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Monogatari Series: First Season
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Sep 10, 2023 4:13 AM

Apr 2018
Don't get me wrong, i'm a big fan of the Monogatari series, and Kizumonogatari is one of my favourite film trilogies. But even though i'm excited to hear this news, i'm not too sure what to expect. Would i be totally crazy to expect something similar in quality with what Studio Khara did with the Rebuild of Evangelion movie reboots? Will there be any cut content added or additional story that wasn't covered in the three original films? What would most people get out of watching this reboot instead of just watching the original three films back-to-back instead? And, if they are willing to do that would they add additional scenes here and there to enhance the overall cinematography of the film? These are the type of questions that are flowing through my mind at the moment. I just watched the trailer a few moments ago and although its been such a long time since i last watched Kizumonogatari i can't even tell if the way they composed the scenes were exactly the same to original or not... the trailer did look really good though... perhaps if some who knows this could help clarify this in particular that would help me form a more opinion on this reboot.
Sep 10, 2023 4:29 AM
Oct 2020
If it’s not 3 and a half hours long then I don’t care about this.
Sep 10, 2023 4:54 AM

Oct 2017
No this is just a compilation film and not a reboot. Basically they will condense the three Kizumonogatari movies into one.
Sep 10, 2023 4:57 AM
Jul 2021
probably just rejuvenating the series. With the situation SHAFT is in, maybe that would be a good boost for them. I see it as a step towards a continuation regardless.

Instead of new scenes, I actually expect some of the original scenes to be removed to make the movie maybe a bit above 2 hours, but adding scenes and making it a 4 hour movie would be a really ambitious but cool idea. It's SHAFT so anything is possible tho.
Sep 10, 2023 4:59 AM

Jan 2009
Why Are Compilation Films Made?

Recap movies can serve as convenient reminders of a show's crucial plot points, especially prior to a sequel coming out. A theatrical event can act as a gathering point for fans of the show, and the events surrounding a theatrical release make for great marketing that drives sales of everything related to that show. Otaku will usually pony up to obsessively collect any new media release, even if there's only the barest hint of any new material included.

But more than anything, compilation films are just really, really cheap to make. Even if nobody goes to see them, the cost of producing them is a small fraction of the cost to make a single episode of anime. No new animation needs to be made (and if it does, it's usually only a couple of minutes' worth). Usually only a single voice actor is required to add new narration. No new music needs to be composed. Most of the sound design can be re-used. When an entirely new product from an existing franchise can be made for only the cost of hiring a few editors, making it becomes a question of "why not?"
Sep 10, 2023 5:02 AM

Mar 2020
Yeah this is just a waste of time. Instead of actually adapting new content they are coming up with this shit. Whats wrong with shaft these days?!
Sep 10, 2023 5:07 AM
Feb 2017
Looks like Shaft needs money lmao
Sep 10, 2023 5:08 AM
Jun 2021
it makes no sense for people like us who have already seen the movies, after all these years? if you really love the series you must be disappointed.
I’m dying to see more of Monogatari, and we are getting a recap in 2024??
I hope it has few small addition

If I want to see it again I’m going for the original movies, if you really love the show you can’t be so lazy to watch a recap
Sep 10, 2023 5:13 AM
Jun 2022
I don't get you all. This is an obvious cash grab project, like re-releasing Titanic when anniversaries or whatever. And that's a good thing, not a bad thing. We need cash to fund the sequels of Monogatari. Do you think they don't need to eat or what? If the recap is an absolute success, as it should, then the sequel is almost guaranteed.
Sep 10, 2023 5:19 AM
Wannabe Idol ✌ ♥

Jan 2018
Maybe it’s a way to gauge interest in new Monogatari projects? It’s a low risk, high reward situation.

Did you hear me?
I said I'm gonna do my best!!
Sep 10, 2023 5:24 AM
Mar 2023
Well.. Why not? Monogatari is a old series and this is perfect to let people that don't know about the series or just heard of them somewhere but didn't watched get into it. Well, just it they don't cut parts of the movie, if they do it will be pointless..
Also it's a low cost production that will have gains that might be used to future monogatari Animes
Sep 10, 2023 5:47 AM
Dec 2018
Well don't watch it. It'll give Aniplex an excuse that no one's interested in Monogatari Series, so no point adapting new content.

I love Madoka recap movies. Although it's same as the TV series with content removed, it's also different with more soundtrack and improved animation. Most viewers don't care about this stuff, but for fans it's a new experience, an emotion. I think that's what Shaft is trying to capitalize here.

People look down on stuff which has content removed, but from my perspective, it makes the story available to wider audience. A new viewer is likely to watch a 2.5 hours movie than 3 movies with 3 hours plus worth of screen time. It's also easier and cheaper to get screens for 1 movie than screens for 3 movies.

