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Jul 1, 2024 4:37 PM

Apr 2020
i went back to watching mushoku tensei because I dropped it cuz the pedophilia stuff was creeping me out. i gave it another chance cuz i thought maybe I was being smooth brained for letting my personal biases cloud my judgement, and people kept saying that besides the weird stuff the story is actually a masterpiece.


I'm at season 2 and this shit is still mid as fuck. I just want to know what amazing development, worldbuilding, storytelling genius is going on here?
Most importantly season 1, it has an 8.37 on mal but this shit is still an average isekai (EDIT: i no longer think this) to me.

also so i dont get banned for the 6th time lets try not to mention the pedo stuff im just talking about the story in general. (EDIT: we ended up talking about it)
Before someone says "why do u care so much" "its just ur personal taste" im just saying im surprised cuz my taste is usually mainstream as fuck, like I usually enjoy stuff most people like. so i wanna know what aspect of this story is so appealing to people and why im missing it?

So yeah this series is genuinely just utter dogshit. All the characters have the depth and dimension of a cloud flattened by a hydraulic press, the designs are dumb and unimaginative, the magic system is boring and overused, the plotlines are generic and uninteresting, all the characters are unlikeable except for a select few but they have no depth or personality to them.
all in all, surprise surprise this series is more than not just for me, its actual trash. I think people just like it because rudeus is relatable and use the weak worldbuilding to back it up. Not surprised all these MH fans have kids and ecchi littered all over their profile. Thanks to all the thoughtful responses tho
Kenzolo-folkJul 2, 2024 1:06 PM
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Jul 1, 2024 4:42 PM

Sep 2018
I think the show more so caters to dudes given the seinen target audience. Most isekai like it tend to be shounen/seinen.
Jul 1, 2024 4:47 PM
Jun 2020
Maybe your taste is "too mainstream" to enjoy something with the "spice" of controversy.
Jul 1, 2024 4:51 PM

Jul 2015
You basically answered your own question. Just drop it, forget it and don't mention it. Anime altogether, preferably.
Your take is still atrocious and you might be on point with that "smooth brained" remark (because this show is not just mindless action and everything shoved on the forefront), but I'll give you credit for actually dropping it instead of hatewatching and polluting forums. 👍
PiromyslJul 1, 2024 5:33 PM

Jul 1, 2024 4:52 PM
May 2023
Oof yeah no. I have to agree with the person above me. You’re TOO mainstream. You have two of the big three as your favorite and that’s just talking about anime
SenshadouOtakuJul 1, 2024 4:56 PM
Jul 1, 2024 4:53 PM
Mar 2023
Just drop it and take your trash opinion elsewhere
Jul 1, 2024 4:53 PM
Mar 2023
Just drop it and take your trash opinion elsewhere
Jul 1, 2024 4:53 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Polvo_Aranha
Maybe your taste is "too mainstream" to enjoy something with the "spice" of controversy.
thats my point tho, this anime is very mainstream and its generally well-liked. i literally said i ignored the weird controversies to understand why its so good, and nothing about the storytelling is rlly standing out. what was ur favorite storyline?
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Jul 1, 2024 4:54 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to MStar98
Just drop it and take your trash opinion elsewhere

see like, nobody is giving me why they like the anime or what about the story stands out to them. theyre just quick to judge that I can't understand it or something, like brother im trying lmao..
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Jul 1, 2024 4:55 PM
Mar 2021
rohan121 said:
I think the show more so caters to dudes given the seinen target audience. Most isekai like it tend to be shounen/seinen.

doubt that, I'm assuming most of the fans are young boys, the plot doesn't look like it's insanely deep, just trying to be a diff type of isekai
Jul 1, 2024 4:56 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to SenshadouOtaku
Oof yeah no. I have to agree with the person above me. You’re TOO mainstream. You have two of the big three as your favorite and that’s just talking about anime

mushoku tensei is mainstream. and even tho the big three is super popular, naruto and one piece (one piece especially) is known for having really good worldbuilding, development, storylines blah blah etc.. that doesnt make it invalid for me to question why mushoku tensei imo doesnt stand out to me in this way.

like all im asking is what im missing?
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Jul 1, 2024 5:01 PM
May 2023
Kenzolo-folk said:

mushoku tensei is mainstream. and even tho the big three is super popular, naruto and one piece (one piece especially) is known for having really good worldbuilding, development, storylines blah blah etc.. that doesnt make it invalid for me to question why mushoku tensei imo doesnt stand out to me in this way.

like all im asking is what im missing?

