2024 8:12 AM

Apr 2013
It's a good show, but it peaked in the first few arcs before Eris appeared and since then it's been "just" fine for me.
Jul 6, 2024 10:30 AM
Dec 2017
Apparently the OP hasn't seen anime like Heavenly delusion, Vinland Saga, Frieren... if he thinks that Mushoku is the only anime to give emotions, but then define Mushoku tensei a masterpiece? Really ? Who is so superficial as to call this shit a masterpiece? it's not even that well written and just another rubbish isekai that people praise only for the technical aspect of season 1 and that's it, lol
Jul 6, 2024 10:36 AM
Dec 2017
Reply to Laplace_kun
Writing is great, not exactly a masterpiece, but has moments that are masterclass.

MT stops and builds up things other isekais take for granted.
@Laplace_kun If you really want to read a really well written isekai and not this Mushoku tensei crap, read: "The begging after the end" this work really teaches how to make and build isekai
Jul 6, 2024 10:39 AM
Dec 2017
Reply to Lucianael
@nishant0 instead of trying to insult other people in a threat that directly asks them for their views on a fictional narrative, you could have just said "don't like it mate, it's just so f*cking weird all around". Like, I am sorry, but it just doesn't work when you are trying to show your superiority to a group of people, by just behaving rude. If you really only wanted to tell people how wrong they are in enjoying the things they do, then you should probably spend your time differently. Apart from that, don't group people together based on arbitrary standards, MT fans aren't a cult, don't make this about a group bias, this was a question directed at individual people with individual responses that all range from "Love it", "hate it" to just "I don't care". This is the same as if I were to call this "classic Frieren stan behaviour" even though this has nothing to do with that. Don't interpret the fact that people enjoy a work that you don't as deranged or the product of an echo chamber, just let them be, it's none of your business really.

You too, have a nice day.
@Lucianael This thing is a bit funny, when Mushoku tensei fans are the first to insult any criticism of the anime o novel
Jul 6, 2024 11:51 AM

Nov 2019
@Leon888 Well the first few volumes aren't exactly what I'd want to be in the so called "how an isekai should be", but well I know the TBATE fanbase problems, so it's not your fault.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Jul 6, 2024 1:13 PM

Feb 2022
Reply to Leon888
@Lucianael This thing is a bit funny, when Mushoku tensei fans are the first to insult any criticism of the anime o novel
@Leon888 But that is pretty much any fanbase ever, as long as you have a minority of people that turn that piece of fiction into their entire identity, you are going to have people scream at any and all criticism. The sad reality of public discourse and our ability to observer it, is simply that we give too much attention to the extremes, that is why any fanbase can seem like the most toxic cabal of people or why sexists think that all feminists are screaming idiots that dyed their hair. I am not going to try to convince you, that Mushoku Tensei fans are in any way more tolerant than the average fanbase, simply because I've got no clue whether that is true or not, though I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. That said, we generally profit very little from grouping people together based on what pieces of fiction they enjoy, just look at them as individuals, because most of the people that like whatever fictional work you are talking about, don't do so because they are part of some cult. In almost all cases, we "choose" the fictional works we enjoy on our own, only after that do we even search a group to be a part of. That is why I was asking if nishant0 would call me part of this group, because I do not conform to the group they were describing, which already disproves the assumption, that this is about whether or not someone likes Mushoku Tensei. Make this about individuals, group bias is a thing and effects all of us, don't be fooled by it. I, for one, love this show, while also being vocal about how much I despise its sexism.

At the end of the day, we decide how we discuss, well, everything, this goes for the people that turn discussing this show or in fact any show into a war, but also for you who is further fuelling the fire, whether intentional or not.

