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I still don't get what the heck is up with pito's character. This spin-off could've definitely benefited from solely being just straight up battle royale without introducing all this suicidal-sadistic-maniac shit halfway through. Whenn Llenn is running around shooting up dudes with her pink P90, it's awesome asf. But whenever the dialogue turns to focus on anything related to freaking DYING IRL, it's super cringe.
It's still better than anything SAO had to offer through. 3/10
Now it does make sense how M knew about Karen's location, but that still doesn't make this ending better, lol. I still don't see how Elsa and Pito are the same. But everything comes to an end.
I hate that T-S team. They are all bad. Their whole purpose was just this. But a win is still a win I guess
I liked the first half, it was funny. After that, it became somewhat boring and everything stopped making sense.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!
Alright, not bad. That explains all the weird plot development last ep. I'm just gonna assume that the reason why Pito didn't finish off Miyu & let her guard down is her being sadistic & overconfident as usual.
Team T-S is my kind of team! Badass looking robots.
10:49 I'll propose to her if given the chance! Miyu is my type!
I knew it. They are M & S!
I'm downloading all of Elza's songs. They are all catchy!
I want to be devoured by a cute girl like Elza as well!
They still managed to end it interestingly in my book. 8/10
The first 5 episodes of her just screwing around in a game going crazy and taking everyone out were 9/10 but then episode 6 rolls around and does a 180 degree shift with its murder-suicide pact crap that it completely turned me off this show. It was funny just watching her run around having fun playing a game, why's it gotta get so dark all of a sudden? Couldn't they just have it continue with her having had fun off her first win and just wanting to play more? I could've done without all that suicide BS but kept watching in the faint hope M misunderstood the situation and Pito wasn't going to kill herself, but apparently it was true. And the "reveal" of who she really was was far too obvious, but I didn't expect her to be a 12 year old or whatever. Not sure how her and M's "relationship" works out in this circumstance, or how she's suddenly not suicidal anymore.
Awful second half couldn't make up for the really good first arc, so overall this was pretty terrible. That dark cloud of edginess hanging over the show just made it not fun anymore. It's not often I see a show completely throw all the goodwill its built up right into the trash so fast, but here we are.
To kill someone using guns? grenades? knives? no just bite them to death lol. LLenn surely has proven why she's on of the top gun galers. Overall decent show.
I had quite the blast watching this, on par or even better than the main series. What can I say, a loli with a gun is just a match made in heaven, the juxtaposition is real lol, especially when she goes through all the emotions XD The show looked great as well, nice production standards.
Some weird plot development though, not the biggest fan of the yandere like behavior of Pitou. It was obvious who she was going to be, though her relationships with M and others seem a little dubious now that we see her in this final episode. It was treated so seriously, but still feels like a gag in the end. A declined second half of the show for sure, but still looking forward to S2. 7/10 overall.
Well, it was fun. Awesome series , I've rated it 9.5/10 . Hey don't look at me like that , it's my personal ratings , I just liked it based on my personal preferences
So yeah uh. something something
No shenanigans this time, op out of the way aaand its len vs pito. or is it? hmm.
i dunno
but yeah talking time with pito. somewhat
no idea if like how crazy or otherwise she is
tis kinda sad though we first see pito in ep 2 and here we are in ep 12 and like. welp
anyway yeah len at close range is just op
where is the other team anyway? are they just staking it out?
m and fuka are still somewhere i guess but welp
so yeah uhm. pito picked up p but it ended up misfiring. shrug. what can be said. i mean uhh.
we dont see it often since its basically like a plot device i guess
someone did mention that ggo is basically an rpg that has guns, rather than an fps. and well its mostly realistic
but pito isnt going down so easily
pito is a bit too strong for len though, how is len gonna get out of this
anyway m is gone now but uhh. fuka is still here but still
surprise german song
ok yeah conveniently fuka has a knife in her hair so she managed to escape
anyway this is some ridiculous shenanigans, i know its a vr game but
and they are in like super close range
so fuka uh. and len frigging bites pito's neck
like how and why im not even sure. uhh
i mean you know, for a gun game it really devolved into basically a brawl by the end
technically lens limbs will regenerate after awhile but uhh idk
yeah they just got taken out by the last team because they were too busy facing each other
see you guys in s2 i guess
the girls im assuming will show up too. while the other two we saw not sure but possibly
who knows
that being said. i mean i feel a bit bad since i think they all introduced themselves back in ep 6 or so but its just impossible
when did len say her birthday again?