One piece is only popular because Nico Robin and Nami have big boobs (yes this is satire)
Jul 1, 2024 5:03 PM
May 2023
Kenzolo-folk said:

see like, nobody is giving me why they like the anime or what about the story stands out to them. theyre just quick to judge that I can't understand it or something, like brother im trying lmao..

It’s just kinda hard to explain you know? If it’s not for you then it’s not for you. Just drop it
Jul 1, 2024 5:04 PM
Jun 2020
Mushoku Tensei is popular, but it isn't "mainstream". Most mainstream stuff fans hate it because it isn't afraid of being morally ambiguous.

Their main characters aren't exactly good people, everybody have flaws, and that makes that world feel so real. Also, later in the series, there is a great worldbuilding, and many plots, although there are controversial, are really well-written.
Jul 1, 2024 5:08 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Polvo_Aranha
Mushoku Tensei is popular, but it isn't "mainstream". Most mainstream stuff fans hate it because it isn't afraid of being morally ambiguous.

Their main characters aren't exactly good people, everybody have flaws, and that makes that world feel so real. Also, later in the series, there is a great worldbuilding, and many plots, although there are controversial, are really well-written.

Mainstream stuff can still be very "morally ambiguous".

Polvo_Aranha said:
ater in the series, there is a great worldbuilding, and many plots, a

Like what?
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Jul 1, 2024 5:08 PM
Jun 2020
Kenzolo-folk said:

Mainstream stuff can still be very "morally ambiguous".

Polvo_Aranha said:
ater in the series, there is a great worldbuilding, and many plots, a

Like what?

Watch Season 1, Part 2.
Jul 1, 2024 5:10 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to SenshadouOtaku
Kenzolo-folk said:

see like, nobody is giving me why they like the anime or what about the story stands out to them. theyre just quick to judge that I can't understand it or something, like brother im trying lmao..

It’s just kinda hard to explain you know? If it’s not for you then it’s not for you. Just drop it

is it really that hard to explain? alright then
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Jul 1, 2024 5:12 PM
Jul 2021
Kenzolo-folk said:
i went back to watching mushoku tensei because I dropped it cuz the pedophilia stuff was creeping me out. i gave it another chance cuz i thought maybe I was being smooth brained for letting my personal biases cloud my judgement, and people kept saying that besides the weird stuff the story is actually a masterpiece.


I'm at season 2 and this shit is still mid as fuck. I just want to know what amazing development, worldbuilding, storytelling genius is going on here?
Most importantly season 1, it has an 8.37 on mal but this shit is still an average isekai to me.

also so i dont get banned for the 6th time lets try not to mention the pedo stuff im just talking about the story in general.
Before someone says "why do u care so much" "its just ur personal taste" im just saying im surprised cuz my taste is usually mainstream as fuck, like I usually enjoy stuff most people like. so i wanna know what aspect of this story is so appealing to people and why im missing it?

I get you not liking the main character and some of the plot points but you really don’t see how the world building is incredible? And the magic system? I mean im not a dick rider of the series but I really think it’s not even a subjective thing, the series genuinely does a great job at building its world and structuring its magic system. Season 3 is about to have the peaks of the series back to back so give it one more shot imo, good twists, more world building as well as political drama.
Jul 1, 2024 5:15 PM
Jun 2023
The show is popular because of its take on the fantasy genre. It focuses on a truly flawed character that has a chance to completely rewrite who he is, and this show is exactly that. It's tackling all of the problems he faced (or avoided) in his original world, and walks through him working through these problems in a fantasy setting.

