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Nov 30, 2023 10:58 AM
Mar 2023
The Eren and Mikasa Cabin scene in AOT finale happened in real time

I honestly don't know why this needs to be said, since it was pretty obvious even on a first watch. But for some reasons there are those who doubt it, so let's analyze the scene.

1. The last shot before the Cabin scene is the shadow of Falco's bird flying overhead...just before Mikasa says "I wanna go back to our home"

This same Shadow of Falco's bird is shown when Eren tells Mikasa to forget about him in the Cabin. You can clearly see Falco's shadow to show that it's happening in real time

2. Eren's last words in the Cabin to Mikasa is to forget about him. Back in the real world, she responds to him by saying:

"I'm sorry Eren. I can't"

3. Others like Armin got their Memories after Eren's death. Mikasa's paths scene is the only one shown to have occurred before Eren's death... meaning it happened in real time

4. After the Armin conversation in Paths, the scene shown is the boat with tell the viewer when the conversation with Eren occured.

After the paths scene with Mikasa, it reverts to real world of the Battle against Eren's doomsday show that the paths scene was happening at the present time.

5. Ackermans memories cannot be altered by the founder. This has been established before so Mikasa's Memories were definitely not altered

6. Eren tells Armin he would wipe his memories to make him forget. Same never happened with Mikasa.

Now it seems the only evidence from people who claimed Mikasa's is her statement that "you remember too, Armin. When Eren came to us"

The problem with relying on this statement is the issue of context. It could give different meanings.

1. Mikasa could be referring to Armin remembering just like Reiner and the others (this is the most probable)

2. Mikasa probably doesn't even know whether the memories of the Ackerman can be altered or not. This info was only revealed to Kenny. The scouts don't know much about the Ackerman clan...they know next to nothing, except that the Ackerman can't be turned into Titans

3. The statement could also be interpreted as Mikasa simply pointing out that Armin finally remembered.

The point is that that statement alone is vague and could imply a lot of meanings. For the others, it's pretty clear their Memories were altered, for Mikasa it is not.

But the fact is that there is OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE to show that the Cabin paths scene with MIKASA happened in real time...
Nov 30, 2023 11:14 AM

Mar 2021
wait, wait!! Lemme sip my beer!!
Nov 30, 2023 11:25 AM

Jun 2023
V1P3R0P said:
wait, wait!! Lemme sip my beer!!

bro's eyes be literally like this

"To the boy who once sought freedom, goodbye." 🕊️
Nov 30, 2023 12:36 PM
Jan 2021
Finally someone else mentioned Falco in cabin. That made no sense to me and still doesn't. It could be happening in real time but if u read the manga; the very 1st panel is the cabin scene. Which is pretty weird if we don't consider this a memory then how does Eren get those memories in chapter 1?
Nov 30, 2023 2:17 PM
Dec 2022
Itspreshh said:
The Eren and Mikasa Cabin scene in AOT finale happened in real time

I honestly don't know why this needs to be said, since it was pretty obvious even on a first watch. But for some reasons there are those who doubt it, so let's analyze the scene.

1. The last shot before the Cabin scene is the shadow of Falco's bird flying overhead...just before Mikasa says "I wanna go back to our home"

This same Shadow of Falco's bird is shown when Eren tells Mikasa to forget about him in the Cabin. You can clearly see Falco's shadow to show that it's happening in real time

2. Eren's last words in the Cabin to Mikasa is to forget about him. Back in the real world, she responds to him by saying:

"I'm sorry Eren. I can't"

3. Others like Armin got their Memories after Eren's death. Mikasa's paths scene is the only one shown to have occurred before Eren's death... meaning it happened in real time

4. After the Armin conversation in Paths, the scene shown is the boat with tell the viewer when the conversation with Eren occured.

After the paths scene with Mikasa, it reverts to real world of the Battle against Eren's doomsday show that the paths scene was happening at the present time.

