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Feb 7, 2024 11:44 PM
Oct 2018
One Punch Man+Harry Potter, what can go wrong with such a great idea? Mashle isn't actually bad, but as can be seen from the ratings, it falls flat despite its potential. The interesting thing is that it even has well-developed characters, unlike most anime, including Eminence In Shadow, which succeeded with a similar "OPM" approach. So, what's the problem with Mashle?

I think it's in the inconsistent tone of the story and lousy world building. Serious fights are interrupted by silly comedy, and stakes aren't clear enough. I mean, do characters actually try to kill or permanently harm each other? Or are such fights normal for mages and aren't deadly? Is it okay for students to murder each other in the academy? We don't know. The author should've chosen one of the two paths. Either make the world clearly brutal, like in Dorohedoro, where it's common for people to be killed, where mages are merciless to humans and each other. Or make everything "safe" like in My Hero Academia, where it's established that the fights between the students are normal and not deadly, unlike the fights with the villains. It's either one or another, but Mashle just doesn't make any distinction, thus in one episode we have death threats, that are never fulfilled as no one in the first season ever dies or is even disabled, and in another the former enemies become friends.

Be it OPM, Mob Psycho, or Eminence in Shadow, we have a serious world that, if we remove the main character, will function like one. Those stories work so well because we add a "foreign" element in the face of the protagonist into a serious and well established reality, where that protagonist changes everything, including the tone. Even if those have some tone changes and comedic elements, including in the middle of the fights, they are there because of the MC, as he's the source of the chaos and changes the reality around them in an interesting way. Chainsaw man also works in a similar way, we clearly have a brutal and merciless world and the MC with his silly motivations as a contrast. In Mashle, even if we remove Mash, we'll still have a non-serious world of magic with silly characters and loose rules. This, alongside with the unclear stakes, removes most of the tension from the serious moments, making the show fail at reaching its true potential.

I hope that the second season solves at least some of the problems, but it seems that the author just doesn't know what he wants his story to be.
MyOwnGodApr 28, 2024 2:05 AM
Feb 8, 2024 12:02 AM
Jul 2023
idk wut ur yapping abt and im not reading all that shit but all im getting is u dont like it cuz its funny that's all i read till but tbh i enjoy the show because its funny some ppl dont like that idc, if u dont like the show stop watching, so fking simple
Feb 8, 2024 12:10 AM
Sep 2017
Mashle is a comedy battle series. The bigger picture items you’re describing are intentionally being ignored for both the sake of expedience and for the comedy. You can’t compare it to MHA or even to OPM as the gags in this are always at the forefront. The story aims to only provide enough worldbuilding to understand the who, what, why, enough character description for us to care, and enough action to keep us entertained as the jokes fill the rest of the gaps.
Feb 8, 2024 12:31 AM
Dec 2022
So what's it with you? You hate it why? Honestly speaking, I find Mashle peak, funny, and very entertaining. All this meaningless babbling about the show is uncalled for.
Feb 8, 2024 12:52 AM
May 2016
It has nothing to do with the world building. In the case of Undead Unluck you can also see some missing world building elements and yet that is a great show.
The problem here is that it is not funny at all. The joke should be moments that are exaggerated, but it fails to do that, because it uses moments that are normal in other shows. Like when Mash is kicking the air and flying. That's a normal technique in One Piece.

And the show is full of this 'trying to be funny, but fails to do that'. That's the main problem.
Feb 8, 2024 1:01 AM
Oct 2018
I won't reply to people who lack basic reading comprehension and say bs like "wHy U hAtE iT". Please learn how to read words. Thank you.