The LN is a fantasy epic that is truly one of a kind, and the anime adaptation is doing it justice I'd say. If you don't like the character growth we've seen up to this point, I would say drop it and come back in a few years once you're a bit older. Not trying to be rude, but I typically find younger people can't identify the character development and nuances of the story. Or, you'll just never appreciate this kind of storytelling, which is also fine.

For me, I love the characters and the world building. The level of detail the author has put into this world and it's characters is like nothing else we've seen from a fantasy drama up to this point in anime.
Jul 1, 2024 5:16 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Polvo_Aranha
Kenzolo-folk said:

Mainstream stuff can still be very "morally ambiguous".

Polvo_Aranha said:
ater in the series, there is a great worldbuilding, and many plots, a

Like what?

Watch Season 1, Part 2.

I did, it was okay to me, i didnt find it special. i guess it rlly is just not for me. thanks anyways for actually responding.
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Jul 1, 2024 5:18 PM
Mar 2019
why are talking about pedo stuff if you don't want people to mention it when you have it in your paragraph I don't know nothing about the pedo allegations but for 2 Season I don't see nothing, for the story it's about a dude who wasted his life being alone and distancing himself from every even his last family member and having no job at all just ends up dying and regretting no doing anything with his life and getting a second chance at life to better himself to become a better person and accomplish something then his previous life, that when he dies he feels happy and doesn't regret anything and dies happy in his second chance of life.

that is what makes it a master piece is doing something good and better then your previous life and dying happy with no regrets it's the journey of him becoming a better person, the mystery of the world, man god, the turning point, the decision making, the atmosphere of dying at any moment, the strong dragon guy who we don't know how strong he is, unknown enemies who are strong who can show up at any moment, uncovering the mass teleport incident and who did it why they did it etc that's why I like this show.
Jul 1, 2024 5:20 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to ImNotChiefKeef
Kenzolo-folk said:
i went back to watching mushoku tensei because I dropped it cuz the pedophilia stuff was creeping me out. i gave it another chance cuz i thought maybe I was being smooth brained for letting my personal biases cloud my judgement, and people kept saying that besides the weird stuff the story is actually a masterpiece.


I'm at season 2 and this shit is still mid as fuck. I just want to know what amazing development, worldbuilding, storytelling genius is going on here?
Most importantly season 1, it has an 8.37 on mal but this shit is still an average isekai to me.

also so i dont get banned for the 6th time lets try not to mention the pedo stuff im just talking about the story in general.
Before someone says "why do u care so much" "its just ur personal taste" im just saying im surprised cuz my taste is usually mainstream as fuck, like I usually enjoy stuff most people like. so i wanna know what aspect of this story is so appealing to people and why im missing it?

I get you not liking the main character and some of the plot points but you really don’t see how the world building is incredible? And the magic system? I mean im not a dick rider of the series but I really think it’s not even a subjective thing, the series genuinely does a great job at building its world and structuring its magic system. Season 3 is about to have the peaks of the series back to back so give it one more shot imo, good twists, more world building as well as political drama.

i dont see how the heirarchies, magic system, continents/countries are any unique or special to any other isekai, maybe because its inspired so many other isekais that its hard to be fazed by it.
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Jul 1, 2024 5:23 PM
Jul 2023
Kenzolo-folk said:

mushoku tensei is mainstream. and even tho the big three is super popular, naruto and one piece (one piece especially) is known for having really good worldbuilding, development, storylines blah blah etc.. that doesnt make it invalid for me to question why mushoku tensei imo doesnt stand out to me in this way.

like all im asking is what im missing?

