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Bungo Stray Dogs
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Sep 20, 2023 6:14 PM

Jun 2016
I am not convinced that Fyodor is truly dead lmao. Mf always finds a way out for some reason. But I did not expect things to end here. Did the anime went a little ahead of the manga?
Gift by Mimurona

Sep 20, 2023 6:18 PM
Jun 2021
This conflict is finally over. It had a lot of great moments and also some great backstories like Rampo, Fukuzawa, Yosano but i still felt there were some flaws and several times a problem was somehow resolved when it seemed like a really big flaw previously. Nonetheless i enjoyed it and we also got a preview for a new arc, Akutagawa's outfit looked so cool, we would have to wait few years for the manga to produce more chapters but till then i guess studio Bones can maybe adapt light novels or make a new movie.
Sep 20, 2023 6:27 PM
Aug 2017
So basically Ouchi pulled the Eren card?
Sep 20, 2023 6:40 PM

Jul 2019
Overall, this was an awesome season, it had everything I enjoy about Bungo in it. My only real complaint is in this second half of this arc, it felt like a lot of our regular characters didn't have much to do, a lot of them felt really sidelined. First thing I thought of when this episode ended, was Where was Kyouka during this whole thing? I remember her last season, but I can't think of a single scene she was in this season. Why was she not utilized at all? Sad, because she was one of my favorite characters. That's the biggest problem with this series, is character bloat. Got to see a lot more from characters like Kenji and Tachihara, which I loved the development for both of them, but it always comes at the cost of other characters getting little to no screen time, even though they really should be actively involved in the conflict at hand, Like Keyouka.
Sep 20, 2023 7:40 PM
Jun 2023
I didn't think it would tie up this nicely but it really did. I can't wait for the next season bro. (Also, I KNEW DAZAI WAS ALIVE YAYYYYYY!)
Sep 20, 2023 8:47 PM
Mar 2015
Actually a plot to force world peace under the one order
The gril saved the vampire by trying to sacrifice herself
The gril hound killed the leader when the head of the detectives could not
We are supposed to believe that Dazai killed Fydor now on to the next adventure
Sep 20, 2023 8:48 PM
Apr 2023
This thing is FUCKING AMAZING!!! Now we just gotta wait for the 6th season, which will probably take some years....
Sep 20, 2023 9:15 PM
Oct 2022
andyw502 said:
who is the villain in the end?

villian isn't a single person in here ...
it shows that the people who find solution of everything in war are the villians here cause it lead to the loss of countless lives just for the selfish ego and act of some people ....
Sep 20, 2023 9:16 PM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
Honestly peak ending, actually amazed they managed to fix up all the plot threads in one episode.
Sep 20, 2023 9:29 PM
Nov 2020
You’re telling me that Fyodor…. FYODOR. The man who was able to outsmart literally everyone but Dazai… was unable to figure out that Chuuya was not even a vampire at all-
Sep 20, 2023 9:30 PM

Jul 2008
I imagine someone has posted this, but to make it easier to look for:


Translate to "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" They are taken from the Bible in Aramaic and are part of the 7 Last Words of Jesus Christ while being crucified. In this case, they are the 5th Word: Abandonment.
Sep 20, 2023 9:54 PM
Mar 2023
I'm so hyped foe Season 6!

Dazai really did an uno reverse on Fyodor

BTW, does anyone know his ability???
Sep 20, 2023 9:57 PM

Feb 2023
I'm surprised so many people loved the ending and thought this was a good way to wrap the arc up... it was so extremely rushed in a series that usually has well-paced finales. I imagine the manga will have *basically* the same events but with better explanations, as that tends to be how it goes when comparing the manga and anime here. There are way too many unanswered questions for this to be a satisfying way to close things out.

And the "2 hours later" thing was very unnecessary. I have a feeling that the anime and manga are going to split here and the anime's real end will be a movie while the manga does its own thing and continues on. The mysterious figure Atsushi and Akutagawa are fighting looks like Fukuchi and if this episode was canon to what will happen in the manga, then I'd rather Fukuchi be laid to rest after all the angst that was put on Fukuzawa.

The vibe of this whole episode felt "off" to me and I'm getting deja vu from Owari no Seraph's final episode, where the anime also got ahead of the manga at the end of the season and the manga ended up being very different.