Either way, have a good one, I hope I didn't sound too high and mighty in this one, if it seems like I am lecturing you, I kind of am, but I am not trying to imply that I am free from the criticism I addressed at you, I am very much at fault myself.
LucianaelJul 30, 2024 3:58 AM
Hello, please don't take anything I say as an insult, it is not meant as an attack against you as a person. If I directly disagree with you, that does not mean I think you are wrong, I am just more correct.
Jul 6, 2024 5:28 PM
Oct 2013
Reply to Leon888
@Lucianael This thing is a bit funny, when Mushoku tensei fans are the first to insult any criticism of the anime o novel
@Leon888 Hmm, It's really ironic when seeing your new thread/topic which shitting on MT and promote your fave. The thing is MT fans were more tolerable of other fandoms come at the MT forum and shit on not only the anime but even the fans on consistent basis. So, at least from your thread/topic you prove yourself wrong.
niknasrJul 7, 2024 3:40 AM
I cannot bring myself to rate anime that I have completed below 5. Well, it just because I have use up my precious time to watch it. so, the worse you will get from me is 5 (changes may apply)
Jul 7, 2024 12:23 AM

Feb 2022
Reply to niknasr
@Leon888 Hmm, It's really ironic when seeing your new thread/topic which shitting on MT and promote your fave. The thing is MT fans were more tolerable of other fandoms come at the MT forum and shit on not only the anime but even the fans on consistent basis. So, at least from your thread/topic you prove yourself wrong.
@niknasr "Facts are only MT fans tolerate more of other fandoms come at the MT forum and shit on not only the anime but even the fans on consistent basis."

I would be a bit careful with statements like this one, while the MT fanbase is most definitely not a cult or cabal, we aren't saints either. If you want to argue against someone that thinks, that you and other people in whatever group you share are idiots, racists, sexists, whatever really, then you should rather disprove their point then give a counter perspective. You should use the fact that Leon888 is clearly attacking people, thus doing the same thing they blame others for, but don't make this about how tolerant we are, because we probably aren't. I am not trying to say, that MT fans don't get a lot of shit, but the same goes for a lot of fandoms and there most certainly are weirdos that fight people that critique MT to death, no matter how justified their criticism is. If you really want to show that MT fans as a community are more tolerant than others, just tell the people attacking you why they are wrong, fighting back, no matter how justified, will probably only make them believe to be in the right.

Either way, have a good one, and sorry for lecturing you.
LucianaelJul 7, 2024 1:18 AM
Hello, please don't take anything I say as an insult, it is not meant as an attack against you as a person. If I directly disagree with you, that does not mean I think you are wrong, I am just more correct.
Jul 7, 2024 3:01 AM
Oct 2013
Reply to Lucianael
@niknasr "Facts are only MT fans tolerate more of other fandoms come at the MT forum and shit on not only the anime but even the fans on consistent basis."

I would be a bit careful with statements like this one, while the MT fanbase is most definitely not a cult or cabal, we aren't saints either. If you want to argue against someone that thinks, that you and other people in whatever group you share are idiots, racists, sexists, whatever really, then you should rather disprove their point then give a counter perspective. You should use the fact that Leon888 is clearly attacking people, thus doing the same thing they blame others for, but don't make this about how tolerant we are, because we probably aren't. I am not trying to say, that MT fans don't get a lot of shit, but the same goes for a lot of fandoms and there most certainly are weirdos that fight people that critique MT to death, no matter how justified their criticism is. If you really want to show that MT fans as a community are more tolerant than others, just tell the people attacking you why they are wrong, fighting back, no matter how justified, will probably only make them believe to be in the right.

Either way, have a good one, and sorry for lecturing you.
@Lucianael Well, I was just talking from the perspective of a thread/topic he previously created which basically about shitting on MT and promoted his own fave, and well now I checked already gone. That's it. Worded it a bit generalize just to proved how wrong his point was. Not as deep as what you think it is.
niknasrJul 7, 2024 3:40 AM
I cannot bring myself to rate anime that I have completed below 5. Well, it just because I have use up my precious time to watch it. so, the worse you will get from me is 5 (changes may apply)
Jul 7, 2024 4:10 AM

