Alexioos95 said:sayu-simp said:so far this show has been enjoyable with it's light hearted comedy and I love the OPs and EDs. however whenever there is an antogonist, all the suspense built up seems like it goes to waste. just a quick fight and everything is resolved.
although this doesn't ruin the show or make me dislike it, but I find that, for a show about a ex man slayer, the action is severely lacking in terms of animation and duration (Kenshin just sorta jumps around and smacks the guy in the face and leaves)
anyone else feel that way too?
chekkit said:I'm hanging in there for the sole purpose of sunk cost fallacy. I've already come this far on the praise of "This anime is amazing it just starts slow". Well the season is just about up and uhhh I just don't have much good to say about this anime. Maybe if it had come out 10 or so years ago... but it's so lackluster and just average.
Yes , that's a very common opinion of the "start" of the work.
Kenshin is so damn strong that he's literally unbeatable...
The important point is not the fights themselves , but the characters and their developments.
Things will get more interesting with the Kyoto Arc , which is starting with the next episode !
In it , Kenshin will finally have to fight seriously , and he sometimes won't win. He will also have to question himself (and his vow) , and the fights will be longer and tenser with each episode going by.
Actually , even the Author himself didn't expected anything from his work...
He literally started it only to train his drawings , and he was surprised by the popularity his Manga got (mostly with the Oniwaban-shu sub-Arc).
It's because of this popularity than he was pushed by his editor to develop a real story around his characters , and thus made the Kyoto Arc.
The only parts he planned around that point are not used until very much later , with the Jinchuu Arc.
So if you like the characters , i vividly recommend you to continue watching. Your expectations are about to be rightfully answered.
If you don't want to wait for the next Seasons of this Remake (which are not confirmed yet) , you could also watch the 1996 adaptation (starting from Episode 28).
But if you don't , then there really is no point to continue... You'd better search for another series.
sayu-simp said:apparently the manga fights were much better so I'm not too sure about that one.
They are "better" because the Author makes the blows feels very impactful , but they are also all a lot shorter than shown in this adaptation.
I don't think they truly are better , the Anime and the Manga are just 2 differents medias. I don't expect at all an Animation to have such effects for the frame too.