Well, all I can do now is wait for the next BSD chapters and hope they are the superior version... because this episode was probably the worst in the series ngl.

Sep 20, 2023 10:18 PM
Feb 2020
Man... what a way to end this season + arc... never did I thought that Fukuchi's master plan all day long was to save the world, never did I expect he would pull a Lelouch/Eren card all of a sudden in this late game. That ending song hits harder in that end scene and the meaning of the song makes more lots of sense merging with that scene. NGL I was a bit teared up in that end scene. As an Anime watcher and Manga reader of this series, I love how the author ended this arc with a big surprise after these thrilling endless depression arc. Man gonna miss BSD anime, see you in probably 10 years for Season 6 or hopefully we get a sequel movie real quic next year not following the manga for another surprise we might witness...
Sep 20, 2023 10:20 PM
Sep 2023
Mixed feelings felt like the payoff was a bit lacking this great arc that took 3 years manga and 2 seasons ended this way 🤔
Sep 20, 2023 10:31 PM
Sep 2023
I like how dazai made fun of the power of friendship n shit and they actually did a trick instead like that was a really good move...
Don't like it if this is how fyodor dies tho mayb sigma will enlighten us someday...

It'll take forever for a season 6 however I hope they animate beast in the meantime I find it super worth the air time
Sep 20, 2023 10:53 PM

Jul 2008
This was a non-ending. And it was definitely a let down and major retcon of the entire character development for some characters and major parts for others. The whole 2 hour jump was basically a means of saying "and Fukuchi's plan went to hell." The key for this happens in Poe's book during his conversation with Fukuzawa... "IN TWO HOURS..." and then he goes on to say the Amendment that will create an "army of mankind" will go through and the leader decided. That's why we get a two hour jump. We can know for certain from this thar Fukuchi's plan doesn't work (yet we get a finale that really wants to lead viewers into believing that this conflict is over and done when basically this entire episode was a way of making it FEEL resolved but actually giving no resolution at all).

Not to mention, so long as you are on a present tense timeline and don't go far enough beyond Fukuchi's certain death, you can retcon his death or the death of any characters that we don't have a definitive timing of in relation to Fukuchi's death back to life through his ability to "cut back into the past" for 12 seconds. And that's pretty much the exact narrative framework they used.

The most ridiculous thing that happens in this episode is that everyone accepts that Fukuchi wins and that this is his plan when there is one major problem: that two hour window of vulnerability in which anything can still happen by Fukuchi or anyone using him "erasing" the brief pseudo-death scene we see. And even if it's not erased, again, we know for certain that it all goes to hell after the vote is passed. Also with Fyodor's ability still unknown, you can play that as a wildcard. (I think we all know he isn't dead.)

So ultimately, nothing was concluded in this episode. It's just the episode screaming very loudly to viewers that "here is a conclusion and resolution for this arc!" where there actually isn't one when in actuality they just stopped the storyline part way through this arc. That's also why there can be another season in the works with where the source material is at: this isn't the end of this arc, it just wants you to think it is.
Sep 20, 2023 10:55 PM
Dec 2020
Mcsuper said:
So I was expecting that if Fukuchi was defeated, it would be a massive deus ex machina, and I'm happy to say, this conclusion was absolutely fine in my opinion, though a bit rushed. Did Fyodor really die though? If there's one thing I've learned, is that without seeing a dead body, I don't believe anything until further confirmation. Emotions ran high, and they even tried to redeem Fukuchi, and it kind of worked. In the end, I was just surprised this conflict actually ended, though there's more to come. See you in many years for the next season.


tbf in the current state of the story,not writing a massive deus ex machina is really hard

Fukuzawa faked death is one of the more believable ones to write
Sep 20, 2023 11:16 PM

Jul 2008
Reply to Softhenic03
Aya’s desperate attempts of no use could’ve just led to one conclusion… her pulling something along the lines of a suicide. Yep, she literally jumped off the building, only to increase the overall weight to pull out the holy sword… and she succeeded as well. And let’s just say, she ain’t the only one who did…

… Fukuzawa who was literally dead this whole while, WOKE UP ALL OF A SUDDEN, AND HECK FUCKING COUNTERED FUKUCHI… only to succeed, I mean kind of convenient how the op sword was stuck within Fukuzawa that whole while and Fukuchi couldnt make use of it, and then proceeding to stop the invasion as well. YES, THE INVASION HAS STOPPED, though this ain’t the only groundbreaking one-eighty we did this episode… as the one and only, GOAT Dazai somehow made his return as well lmaooooooooooo.