Feb 2022
Reply to niknasr
@Lucianael Well, I was just talking from the perspective of a thread/topic he previously created which basically about shitting on MT and promoted his own fave, and well now I checked already gone. That's it. Worded it a bit generalize just to proved how wrong his point was. Not as deep as what you think it is.
@niknasr I'm not trying to make this sound deep, you should just not make this about MT fans being tolerant, because that is just a bad argument. Focus on disproving Leon888's points instead of creating new arguments, especially because you can't prove how tolerant MT fans are, this is just a matter of opinion, and that is exactly not the kind of discussion you want to have, especially if you already pinned Leon888's argument down and disproved it.
Hello, please don't take anything I say as an insult, it is not meant as an attack against you as a person. If I directly disagree with you, that does not mean I think you are wrong, I am just more correct.
Jul 7, 2024 4:44 AM
Oct 2013
Reply to Lucianael
@niknasr I'm not trying to make this sound deep, you should just not make this about MT fans being tolerant, because that is just a bad argument. Focus on disproving Leon888's points instead of creating new arguments, especially because you can't prove how tolerant MT fans are, this is just a matter of opinion, and that is exactly not the kind of discussion you want to have, especially if you already pinned Leon888's argument down and disproved it.
@Lucianael Relax. It's just a tit for tat. He generalize about MT fans and then I generalize back based on his action, that's all. Seeing you too gung ho about this does give a notion you think too deep about this. You don't agree MT fans tolerant and thinks is a bad argument is fine, but I proved with his now deleted topics albeit it's clearly hyperbole. Because that counter arguement solely for another hyperbole statement "This thing is a bit funny, when Mushoku tensei fans are the first to insult any criticism of the anime o novel" which he totally cannot prove.

I will end it here because I never think it will be blown out of proportions.
niknasrJul 7, 2024 5:15 AM
I cannot bring myself to rate anime that I have completed below 5. Well, it just because I have use up my precious time to watch it. so, the worse you will get from me is 5 (changes may apply)
Jul 7, 2024 5:07 AM

Feb 2022
Reply to niknasr
@Lucianael Relax. It's just a tit for tat. He generalize about MT fans and then I generalize back based on his action, that's all. Seeing you too gung ho about this does give a notion you think too deep about this. You don't agree MT fans tolerant and thinks is a bad argument is fine, but I proved with his now deleted topics albeit it's clearly hyperbole. Because that counter arguement solely for another hyperbole statement "This thing is a bit funny, when Mushoku tensei fans are the first to insult any criticism of the anime o novel" which he totally cannot prove.

I will end it here because I never think it will be blown out of proportions.
@niknasr ._. Okay, whatever you say mate
Hello, please don't take anything I say as an insult, it is not meant as an attack against you as a person. If I directly disagree with you, that does not mean I think you are wrong, I am just more correct.
Jul 7, 2024 7:17 AM
Mar 2024
Mushoku Tensei is probably one of the best isekais out there and there's good world and character building but I didn't really like it at first. Just me or anybody else think that the second season was way better than the first? In the first season, I hated the plot development of the show since it jumps from plot point to plot point without a good link. e.g. Rudeus wanting a job so he could pay for Sylphie to go to Ranoa Univeristy of Magic, but ended up getting sidetracked as fuck and going on 2 whole arcs before seeing Sylphie again. Apart from these leaps in plot development everything was amazing. However, Rudeus perviness was unbearable and the demon eye thing was kinda bs.

Second season was when I started vibing with the show as Rudy bounces back from his depression and gets his life together again. The flow of the story is better imo and the ED arc, though kinda stupid, was surprising good. The ending of season 2 was gut-wrenching but I'm excited to see where the show is headed!

I'm anime only so I'm probably missing a lot of details from the LN but overall it's an 8/10 for me.
Jul 11, 2024 10:17 AM
Dec 2017
Reply to niknasr
@Leon888 Hmm, It's really ironic when seeing your new thread/topic which shitting on MT and promote your fave. The thing is MT fans were more tolerable of other fandoms come at the MT forum and shit on not only the anime but even the fans on consistent basis. So, at least from your thread/topic you prove yourself wrong.
@niknasr This comment is funny when the Mushoku tensei fanbase is one of the most toxic fanbases there is, but being part of it you obviously can't understand it
Jul 11, 2024 10:21 AM
Dec 2017
Reply to Lucianael
@Leon888 But that is pretty much any fanbase ever, as long as you have a minority of people that turn that piece of fiction into their entire identity, you are going to have people scream at any and all criticism. The sad reality of public discourse and our ability to observer it, is simply that we give too much attention to the extremes, that is why any fanbase can seem like the most toxic cabal of people or why sexists think that all feminists are screaming idiots that dyed their hair. I am not going to try to convince you, that Mushoku Tensei fans are in any way more tolerant than the average fanbase, simply because I've got no clue whether that is true or not, though I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. That said, we generally profit very little from grouping people together based on what pieces of fiction they enjoy, just look at them as individuals, because most of the people that like whatever fictional work you are talking about, don't do so because they are part of some cult. In almost all cases, we "choose" the fictional works we enjoy on our own, only after that do we even search a group to be a part of. That is why I was asking if nishant0 would call me part of this group, because I do not conform to the group they were describing, which already disproves the assumption, that this is about whether or not someone likes Mushoku Tensei. Make this about individuals, group bias is a thing and effects all of us, don't be fooled by it. I, for one, love this show, while also being vocal about how much I despise its sexism.

