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[Oshi No Ko]
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Jul 3, 2024 3:48 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
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anime-primeJul 3, 2024 7:31 AM
Jul 3, 2024 7:31 AM

May 2020
On a personal note, could care less about theatre plays and more so ever, the bits and pieces I’ve watched of japanese live action over the years, it really does look like a bunch of people cosplaying and acting as delusionally as someone could to bring those anime characters to life. Though this arc kind of revolves around this stage play from the start to finish, where we’ll again be supposed to make ourselves believe that it is, in some way, is helping in the grand revenge lol.

One thing I liked, they didn’t waste any time on some useless recap, and straight up jumped to the scene with all the acting and all the new characters. Himekawa made his appearance, not sure if it was the first time, but still he did, and yeah he’s talented. Though being the usual in this series, our two main girls, like ever, are infatuated over our main guy, Akane, on a higher side. Still these things are here to stay. As for this arc, we’ve only just started. There’s a lot of character study to be done, and a LOT of drama waiting for us, as now the author is here.

OP sounds.. really suitable for this series, somehow. Didn’t like it though. ED was damn good last time, liked it more than OP, but yeah, that as well is a downgrade this time.
Jul 3, 2024 7:31 AM

Dec 2021
After the MASSIVE success that was the first season, it's no surprise that we'd be here just a year later for it's second season, the 2.5D Stage Play arc.

It would be hard to beat the massive hit that was YOASOBI's last OP, but to me it was pretty overrated, so to say that I like GEMN's OP more than it's predecessor, is an understatement. Hell they made a whole new band (with Tatsuya the GOAT in it) just for this show, that should say something.

Visually, it's FAR better than last seasons, and as for song itself, eh I'd say the same imo.

What I'd say is the biggest problem with this show when it comes to arcs, or just the show in general, is that the prologue slaps so hard that nothing can even compare to it.... is what I'd say, but this arc we're currently undergoing into is actually one of the better ones, especially compared to some of the newer ones. But it'll be a while until we get there, so for now we have some of the better parts to watch. That being said, we waste basically no time and jump straight back into it, right from where we left off with the whole introduction to the stage play adaptation for the Tokyo Blade series.

Straight into it, we start with an anime original scene from what I think, because I don't remember that whole introduction for Tokyo Blade being in the manga. I'm not complaining btw, that shit was so cool. That aside, the goat Himekawa is finally here, and my god did Doga Koba do him justice. The whole scene with him and Kana was mind boggling. I didn't think the visuals could get much better than in season one, but damn that scene alone has me hyped to see what they have cooking for the stage play itself. Other than that though, one thing I liked was the focus on Ruby for the most part this episode, because she is barley in the arc, so it's nice to have some of her.

Hitsujibungaku ED is definitely a step down from Queen Bee's ED, but still good regardless. Visually, as a manga reader, I hate it.

Sensei didn't hold back, that's for sure lols. It's time to somehow rewrite THE ENTIRE SCRIPT last minute... oh Sensei, your honest. I'll give you that.

Jul 3, 2024 7:31 AM

Jul 2017
The return of Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari's Oshi no Ko from last Spring, going into its next progressive arc: Volume 5 of the manga - the Tokyo Blade 2.5D Stage Play.

GEMN's OP may not be as impressive as Yoasobi's Season 1 OP, but it definitely has the vibes of composer Tatsuya Kitani's song vibes. Hitsujibungaku's ED is visually creative, but IDK...the song sounds like a miss.

The rehearsals for the Tokyo Blade 2.5D stage play begins, as Aqua and Ruby both go on their separate ways as both actor and idol. Though for Aqua, he has to contend with both his new girlfriend and the girl that works crazily hard and earnest, both Akane and Kana are also working in their various ways. And at the early stage, both her and the protagonist, acted by Taiki Himekawa, truly brings out the best of their acting as the lead characters of the play. Still, it's too early to tell who will come out on top.