DAZAI is alive, Dazai is kicking, Dazai outsmarted Fyodor….. AND DEATH FAKEOUTS HAVE OFFICIALLY BECOME A THEME OF BUNGO STRAY DOGS. I like this series, I really do, but again the same explanations of how our main guys got the best of villains through those good ol’ ways of them NOT noticing something very crucial got me dying lol.

Fyodor is DEAD, Fukuchi is DEAD, and this for every reason feels like an ending they sorted for this adaptation and adaptation alone. I mean they’re main villains lol, you couldn’t have both of them dead just like that. So, they concluded as happily as they could have, even somehow redeeming Fukuchi lol.

Not sure if we'd have the same happenings in the next chapter of the manga as well, but for now, one went away, and we have a new bunch playing the villains. A new instalment?

Well, they just punked out most viewers into thinking this story arc reached a resolution when it didn't. I wouldn't count Fukuchi OR Fyodor out yet. The major problem occurs (and the reason for the specific time jump ending points out one major flaw in Fukuchi's plan: there is still a 2 hour window of vulnerability for his entire to plan to eat shit since the resolution won't be passed until then. With Fyodor's ability unknown and no absolute confirmation of Fukuchi's death and the amount of time that has passed since it, they can retcon anything that has happened within 12 seconds of that death. We have no way of truly knowing the relationship between Dazai and the rest of the cast's time lines either due to the isolated nature. Everything Dazai says in his explanation past a certain point is what he THINKS happened and is happening outside, not what actually did happen. And since we only see these events as an illustrated explanation of Dazai's own postulation; not as the events themselves, you have a situation in which just about everything they lead the viewer into believing about the ending is extremely unreliable. They've given themselves so many ways to back out of these final episodes that it's actually ridiculous. This episode didn't end the current story arc in any way, shape, or form. They can backtrack on it through two different abilities and the overall narrative framework used in the episode. The next season (possibly a movie?) will most likely pick up in the same story arc with some explanation of how they fooled viewers, a bit of backtracking if necessary, the events of the next 2 hours, and then what we see in the time skip and moving forward from there. I have a strong feeling that they won't be using complete chronological order in the next season as well.
Sep 20, 2023 11:37 PM
Sep 2023
Hey didnt you forget something? This ending is Anime Only,right? Or it is author original idea for the manga?

Thats why i think there are many strange things happened. First, Why Fyodor died? I feel his death is handled poorly. What about sigma? His role in this episode become meh. I dont know why they build his charachter and end it quickly. Chuya is not zombie? And Fyodor with his knowledge dont know about it? Fukuchi reason for start the war and his real intention are just like that? He Become Lelouch. The pacing for the anime also seemed weird. Thats why after i watched the teaser after ending, i realized something is wrong. Then i found out the manga arc is still on going.

Well i loved this episode and good plot twist, except there is something amiss with how this anime end. And about the teaser. Well its just my guess but it is jus teaser for the new MOVIE --after watched the new enemy and espicially Akutaga New Design.
Sep 21, 2023 12:01 AM

Apr 2018
Dazai totally outsmarted Fyodor with Chuuya who never was a vampire ahaha. I also liked Aya's courage and bravery that was impressive, not to mention Fukuchi's death to end the conflict while Atushi is with Akutagawa but we need S6 to see what's next now.
Sep 21, 2023 12:43 AM
Nov 2019
ending yg tragis :(
menunggu season berikutnya
My Candies :
Sep 21, 2023 12:43 AM
Apr 2020
This episode was insane!!!!! Thank you bungo <3
Sep 21, 2023 12:54 AM

Mar 2021
I felt bad for Fyodor :/ he was my favorite bsd villain....
This is Nanba Prison. No one has ever escaped successfully from this prison. -Nanbaka

Sep 21, 2023 1:03 AM

Jul 2014
magnificent final ep for this season!! i balled my fckn eyes out at the end!!