As to reply to those who actually made a decent point—if it tried to be a pure gag comedy, it wouldn't try to give every character a tragic backstory or create seemingly high stakes, etc. The story obviously tries to mix serious plot with comedy, like OPM or Gintama, but it fails at both for the reasons I described and maybe some more. I just shared my opinion which is based on my knowledge of storytelling as I am a writer (that's how I make a living) who listened to many lectures on screenwriting and writing in general. If the author learns to separate comedy and seriousness in a decent way, the story has great potential. But it's a clear example how easily a show can be ruined by inconsistent tone and world building.
Feb 8, 2024 1:25 AM
Dec 2022
ever time it's with guy' like this, where do they even find the time and patience to write all this shit . maby had nothing to do i guess. anyway i really getting sick of guy's like this
Feb 8, 2024 2:24 AM

May 2021
Why do people write reviews and post them into forums when they offer no real discussion?
My Candies:

Feb 8, 2024 2:44 AM
Oct 2021
yap yap yap doesnt understand the show
Feb 8, 2024 3:02 AM

Mar 2023
bro put it on the review page
Feb 8, 2024 4:15 AM
Sep 2023
True, I also think that when there is something serious scene is going on at least at that time don’t add comedy scene make it separate or at least make it least don’t mix both the scenes everytime.
Feb 8, 2024 4:50 AM
Jul 2021
idk what these people are on about but I agree with you
Feels like Mashle is missing something
Feb 8, 2024 4:54 AM
Apr 2021
if anyone missed it Mashle is Gag humor genre its not point of it to have a story or world building is just for fun. Chill and enjoy sometime to not think about whats going on or don't watch it.
Feb 8, 2024 7:03 AM

Nov 2021
MyOwnGod said:
One Punch Man+Harry Potter, what can go wrong with such a great idea? Mashle isn't actually bad, but as can be seen from the ratings, it fells flat despite its potential. The interesting thing is that it even has well-developed characters, unlike most anime, including Eminence In Shadow, which succeeded with a similar "OPM" approach. So, what's the problem with Mashle?

I think it's in the inconsistent tone of the story and lousy world building. Serious fights are interrupted with silly comedy, and stakes aren't clear enough. I mean, do characters actually try to kill or permanently harm each other? Or are such fights normal for mages and aren't deadly? Is it okay for students to murder each other in the academy? We don't know. The author should've chosen one of the two paths. Either make the world clearly brutal, like in Dorohedoro, where it's common for people to be killed, where mages are merciless to humans and each others. Or make everything "safe" like in My Hero Academia, where it's established that the fights between the students are normal and not deadly, unlike the fights with the villains. It's either one or another, but Mashle just doesn't make any distinction, thus in one episode we have death threats, that are never fulfilled as no one in the first season ever dies or is even disabled, and in another the former enemies become friends.

Be it OPM, Mob Psycho, or Eminence in Shadow, we have a serious world that, if we remove the main character, will function like one. Those stories work so well because we add a "foreign" element in the face of the protagonist into a serious and well established reality, where that protagonist changes everything, including the tone. Even if those have some tone changes and comedic elements, including in the middle of the fights, they are there because of the MC, as he's the source of the chaos and changes the reality around them in an interesting way. Chainsaw man also works in a similar way, we clearly have a brutal and merciless world and the MC with his silly motivations as a contrast. In Mashle, even if we remove Mash, we'll still have a non-serious world of magic with silly characters and loose rules. This, alongside with the unclear stakes, removes most of the tension from the serious moments, making the show fail at reaching its true potential.

I hope that the second season solves at least some of the problems, but it seems that the author just doesn't know what he wants his story to be.

Don't really know about all this but the main thing which I dislike is that the battles of mash aren't made serious and he wins the battles in the most ridiculous ways instead of using creative tricks as he can't use magic.
Feb 8, 2024 7:22 AM
May 2022
MyOwnGod said:
I won't reply to people who lack basic reading comprehension and say bs like "wHy U hAtE iT". Please learn how to read words. Thank you.

As to reply to those who actually made a decent point—if it tried to be a pure gag comedy, it wouldn't try to give every character a tragic backstory or create seemingly high stakes, etc. The story obviously tries to mix serious plot with comedy, like OPM or Gintama, but it fails at both for the reasons I described and maybe some more. I just shared my opinion which is based on my knowledge of storytelling as I am a writer (that's how I make a living) who listened to many lectures on screenwriting and writing in general. If the author learns to separate comedy and seriousness in a decent way, the story has great potential. But it's a clear example how easily a show can be ruined by inconsistent tone and world building.