It's exhaustive work acting altogether, and yet, Aqua only focuses on Kana, helping her break out of her rut from the previous season. If she's able to keep acting like this, she will eventually outshine Akane, which her character is only a Losing Heroine at best (this is quite the metaphor to the current pace of the manga, and also part of this season's Losing Herione trend). Still, having less of her character into the stage play with the script just doesn't showcase the best, and trying to debate with Director Kindaichi and Kaburagi to get more of her screentime on stage, it's not quite the same as if watching an anime, as time is a factor on stage with less time, which forces the director to rewrite the script to fit the main points on stage.

Having Tokyo Blade's mangaka Abiko Samejira and editor Kichijouji back from Sweet Today, she surely has some grudges from the past, but the stage play is going quite well. So happy in fact...that she wants to rewrite the ENTIRE script???

The Tokyo Blade arc is off to a good start.
And Doga Kobo helming 2 high-profile shows this Summer season (this and RoshiDere), they're really eating A LOT of great.
KANLen09Jul 3, 2024 9:15 AM
Jul 3, 2024 7:31 AM
Aug 2022
Aqua being isolated is not a new thing , he likes to be alone.
Akane Chan is too cute when she's jealous or angry 😍 I love her the way she is..
seems like we've got a quite Savage author to modify every bit of script or rather let's say manga. 😆

Ricky16Jul 3, 2024 9:49 AM
Jul 3, 2024 7:31 AM

Nov 2011
Ah yes, Aqua using talents to get deeper into the investigation about Ai's death. This went back to the root of the show's plot and I think it's a great way to start off the second season. Personally, I liked the first season's OP song better but this one is rather catchy and had similar style with additional characters.

Looks like Akane grew her hair longer this season but I like the look. This season seems to also tap into more psychological elements and it's fairly interesting seeing the insight of some of the main cast.

Solid start for the season.
Jul 3, 2024 7:32 AM

Jan 2021

Oh yes, we're back for season 2, and this arc is going to be the best. The opening is incredibly good, and everything they showed is exactly what I expected for this season, It's visually good compared to the first one.
This arc will focus on a manga called 'Tokyo Blade' being adapted into a stage play, and all of the actors are really putting in a lot of effort. The practice sessions between Kana Arima and Taiki Himekawa were phenomenal, and it was exciting to see Akane Kurokawa act. I appreciate Ruby's visits to her mother's grave.
I'm really touched by Ruby's visits to her mom's grave. It shows how much she cares and honors her memory.

The idea is that if Season 1 of Oshi no Ko was great, then Season 2 will be even better.
Japanese ads have made this premiere so hyped up, and following it with early premiere of 'Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan' makes this day even better. 😭
Thanks for the meal, it's good to be back.

YuyuichiJul 17, 2024 1:31 AM
Jul 3, 2024 7:36 AM

Oct 2017
OnK back with a new season adapting one of the best arc in the entire series. The tokyo blade stage play and we got right into it without any sort of distractions. Doga Kobo doing great once again, that scene with Himekawa and Kana looked so good. Loved watching Akane, that pout, so cute. That end scene, Abiko strikes. Really like her character though.

This arc gonna reopen the old act age wound again. Not that it ever healed. This is what it could have been if it got an anime. That said super hyped for the stage play. OP/ED were so so, s1 ones were way better.
MegamiRemAug 14, 2024 9:34 AM
Jul 3, 2024 7:43 AM

Feb 2019
Well it was always gonna be hard to follow up Idol, which was not only one of the best OPs of all time and the best last year, but a legitimate summer bop that took the world by storm, but I think the new OP is gonna grow on me. The song isn’t a bop per se, but the visuals are incredible, one of the most beautiful and well directed OPs I’ve ever seen. Definitely surpassed idol visually at least.