5. Ackermans memories cannot be altered by the founder. This has been established before so Mikasa's Memories were definitely not altered

6. Eren tells Armin he would wipe his memories to make him forget. Same never happened with Mikasa.

Now it seems the only evidence from people who claimed Mikasa's is her statement that "you remember too, Armin. When Eren came to us"

The problem with relying on this statement is the issue of context. It could give different meanings.

1. Mikasa could be referring to Armin remembering just like Reiner and the others (this is the most probable)

2. Mikasa probably doesn't even know whether the memories of the Ackerman can be altered or not. This info was only revealed to Kenny. The scouts don't know much about the Ackerman clan...they know next to nothing, except that the Ackerman can't be turned into Titans

3. The statement could also be interpreted as Mikasa simply pointing out that Armin finally remembered.

The point is that that statement alone is vague and could imply a lot of meanings. For the others, it's pretty clear their Memories were altered, for Mikasa it is not.

But the fact is that there is OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE to show that the Cabin paths scene with MIKASA happened in real time...

99% Headcanon to deny a fairly obvious mistake and plot hole in the narrative.

Where to begin, im not gonna cover all these in detail since point and argument 1-4 is practically the same exact argument with different examples.
For one its never stated or shown to be in the real world, the “shadow of falco” is headcanon as well as it never actually shown what the shadow belongs to, for all we know we can simply apply
Occums razor to say it could just be a bird flying over them the size of which is irrelevantly made. Other examples u made such as her saying her response to eren that he told her to forget in a forgotten memory is irrelevant bc her saying it in real time literally can be dismissed with other examples of her making responses to eren in different times for example she responds to eren years after he was dead under the tree so her saying im sorry eren I cant in a scene right after she remembered her lost memory that eren altered doesn’t mean that the event happened in real time.
The time difference of when mikasa and armins memories they remembered being shown is irrelevant to whether or not mikasas was a real thing than a altered memory, it’s simply done for thematic purposes and obviously chosen to show erens two closest friends, mikasas is shown for emotional value while armins is more of elaboration on what the fuck was eren thinking this whole time… further more u do realize when its being shown isn’t equivalent to when it is being shown in the actual events of the story right? For all we know all memories the characters regained happened at the same time but armins was revealed later after erens death was shown but armin probably seen it all and was seeing it (when it was shown) during when mikasas memories were shown… again this became a equal interpretation between u and mine and things that arent testable can be dismissed meaning u cant use that as a genuine or sound argument. Secondly you do realize the alternative is a bigger headcanon of saying that eren just revealed mikasa her memories before he revealed it to armin or others because he quote on quote loves her and wanted her to kill him and showing this final memory was the way to do so? Again this my problem with people using headcanons to make their statements of the narrative. Things just didn’t actually happen but u make them up to make it more simple to grasp for urself even tho what actually did happen is isayama made yet another plot error and forgot about it. The point of saying armins memory were shown when it happened is irrelevant, simply because if u are only using his to compare to mikasas not showing when her memory was implanted is dumb, u would need to compare each and every other person whom memories were altered by eren and yet u cant bc the show also doesn’t show or imply it in any way and the only implication given is armins example meaning all memory alterations have to tie back to that same event. Ahhh yes now u are getting somewhere in point 5, what I mean is yes the ackerman were stated to be unaffected by the founding titans abilities such as memory manip and so u think that means mikasas memories were not manipulated even tho she confirms they were to armin purposely, well the problem is that it was altered and she does confirm it which is why everyone makes awareness of this plot hole in the story. And point 6 btw is the dumbest argument yet, “eren told X to armin and not to mikasa meaning they totally werent going through the same thing” yk what else eren did tell armin that he didnt tell mikasa and yet they both experienced it? The lies he was bsing to them both!

No the statement that mikasa gives about her memories being changed like armins isnt contextually issued. Also wtf? Bc it can have different meanings doesn’t mean it literally does have different meaning that what she directly says it to be? At this point u are conceding to using headcanon to argue this lol.

Here i will actually take time to break all points down.