So can you prove your allegiance to Monogatari Series and Shaft, and show them Monogatari fans (who are a bunch of weirdos) are still alive? Then this movie is your chance.
Sep 10, 2023 6:20 AM

Nov 2008
I hope they will continue to adapt more Monogatari novels.
Sep 10, 2023 6:39 AM
Sep 2019
Looking from an optimistic perspective, maybe it's made to remind of what happened, so they can create a new sequel.
Sep 10, 2023 6:46 AM

Jul 2011
They really want to milk the fanbase huh? I was hoping this was new content... more Blue rays for fanboys to keep on a shelf.
Sep 10, 2023 6:48 AM
Aug 2018
Long time no see about monogatari series update and this make me really exited. But what i got just compilation. But i will watch it anyway. Just for nostalgia
Sep 10, 2023 7:08 AM
Dec 2021
You can watch that's amazing films in bioskop quality at once.
Sep 10, 2023 8:07 AM
Aug 2019
Cannot they just stick to adapt latest ln chapters? Shaft has been dodging Monogatari since 2018 and adapting unsuccesful series. RWBY and that Madoka spin off were really bland as a series and its animation depended in the same single animator, either I was watching a pwp. Where's Shinbou at?
Sep 10, 2023 8:36 AM

Dec 2010
Reply to nhc9
Yeah this is just a waste of time. Instead of actually adapting new content they are coming up with this shit. Whats wrong with shaft these days?!
@Chadow_2B Araragi was the greatest and most evil ghost story of them all. The End.
Sep 10, 2023 9:27 AM
Aug 2020
ricejelly said:
Maybe it’s a way to gauge interest in new Monogatari projects? It’s a low risk, high reward situation.

Well, there is a lot to lose too, I hope it does well, if it comes out in my country I will see it in the cinema, maybe I will even try to get the Blu-rays
Sep 10, 2023 4:39 PM

Dec 2009
I'd be kinda surprised if there's any new scenes that was originally excluded from the novel,
but regardless, as a fan and one who's read the novel, while being disappointed by the adaptation of Kizu, it won't make this movie much better.

It's clearly a cheap money grab and strategic attempt to test The Monotagari Series again I guess, since it's been so long,
but I still think that's stupid. An underwhelming adaptation which was still good but didn't have the same feel of the novel, now condensed into one movie, wtf.

They should have continued to the next novels already, wtf.
We've waited long enough.

It's an odd decision. It's hard to imagine people being eager to watch a condensed edit of a trilogy.
Just rewatch the whole trilogy. Why spend on a condensed movie of three, with probably barely any real new scenes, that any fan can edit.
It's a fucking rip off.
Sep 10, 2023 5:59 PM

Jan 2019
surely its a recap so that we are ready for new content

Sep 10, 2023 8:24 PM

Jan 2020
I don't know why this forum is acting like Shaft is the one calling the shots, this is entirely Aniplex's decision considering they're on the top of the committee.
Sep 11, 2023 11:09 AM

Jul 2016
Tbh this isn't necessary at all but if it means bringing in money so that the new Madoka movie looks good then fine.

But I wish they would've adapted some of the new novels instead.
Sep 11, 2023 10:41 PM
Apr 2012
Que ganas de robar por dios

they need money right?
Sep 12, 2023 12:43 PM
Dec 2017
reboot is a strong word. it's either a reboot or a compilation, not completely sure.

as for it's purpose, if you are an optimist, it's a way to raise hype for future seasons. if you are less optimist it's an expiriment to gauge interest for future seasons. if you are a passimist it's a way to con die-hard fans into thinking if they will spend all their money they would get more content that shaft won't (or mybe even can't) make
Sep 15, 2023 11:59 AM

Oct 2019
Reply to nhc9
Yeah this is just a waste of time. Instead of actually adapting new content they are coming up with this shit. Whats wrong with shaft these days?!

It's not really an instead. making a whole series would take a lot more EVERYTHING (time, man power, money).

it's like saying I can't believe you wasted 10 buck on a burger instead of buying a PlayStation 5. it just doesn't make sense.
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Sep 26, 2023 4:18 PM
Aug 2021
Reply to Datadaisa
I don't get you all. This is an obvious cash grab project, like re-releasing Titanic when anniversaries or whatever. And that's a good thing, not a bad thing. We need cash to fund the sequels of Monogatari. Do you think they don't need to eat or what? If the recap is an absolute success, as it should, then the sequel is almost guaranteed.
@Datadaisa I agree. I'm really sure they're currently low on budget, so it's pretty necessary to make some money with this (I mean, isn't that really like making some recap movies of Madoka Magica like they did few years ago?)
Oct 15, 2023 10:45 AM

Jan 2013
they will have new inner monologue from koyomin to add an extra layer of meta to an already convoluted trilogy.
Nov 8, 2023 10:13 PM
Aug 2018
Reply to MegamiRem
No this is just a compilation film and not a reboot. Basically they will condense the three Kizumonogatari movies into one.
@MegamiRem what's the point and that, if you goanna cut so much shit out why waste money and resources on this project lol, just do a new season already.
Nov 17, 2023 1:27 AM
Jan 2021
It's for those who forgot about the plot and need a recap for new season
Dec 9, 2023 5:06 PM
Sep 2021
Reply to MegamiRem
No this is just a compilation film and not a reboot. Basically they will condense the three Kizumonogatari movies into one.
@MegamiRem add original scene in recap movie 1-3?
Dec 29, 2023 8:06 AM
Feb 2022
Reminds me of the film Spaceballs 2: The Quest for More Money.

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