also wtf happened in 2hrs that the world seemingly went to shit? how did that guy get the sword? either way i'm stoked for another season!!!!! i love this anime!!
Sep 21, 2023 4:08 AM
Sep 2023
Reply to CanonRain
who is the villain in the end?
@andyw502 maybe fukuchi if we look at the scar
Sep 21, 2023 4:24 AM
Feb 2020
Reply to Softhenic03
Aya’s desperate attempts of no use could’ve just led to one conclusion… her pulling something along the lines of a suicide. Yep, she literally jumped off the building, only to increase the overall weight to pull out the holy sword… and she succeeded as well. And let’s just say, she ain’t the only one who did…

… Fukuzawa who was literally dead this whole while, WOKE UP ALL OF A SUDDEN, AND HECK FUCKING COUNTERED FUKUCHI… only to succeed, I mean kind of convenient how the op sword was stuck within Fukuzawa that whole while and Fukuchi couldnt make use of it, and then proceeding to stop the invasion as well. YES, THE INVASION HAS STOPPED, though this ain’t the only groundbreaking one-eighty we did this episode… as the one and only, GOAT Dazai somehow made his return as well lmaooooooooooo.

DAZAI is alive, Dazai is kicking, Dazai outsmarted Fyodor….. AND DEATH FAKEOUTS HAVE OFFICIALLY BECOME A THEME OF BUNGO STRAY DOGS. I like this series, I really do, but again the same explanations of how our main guys got the best of villains through those good ol’ ways of them NOT noticing something very crucial got me dying lol.

Fyodor is DEAD, Fukuchi is DEAD, and this for every reason feels like an ending they sorted for this adaptation and adaptation alone. I mean they’re main villains lol, you couldn’t have both of them dead just like that. So, they concluded as happily as they could have, even somehow redeeming Fukuchi lol.

Not sure if we'd have the same happenings in the next chapter of the manga as well, but for now, one went away, and we have a new bunch playing the villains. A new instalment?
@Softhenic03 i have a feeling that Fyodor is not dead. We didn't even find out about his ability or his origins. I don't think Asagiri would give such a fate to any of his characters even if it's an antagonist.
Also, why would he refuse to take the antidote immediately after coming out of the prison. He was so adamant on taking it when he is inside the helicopter. There's definitely something fishy there. I kinda think the author wishes to redeem Fyodor at some point in the story too.
Yoonzino_03Sep 21, 2023 4:28 AM
Sep 21, 2023 4:55 AM

Jan 2017
Probably the best anime this season. Good ending as well (even though there's a little bit of a cliffhanger but endurable). Perfect timing, lovable characters (especially Dazai and Chuuya), wonderful song (it made me teary). The next season might take a long time but for sure I'll look forward to it! 🔥😍🥰
Sep 21, 2023 5:19 AM

Jun 2016
for me this show is so amazingly good and deserved 9.5/10 scores !!!

Sep 21, 2023 6:50 AM
Apr 2021
first of all
10/10 amazingly written story
i read some comments pointing plotholes wich arent rly plotholes at all and have deep emotional and logical reason behind them that only look like plotholes when taken out of context, im not gonna refute evry single one of them cause i jave a life sry.
3rd im rly skeptical about that ending, im sure they will put out another good season but i think they are dragging the show way too much, there was a building up for this season and it peaked here, the ending showed a bunch of futuristic sci fi action wich doesn't rly look like Bsd anymore and that worries me
Sep 21, 2023 6:51 AM
Apr 2021
Piromysl said:
Oh, boi. If I had a penny for every "I will usher an utopia, but the cost will be violent revolution and some people will die", which eventually ended up with tyranicall regime, genocide and suppression of human rights, then I would be rich.

Dunno what Japan sees with this trope of humanizing villains with desire of violent revolution that has no logical chance of working out and never did in history. They tried exact same shit with Senator Armstrong and now with Genichiro.

dont forget lelouch
Sep 21, 2023 6:56 AM
Apr 2021
Vlad4o said:

Fyodor said "My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?"