1. Prove mikasa has knowledge of others including reiner having their memories altered (she literally didnt interact with them right after killing eren to know this and the only person she did was armin who was feeling the same way mikasa was and which is why asks armin “you too?” To confirm that he also got his memories changed just as she did)

2. Why does it matter if mikasa or anyone else knows whether or not that the ackermans clan cannot have their memories altered by the founding titan? What matters is we the audience and isayama himself, know that ackerman cant have their memories screwed with by eren and yet it literally did which is a paradox, a contradiction, a plot hole.

3. …? (No offense) if mikasa is SIMPLY pointing put that armin finally remembered, why would isayama add the part where she literally says “you too?” ?! Ohhhh maybe because she ALSO had her memories remembered just now?

No? There actually 0 evidence given here or anywhere in the canon to say that the memory which mikasa was recalling in her head happened in paths or real time… everything u said was purely headcanon. Interpretation ≠ evidence.
Nov 30, 2023 4:04 PM
Aug 2019
Bro is overthinking it ☠️

It’s just a imagination of what could have happened if Mikasa confessed. Dreams be dreams regardless of wild fan theories.

And if it really is anything more … why? It doesn’t contribute to the plot in any way and kind of just overcomplicates things.
Nov 30, 2023 4:04 PM
Oct 2019
In real time BUT in the paths, not in the real world, we know the paths transcends time and space
Dec 1, 2023 12:15 AM

Jun 2020
No need to overthink it is just a random memory. The author did NOT put this much thought into this because as you said Ackerman shouldn’t be affected by the founder in the first place (like how they didn’t turn into titans) the author just wanted to lazily add one last moment between Mikasa and Ellen lol
Dec 1, 2023 6:45 AM
Apr 2023
Jailed said:
No need to overthink it is just a random memory. The author did NOT put this much thought into this because as you said Ackerman shouldn’t be affected by the founder in the first place (like how they didn’t turn into titans) the author just wanted to lazily add one last moment between Mikasa and Ellen lol

Well ackermanns obviously are still connected to the founder. We see when eren fully claims the founder he is able to pull both levi and mikasa into the paths on two separate occasions, and we know he is able to alter the appearance of paths however he wants.

What founder can’t do is alter, steal memories, what OP is basically arguing is whether the scene makes sense logistically or is a plot hol
Dec 10, 2023 1:54 AM
Dec 2023
So much mental gymnastics just to avoid the truth
Mikasa stans are so insufferable lmao

This post is just like that one thread where an idiot claimed that mikasa didn't marry, adopted kids, was with armin and met eren in afterlife. And a fucker was agreeing with him saying there are white flowers and white flowers represent purity aka virginity
Dec 22, 2023 12:31 PM

Jul 2019
Author lost control over what he had created and kept writing things that he thought are cool.

Don't dwell too much over it pal. Unless, there is "AoT - The 2nd Barrage" and he fills all the plot holes and mental gymnastics there is no point overthinking it. The show evolved steadily with a young author and he started of with crazy ideasthat steadily evolved into sth. much greater. Consistency and much detail of the world building was gone very early on:

The biggest example (haha) is the colossal titan:
S1 Appears out thin Air -no damage
S2 Appears partially - hot steam, windy
S3 Massive Ordnance blast - more steam than in the cooling tower of nuclear plant
Final Season Part 1: tactical nuclear bomb

Dec 28, 2023 8:59 AM
Jan 2022
Reply to itzswxzy
Itspreshh said:
The Eren and Mikasa Cabin scene in AOT finale happened in real time

I honestly don't know why this needs to be said, since it was pretty obvious even on a first watch. But for some reasons there are those who doubt it, so let's analyze the scene.

1. The last shot before the Cabin scene is the shadow of Falco's bird flying overhead...just before Mikasa says "I wanna go back to our home"

This same Shadow of Falco's bird is shown when Eren tells Mikasa to forget about him in the Cabin. You can clearly see Falco's shadow to show that it's happening in real time

2. Eren's last words in the Cabin to Mikasa is to forget about him. Back in the real world, she responds to him by saying:

"I'm sorry Eren. I can't"

3. Others like Armin got their Memories after Eren's death. Mikasa's paths scene is the only one shown to have occurred before Eren's death... meaning it happened in real time

4. After the Armin conversation in Paths, the scene shown is the boat with tell the viewer when the conversation with Eren occured.