You must have been watching this with a blindfold to miss the world building. Also take into account that 99% of Isekai literally copied mushoku tensei so if it feels like a generic isekai it’s because it set the genre. It also goes way above and beyond in just about everything. You just don’t seem to care about the details put into the show that make it so good
Jul 1, 2024 5:25 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Kreshre
why are talking about pedo stuff if you don't want people to mention it when you have it in your paragraph I don't know nothing about the pedo allegations but for 2 Season I don't see nothing, for the story it's about a dude who wasted his life being alone and distancing himself from every even his last family member and having no job at all just ends up dying and regretting no doing anything with his life and getting a second chance at life to better himself to become a better person and accomplish something then his previous life, that when he dies he feels happy and doesn't regret anything and dies happy in his second chance of life.

that is what makes it a master piece is doing something good and better then your previous life and dying happy with no regrets it's the journey of him becoming a better person, the mystery of the world, man god, the turning point, the decision making, the atmosphere of dying at any moment, the strong dragon guy who we don't know how strong he is, unknown enemies who are strong who can show up at any moment, uncovering the mass teleport incident and who did it why they did it etc that's why I like this show.

im not talking about "pedo stuff" i just said the reason for why i dropped it in the first place- and that I'm not finding it hard to enjoy just because of the weird scenes.

Kreshre said:
that is what makes it a master piece is doing something good and better then your previous life and dying happy with no regrets it's the journey of him becoming a better person, the mystery of the world, man god, the turning point, the decision making, the atmosphere of dying at any moment, the strong dragon guy who we don't know how strong he is, unknown enemies who are strong who can show up at any moment, uncovering the mass teleport incident and who did it why they did it etc that's why I like this show.

So far im on season 2 and I don't see this "better person." He's still being a creep. Other than that I can see why people would find those things interesting, thanks for answering.
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Jul 1, 2024 5:27 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Bolona07
Kenzolo-folk said:

mushoku tensei is mainstream. and even tho the big three is super popular, naruto and one piece (one piece especially) is known for having really good worldbuilding, development, storylines blah blah etc.. that doesnt make it invalid for me to question why mushoku tensei imo doesnt stand out to me in this way.

like all im asking is what im missing?

You must have been watching this with a blindfold to miss the world building. Also take into account that 99% of Isekai literally copied mushoku tensei so if it feels like a generic isekai it’s because it set the genre. It also goes way above and beyond in just about everything. You just don’t seem to care about the details put into the show that make it so good
just because a lot of details went into the worldbuilding doesnt mean the details themselves are anything amazing. but yeah i guess im just not into it, no fault to anybody who is interested in it tho.
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Jul 1, 2024 5:29 PM
Aug 2023
I just started watching it and I’m on ep 21 and so far I’m really loving it. What I think it does really well is…

Characters: Mushoku Tensei so far has just had really memorable and well developed characters to me. Eris especially has very natural development over the course of the first season, going from a selfish violent brat to a more caring and considerate girl. She grew up a lot, which was very nice to see. Ruijerd is interesting in his black and white morality and how what he says and does makes sense for the kind of character he is. Roxy I have no idea why I like her so much, but she’s incredibly likeable with good development even with her limited screentime. The episode where she visited her parents after so long hit me in the feels a bit. And finally Rudeus. Oh Rudeus you are certainly a fellow. Rudeus is as flawed a character as you can get, but it makes him interesting. He can be quite the scumbag, but he also develops and tries to become a better person. It’s a balance between this awfulness and heart that I like about him. He’s a different protagonist from the norm, which I appreciate. I personally think he’s a good main character.

World: Now I’m not much of a worldbuilding guy, but the world of Mushoku Tensei is gorgeous with just enough interesting things going on that make you want to know more, like the mana disaster stuff or the different languages across the world. Little things like the travelling merchants that bring goods around like the Roxy figure also make the world feel connected.

Vibe: Mushoku Tensei captures that adventure vibe perfectly. It really feels like they are in this fantasy world and are really journeying around, due in part to the great world design.

Production: Mushoku Tensei has often jaw-droppingly beautiful animation and art direction that really sells its world. The action when it comes up is very entertaining and the general background art is phenomenal. Lastly, the music. It captures that fantasy feeling as well as fantasy music can.

Story: I’ve already gone on long enough but I’ll just say that watching Rudeus and the cast as they actually grow up is uncommon in media in general. Tie that in with a grand adventure and it makes for a compelling story.