First episode back set up the next arc and play very well and I can’t wait to see Akane get some shine this season, this is gonna really start the best girl battle for anime onlies. Even as a manga reader I go back and forth myself depending on mood 😭.

They did a good job of showing her insecurities, her desire to become more attractive for Aqua and most importantly how much pride she takes in the characters she portrays! I thought it was really cool seeing how concerned she was about the scriptwriter changing aspects of Saya’s character for the play.

I think a lot of us who’ve seen our fave series or characters butchered in anime form can really relate. Of course that is just one of the things that’s inevitable when you switch mediums like that. But the mangaka of Tokyo Blade pulling up and basically telling them to scrap everything and rewrite it is hilarious.

Not a ton of Kana in this ep, but the few moments she had on screen were great as usual. I hate seeing Akane compare herself so much to Kana though because of everything with Aqua 😭 comparison is the thief of joy. Looking forward to seeing her grow out of that. Great first ep.
Marinate1016Jul 3, 2024 2:19 PM
Jul 3, 2024 7:43 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I have no doubt in my mind that they will do the best arc justice, but what I want to say is that this OP is better than the first...Visually it blows the first one out of the water, and imo the song is equally as good as IDOL

The ED is eh tho (The visuals aren't bad tho)
Jul 3, 2024 8:28 AM

Feb 2020

Jul 3, 2024 8:35 AM

Feb 2021
Ah how nice to have this back...
Both new OP and ED are pretty good too, and the visiuals seem to be just as good as season 1.
No 1 hour long first episode, but it's still a little bit longer than normal.
Jul 3, 2024 8:35 AM
Feb 2023
IzanaSolos said:
After the MASSIVE success that was the first season, it's no surprise that we'd be here just a year later for it's second season, the 2.5D Stage Play arc.

It would be hard to beat the massive hit that was YOASOBI's last OP, but to me it was pretty overrated, so to say that I like GEMN's OP more than it's predecessor, is an understatement. Hell they made a whole new band (with Tatsuya the GOAT in it) just for this show, that should say something.

Visually, it's FAR better than last seasons, and as for song itself, eh I'd say the same imo.

What I'd say is the biggest problem with this show when it comes to arcs, or just the show in general, is that the prologue slaps so hard that nothing can even compare to it.... is what I'd say, but this arc we're currently undergoing into is actually one of the better ones, especially compared to some of the newer ones. But it'll be a while until we get there, so for now we have some of the better parts to watch. That being said, we waste basically no time and jump straight back into it, right from where we left off with the whole introduction to the stage play adaptation for the Tokyo Blade series.

Straight into it, we start with an anime original scene from what I think, because I don't remember that whole introduction for Tokyo Blade being in the manga. I'm not complaining btw, that shit was so cool. That aside, the goat Himekawa is finally here, and my god did Doga Koba do him justice. The whole scene with him and Kana was mind boggling. I didn't think the visuals could get much better than in season one, but damn that scene alone has me hyped to see what they have cooking for the stage play itself. Other than that though, one thing I liked was the focus on Ruby for the most part this episode, because she is barley in the arc, so it's nice to have some of her.

Hitsujibungaku ED is definitely a step down from Queen Bee's ED, but still good regardless. Visually, as a manga reader, I hate it.

Sensei didn't hold back, that's for sure lols. It's time to somehow rewrite THE ENTIRE SCRIPT last minute... oh Sensei, your honest. I'll give you that.

Tbh the tokyo blade arc is the best arc of the whole manga’s run. The arcs after it are lacklustre imo, but I think many agree with me in recent arcs lol.

However I disagree heavily since visuals are as good in first season. I don’t see upgrades as first episode of first season had better visuals compared to rest
Jul 3, 2024 8:36 AM
Aug 2018
After readig the manga I had my doubts that this arc would be properly brought to life in the Anime, but this first episode basically annihilated all my doubts I had. Really excited to see one of my favorite arcs with such care.
Jul 3, 2024 8:37 AM
Jul 2023
The opening sequence was really hype inducing!