After the paths scene with Mikasa, it reverts to real world of the Battle against Eren's doomsday show that the paths scene was happening at the present time.

5. Ackermans memories cannot be altered by the founder. This has been established before so Mikasa's Memories were definitely not altered

6. Eren tells Armin he would wipe his memories to make him forget. Same never happened with Mikasa.

Now it seems the only evidence from people who claimed Mikasa's is her statement that "you remember too, Armin. When Eren came to us"

The problem with relying on this statement is the issue of context. It could give different meanings.

1. Mikasa could be referring to Armin remembering just like Reiner and the others (this is the most probable)

2. Mikasa probably doesn't even know whether the memories of the Ackerman can be altered or not. This info was only revealed to Kenny. The scouts don't know much about the Ackerman clan...they know next to nothing, except that the Ackerman can't be turned into Titans

3. The statement could also be interpreted as Mikasa simply pointing out that Armin finally remembered.

The point is that that statement alone is vague and could imply a lot of meanings. For the others, it's pretty clear their Memories were altered, for Mikasa it is not.

But the fact is that there is OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE to show that the Cabin paths scene with MIKASA happened in real time...

99% Headcanon to deny a fairly obvious mistake and plot hole in the narrative.

Where to begin, im not gonna cover all these in detail since point and argument 1-4 is practically the same exact argument with different examples.
For one its never stated or shown to be in the real world, the “shadow of falco” is headcanon as well as it never actually shown what the shadow belongs to, for all we know we can simply apply
Occums razor to say it could just be a bird flying over them the size of which is irrelevantly made. Other examples u made such as her saying her response to eren that he told her to forget in a forgotten memory is irrelevant bc her saying it in real time literally can be dismissed with other examples of her making responses to eren in different times for example she responds to eren years after he was dead under the tree so her saying im sorry eren I cant in a scene right after she remembered her lost memory that eren altered doesn’t mean that the event happened in real time.
The time difference of when mikasa and armins memories they remembered being shown is irrelevant to whether or not mikasas was a real thing than a altered memory, it’s simply done for thematic purposes and obviously chosen to show erens two closest friends, mikasas is shown for emotional value while armins is more of elaboration on what the fuck was eren thinking this whole time… further more u do realize when its being shown isn’t equivalent to when it is being shown in the actual events of the story right? For all we know all memories the characters regained happened at the same time but armins was revealed later after erens death was shown but armin probably seen it all and was seeing it (when it was shown) during when mikasas memories were shown… again this became a equal interpretation between u and mine and things that arent testable can be dismissed meaning u cant use that as a genuine or sound argument. Secondly you do realize the alternative is a bigger headcanon of saying that eren just revealed mikasa her memories before he revealed it to armin or others because he quote on quote loves her and wanted her to kill him and showing this final memory was the way to do so? Again this my problem with people using headcanons to make their statements of the narrative. Things just didn’t actually happen but u make them up to make it more simple to grasp for urself even tho what actually did happen is isayama made yet another plot error and forgot about it. The point of saying armins memory were shown when it happened is irrelevant, simply because if u are only using his to compare to mikasas not showing when her memory was implanted is dumb, u would need to compare each and every other person whom memories were altered by eren and yet u cant bc the show also doesn’t show or imply it in any way and the only implication given is armins example meaning all memory alterations have to tie back to that same event. Ahhh yes now u are getting somewhere in point 5, what I mean is yes the ackerman were stated to be unaffected by the founding titans abilities such as memory manip and so u think that means mikasas memories were not manipulated even tho she confirms they were to armin purposely, well the problem is that it was altered and she does confirm it which is why everyone makes awareness of this plot hole in the story. And point 6 btw is the dumbest argument yet, “eren told X to armin and not to mikasa meaning they totally werent going through the same thing” yk what else eren did tell armin that he didnt tell mikasa and yet they both experienced it? The lies he was bsing to them both!