I went into Mushoku Tensei with moderate expectations knowing it’s controversial reputation and it’s exceeded my expectations exponentially. I’m surprised at how much I’m loving it so far. The conclusion I draw is that I guess it just isn’t for you. It’s certainly not for everyone considering it’s general perversion. Sometimes we just don’t like things that a lot of people like. I don’t like Monster for instance, but I don’t think it’s a bad show, it just wasn’t for me.
Jul 1, 2024 5:33 PM
Mar 2019
Kenzolo-folk said:

im not talking about "pedo stuff" i just said the reason for why i dropped it in the first place- and that I'm not finding it hard to enjoy just because of the weird scenes.

Kreshre said:
that is what makes it a master piece is doing something good and better then your previous life and dying happy with no regrets it's the journey of him becoming a better person, the mystery of the world, man god, the turning point, the decision making, the atmosphere of dying at any moment, the strong dragon guy who we don't know how strong he is, unknown enemies who are strong who can show up at any moment, uncovering the mass teleport incident and who did it why they did it etc that's why I like this show.

So far im on season 2 and I don't see this "better person." He's still being a creep. Other than that I can see why people would find those things interesting, thanks for answering.

he is trying to be a better person but he is still learning it just takes time it's only season 2 but hopefully he will mature more by the end when the anime finally finishes and covers the whole light novel
Jul 1, 2024 5:34 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to KillLaKillGOAT
I just started watching it and I’m on ep 21 and so far I’m really loving it. What I think it does really well is…

Characters: Mushoku Tensei so far has just had really memorable and well developed characters to me. Eris especially has very natural development over the course of the first season, going from a selfish violent brat to a more caring and considerate girl. She grew up a lot, which was very nice to see. Ruijerd is interesting in his black and white morality and how what he says and does makes sense for the kind of character he is. Roxy I have no idea why I like her so much, but she’s incredibly likeable with good development even with her limited screentime. The episode where she visited her parents after so long hit me in the feels a bit. And finally Rudeus. Oh Rudeus you are certainly a fellow. Rudeus is as flawed a character as you can get, but it makes him interesting. He can be quite the scumbag, but he also develops and tries to become a better person. It’s a balance between this awfulness and heart that I like about him. He’s a different protagonist from the norm, which I appreciate. I personally think he’s a good main character.

World: Now I’m not much of a worldbuilding guy, but the world of Mushoku Tensei is gorgeous with just enough interesting things going on that make you want to know more, like the mana disaster stuff or the different languages across the world. Little things like the travelling merchants that bring goods around like the Roxy figure also make the world feel connected.

Vibe: Mushoku Tensei captures that adventure vibe perfectly. It really feels like they are in this fantasy world and are really journeying around, due in part to the great world design.

Production: Mushoku Tensei has often jaw-droppingly beautiful animation and art direction that really sells its world. The action when it comes up is very entertaining and the general background art is phenomenal. Lastly, the music. It captures that fantasy feeling as well as fantasy music can.

Story: I’ve already gone on long enough but I’ll just say that watching Rudeus and the cast as they actually grow up is uncommon in media in general. Tie that in with a grand adventure and it makes for a compelling story.

I went into Mushoku Tensei with moderate expectations knowing it’s controversial reputation and it’s exceeded my expectations exponentially. I’m surprised at how much I’m loving it so far. The conclusion I draw is that I guess it just isn’t for you. It’s certainly not for everyone considering it’s general perversion. Sometimes we just don’t like things that a lot of people like. I don’t like Monster for instance, but I don’t think it’s a bad show, it just wasn’t for me.

youre very right about the adventure aspect. so far the only thing i really like about this show (besides obv the beautiful animation). the world is definitely pretty and feels like an actual journey. and yeah i guess in general im jus not into it.
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Jul 1, 2024 5:36 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Kreshre
Kenzolo-folk said:

im not talking about "pedo stuff" i just said the reason for why i dropped it in the first place- and that I'm not finding it hard to enjoy just because of the weird scenes.