why u hate it?????
Feb 8, 2024 8:01 AM
Nov 2021
My yapping detector is off the charts w this one
Feb 8, 2024 8:06 AM
Nov 2018
What's wrong with an anime that's not serious, and you can shut off your brain. I like the fact that it's not serious and I can just relax. As in silliness, it's not on the level of Bobobo. I know by the end, like Bobobo, it is not trying to make some statement.
MoppitFeb 8, 2024 10:04 AM
Feb 8, 2024 9:21 AM
Dec 2022
look at his new account, i see nothing but a coward. who knows what his saying is shit and about 98 persent of it is shit , he knows it him self better than anyone else. and that's the reason he probably created a frish new account.
Feb 8, 2024 11:01 AM
Feb 2022
I always skip these types of paragraph but I'm glad I real all of it. You just said what I always felt with Mashle anime. (it could've been more better)
BTW well said ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ
Feb 8, 2024 5:15 PM
Jun 2022
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
look at his new account, i see nothing but a coward. who knows what his saying is shit and about 98 persent of it is shit , he knows it him self better than anyone else. and that's the reason he probably created a frish new account.

i never seen a new account that is 6 year old
Feb 8, 2024 7:16 PM
Dec 2022
Falcon07 said:
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
look at his new account, i see nothing but a coward. who knows what his saying is shit and about 98 persent of it is shit , he knows it him self better than anyone else. and that's the reason he probably created a frish new account.

i never seen a new account that is 6 year old

ooh by bad i didn't pay much attention. either way it' a side account that he created. newly in 2018 i guess. and i also never seen an account that 6 years old and had a total of 4 entries. i don't need to say more
Feb 8, 2024 7:28 PM
Jul 2021
first of all. it aint nun serious. if ur asking if season 2 is better, it definitely got more intresting and better animation too. opening definitely fire
Feb 8, 2024 9:02 PM
Oct 2018
I watched the second season and read the manga ahead until the end of the visionary test arc. All of you who think that this is a gag manga... it seems you missed the fact that comedy is, like 20-30% of the story and will be even less in that particular arc. In fact, there are entire chapters that have basically no jokes later in the story. Which indeed makes things better. In the first place, "a gag anime" usually follows a template where each chapter / episode are independent, like Saiki Kusuo, Gintama, Kaguya, any "gag series" you can name follows this plot structure, Mashle doesn't, it has a straightforward story. Also, as far as gags go, it's not that good as most jokes just repeat. And then again, if we take any very good comedic anime / manga the best of them have super well done dramatic arcs like Kaguya-sama and Gintama. Also, when I said that Mashle fell flat, I was talking in objective terms, as of now its ranking on MAL is #1471, meaning that according to the users themselves there's almost 1500 anime that are better than that, which I find kind of ridiculous considering that Mashle has what it takes to be great. If it didn't have the problems I described in the first message, its rating would be at least 8.2. And it's noticeable with the second season, as it got a better rating after improving in those exact aspects I described.
MyOwnGodFeb 8, 2024 9:13 PM
Feb 8, 2024 9:08 PM

Dec 2008
Reply to IdkWhatIShouldDo
idk wut ur yapping abt and im not reading all that shit but all im getting is u dont like it cuz its funny that's all i read till but tbh i enjoy the show because its funny some ppl dont like that idc, if u dont like the show stop watching, so fking simple
Why don't you learn to speak proper english-you sound like a fucking moron!
Life Is Short But Intense.
Feb 8, 2024 9:22 PM

Aug 2018
ktg said:
It has nothing to do with the world building. In the case of Undead Unluck you can also see some missing world building elements and yet that is a great show.
The problem here is that it is not funny at all. The joke should be moments that are exaggerated, but it fails to do that, because it uses moments that are normal in other shows. Like when Mash is kicking the air and flying. That's a normal technique in One Piece.

And the show is full of this 'trying to be funny, but fails to do that'. That's the main problem.

Are you referring to Sky/Moonwalk? That’s not even close to the same. Sky/Moonwalk is a technique that involves pushing off the air, it’s part of the power system. Mash flies by kicking so fast it’s acting like a propeller and lets him fly. Completely different things
Feb 8, 2024 9:44 PM
May 2016
TheColdMayor said:
ktg said:
It has nothing to do with the world building. In the case of Undead Unluck you can also see some missing world building elements and yet that is a great show.
The problem here is that it is not funny at all. The joke should be moments that are exaggerated, but it fails to do that, because it uses moments that are normal in other shows. Like when Mash is kicking the air and flying. That's a normal technique in One Piece.