At the end of the day, we decide how we discuss, well, everything, this goes for the people that turn discussing this show or in fact any show into a war, but also for you who is further fuelling the fire, whether intentional or not.

Either way, have a good one, I hope I didn't sound too high and mighty in this one, if it seems like I am lecturing you, I kind of am, but I am not trying to imply that I am free from the criticism I addressed at you, I am very much at fault myself.
@Lucianael you say the right things, but fans should also be objective and know how to recognize criticism when it is made, instead they tend to deny everything as if I had offended them or worse ☠️
Jul 11, 2024 10:22 AM
Dec 2017
Reply to Laplace_kun
@Leon888 Well the first few volumes aren't exactly what I'd want to be in the so called "how an isekai should be", but well I know the TBATE fanbase problems, so it's not your fault.
@Laplace_kun explain to me what you mean by "tbate fan problems"?
Jul 11, 2024 10:47 AM

Nov 2019
Leon888 said:
@Laplace_kun explain to me what you mean by "tbate fan problems"?

overglazing a well written but flawed product to the point your own community hates you
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Jul 11, 2024 1:20 PM

Feb 2022
Reply to Leon888
@Lucianael you say the right things, but fans should also be objective and know how to recognize criticism when it is made, instead they tend to deny everything as if I had offended them or worse ☠️
@Leon888 This is correct, and I am not denying the obvious reality, that there are in fact a lot of really shitty people that like MT, people that are willing to attack and insult anyone who even as much as dares to ask into question any part of the show/ light novel. If someone behaves like a total asshole towards you, of course you have all right to call that out, I just find it difficult to encourage the generalization of demographics. Even if it was a proven fact, that MT fans were on average more insulting than any other group, even then I wouldn't encourage generalizing this group, because the idea of liking this narrative is not something that leads to or requires a certain way of thinking. You can generalize people that, for example, are a part of the KKK, because there simply are no non-racist clansmen, because of guilt by association. Narratives however are almost always observed alone, at least when we are given the choice of millions of different pieces of entertainment and are forced to pick our own. You are not intolerable for liking this show, you aren't even sexist for liking it, though I do believe that there are a lot of quite sexist people that love it.

I know that it is tempting to fall into group bias, I fell back on way worse argumentation on multiple occasions, but I think it is both a lot more productive and just overall nicer, to not judge people by what groups they belong to. That's at least how I see it, I hope you somewhat agree with me, because I am a fan of Mushoku Tensei, I wouldn't call myself a fanboy, but I do like this show, I think it is tremendously flawed, mainly how sexist it is, but I love it nonetheless.
LucianaelJul 11, 2024 3:09 PM
Hello, please don't take anything I say as an insult, it is not meant as an attack against you as a person. If I directly disagree with you, that does not mean I think you are wrong, I am just more correct.
Jul 11, 2024 8:29 PM
Oct 2013
Reply to Leon888
@niknasr This comment is funny when the Mushoku tensei fanbase is one of the most toxic fanbases there is, but being part of it you obviously can't understand it
@Leon888 Of course sure. Then prove it.
I cannot bring myself to rate anime that I have completed below 5. Well, it just because I have use up my precious time to watch it. so, the worse you will get from me is 5 (changes may apply)
Jul 12, 2024 3:58 PM
Apr 2022
Shitty isekai, unfortunately, he became like any bad isekai. I was a fan of season 1 and it hurts me to see what it has become, yes Rudeus is not perfect, we know that very well but that doesn't make him the most human character in all of Japanese animation. what makes him detestable is that he does not change one iota .Vinland Saga is a great example of redemption. Honestly I really liked season 1 and I hoped the anime would improve Too bad 😮‍💨.
Jul 12, 2024 5:30 PM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
Mushoku Tensei is an enjoyable isekai with great story but with some controversial scenes, which is totally ignorable if you don't like it because it's not real

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
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