Kreshre said:
that is what makes it a master piece is doing something good and better then your previous life and dying happy with no regrets it's the journey of him becoming a better person, the mystery of the world, man god, the turning point, the decision making, the atmosphere of dying at any moment, the strong dragon guy who we don't know how strong he is, unknown enemies who are strong who can show up at any moment, uncovering the mass teleport incident and who did it why they did it etc that's why I like this show.

So far im on season 2 and I don't see this "better person." He's still being a creep. Other than that I can see why people would find those things interesting, thanks for answering.

he is trying to be a better person but he is still learning it just takes time it's only season 2 but hopefully he will mature more by the end when the anime finally finishes and covers the whole light novel

good to know this little scumshit matures lmfao (even tho hes 40 years old already). the "funny gags" with his perversion is so bad.
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Jul 1, 2024 5:45 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to jyergs99
The show is popular because of its take on the fantasy genre. It focuses on a truly flawed character that has a chance to completely rewrite who he is, and this show is exactly that. It's tackling all of the problems he faced (or avoided) in his original world, and walks through him working through these problems in a fantasy setting.

The LN is a fantasy epic that is truly one of a kind, and the anime adaptation is doing it justice I'd say. If you don't like the character growth we've seen up to this point, I would say drop it and come back in a few years once you're a bit older. Not trying to be rude, but I typically find younger people can't identify the character development and nuances of the story. Or, you'll just never appreciate this kind of storytelling, which is also fine.

For me, I love the characters and the world building. The level of detail the author has put into this world and it's characters is like nothing else we've seen from a fantasy drama up to this point in anime.

"nothing else we've scene from a fantasy drama up to this point in anime" that has to be a joke. i wouldnt fault u because u havent watch that much anime. but making a big statement like that when you've barely seen anything is crazy.
Kenzolo-folkJul 1, 2024 5:58 PM
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Jul 1, 2024 5:52 PM
Apr 2024
rohan121 said:
I think the show more so caters to dudes given the seinen target audience. Most isekai like it tend to be shounen/seinen.

As a girl, I find mushoku tensei very good. I think the controversial parts are what makes it interesting. Also Rudy is not a pedo. He was reborn and likes people his age, is that so weird? I feel like it would be more weird for him to hook up with someone who’s his age from before he was reincarnated. If you feel uncomfortable just don’t watch it and stop hating.
Jul 1, 2024 5:55 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to katsuki1over
rohan121 said:
I think the show more so caters to dudes given the seinen target audience. Most isekai like it tend to be shounen/seinen.

As a girl, I find mushoku tensei very good. I think the controversial parts are what makes it interesting. Also Rudy is not a pedo. He was reborn and likes people his age, is that so weird? I feel like it would be more weird for him to hook up with someone who’s his age from before he was reincarnated. If you feel uncomfortable just don’t watch it and stop hating.

"Also Rudy is not a pedo"
How do people straight up deny this? I thought the point is that he's supposed to be unlikeable? He still has the mind of a 40 year old, so why is he touching 9 year olds panties? Actual idiot over here. Im not saying he should date 40 year old people as an 8 year old dumbass, why cant bro wait till hes not a teenager anymore?
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Jul 1, 2024 6:06 PM
Jun 2023
Yes, I think Mushoku Tensei is very unique in its take on the fantasy genre. There is nothing else like it. I'm sorry you aren't able to appreciate this yet, and I hope when you get older, you're able to appreciate the character growth and depth of story that this show provides. Judging by your responses to people, I'm assuming you're in that 15-17 year-old range. You'll appreciate it more when you're older and more mature, but until you grow up, just watch what you enjoy.
Jul 1, 2024 6:09 PM
Apr 2019
It’s either smooth brain or you are immature, probably a bit of both
Jul 1, 2024 6:13 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to jyergs99
Yes, I think Mushoku Tensei is very unique in its take on the fantasy genre. There is nothing else like it. I'm sorry you aren't able to appreciate this yet, and I hope when you get older, you're able to appreciate the character growth and depth of story that this show provides. Judging by your responses to people, I'm assuming you're in that 15-17 year-old range. You'll appreciate it more when you're older and more mature, but until you grow up, just watch what you enjoy.

what exactly is this unique take on the fantasy genre? and i highly doubt theres nothing else like it.. so far from what im seeing.
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Jul 1, 2024 6:14 PM

Jun 2021
Masterpieces does not mean that its suitable for everyone. If you cant stand watching it, just drop it like what you did earlier. You dont have to watch something because of its tag like "masterpiece".