The same thing Jesus had said when he was nailed to the cross.

foreshadowing he will be back in 3 days 😱😱😱

jks jks but he can come back actually, i think its very weird we havent yet seen him actually using his ability, plus it works trought touch, maybe he left himself like a back up on sigma or smthing XD
Sep 21, 2023 8:22 AM
Apr 2017
See you next time, Adios
Sep 21, 2023 9:31 AM

Sep 2017
Reply to Alex_the_reaper
Piromysl said:
Oh, boi. If I had a penny for every "I will usher an utopia, but the cost will be violent revolution and some people will die", which eventually ended up with tyranicall regime, genocide and suppression of human rights, then I would be rich.

Dunno what Japan sees with this trope of humanizing villains with desire of violent revolution that has no logical chance of working out and never did in history. They tried exact same shit with Senator Armstrong and now with Genichiro.

dont forget lelouch
@Alex_the_reaper I am atleast glad that fukuzawa points out the fallacy of fukuchi

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Sep 21, 2023 11:50 AM
Jul 2022
what the hell is happening?
They literally ended a world ending threat just now
And now who the hell is this guy,he looks like Kevin 11 mutation form from ben 10
Sep 21, 2023 12:19 PM
Dec 2021
nice anime, enjoyed it a lot.
Sep 21, 2023 12:39 PM
Community Mod

Nov 2022
Thread has been merged

FluffygreygrassSep 21, 2023 12:45 PM

There's a crying green apple
I'm holding in my heart

Sep 21, 2023 1:05 PM

Oct 2019
Dude... This was an insane way to end the season, what the hell. I liked it though, and getting to experience something totally unexpected with anime-onlies and manga readers alike was really fun.

The last Fyodor scene was so fucking good but I don't believe for a second that he's actually dead. Seemed like Nikolai was up to something with him. Also soukoku reunion rocked and I love the fact that Chuuya had to consciously listen to Dazai's corny speeches and not get pissed off lol
Sep 21, 2023 5:42 PM

Nov 2016
If Fyodor is dead I will drop this show. No chance.

Great finale. This series only got gradually better with each season. Fukuchi's last momemts hit hard. Glad to see that some serious sacrifices had to be made to save the day.

Strong 7,5/10

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 21, 2023 5:47 PM

May 2010
Best season in the series, best end in the series.
Sep 21, 2023 7:48 PM
Aug 2013
Not sure why they left Sigma and Fyodor for dead. I thought the initial plan was to have Fyodor killed and use Sigma's ability to read his plan.
Sep 21, 2023 11:18 PM

Jun 2021
Such a emotional episode, See you all guys in season 6 ;)
Sep 22, 2023 2:36 AM
Jul 2023
andyw502 said:
who is the villain in the end?

Nobody, Fukuchi want all of this time the end of wars
Sep 22, 2023 3:05 AM

Aug 2018
This season of Bungou Stray Dogs was an unexpected masterpiece of this season.

I loved it, all the twist and turns kept me on the edge of my seat every week. 10/10
Sep 22, 2023 3:46 AM
May 2013
I think this is an absolute masterpiece.
Sep 22, 2023 5:30 AM
Apr 2023
Peak . Brilliant conclusion by setting up things for the next arc
Sep 22, 2023 7:40 AM
Jun 2007
Wow what an ending!

Dazai and Chuuya "partnership" that "defeated" Fyodor.

Aya jumped from the building to make sure the "counterweight" works on Bram-chan~. Now Bram-chan becomes Aya's knight!

On Fukuzawa and Fukuchi. Fukuchi revealed his true intention and wanted Fukuzawa to end his friend life.
In the end, Teruko ended Fukuchi's life on behalf of Fukuzawa...

Hmm nearing the end, both Atsushi and Akutagawa fighting unknown person.

A bit rushed ending but managed to wrap up nicely.
Sep 22, 2023 9:28 AM
Jul 2022
W anime with a W ending
Sep 22, 2023 11:30 AM
May 2020
Shittttt Dazaii is ALIVEEE!!! And yooo what a nice ending to a season. "I wish for world peace" yeaahhh we all want that but then it said two hours later and holly what just happened!? Waiting for the next season... hehe
Sep 22, 2023 12:24 PM

Jan 2008
Couldn't see how they could have survived this. Was pleasantly surprised.

What a rollercoaster of a season. Loved every episode and was left wanting more after each one.
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