Energetic and colorful right from the start masterfully masked the air of tension and tree of complexity.
Jul 3, 2024 8:37 AM

Jul 2017
Oshi no Ko is back and after an inconsistent first season story-wise, it's here again with the Tokyo Blade arc being adapted. Kind of just got going into the swing of things immediately with the preparation and rehearsals straight away so a bit of an abrupt beginning there but overall, it was a fairly straightforward episode without much to write home about besides the ending, with the mangaka, Abiko, wanting to flip the board entirely and rework the script for the play. Some character arcs are in play with Kana and Akane having their rivalry established from the previous season and them looking to find ways to shine with their respective roles. Kana's got the advantage with the better role compared to Akane's more flat characterized role she's got that she has to elevate but ultimately, its about how they do in their roles with the performances (and how the script will be rewritten as well for the stage play). The highlight was the brief portion of Himekawa and Kana and their practice rehearsal going fully into character and bringing the best of each other in a way (well more of Taiki bringing the best out of Kana), that was well animated too. The actual animation of the episode was slightly flat for this episode than the first season at times with what I can recall with some more stills than normal that I could recognize featured, but still well-drawn overall and the key moments looked good. Should be even better in future episodes. The actual episode as a whole was kind of there for me, a couple good moments but did also feel slow and a bit boring to get through in others, especially with how abrupt that start felt.

Opening visuals are really solid, wouldn't call it the best I've seen this year whatsoever but still very good. Song is kind of eh, a bit too much of a clusterfuck at times to listen to, overproduced as well. It's not a bad opening song since I get the catchiness in parts but not my favorite. For once, I actually do like a YOASOBI song more than this. The ED in the first season was great and in this one, fairly forgettable as a whole. Not that great.
Jul 3, 2024 8:38 AM
Jan 2018
It's over guys, without even watching you already know this anime is without question the best this season, lol ;)
Jul 3, 2024 8:42 AM
Feb 2023
Well we are back, last season this was heavily overrated for some reason and thankfully the aka fanbase split after his recent run because god for me they were as bad or worse than MAPPA fans lol

The start is solid, visuals are still solid. Looking forward to its best season.

As for OP, that was a big downgrade in song but well the last OP was one of the biggest last year. The ED as well but here the ED is just better in every way. Visuals wise same but a bit better in OP.
Jul 3, 2024 8:44 AM
Feb 2023
M1kasaYu1 said:
It's over guys, without even watching you already know this anime is without question the best this season, lol ;)

Well yeah tbh because there’s not much competition this season. But man next season is just bangers, I would call this season as the silence before the storm lol
Jul 3, 2024 8:46 AM
Sep 2019
Man, they should do a one hour special for the "play" but now that it's been confirmed for 13 episode. it's not gonna happen unless we got a dual or tripple episode release.

That play as one episode would have been was 9 ch long so 3ep length would have been fine.
Jul 3, 2024 8:48 AM

Oct 2023
While I believe I don't need to praise something that I'd definitely praise,

Is it safe to say that we'd probably adapt the entire Vol. 8 this season?
Jul 3, 2024 8:53 AM

Dec 2012
hard rate this episode because I fell asleep halfway through
Jul 3, 2024 8:56 AM

Jul 2012
Whoa, the scene where they act out the play in rehearsal was so interesting. The way the play comes alive and is depicted as paint splashing on the canvas was unique.

And then the part where Akane talks about her role and the visuals with the puzzle pieces portraying her subconscious. That was cool too.
Jul 3, 2024 8:58 AM

Mar 2017
Wow, Akane long hair supremacy
Jul 3, 2024 9:00 AM

Aug 2016
Pretty good adaptation for the first 4 chapters volume 5, i'd say. Some parts were skipped, like the date of Sweet Today's author & Akibo, where Akibo asked her to come to the rehearsal with her, but the episode adapted the exact amount of chapters i expected. Therefore so far, it's looking lovely. Animation is pretty good too.
Jul 3, 2024 9:01 AM
Jan 2021
The new episode was really good. The visuals were extremely nice especially with the white out and then with the paint splatter. I'm really excited about the next episode even though already know what's to come later on.