And yes, its completely normal. If your thoughts and angle dont let you like or bear, you can't even be objective after watching it too.

Anyway, im saying that just drop it instead of getting angry...
Jul 1, 2024 6:24 PM
Apr 2024
No need to be so aggressive bro 😭 It’s not that deep, it’s just fiction. Rudy was reincarnated into a child’s body, so therefore he is a child in my opinion. Yeah, he shouldn’t be doing that shit in general but I just like his character smh.
Jul 1, 2024 6:25 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to katsuki1over
No need to be so aggressive bro 😭 It’s not that deep, it’s just fiction. Rudy was reincarnated into a child’s body, so therefore he is a child in my opinion. Yeah, he shouldn’t be doing that shit in general but I just like his character smh.

its not "in your opinion" tho, its quite literally part of his character. i dont wanna hear an opinion from someone who cant even get through the entry level knowledge that rudy is obviously a pedophile.
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Jul 1, 2024 6:32 PM

Jan 2013
You absolutely don't watch enough isekai if you think this is average, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jul 1, 2024 6:36 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Piromysl
You basically answered your own question. Just drop it, forget it and don't mention it. Anime altogether, preferably.
Your take is still atrocious and you might be on point with that "smooth brained" remark (because this show is not just mindless action and everything shoved on the forefront), but I'll give you credit for actually dropping it instead of hatewatching and polluting forums. 👍

yawn another elitist who thinks just because a show has a lot of action that it cant be deep
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Jul 1, 2024 6:42 PM

Jul 2015
Reply to Kenzolo-folk

yawn another elitist who thinks just because a show has a lot of action that it cant be deep
@Kenzolo-folk Bruh, no offense, but you're an underage tourist. It's not that I am an elitist or anything, but you clearly lack the basic ability to see depth that is just right beneath the surface.

Jul 1, 2024 6:44 PM
Apr 2024
Obviously you’re just immature and want to start something because you respond in less than a minute. I’m not stupid, I understand that he has toxic tendencies. I just don’t think it’s fair to classify him as a pedophile when at his current age he hasn’t made any advances on younger girls. He may have the mind of a 40 year old but he’s no longer an adult. He’s become a new person, that’s what reincarnation is. So he’s not a fat man child anymore, he’s a teenage boy (currently). I know I’m not going to change your opinion, I’m not trying to, I actually agree with it to a certain extent. But unlike you, I’m not close minded enough to feel the need to call someone a dumbass over their opinion on a fictional character that’s not harming anyone in real life.
Jul 1, 2024 6:50 PM

Apr 2022
there's some decent development and interactions, nothing crazy overall but most isekai are still much worse. the most appealing aspect of mushoku to me is sugita's voice.
Jul 1, 2024 6:59 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Piromysl
@Kenzolo-folk Bruh, no offense, but you're an underage tourist. It's not that I am an elitist or anything, but you clearly lack the basic ability to see depth that is just right beneath the surface.
you're exactly what you're claiming me to be. dismissing a shows depth just because it has a lot of fight scenes or appeals to a large audience is surface level as fuck. What the hell is a tourist, is that supposed to be an insult? Another word for casual? That sounds stupid. Mushoku tensei doesnt even come close to 50% of narutos depth, yet elitists like to believe thats not true because they cant get past the fact its a battle shounen.
Kenzolo-folkJul 1, 2024 7:03 PM
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Jul 1, 2024 7:01 PM

Jul 2015
Kenzolo-folk said:
you're exactly what you're claiming me to be. dismissing a shows depth just because it has a lot of fight scenes or appeals to a large audience is surface level as fuck. What the hell is a tourist, is that supposed to be an insult? Another word for casual? That sounds stupid.