now that we see uh fuka again, her game voice and her online voice are maybe lsightly different but basically the same
even though she's also like len sized in game lol. while len is like might as well be different person
still wondering where and whe ndaheck they had gun experience in real life. you know. they have a lot of explaining to do
i mean uhhh how does this work again. i cant remember if len is first or second year but she's like 18 or 19 i guess
its also you know, they conveniently skipped over the whole len and karen thing back in ep 6 but shrug
i wonder though. vr driving games
like sao was like about 3 years ago or something, so m is like maybe 23 or 25 already. who knows
sekret live? ok
so yeah uh
they namedropped elsa a lot near the start but at the middle and end well they were busy you know
i mean the song is fine i guess but uhh
also how does a sekret live work
a part of me also wonder how voice changers and voice works in vee arr. but oh well
also. so is elsa also voiced by hikasa yoko? i know she's really good so its a possibility but hmm
i mean she's really cute but idk
how old is elsa supposed to be again
i mean like
maybe its just because she's short, but its more that karen is huge
Anyway its ed time buut there's a post ed scene
What can i say
It is kinda cute though but hmm
Anyway so yeah thats it
I kinda wish we had a bit more talking in the end but alas
Since it is ggo after all you cant really expect them to have that much real life time. though ep 6 was almost entirely in real life i think. hmm. alas.
So for the whole season
Ep 1/23/45
The first ep was essentially entirely talking with a bit of action
Then ep 23 introduced us to pito but then she didnt show up again until like really late
Ep 45 was len and m going through, we had the whole dumb cliffhang at the end of ep 4. and then len won somehow with some help from m
Ep 6 was real life talking with the girls and m
Ep 7 basically introducing us to fuka after halfway into the season
Then ep 8-12 gaming. some ups and downs
Honestly a very curious anime. not much i can say
Len (and fuka) was cute
Len was cute but she cant carry the anime by herself
Pito didnt show up for most of the anime
Fuka was a bit different from what i was expecting and she didnt have as much screentime as i would have liked. still she really enhanced the eps she was in arguably. its important to have characters that are greater than the individuals
Also len never explained the meaning behind her name len
And the whole elsa thing. i mean they tried one last fakeout near the end but that aside. i dunno
Thats its more or less
There's not much i can say except that i hope s2 fixes most of these problems. i'll be sad if fuka doesnt show up
I have no idea but i presume it'll be like another two rounds, with some kind of new rule change implemented to spice things up/fix things up. len didnt get to faceoff against the girls soo i dunno. both times she played with only 2 persons out of 6 too.
At least pito seems to be fixed now but uh hmm
They also never really explained the whole guns thing but oh well, ran out of time maybe
See you guys in s2 i guess
(There's the weird recap episode that I seem to have missed but uh
That was a crazy ending. LLENN killing Pito by biting her in the throat after her hands were cut was metal af. Why the heck was Pito randomly singing a German song before that tho? Did she want to tell us something?
So, Goushi is like a manservant to Pito... The "M" stands for masochist. What an insane revelation. But that makes him perfect for the psycho bitch that's Pito I guess...
Pitohui was actually Elsa Kanzaki. In other words, water is wet. It would've been disappointing if Karen didn't realize it immediately. Heck, she should've suspected it from the start when she couldn't join SJ1 for a suspicious reason.
So, are Pito and M in an open relationship or something? Or is Goushi so mad that he doesn't care if she cheats on him? I didn't remember that kiss at all.
Welp, my rewatch is complete. The thing I didn't like on my rewatch is that LLENN and Pito's relationship before SJ2 is pretty non-existent. Most of it is in flashbacks. So it's hard to get invested in LLENN trying to save Pito. Most of the characters also act pretty unrealistically. The only good character is Fukajirou/Miyu who should've had way more screen time. Pito also could've been more interesting if she spent more time with LLENN.
Anyway, time to watch Season 2. I never thought it'd get one, especially after over 6 years. I guess the company didn't have anything for 2024 like Season 4 of the main anime or a new Progressive movie so they settled for this. The story seemed complete so I wonder what the heck S2 is about.