Also anyone else notice the ending. This time we see Ruby as the only one in the video and this was pretty much. However in season 1, we see only Aqua so we might see someone new in season 3 if it gets renewed for it.
Jul 3, 2024 9:04 AM

Mar 2021
What a fantastic opening episode The opening sequence was just amazing.
Jul 3, 2024 9:11 AM
May 2021
Wow the visual and animation quality is so high. Amazing!
Jul 3, 2024 9:12 AM

Jan 2018
I didn't even know how much I missed this series until the newest episode dropped! Can't wait for the rest of the season and to see how all these characters develop, especially Aqua. Some shows are simply a joy to watch and Oshi no Ko is for sure one of them.
Jul 3, 2024 9:13 AM

Jul 2022
welcome back gangs to our murderous intent and manipulative other side characters show ! This is gonna be a blast !

Jul 3, 2024 9:16 AM

Aug 2017
To be frankly I have my problems with the manga, especially later on but one thing the anime has it for me over the manga is particularly the dialogue and story telling. Less a chore to read through.

Akane my beloved, good to see her back. Her pouting was so cute, mainly here for her.
Jul 3, 2024 9:19 AM

Jun 2021
The scene between Kana and Himekawa was really great. As usually we get to see many behind the scene things about how the adaptations, and the industry works. The author Tokyo blade made her first appearance, she was cute but the ending scene gave me chills.

My doctor has always told me to smoke. He even explains himself: “Smoke, my friend. Otherwise someone else will smoke in your place.”

Jul 3, 2024 9:20 AM
Apr 2023
The quality of op and ed is even better than s1 and the new first ep was such an banger tottaly loved the animation style and the visuals are very breathtaking looking forward for this new season eagerly!!!
Jul 3, 2024 9:22 AM

Aug 2023
We are so back. THIS IS CINEMA RAAAAAAHHH 🗣🗣🔥🔥💯💯🥶🥶
Jul 3, 2024 9:22 AM

May 2021
op sounds pretty good and I liked the visuals more than S1. I still prefer S1 ed more though. Overall pretty solid ep and nothing really suprise me too much.
Jul 3, 2024 9:22 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
We're back and getting right into the stage play whose upcoming preparation was the focus of the final part of the first season. We got a brief introduction of each of the characters and the bands forming around them. Kana will be joing the protagonists side while Aqua and Akane will be on the enemy's side, conflicting both acting performances, characters and their fondness for Aqua (who's actually an old man for reference's sake).

Aside from Akane's doubts about her interpretation of Saya Hime and the upcoming changes in the script with the sscriptwriter talking about the process in depth, what caught my eye is the ending sequence. The reason is that Ruby is the focus in it and she seems to be in quite the struggle. That's right, she's outside the stage play business so why is she the focus? Will something about her past life come into play? Food for thought.
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Jul 3, 2024 9:24 AM
May 2021
good to see oshi no ko come back the ending was fun but nothing much really
Jul 3, 2024 9:24 AM

Jun 2014
Oshi no Ko is back and adapting what’s probably the best arc of the manga, and my personal favorite, the Tokyo Blade stage play. It’s nice to see these familiar faces again, that’s for sure. Things were going relatively smoothly during rehearsals until the Tokyo Blade mangaka sat in and introduced the primary conflict of this arc: requesting a rewrite of the entire script. Oh brother good luck everyone 💀

Visuals looked great, especially when Kana and Himekawa were rehearsing together and all of those vivid colors filled the screen. I think they’ll definitely do justice to this arc, especially when the finished product comes together.