Nah, not really. People mostly watch shounens not for it's depth, but action.

Jul 1, 2024 7:07 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to katsuki1over
Obviously you’re just immature and want to start something because you respond in less than a minute. I’m not stupid, I understand that he has toxic tendencies. I just don’t think it’s fair to classify him as a pedophile when at his current age he hasn’t made any advances on younger girls. He may have the mind of a 40 year old but he’s no longer an adult. He’s become a new person, that’s what reincarnation is. So he’s not a fat man child anymore, he’s a teenage boy (currently). I know I’m not going to change your opinion, I’m not trying to, I actually agree with it to a certain extent. But unlike you, I’m not close minded enough to feel the need to call someone a dumbass over their opinion on a fictional character that’s not harming anyone in real life.

"toxic tendencies"
The tendencies: Being a pedo.
i dont hate mushoku tensei because of these aspects, but u coming out of left field denying an integral part of his character to validate ur favoritism towards him is stupid
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Jul 1, 2024 7:11 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Piromysl
Kenzolo-folk said:
you're exactly what you're claiming me to be. dismissing a shows depth just because it has a lot of fight scenes or appeals to a large audience is surface level as fuck. What the hell is a tourist, is that supposed to be an insult? Another word for casual? That sounds stupid.

Nah, not really. People mostly watch shounens not for it's depth, but action.

and whos arguing that? is this point supposed to be important?
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Jul 1, 2024 7:14 PM

Jan 2021
Honestly, just the the fact you say "pedo stuff" show all your criticism is invalid.
Jul 1, 2024 7:19 PM
Sep 2022
Kenzolo-folk said:

see like, nobody is giving me why they like the anime or what about the story stands out to them. theyre just quick to judge that I can't understand it or something, like brother im trying lmao..

I agree with you on the pedo stuff, it’s certainly off putting and would be hard for me to recommend this to anyone else, simply because of that. But putting that aside, calling it another generic isekai doesn’t seem like a good faith take.

Just breaking it down kind of piece by piece, the animation is better than most other isekais I’ve seen. The OST is very well done, both in composition and controlling the atmosphere of scenes.

The “great world building” for me really just comes from all moments in between the action. This is just one example of this, but in the first or second episode (can’t remember) the introduce the Superd Tribe as being the most fearsome race of demons. They do a lot of work to make sure everyone except for Rudeus has a volatile reaction just to hearing the name. So when they meet Ruijerd, we the viewer have an expectation of this horrible monster, and instead he is protecting them. It’s mostly details like this, tho I lack the finesse to explain it properly.

Other notes, great OP/ED, especially season 1. I can’t remember any other anime that for the OP they animate different visuals for each episode to match the current things happening the episode, rather than the same visuals we’ve already seen 23 times. My personal favorite part is that it feels a lot of the time like a fantasy SoL with moments of incredible animation.

All that said, if you still don’t like it, just drop it. Not trying to be rude, but not everyone has to love everything. I like both this and Frieren on a very similar level, they check similar boxes with the fantasy SoL vibe I mentioned. If this doesn’t do it for you I’d check out Frieren instead.
Jul 1, 2024 7:21 PM
Sep 2022
jyergs99 said:
The show is popular because of its take on the fantasy genre. It focuses on a truly flawed character that has a chance to completely rewrite who he is, and this show is exactly that. It's tackling all of the problems he faced (or avoided) in his original world, and walks through him working through these problems in a fantasy setting.

The LN is a fantasy epic that is truly one of a kind, and the anime adaptation is doing it justice I'd say. If you don't like the character growth we've seen up to this point, I would say drop it and come back in a few years once you're a bit older. Not trying to be rude, but I typically find younger people can't identify the character development and nuances of the story. Or, you'll just never appreciate this kind of storytelling, which is also fine.

For me, I love the characters and the world building. The level of detail the author has put into this world and it's characters is like nothing else we've seen from a fantasy drama up to this point in anime.

Perfect explanation ^^^
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