And the show is full of this 'trying to be funny, but fails to do that'. That's the main problem.

Are you referring to Sky/Moonwalk? That’s not even close to the same. Sky/Moonwalk is a technique that involves pushing off the air, it’s part of the power system. Mash flies by kicking so fast it’s acting like a propeller and lets him fly. Completely different things

Yeah... completely...
Ok, at this point this is just pathetic...
They have similar techniques and you try to explain how different they are...

And even if I agree with you, there are tons of other similar things that happened or worked similar, so it's still easy to point to other things as well.
Feb 8, 2024 9:54 PM

Aug 2018
ktg said:
TheColdMayor said:

Are you referring to Sky/Moonwalk? That’s not even close to the same. Sky/Moonwalk is a technique that involves pushing off the air, it’s part of the power system. Mash flies by kicking so fast it’s acting like a propeller and lets him fly. Completely different things

Yeah... completely...
Ok, at this point this is just pathetic...
They have similar techniques and you try to explain how different they are...

And even if I agree with you, there are tons of other similar things that happened or worked similar, so it's still easy to point to other things as well.

How is it pathetic? You said it’s like One Piece, I just explained how it’s different. You just had no response so you called me pathetic. If Mash starts acting like a frog, are you gonna say “it’s not funny because Asui from MHA is like a frog!!1!!”? Or if someone punched Mash and he wasn’t affected are you gonna say “it’s just copying Iron Body!!1!!1”? Skywalk is an actual technique that people can learn that involves them jumping on air, while Mash is just so physically strong that he can do things like fly. The comedy isn’t that he’s flying, it’s that since he can’t fly with magic, he uses his pure strength to have himself fly anyway.

Just admit you made a bad point/comparison instead of resorting to insulting me
Feb 8, 2024 10:09 PM
Nov 2021
TheColdMayor said:
ktg said:

Yeah... completely...
Ok, at this point this is just pathetic...
They have similar techniques and you try to explain how different they are...

And even if I agree with you, there are tons of other similar things that happened or worked similar, so it's still easy to point to other things as well.

How is it pathetic? You said it’s like One Piece, I just explained how it’s different. You just had no response so you called me pathetic. If Mash starts acting like a frog, are you gonna say “it’s not funny because Asui from MHA is like a frog!!1!!”? Or if someone punched Mash and he wasn’t affected are you gonna say “it’s just copying Iron Body!!1!!1”? Skywalk is an actual technique that people can learn that involves them jumping on air, while Mash is just so physically strong that he can do things like fly. The comedy isn’t that he’s flying, it’s that since he can’t fly with magic, he uses his pure strength to have himself fly anyway.

Just admit you made a bad point/comparison instead of resorting to insulting me

That dude is a known clown who shits on every show that isn't Monogatari. Don't bother with that guy.
Feb 8, 2024 10:55 PM
May 2016
TheColdMayor said:
ktg said:

Yeah... completely...
Ok, at this point this is just pathetic...
They have similar techniques and you try to explain how different they are...

And even if I agree with you, there are tons of other similar things that happened or worked similar, so it's still easy to point to other things as well.

How is it pathetic? You said it’s like One Piece, I just explained how it’s different. You just had no response so you called me pathetic. If Mash starts acting like a frog, are you gonna say “it’s not funny because Asui from MHA is like a frog!!1!!”? Or if someone punched Mash and he wasn’t affected are you gonna say “it’s just copying Iron Body!!1!!1”? Skywalk is an actual technique that people can learn that involves them jumping on air, while Mash is just so physically strong that he can do things like fly. The comedy isn’t that he’s flying, it’s that since he can’t fly with magic, he uses his pure strength to have himself fly anyway.

Just admit you made a bad point/comparison instead of resorting to insulting me

Lol, again it's pathetic.
I said that throwing a punch with the left hand or the right hand is the same. And you started to argue that "no, it's not the same, it's not the same hand".
The 2 techniques are using the same concept in the same way. You are using your leg to create force that lets you fly. This is why it is the same.