And of course one of the biggest topics of discussion, the new OP and ED. Idol and Mephisto were such great themes and I figured they’d be hard to top. This new OP sounds pretty decent but I might need to give it a few more listens to see if it grows on me. The ED is kind of whatever though.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 3, 2024 9:31 AM

Sep 2021
Let Doga Kobo cook every Wednesday night with their 2 TV series. Lezgoooo
Jul 3, 2024 9:32 AM

Mar 2020
First of all, the OP really fits the show, but Tatsuya Kitani was not who I envisioned doing the opening for something like this. It's a pretty good song though, but impossible to top "Idol". ED was fine, but nowhere near "Mephisto" either. Visuals were quite good though.

The stage play arc is a solid direction for this show to go, with performativity being a big theme that this series has to offer. It'll be interesting to watch Aqua, Akane, Kana, and the new character Himekawa performing, and the rivalries that will certainly ensue. It's a surface level look at the environment for stage plays and their rehearsals, but the commentary on the entertainment industry is what this show does its best, and I do think the show lost a bit of focus on that late in Season 1. Looking forward to how this plays out.
Jul 3, 2024 9:33 AM
May 2024
What a comeback, this gonna be fun
Jul 3, 2024 9:33 AM

May 2019
While there wasn't much of Ruby shown Akane was and she's looking good. Akane is so passionate about trying to follow the way Saya was portrayed from the manga that she's conflicted with how they changed her in the play, and it appears that the author may share a similar sentiment with her asking the crew if the entire script can be redone, wow.

Btw, the animation is so smooth and crisp, hopefully they keep it up throughout.
Jul 3, 2024 9:35 AM
Oct 2020
Nice so after Demon Slayer we get stage play oshi no ko demon slayer. I mean tokyo blade. Great first episode! Kana is shining now that most of the other actors are actually good—especially Himekawa the star lead. Akane though on the other hand is struggling a bit due to the difference between her character in the manga and the play script. The author also seems to have quite a few problems with the script. Well, actually everything. They want the whole thing rewritten. This is definitely going to be trouble for everyone if they can't manage the situation well. Aqua helping Akane ask the script writer and acting director questions was nice. Aqua doesn't seem to be trying to hard right now though mostly just watching and observing Kana and the others. The new op and ed are nice. They have big shoes to fill though with how amazing the last seasons one were. Still both are decent even if they can't top the last season op and ed.
Jul 3, 2024 9:36 AM
Nov 2022
The studio and the team did a great job in an episode where I didn't even notice that they were just talking and hanging out in the room, but I say that in a good way because they literally cooked 5-star food.
Jul 3, 2024 9:36 AM

May 2023
KANAAA IS BACKKK, i'm glad i can see her again.

Abiko gave me goosebumps in this episode by saying the script needed to be completely changed.

The OP song is okay, maybe this song will grow on me over time and start to like it, honestly I like this ED song better than the OP. Hitsujibungaku really gave me goosebumps hearing their song again after Jujutsu Kaisen S2 ED 2.
Jul 3, 2024 9:48 AM

Aug 2022
Great start to a Goated show, someone can correct me if I’m wrong but I believe there was a time skip per seasons. (Well I mean unless akane’s hair magically grew out then there must have been)

This shows always has some of my favourite characters designs in anime.

I’m happy to see Kana again I love her.

I do know a decent bit of what’s coming despite not reading the manga
Jul 3, 2024 9:48 AM

Sep 2019
Kana will shine the brightest she ever has.
Jul 3, 2024 9:54 AM

Nov 2016
The opening is a vibe again. Nice to have this back.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 3, 2024 9:56 AM
May 2024
It started! The best arc of the manga will finally be adapted, the visuals, music and direction in the anime are still great. Can we now consider oshi no ko the best anime of the season or is it too early?
Jul 3, 2024 9:57 AM
Jul 2023
The direction was phenomenal with extra scenes which were not in the manga.
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