No the statement that mikasa gives about her memories being changed like armins isnt contextually issued. Also wtf? Bc it can have different meanings doesn’t mean it literally does have different meaning that what she directly says it to be? At this point u are conceding to using headcanon to argue this lol.

Here i will actually take time to break all points down.

1. Prove mikasa has knowledge of others including reiner having their memories altered (she literally didnt interact with them right after killing eren to know this and the only person she did was armin who was feeling the same way mikasa was and which is why asks armin “you too?” To confirm that he also got his memories changed just as she did)

2. Why does it matter if mikasa or anyone else knows whether or not that the ackermans clan cannot have their memories altered by the founding titan? What matters is we the audience and isayama himself, know that ackerman cant have their memories screwed with by eren and yet it literally did which is a paradox, a contradiction, a plot hole.

3. …? (No offense) if mikasa is SIMPLY pointing put that armin finally remembered, why would isayama add the part where she literally says “you too?” ?! Ohhhh maybe because she ALSO had her memories remembered just now?

No? There actually 0 evidence given here or anywhere in the canon to say that the memory which mikasa was recalling in her head happened in paths or real time… everything u said was purely headcanon. Interpretation ≠ evidence.
@itzswxzy my personal theory here is...
Since he could manipulate everyone else's memory, he made sure to implant a message for them.

But in Mikasa's case since he can't alter her memory, he brings her into the path for one little brief final goodbye, specially for her... The one special person he loved the most.

Edit: I just realised a major flaw in my theory, eren after testing numerous times his theory that they can't change the future would never show Mikasa an alternative timeline, it's more plausible that it was actually all Mikasa thinking back on her answer 2 years ago and thinking that maybe things would've been different if she had given a different answer.
Aug1799Dec 28, 2023 10:36 AM
Dec 28, 2023 8:26 PM
Jul 2021
Itspreshh said:
The Eren and Mikasa Cabin scene in AOT finale happened in real time

I honestly don't know why this needs to be said, since it was pretty obvious even on a first watch. But for some reasons there are those who doubt it, so let's analyze the scene.

1. The last shot before the Cabin scene is the shadow of Falco's bird flying overhead...just before Mikasa says "I wanna go back to our home"

This same Shadow of Falco's bird is shown when Eren tells Mikasa to forget about him in the Cabin. You can clearly see Falco's shadow to show that it's happening in real time

2. Eren's last words in the Cabin to Mikasa is to forget about him. Back in the real world, she responds to him by saying:

"I'm sorry Eren. I can't"

3. Others like Armin got their Memories after Eren's death. Mikasa's paths scene is the only one shown to have occurred before Eren's death... meaning it happened in real time

4. After the Armin conversation in Paths, the scene shown is the boat with tell the viewer when the conversation with Eren occured.

After the paths scene with Mikasa, it reverts to real world of the Battle against Eren's doomsday show that the paths scene was happening at the present time.

5. Ackermans memories cannot be altered by the founder. This has been established before so Mikasa's Memories were definitely not altered

6. Eren tells Armin he would wipe his memories to make him forget. Same never happened with Mikasa.

Now it seems the only evidence from people who claimed Mikasa's is her statement that "you remember too, Armin. When Eren came to us"

The problem with relying on this statement is the issue of context. It could give different meanings.

1. Mikasa could be referring to Armin remembering just like Reiner and the others (this is the most probable)

2. Mikasa probably doesn't even know whether the memories of the Ackerman can be altered or not. This info was only revealed to Kenny. The scouts don't know much about the Ackerman clan...they know next to nothing, except that the Ackerman can't be turned into Titans

3. The statement could also be interpreted as Mikasa simply pointing out that Armin finally remembered.

The point is that that statement alone is vague and could imply a lot of meanings. For the others, it's pretty clear their Memories were altered, for Mikasa it is not.

But the fact is that there is OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE to show that the Cabin paths scene with MIKASA happened in real time...

I thought it was obvious lol but thanks a lot for explaining nonetheless.

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