Also, just because in One Piece it is an already established technique that does not make it different. In both cases they can fly because they are physically that strong.

So yes, arguing because your left hand is not your right hand, but still used punches is hilarious at least.
Feb 8, 2024 10:56 PM
May 2016
DrFlamingLeaf said:
TheColdMayor said:

How is it pathetic? You said it’s like One Piece, I just explained how it’s different. You just had no response so you called me pathetic. If Mash starts acting like a frog, are you gonna say “it’s not funny because Asui from MHA is like a frog!!1!!”? Or if someone punched Mash and he wasn’t affected are you gonna say “it’s just copying Iron Body!!1!!1”? Skywalk is an actual technique that people can learn that involves them jumping on air, while Mash is just so physically strong that he can do things like fly. The comedy isn’t that he’s flying, it’s that since he can’t fly with magic, he uses his pure strength to have himself fly anyway.

Just admit you made a bad point/comparison instead of resorting to insulting me

That dude is a known clown who shits on every show that isn't Monogatari. Don't bother with that guy.

Yes, that's why no one ever refuted my statements...
Feb 9, 2024 4:57 PM
Sep 2019
I don't agree with this really. I do feel that season 1 of Mashle did not live up to its potential (though I still like it), but I don't agree on the reasons why. I just think that the jokes were often not that funny and the fights were often not that cool. It's as simple as that to me. I like the characters and the world and the general vibe, I just wanted a little more from it. It was entertaining enough, but if it continued the way it was it wouldn't stick with me at all. Season 2 definitely has me more hopeful so far (despite being far more serious and plot-focused, the comedic moments have worked better for me too).
Feb 13, 2024 3:50 AM
Dec 2020
Yo, Season 2

Das all I gotta say
Feb 17, 2024 4:31 AM
Nov 2022
IdkWhatIShouldDo said:
idk wut ur yapping abt and im not reading all that shit but all im getting is u dont like it cuz its funny that's all i read till but tbh i enjoy the show because its funny some ppl dont like that idc, if u dont like the show stop watching, so fking simple

I thought the Same.
Feb 17, 2024 12:50 PM
Apr 2023
Mashle is not "One Punch Man + Harry Potter". That's a primitive view.
And the students never tried to kill each other. The students wounded each other, but because of the healing magic, it doesn't really matter.
The viewer doesn't have to be given all the information in a direct way.
Feb 17, 2024 1:17 PM

Apr 2012
I don't know, in my opinion the universe on the contrary is the weak part of Mashle, since the world in this show (I'm talking about the anime, since I haven't read the manga) is on the level of the old beat em ups of the 90s, where you are just given a general plot and you go beat the crap out of the characters. This is not Shangri La, where despite a similar local narrative, you still feel a huge world around the characters. It is as if the world does not exist outside the life of the MC and the events associated with him.
Feb 17, 2024 2:46 PM
Ice Queen

May 2014
I agree, and I think you summarized it really well.

I started reading but quickly dropped the manga, and I gave the anime a chance hoping the comedy would work better in a different format, but ended up dropping it too after just one ep.

When you wrote "it seems that the author just doesn't know what he wants his story to be", it reminded me of the pages in the manga between chapters where the author share these cute drawings and notes on his process, including how he tried for a long time to come up with something that worked for Mash and eventually, through trial and error, ended up with a version of the main character that he liked. Similarly, he explained how he felt he needed to add a female side character, which he had never drawn or written before. He described the struggle he went through to become a full-time mangaka and come up with a story good enough to be published on a regular basis. (I hope I am remembering all of this correctly!!)

All this to say, I was also left with the impression that they hadn't fully decided what they wanted the manga to be yet. It seems to me like the creator is an aspiring talent still figuring out what stories they want to tell. They might lack experience, and I think that shows in the case of Mashle, but obviously they are very talented. I'm hoping that Mashle is just the first of many stories we get to see from this creator and I'm hopeful we'll see them improving in the future! In other words, I hope Mashe is the somewhat lackluster start (in my opinion) that will be followed by greater things.
Celine3107Feb 17, 2024 2:50 PM

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